mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 23:05:05 +00:00
Cleanup most init warnings. Cleanup some vars, pythonic instead of js. Some typos and python var/func names for Scheduler. Remove legacy handlers deprecated in 2020. Remove some legacy tagged stuff. Cleanup ConfigParser and 23.py Change cleanup vendored scandir. Remove redundant pkg_resources.py in favour of the vendor folder. Remove backports. Remove trakt checker. Change remove redundant WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy from webserveInit. Cleanup varnames and providers Various minor tidy ups to remove ide warnings.
413 lines
17 KiB
413 lines
17 KiB
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement, division
import datetime
import threading
from math import ceil
import sickgear
from . import db, logger, scheduler, search_queue, ui
from .helpers import find_show_by_id
from .providers.generic import GenericProvider
from .search import wanted_episodes
from .sgdatetime import SGDatetime, timestamp_near
from .tv import TVidProdid, TVEpisode, TVShow
from six import iteritems, itervalues, moves
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
class BacklogSearchScheduler(scheduler.Scheduler):
def force_search(self, force_type=NORMAL_BACKLOG):
self.action.forcetype = force_type
self.action.force = True
self.force = True
def next_run(self):
if 1 >= self.action.last_backlog:
return datetime.date.today()
elif (self.action.last_backlog + self.action.cycle_time) < datetime.date.today().toordinal():
return datetime.date.today()
return datetime.date.fromordinal(self.action.last_backlog + self.action.cycle_time)
def next_backlog_timeleft(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
torrent_enabled = 0 < len([x for x in sickgear.providers.sorted_sources() if x.is_active() and
getattr(x, 'enable_backlog', None) and GenericProvider.TORRENT == x.providerType])
if now > self.action.nextBacklog or self.action.nextCyleTime != self.cycle_time:
nextruntime = now + self.time_left()
if not torrent_enabled:
nextpossibleruntime = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.action.last_runtime) +
for _ in moves.xrange(5):
if nextruntime > nextpossibleruntime:
self.action.nextBacklog = nextruntime
self.action.nextCyleTime = self.cycle_time
nextruntime += self.cycle_time
self.action.nextCyleTime = self.cycle_time
self.action.nextBacklog = nextruntime
return self.action.nextBacklog - now if self.action.nextBacklog > now else datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
class BacklogSearcher(object):
def __init__(self):
self.last_backlog = self._get_last_backlog()
self.cycle_time = sickgear.BACKLOG_PERIOD
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.amActive = False # type: bool
self.amPaused = False # type: bool
self.amWaiting = False # type: bool
self.forcetype = NORMAL_BACKLOG # type: int
self.force = False # type: bool
self.nextBacklog = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1) # type: datetime.datetime
self.nextCyleTime = None
self.currentSearchInfo = None
def last_runtime(self):
return self._get_last_runtime()
def _reset_progress_indicator(self):
self.percentDone = 0
self.currentSearchInfo = {'title': 'Initializing'}
def get_progress_indicator(self):
if self.amActive:
return ui.ProgressIndicator(self.percentDone, self.currentSearchInfo)
def am_running(self):
# type: (...) -> bool
logger.log(u'amWaiting: ' + str(self.amWaiting) + ', amActive: ' + str(self.amActive), logger.DEBUG)
return (not self.amWaiting) and self.amActive
def add_backlog_item(self,
items, # type: List[Dict[int, List[TVEpisode]]]
standard_backlog, # type: bool
limited_backlog, # type: bool
forced, # type: bool
torrent_only, # type: bool
prevent_same=False # type: bool
add given list of show items to search backlog queue
:param items: list of episodes to add to search
:param standard_backlog: standard (scheduled) backlog
:param limited_backlog: limited search
:param forced: forced search
:param torrent_only: only torrents
:param prevent_same: prevent same search
for segments in items:
if len(segments):
for season, segment in iteritems(segments): # type: int, List[TVEpisode]
if prevent_same and \
sickgear.search_queue_scheduler.action.is_in_queue(segment[0].show_obj, segment):
self.currentSearchInfo = {'title': segment[0].show_obj.name + ' Season ' + str(season)}
backlog_queue_item = search_queue.BacklogQueueItem(
segment[0].show_obj, segment,
standard_backlog=standard_backlog, limited_backlog=limited_backlog,
forced=forced, torrent_only=torrent_only)
def change_backlog_parts(old_count, new_count):
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM backlogparts')
if sql_result:
current_parts = len(set([s['part'] for s in sql_result]))
parts_count = len(sql_result)
new_part_count = int(ceil(new_count / old_count * current_parts))
parts = int(ceil(parts_count / new_part_count))
# noinspection SqlConstantCondition
cl = ([], [['DELETE FROM backlogparts WHERE 1=1']])[1 < parts_count]
p = new_count - new_part_count
for i, s in enumerate(sql_result):
if 0 == i % parts:
p += 1
cl.append(['INSERT INTO backlogparts (part, indexerid, indexer) VALUES (?,?,?)',
[p, s['indexerid'], s['indexer']]])
if 0 < len(cl):
except (BaseException, Exception):
def providers_active(torrent_only=False, scheduled=False):
# type: (bool, bool) -> bool
Checks if there are any providers active for backlog search
:param torrent_only: only check torrent providers
:param scheduled: scheduled backlog search (can be from webif or scheduler)
:return: any provider is active for given backlog
return 0 < len([x for x in sickgear.providers.sorted_sources() if x.is_active() and
getattr(x, 'enable_backlog', None) and
(not torrent_only or GenericProvider.TORRENT == x.providerType) and
(not scheduled or getattr(x, 'enable_scheduled_backlog', None))])
def search_backlog(self,
which_shows=None, # type: Optional[List[TVShow]]
force_type=NORMAL_BACKLOG, # type: int
force=False, # type: bool
prevent_same=False # type: bool
start backlog for given list of shows or start next scheduled backlog
:param which_shows: optional list of shows to backlog search
:param force_type: type of backlog
:param force: force backlog
:param prevent_same: don't start same search again
:return: nothing
:rtype: None
if self.amActive and not which_shows:
logger.log(u'Backlog is still running, not starting it again', logger.DEBUG)
if which_shows:
show_list = which_shows
standard_backlog = False
show_list = sickgear.showList
standard_backlog = True
now = datetime.datetime.now()
any_torrent_enabled = continued_backlog = False
if not force and standard_backlog and (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
self._get_last_runtime())) < datetime.timedelta(hours=23):
any_torrent_enabled = any(map(
lambda x: x.is_active() and getattr(x, 'enable_backlog', None)
and GenericProvider.TORRENT == x.providerType,
if not any_torrent_enabled:
logger.log('Last scheduled backlog run was within the last day, skipping this run.', logger.DEBUG)
if not self.providers_active(any_torrent_enabled, standard_backlog):
logger.log('No NZB/Torrent provider has active searching enabled in config/Media Providers,'
' cannot start backlog.', logger.WARNING)
self.amActive = True
self.amPaused = False
cur_date = datetime.date.today().toordinal()
from_date = datetime.date.fromordinal(1)
limited_from_date = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=sickgear.BACKLOG_LIMITED_PERIOD)
limited_backlog = False
if standard_backlog and (any_torrent_enabled or sickgear.BACKLOG_NOFULL):
logger.log(u'Running limited backlog for episodes missed during the last %s day(s)' %
from_date = limited_from_date
limited_backlog = True
runparts = []
if standard_backlog and not any_torrent_enabled and sickgear.BACKLOG_NOFULL:
logger.log(u'Skipping automated full backlog search because it is disabled in search settings')
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
if standard_backlog and not any_torrent_enabled and not sickgear.BACKLOG_NOFULL:
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM backlogparts WHERE part in (SELECT MIN(part) FROM backlogparts)')
if sql_result:
sl = []
part_nr = int(sql_result[0]['part'])
for s in sql_result:
show_obj = find_show_by_id({int(s['indexer']): int(s['indexerid'])})
if show_obj:
show_list = sl
continued_backlog = True
my_db.action('DELETE FROM backlogparts WHERE part = ?', [part_nr])
forced = standard_backlog and force_type != NORMAL_BACKLOG
wanted_list = []
for cur_show_obj in show_list:
if not cur_show_obj.paused:
w = wanted_episodes(cur_show_obj, from_date, make_dict=True,
unaired=(sickgear.SEARCH_UNAIRED and not sickgear.UNAIRED_RECENT_SEARCH_ONLY))
if w:
parts = []
if standard_backlog and not any_torrent_enabled and not continued_backlog and not sickgear.BACKLOG_NOFULL:
fullbacklogparts = sum([len(w) for w in wanted_list if w]) // sickgear.BACKLOG_PERIOD
h_part = []
counter = 0
for w in wanted_list: # type: Dict
f = False
for season, segment in iteritems(w): # type: int, List[TVEpisode]
counter += 1
if not f:
f = True
if counter > fullbacklogparts:
counter = 0
h_part = []
if h_part:
if not runparts and parts:
runparts = parts[0]
wanted_list = list(filter(
lambda wi: wi and next(itervalues(wi))[0].show_obj.tvid_prodid in runparts, wanted_list))
limited_wanted_list = []
if standard_backlog and not any_torrent_enabled and runparts:
for cur_show_obj in sickgear.showList:
if not cur_show_obj.paused and cur_show_obj.tvid_prodid not in runparts:
w = wanted_episodes(cur_show_obj, limited_from_date, make_dict=True,
unaired=(sickgear.SEARCH_UNAIRED and not sickgear.UNAIRED_RECENT_SEARCH_ONLY))
if w:
self.add_backlog_item(wanted_list, standard_backlog, limited_backlog, forced, any_torrent_enabled,
if standard_backlog and not any_torrent_enabled and limited_wanted_list:
self.add_backlog_item(limited_wanted_list, standard_backlog, True, forced, any_torrent_enabled)
if standard_backlog and not sickgear.BACKLOG_NOFULL and not any_torrent_enabled and not continued_backlog:
# noinspection SqlConstantCondition
cl = ([], [['DELETE FROM backlogparts WHERE 1=1']])[any(parts)]
for i, l in enumerate(parts):
if 0 == i:
cl += list(map(lambda m: ['INSERT INTO backlogparts (part, indexer, indexerid) VALUES (?,?,?)',
[i + 1] + TVidProdid(m).list], l))
if 0 < len(cl):
# don't consider this an actual backlog search if we only did recent eps
# or if we only did certain shows
if from_date == datetime.date.fromordinal(1) and standard_backlog:
if standard_backlog and not any_torrent_enabled:
self.amActive = False
def _get_last_runtime():
logger.log('Retrieving the last runtime of Backlog from the DB', logger.DEBUG)
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info')
if 0 == len(sql_result):
last_run_time = 1
elif None is sql_result[0]['last_run_backlog'] or '' == sql_result[0]['last_run_backlog']:
last_run_time = 1
last_run_time = int(sql_result[0]['last_run_backlog'])
if last_run_time > int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now())):
last_run_time = 1
return last_run_time
def _set_last_runtime(self, when):
logger.log('Setting the last backlog runtime in the DB to %s' % when, logger.DEBUG)
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info')
if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
when = int(timestamp_near(when))
when = SGDatetime.timestamp_far(when, default=0)
if 0 == len(sql_result):
my_db.action('INSERT INTO info (last_backlog, last_indexer, last_run_backlog) VALUES (?,?,?)', [1, 0, when])
# noinspection SqlConstantCondition
my_db.action('UPDATE info SET last_run_backlog=%s WHERE 1=1' % when)
self.nextBacklog = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1)
def _get_last_backlog(self):
logger.log('Retrieving the last check time from the DB', logger.DEBUG)
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info')
if 0 == len(sql_result):
last_backlog = 1
elif None is sql_result[0]['last_backlog'] or '' == sql_result[0]['last_backlog']:
last_backlog = 1
last_backlog = int(sql_result[0]['last_backlog'])
if last_backlog > datetime.date.today().toordinal():
last_backlog = 1
self.last_backlog = last_backlog
return self.last_backlog
def _set_last_backlog(when):
logger.log('Setting the last backlog in the DB to %s' % when, logger.DEBUG)
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info')
if 0 == len(sql_result):
my_db.action('INSERT INTO info (last_backlog, last_indexer, last_run_backlog) VALUES (?,?,?)',
[str(when), 0, 1])
# noinspection SqlConstantCondition
my_db.action('UPDATE info SET last_backlog=%s WHERE 1=1' % when)
def run(self):
force_type = self.forcetype
force = self.force
self.forcetype = NORMAL_BACKLOG
self.force = False
self.search_backlog(force_type=force_type, force=force)
except (BaseException, Exception):
self.amActive = False