/* snac - A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance */ /* copyright (c) 2022 - 2023 grunfink / MIT license */ #include "xs.h" #include "xs_json.h" #include "xs_curl.h" #include "xs_mime.h" #include "xs_openssl.h" #include "xs_regex.h" #include "xs_time.h" #include "xs_set.h" #include "snac.h" #include <sys/wait.h> const char *public_address = "https:/" "/www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"; /* susie.png */ const char *susie = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAQAAAAC" "CEkxzAAAAUUlEQVQoz43R0QkAMQwCUDdw/y3dwE" "vsvzlL4X1IoQkAisKmwfAFT3RgJHbQezpSRoXEq" "eqCL9BJBf7h3QbOCCxV5EVWMEMwG7K1/WODtlvx" "AYTtEsDU9F34AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const char *susie_cool = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAQAAAAC" "CEkxzAAAAV0lEQVQoz43RwQ3AMAwCQDZg/y3ZgN" "qo3+JaedwDOUQBQFHYaTB8wTM6sGl2cMPu+DFzn" "+ZcgN7wF7ZVihXkfSlWIVzIA6dbQzaygllpNuTX" "ZmmFNlvxADX1+o0cUPMbAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const char *susie_muertos = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABAAQAAAAC" "CEkxzAAAAV0lEQVQoz4XQsQ0AMQxCUW/A/lv+DT" "ic6zGRolekIMyMELNp8PiCEw6Q4w4NoAt53IH5m" "xXksrZYgZwJrIox+Z8vJAfe2lCxG6AK7eKkWcEb" "QHbF617xAQatAAD7jJHUAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; const char *default_avatar_base64(void) /* returns the default avatar in base64 */ { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm; const char *p = susie; gmtime_r(&t, &tm); if (tm.tm_mon == 10 && tm.tm_mday == 2) p = susie_muertos; else if (tm.tm_wday == 0 || tm.tm_wday == 6) p = susie_cool; return p; } int activitypub_request(snac *snac, const char *url, xs_dict **data) /* request an object */ { int status; xs *response = NULL; xs *payload = NULL; int p_size; char *ctype; /* get from the net */ response = http_signed_request(snac, "GET", url, NULL, NULL, 0, &status, &payload, &p_size, 0); if (status == 0 || (status >= 500 && status <= 599)) { /* I found an instance running Misskey that returned 500 on signed messages but returned the object perfectly without signing (?), so why not try */ xs_free(response); xs *hdrs = xs_dict_new(); hdrs = xs_dict_append(hdrs, "accept", "application/activity+json"); hdrs = xs_dict_append(hdrs, "user-agent", USER_AGENT); response = xs_http_request("GET", url, hdrs, NULL, 0, &status, &payload, &p_size, 0); } if (valid_status(status)) { /* ensure it's ActivityPub data */ ctype = xs_dict_get(response, "content-type"); if (xs_str_in(ctype, "application/activity+json") != -1 || xs_str_in(ctype, "application/ld+json") != -1) *data = xs_json_loads(payload); else status = 500; } if (!valid_status(status)) *data = NULL; return status; } int actor_request(snac *snac, const char *actor, xs_dict **data) /* request an actor */ { int status, status2; xs *payload = NULL; if (data) *data = NULL; /* get from disk first */ status = actor_get(snac, actor, data); if (status != 200) { /* actor data non-existent or stale: get from the net */ status2 = activitypub_request(snac, actor, &payload); if (valid_status(status2)) { /* renew data */ status = actor_add(actor, payload); if (data != NULL) { *data = payload; payload = NULL; } } } /* collect the (presumed) shared inbox in this actor */ if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "disable_inbox_collection")) != XSTYPE_TRUE) { if (valid_status(status) && data && *data) inbox_add_by_actor(*data); } else srv_log(xs_fmt("NOT collected")); return status; } int timeline_request(snac *snac, char **id, d_char **wrk) /* ensures that an entry and its ancestors are in the timeline */ { int status = 0; if (!xs_is_null(*id)) { /* is the admired object already there? */ if (!object_here(*id)) { xs *object = NULL; /* no; download it */ status = activitypub_request(snac, *id, &object); if (valid_status(status)) { char *type = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); /* get the id again from the object, as it may be different */ char *nid = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); if (wrk && strcmp(nid, *id) != 0) { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("timeline_request canonical id for %s is %s", *id, nid)); *wrk = xs_dup(nid); *id = *wrk; } if (!xs_is_null(type) && strcmp(type, "Note") == 0) { char *actor = xs_dict_get(object, "attributedTo"); /* request (and drop) the actor for this entry */ if (!xs_is_null(actor)) actor_request(snac, actor, NULL); /* does it have an ancestor? */ char *in_reply_to = xs_dict_get(object, "inReplyTo"); /* recurse! */ timeline_request(snac, &in_reply_to, NULL); /* finally store */ timeline_add(snac, *id, object); } } } } return status; } int send_to_inbox_raw(const char *keyid, const char *seckey, const xs_str *inbox, const xs_dict *msg, xs_val **payload, int *p_size, int timeout) /* sends a message to an Inbox */ { int status; xs_dict *response; xs *j_msg = xs_json_dumps_pp((xs_dict *)msg, 4); response = http_signed_request_raw(keyid, seckey, "POST", inbox, NULL, j_msg, strlen(j_msg), &status, payload, p_size, timeout); xs_free(response); return status; } int send_to_inbox(snac *snac, const xs_str *inbox, const xs_dict *msg, xs_val **payload, int *p_size, int timeout) /* sends a message to an Inbox */ { char *seckey = xs_dict_get(snac->key, "secret"); return send_to_inbox_raw(snac->actor, seckey, inbox, msg, payload, p_size, timeout); } d_char *get_actor_inbox(snac *snac, const char *actor) /* gets an actor's inbox */ { xs *data = NULL; char *v = NULL; if (valid_status(actor_request(snac, actor, &data))) { /* try first endpoints/sharedInbox */ if ((v = xs_dict_get(data, "endpoints"))) v = xs_dict_get(v, "sharedInbox"); /* try then the regular inbox */ if (xs_is_null(v)) v = xs_dict_get(data, "inbox"); } return xs_is_null(v) ? NULL : xs_dup(v); } int send_to_actor(snac *snac, char *actor, char *msg, d_char **payload, int *p_size, int timeout) /* sends a message to an actor */ { int status = 400; xs *inbox = get_actor_inbox(snac, actor); if (!xs_is_null(inbox)) status = send_to_inbox(snac, inbox, msg, payload, p_size, timeout); return status; } xs_list *recipient_list(snac *snac, const xs_dict *msg, int expand_public) /* returns the list of recipients for a message */ { char *to = xs_dict_get(msg, "to"); char *cc = xs_dict_get(msg, "cc"); xs_set rcpts; int n; xs_set_init(&rcpts); char *lists[] = { to, cc, NULL }; for (n = 0; lists[n]; n++) { char *l = lists[n]; char *v; xs *tl = NULL; /* if it's a string, create a list with only one element */ if (xs_type(l) == XSTYPE_STRING) { tl = xs_list_new(); tl = xs_list_append(tl, l); l = tl; } while (xs_list_iter(&l, &v)) { if (expand_public && strcmp(v, public_address) == 0) { /* iterate the followers and add them */ xs *fwers = follower_list(snac); char *actor; char *p = fwers; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &actor)) xs_set_add(&rcpts, actor); } else xs_set_add(&rcpts, v); } } return xs_set_result(&rcpts); } int is_msg_public(snac *snac, const xs_dict *msg) /* checks if a message is public */ { xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 0); return xs_list_in(rcpts, public_address) != -1; } int is_msg_for_me(snac *snac, const xs_dict *c_msg) /* checks if this message is for me */ { const char *type = xs_dict_get(c_msg, "type"); if (strcmp(type, "Announce") == 0) { const char *object = xs_dict_get(c_msg, "object"); if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); /* if it's about one of our posts, accept it */ if (xs_startswith(object, snac->actor)) return 2; /* if it's by someone we don't follow, reject */ if (!following_check(snac, xs_dict_get(c_msg, "actor"))) return 0; } /* if it's not a Create, allow */ if (strcmp(type, "Create") != 0) return 1; xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(c_msg, "object"); xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 0); xs_list *p = rcpts; xs_str *v; while(xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { /* explicitly for me? accept */ if (strcmp(v, snac->actor) == 0) return 2; /* for someone we follow? (probably cc'ed) accept */ if (following_check(snac, v)) return 5; } /* accept if it's by someone we follow */ char *atto = xs_dict_get(msg, "attributedTo"); if (!xs_is_null(atto) && following_check(snac, atto)) return 3; /* is this message a reply to another? */ char *irt = xs_dict_get(msg, "inReplyTo"); if (!xs_is_null(irt)) { xs *r_msg = NULL; /* try to get the replied message */ if (valid_status(object_get(irt, &r_msg))) { atto = xs_dict_get(r_msg, "attributedTo"); /* accept if the replied message is from someone we follow */ if (!xs_is_null(atto) && following_check(snac, atto)) return 4; } } return 0; } void process_tags(snac *snac, const char *content, xs_str **n_content, xs_list **tag) /* parses mentions and tags from content */ { xs_str *nc = xs_str_new(NULL); xs_list *tl = *tag; xs *split; xs_list *p; xs_val *v; int n = 0; /* create a default server for incomplete mentions */ xs *def_srv = NULL; if (xs_list_len(tl)) { /* if there are any mentions, get the server from the first one, which is the inReplyTo author */ p = tl; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { const char *type = xs_dict_get(v, "type"); const char *name = xs_dict_get(v, "name"); if (type && name && strcmp(type, "Mention") == 0) { xs *l = xs_split(name, "@"); def_srv = xs_dup(xs_list_get(l, -1)); break; } } } if (xs_is_null(def_srv)) /* use this same server */ def_srv = xs_dup(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host")); split = xs_regex_split(content, "(@[A-Za-z0-9_]+(@[A-Za-z0-9\\.-]+)?|&#[0-9]+;|#[^ ,\\.:;<]+)"); p = split; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { if ((n & 0x1)) { if (*v == '@') { xs *link = NULL; xs *wuid = NULL; if (strchr(v + 1, '@') == NULL) { /* only one @? it's a dumb Mastodon-like mention without server; add the default one */ wuid = xs_fmt("%s@%s", v, def_srv); snac_debug(snac, 2, xs_fmt("mention without server '%s' '%s'", v, wuid)); } else wuid = xs_dup(v); /* query the webfinger about this fellow */ xs *actor = NULL; xs *uid = NULL; int status; status = webfinger_request(wuid, &actor, &uid); if (valid_status(status)) { xs *d = xs_dict_new(); xs *n = xs_fmt("@%s", uid); d = xs_dict_append(d, "type", "Mention"); d = xs_dict_append(d, "href", actor); d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", n); tl = xs_list_append(tl, d); link = xs_fmt("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"u-url mention\">%s</a>", actor, n); } if (!xs_is_null(link)) nc = xs_str_cat(nc, link); else nc = xs_str_cat(nc, v); } else if (*v == '#') { /* hashtag */ xs *d = xs_dict_new(); xs *n = xs_tolower_i(xs_dup(v)); xs *h = xs_fmt("%s%s", snac->actor, n); xs *l = xs_fmt("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag\">%s</a>", h, v); d = xs_dict_append(d, "type", "Hashtag"); d = xs_dict_append(d, "href", h); d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", n); tl = xs_list_append(tl, d); /* add the code */ nc = xs_str_cat(nc, l); } else if (*v == '&') { /* HTML Unicode entity, probably part of an emoji */ /* write as is */ nc = xs_str_cat(nc, v); } } else nc = xs_str_cat(nc, v); n++; } *n_content = nc; *tag = tl; } void notify(snac *snac, const char *type, const char *utype, const char *actor, const xs_dict *msg) /* notifies the user of relevant events */ { const char *id = xs_dict_get(msg, "id"); if (strcmp(type, "Create") == 0) { /* only notify of notes specifically for us */ xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 0); if (xs_list_in(rcpts, snac->actor) == -1) return; /* discard votes */ if (!xs_is_null(xs_dict_get(msg, "name"))) return; } if (strcmp(type, "Undo") == 0 && strcmp(utype, "Follow") != 0) return; /* get the object id */ const char *objid = xs_dict_get(msg, "object"); if (xs_type(objid) == XSTYPE_DICT) objid = xs_dict_get(objid, "id"); if (strcmp(type, "Like") == 0 || strcmp(type, "Announce") == 0) { /* if it's not an admiration about something by us, done */ if (xs_is_null(objid) || !xs_startswith(objid, snac->actor)) return; } /* updated poll? */ if (strcmp(type, "Update") == 0 && strcmp(utype, "Question") == 0) { /* if it's not closed, discard */ if (xs_is_null(xs_dict_get(msg, "closed"))) return; /* if it's not ours and we didn't vote, discard */ if (!xs_startswith(id, snac->actor) && !was_question_voted(snac, id)) return; } /* user will love to know about this! */ /* prepare message body */ xs *body = xs_fmt("User : @%s@%s\n", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "uid"), xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host") ); if (strcmp(utype, "(null)") != 0) { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Type : %s + %s\n", type, utype); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } else { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Type : %s\n", type); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Actor : %s\n", actor); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } if (objid != NULL) { xs *s1 = xs_fmt("Object: %s\n", objid); body = xs_str_cat(body, s1); } /* email */ const char *email = "[disabled by admin]"; if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "disable_email_notifications")) != XSTYPE_TRUE) { email = xs_dict_get(snac->config_o, "email"); if (xs_is_null(email)) { email = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "email"); if (xs_is_null(email)) email = "[empty]"; } } if (*email != '\0' && *email != '[') { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("email notify %s %s %s", type, utype, actor)); xs *subject = xs_fmt("snac notify for @%s@%s", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "uid"), xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host")); xs *from = xs_fmt("snac-daemon <snac-daemon@%s>", xs_dict_get(srv_config, "host")); xs *header = xs_fmt( "From: %s\n" "To: %s\n" "Subject: %s\n" "\n", from, email, subject); xs *email_body = xs_fmt("%s%s", header, body); enqueue_email(email_body, 0); } /* telegram */ char *bot = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "telegram_bot"); char *chat_id = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "telegram_chat_id"); if (!xs_is_null(bot) && !xs_is_null(chat_id) && *bot && *chat_id) enqueue_telegram(body, bot, chat_id); /* finally, store it in the notification folder */ if (strcmp(type, "Follow") == 0) objid = id; notify_add(snac, type, utype, actor, objid); } /** messages **/ xs_dict *msg_base(snac *snac, const char *type, const char *id, const char *actor, const char *date, const char *object) /* creates a base ActivityPub message */ { xs *did = NULL; xs *published = NULL; xs *ntid = tid(0); /* generated values */ if (date && strcmp(date, "@now") == 0) { published = xs_str_utctime(0, ISO_DATE_SPEC); date = published; } if (id != NULL) { if (strcmp(id, "@dummy") == 0) { did = xs_fmt("%s/d/%s/%s", snac->actor, ntid, type); id = did; } else if (strcmp(id, "@object") == 0) { if (object != NULL) { did = xs_fmt("%s/%s_%s", xs_dict_get(object, "id"), type, ntid); id = did; } else id = NULL; } } xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_new(); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "@context", "https:/" "/www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "type", type); if (id != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "id", id); if (actor != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "actor", actor); if (date != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "published", date); if (object != NULL) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "object", object); return msg; } d_char *msg_collection(snac *snac, char *id) /* creates an empty OrderedCollection message */ { d_char *msg = msg_base(snac, "OrderedCollection", id, NULL, NULL, NULL); xs *ol = xs_list_new(); xs *nz = xs_number_new(0); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attributedTo", snac->actor); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "orderedItems", ol); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "totalItems", nz); return msg; } d_char *msg_accept(snac *snac, char *object, char *to) /* creates an Accept message (as a response to a Follow) */ { d_char *msg = msg_base(snac, "Accept", "@dummy", snac->actor, NULL, object); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", to); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_update(snac *snac, xs_dict *object) /* creates an Update message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Update", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", object); char *type = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); if (strcmp(type, "Note") == 0) { msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", xs_dict_get(object, "to")); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", xs_dict_get(object, "cc")); } else if (strcmp(type, "Person") == 0) { msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); /* also spam the people being followed, so that they have the newest information about who we are */ xs *cc = following_list(snac); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", cc); } else msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); return msg; } d_char *msg_admiration(snac *snac, char *object, char *type) /* creates a Like or Announce message */ { xs *a_msg = NULL; d_char *msg = NULL; xs *wrk = NULL; /* call the object */ timeline_request(snac, &object, &wrk); if (valid_status(object_get(object, &a_msg))) { xs *rcpts = xs_list_new(); msg = msg_base(snac, type, "@dummy", snac->actor, "@now", object); if (is_msg_public(snac, a_msg)) rcpts = xs_list_append(rcpts, public_address); rcpts = xs_list_append(rcpts, xs_dict_get(a_msg, "attributedTo")); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", rcpts); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("msg_admiration cannot retrieve object %s", object)); return msg; } d_char *msg_actor(snac *snac) /* create a Person message for this actor */ { xs *ctxt = xs_list_new(); xs *icon = xs_dict_new(); xs *keys = xs_dict_new(); xs *avtr = NULL; xs *kid = NULL; xs *f_bio = NULL; d_char *msg = msg_base(snac, "Person", snac->actor, NULL, NULL, NULL); char *p; int n; /* change the @context (is this really necessary?) */ ctxt = xs_list_append(ctxt, "https:/" "/www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"); ctxt = xs_list_append(ctxt, "https:/" "/w3id.org/security/v1"); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "@context", ctxt); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "url", snac->actor); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "name", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "name")); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "preferredUsername", snac->uid); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "published", xs_dict_get(snac->config, "published")); f_bio = not_really_markdown(xs_dict_get(snac->config, "bio"), NULL); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "summary", f_bio); char *folders[] = { "inbox", "outbox", "followers", "following", NULL }; for (n = 0; folders[n]; n++) { xs *f = xs_fmt("%s/%s", snac->actor, folders[n]); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, folders[n], f); } p = xs_dict_get(snac->config, "avatar"); if (*p == '\0') avtr = xs_fmt("%s/susie.png", srv_baseurl); else avtr = xs_dup(p); icon = xs_dict_append(icon, "type", "Image"); icon = xs_dict_append(icon, "mediaType", xs_mime_by_ext(avtr)); icon = xs_dict_append(icon, "url", avtr); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "icon", icon); kid = xs_fmt("%s#main-key", snac->actor); keys = xs_dict_append(keys, "id", kid); keys = xs_dict_append(keys, "owner", snac->actor); keys = xs_dict_append(keys, "publicKeyPem", xs_dict_get(snac->key, "public")); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "publicKey", keys); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_create(snac *snac, const xs_dict *object) /* creates a 'Create' message */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Create", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", object); xs_val *v; if ((v = xs_dict_get(object, "attributedTo"))) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attributedTo", v); if ((v = xs_dict_get(object, "cc"))) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", v); if ((v = xs_dict_get(object, "to"))) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", v); else msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); return msg; } d_char *msg_undo(snac *snac, char *object) /* creates an 'Undo' message */ { d_char *msg = msg_base(snac, "Undo", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", object); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", xs_dict_get(object, "object")); return msg; } d_char *msg_delete(snac *snac, char *id) /* creates a 'Delete' + 'Tombstone' for a local entry */ { xs *tomb = xs_dict_new(); d_char *msg = NULL; /* sculpt the tombstone */ tomb = xs_dict_append(tomb, "type", "Tombstone"); tomb = xs_dict_append(tomb, "id", id); /* now create the Delete */ msg = msg_base(snac, "Delete", "@object", snac->actor, "@now", tomb); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", public_address); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_follow(snac *snac, const char *q) /* creates a 'Follow' message */ { xs *actor_o = NULL; xs *actor = NULL; d_char *msg = NULL; int status; xs *url_or_uid = xs_strip_i(xs_str_new(q)); if (xs_startswith(url_or_uid, "https:/")) actor = xs_dup(url_or_uid); else if (!valid_status(webfinger_request(url_or_uid, &actor, NULL)) || actor == NULL) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("cannot resolve user %s to follow", url_or_uid)); return NULL; } /* request the actor */ status = actor_request(snac, actor, &actor_o); if (valid_status(status)) { /* check if the actor is an alias */ char *r_actor = xs_dict_get(actor_o, "id"); if (r_actor && strcmp(actor, r_actor) != 0) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("actor to follow is an alias %s -> %s", actor, r_actor)); } msg = msg_base(snac, "Follow", "@dummy", snac->actor, NULL, r_actor); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("cannot get actor to follow %s %d", actor, status)); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_note(snac *snac, const xs_str *content, const xs_val *rcpts, xs_str *in_reply_to, xs_list *attach, int priv) /* creates a 'Note' message */ { xs *ntid = tid(0); xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/p/%s", snac->actor, ntid); xs *ctxt = NULL; xs *fc2 = NULL; xs *fc1 = NULL; xs *to = NULL; xs *cc = xs_list_new(); xs *irt = NULL; xs *tag = xs_list_new(); xs *atls = xs_list_new(); xs_dict *msg = msg_base(snac, "Note", id, NULL, "@now", NULL); xs_list *p; xs_val *v; if (rcpts == NULL) to = xs_list_new(); else { if (xs_type(rcpts) == XSTYPE_STRING) { to = xs_list_new(); to = xs_list_append(to, rcpts); } else to = xs_dup(rcpts); } /* format the content */ fc2 = not_really_markdown(content, &atls); if (in_reply_to != NULL && *in_reply_to) { xs *p_msg = NULL; xs *wrk = NULL; /* demand this thing */ timeline_request(snac, &in_reply_to, &wrk); if (valid_status(object_get(in_reply_to, &p_msg))) { /* add this author as recipient */ char *a, *v; if ((a = xs_dict_get(p_msg, "attributedTo")) && xs_list_in(to, a) == -1) to = xs_list_append(to, a); /* add this author to the tag list as a mention */ xs *t_href = NULL; xs *t_name = NULL; if (!xs_is_null(a) && valid_status(webfinger_request(a, &t_href, &t_name))) { xs *t = xs_dict_new(); t = xs_dict_append(t, "type", "Mention"); t = xs_dict_append(t, "href", t_href); t = xs_dict_append(t, "name", t_name); tag = xs_list_append(tag, t); } /* get the context, if there is one */ if ((v = xs_dict_get(p_msg, "context"))) ctxt = xs_dup(v); /* if this message is public, ours will also be */ if (!priv && is_msg_public(snac, p_msg) && xs_list_in(to, public_address) == -1) to = xs_list_append(to, public_address); } irt = xs_dup(in_reply_to); } else irt = xs_val_new(XSTYPE_NULL); /* extract the mentions and hashtags and convert the content */ process_tags(snac, fc2, &fc1, &tag); /* create the attachment list, if there are any */ if (!xs_is_null(attach)) { while (xs_list_iter(&attach, &v)) { xs *d = xs_dict_new(); char *url = xs_list_get(v, 0); char *alt = xs_list_get(v, 1); char *mime = xs_mime_by_ext(url); d = xs_dict_append(d, "mediaType", mime); d = xs_dict_append(d, "url", url); d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", alt); d = xs_dict_append(d, "type", xs_startswith(mime, "image/") ? "Image" : "Document"); atls = xs_list_append(atls, d); } } if (ctxt == NULL) ctxt = xs_fmt("%s#ctxt", id); /* add all mentions to the cc */ p = tag; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { if (xs_type(v) == XSTYPE_DICT) { char *t; if ((t = xs_dict_get(v, "type")) != NULL && strcmp(t, "Mention") == 0) { if ((t = xs_dict_get(v, "href")) != NULL) cc = xs_list_append(cc, t); } } } /* no recipients? must be for everybody */ if (!priv && xs_list_len(to) == 0) to = xs_list_append(to, public_address); /* delete all cc recipients that also are in the to */ p = to; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { int i; if ((i = xs_list_in(cc, v)) != -1) cc = xs_list_del(cc, i); } msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attributedTo", snac->actor); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "summary", ""); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "content", fc1); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "context", ctxt); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "url", id); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", to); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "cc", cc); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "inReplyTo", irt); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "tag", tag); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "sourceContent", content); if (xs_list_len(atls)) msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "attachment", atls); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_ping(snac *user, const char *rcpt) /* creates a Ping message (https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/v/tip/f/docs/ping.txt) */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(user, "Ping", "@dummy", user->actor, NULL, NULL); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", rcpt); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_pong(snac *user, const char *rcpt, const char *object) /* creates a Pong message (https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/v/tip/f/docs/ping.txt) */ { xs_dict *msg = msg_base(user, "Pong", "@dummy", user->actor, NULL, object); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "to", rcpt); return msg; } xs_dict *msg_question(snac *user, const char *content, xs_list *attach, const xs_list *opts, int multiple, int end_secs) /* creates a Question message */ { xs *ntid = tid(0); xs_dict *msg = msg_note(user, content, NULL, NULL, attach, 0); int max = 8; xs_set seen; msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "type", "Question"); /* make it non-editable */ msg = xs_dict_del(msg, "sourceContent"); xs *o = xs_list_new(); xs_list *p = (xs_list *)opts; xs_str *v; xs *replies = xs_json_loads("{\"type\":\"Collection\",\"totalItems\":0}"); xs_set_init(&seen); while (max && xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { if (*v) { xs *v2 = xs_dup(v); xs *d = xs_dict_new(); if (strlen(v2) > 60) { v2[60] = '\0'; v2 = xs_str_cat(v2, "..."); } if (xs_set_add(&seen, v2) == 1) { d = xs_dict_append(d, "name", v2); d = xs_dict_append(d, "replies", replies); o = xs_list_append(o, d); max--; } } } xs_set_free(&seen); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, multiple ? "anyOf" : "oneOf", o); /* set the end time */ time_t t = time(NULL) + end_secs; xs *et = xs_str_utctime(t, ISO_DATE_SPEC); msg = xs_dict_append(msg, "endTime", et); return msg; } int update_question(snac *user, const char *id) /* updates the poll counts */ { xs *msg = NULL; xs *rcnt = xs_dict_new(); xs *z = xs_number_new(0); xs *rcpts = xs_list_new(); xs *lopts = xs_list_new(); xs_list *opts; xs_list *p; xs_val *v; /* get the object */ if (!valid_status(object_get(id, &msg))) return -1; /* closed? do nothing more */ if (xs_dict_get(msg, "closed")) return -2; /* get the options */ if ((opts = xs_dict_get(msg, "oneOf")) == NULL && (opts = xs_dict_get(msg, "anyOf")) == NULL) return -3; /* fill the initial count */ p = opts; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { const char *name = xs_dict_get(v, "name"); if (name) { lopts = xs_list_append(lopts, name); rcnt = xs_dict_set(rcnt, name, z); } } /* iterate now the children (the votes) */ xs *chld = object_children(id); p = chld; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { xs *obj = NULL; if (!valid_status(object_get_by_md5(v, &obj))) continue; const char *name = xs_dict_get(obj, "name"); const char *atto = xs_dict_get(obj, "attributedTo"); if (name && atto) { /* get the current count */ const xs_number *cnt = xs_dict_get(rcnt, name); if (xs_type(cnt) == XSTYPE_NUMBER) { /* if it exists, increment */ xs *ucnt = xs_number_new(xs_number_get(cnt) + 1); rcnt = xs_dict_set(rcnt, name, ucnt); rcpts = xs_list_append(rcpts, atto); } } } /* create a new list of options with their new counts */ xs *nopts = xs_list_new(); p = lopts; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { const xs_number *cnt = xs_dict_get(rcnt, v); if (xs_type(cnt) == XSTYPE_NUMBER) { xs *d1 = xs_dict_new(); xs *d2 = xs_dict_new(); d2 = xs_dict_append(d2, "type", "Collection"); d2 = xs_dict_append(d2, "totalItems", cnt); d1 = xs_dict_append(d1, "type", "Note"); d1 = xs_dict_append(d1, "name", v); d1 = xs_dict_append(d1, "replies", d2); nopts = xs_list_append(nopts, d1); } } /* update the list */ msg = xs_dict_set(msg, xs_dict_get(msg, "oneOf") != NULL ? "oneOf" : "anyOf", nopts); /* due date? */ const char *end_time = xs_dict_get(msg, "endTime"); if (!xs_is_null(end_time)) { xs *now = xs_str_utctime(0, ISO_DATE_SPEC); /* it's now greater than the endTime? */ if (strcmp(now, end_time) >= 0) { xs *et = xs_dup(end_time); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "closed", et); notify(user, "Update", "Question", user->actor, msg); } } /* update the count of voters */ xs *vcnt = xs_number_new(xs_list_len(rcpts)); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "votersCount", vcnt); /* store */ object_add_ow(id, msg); snac_debug(user, 1, xs_fmt("recounted poll %s", id)); timeline_touch(user); /* send an update message to all voters */ xs *u_msg = msg_update(user, msg); u_msg = xs_dict_set(u_msg, "cc", rcpts); enqueue_message(user, u_msg); return 0; } /** queues **/ int process_input_message(snac *snac, xs_dict *msg, xs_dict *req) /* processes an ActivityPub message from the input queue */ { /* actor and type exist, were checked previously */ char *actor = xs_dict_get(msg, "actor"); char *type = xs_dict_get(msg, "type"); xs *actor_o = NULL; int a_status; int do_notify = 0; /* question votes may not have a type */ if (xs_is_null(type)) type = "Note"; if (xs_is_null(actor)) { snac_debug(snac, 0, xs_fmt("malformed message")); return 1; } char *object, *utype; object = xs_dict_get(msg, "object"); if (object != NULL && xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) utype = xs_dict_get(object, "type"); else utype = "(null)"; /* reject messages that are not for this user */ if (!is_msg_for_me(snac, msg)) { snac_debug(snac, 0, xs_fmt("message from %s of type '%s' not for us", actor, type)); return 1; } /* if it's a DM from someone we don't follow, reject the message */ if (xs_type(xs_dict_get(snac->config, "drop_dm_from_unknown")) == XSTYPE_TRUE) { if (strcmp(utype, "Note") == 0 && !is_msg_public(snac, msg) && !following_check(snac, actor)) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("DM rejected from unknown actor %s", actor)); return 1; } } /* bring the actor */ a_status = actor_request(snac, actor, &actor_o); /* if the actor does not explicitly exist, discard */ if (a_status == 404 || a_status == 410) { snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("dropping message due to actor error %s %d", actor, a_status)); return 1; } if (!valid_status(a_status)) { /* other actor download errors may need a retry */ snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("error requesting actor %s %d -- retry later", actor, a_status)); return 0; } /* check the signature */ xs *sig_err = NULL; if (!check_signature(snac, req, &sig_err)) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("bad signature %s (%s)", actor, sig_err)); srv_archive_error("check_signature", sig_err, req, msg); return 1; } if (strcmp(type, "Follow") == 0) { /** **/ if (!follower_check(snac, actor)) { xs *f_msg = xs_dup(msg); xs *reply = msg_accept(snac, f_msg, actor); enqueue_message(snac, reply); if (xs_is_null(xs_dict_get(f_msg, "published"))) { /* add a date if it doesn't include one (Mastodon) */ xs *date = xs_str_utctime(0, ISO_DATE_SPEC); f_msg = xs_dict_set(f_msg, "published", date); } timeline_add(snac, xs_dict_get(f_msg, "id"), f_msg); follower_add(snac, actor); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new follower %s", actor)); do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("repeated 'Follow' from %s", actor)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Undo") == 0) { /** **/ if (strcmp(utype, "Follow") == 0) { /** **/ if (valid_status(follower_del(snac, actor))) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("no longer following us %s", actor)); do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("error deleting follower %s", actor)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Undo' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Create") == 0) { /** **/ if (is_muted(snac, actor)) snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("ignored 'Create' + '%s' from muted actor %s", utype, actor)); if (strcmp(utype, "Note") == 0) { /** **/ char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); char *in_reply_to = xs_dict_get(object, "inReplyTo"); xs *wrk = NULL; timeline_request(snac, &in_reply_to, &wrk); if (timeline_add(snac, id, object)) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Note' %s %s", actor, id)); do_notify = 1; } /* if it has a "name" field, it may be a vote for a question */ const char *name = xs_dict_get(object, "name"); if (!xs_is_null(name) && *name && !xs_is_null(in_reply_to) && *in_reply_to) update_question(snac, in_reply_to); } else if (strcmp(utype, "Question") == 0) { /** **/ char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); if (timeline_add(snac, id, object)) snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Question' %s %s", actor, id)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Create' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Accept") == 0) { /** **/ if (strcmp(utype, "Follow") == 0) { /** **/ if (following_check(snac, actor)) { following_add(snac, actor, msg); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("confirmed follow from %s", actor)); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("spurious follow accept from %s", actor)); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Accept' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Like") == 0) { /** **/ if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); timeline_admire(snac, object, actor, 1); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Like' %s %s", actor, object)); do_notify = 1; } else if (strcmp(type, "Announce") == 0) { /** **/ xs *a_msg = NULL; xs *wrk = NULL; if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); timeline_request(snac, &object, &wrk); if (valid_status(object_get(object, &a_msg))) { char *who = xs_dict_get(a_msg, "attributedTo"); if (who && !is_muted(snac, who)) { /* bring the actor */ xs *who_o = NULL; if (valid_status(actor_request(snac, who, &who_o))) { timeline_admire(snac, object, actor, 0); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("new 'Announce' %s %s", actor, object)); do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("dropped 'Announce' on actor request error %s", who)); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("ignored 'Announce' about muted actor %s", who)); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("error requesting 'Announce' object %s", object)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Update") == 0) { /** **/ if (strcmp(utype, "Person") == 0) { actor_add(actor, xs_dict_get(msg, "object")); timeline_touch(snac); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("updated actor %s", actor)); } else if (strcmp(utype, "Note") == 0) { /** **/ const char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); object_add_ow(id, object); timeline_touch(snac); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("updated post %s", id)); } else if (strcmp(utype, "Question") == 0) { /** **/ const char *id = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); const char *closed = xs_dict_get(object, "closed"); object_add_ow(id, object); timeline_touch(snac); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("%s poll %s", closed == NULL ? "updated" : "closed", id)); if (closed != NULL) do_notify = 1; } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("ignored 'Update' for object type '%s'", utype)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Delete") == 0) { /** **/ if (xs_type(object) == XSTYPE_DICT) object = xs_dict_get(object, "id"); if (valid_status(timeline_del(snac, object))) snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("new 'Delete' %s %s", actor, object)); else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("ignored 'Delete' for unknown object %s", object)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Pong") == 0) { /** **/ snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("'Pong' received from %s", actor)); } else if (strcmp(type, "Ping") == 0) { /** **/ snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("'Ping' requested from %s", actor)); xs *rsp = msg_pong(snac, actor, xs_dict_get(msg, "id")); enqueue_output_by_actor(snac, rsp, actor, 0); } else snac_debug(snac, 1, xs_fmt("process_input_message type '%s' ignored", type)); if (do_notify) { notify(snac, type, utype, actor, msg); timeline_touch(snac); } return 1; } int send_email(char *msg) /* invoke sendmail with email headers and body in msg */ { FILE *f; int status; int fds[2]; pid_t pid; if (pipe(fds) == -1) return -1; pid = vfork(); if (pid == -1) return -1; else if (pid == 0) { dup2(fds[0], 0); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); execl("/usr/sbin/sendmail", "sendmail", "-t", (char *) NULL); _exit(1); } close(fds[0]); if ((f = fdopen(fds[1], "w")) == NULL) { close(fds[1]); return -1; } fprintf(f, "%s\n", msg); fclose(f); if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1) return -1; return status; } void process_user_queue_item(snac *snac, xs_dict *q_item) /* processes an item from the user queue */ { char *type; int queue_retry_max = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "queue_retry_max")); if ((type = xs_dict_get(q_item, "type")) == NULL) type = "output"; if (strcmp(type, "message") == 0) { xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); xs *rcpts = recipient_list(snac, msg, 1); xs_set inboxes; xs_list *p; xs_str *actor; xs_set_init(&inboxes); /* iterate the recipients */ p = rcpts; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &actor)) { xs *inbox = get_actor_inbox(snac, actor); if (inbox != NULL) { /* add to the set and, if it's not there, send message */ if (xs_set_add(&inboxes, inbox) == 1) enqueue_output(snac, msg, inbox, 0); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("cannot find inbox for %s", actor)); } /* if it's public, send to the collected inboxes */ if (is_msg_public(snac, msg)) { xs *shibx = inbox_list(); xs_str *inbox; p = shibx; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &inbox)) { if (xs_set_add(&inboxes, inbox) == 1) enqueue_output(snac, msg, inbox, 0); } } xs_set_free(&inboxes); } else if (strcmp(type, "input") == 0) { /* process the message */ xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); xs_dict *req = xs_dict_get(q_item, "req"); int retries = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(q_item, "retries")); if (xs_is_null(msg)) return; if (!process_input_message(snac, msg, req)) { if (retries > queue_retry_max) snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("input giving up")); else { /* reenqueue */ enqueue_input(snac, msg, req, retries + 1); snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("input requeue #%d", retries + 1)); } } } else if (strcmp(type, "close_question") == 0) { /* the time for this question has ended */ const char *id = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); if (!xs_is_null(id)) update_question(snac, id); } else snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("unexpected q_item type '%s'", type)); } int process_user_queue(snac *snac) /* processes a user's queue */ { int cnt = 0; xs *list = user_queue(snac); xs_list *p = list; xs_str *fn; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &fn)) { xs *q_item = dequeue(fn); if (q_item == NULL) { snac_log(snac, xs_fmt("process_user_queue q_item error")); continue; } process_user_queue_item(snac, q_item); cnt++; } return cnt; } void process_queue_item(xs_dict *q_item) /* processes an item from the global queue */ { char *type = xs_dict_get(q_item, "type"); int queue_retry_max = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(srv_config, "queue_retry_max")); if (strcmp(type, "output") == 0) { int status; xs_str *inbox = xs_dict_get(q_item, "inbox"); xs_str *keyid = xs_dict_get(q_item, "keyid"); xs_str *seckey = xs_dict_get(q_item, "seckey"); xs_dict *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); int retries = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(q_item, "retries")); xs *payload = NULL; int p_size = 0; if (xs_is_null(inbox) || xs_is_null(msg) || xs_is_null(keyid) || xs_is_null(seckey)) { srv_log(xs_fmt("output message error: missing fields")); return; } /* deliver */ status = send_to_inbox_raw(keyid, seckey, inbox, msg, &payload, &p_size, retries == 0 ? 3 : 8); if (payload) { if (p_size > 64) { /* trim the message */ payload[64] = '\0'; payload = xs_str_cat(payload, "..."); } /* strip ugly control characters */ payload = xs_replace_i(payload, "\n", ""); payload = xs_replace_i(payload, "\r", ""); if (*payload) payload = xs_str_wrap_i(" [", payload, "]"); } else payload = xs_str_new(NULL); srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: sent to inbox %s %d%s", inbox, status, payload)); if (!valid_status(status)) { retries++; /* error sending; requeue? */ if (status == 404 || status == 410) /* explicit error: discard */ srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: fatal error %s %d", inbox, status)); else if (retries > queue_retry_max) srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: giving up %s %d", inbox, status)); else { /* requeue */ enqueue_output_raw(keyid, seckey, msg, inbox, retries); srv_log(xs_fmt("output message: requeue %s #%d", inbox, retries)); } } } else if (strcmp(type, "email") == 0) { /* send this email */ xs_str *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); int retries = xs_number_get(xs_dict_get(q_item, "retries")); if (!send_email(msg)) srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("email message sent")); else { retries++; if (retries > queue_retry_max) srv_log(xs_fmt("email giving up (errno: %d)", errno)); else { /* requeue */ srv_log(xs_fmt( "email requeue #%d (errno: %d)", retries, errno)); enqueue_email(msg, retries); } } } else if (strcmp(type, "telegram") == 0) { /* send this via telegram */ char *bot = xs_dict_get(q_item, "bot"); char *msg = xs_dict_get(q_item, "message"); xs *chat_id = xs_dup(xs_dict_get(q_item, "chat_id")); int status = 0; /* chat_id must start with a - */ if (!xs_startswith(chat_id, "-")) chat_id = xs_str_wrap_i("-", chat_id, NULL); xs *url = xs_fmt("https:/" "/api.telegram.org/bot%s/sendMessage", bot); xs *body = xs_fmt("{\"chat_id\":%s,\"text\":\"%s\"}", chat_id, msg); xs *headers = xs_dict_new(); headers = xs_dict_append(headers, "content-type", "application/json"); xs *rsp = xs_http_request("POST", url, headers, body, strlen(body), &status, NULL, NULL, 0); rsp = xs_free(rsp); srv_debug(0, xs_fmt("telegram post %d", status)); } else if (strcmp(type, "purge") == 0) { srv_log(xs_dup("purge start")); purge_all(); srv_log(xs_dup("purge end")); } else srv_log(xs_fmt("unexpected q_item type '%s'", type)); } int process_queue(void) /* processes the global queue */ { int cnt = 0; xs *list = queue(); xs_list *p = list; xs_str *fn; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &fn)) { xs *q_item = dequeue(fn); if (q_item != NULL) { job_post(q_item, 0); cnt++; } } return cnt; } /** HTTP handlers */ int activitypub_get_handler(const xs_dict *req, const char *q_path, char **body, int *b_size, char **ctype) { int status = 200; char *accept = xs_dict_get(req, "accept"); snac snac; xs *msg = NULL; if (accept == NULL) return 0; if (xs_str_in(accept, "application/activity+json") == -1 && xs_str_in(accept, "application/ld+json") == -1) return 0; xs *l = xs_split_n(q_path, "/", 2); char *uid, *p_path; uid = xs_list_get(l, 1); if (!user_open(&snac, uid)) { /* invalid user */ srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("activitypub_get_handler bad user %s", uid)); return 404; } p_path = xs_list_get(l, 2); *ctype = "application/activity+json"; if (p_path == NULL) { /* if there was no component after the user, it's an actor request */ msg = msg_actor(&snac); *ctype = "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""; char *ua = xs_dict_get(req, "user-agent"); snac_debug(&snac, 0, xs_fmt("serving actor [%s]", ua ? ua : "No UA")); } else if (strcmp(p_path, "outbox") == 0) { xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/outbox", snac.actor); xs *elems = timeline_simple_list(&snac, "public", 0, 20); xs *list = xs_list_new(); msg = msg_collection(&snac, id); char *p, *v; p = elems; while (xs_list_iter(&p, &v)) { xs *i = NULL; if (valid_status(object_get_by_md5(v, &i))) { char *type = xs_dict_get(i, "type"); char *id = xs_dict_get(i, "id"); if (type && id && strcmp(type, "Note") == 0 && xs_startswith(id, snac.actor)) { i = xs_dict_del(i, "_snac"); list = xs_list_append(list, i); } } } /* replace the 'orderedItems' with the latest posts */ xs *items = xs_number_new(xs_list_len(list)); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "orderedItems", list); msg = xs_dict_set(msg, "totalItems", items); } else if (strcmp(p_path, "followers") == 0 || strcmp(p_path, "following") == 0) { xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/%s", snac.actor, p_path); msg = msg_collection(&snac, id); } else if (xs_startswith(p_path, "p/")) { xs *id = xs_fmt("%s/%s", snac.actor, p_path); status = object_get(id, &msg); } else status = 404; if (status == 200 && msg != NULL) { *body = xs_json_dumps_pp(msg, 4); *b_size = strlen(*body); } snac_debug(&snac, 1, xs_fmt("activitypub_get_handler serving %s %d", q_path, status)); user_free(&snac); return status; } int activitypub_post_handler(const xs_dict *req, const char *q_path, char *payload, int p_size, char **body, int *b_size, char **ctype) /* processes an input message */ { (void)b_size; int status = 202; /* accepted */ char *i_ctype = xs_dict_get(req, "content-type"); snac snac; char *v; if (i_ctype == NULL) { *body = xs_str_new("no content-type"); *ctype = "text/plain"; return 400; } if (xs_str_in(i_ctype, "application/activity+json") == -1 && xs_str_in(i_ctype, "application/ld+json") == -1) return 0; /* decode the message */ xs *msg = xs_json_loads(payload); if (msg == NULL) { srv_log(xs_fmt("activitypub_post_handler JSON error %s", q_path)); *body = xs_str_new("JSON error"); *ctype = "text/plain"; status = 400; } /* get the user and path */ xs *l = xs_split_n(q_path, "/", 2); char *uid; if (xs_list_len(l) != 3 || strcmp(xs_list_get(l, 2), "inbox") != 0) { /* strange q_path */ srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("activitypub_post_handler unsupported path %s", q_path)); return 404; } uid = xs_list_get(l, 1); if (!user_open(&snac, uid)) { /* invalid user */ srv_debug(1, xs_fmt("activitypub_post_handler bad user %s", uid)); return 404; } /* if it has a digest, check it now, because later the payload won't be exactly the same */ if ((v = xs_dict_get(req, "digest")) != NULL) { xs *s1 = xs_sha256_base64(payload, p_size); xs *s2 = xs_fmt("SHA-256=%s", s1); if (strcmp(s2, v) != 0) { srv_log(xs_fmt("digest check FAILED")); *body = xs_str_new("bad digest"); *ctype = "text/plain"; status = 400; } } /* if the message is from a muted actor, reject it right now */ if (!xs_is_null(v = xs_dict_get(msg, "actor")) && *v) { if (is_muted(&snac, v)) { snac_log(&snac, xs_fmt("rejected message from MUTEd actor %s", v)); *body = xs_str_new("rejected"); *ctype = "text/plain"; status = 403; } } if (valid_status(status)) { enqueue_input(&snac, msg, req, 0); *ctype = "application/activity+json"; } user_free(&snac); return status; }