mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 10:55:02 +00:00
570 lines
20 KiB
570 lines
20 KiB
#import sickbeard
#import datetime
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime, network_timezones
#set global $title = 'Home'
#set global $header = 'Show List'
#set global $sbPath = '..'
#set global $topmenu = 'home'
#set global $page_body_attr = 'show-list'
#import os.path
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
id: 'loadingNames',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
if (s.indexOf('Loading...') == 0)
return s.replace('Loading...', '000');
#if not $sickbeard.SORT_ARTICLE
return (s || '').replace(/^(?:(?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)/i, '$1');
return (s || '');
#end if
type: 'text'
id: 'quality',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
return s.replace('hd1080p',5).replace('hd720p',4).replace('hd',3).replace('sd',2).replace('any',1).replace('custom',7);
type: 'numeric'
#for $curShowlist in $showlists
#set $curListID = $curShowlist[0]
#if 'poster' != $layout
\$('#$curListID:has(tbody tr)').tablesorter({
sortList: [[5,1],[1,0]],
textExtraction: {
0: function(node) { return \$(node).find('span').text().toLowerCase(); },
2: function(node) { return \$(node).find('span').text().toLowerCase(); },
3: function(node) { return \$(node).find('span').text().toLowerCase(); },
4: function(node) { return \$(node).find('span').attr('data-progress'); },
5: function(node) { return \$(node).find('i').attr('alt'); }
widgets: ['saveSort', 'zebra', 'stickyHeaders', 'filter'],
headers: {
0: { sorter: 'isoDate' },
1: { sorter: 'loadingNames' },
3: { sorter: 'quality' },
4: { sorter: 'eps' }
widgetOptions: {
filter_columnFilters: false,
filter_reset: '.resetshows'
sortStable: true
\$.tablesorter.filter.bindSearch( '#$curListID', \$('.search') );
var \$container = [\$('#$curListID')]
jQuery.each(\$container, function (j) {
itemSelector: '.show',
sortBy: '$sickbeard.POSTER_SORTBY',
sortAscending: $sickbeard.POSTER_SORTDIR,
layoutMode: 'masonry',
masonry: {
columnWidth: 12,
isFitWidth: true
getSortData: {
name: function( itemElem ) {
var name = \$( itemElem ).attr('data-name');
#if not $sickbeard.SORT_ARTICLE
return (name || '').replace(/^(?:(?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)/i, '$1');
return (name || '');
#end if
date: function( itemElem ) {
var date = \$( itemElem ).attr('data-date');
return date.length && parseInt( date, 10 ) || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
network: '[data-network]',
progress: function( itemElem ) {
var progress = \$( itemElem ).children('.sort-data').attr('data-progress');
return progress.length && parseInt( progress, 10 ) || Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
\$('#postersort').on( 'change', function() {
var sortValue = this.value;
\$('#$curListID').isotope({ sortBy: sortValue });
\$('#postersortdirection').on( 'change', function() {
var sortDirection = this.value;
sortDirection = sortDirection == 'true';
\$('#$curListID').isotope({ sortAscending: sortDirection });
#end if
#end for
$('img#network').on('error', function(){
#end raw
#set $fuzzydate = 'airdate'
#if $sickbeard.FUZZY_DATING
dtInline: #echo ('!1', '!0')['poster' == $layout]#,
containerClass: '.${fuzzydate}',
dateHasTime: !1,
dateFormat: '${sickbeard.DATE_PRESET}',
timeFormat: '${sickbeard.TIME_PRESET}',
trimZero: #echo ('!1', '!0')[$sickbeard.TRIM_ZERO]#
#end if
#if $sickbeard.HOME_SEARCH_FOCUS
#end if
#if $varExists('header')
<h1 class="header" style="margin-bottom:0">$showlists[0][1]</h1>
<h1 class="title" style="margin-bottom:0">$title</h1>
#end if
#set $tab = 1
#if 'poster' != $layout
<div id="HomeLayout" class="pull-right not-poster">
<div class="not-poster">
<input id="search_show_name" class="search form-control form-control-inline input-sm input200" type="search" data-column="1" placeholder="Search Show Name" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<button type="button" class="resetshows resetanime btn btn-inline" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">Reset Search</button>
<span class="pull-right not-poster">Layout:
<div id="HomeLayout" class="pull-right poster">
<span class="pull-right poster">Layout:
#end if
#set $selected = ' selected="selected"'
<select name="layout" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=poster"#echo $selected if 'poster' == sickbeard.HOME_LAYOUT else ''#>Poster</option>
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=small"#echo $selected if 'small' == sickbeard.HOME_LAYOUT else ''#>Small Poster</option>
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=banner"#echo $selected if 'banner' == sickbeard.HOME_LAYOUT else ''#>Banner</option>
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=simple"#echo $selected if 'simple' == sickbeard.HOME_LAYOUT else ''#>Simple</option>
#if 'poster' == $layout
<span>Sort By:
<select id="postersort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<option value="name" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=name"#echo $selected if 'name' == sickbeard.POSTER_SORTBY else ''#>Name</option>
<option value="date" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=date"#echo $selected if 'date' == sickbeard.POSTER_SORTBY else ''#>Next Episode</option>
<option value="network" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=network"#echo $selected if 'network' == sickbeard.POSTER_SORTBY else ''#>Network</option>
<option value="progress" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=progress"#echo $selected if 'progress' == sickbeard.POSTER_SORTBY else ''#>Progress</option>
<span style="margin:0 0 0 5px">Sort Order:
<select id="postersortdirection" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<option value="true" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortDir/?direction=1"#echo $selected if 1 == sickbeard.POSTER_SORTDIR else ''#>Asc</option>
<option value="false" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortDir/?direction=0"#echo $selected if 0 == sickbeard.POSTER_SORTDIR else ''#>Desc</option>
#end if
</div><!-- /HomeLayout -->
#for $curShowlist in $showlists
#set $curListID = $curShowlist[0]
#set $curListName = $curShowlist[1]
#set $myShowList = $list($curShowlist[2])
#if $curShowlist != $showlists[0]
<h1 class="header">$curListName</h1>
#end if
#if 'poster' == $layout
<div id="$curListID" class="clearfix container">
<div class="posterview">
#for $curLoadingShow in $sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.loadingShowList
#if $curLoadingShow.show != None and $curLoadingShow.show in $sickbeard.showList
#end if
#if None is $curLoadingShow.show
<div class="show" data-name="0" data-date="010101" data-network="0">
<img alt="" title="$curLoadingShow.show_name" class="show-image" style="border-bottom:1px solid #111" src="$sbRoot/images/poster.png" />
<div class="show-details">
<div class="show-add">Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)</div>
<span class="sort-data" data-progress="101"></span>
#end if
#end for
$myShowList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
#for $curShow in $myShowList
#set $cur_airs_next = ''
#set $cur_snatched = 0
#set $cur_downloaded = 0
#set $cur_total = 0
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#set $display_status = $curShow.status
#if None is not $display_status
#if re.search(r'(?i)(?:new|returning)\s*series', $curShow.status)
#set $display_status = 'Continuing'
#else if re.search(r'(?i)(?:nded)', $curShow.status)
#set $display_status = 'Ended'
#end if
#end if
#if $curShow.indexerid in $show_stat
#set $cur_airs_next = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_airs_next']
#set $cur_snatched = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_snatched']
#if not $cur_snatched
#set $cur_snatched = 0
#end if
#set $cur_downloaded = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_downloaded']
#if not $cur_downloaded
#set $cur_downloaded = 0
#end if
#set $cur_total = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_total']
#if not $cur_total
#set $cur_total = 0
#end if
#end if
#if $cur_total != 0
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = 'Downloaded: ' + str($cur_downloaded)
#if $cur_snatched > 0
#set $download_stat = download_stat
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Snatched: ' + str($cur_snatched)
#end if
#set $download_stat = download_stat + ' / ' + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Total: ' + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat = '?'
#set $download_stat_tip = 'no data'
#end if
#set $nom = $cur_downloaded
#set $den = $cur_total
#if $den == 0
#set $den = 1
#end if
#set $progressbar_percent = $nom * 100 / $den
#set $data_date = '600000000000'
#if $cur_airs_next
#set $data_date = $sbdatetime.sbdatetime.convert_to_setting($network_timezones.parse_date_time($cur_airs_next, $curShow.airs, $curShow.network)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
#else if None is not $display_status
#if 'nded' not in $display_status and 1 == int($curShow.paused)
#set $data_date = '500000000500'
#else if 'ontinu' in $display_status
#set $data_date = '500000000000'
#else if 'nded' in $display_status
#set $data_date = '500000000100'
#end if
#end if
<div id="show$curShow.indexerid" class="show" data-name="$curShow.name" data-date="$data_date" data-network="$curShow.network">
<div class="show-image">
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid"><img alt="" class="show-image" src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" /></a>
<div id="progressbar$curShow.indexerid"></div>
<div class="show-title">
<div class="show-date">
#if $cur_airs_next
#set $ldatetime = $sbdatetime.sbdatetime.convert_to_setting($network_timezones.parse_date_time($cur_airs_next,$curShow.airs,$curShow.network))
<span class="${fuzzydate}">$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdate($ldatetime)</span>
#set $output_html = '?'
#if None is not $display_status
#if 'nded' not in $display_status and 1 == int($curShow.paused)
#set $output_html = 'Paused'
#else if $display_status
#set $output_html = $display_status
#end if
#end if
#end if
</div><!-- /show-date -->
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td class="show-table">
<span class="show-dlstats" title="$download_stat_tip">$download_stat</span>
<td class="show-table">
#if 'simple' != $layout
#set $img_text = ($curShow.network, 'No Network')[None is $curShow.network]
<img class="show-network-image" src="$sbRoot/images/network/$network_images[$curShow.indexerid]" alt="#echo '%s" title="%s' % ($img_text, $img_text)#" />
#end if
<td class="show-table">
#if $curShow.quality in $qualityPresets
<span class="show-quality">$qualityPresetStrings[$curShow.quality]</span>
<span class="show-quality">Custom</span>
#end if
<span class="sort-data" data-progress="$progressbar_percent"></span>
</div><!-- /show$curShow.indexerid -->
#end for
</div><!-- /$curListID -->
## end of poster layout
<table id="$curListID" class="tablesorter">
<th>Next Ep</th>
<th><a href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/">Add Show</a></th>
<th colspan="6"></th>
#for $curLoadingShow in $sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.loadingShowList
#if $curLoadingShow.show != None and $curLoadingShow.show in $sickbeard.showList
#end if
<td class="text-left">
#if None is $curLoadingShow.show
Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)
<a href="displayShow?show=$curLoadingShow.show.indexerid">$curLoadingShow.show.name</a>
#end if
#end for
#set void = $myShowList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
#for $curShow in $myShowList
#set $cur_airs_next = ''
#set $cur_snatched = 0
#set $cur_downloaded = 0
#set $cur_total = 0
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#if $curShow.indexerid in $show_stat
#set $cur_airs_next = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_airs_next']
#set $cur_snatched = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_snatched']
#if not $cur_snatched
#set $cur_snatched = 0
#end if
#set $cur_downloaded = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_downloaded']
#if not $cur_downloaded
#set $cur_downloaded = 0
#end if
#set $cur_total = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_total']
#if not $cur_total
#set $cur_total = 0
#end if
#end if
#if $cur_total != 0
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = 'Downloaded: ' + str($cur_downloaded)
#if $cur_snatched > 0
#set $download_stat = download_stat + '+' + str($cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Snatched: ' + str($cur_snatched)
#end if
#set $download_stat = download_stat + ' / ' + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Total: ' + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat = '?'
#set $download_stat_tip = 'no data'
#end if
#set $nom = $cur_downloaded
#set $den = $cur_total
#if $den == 0
#set $den = 1
#end if
#set $progressbar_percent = $nom * 100 / $den
#if $cur_airs_next
#set $ldatetime = $sbdatetime.sbdatetime.convert_to_setting($network_timezones.parse_date_time($cur_airs_next,$curShow.airs,$curShow.network))
<td class="text-nowrap"><div class="${fuzzydate}">$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdate($ldatetime)</div><span class="sort-data">$ldatetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')</span></td>
#end if
#if 'small' == $layout
<td class="tvShow text-left">
<div class="imgsmallposter $layout">
<a href="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster" rel="dialog" title="$curShow.name">
<img src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid"/>
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid" style="vertical-align:middle">$curShow.name</a>
#else if 'banner' == $layout
<td class="text-left">
<div class="imgbanner $layout">
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">
<img src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=banner" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid" title="$curShow.name" />
<span class="sort-data">$curShow.name</span>
#else if 'simple' == $layout
<td class="tvShow text-left"><a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">$curShow.name</a></td>
#end if
#if 'simple' != $layout
#set $img_text = ($curShow.network, 'No Network')[None is $curShow.network]
<img width="54" height="27" src="$sbRoot/images/network/$network_images[$curShow.indexerid]" alt="#echo '%s" title="%s' % ($img_text, $img_text)#" />
<span class="sort-data">$curShow.network</span>
<td class="text-left">
#end if
#if $curShow.quality in $qualityPresets
<td><span class="quality $qualityPresetStrings[$curShow.quality]">$qualityPresetStrings[$curShow.quality]</span></td>
<td><span class="quality Custom">Custom</span></td>
#end if
<div id="progressbar$curShow.indexerid" style="position:relative">
<div class="progressbarText" title="$download_stat_tip">$download_stat</div>
<span class="sort-data" data-progress="$progressbar_percent"></span>
<i class=#echo '"%s" alt="%s"' % (('no', 'N'),('yes', 'Y'))[0 == int($curShow.paused) and 'Ended' != $curShow.status]#></i>
#set $display_status = $curShow.status
#if None is not $display_status
#if re.search(r'(?i)(?:new|returning)\s*series', $curShow.status)
#set $display_status = 'Continuing'
#else if re.search(r'(?i)(?:nded)', $curShow.status)
#set $display_status = 'Ended'
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end if
#end for
<script type="text/javascript">
$('div[id^="progressbar"]').each(function(k, v){
var progress = parseInt($(this).siblings('span[class="sort-data"]').attr('data-progress'), 10) , elId = '#' + $(this).attr('id'), v = 80;
if (progress < 80) {
v = progress >= 40 ? 60 : (progress >= 20 ? 40 : 20);
$(elId + ' > .ui-progressbar-value').addClass('progress-' + v);
#end raw
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl') |