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Object to manage regular expressions, try to optimize the result:
- '(a|b)' => '[ab]'
- '(color red|color blue)' => 'color (red|blue)'
- '([ab]|c)' => '[abc]'
- 'ab' + 'cd' => 'abcd' (one long string)
- [a-z]|[b] => [a-z]
- [a-c]|[a-e] => [a-z]
- [a-c]|[d] => [a-d]
- [a-c]|[d-f] => [a-f]
- str(): convert to string
- repr(): debug string
- a & b: concatenation, eg. "big " & "car" => "big car"
- a + b: alias to a & b
- a | b: a or b, eg. "dog" | "cat" => "dog|cat"
- minLength(): minimum length of matching pattern, "(cat|horse)".minLength() => 3
- maxLength(): maximum length of matching pattern, "(cat|horse)".maxLength() => 5
- createString(): create a regex matching a string
- createRange(): create a regex matching character ranges
- Support Unicode regex (avoid mixing str and unicode types)
- createString("__tax") | parse("__[12]") => group '__'
- Make sure that all RegexXXX() classes are inmutable
- Use singleton for dot, start and end
See also CPAN Regexp::Assemble (Perl module):
import re
import operator
from hachoir.core.tools import makePrintable
def matchSingleValue(regex):
Regex only match one exact string.
>>> matchSingleValue(RegexEmpty())
>>> matchSingleValue(createString("abc"))
>>> matchSingleValue(createRange("a", "b"))
>>> matchSingleValue(createRange("a"))
>>> matchSingleValue(RegexAnd((RegexStart(), createString("abc"))))
cls = regex.__class__
if cls in (RegexEmpty, RegexString, RegexStart, RegexEnd):
return True
if cls == RegexAnd:
return all(matchSingleValue(item) for item in regex)
if cls == RegexRange:
return len(regex.ranges) == 1 and len(regex.ranges[0]) == 1
return False
def escapeRegex(text):
Escape string to use it in a regular expression:
prefix special characters « ^.+*?{}[]|()\$ » by an antislash.
return re.sub(r"([][^.+*?{}|()\\$])", r"\\\1", text)
def _join(func, regex_list):
if not isinstance(regex_list, (tuple, list)):
regex_list = list(regex_list)
if len(regex_list) == 0:
return RegexEmpty()
regex = regex_list[0]
for item in regex_list[1:]:
regex = func(regex, item)
return regex
def createString(text):
>>> createString('')
<RegexEmpty ''>
>>> createString('abc')
<RegexString 'abc'>
if text:
return RegexString(text)
return RegexEmpty()
def createRange(*text, **kw):
Create a regex range using character list.
>>> createRange("a", "d", "b")
<RegexRange '[abd]'>
>>> createRange("-", "9", "4", "3", "0")
<RegexRange '[0349-]'>
ranges = (RegexRangeCharacter(item) for item in text)
return RegexRange(ranges, kw.get('exclude', False))
class Regex:
Abstract class defining a regular expression atom
def minLength(self):
Maximum length in characters of the regex.
Returns None if there is no limit.
raise NotImplementedError()
def maxLength(self):
Maximum length in characters of the regex.
Returns None if there is no limit.
return self.minLength()
def __str__(self, **kw):
if not hasattr(self, "_str_value"):
self._str_value = {}
key = kw.get('python', False)
if key not in self._str_value:
self._str_value[key] = self._str(**kw)
return self._str_value[key]
def _str(self, **kw):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __repr__(self, **kw):
regex = self.__str__(**kw)
regex = makePrintable(regex, 'ASCII')
return "<%s '%s'>" % (
self.__class__.__name__, regex)
def __contains__(self, item):
raise NotImplementedError()
def match(self, other):
Guess if self may matchs regex.
May returns False even if self does match regex.
if self == other:
return True
return self._match(other)
def _match(self, other):
Does regex match other regex?
Eg. "." matchs "0" or "[a-z]" but "0" doesn't match ".".
This function is used by match() which already check regex identity.
return False
def _and(self, regex):
Create new optimized version of a+b.
Returns None if there is no interesting optimization.
return None
def __and__(self, regex):
Create new optimized version of a & b.
Returns None if there is no interesting optimization.
>>> RegexEmpty() & RegexString('a')
<RegexString 'a'>
if regex.__class__ == RegexEmpty:
return self
new_regex = self._and(regex)
if new_regex:
return new_regex
return RegexAnd((self, regex))
def __add__(self, regex):
return self.__and__(regex)
def or_(self, other):
Create new optimized version of a|b.
Returns None if there is no interesting optimization.
# (a|a) => a
if self == other:
return self
# a matchs b => a
if self._match(other):
return self
# b matchs a => b
if other._match(self):
return other
# Try to optimize (a|b)
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
new_regex = self._or_(other, False)
if new_regex:
return new_regex
# Try to optimize (b|a)
new_regex = other._or_(self, True)
if new_regex:
return new_regex
return None
return self._or_(other, False)
def _or_(self, other, reverse):
Try to create optimized version of self|other if reverse if False,
or of other|self if reverse if True.
return None
def __or__(self, other):
Public method of OR operator: a|b. It call or_() internal method.
If or_() returns None: RegexOr object is used (and otherwise,
use or_() result).
# Try to optimize (a|b)
new_regex = self.or_(other)
if new_regex:
return new_regex
# Else use (a|b)
return RegexOr((self, other))
def __eq__(self, regex):
if self.__class__ != regex.__class__:
return False
return self._eq(regex)
def _eq(self, other):
Check if two objects of the same class are equals
raise NotImplementedError(
"Class %s has no method _eq()" % self.__class__.__name__)
def compile(self, **kw):
return re.compile(self.__str__(**kw))
def findPrefix(self, regex):
Try to create a common prefix between two regex.
Eg. "abc" and "abd" => "ab"
Return None if no prefix can be found.
return None
def __iter__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class RegexEmpty(Regex):
def minLength(self):
return 0
def _str(self, **kw):
return ''
def _and(self, other):
return other
def _eq(self, other):
return True
class RegexWord(RegexEmpty):
def _and(self, other):
if other.__class__ == RegexWord:
return self
return None
def _str(self, **kw):
return r'\b'
class RegexStart(RegexEmpty):
def _and(self, other):
if other.__class__ == RegexStart:
return self
return None
def _str(self, **kw):
return '^'
class RegexEnd(RegexStart):
def _and(self, other):
if other.__class__ == RegexEnd:
return self
return None
def _str(self, **kw):
return '$'
class RegexDot(Regex):
def minLength(self):
return 1
def _str(self, **kw):
return '.'
def _match(self, other):
if other.__class__ == RegexRange:
return True
if other.__class__ == RegexString and len(other.text) == 1:
return True
return False
def _eq(self, other):
return True
class RegexString(Regex):
def __init__(self, text=""):
assert isinstance(text, str)
self.text = text
assert 1 <= len(self.text)
def minLength(self):
return len(self.text)
def _and(self, regex):
>>> RegexString('a') + RegexString('b')
<RegexString 'ab'>
if regex.__class__ == RegexString:
return RegexString(self.text + regex.text)
return None
def _str(self, **kw):
return escapeRegex(self.text)
def findPrefix(self, regex):
Try to find a common prefix of two string regex, returns:
- None if there is no common prefix
- (prefix, regexa, regexb) otherwise => prefix + (regexa|regexb)
>>> RegexString('color red').findPrefix(RegexString('color blue'))
(<RegexString 'color '>, <RegexString 'red'>, <RegexString 'blue'>)
if regex.__class__ != RegexString:
return None
texta = self.text
textb = regex.text
# '(a|b)' => '[ab]'
if len(texta) == len(textb) == 1:
return (createRange(texta, textb), RegexEmpty(), RegexEmpty())
# '(text abc|text def)' => 'text (abc|def)'
common = None
for length in range(1, min(len(texta), len(textb)) + 1):
if textb.startswith(texta[:length]):
common = length
if not common:
return None
return (RegexString(texta[:common]), createString(texta[common:]), createString(textb[common:]))
def _or_(self, other, reverse):
Remove duplicate:
>>> RegexString("color") | RegexString("color")
<RegexString 'color'>
Group prefix:
>>> RegexString("color red") | RegexString("color blue")
<RegexAnd 'color (red|blue)'>
>>> RegexString("color red") | RegexString("color")
<RegexAnd 'color( red|)'>
# Don't know any other optimization for str|other
if other.__class__ != RegexString:
return None
# Find common prefix
common = self.findPrefix(other)
if common:
if not reverse:
regex = common[1] | common[2]
regex = common[2] | common[1]
return common[0] + regex
return None
def _eq(self, other):
return self.text == other.text
class RegexRangeItem:
def __init__(self, cmin, cmax=None):
self.cmin = cmin
if cmax is not None:
self.cmax = cmax
self.cmax = cmin
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("RegexRangeItem: two characters expected (%s, %s) found" % (
type(cmin), type(cmax)))
if self.cmax < self.cmin:
raise TypeError("RegexRangeItem: minimum (%u) is bigger than maximum (%u)" %
(self.cmin, self.cmax))
def __len__(self):
return (self.cmax - self.cmin + 1)
def __contains__(self, value):
assert issubclass(value.__class__, RegexRangeItem)
return (self.cmin <= value.cmin) and (value.cmax <= self.cmax)
def __str__(self, **kw):
cmin = chr(self.cmin)
if self.cmin != self.cmax:
cmax = chr(self.cmax)
if (self.cmin + 1) == self.cmax:
return "%s%s" % (cmin, cmax)
return "%s-%s" % (cmin, cmax)
return cmin
def __repr__(self):
return "<RegexRangeItem %u-%u>" % (self.cmin, self.cmax)
class RegexRangeCharacter(RegexRangeItem):
def __init__(self, char):
RegexRangeItem.__init__(self, ord(char), ord(char))
class RegexRange(Regex):
def __init__(self, ranges, exclude=False, optimize=True):
if optimize:
self.ranges = []
for item in ranges:
RegexRange.rangeAdd(self.ranges, item)
self.ranges.sort(key=lambda item: item.cmin)
self.ranges = tuple(ranges)
self.exclude = exclude
def rangeAdd(ranges, itemb):
Add a value in a RegexRangeItem() list:
remove duplicates and merge ranges when it's possible.
new = None
for index, itema in enumerate(ranges):
if itema in itemb:
# [b] + [a-c] => [a-c]
new = itemb
elif itemb in itema:
# [a-c] + [b] => [a-c]
elif (itemb.cmax + 1) == itema.cmin:
# [d-f] + [a-c] => [a-f]
new = RegexRangeItem(itemb.cmin, itema.cmax)
elif (itema.cmax + 1) == itemb.cmin:
# [a-c] + [d-f] => [a-f]
new = RegexRangeItem(itema.cmin, itemb.cmax)
if new:
del ranges[index]
RegexRange.rangeAdd(ranges, new)
def minLength(self):
return 1
def _match(self, other):
>>> createRange("a") | createRange("b")
<RegexRange '[ab]'>
>>> createRange("a", "b", exclude=True) | createRange("a", "c", exclude=True)
<RegexRange '[^a-c]'>
if not self.exclude and other.__class__ == RegexString and len(other.text) == 1:
branges = (RegexRangeCharacter(other.text),)
elif other.__class__ == RegexRange and self.exclude == other.exclude:
branges = other.ranges
return None
for itemb in branges:
if not any(itemb in itema for itema in self.ranges):
return False
return True
def _or_(self, other, reverse):
>>> createRange("a") | createRange("b")
<RegexRange '[ab]'>
>>> createRange("a", "b", exclude=True) | createRange("a", "c", exclude=True)
<RegexRange '[^a-c]'>
if not self.exclude and other.__class__ == RegexString and len(other.text) == 1:
branges = (RegexRangeCharacter(other.text),)
elif other.__class__ == RegexRange and self.exclude == other.exclude:
branges = other.ranges
return None
ranges = list(self.ranges)
for itemb in branges:
RegexRange.rangeAdd(ranges, itemb)
return RegexRange(ranges, self.exclude, optimize=False)
def _str(self, **kw):
content = [str(item) for item in self.ranges]
if "-" in content:
suffix = "-"
suffix = ""
if "]" in content:
prefix = "]"
prefix = ""
text = prefix + (''.join(content)) + suffix
if self.exclude:
return "[^%s]" % text
return "[%s]" % text
def _eq(self, other):
if self.exclude != other.exclude:
return False
return self.ranges == other.ranges
class RegexAnd(Regex):
def __init__(self, items):
self.content = list(items)
assert 2 <= len(self.content)
def _minmaxLength(self, lengths):
total = 0
for length in lengths:
if length is None:
return None
total += length
return total
def minLength(self):
>>> regex=((RegexString('a') | RegexString('bcd')) + RegexString('z'))
>>> regex.minLength()
return self._minmaxLength(regex.minLength() for regex in self.content)
def maxLength(self):
>>> regex=RegexOr((RegexString('a'), RegexString('bcd')))
>>> RegexAnd((regex, RegexString('z'))).maxLength()
return self._minmaxLength(regex.maxLength() for regex in self.content)
def _or_(self, other, reverse):
if other.__class__ == RegexString:
contentb = [other]
elif other.__class__ == RegexAnd:
contentb = other.content
return None
contenta = self.content
if reverse:
contenta, contentb = contentb, contenta
# Find common prefix
# eg. (ab|ac) => a(b|c) and (abc|abd) => ab(c|d)
index = 0
last_index = min(len(contenta), len(contentb))
while index < last_index and contenta[index] == contentb[index]:
index += 1
if index:
regex = RegexAnd.join(
contenta[index:]) | RegexAnd.join(contentb[index:])
return RegexAnd.join(contenta[:index]) + regex
# Find common prefix: (abc|aef) => a(bc|ef)
common = contenta[0].findPrefix(contentb[0])
if common:
regexa = common[1] & RegexAnd.join(contenta[1:])
regexb = common[2] & RegexAnd.join(contentb[1:])
regex = (regexa | regexb)
if matchSingleValue(common[0]) or matchSingleValue(regex):
return common[0] + regex
return None
def _and(self, regex):
>>> RegexDot() + RegexDot()
<RegexAnd '..'>
>>> RegexDot() + RegexString('a') + RegexString('b')
<RegexAnd '.ab'>
if regex.__class__ == RegexAnd:
total = self
for item in regex.content:
total = total + item
return total
new_item = self.content[-1]._and(regex)
if new_item:
self.content[-1] = new_item
return self
return RegexAnd(self.content + [regex])
def _str(self, **kw):
return ''.join(item.__str__(**kw) for item in self.content)
def join(cls, regex):
>>> RegexAnd.join( (RegexString('Big '), RegexString('fish')) )
<RegexString 'Big fish'>
return _join(operator.__and__, regex)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.content)
def _eq(self, other):
if len(self.content) != len(other.content):
return False
return all(item[0] == item[1] for item in zip(self.content, other.content))
class RegexOr(Regex):
def __init__(self, items, optimize=True):
if optimize:
self.content = []
for item in items:
if item in self:
self.content = tuple(items)
assert 2 <= len(self.content)
def __contains__(self, regex):
for item in self.content:
if item == regex:
return True
return False
def _or_(self, other, reverse):
>>> (RegexString("abc") | RegexString("123")) | (RegexString("plop") | RegexString("456"))
<RegexOr '(abc|123|plop|456)'>
>>> RegexString("mouse") | createRange('a') | RegexString("2006") | createRange('z')
<RegexOr '(mouse|[az]|2006)'>
if other.__class__ == RegexOr:
total = self
for item in other.content:
total = total | item
return total
for index, item in enumerate(self.content):
new_item = item.or_(other)
if new_item:
content = list(self.content)
content = content[:index] + [new_item] + content[index + 1:]
return RegexOr(content, optimize=False)
if not reverse:
content = list(self.content) + [other]
content = [other] + list(self.content)
return RegexOr(content, optimize=False)
def _str(self, **kw):
content = '|'.join(item.__str__(**kw) for item in self.content)
if kw.get('python', False):
return "(?:%s)" % content
return "(%s)" % content
def _minmaxLength(self, lengths, func):
value = None
for length in lengths:
if length is None:
return None
if value is None:
value = length
value = func(value, length)
return value
def minLength(self):
lengths = (regex.minLength() for regex in self.content)
return self._minmaxLength(lengths, min)
def maxLength(self):
lengths = (regex.maxLength() for regex in self.content)
return self._minmaxLength(lengths, max)
def join(cls, regex):
>>> RegexOr.join( (RegexString('a'), RegexString('b'), RegexString('c')) )
<RegexRange '[a-c]'>
return _join(operator.__or__, regex)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.content)
def _eq(self, other):
if len(self.content) != len(other.content):
return False
return all(item[0] == item[1] for item in zip(self.content, other.content))
def optimizeRepeatOr(rmin, rmax, regex):
# Fix rmin/rmax
for item in regex:
cls = item.__class__
if cls == RegexEmpty:
# (a|b|){x,y} => (a|b){0,y}
rmin = 0
elif cls == RegexRepeat:
# (a{0,n}|b){x,y} => (a{1,n}|b){0,y}
if item.min == 0 and rmin == 1:
rmin = 0
# Create new (optimized) RegexOr expression
content = []
for item in regex:
cls = item.__class__
if cls == RegexEmpty:
# (a|){x,y} => a{0,y}
if cls == RegexRepeat:
if item.min == 0:
if rmin in (0, 1):
if rmax is item.max is None:
# (a*|b){x,} => (a|b){x,}
item = item.regex
# (a{0,p}|b){x,} => (a{1,p}|b){x,}
item = RegexRepeat(
item.regex, 1, item.max, optimize=False)
elif item.min == 1:
if rmax is item.max is None:
# (a+|b){x,} => (a|b){x,}
item = item.regex
if rmax is item.max is None:
# (a{n,}|b){x,} => (a{n}|b){x,}
item = RegexRepeat(item.regex, item.min,
item.min, optimize=False)
regex = RegexOr.join(content)
return (rmin, rmax, regex)
class RegexRepeat(Regex):
>>> a=createString('a')
>>> RegexRepeat(a, 0, None)
<RegexRepeat 'a*'>
>>> RegexRepeat(a, 1, None)
<RegexRepeat 'a+'>
>>> RegexRepeat(a, 0, 1)
<RegexRepeat 'a?'>
>>> RegexRepeat(a, 0, 1)
<RegexRepeat 'a?'>
>>> RegexRepeat(a, 1, 3)
<RegexRepeat 'a{1,3}'>
def __init__(self, regex, rmin, rmax, optimize=True):
# Optimisations
if optimize:
cls = regex.__class__
if cls == RegexRepeat:
# (a{n,p}){x,y) => a{n*x,p*y}
if not (rmin == 0 and rmax == 1):
rmin *= regex.min
if regex.max and rmax:
rmax *= regex.max
rmax = None
regex = regex.regex
elif cls == RegexOr:
rmin, rmax, regex = optimizeRepeatOr(rmin, rmax, regex)
# Store attributes
self.regex = regex
self.min = rmin
self.max = rmax
# Post-conditions
assert 0 <= rmin
if self.max is not None:
if self.max < self.min:
raise ValueError(
"RegexRepeat: minimum (%s) is bigger than maximum (%s)!" % (self.min, self.max))
if (self.max == 0) \
or (self.min == self.max == 1):
raise ValueError(
"RegexRepeat: invalid values (min=%s, max=%s)!" % (self.min, self.max))
def minLength(self):
>>> r=RegexRepeat(createString("abc") | createString("01"), 1, 3)
>>> r.minLength(), r.maxLength()
(2, 9)
>>> r=RegexRepeat(createString("abc") | createString("01"), 4, None)
>>> r.minLength(), r.maxLength()
(8, None)
if self.min is not None:
return self.regex.minLength() * self.min
return None
def maxLength(self):
if self.max is not None:
return self.regex.maxLength() * self.max
return None
def _str(self, **kw):
text = str(self.regex)
if self.regex.__class__ == RegexAnd \
or (self.regex.__class__ == RegexString and 1 < len(self.regex.text)):
text = "(%s)" % text
if self.min == 0 and self.max == 1:
return "%s?" % text
if self.min == self.max:
return "%s{%u}" % (text, self.min)
if self.max is None:
if self.min == 0:
return "%s*" % text
elif self.min == 1:
return "%s+" % text
return "%s{%u,}" % (text, self.min)
return "%s{%u,%u}" % (text, self.min, self.max)
def _eq(self, other):
if self.min != other.min:
return False
if self.max != other.max:
return False
return (self.regex == other.regex)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest