diff --git a/html.c b/html.c
index 1d540ca..7d6217d 100644
--- a/html.c
+++ b/html.c
@@ -337,35 +337,36 @@ xs_html *html_note(snac *user, char *summary,
- xs_html_text(L("Poll options (one per line, up to 8):"))),
- xs_html_tag("textarea",
- xs_html_attr("class", "snac-textarea"),
- xs_html_attr("name", "poll_options"),
- xs_html_attr("rows", "4"),
- xs_html_attr("wrap", "virtual"),
- xs_html_attr("placeholder", "Option 1...\nOption 2...\nOption 3...\n...")),
- xs_html_tag("p", NULL),
- xs_html_tag("select",
- xs_html_attr("name", "poll_multiple"),
- xs_html_tag("option",
- xs_html_attr("value", "off"),
- xs_html_text(L("One choice"))),
- xs_html_tag("option",
- xs_html_attr("value", "on"),
- xs_html_text(L("Multiple choices")))),
- xs_html_text(" "),
- xs_html_tag("select",
- xs_html_attr("name", "poll_end_secs"),
- xs_html_tag("option",
- xs_html_attr("value", "300"),
- xs_html_text(L("End in 5 minutes"))),
- xs_html_tag("option",
- xs_html_attr("value", "3600"),
- xs_html_attr("selected", NULL),
- xs_html_text(L("End in 1 hour"))),
- xs_html_tag("option",
- xs_html_attr("value", "86400"),
- xs_html_text(L("End in 1 day"))))));
+ xs_html_text(L("Poll options (one per line, up to 8):")),
+ xs_html_sctag("br", NULL),
+ xs_html_tag("textarea",
+ xs_html_attr("class", "snac-textarea"),
+ xs_html_attr("name", "poll_options"),
+ xs_html_attr("rows", "4"),
+ xs_html_attr("wrap", "virtual"),
+ xs_html_attr("placeholder", "Option 1...\nOption 2...\nOption 3...\n...")),
+ xs_html_tag("p", NULL),
+ xs_html_tag("select",
+ xs_html_attr("name", "poll_multiple"),
+ xs_html_tag("option",
+ xs_html_attr("value", "off"),
+ xs_html_text(L("One choice"))),
+ xs_html_tag("option",
+ xs_html_attr("value", "on"),
+ xs_html_text(L("Multiple choices")))),
+ xs_html_text(" "),
+ xs_html_tag("select",
+ xs_html_attr("name", "poll_end_secs"),
+ xs_html_tag("option",
+ xs_html_attr("value", "300"),
+ xs_html_text(L("End in 5 minutes"))),
+ xs_html_tag("option",
+ xs_html_attr("value", "3600"),
+ xs_html_attr("selected", NULL),
+ xs_html_text(L("End in 1 hour"))),
+ xs_html_tag("option",
+ xs_html_attr("value", "86400"),
+ xs_html_text(L("End in 1 day")))))));