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# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime
import os
import re
from . import generic
from .. import logger
import sg_helpers
from lib.tvinfo_base.exceptions import *
import sickgear
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import encodingKludge as ek
import exceptions_helper
from exceptions_helper import ex
from lxml_etree import etree
from six import iteritems
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import AnyStr, Optional, Tuple, Union
class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
Metadata generation class for Media Browser 2.x/3.x - Standard Mode.
The following file structure is used:
show_root/series.xml (show metadata)
show_root/folder.jpg (poster)
show_root/backdrop.jpg (fanart)
show_root/Season ##/folder.jpg (season thumb)
show_root/Season ##/filename.ext (*)
show_root/Season ##/metadata/filename.xml (episode metadata)
show_root/Season ##/metadata/filename.jpg (episode thumb)
def __init__(self,
show_metadata=False, # type: bool
episode_metadata=False, # type: bool
use_fanart=False, # type: bool
use_poster=False, # type: bool
use_banner=False, # type: bool
episode_thumbnails=False, # type: bool
season_posters=False, # type: bool
season_banners=False, # type: bool
season_all_poster=False, # type: bool
season_all_banner=False # type: bool
self.name = 'MediaBrowser' # type: AnyStr
self._ep_nfo_extension = 'xml' # type: AnyStr
self._show_metadata_filename = 'series.xml' # type: AnyStr
self.fanart_name = "backdrop.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.poster_name = "folder.jpg" # type: AnyStr
# web-ui metadata template
self.eg_show_metadata = "series.xml" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_episode_metadata = "Season##\\metadata\\<i>filename</i>.xml" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_fanart = "backdrop.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_poster = "folder.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_banner = "banner.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_episode_thumbnails = "Season##\\metadata\\<i>filename</i>.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_season_posters = "Season##\\folder.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_season_banners = "Season##\\banner.jpg" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_season_all_poster = "<i>not supported</i>" # type: AnyStr
self.eg_season_all_banner = "<i>not supported</i>" # type: AnyStr
# Override with empty methods for unsupported features
def retrieveShowMetadata(self, folder):
# type: (AnyStr) -> Tuple[None, None, None]
# while show metadata is generated, it is not supported for our lookup
return None, None, None
def create_season_all_poster(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> None
def create_season_all_banner(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> None
def get_episode_file_path(self, ep_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVEpisode) -> AnyStr
Returns a full show dir/metadata/episode.xml path for MediaBrowser
episode metadata files
ep_obj: a TVEpisode object to get the path for
if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, ep_obj.location):
xml_file_name = sg_helpers.replace_extension(ek.ek(os.path.basename, ep_obj.location), self._ep_nfo_extension)
metadata_dir_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, ek.ek(os.path.dirname, ep_obj.location), 'metadata')
xml_file_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, metadata_dir_name, xml_file_name)
logger.log(u"Episode location doesn't exist: " + str(ep_obj.location), logger.DEBUG)
return ''
return xml_file_path
def get_episode_thumb_path(self, ep_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVEpisode) -> AnyStr
Returns a full show dir/metadata/episode.jpg path for MediaBrowser
episode thumbs.
ep_obj: a TVEpisode object to get the path from
if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, ep_obj.location):
metadata_dir_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, ek.ek(os.path.dirname, ep_obj.location), 'metadata')
tbn_file_name = sg_helpers.replace_extension(ek.ek(os.path.basename, ep_obj.location), 'jpg')
return ek.ek(os.path.join, metadata_dir_name, tbn_file_name)
def get_season_poster_path(self, show_obj, season):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, int) -> Optional[AnyStr]
Season thumbs for MediaBrowser go in Show Dir/Season X/folder.jpg
If no season folder exists, None is returned
dir_list = [x for x in ek.ek(os.listdir, show_obj.location) if
ek.ek(os.path.isdir, ek.ek(os.path.join, show_obj.location, x))]
season_dir_regex = r'^Season\s+(\d+)$'
season_dir = None
for cur_dir in dir_list:
# MediaBrowser 1.x only supports 'Specials'
# MediaBrowser 2.x looks to only support 'Season 0'
# MediaBrowser 3.x looks to mimic XBMC/Plex support
if 0 == season and "Specials" == cur_dir:
season_dir = cur_dir
match = re.match(season_dir_regex, cur_dir, re.I)
if not match:
cur_season = int(match.group(1))
if cur_season == season:
season_dir = cur_dir
if not season_dir:
logger.log(u"Unable to find a season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
return None
logger.log(u"Using " + str(season_dir) + "/folder.jpg as season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
return ek.ek(os.path.join, show_obj.location, season_dir, 'folder.jpg')
def get_season_banner_path(self, show_obj, season):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, int) -> Optional[AnyStr]
Season thumbs for MediaBrowser go in Show Dir/Season X/banner.jpg
If no season folder exists, None is returned
dir_list = [x for x in ek.ek(os.listdir, show_obj.location) if
ek.ek(os.path.isdir, ek.ek(os.path.join, show_obj.location, x))]
season_dir_regex = r'^Season\s+(\d+)$'
season_dir = None
for cur_dir in dir_list:
# MediaBrowser 1.x only supports 'Specials'
# MediaBrowser 2.x looks to only support 'Season 0'
# MediaBrowser 3.x looks to mimic XBMC/Plex support
if 0 == season and "Specials" == cur_dir:
season_dir = cur_dir
match = re.match(season_dir_regex, cur_dir, re.I)
if not match:
cur_season = int(match.group(1))
if cur_season == season:
season_dir = cur_dir
if not season_dir:
logger.log(u"Unable to find a season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
return None
logger.log(u"Using " + str(season_dir) + "/banner.jpg as season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
return ek.ek(os.path.join, show_obj.location, season_dir, 'banner.jpg')
def _show_data(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> Optional[Union[bool, etree.Element]]
Creates an elementTree XML structure for a MediaBrowser-style series.xml
returns the resulting data object.
show_obj: a TVShow instance to create the NFO for
show_lang = show_obj.lang
# There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
# change the language value elsewhere
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['actors'] = True
if show_lang and not 'en' == show_lang:
tvinfo_config['language'] = show_lang
if 0 != show_obj.dvdorder:
tvinfo_config['dvdorder'] = True
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
tv_node = etree.Element("Series")
show_info = t[int(show_obj.prodid)]
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
logger.log("Unable to find show with id %s on %s, skipping it" %
(show_obj.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
raise e
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log("%s is down, can't use its data to make the NFO" % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name,
raise e
if not self._valid_show(show_info, show_obj):
# check for title and id
if None is getattr(show_info, 'seriesname', None) or None is getattr(show_info, 'id', None):
logger.log("Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it" %
(show_obj.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
return False
prodid = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "id")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'id', None):
prodid.text = str(show_info['id'])
tvid = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "indexer")
if None is not show_obj.tvid:
tvid.text = str(show_obj.tvid)
SeriesName = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "SeriesName")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'seriesname', None):
SeriesName.text = '%s' % show_info['seriesname']
Status = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Status")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'status', None):
Status.text = '%s' % show_info['status']
Network = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Network")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'network', None):
Network.text = '%s' % show_info['network']
Airs_Time = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Airs_Time")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'airs_time', None):
Airs_Time.text = '%s' % show_info['airs_time']
Airs_DayOfWeek = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Airs_DayOfWeek")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'airs_dayofweek', None):
Airs_DayOfWeek.text = '%s' % show_info['airs_dayofweek']
FirstAired = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "FirstAired")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'firstaired', None):
FirstAired.text = '%s' % show_info['firstaired']
ContentRating = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "ContentRating")
MPAARating = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "MPAARating")
certification = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "certification")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'contentrating', None):
ContentRating.text = '%s' % show_info['contentrating']
MPAARating.text = '%s' % show_info['contentrating']
certification.text = '%s' % show_info['contentrating']
MetadataType = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Type")
MetadataType.text = "Series"
Overview = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Overview")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'overview', None):
Overview.text = '%s' % show_info['overview']
PremiereDate = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "PremiereDate")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'firstaired', None):
PremiereDate.text = '%s' % show_info['firstaired']
Rating = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Rating")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'rating', None):
Rating.text = '%s' % show_info['rating']
ProductionYear = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "ProductionYear")
year_text = self.get_show_year(show_obj, show_info)
if year_text:
ProductionYear.text = '%s' % year_text
RunningTime = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "RunningTime")
Runtime = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Runtime")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'runtime', None):
RunningTime.text = '%s' % show_info['runtime']
Runtime.text = '%s' % show_info['runtime']
IMDB_ID = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "IMDB_ID")
IMDB = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "IMDB")
IMDbId = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "IMDbId")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'imdb_id', None):
IMDB_ID.text = '%s' % show_info['imdb_id']
IMDB.text = '%s' % show_info['imdb_id']
IMDbId.text = '%s' % show_info['imdb_id']
Zap2ItId = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Zap2ItId")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'zap2it_id', None):
Zap2ItId.text = '%s' % show_info['zap2it_id']
Genres = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Genres")
for genre in show_info['genre'].split('|'):
if genre:
cur_genre = etree.SubElement(Genres, "Genre")
cur_genre.text = '%s' % genre
Genre = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Genre")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'genre', None):
Genre.text = "|".join([x for x in show_info["genre"].split('|') if x])
Studios = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "Studios")
Studio = etree.SubElement(Studios, "Studio")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'network', None):
Studio.text = '%s' % show_info['network']
Persons = etree.SubElement(tv_node, 'Persons')
for actor in getattr(show_info, 'actors', []):
cur_actor = etree.SubElement(Persons, 'Person')
cur_actor_name = etree.SubElement(cur_actor, 'Name')
cur_actor_name.text = '%s' % actor['person']['name']
cur_actor_type = etree.SubElement(cur_actor, 'Type')
cur_actor_type.text = 'Actor'
cur_actor_role = etree.SubElement(cur_actor, 'Role')
cur_actor_role_text = '%s' % actor['character']['name']
if cur_actor_role_text:
cur_actor_role.text = '%s' % cur_actor_role_text
data = etree.ElementTree(tv_node)
return data
def _ep_data(self, ep_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVEpisode) -> Optional[Union[bool, etree.Element]]
Creates an elementTree XML structure for a MediaBrowser style episode.xml
and returns the resulting data object.
show_obj: a TVShow instance to create the NFO for
ep_obj_list_to_write = [ep_obj] + ep_obj.related_ep_obj
persons_dict = {'Director': [], 'GuestStar': [], 'Writer': []}
show_lang = ep_obj.show_obj.lang
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['actors'] = True
if show_lang and not 'en' == show_lang:
tvinfo_config['language'] = show_lang
if 0 != ep_obj.show_obj.dvdorder:
tvinfo_config['dvdorder'] = True
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
show_info = t[ep_obj.show_obj.prodid]
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log("Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s" %
(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
return False
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
rootNode = etree.Element("Item")
# write an MediaBrowser XML containing info for all matching episodes
for cur_ep_obj in ep_obj_list_to_write:
ep_info = show_info[cur_ep_obj.season][cur_ep_obj.episode]
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log("Unable to find episode %sx%s on %s.. has it been removed? Should I delete from db?" %
(cur_ep_obj.season, cur_ep_obj.episode, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name))
return None
if cur_ep_obj == ep_obj:
# root (or single) episode
# default to today's date for specials if firstaired is not set
if None is getattr(ep_info, 'firstaired', None) and 0 == ep_obj.season:
ep_info['firstaired'] = str(datetime.date.fromordinal(1))
if None is getattr(ep_info, 'episodename', None) or None is getattr(ep_info, 'firstaired', None):
return None
episode = rootNode
EpisodeName = etree.SubElement(episode, "EpisodeName")
if None is not cur_ep_obj.name:
EpisodeName.text = '%s' % cur_ep_obj.name
EpisodeName.text = ""
EpisodeNumber = etree.SubElement(episode, "EpisodeNumber")
EpisodeNumber.text = str(ep_obj.episode)
if ep_obj.related_ep_obj:
EpisodeNumberEnd = etree.SubElement(episode, "EpisodeNumberEnd")
EpisodeNumberEnd.text = str(cur_ep_obj.episode)
SeasonNumber = etree.SubElement(episode, "SeasonNumber")
SeasonNumber.text = str(cur_ep_obj.season)
if not ep_obj.related_ep_obj:
absolute_number = etree.SubElement(episode, "absolute_number")
if None is not getattr(ep_info, 'absolute_number', None):
absolute_number.text = '%s' % ep_info['absolute_number']
FirstAired = etree.SubElement(episode, "FirstAired")
if cur_ep_obj.airdate != datetime.date.fromordinal(1):
FirstAired.text = str(cur_ep_obj.airdate)
FirstAired.text = ""
MetadataType = etree.SubElement(episode, "Type")
MetadataType.text = "Episode"
Overview = etree.SubElement(episode, "Overview")
if None is not cur_ep_obj.description:
Overview.text = '%s' % cur_ep_obj.description
Overview.text = ""
if not ep_obj.related_ep_obj:
Rating = etree.SubElement(episode, "Rating")
if None is not getattr(ep_info, 'rating', None):
Rating.text = '%s' % ep_info['rating']
IMDB_ID = etree.SubElement(episode, "IMDB_ID")
IMDB = etree.SubElement(episode, "IMDB")
IMDbId = etree.SubElement(episode, "IMDbId")
if None is not getattr(show_info, 'imdb_id', None):
IMDB_ID.text = '%s' % show_info['imdb_id']
IMDB.text = '%s' % show_info['imdb_id']
IMDbId.text = '%s' % show_info['imdb_id']
prodid = etree.SubElement(episode, "id")
prodid.text = str(cur_ep_obj.show_obj.prodid)
tvid = etree.SubElement(episode, "indexer")
tvid.text = str(cur_ep_obj.show_obj.tvid)
Persons = etree.SubElement(episode, "Persons")
Language = etree.SubElement(episode, "Language")
Language.text = '%s' % cur_ep_obj.show_obj.lang
except (BaseException, Exception):
Language.text = 'en' # tvrage api doesn't provide language so we must assume a value here
thumb = etree.SubElement(episode, "filename")
# TODO: See what this is needed for.. if its still needed
# just write this to the NFO regardless of whether it actually exists or not
# note: renaming files after nfo generation will break this, tough luck
thumb_text = self.get_episode_thumb_path(ep_obj)
if thumb_text:
thumb.text = '%s' % thumb_text
# append data from (if any) related episodes
EpisodeNumberEnd.text = str(cur_ep_obj.episode)
if cur_ep_obj.name:
if not EpisodeName.text:
EpisodeName.text = '%s' % cur_ep_obj.name
EpisodeName.text = '%s, %s' % (EpisodeName.text, cur_ep_obj.name)
if cur_ep_obj.description:
if not Overview.text:
Overview.text = '%s' % cur_ep_obj.description
Overview.text = '%s\r%s' % (Overview.text, cur_ep_obj.description)
# collect all directors, guest stars and writers
if None is not getattr(ep_info, 'director', None):
persons_dict['Director'] += [x.strip() for x in ep_info['director'].split('|') if x]
if None is not getattr(ep_info, 'gueststars', None):
persons_dict['GuestStar'] += [x.strip() for x in ep_info['gueststars'].split('|') if x]
if None is not getattr(ep_info, 'writer', None):
persons_dict['Writer'] += [x.strip() for x in ep_info['writer'].split('|') if x]
# fill in Persons section with collected directors, guest starts and writers
for person_type, names in iteritems(persons_dict):
# remove doubles
names = list(set(names))
for cur_name in names:
Person = etree.SubElement(Persons, "Person")
cur_person_name = etree.SubElement(Person, "Name")
cur_person_name.text = '%s' % cur_name
cur_person_type = etree.SubElement(Person, "Type")
cur_person_type.text = '%s' % person_type
data = etree.ElementTree(rootNode)
return data
# present a standard "interface" from the module
metadata_class = MediaBrowserMetadata