/* snac - A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance */ /* copyright (c) 2022 - 2023 grunfink / MIT license */ #include "xs.h" #include "xs_json.h" #include "xs_curl.h" #include "xs_mime.h" #include "xs_openssl.h" #include "xs_regex.h" #include "xs_time.h" #include "xs_set.h" #include "snac.h" #include <sys/wait.h> const char *public_address = "https:/" "/www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"; /* susie.png */ const char *susie = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAQAAAAC" "CEkxzAAAAUUlEQVQoz43R0QkAMQwCUDdw/y3dwE" "vsvzlL4X1IoQkAisKmwfAFT3RgJHbQezpSRoXEq" "eqCL9BJBf7h3QbOCCxV5EVWMEMwG7K1/WODtlvx" "AYTtEsDU9F34AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const char *susie_cool = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAQAAAAC" "CEkxzAAAAV0lEQVQoz43RwQ3AMAwCQDZg/y3ZgN" "qo3+JaedwDOUQBQFHYaTB8wTM6sGl2cMPu+DFzn" "+ZcgN7wF7ZVihXkfSlWIVzIA6dbQzaygllpNuTX" "ZmmFNlvxADX1+o0cUPMbAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const char *susie_muertos = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAQAAAAC" "CEkxzAAAAV0lEQVQoz4XQsQ0AMQxCUW/A/lv+DT" "ic6zGRolekIMyMELNp8PiCEw6Q4w4NoAt53IH5m" "xXksrZYgZwJrIox+Z8vJAfe2lCxG6AK7eKkWcEb" "QHbF617xAQatAAD7jJHUAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const char *default_avatar_base64(void) /* returns the default avatar in base64 */ { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm; const char *p = susie; gmtime_r(&t, &tm); if (tm.tm_mon == 10 && tm.tm_mday == 2) p = susie_muertos; else if (tm.tm_wday == 0 || tm.tm_wday == 6) p = susie_cool; return p; } int activitypub_request(snac *snac, const char *url, xs_dict **data) /* request an object */ { int status; xs *response = NULL; xs *payload = NULL; int p_size; char *ctype; /* get from the net */ response = http_signed_request(snac, "GET", url, NULL, NULL, 0, &status, &payload, &p_size, 0); if (status == 0 || (status >= 500 && status <= 599)) { /* I found an instance running Misskey that returned 500 on signed messages but returned the object perfectly without signing (?), so why not try */ xs_free(response); xs *hdrs = xs_dict_new(); hdrs = xs_dict_append(hdrs, "accept", "application/activity+json"); hdrs = xs_dict_append(hdrs, "user-agent", USER_AGENT); response = xs_http_request("GET", url, hdrs, NULL, 0, &status, &payload, &p_size, 0); } if (valid_status(status)) { /* ensure it's ActivityPub data */ ctype = xs_dict_get(response, "content-type"); if (xs_is_null(ctype)) status = 400; else if (xs_str_in(ctype, "application/activity+json") != -1 || xs_str_in(ctype, "application/ld+json") != -1) *data = xs_json_loads(payload); else status = 500; } if (!valid_status(status)) *data = NULL; return status; } int actor_request(snac *snac, const char *actor, xs_dict **data) /* request an actor */ { int status, status2; xs *payload = NULL; if (data) *data = NULL; /* get from disk first */ status = actor_get(snac, actor, data); if (status != 200) { /* actor data non-existent or stale: get from the net */ status2 = activitypub_request(snac, actor, &payload); if (valid_status(status2)) { /* renew data */ status = actor_add(actor, payload); if (data != NULL) { *data = payload; payload = NULL; } } } /* collect the (presumed) shared inbox in this actor */ if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "disable_inbox_collection")) != XSTYPE_TRUE) { if (valid_status(status) && data && *data) inbox_add_by_actor(*data); } else srv_debug(2, xs_fmt("NOT collected")); return status; } int timeline_request(snac *snac, char **id, xs_str **wrk, int level) /* ensures that an entry and its ancestors are in the timeline */ { int status = 0; if (level < 256 && !xs_is_null(*id)) { xs *msg = NULL; /* is the object already there? */ if (!valid_status(object_get(*id, &msg))) { /* no; download it */ status = activitypub_request(snac, *id, &msg); if (valid_status(status)) { xs_dict *object = msg; const char *type = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); /* get the id again from the object, as it may be different */ const char *nid = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); if (xs_type(nid) != XSTYPE_STRING) return 0; if (wrk && strcmp(nid, *id) != 0) { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("timeline_request canonical id for %s is %s", *id, nid)); *wrk = xs_dup(nid); *id = *wrk; } if (xs_is_null(type)) type = "(null)"; srv_debug(0, xs_fmt("timeline_request type %s '%s'", nid, type)); if (strcmp(type, "Create") == 0) { /* some software like lemmy nest Announce + Create + Note */ if (!xs_is_null(object = xs_dict_get(object, "object"))) { type = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); nid = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); } else type = "(null)"; } if (strcmp(type, "Note") == 0 || strcmp(type, "Page") == 0) { const char *actor = xs_dict_get(object, "attributedTo"); /* request (and drop) the actor for this entry */ if (!xs_is_null(actor)) actor_request(snac, actor, NULL); /* does it have an ancestor? */ char *in_reply_to = xs_dict_get(object, "inReplyTo"); /* store */ timeline_add(snac, nid, object); /* recurse! */ timeline_request(snac, &in_reply_to, NULL, level + 1); } } } enqueue_request_replies(snac, *id); } return status; } void timeline_request_replies(snac *user, const char *id) /* requests all replies of a message */ /* FIXME: experimental -- needs more testing */ { /* FIXME: TEMPORARILY DISABLED */ /* Reason: I've found that many of the posts in the 'replies' Collection do not have an inReplyTo field (why??? aren't they 'replies'???). For this reason, these requested objects are not stored as children of the original post and they are shown as out-of-context, top level posts. This process is disabled until I find an elegant way of providing a parent for these 'stray' children. */ return; xs *msg = NULL; if (!valid_status(object_get(id, &msg))) return; /* does it have a replies collection? */ const xs_dict *replies = xs_dict_get(msg, "replies"); if (!xs_is_null(replies)) { const char *type = xs_dict_get(replies, "type"); const char *first = xs_dict_get(replies, "first"); if (!xs_is_null(type) && !xs_is_null(first) && strcmp(type, "Collection") == 0) { const char *next = xs_dict_get(first, "next"); if (!xs_is_null(next)) { xs *rpls = NULL; int status = activitypub_request(user, next, &rpls); /* request the Collection of replies */ if (valid_status(status)) { xs_list *items = xs_dict_get(rpls, "items"); if (xs_type(items) == XSTYPE_LIST) { xs_val *v; /* request them all */ while (xs_list_iter(&items, &v)) { if (xs_type(v) == XSTYPE_DICT) { /* not an id, but the object itself (!) */ const char *c_id = xs_dict_get(v, "id"); if (!xs_is_null(id)) { snac_debug(user, 0, xs_fmt("embedded reply %s", c_id)); object_add(c_id, v); /* get its own children */ timeline_request_replies(user, v); } } else { snac_debug(user, 0, xs_fmt("request reply %s", v)); timeline_request(user, &v, NULL, 0); } } } } else snac_debug(user, 0, xs_fmt("replies request error %s %d", next, status)); } } } } int send_to_inbox_raw(const char *keyid, const char *seckey, const xs_str *inbox, const xs_dict *msg, xs_val **payload, int *p_size, int timeout) /* sends a message to an Inbox */ { int status; xs_dict *response; xs *j_msg = xs_json_dumps_pp((xs_dict *)msg, 4); response = http_signed_request_raw(keyid, seckey, "POST", inbox, NULL, j_msg, strlen(j_msg), &status, payload, p_size, timeout); xs_free(response); return status; } int send_to_inbox(snac *snac, const xs_str *inbox, const xs_dict *msg, xs_val **payload, int *p_size, int timeout) /* sends a message to an Inbox */ { char *seckey = xs_dict_get(snac->key, "secret"); return send_to_inbox_raw(snac->actor, seckey, inbox, msg, payload, p_size, timeout); } xs_str *get_actor_inbox(snac *snac, const char *actor) /* gets an actor's inbox */ { xs *data = NULL; char *v = NULL; if (valid_status(actor_request(snac, actor, &data))) { /* try first endpoints/sharedInbox */ if ((v = xs_dict_get(data, "endpoints"))) v = xs_dict_get(v, "sharedInbox"); /* try then the regular inbox */ if (xs_is_null(v)) v = xs_dict_get(data, "inbox"); } return xs_is_null(v) ? NULL : xs_dup(v); } int send_to_actor(snac *snac, const char *actor, const xs_dict *msg, xs_val **payload, int *p_size, int timeout) /* sends a message to an actor */ { int status = 400; xs *inbox = get_actor_inbox(snac, actor); if (!xs_is_null(inbox)) status = send_to_inbox(snac, inbox, msg, payload, p_size, timeout); return status; } void post_message(snac *snac, const char *actor, const xs_dict *msg) /* posts a message immediately (bypassing the output queues) */ { xs *payload = NULL; int p_size; int status = send_to_actor(snac, actor, msg, &payload, &p_size, 3); srv_log(xs_fmt("post_message to actor %s %d", actor, status)); if (!valid_status(status)) /* cannot send right now, enqueue */ enqueue_message(snac, msg); } xs_list *recipient_list(snac *snac, const xs_dict *msg, int expand_public) /* returns the list of recipients for a message */ { char *to = xs_dict_get(msg, "to"); char *cc = xs_dict_get(msg, "cc"); xs_set rcpts; int n; xs_set_init(&rcpts); char *lists[] = { to, cc, NULL }; for (n = 0; lists[n]; n++) { char *l = lists[n]; char *v; xs *tl = NULL; /* if it's a string, create a list with only one element */ if (xs_type(l) == XSTYPE_STRING) { tl = xs_list_new(); tl = xs_list_append(tl, l); l = tl; } while (xs_list_iter(&l, &v)) { if (expand_public && strcmp(v, public_address) == 0) { /* iterate the followers and add them */ xs *fwers = follower_list(snac); char *actor; char *p = fwers; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &actor)) xs_set_add(&rcpts, actor); } else xs_set_add(&rcpts, v); } } return xs_set_result(&rcpts); } int is_msg_public(snac *snac, const xs_dict *msg) /* checks if a message is public */ { xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 0); return xs_list_in(rcpts, public_address) != -1; } int is_msg_for_me(snac *snac, const xs_dict *c_msg) /* checks if this message is for me */ { const char *type = xs_dict_get(c_msg, "type"); if (strcmp(type, "Like") == 0 || strcmp(type, "Announce") == 0) { const char *object = xs_dict_get(c_msg, "object"); if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); /* bad object id? reject */ if (xs_type(object) != XSTYPE_STRING) return 0; /* if it's about one of our posts, accept it */ if (xs_startswith(object, snac->actor)) return 2; /* if it's by someone we don't follow, reject */ if (!following_check(snac, xs_dict_get(c_msg, "actor"))) return 0; } /* if it's not a Create, allow */ if (strcmp(type, "Create") != 0) return 1; xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(c_msg, "object"); xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 0); xs_list *p = rcpts; xs_str *v; while(xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { /* explicitly for me? accept */ if (strcmp(v, snac->actor) == 0) return 2; /* for someone we follow? (probably cc'ed) accept */ if (following_check(snac, v)) return 5; } /* accept if it's by someone we follow */ char *atto = xs_dict_get(msg, "attributedTo"); if (!xs_is_null(atto) && following_check(snac, atto)) return 3; /* is this message a reply to another? */ char *irt = xs_dict_get(msg, "inReplyTo"); if (!xs_is_null(irt)) { xs *r_msg = NULL; /* try to get the replied message */ if (valid_status(object_get(irt, &r_msg))) { atto = xs_dict_get(r_msg, "attributedTo"); /* accept if the replied message is from someone we follow */ if (!xs_is_null(atto) && following_check(snac, atto)) return 4; } } return 0; } xs_str *process_tags(snac *snac, const char *content, xs_list **tag) /* parses mentions and tags from content */ { xs_str *nc = xs_str_new(NULL); xs_list *tl = *tag; xs *split; xs_list *p; xs_val *v; int n = 0; /* create a default server for incomplete mentions */ xs *def_srv = NULL; if (xs_list_len(tl)) { /* if there are any mentions, get the server from the first one, which is the inReplyTo author */ p = tl; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { const char *type = xs_dict_get(v, "type"); const char *name = xs_dict_get(v, "name"); if (type && name && strcmp(type, "Mention") == 0) { xs *l = xs_split(name, "@"); def_srv = xs_dup(xs_list_get(l, -1)); break; } } } if (xs_is_null(def_srv)) /* use this same server */ def_srv = xs_dup(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host")); split = xs_regex_split(content, "(@[A-Za-z0-9_]+(@[A-Za-z0-9\\.-]+)?|&#[0-9]+;|#[^ ,\\.:;<]+)"); p = split; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { if ((n & 0x1)) { if (*v == '@') { xs *link = NULL; xs *wuid = NULL; if (strchr(v + 1, '@') == NULL) { /* only one @? it's a dumb Mastodon-like mention without server; add the default one */ wuid = xs_fmt("%s@%s", v, def_srv); snac_debug(snac, 2, xs_fmt("mention without server '%s' '%s'", v, wuid)); } else wuid = xs_dup(v); /* query the webfinger about this fellow */ xs *actor = NULL; xs *uid = NULL; int status; status = webfinger_request(wuid, &actor, &uid); if (valid_status(status)) { xs *d = xs_dict_new(); xs *n = xs_fmt("@%s", uid); d = xs_dict_append(d, "type", "Mention"); d = xs_dict_append(d, "href", actor); d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", n); tl = xs_list_append(tl, d); link = xs_fmt("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"u-url mention\">%s</a>", actor, n); } if (!xs_is_null(link)) nc = xs_str_cat(nc, link); else nc = xs_str_cat(nc, v); } else if (*v == '#') { /* hashtag */ xs *d = xs_dict_new(); xs *n = xs_tolower_i(xs_dup(v)); xs *h = xs_fmt("%s%s", snac->actor, n); xs *l = xs_fmt("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag\">%s</a>", h, v); d = xs_dict_append(d, "type", "Hashtag"); d = xs_dict_append(d, "href", h); d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", n); tl = xs_list_append(tl, d); /* add the code */ nc = xs_str_cat(nc, l); } else if (*v == '&') { /* HTML Unicode entity, probably part of an emoji */ /* write as is */ nc = xs_str_cat(nc, v); } } else nc = xs_str_cat(nc, v); n++; } *tag = tl; return nc; } void notify(snac *snac, const char *type, const char *utype, const char *actor, const xs_dict *msg) /* notifies the user of relevant events */ { const char *id = xs_dict_get(msg, "id"); if (strcmp(type, "Create") == 0) { /* only notify of notes specifically for us */ xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 0); if (xs_list_in(rcpts, snac->actor) == -1) return; /* discard votes */ const xs_dict *note = xs_dict_get(msg, "object"); if (note && !xs_is_null(xs_dict_get(note, "name"))) return; } if (strcmp(type, "Undo") == 0 && strcmp(utype, "Follow") != 0) return; /* get the object id */ const char *objid = xs_dict_get(msg, "object"); if (xs_type(objid) == XSTYPE_DICT) objid = xs_dict_get(objid, "id"); if (strcmp(type, "Like") == 0 || strcmp(type, "Announce") == 0) { /* if it's not an admiration about something by us, done */ if (xs_is_null(objid) || !xs_startswith(objid, snac->actor)) return; } /* updated poll? */ if (strcmp(type, "Update") == 0 && strcmp(utype, "Question") == 0) { const xs_dict *poll; const char *poll_id; if ((poll = xs_dict_get(msg, "object")) == NULL) return; /* if it's not closed, discard */ if (xs_is_null(xs_dict_get(poll, "closed"))) return; if ((poll_id = xs_dict_get(poll, "id")) == NULL) return; /* if it's not ours and we didn't vote, discard */ if (!xs_startswith(poll_id, snac->actor) && !was_question_voted(snac, poll_id)) return; } /* user will love to know about this! */ /* prepare message body */ xs *body = xs_fmt("User : @%s@%s\n", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "uid"), xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host") ); if (strcmp(utype, "(null)") != 0) { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Type : %s + %s\n", type, utype); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } else { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Type : %s\n", type); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Actor : %s\n", actor); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } if (objid != NULL) { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Object: %s\n", objid); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } /* email */ const char *email = "[disabled by admin]"; if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "disable_email_notifications")) != XSTYPE_TRUE) { email = xs_dict_get(snac->config_o, "email"); if (xs_is_null(email)) { email = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "email"); if (xs_is_null(email)) email = "[empty]"; } } if (*email != '\0' && *email != '[') { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("email notify %s %s %s", type, utype, actor)); xs *subject = xs_fmt("snac notify for @%s@%s", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "uid"), xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host")); xs *from = xs_fmt("snac-daemon <snac-daemon@%s>", xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host")); xs *header = xs_fmt( "From: %s\n" "To: %s\n" "Subject: %s\n" "\n", from, email, subject); xs *email_body = xs_fmt("%s%s", header, body); enqueue_email(email_body, 0); } /* telegram */ char *bot = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "telegram_bot"); char *chat_id = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "telegram_chat_id"); if (!xs_is_null(bot) && !xs_is_null(chat_id) && *bot && *chat_id) enqueue_telegram(body, bot, chat_id); /* finally, store it in the notification folder */ if (strcmp(type, "Follow") == 0) objid = id; else if (strcmp(utype, "Follow") == 0) objid = actor; notify_add(snac, type, utype, actor, objid != NULL ? objid : id); } /** messages **/ xs_dict *msg_base(snac *snac, const char *type, const char *id, const char *actor, const char *date, const char *object) /* creates a base ActivityPub message */ { xs *did = NULL; xs *published = NULL; xs *ntid = tid(0); /* generated values */ if (date && strcmp(date, "@now") == 0) { published = xs_str_utctime(0, ISO_DATE_SPEC); date = published; } if (id != NULL) { if (strcmp(id, "@dummy") == 0) { did = xs_fmt("%s/d/%s/%s", snac->actor, ntid, type); id = did; } else if (strcmp(id, "@object") == 0) { if (object != NULL) { did = xs_fmt("%s/%s_%s", xs_dict_get(object, "id"), type, ntid); id = did; } else id = NULL; } } xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_new(); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "@context", "https:/" "/www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "type", type); if (id != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "id", id); if (actor != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "actor", actor); if (date != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "published", date); if (object != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "object", object); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_collection(snac *snac, char *id) /* creates an empty OrderedCollection message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "OrderedCollection", id, NULL, NULL, NULL); xs *ol = xs_list_new(); xs *nz = xs_number_new(0); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attributedTo", snac->actor); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "orderedItems", ol); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "totalItems", nz); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_accept(snac *snac, char *object, char *to) /* creates an Accept message (as a response to a Follow) */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Accept", "@dummy", snac->actor, NULL, object); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", to); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_update(snac *snac, xs_dict *object) /* creates an Update message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Update", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", object); char *type = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); if (strcmp(type, "Note") == 0) { msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", xs_dict_get(object, "to")); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", xs_dict_get(object, "cc")); } else if (strcmp(type, "Person") == 0) { msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); /* also spam the people being followed, so that they have the newest information about who we are */ xs *cc = following_list(snac); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", cc); } else msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_admiration(snac *snac, char *object, char *type) /* creates a Like or Announce message */ { xs *a_msg = NULL; xs_dict *msg = NULL; xs *wrk = NULL; /* call the object */ timeline_request(snac, &object, &wrk, 0); if (valid_status(object_get(object, &a_msg))) { xs *rcpts = xs_list_new(); msg = msg_base(snac, type, "@dummy", snac->actor, "@now", object); if (is_msg_public(snac, a_msg)) rcpts = xs_list_append(rcpts, public_address); rcpts = xs_list_append(rcpts, xs_dict_get(a_msg, "attributedTo")); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", rcpts); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("msg_admiration cannot retrieve object %s", object)); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_actor(snac *snac) /* create a Person message for this actor */ { xs *ctxt = xs_list_new(); xs *icon = xs_dict_new(); xs *keys = xs_dict_new(); xs *tags = xs_list_new(); xs *avtr = NULL; xs *kid = NULL; xs *f_bio = NULL; xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Person", snac->actor, NULL, NULL, NULL); char *p; int n; /* change the @context (is this really necessary?) */ ctxt = xs_list_append(ctxt, "https:/" "/www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"); ctxt = xs_list_append(ctxt, "https:/" "/w3id.org/security/v1"); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "@context", ctxt); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "url", snac->actor); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "name", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "name")); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "preferredUsername", snac->uid); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "published", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "published")); xs *f_bio_2 = not_really_markdown(xs_dict_get(snac->config, "bio"), NULL); f_bio = process_tags(snac, f_bio_2, &tags); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "summary", f_bio); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "tag", tags); char *folders[] = { "inbox", "outbox", "followers", "following", NULL }; for (n = 0; folders[n]; n++) { xs *f = xs_fmt("%s/%s", snac->actor, folders[n]); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, folders[n], f); } p = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "avatar"); if (*p == '\0') avtr = xs_fmt("%s/susie.png", srv_baseurl); else avtr = xs_dup(p); icon = xs_dict_append(icon, "type", "Image"); icon = xs_dict_append(icon, "mediaType", xs_mime_by_ext(avtr)); icon = xs_dict_append(icon, "url", avtr); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "icon", icon); kid = xs_fmt("%s#main-key", snac->actor); keys = xs_dict_append(keys, "id", kid); keys = xs_dict_append(keys, "owner", snac->actor); keys = xs_dict_append(keys, "publicKeyPem", xs_dict_get(snac->key, "public")); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "publicKey", keys); /* if the "bot" config field is set to true, change type to "Service" */ if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(snac->config, "bot")) == XSTYPE_TRUE) msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "type", "Service"); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_create(snac *snac, const xs_dict *object) /* creates a 'Create' message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Create", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", object); xs_val *v; if ((v = xs_dict_get(object, "attributedTo"))) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attributedTo", v); if ((v = xs_dict_get(object, "cc"))) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", v); if ((v = xs_dict_get(object, "to"))) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", v); else msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_undo(snac *snac, char *object) /* creates an 'Undo' message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Undo", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", object); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", xs_dict_get(object, "object")); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_delete(snac *snac, char *id) /* creates a 'Delete' + 'Tombstone' for a local entry */ { xs *tomb = xs_dict_new(); xs_dict *msg = NULL; /* sculpt the tombstone */ tomb = xs_dict_append(tomb, "type", "Tombstone"); tomb = xs_dict_append(tomb, "id", id); /* now create the Delete */ msg = msg_base(snac, "Delete", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", tomb); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_follow(snac *snac, const char *q) /* creates a 'Follow' message */ { xs *actor_o = NULL; xs *actor = NULL; xs_dict *msg = NULL; int status; xs *url_or_uid = xs_strip_i(xs_str_new(q)); if (xs_startswith(url_or_uid, "https:/")) actor = xs_dup(url_or_uid); else if (!valid_status(webfinger_request(url_or_uid, &actor, NULL)) || actor == NULL) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("cannot resolve user %s to follow", url_or_uid)); return NULL; } /* request the actor */ status = actor_request(snac, actor, &actor_o); if (valid_status(status)) { /* check if the actor is an alias */ char *r_actor = xs_dict_get(actor_o, "id"); if (r_actor && strcmp(actor, r_actor) != 0) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("actor to follow is an alias %s -> %s", actor, r_actor)); } msg = msg_base(snac, "Follow", "@dummy", snac->actor, NULL, r_actor); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("cannot get actor to follow %s %d", actor, status)); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_note(snac *snac, const xs_str *content, const xs_val *rcpts, xs_str *in_reply_to, xs_list *attach, int priv) /* creates a 'Note' message */ { xs *ntid = tid(0); xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/p/%s", snac->actor, ntid); xs *ctxt = NULL; xs *fc2 = NULL; xs *fc1 = NULL; xs *to = NULL; xs *cc = xs_list_new(); xs *irt = NULL; xs *tag = xs_list_new(); xs *atls = xs_list_new(); xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Note", id, NULL, "@now", NULL); xs_list *p; xs_val *v; if (rcpts == NULL) to = xs_list_new(); else { if (xs_type(rcpts) == XSTYPE_STRING) { to = xs_list_new(); to = xs_list_append(to, rcpts); } else to = xs_dup(rcpts); } /* format the content */ fc2 = not_really_markdown(content, &atls); if (in_reply_to != NULL && *in_reply_to) { xs *p_msg = NULL; xs *wrk = NULL; /* demand this thing */ timeline_request(snac, &in_reply_to, &wrk, 0); if (valid_status(object_get(in_reply_to, &p_msg))) { /* add this author as recipient */ char *a, *v; if ((a = xs_dict_get(p_msg, "attributedTo")) && xs_list_in(to, a) == -1) to = xs_list_append(to, a); /* add this author to the tag list as a mention */ xs *t_href = NULL; xs *t_name = NULL; if (!xs_is_null(a) && valid_status(webfinger_request(a, &t_href, &t_name))) { xs *t = xs_dict_new(); t = xs_dict_append(t, "type", "Mention"); t = xs_dict_append(t, "href", t_href); t = xs_dict_append(t, "name", t_name); tag = xs_list_append(tag, t); } /* get the context, if there is one */ if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_msg, "context"))) ctxt = xs_dup(v); /* if this message is public, ours will also be */ if (!priv && is_msg_public(snac, p_msg) && xs_list_in(to, public_address) == -1) to = xs_list_append(to, public_address); } irt = xs_dup(in_reply_to); } else irt = xs_val_new(XSTYPE_NULL); /* extract the mentions and hashtags and convert the content */ fc1 = process_tags(snac, fc2, &tag); /* create the attachment list, if there are any */ if (!xs_is_null(attach)) { while (xs_list_iter(&attach, &v)) { xs *d = xs_dict_new(); char *url = xs_list_get(v, 0); char *alt = xs_list_get(v, 1); char *mime = xs_mime_by_ext(url); d = xs_dict_append(d, "mediaType", mime); d = xs_dict_append(d, "url", url); d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", alt); d = xs_dict_append(d, "type", xs_startswith(mime, "image/") ? "Image" : "Document"); atls = xs_list_append(atls, d); } } if (ctxt == NULL) ctxt = xs_fmt("%s#ctxt", id); /* add all mentions to the cc */ p = tag; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { if (xs_type(v) == XSTYPE_DICT) { char *t; if ((t = xs_dict_get(v, "type")) != NULL && strcmp(t, "Mention") == 0) { if ((t = xs_dict_get(v, "href")) != NULL) cc = xs_list_append(cc, t); } } } /* no recipients? must be for everybody */ if (!priv && xs_list_len(to) == 0) to = xs_list_append(to, public_address); /* delete all cc recipients that also are in the to */ p = to; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { int i; if ((i = xs_list_in(cc, v)) != -1) cc = xs_list_del(cc, i); } msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attributedTo", snac->actor); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "summary", ""); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "content", fc1); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "context", ctxt); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "url", id); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", to); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", cc); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "inReplyTo", irt); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "tag", tag); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "sourceContent", content); if (xs_list_len(atls)) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attachment", atls); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_ping(snac *user, const char *rcpt) /* creates a Ping message (https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/v/tip/f/docs/ping.txt) */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(user, "Ping", "@dummy", user->actor, NULL, NULL); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", rcpt); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_pong(snac *user, const char *rcpt, const char *object) /* creates a Pong message (https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/v/tip/f/docs/ping.txt) */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(user, "Pong", "@dummy", user->actor, NULL, object); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", rcpt); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_question(snac *user, const char *content, xs_list *attach, const xs_list *opts, int multiple, int end_secs) /* creates a Question message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_note(user, content, NULL, NULL, attach, 0); int max = 8; xs_set seen; msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "type", "Question"); /* make it non-editable */ msg = xs_dict_del(msg, "sourceContent"); xs *o = xs_list_new(); xs_list *p = (xs_list *)opts; xs_str *v; xs *replies = xs_json_loads("{\"type\":\"Collection\",\"totalItems\":0}"); xs_set_init(&seen); while (max && xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { if (*v) { xs *v2 = xs_dup(v); xs *d = xs_dict_new(); if (strlen(v2) > 60) { v2[60] = '\0'; v2 = xs_str_cat(v2, "..."); } if (xs_set_add(&seen, v2) == 1) { d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", v2); d = xs_dict_append(d, "replies", replies); o = xs_list_append(o, d); max--; } } } xs_set_free(&seen); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, multiple ? "anyOf" : "oneOf", o); /* set the end time */ time_t t = time(NULL) + end_secs; xs *et = xs_str_utctime(t, ISO_DATE_SPEC); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "endTime", et); return msg; } int update_question(snac *user, const char *id) /* updates the poll counts */ { xs *msg = NULL; xs *rcnt = xs_dict_new(); xs *z = xs_number_new(0); xs *rcpts = xs_list_new(); xs *lopts = xs_list_new(); xs_list *opts; xs_list *p; xs_val *v; /* get the object */ if (!valid_status(object_get(id, &msg))) return -1; /* closed? do nothing more */ if (xs_dict_get(msg, "closed")) return -2; /* get the options */ if ((opts = xs_dict_get(msg, "oneOf")) == NULL && (opts = xs_dict_get(msg, "anyOf")) == NULL) return -3; /* fill the initial count */ p = opts; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { const char *name = xs_dict_get(v, "name"); if (name) { lopts = xs_list_append(lopts, name); rcnt = xs_dict_set(rcnt, name, z); } } /* iterate now the children (the votes) */ xs *chld = object_children(id); p = chld; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { xs *obj = NULL; if (!valid_status(object_get_by_md5(v, &obj))) continue; const char *name = xs_dict_get(obj, "name"); const char *atto = xs_dict_get(obj, "attributedTo"); if (name && atto) { /* get the current count */ const xs_number *cnt = xs_dict_get(rcnt, name); if (xs_type(cnt) == XSTYPE_NUMBER) { /* if it exists, increment */ xs *ucnt = xs_number_new(xs_number_get(cnt) + 1); rcnt = xs_dict_set(rcnt, name, ucnt); rcpts = xs_list_append(rcpts, atto); } } } /* create a new list of options with their new counts */ xs *nopts = xs_list_new(); p = lopts; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { const xs_number *cnt = xs_dict_get(rcnt, v); if (xs_type(cnt) == XSTYPE_NUMBER) { xs *d1 = xs_dict_new(); xs *d2 = xs_dict_new(); d2 = xs_dict_append(d2, "type", "Collection"); d2 = xs_dict_append(d2, "totalItems", cnt); d1 = xs_dict_append(d1, "type", "Note"); d1 = xs_dict_append(d1, "name", v); d1 = xs_dict_append(d1, "replies", d2); nopts = xs_list_append(nopts, d1); } } /* update the list */ msg = xs_dict_set(msg, xs_dict_get(msg, "oneOf") != NULL ? "oneOf" : "anyOf", nopts); /* due date? */ int closed = 0; const char *end_time = xs_dict_get(msg, "endTime"); if (!xs_is_null(end_time)) { xs *now = xs_str_utctime(0, ISO_DATE_SPEC); /* is now greater than the endTime? */ if (strcmp(now, end_time) >= 0) { xs *et = xs_dup(end_time); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "closed", et); closed = 1; } } /* update the count of voters */ xs *vcnt = xs_number_new(xs_list_len(rcpts)); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "votersCount", vcnt); /* store */ object_add_ow(id, msg); snac_debug(user, 1, xs_fmt("recounted poll %s", id)); timeline_touch(user); /* send an update message to all voters */ xs *u_msg = msg_update(user, msg); u_msg = xs_dict_set(u_msg, "cc", rcpts); enqueue_message(user, u_msg); if (closed) { xs *c_msg = msg_update(user, msg); notify(user, "Update", "Question", user->actor, c_msg); } return 0; } /** queues **/ int process_input_message(snac *snac, xs_dict *msg, xs_dict *req) /* processes an ActivityPub message from the input queue */ { /* actor and type exist, were checked previously */ char *actor = xs_dict_get(msg, "actor"); char *type = xs_dict_get(msg, "type"); xs *actor_o = NULL; int a_status; int do_notify = 0; /* question votes may not have a type */ if (xs_is_null(type)) type = "Note"; if (xs_is_null(actor)) { snac_debug(snac, 0, xs_fmt("malformed message")); return 1; } char *object, *utype; object = xs_dict_get(msg, "object"); if (object != NULL && xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) utype = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); else utype = "(null)"; /* reject messages that are not for this user */ if (!is_msg_for_me(snac, msg)) { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("message from %s of type '%s' not for us", actor, type)); return 1; } /* if it's a DM from someone we don't follow, reject the message */ if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(snac->config, "drop_dm_from_unknown")) == XSTYPE_TRUE) { if (strcmp(utype, "Note") == 0 && !is_msg_public(snac, msg) && !following_check(snac, actor)) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("DM rejected from unknown actor %s", actor)); return 1; } } /* bring the actor */ a_status = actor_request(snac, actor, &actor_o); /* if the actor does not explicitly exist, discard */ if (a_status == 404 || a_status == 410) { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("dropping message due to actor error %s %d", actor, a_status)); return 1; } if (!valid_status(a_status)) { /* other actor download errors may need a retry */ snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("error requesting actor %s %d -- retry later", actor, a_status)); return 0; } /* check the signature */ xs *sig_err = NULL; if (!check_signature(snac, req, &sig_err)) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("bad signature %s (%s)", actor, sig_err)); srv_archive_error("check_signature", sig_err, req, msg); return 1; } if (strcmp(type, "Follow") == 0) { /** **/ if (!follower_check(snac, actor)) { xs *f_msg = xs_dup(msg); xs *reply = msg_accept(snac, f_msg, actor); post_message(snac, actor, reply); if (xs_is_null(xs_dict_get(f_msg, "published"))) { /* add a date if it doesn't include one (Mastodon) */ xs *date = xs_str_utctime(0, ISO_DATE_SPEC); f_msg = xs_dict_set(f_msg, "published", date); } timeline_add(snac, xs_dict_get(f_msg, "id"), f_msg); follower_add(snac, actor); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new follower %s", actor)); do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("repeated 'Follow' from %s", actor)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Undo") == 0) { /** **/ if (strcmp(utype, "Follow") == 0) { /** **/ if (valid_status(follower_del(snac, actor))) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("no longer following us %s", actor)); do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("error deleting follower %s", actor)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Undo' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Create") == 0) { /** **/ if (is_muted(snac, actor)) snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("ignored 'Create' + '%s' from muted actor %s", utype, actor)); if (strcmp(utype, "Note") == 0) { /** **/ char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); char *in_reply_to = xs_dict_get(object, "inReplyTo"); xs *wrk = NULL; timeline_request(snac, &in_reply_to, &wrk, 0); if (timeline_add(snac, id, object)) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Note' %s %s", actor, id)); do_notify = 1; } /* if it has a "name" field, it may be a vote for a question */ const char *name = xs_dict_get(object, "name"); if (!xs_is_null(name) && *name && !xs_is_null(in_reply_to) && *in_reply_to) update_question(snac, in_reply_to); } else if (strcmp(utype, "Question") == 0) { /** **/ char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); if (timeline_add(snac, id, object)) snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Question' %s %s", actor, id)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Create' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Accept") == 0) { /** **/ if (strcmp(utype, "Follow") == 0) { /** **/ if (following_check(snac, actor)) { following_add(snac, actor, msg); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("confirmed follow from %s", actor)); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("spurious follow accept from %s", actor)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Accept' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Like") == 0) { /** **/ if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); timeline_admire(snac, object, actor, 1); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Like' %s %s", actor, object)); do_notify = 1; } else if (strcmp(type, "Announce") == 0) { /** **/ xs *a_msg = NULL; xs *wrk = NULL; if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); timeline_request(snac, &object, &wrk, 0); /* Note: implementations like lemmy send announces about objects that are not of the 'Note' type; these objects are not stored, so the following object_get() will fail even if the object was correctly requested */ if (valid_status(object_get(object, &a_msg))) { char *who = xs_dict_get(a_msg, "attributedTo"); if (who && !is_muted(snac, who)) { /* bring the actor */ xs *who_o = NULL; if (valid_status(actor_request(snac, who, &who_o))) { timeline_admire(snac, object, actor, 0); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Announce' %s %s", actor, object)); do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("dropped 'Announce' on actor request error %s", who)); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("ignored 'Announce' about muted actor %s", who)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("error requesting 'Announce' object %s", object)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Update") == 0) { /** **/ if (strcmp(utype, "Person") == 0 || strcmp(utype, "Service") == 0) { actor_add(actor, xs_dict_get(msg, "object")); timeline_touch(snac); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("updated actor %s", actor)); } else if (strcmp(utype, "Note") == 0) { /** **/ const char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); object_add_ow(id, object); timeline_touch(snac); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("updated post %s", id)); } else if (strcmp(utype, "Question") == 0) { /** **/ const char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); const char *closed = xs_dict_get(object, "closed"); object_add_ow(id, object); timeline_touch(snac); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("%s poll %s", closed == NULL ? "updated" : "closed", id)); if (closed != NULL) do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("ignored 'Update' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Delete") == 0) { /** **/ if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); if (valid_status(timeline_del(snac, object))) snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("new 'Delete' %s %s", actor, object)); else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Delete' for unknown object %s", object)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Pong") == 0) { /** **/ snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("'Pong' received from %s", actor)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Ping") == 0) { /** **/ snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("'Ping' requested from %s", actor)); xs *rsp = msg_pong(snac, actor, xs_dict_get(msg, "id")); enqueue_output_by_actor(snac, rsp, actor, 0); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("process_input_message type '%s' ignored", type)); if (do_notify) { notify(snac, type, utype, actor, msg); timeline_touch(snac); } return 1; } int send_email(char *msg) /* invoke sendmail with email headers and body in msg */ { FILE *f; int status; int fds[2]; pid_t pid; if (pipe(fds) == -1) return -1; pid = vfork(); if (pid == -1) return -1; else if (pid == 0) { dup2(fds[0], 0); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); execl("/usr/sbin/sendmail", "sendmail", "-t", (char *) NULL); _exit(1); } close(fds[0]); if ((f = fdopen(fds[1], "w")) == NULL) { close(fds[1]); return -1; } fprintf(f, "%s\n", msg); fclose(f); if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) return -1; return status; } void process_user_queue_item(snac *snac, xs_dict *q_item) /* processes an item from the user queue */ { char *type; int queue_retry_max = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "queue_retry_max")); if ((type = xs_dict_get(q_item, "type")) == NULL) type = "output"; if (strcmp(type, "message") == 0) { xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 1); xs_set inboxes; xs_list *p; xs_str *actor; xs_set_init(&inboxes); /* iterate the recipients */ p = rcpts; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &actor)) { xs *inbox = get_actor_inbox(snac, actor); if (inbox != NULL) { /* add to the set and, if it's not there, send message */ if (xs_set_add(&inboxes, inbox) == 1) enqueue_output(snac, msg, inbox, 0); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("cannot find inbox for %s", actor)); } /* if it's public, send to the collected inboxes */ if (is_msg_public(snac, msg)) { xs *shibx = inbox_list(); xs_str *inbox; p = shibx; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &inbox)) { if (xs_set_add(&inboxes, inbox) == 1) enqueue_output(snac, msg, inbox, 0); } } xs_set_free(&inboxes); } else if (strcmp(type, "input") == 0) { /* process the message */ xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); xs_dict *req = xs_dict_get(q_item, "req"); int retries = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(q_item, "retries")); if (xs_is_null(msg)) return; if (!process_input_message(snac, msg, req)) { if (retries > queue_retry_max) snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("input giving up")); else { /* reenqueue */ enqueue_input(snac, msg, req, retries + 1); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("input requeue #%d", retries + 1)); } } } else if (strcmp(type, "close_question") == 0) { /* the time for this question has ended */ const char *id = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); if (!xs_is_null(id)) update_question(snac, id); } else if (strcmp(type, "request_replies") == 0) { const char *id = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); if (!xs_is_null(id)) timeline_request_replies(snac, id); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("unexpected user q_item type '%s'", type)); } int process_user_queue(snac *snac) /* processes a user's queue */ { int cnt = 0; xs *list = user_queue(snac); xs_list *p = list; xs_str *fn; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &fn)) { xs *q_item = dequeue(fn); if (q_item == NULL) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("process_user_queue q_item error")); continue; } process_user_queue_item(snac, q_item); cnt++; } return cnt; } void process_queue_item(xs_dict *q_item) /* processes an item from the global queue */ { char *type = xs_dict_get(q_item, "type"); int queue_retry_max = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "queue_retry_max")); if (strcmp(type, "output") == 0) { int status; xs_str *inbox = xs_dict_get(q_item, "inbox"); xs_str *keyid = xs_dict_get(q_item, "keyid"); xs_str *seckey = xs_dict_get(q_item, "seckey"); xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); int retries = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(q_item, "retries")); xs *payload = NULL; int p_size = 0; if (xs_is_null(inbox) || xs_is_null(msg) || xs_is_null(keyid) || xs_is_null(seckey)) { srv_log(xs_fmt("output message error: missing fields")); return; } /* deliver */ status = send_to_inbox_raw(keyid, seckey, inbox, msg, &payload, &p_size, retries == 0 ? 3 : 8); if (payload) { if (p_size > 64) { /* trim the message */ payload[64] = '\0'; payload = xs_str_cat(payload, "..."); } /* strip ugly control characters */ payload = xs_replace_i(payload, "\n", ""); payload = xs_replace_i(payload, "\r", ""); if (*payload) payload = xs_str_wrap_i(" [", payload, "]"); } else payload = xs_str_new(NULL); srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: sent to inbox %s %d%s", inbox, status, payload)); if (!valid_status(status)) { retries++; /* error sending; requeue? */ if (status == 404 || status == 410) /* explicit error: discard */ srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: fatal error %s %d", inbox, status)); else if (retries > queue_retry_max) srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: giving up %s %d", inbox, status)); else { /* requeue */ enqueue_output_raw(keyid, seckey, msg, inbox, retries); srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: requeue %s #%d", inbox, retries)); } } } else if (strcmp(type, "email") == 0) { /* send this email */ xs_str *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); int retries = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(q_item, "retries")); if (!send_email(msg)) srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("email message sent")); else { retries++; if (retries > queue_retry_max) srv_log(xs_fmt("email giving up (errno: %d)", errno)); else { /* requeue */ srv_log(xs_fmt( "email requeue #%d (errno: %d)", retries, errno)); enqueue_email(msg, retries); } } } else if (strcmp(type, "telegram") == 0) { /* send this via telegram */ char *bot = xs_dict_get(q_item, "bot"); char *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); xs *chat_id = xs_dup(xs_dict_get(q_item, "chat_id")); int status = 0; /* chat_id must start with a - */ if (!xs_startswith(chat_id, "-")) chat_id = xs_str_wrap_i("-", chat_id, NULL); xs *url = xs_fmt("https:/" "/api.telegram.org/bot%s/sendMessage", bot); xs *body = xs_fmt("{\"chat_id\":%s,\"text\":\"%s\"}", chat_id, msg); xs *headers = xs_dict_new(); headers = xs_dict_append(headers, "content-type", "application/json"); xs *rsp = xs_http_request("POST", url, headers, body, strlen(body), &status, NULL, NULL, 0); rsp = xs_free(rsp); srv_debug(0, xs_fmt("telegram post %d", status)); } else if (strcmp(type, "purge") == 0) { srv_log(xs_dup("purge start")); purge_all(); srv_log(xs_dup("purge end")); } else srv_log(xs_fmt("unexpected q_item type '%s'", type)); } int process_queue(void) /* processes the global queue */ { int cnt = 0; xs *list = queue(); xs_list *p = list; xs_str *fn; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &fn)) { xs *q_item = dequeue(fn); if (q_item != NULL) { job_post(q_item, 0); cnt++; } } return cnt; } /** HTTP handlers */ int activitypub_get_handler(const xs_dict *req, const char *q_path, char **body, int *b_size, char **ctype) { int status = 200; char *accept = xs_dict_get(req, "accept"); snac snac; xs *msg = NULL; if (accept == NULL) return 0; if (xs_str_in(accept, "application/activity+json") == -1 && xs_str_in(accept, "application/ld+json") == -1) return 0; xs *l = xs_split_n(q_path, "/", 2); char *uid, *p_path; uid = xs_list_get(l, 1); if (!user_open(&snac, uid)) { /* invalid user */ srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("activitypub_get_handler bad user %s", uid)); return 404; } p_path = xs_list_get(l, 2); *ctype = "application/activity+json"; if (p_path == NULL) { /* if there was no component after the user, it's an actor request */ msg = msg_actor(&snac); *ctype = "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""; char *ua = xs_dict_get(req, "user-agent"); snac_debug(&snac, 0, xs_fmt("serving actor [%s]", ua ? ua : "No UA")); } else if (strcmp(p_path, "outbox") == 0) { xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/outbox", snac.actor); xs *elems = timeline_simple_list(&snac, "public", 0, 20); xs *list = xs_list_new(); msg = msg_collection(&snac, id); char *p, *v; p = elems; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { xs *i = NULL; if (valid_status(object_get_by_md5(v, &i))) { char *type = xs_dict_get(i, "type"); char *id = xs_dict_get(i, "id"); if (type && id && strcmp(type, "Note") == 0 && xs_startswith(id, snac.actor)) { i = xs_dict_del(i, "_snac"); list = xs_list_append(list, i); } } } /* replace the 'orderedItems' with the latest posts */ xs *items = xs_number_new(xs_list_len(list)); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "orderedItems", list); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "totalItems", items); } else if (strcmp(p_path, "followers") == 0 || strcmp(p_path, "following") == 0) { xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/%s", snac.actor, p_path); msg = msg_collection(&snac, id); } else if (xs_startswith(p_path, "p/")) { xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/%s", snac.actor, p_path); status = object_get(id, &msg); } else status = 404; if (status == 200 && msg != NULL) { *body = xs_json_dumps_pp(msg, 4); *b_size = strlen(*body); } snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("activitypub_get_handler serving %s %d", q_path, status)); user_free(&snac); return status; } int activitypub_post_handler(const xs_dict *req, const char *q_path, char *payload, int p_size, char **body, int *b_size, char **ctype) /* processes an input message */ { (void)b_size; int status = 202; /* accepted */ char *i_ctype = xs_dict_get(req, "content-type"); snac snac; char *v; if (i_ctype == NULL) { *body = xs_str_new("no content-type"); *ctype = "text/plain"; return 400; } if (xs_str_in(i_ctype, "application/activity+json") == -1 && xs_str_in(i_ctype, "application/ld+json") == -1) return 0; /* decode the message */ xs *msg = xs_json_loads(payload); const char *id; if (msg == NULL || xs_is_null(id = xs_dict_get(msg, "id"))) { srv_log(xs_fmt("activitypub_post_handler JSON error %s", q_path)); *body = xs_str_new("JSON error"); *ctype = "text/plain"; return 400; } if (is_instance_blocked(id)) { srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("full instance block for %s", id)); *body = xs_str_new("blocked"); *ctype = "text/plain"; return 403; } /* get the user and path */ xs *l = xs_split_n(q_path, "/", 2); char *uid; if (xs_list_len(l) != 3 || strcmp(xs_list_get(l, 2), "inbox") != 0) { /* strange q_path */ srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("activitypub_post_handler unsupported path %s", q_path)); return 404; } uid = xs_list_get(l, 1); if (!user_open(&snac, uid)) { /* invalid user */ srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("activitypub_post_handler bad user %s", uid)); return 404; } /* if it has a digest, check it now, because later the payload won't be exactly the same */ if ((v = xs_dict_get(req, "digest")) != NULL) { xs *s1 = xs_sha256_base64(payload, p_size); xs *s2 = xs_fmt("SHA-256=%s", s1); if (strcmp(s2, v) != 0) { srv_log(xs_fmt("digest check FAILED")); *body = xs_str_new("bad digest"); *ctype = "text/plain"; status = 400; } } /* if the message is from a muted actor, reject it right now */ if (!xs_is_null(v = xs_dict_get(msg, "actor")) && *v) { if (is_muted(&snac, v)) { snac_log(&snac, xs_fmt("rejected message from MUTEd actor %s", v)); *body = xs_str_new("rejected"); *ctype = "text/plain"; status = 403; } } if (valid_status(status)) { enqueue_input(&snac, msg, req, 0); *ctype = "application/activity+json"; } user_free(&snac); return status; }