mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:45:06 +00:00
Add BitMeTV torrent provider. Add TVChaosUK torrent provider. Add HD-Space torrent provider. Add Shazbat torrent provider. Remove Animenzb provider. Change use tvdbid for searching usenet providers. Change consolidate global and per show ignore and require words functions. Change "Require word" title and notes on Config Search page to properly describe its functional logic. Add "Reject Blu-ray M2TS releases" to BTN provider. Add regular expression capability to ignore and require words by starting wordlist with "regex:". Add list shows with custom ignore and require words under the global counterparts on the Search Settings page. Fix failure to search for more than one selected wanted episode.
642 lines
25 KiB
642 lines
25 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import re
import urllib
import tarfile
import stat
import traceback
import gh_api as github
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import notifiers
from sickbeard import ui
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard.exceptions import ex
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
class CheckVersion():
Version check class meant to run as a thread object with the sg scheduler.
def __init__(self):
self.install_type = self.find_install_type()
if self.install_type == 'git':
self.updater = GitUpdateManager()
elif self.install_type == 'source':
self.updater = SourceUpdateManager()
self.updater = None
def run(self, force=False):
# set current branch version
sickbeard.BRANCH = self.get_branch()
if self.check_for_new_version(force):
if sickbeard.AUTO_UPDATE:
logger.log(u"New update found for SickGear, starting auto-updater ...")
ui.notifications.message('New update found for SickGear, starting auto-updater')
if sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.update():
logger.log(u"Update was successful!")
ui.notifications.message('Update was successful')
def find_install_type(self):
Determines how this copy of sg was installed.
returns: type of installation. Possible values are:
'git': running from source using git
'source': running from source without git
if os.path.isdir(ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, u'.git')):
install_type = 'git'
install_type = 'source'
return install_type
def check_for_new_version(self, force=False):
Checks the internet for a newer version.
returns: bool, True for new version or False for no new version.
force: if true the VERSION_NOTIFY setting will be ignored and a check will be forced
if not sickbeard.VERSION_NOTIFY and not sickbeard.AUTO_UPDATE and not force:
logger.log(u"Version checking is disabled, not checking for the newest version")
return False
if not sickbeard.AUTO_UPDATE:
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.install_type + " needs an update")
if not self.updater.need_update():
if not sickbeard.AUTO_UPDATE:
logger.log(u"No update needed")
if force:
ui.notifications.message('No update needed')
return False
return True
def update(self):
# update branch with current config branch value
self.updater.branch = sickbeard.BRANCH
# check for updates
if self.updater.need_update():
return self.updater.update()
def fetch(self, pull_request):
return self.updater.fetch(pull_request)
def list_remote_branches(self):
return self.updater.list_remote_branches()
def list_remote_pulls(self):
return self.updater.list_remote_pulls()
def get_branch(self):
return self.updater.branch
class UpdateManager():
def get_github_repo_user(self):
return 'SickGear'
def get_github_repo(self):
return 'SickGear'
def get_update_url(self):
return sickbeard.WEB_ROOT + "/home/update/?pid=" + str(sickbeard.PID)
class GitUpdateManager(UpdateManager):
def __init__(self):
self._git_path = self._find_working_git()
self.github_repo_user = self.get_github_repo_user()
self.github_repo = self.get_github_repo()
self.branch = sickbeard.BRANCH
if sickbeard.BRANCH == '':
self.branch = self._find_installed_branch()
self._cur_commit_hash = None
self._newest_commit_hash = None
self._num_commits_behind = 0
self._num_commits_ahead = 0
self._cur_pr_number = self.get_cur_pr_number()
def _git_error(self):
error_message = 'Unable to find your git executable - Shutdown SickGear and EITHER set git_path in your config.ini OR delete your .git folder and run from source to enable updates.'
sickbeard.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = error_message
def _find_working_git(self):
test_cmd = 'version'
if sickbeard.GIT_PATH:
main_git = '"' + sickbeard.GIT_PATH + '"'
main_git = 'git'
logger.log(u"Checking if we can use git commands: " + main_git + ' ' + test_cmd, logger.DEBUG)
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(main_git, test_cmd)
if exit_status == 0:
logger.log(u"Using: " + main_git, logger.DEBUG)
return main_git
logger.log(u"Not using: " + main_git, logger.DEBUG)
# trying alternatives
alternative_git = []
# osx people who start sg from launchd have a broken path, so try a hail-mary attempt for them
if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin':
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
if main_git != main_git.lower():
if alternative_git:
logger.log(u"Trying known alternative git locations", logger.DEBUG)
for cur_git in alternative_git:
logger.log(u"Checking if we can use git commands: " + cur_git + ' ' + test_cmd, logger.DEBUG)
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(cur_git, test_cmd)
if exit_status == 0:
logger.log(u"Using: " + cur_git, logger.DEBUG)
return cur_git
logger.log(u"Not using: " + cur_git, logger.DEBUG)
# Still haven't found a working git
error_message = 'Unable to find your git executable - Shutdown SickGear and EITHER set git_path in your config.ini OR delete your .git folder and run from source to enable updates.'
sickbeard.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = error_message
return None
def _run_git(self, git_path, args):
output = err = exit_status = None
if not git_path:
logger.log(u"No git specified, can't use git commands", logger.ERROR)
exit_status = 1
return (output, err, exit_status)
cmd = git_path + ' ' + args
logger.log(u"Executing " + cmd + " with your shell in " + sickbeard.PROG_DIR, logger.DEBUG)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
shell=True, cwd=sickbeard.PROG_DIR)
output, err = p.communicate()
exit_status = p.returncode
if output:
output = output.strip()
logger.log(u"git output: " + str(output), logger.DEBUG)
except OSError:
logger.log(u"Command " + cmd + " didn't work")
exit_status = 1
if exit_status == 0:
logger.log(cmd + u" : returned successful", logger.DEBUG)
exit_status = 0
elif exit_status == 1:
logger.log(cmd + u" returned : " + str(output), logger.ERROR)
exit_status = 1
elif exit_status == 128 or 'fatal:' in output or err:
logger.log(cmd + u" returned : " + str(output), logger.ERROR)
exit_status = 128
logger.log(cmd + u" returned : " + str(output) + u", treat as error for now", logger.ERROR)
exit_status = 1
return (output, err, exit_status)
def _find_installed_version(self):
Attempts to find the currently installed version of SickGear.
Uses git show to get commit version.
Returns: True for success or False for failure
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-parse HEAD') # @UnusedVariable
if exit_status == 0 and output:
cur_commit_hash = output.strip()
if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', cur_commit_hash):
logger.log(u"Output doesn't look like a hash, not using it", logger.ERROR)
return False
self._cur_commit_hash = cur_commit_hash
sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = str(cur_commit_hash)
return True
return False
def _find_installed_branch(self):
branch_info, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'symbolic-ref -q HEAD') # @UnusedVariable
if exit_status == 0 and branch_info:
branch = branch_info.strip().replace('refs/heads/', '', 1)
if branch:
return branch
return ""
def _check_github_for_update(self):
Uses git commands to check if there is a newer version that the provided
commit hash. If there is a newer version it sets _num_commits_behind.
self._num_commits_behind = 0
self._num_commits_ahead = 0
# get all new info from github
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'fetch %s' % sickbeard.GIT_REMOTE)
if not exit_status == 0:
logger.log(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update", logger.ERROR)
if not self._cur_pr_number:
# get latest commit_hash from remote
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-parse --verify --quiet "@{upstream}"')
if exit_status == 0 and output:
cur_commit_hash = output.strip()
if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', cur_commit_hash):
logger.log(u"Output doesn't look like a hash, not using it", logger.DEBUG)
self._newest_commit_hash = cur_commit_hash
logger.log(u"git didn't return newest commit hash", logger.DEBUG)
# get number of commits behind and ahead (option --count not supported git < 1.7.2)
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'rev-list --left-right "@{upstream}"...HEAD')
if exit_status == 0 and output:
self._num_commits_behind = int(output.count("<"))
self._num_commits_ahead = int(output.count(">"))
logger.log(u"git didn't return numbers for behind and ahead, not using it", logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'cur_commit = ' + str(self._cur_commit_hash) + u', newest_commit = ' + str(self._newest_commit_hash)
+ u', num_commits_behind = ' + str(self._num_commits_behind) + u', num_commits_ahead = ' + str(
self._num_commits_ahead), logger.DEBUG)
# we need to treat pull requests specially as it doesn't seem possible to set their "@{upstream}" tag
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'ls-remote %s refs/pull/%s/head' % (sickbeard.GIT_REMOTE, self._cur_pr_number))
self._newest_commit_hash = re.findall('(.*)\t', output)[0]
def set_newest_text(self):
# if we're up to date then don't set this
base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_repo_user + '/' + self.github_repo
if self._num_commits_ahead:
logger.log(u"Local branch is ahead of " + self.branch + ". Automatic update not possible.", logger.ERROR)
newest_text = "Local branch is ahead of " + self.branch + ". Automatic update not possible."
elif self._num_commits_behind > 0:
if self._newest_commit_hash:
url = base_url + '/compare/' + self._cur_commit_hash + '...' + self._newest_commit_hash
url = base_url + '/commits/'
newest_text = 'There is a <a href="' + url + '" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">newer version available</a> '
newest_text += " (you're " + str(self._num_commits_behind) + " commit"
if self._num_commits_behind > 1:
newest_text += 's'
newest_text += ' behind)' + "— <a href=\"" + self.get_update_url() + "\">Update Now</a>"
elif self._cur_pr_number and (self._cur_commit_hash != self._newest_commit_hash):
url = base_url + '/commit/%s' % self._newest_commit_hash
newest_text = 'There is a <a href="' + url + '" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">newer version available</a> '
newest_text += '— <a href="' + self.get_update_url() + '">Update Now</a>'
sickbeard.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
def need_update(self):
if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
logger.log(u"Branch checkout: " + self._find_installed_branch() + "->" + self.branch, logger.DEBUG)
return True
if not self._cur_commit_hash:
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: " + repr(e), logger.ERROR)
return False
if self._num_commits_behind > 0:
return True
if self._cur_pr_number and self._cur_commit_hash != self._newest_commit_hash:
return True
return False
def update(self):
Calls git pull origin <branch> in order to update SickGear. Returns a bool depending
on the call's success.
if self.branch == self._find_installed_branch():
if not self._cur_pr_number:
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'pull -f %s %s' % (sickbeard.GIT_REMOTE, self.branch)) # @UnusedVariable
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'pull -f %s pull/%s/head:%s' % (sickbeard.GIT_REMOTE, self._cur_pr_number, self.branch))
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'checkout -f ' + self.branch) # @UnusedVariable
if exit_status == 0:
# Notify update successful
if sickbeard.NOTIFY_ON_UPDATE:
notifiers.notify_git_update(sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_HASH if sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_HASH else "")
return True
return False
def list_remote_branches(self):
branches, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'ls-remote --heads %s' % sickbeard.GIT_REMOTE) # @UnusedVariable
if exit_status == 0 and branches:
return re.findall('\S+\Wrefs/heads/(.*)', branches)
return []
def list_remote_pulls(self):
gh = github.GitHub(self.github_repo_user, self.github_repo, self.branch)
return gh.pull_requests()
def fetch(self, pull_request):
output, err, exit_status = self._run_git(self._git_path, 'fetch -f %s %s' % (sickbeard.GIT_REMOTE, pull_request)) # @UnusedVariable
if exit_status == 0:
return True
return False
def get_cur_pr_number(self):
pull_number = int(self.branch.split('/')[1])
pull_number = None
return pull_number
class SourceUpdateManager(UpdateManager):
def __init__(self):
self.github_repo_user = self.get_github_repo_user()
self.github_repo = self.get_github_repo()
self.branch = sickbeard.BRANCH
if sickbeard.BRANCH == '':
self.branch = self._find_installed_branch()
self._cur_commit_hash = sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_HASH
self._newest_commit_hash = None
self._num_commits_behind = 0
def _find_installed_branch(self):
if sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH == "":
return "master"
return sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH
def need_update(self):
# need this to run first to set self._newest_commit_hash
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u"Unable to contact github, can't check for update: " + repr(e), logger.ERROR)
return False
if self.branch != self._find_installed_branch():
logger.log(u"Branch checkout: " + self._find_installed_branch() + "->" + self.branch, logger.DEBUG)
return True
if not self._cur_commit_hash or self._num_commits_behind > 0:
return True
return False
def _check_github_for_update(self):
Uses pygithub to ask github if there is a newer version that the provided
commit hash. If there is a newer version it sets SickGear's version text.
commit_hash: hash that we're checking against
self._num_commits_behind = 0
self._newest_commit_hash = None
gh = github.GitHub(self.github_repo_user, self.github_repo, self.branch)
# try to get newest commit hash and commits behind directly by comparing branch and current commit
if self._cur_commit_hash:
branch_compared = gh.compare(base=self.branch, head=self._cur_commit_hash)
if 'base_commit' in branch_compared:
self._newest_commit_hash = branch_compared['base_commit']['sha']
if 'behind_by' in branch_compared:
self._num_commits_behind = int(branch_compared['behind_by'])
# fall back and iterate over last 100 (items per page in gh_api) commits
if not self._newest_commit_hash:
for curCommit in gh.commits():
if not self._newest_commit_hash:
self._newest_commit_hash = curCommit['sha']
if not self._cur_commit_hash:
if curCommit['sha'] == self._cur_commit_hash:
# when _cur_commit_hash doesn't match anything _num_commits_behind == 100
self._num_commits_behind += 1
logger.log(u"cur_commit = " + str(self._cur_commit_hash) + u", newest_commit = " + str(self._newest_commit_hash)
+ u", num_commits_behind = " + str(self._num_commits_behind), logger.DEBUG)
def set_newest_text(self):
# if we're up to date then don't set this
if not self._cur_commit_hash:
logger.log(u"Unknown current version number, don't know if we should update or not", logger.DEBUG)
newest_text = "Unknown current version number: If you've never used the SickGear upgrade system before then current version is not set."
newest_text += "— <a href=\"" + self.get_update_url() + "\">Update Now</a>"
elif self._num_commits_behind > 0:
base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_repo_user + '/' + self.github_repo
if self._newest_commit_hash:
url = base_url + '/compare/' + self._cur_commit_hash + '...' + self._newest_commit_hash
url = base_url + '/commits/'
newest_text = 'There is a <a href="' + url + '" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">newer version available</a>'
newest_text += " (you're " + str(self._num_commits_behind) + " commit"
if self._num_commits_behind > 1:
newest_text += "s"
newest_text += " behind)" + "— <a href=\"" + self.get_update_url() + "\">Update Now</a>"
sickbeard.NEWEST_VERSION_STRING = newest_text
def update(self):
Downloads the latest source tarball from github and installs it over the existing version.
base_url = 'http://github.com/' + self.github_repo_user + '/' + self.github_repo
tar_download_url = base_url + '/tarball/' + self.branch
# prepare the update dir
sg_update_dir = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.PROG_DIR, u'sg-update')
if os.path.isdir(sg_update_dir):
logger.log(u'Clearing out update folder ' + sg_update_dir + ' before extracting')
logger.log(u'Creating update folder ' + sg_update_dir + ' before extracting')
# retrieve file
logger.log(u"Downloading update from " + repr(tar_download_url))
tar_download_path = os.path.join(sg_update_dir, u'sg-update.tar')
urllib.urlretrieve(tar_download_url, tar_download_path)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, tar_download_path):
logger.log(u"Unable to retrieve new version from " + tar_download_url + ", can't update", logger.ERROR)
return False
if not ek.ek(tarfile.is_tarfile, tar_download_path):
logger.log(u"Retrieved version from " + tar_download_url + " is corrupt, can't update", logger.ERROR)
return False
# extract to sg-update dir
logger.log(u"Extracting file " + tar_download_path)
tar = tarfile.open(tar_download_path)
# delete .tar.gz
logger.log(u"Deleting file " + tar_download_path)
# find update dir name
update_dir_contents = [x for x in os.listdir(sg_update_dir) if
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sg_update_dir, x))]
if len(update_dir_contents) != 1:
logger.log(u"Invalid update data, update failed: " + str(update_dir_contents), logger.ERROR)
return False
content_dir = os.path.join(sg_update_dir, update_dir_contents[0])
# walk temp folder and move files to main folder
logger.log(u"Moving files from " + content_dir + " to " + sickbeard.PROG_DIR)
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(content_dir): # @UnusedVariable
dirname = dirname[len(content_dir) + 1:]
for curfile in filenames:
old_path = os.path.join(content_dir, dirname, curfile)
new_path = os.path.join(sickbeard.PROG_DIR, dirname, curfile)
# Avoid DLL access problem on WIN32/64
# These files needing to be updated manually
#or find a way to kill the access from memory
if curfile in ('unrar.dll', 'unrar64.dll'):
os.chmod(new_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
os.renames(old_path, new_path)
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u"Unable to update " + new_path + ': ' + ex(e), logger.DEBUG)
os.remove(old_path) # Trash the updated file without moving in new path
if os.path.isfile(new_path):
os.renames(old_path, new_path)
sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_HASH = self._newest_commit_hash
sickbeard.CUR_COMMIT_BRANCH = self.branch
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u"Error while trying to update: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.log(u"Traceback: " + traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG)
return False
# Notify update successful
return True
def list_remote_branches(self):
gh = github.GitHub(self.github_repo_user, self.github_repo, self.branch)
return [x['name'] for x in gh.branches() if x and 'name' in x]
def list_remote_pulls(self):
# we don't care about testers that don't use git
return []