mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 13:25:04 +00:00
642 lines
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642 lines
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import datetime
import logging
import re
from .exceptions import TraktException, TraktAuthException, TraktMethodNotExisting
from exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException, ex
from six import iteritems
from .trakt import TraktAPI
from lib.tvinfo_base.exceptions import BaseTVinfoShownotfound
TVInfoShow, TVInfoIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs, TVINFO_TRAKT_SLUG, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoSeason, RoleTypes
from sg_helpers import clean_data, enforce_type, try_int
from lib.dateutil.parser import parser
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from six import integer_types
id_map = {
'trakt': TVINFO_TRAKT,
'slug': TVINFO_SLUG,
'tvdb': TVINFO_TVDB,
'imdb': TVINFO_IMDB,
'tmdb': TVINFO_TMDB,
id_map_reverse = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(id_map)}
tz_p = parser()
log = logging.getLogger('api_trakt.api')
def _convert_imdb_id(src, s_id):
# type: (int, integer_types) -> integer_types
if TVINFO_IMDB == src:
return try_int(re.search(r'(\d+)', s_id).group(1), s_id)
except (BaseException, Exception):
return s_id
class TraktSearchTypes(object):
text = 1
trakt_id = 'trakt'
trakt_slug = 'trakt_slug'
tvdb_id = 'tvdb'
imdb_id = 'imdb'
tmdb_id = 'tmdb'
tvrage_id = 'tvrage'
all = [text, trakt_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, tmdb_id, tvrage_id, trakt_slug]
def __init__(self):
map_id_search = {TVINFO_TVDB: TraktSearchTypes.tvdb_id, TVINFO_IMDB: TraktSearchTypes.imdb_id,
TVINFO_TMDB: TraktSearchTypes.tmdb_id, TVINFO_TRAKT: TraktSearchTypes.trakt_id,
TVINFO_TRAKT_SLUG: TraktSearchTypes.trakt_slug}
class TraktResultTypes(object):
show = 'show'
episode = 'episode'
movie = 'movie'
person = 'person'
list = 'list'
all = [show, episode, movie, person, list]
def __init__(self):
class TraktIndexer(TVInfoBase):
supported_person_id_searches = [TVINFO_TRAKT, TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
# noinspection PyDefaultArgument
def __init__(self, custom_ui=None, sleep_retry=None, search_type=TraktSearchTypes.text,
result_types=[TraktResultTypes.show], *args, **kwargs):
super(TraktIndexer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
'apikey': '',
'debug_enabled': False,
'custom_ui': custom_ui,
'proxy': None,
'cache_enabled': False,
'cache_location': '',
'valid_languages': [],
'langabbv_to_id': {},
'language': 'en',
'base_url': '',
'search_type': search_type if search_type in TraktSearchTypes.all else TraktSearchTypes.text,
'sleep_retry': sleep_retry,
'result_types': result_types if isinstance(result_types, list) and all(
[x in TraktResultTypes.all for x in result_types]) else [TraktResultTypes.show],
def _make_result_obj(shows, results):
# type: (List[Dict], List[TVInfoShow]) -> None
if shows:
for s in shows:
if s['ids']['trakt'] not in [i['ids'].trakt for i in results]:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
countries = clean_data(s['country'])
if countries:
countries = [countries]
countries = []
ti_show.id, ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.overview, ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.airs_dayofweek, \
ti_show.runtime, ti_show.network, ti_show.origin_countries, ti_show.official_site, \
ti_show.status, ti_show.rating, ti_show.genre_list, ti_show.ids = s['ids']['trakt'], \
clean_data(s['title']), enforce_type(clean_data(s['overview']), str, ''), s['firstaired'], \
(isinstance(s['airs'], dict) and s['airs']['day']) or '', \
s['runtime'], s['network'], countries, s['homepage'], s['status'], s['rating'], \
s['genres_list'], \
TVInfoIDs(trakt=s['ids']['trakt'], tvdb=s['ids']['tvdb'], tmdb=s['ids']['tmdb'],
imdb=s['ids']['imdb'] and try_int(s['ids']['imdb'].replace('tt', ''), None))
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or [])
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.debug('Error creating result dict: %s' % ex(e))
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[TVInfoShow]
"""This searches Trakt for the series name,
If a custom_ui UI is configured, it uses this to select the correct
results = [] # type: List[TVInfoShow]
if ids:
for t, p in iteritems(ids):
if t in self.supported_id_searches:
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (t, p)
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = self.search(p, search_type=map_id_search[t])
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
show = shows
self._make_result_obj(show, results)
if name:
names = ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]
len_names = len(names)
for i, n in enumerate(names, 1):
cache_name_key = 's-name-%s' % n
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
all_series = self.search(n)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, all_series, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
all_series = []
all_series = shows
if not isinstance(all_series, list):
all_series = [all_series]
if i == len_names and 0 == len(all_series) and not results:
log.debug('Series result returned zero')
raise BaseTVinfoShownotfound('Show-name search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)')
if all_series:
if None is not self.config['custom_ui']:
log.debug('Using custom UI %s' % self.config['custom_ui'].__name__)
custom_ui = self.config['custom_ui']
ui = custom_ui(config=self.config)
self._make_result_obj(ui.select_series(all_series), results)
self._make_result_obj(all_series, results)
final_result = [] # type: List[TVInfoShow]
seen = set()
film_type = re.compile(r'(?i)films?\)$')
for r in results:
if r.id not in seen:
title = r.seriesname or ''
if not film_type.search(title):
log.debug('Search result ignored: %s ' % title)
return final_result
def _dict_prevent_none(d, key, default):
v = None
if isinstance(d, dict):
v = d.get(key, default)
return (v, default)[None is v]
def search(self, series, search_type=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Union[int, AnyStr]) -> List
search_type = search_type or self.config['search_type']
if TraktSearchTypes.trakt_slug == search_type:
url = '/shows/%s?extended=full' % series
elif TraktSearchTypes.text != search_type:
url = '/search/%s/%s?type=%s&extended=full&limit=100' % (search_type, (series, 'tt%07d' % series)[
TraktSearchTypes.imdb_id == search_type and not str(series).startswith('tt')],
url = '/search/%s?query=%s&extended=full&limit=100' % (','.join(self.config['result_types']), series)
filtered = []
kwargs = {}
if None is not self.config['sleep_retry']:
kwargs['sleep_retry'] = self.config['sleep_retry']
from sickgear.helpers import clean_data
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url, **kwargs)
if len(resp):
if isinstance(resp, dict):
resp = [{'type': 'show', 'score': 1, 'show': resp}]
for d in resp:
if isinstance(d, dict) and 'type' in d and d['type'] in self.config['result_types']:
for k, v in iteritems(d):
d[k] = clean_data(v)
if 'show' in d and TraktResultTypes.show == d['type']:
del d['show']
d['seriesname'] = self._dict_prevent_none(d, 'title', '')
d['genres_list'] = d.get('genres', [])
d['genres'] = ', '.join(['%s' % v for v in d.get('genres', []) or [] if v])
d['firstaired'] = (d.get('first_aired') and
re.sub(r'T.*$', '', str(d.get('first_aired'))) or d.get('year'))
except (ConnectionSkipException, TraktException) as e:
log.debug('Could not connect to Trakt service: %s' % ex(e))
return filtered
def _convert_person_obj(person_obj):
# type: (Dict) -> TVInfoPerson
birthdate = person_obj['birthday'] and tz_p.parse(person_obj['birthday']).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
birthdate = None
deathdate = person_obj['death'] and tz_p.parse(person_obj['death']).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
deathdate = None
return TVInfoPerson(p_id=person_obj['ids']['trakt'],
ids={TVINFO_TWITTER: person_obj['social_ids']['twitter'],
TVINFO_FACEBOOK: person_obj['social_ids']['facebook'],
TVINFO_INSTAGRAM: person_obj['social_ids']['instagram'],
TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA: person_obj['social_ids']['wikipedia']
TVINFO_TRAKT: person_obj['ids']['trakt'], TVINFO_SLUG: person_obj['ids']['slug'],
person_obj['ids']['imdb'] and
try_int(person_obj['ids']['imdb'].replace('nm', ''), None),
TVINFO_TMDB: person_obj['ids']['tmdb'],
TVINFO_TVRAGE: person_obj['ids']['tvrage']}))
def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[TVInfoPerson]
get person's data for id or list of matching persons for name
:param p_id: persons id
:param get_show_credits: get show credits (only for native id)
:param get_images: get images for person
:return: person object
if not p_id:
urls = [('/people/%s?extended=full' % p_id, False)]
if get_show_credits:
urls.append(('/people/%s/shows?extended=full' % p_id, True))
if not urls:
result = None # type: Optional[TVInfoPerson]
for url, show_credits in urls:
cache_key_name = 'p-%s-%s' % (('main', 'credits')[show_credits], p_id)
is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is resp and not is_none:
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url, **kwargs)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp)
if resp:
if show_credits:
pc = []
for c in resp.get('cast') or []:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.id = c['show']['ids'].get('trakt')
ti_show.seriesname = c['show']['title']
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={id_map[src]: _convert_imdb_id(id_map[src], sid)
for src, sid in iteritems(c['show']['ids']) if src in id_map})
ti_show.network = c['show']['network']
ti_show.firstaired = c['show']['first_aired']
ti_show.overview = enforce_type(clean_data(c['show']['overview']), str, '')
ti_show.status = c['show']['status']
ti_show.imdb_id = c['show']['ids'].get('imdb')
ti_show.runtime = c['show']['runtime']
ti_show.genre_list = c['show']['genres']
for ch in c.get('characters') or []:
_ti_character = TVInfoCharacter(name=ch, regular=c.get('series_regular'),
ti_show=ti_show, person=[result],
ti_show.cast[(RoleTypes.ActorGuest, RoleTypes.ActorMain)[
c.get('series_regular', False)]].append(_ti_character)
result.characters = pc
result = self._convert_person_obj(resp)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except TraktMethodNotExisting:
log.debug(f'Person id doesn\'t exist: {p_id}')
except TraktException as e:
log.debug('Could not connect to Trakt service: {ex(e)}')
return result
def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson]
urls, result, ids = [], [], ids or {}
for tv_src in self.supported_person_id_searches:
if tv_src in ids:
if TVINFO_TRAKT == tv_src:
url = '/people/%s?extended=full' % ids.get(tv_src)
elif tv_src in (TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB):
url = '/search/%s/%s?type=person&extended=full&limit=100' % \
(id_map_reverse[tv_src], (ids.get(tv_src), 'nm%07d' % ids.get(tv_src))[TVINFO_IMDB == tv_src])
urls.append((tv_src, ids.get(tv_src), url))
if name:
urls.append(('text', name, '/search/person?query=%s&extended=full&limit=100' % name))
for src, s_id, url in urls:
cache_key_name = 'p-src-%s-%s' % (src, s_id)
is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is resp and not is_none:
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp)
if resp:
for per in (resp, [{'person': resp, 'type': 'person'}])[url.startswith('/people')]:
if 'person' != per['type']:
person = per['person']
if not any(1 for p in result if person['ids']['trakt'] == p.id):
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except TraktException as e:
log.debug('Could not connect to Trakt service: %s' % ex(e))
return result
def _convert_episode(episode_data, show_obj, season_obj):
# type: (Dict, TVInfoShow, TVInfoSeason) -> TVInfoEpisode
ti_episode = TVInfoEpisode(show=show_obj)
ti_episode.season = season_obj
ti_episode.id, ti_episode.episodename, ti_episode.seasonnumber, ti_episode.episodenumber, \
ti_episode.absolute_number, ti_episode.overview, ti_episode.firstaired, ti_episode.runtime, \
ti_episode.rating, ti_episode.vote_count = episode_data.get('ids', {}).get('trakt'), \
clean_data(episode_data.get('title')), episode_data.get('season'), episode_data.get('number'), \
episode_data.get('number_abs'), enforce_type(clean_data(episode_data.get('overview')), str, ''), \
re.sub('T.+$', '', episode_data.get('first_aired') or ''), \
episode_data['runtime'], episode_data.get('rating'), episode_data.get('votes')
if episode_data.get('available_translations'):
ti_episode.language = clean_data(episode_data['available_translations'][0])
ti_episode.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={id_map[src]: _convert_imdb_id(id_map[src], sid)
for src, sid in iteritems(episode_data['ids']) if src in id_map})
return ti_episode
def _convert_show(show_data):
# type: (Dict) -> TVInfoShow
_s_d = (show_data, show_data.get('show'))['show' in show_data]
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.id, ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.overview, ti_show.runtime, ti_show.network, \
ti_show.network_country, ti_show.status, ti_show.genre_list, ti_show.language, ti_show.watcher_count, \
ti_show.play_count, ti_show.collected_count, ti_show.collector_count, ti_show.vote_count, \
ti_show.vote_average, ti_show.rating, ti_show.contentrating, ti_show.official_site, ti_show.slug = \
clean_data(_s_d['title']), _s_d['ids']['trakt'], \
re.sub('T.+$', '', _s_d.get('first_aired') or '') or _s_d.get('year'), \
enforce_type(clean_data(_s_d.get('overview')), str, ''), _s_d.get('runtime'), _s_d.get('network'), \
_s_d.get('country'), _s_d.get('status'), _s_d.get('genres', []), _s_d.get('language'), \
show_data.get('watcher_count'), show_data.get('play_count'), show_data.get('collected_count'), \
show_data.get('collector_count'), _s_d.get('votes'), _s_d.get('rating'), _s_d.get('rating'), \
_s_d.get('certification'), _s_d.get('homepage'), _s_d['ids']['slug']
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={id_map[src]: _convert_imdb_id(id_map[src], sid)
for src, sid in iteritems(_s_d['ids']) if src in id_map})
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or [])
if _s_d.get('trailer'):
ti_show.trailers = {'any': _s_d['trailer']}
if 'episode' in show_data:
ep_data = show_data['episode']
ti_show.next_season_airdate = re.sub('T.+$', '', ep_data.get('first_aired') or '')
ti_season = TVInfoSeason(show=ti_show)
ti_season.number = ep_data['season']
ti_season[ep_data['number']] = TraktIndexer._convert_episode(ep_data, ti_show, ti_season)
ti_show[ep_data['season']] = ti_season
return ti_show
def _get_show_lists(self, url, account=None):
# type: (str, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
result = []
if account:
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if account in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS and TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
kw = {'send_oauth': account}
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
kw = {}
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url, **kw)
if resp:
for _show in resp:
return result
def get_most_played(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most played shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/played/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_most_watched(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most watched shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/watched/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_most_collected(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most collected shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/collected/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_recommended(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most recommended shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/recommended/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_recommended_for_account(self, account, result_count=100, ignore_collected=False, ignore_watchlisted=False,
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most recommended shows for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param ignore_collected: exclude colleded shows
:param ignore_watchlisted: exclude watchlisted shows
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
extra_param = []
if ignore_collected:
if ignore_watchlisted:
return self._get_show_lists('recommendations/shows?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d%s' %
(1, result_count, ('', '&%s' % '&'.join(extra_param))[0 < len(extra_param)]),
def hide_recommended_for_account(self, account, show_ids, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, List[integer_types], Any) -> List[integer_types]
hide recommended show for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param show_ids: list of show_ids to no longer recommend for account
:return: list of added ids
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
if not isinstance(show_ids, list) or not show_ids or any(not isinstance(_i, int) for _i in show_ids):
raise TraktException('list of show_ids (trakt id) required')
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request('users/hidden/recommendations', send_oauth=account,
data={'shows': [{'ids': {'trakt': _i}} for _i in show_ids]})
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and 'added' in resp and 'shows' in resp['added']:
if len(show_ids) == resp['added']['shows']:
return show_ids
if 'not_found' in resp and 'shows' in resp['not_found']:
not_found = [_i['ids']['trakt'] for _i in resp['not_found']['shows']]
not_found = []
return [_i for _i in show_ids if _i not in not_found]
return []
def unhide_recommended_for_account(self, account, show_ids, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, List[integer_types], Any) -> List[integer_types]
unhide recommended show for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param show_ids: list of show_ids to be included in possible recommend for account
:return: list of removed ids
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
if not isinstance(show_ids, list) or not show_ids or any(not isinstance(_i, int) for _i in show_ids):
raise TraktException('list of show_ids (trakt id) required')
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request('users/hidden/recommendations/remove', send_oauth=account,
data={'shows': [{'ids': {'trakt': _i}} for _i in show_ids]})
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and 'deleted' in resp and 'shows' in resp['deleted']:
if len(show_ids) == resp['deleted']['shows']:
return show_ids
if 'not_found' in resp and 'shows' in resp['not_found']:
not_found = [_i['ids']['trakt'] for _i in resp['not_found']['shows']]
not_found = []
return [_i for _i in show_ids if _i not in not_found]
return []
def list_hidden_recommended_for_account(self, account, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
list hidden recommended show for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:return: list of hidden shows
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
return self._get_show_lists('users/hidden/recommendations?type=show', account=account)
def get_watchlisted_for_account(self, account, result_count=100, sort='rank', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get watchlisted shows for the account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param sort: possible values: 'rank', 'added', 'released', 'title'
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
sort = ('rank', sort)[sort in ('rank', 'added', 'released', 'title')]
return self._get_show_lists('users/%s/watchlist/shows/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' %
(TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].slug, sort, 1, result_count), account=account)
def get_anticipated(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most anticipated shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
return self._get_show_lists('shows/anticipated?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (1, result_count))
def get_trending(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get trending shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
return self._get_show_lists('shows/trending?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (1, result_count))
def get_popular(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get all popular shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
return self._get_show_lists('shows/popular?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (1, result_count))
def get_similar(self, tvid, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
return list of similar shows to given id
:param tvid: id to give similar shows for
:param result_count: count of results requested
if not isinstance(tvid, int):
raise TraktException('tvid/trakt id for show required')
return self._get_show_lists('shows/%d/related?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (tvid, 1, result_count))
def get_new_shows(self, result_count=100, start_date=None, days=32, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get new shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param start_date: start date for returned data in format: '2014-09-01'
:param days: number of days to return from start date
if None is start_date:
start_date = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=-16)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return self._get_show_lists('calendars/all/shows/new/%s/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' %
(start_date, days, 1, result_count))
def get_new_seasons(self, result_count=100, start_date=None, days=32, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get new seasons
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param start_date: start date for returned data in format: '2014-09-01'
:param days: number of days to return from start date
if None is start_date:
start_date = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=-16)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return self._get_show_lists('calendars/all/shows/premieres/%s/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' %
(start_date, days, 1, result_count))