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# Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
# lowing conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
This module provides an interface to the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
CloudWatch service from AWS.
from boto.compat import json, map, six, zip
from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection
from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.metric import Metric
from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.alarm import MetricAlarm, MetricAlarms, AlarmHistoryItem
from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.datapoint import Datapoint
from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo, get_regions, load_regions
from boto.regioninfo import connect
import boto
RegionData = load_regions().get('cloudwatch', {})
def regions():
Get all available regions for the CloudWatch service.
:rtype: list
:return: A list of :class:`boto.RegionInfo` instances
return get_regions('cloudwatch', connection_cls=CloudWatchConnection)
def connect_to_region(region_name, **kw_params):
Given a valid region name, return a
:param str region_name: The name of the region to connect to.
:rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.CloudWatchConnection` or ``None``
:return: A connection to the given region, or None if an invalid region
name is given
return connect('cloudwatch', region_name,
connection_cls=CloudWatchConnection, **kw_params)
class CloudWatchConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
APIVersion = boto.config.get('Boto', 'cloudwatch_version', '2010-08-01')
DefaultRegionName = boto.config.get('Boto', 'cloudwatch_region_name',
DefaultRegionEndpoint = boto.config.get('Boto',
def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, debug=0,
https_connection_factory=None, region=None, path='/',
security_token=None, validate_certs=True, profile_name=None):
Init method to create a new connection to EC2 Monitoring Service.
B{Note:} The host argument is overridden by the host specified in the
boto configuration file.
if not region:
region = RegionInfo(self, self.DefaultRegionName,
self.region = region
# Ugly hack to get around both a bug in Python and a
# misconfigured SSL cert for the eu-west-1 endpoint
if self.region.name == 'eu-west-1':
validate_certs = False
super(CloudWatchConnection, self).__init__(aws_access_key_id,
is_secure, port, proxy, proxy_port,
proxy_user, proxy_pass,
self.region.endpoint, debug,
https_connection_factory, path,
def _required_auth_capability(self):
return ['hmac-v4']
def build_dimension_param(self, dimension, params):
prefix = 'Dimensions.member'
i = 0
for dim_name in dimension:
dim_value = dimension[dim_name]
if dim_value:
if isinstance(dim_value, six.string_types):
dim_value = [dim_value]
for value in dim_value:
params['%s.%d.Name' % (prefix, i + 1)] = dim_name
params['%s.%d.Value' % (prefix, i + 1)] = value
i += 1
params['%s.%d.Name' % (prefix, i + 1)] = dim_name
i += 1
def build_list_params(self, params, items, label):
if isinstance(items, six.string_types):
items = [items]
for index, item in enumerate(items):
i = index + 1
if isinstance(item, dict):
for k, v in six.iteritems(item):
params[label % (i, 'Name')] = k
if v is not None:
params[label % (i, 'Value')] = v
params[label % i] = item
def build_put_params(self, params, name, value=None, timestamp=None,
unit=None, dimensions=None, statistics=None):
args = (name, value, unit, dimensions, statistics, timestamp)
length = max(map(lambda a: len(a) if isinstance(a, list) else 1, args))
def aslist(a):
if isinstance(a, list):
if len(a) != length:
raise Exception('Must specify equal number of elements; expected %d.' % length)
return a
return [a] * length
for index, (n, v, u, d, s, t) in enumerate(zip(*map(aslist, args))):
metric_data = {'MetricName': n}
if timestamp:
metric_data['Timestamp'] = t.isoformat()
if unit:
metric_data['Unit'] = u
if dimensions:
self.build_dimension_param(d, metric_data)
if statistics:
metric_data['StatisticValues.Maximum'] = s['maximum']
metric_data['StatisticValues.Minimum'] = s['minimum']
metric_data['StatisticValues.SampleCount'] = s['samplecount']
metric_data['StatisticValues.Sum'] = s['sum']
if value is not None:
msg = 'You supplied a value and statistics for a ' + \
'metric.Posting statistics and not value.'
elif value is not None:
metric_data['Value'] = v
raise Exception('Must specify a value or statistics to put.')
for key, val in six.iteritems(metric_data):
params['MetricData.member.%d.%s' % (index + 1, key)] = val
def get_metric_statistics(self, period, start_time, end_time, metric_name,
namespace, statistics, dimensions=None,
Get time-series data for one or more statistics of a given metric.
:type period: integer
:param period: The granularity, in seconds, of the returned datapoints.
Period must be at least 60 seconds and must be a multiple
of 60. The default value is 60.
:type start_time: datetime
:param start_time: The time stamp to use for determining the
first datapoint to return. The value specified is
inclusive; results include datapoints with the time stamp
:type end_time: datetime
:param end_time: The time stamp to use for determining the
last datapoint to return. The value specified is
exclusive; results will include datapoints up to the time
stamp specified.
:type metric_name: string
:param metric_name: The metric name.
:type namespace: string
:param namespace: The metric's namespace.
:type statistics: list
:param statistics: A list of statistics names Valid values:
Average | Sum | SampleCount | Maximum | Minimum
:type dimensions: dict
:param dimensions: A dictionary of dimension key/values where
the key is the dimension name and the value
is either a scalar value or an iterator
of values to be associated with that
:type unit: string
:param unit: The unit for the metric. Value values are:
Seconds | Microseconds | Milliseconds | Bytes | Kilobytes |
Megabytes | Gigabytes | Terabytes | Bits | Kilobits |
Megabits | Gigabits | Terabits | Percent | Count |
Bytes/Second | Kilobytes/Second | Megabytes/Second |
Gigabytes/Second | Terabytes/Second | Bits/Second |
Kilobits/Second | Megabits/Second | Gigabits/Second |
Terabits/Second | Count/Second | None
:rtype: list
params = {'Period': period,
'MetricName': metric_name,
'Namespace': namespace,
'StartTime': start_time.isoformat(),
'EndTime': end_time.isoformat()}
self.build_list_params(params, statistics, 'Statistics.member.%d')
if dimensions:
self.build_dimension_param(dimensions, params)
if unit:
params['Unit'] = unit
return self.get_list('GetMetricStatistics', params,
[('member', Datapoint)])
def list_metrics(self, next_token=None, dimensions=None,
metric_name=None, namespace=None):
Returns a list of the valid metrics for which there is recorded
data available.
:type next_token: str
:param next_token: A maximum of 500 metrics will be returned
at one time. If more results are available, the ResultSet
returned will contain a non-Null next_token attribute.
Passing that token as a parameter to list_metrics will
retrieve the next page of metrics.
:type dimensions: dict
:param dimensions: A dictionary containing name/value
pairs that will be used to filter the results. The key in
the dictionary is the name of a Dimension. The value in
the dictionary is either a scalar value of that Dimension
name that you want to filter on or None if you want all
metrics with that Dimension name. To be included in the
result a metric must contain all specified dimensions,
although the metric may contain additional dimensions beyond
the requested metrics. The Dimension names, and values must
be strings between 1 and 250 characters long. A maximum of
10 dimensions are allowed.
:type metric_name: str
:param metric_name: The name of the Metric to filter against. If None,
all Metric names will be returned.
:type namespace: str
:param namespace: A Metric namespace to filter against (e.g. AWS/EC2).
If None, Metrics from all namespaces will be returned.
params = {}
if next_token:
params['NextToken'] = next_token
if dimensions:
self.build_dimension_param(dimensions, params)
if metric_name:
params['MetricName'] = metric_name
if namespace:
params['Namespace'] = namespace
return self.get_list('ListMetrics', params, [('member', Metric)])
def put_metric_data(self, namespace, name, value=None, timestamp=None,
unit=None, dimensions=None, statistics=None):
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon Cloudwatch
associates the data points with the specified metric. If the specified
metric does not exist, Amazon CloudWatch creates the metric. If a list
is specified for some, but not all, of the arguments, the remaining
arguments are repeated a corresponding number of times.
:type namespace: str
:param namespace: The namespace of the metric.
:type name: str or list
:param name: The name of the metric.
:type value: float or list
:param value: The value for the metric.
:type timestamp: datetime or list
:param timestamp: The time stamp used for the metric. If not specified,
the default value is set to the time the metric data was received.
:type unit: string or list
:param unit: The unit of the metric. Valid Values: Seconds |
Microseconds | Milliseconds | Bytes | Kilobytes |
Megabytes | Gigabytes | Terabytes | Bits | Kilobits |
Megabits | Gigabits | Terabits | Percent | Count |
Bytes/Second | Kilobytes/Second | Megabytes/Second |
Gigabytes/Second | Terabytes/Second | Bits/Second |
Kilobits/Second | Megabits/Second | Gigabits/Second |
Terabits/Second | Count/Second | None
:type dimensions: dict
:param dimensions: Add extra name value pairs to associate
with the metric, i.e.:
{'name1': value1, 'name2': (value2, value3)}
:type statistics: dict or list
:param statistics: Use a statistic set instead of a value, for example::
{'maximum': 30, 'minimum': 1, 'samplecount': 100, 'sum': 10000}
params = {'Namespace': namespace}
self.build_put_params(params, name, value=value, timestamp=timestamp,
unit=unit, dimensions=dimensions, statistics=statistics)
return self.get_status('PutMetricData', params, verb="POST")
def describe_alarms(self, action_prefix=None, alarm_name_prefix=None,
alarm_names=None, max_records=None, state_value=None,
Retrieves alarms with the specified names. If no name is specified, all
alarms for the user are returned. Alarms can be retrieved by using only
a prefix for the alarm name, the alarm state, or a prefix for any
:type action_prefix: string
:param action_prefix: The action name prefix.
:type alarm_name_prefix: string
:param alarm_name_prefix: The alarm name prefix. AlarmNames cannot
be specified if this parameter is specified.
:type alarm_names: list
:param alarm_names: A list of alarm names to retrieve information for.
:type max_records: int
:param max_records: The maximum number of alarm descriptions
to retrieve.
:type state_value: string
:param state_value: The state value to be used in matching alarms.
:type next_token: string
:param next_token: The token returned by a previous call to
indicate that there is more data.
:rtype list
params = {}
if action_prefix:
params['ActionPrefix'] = action_prefix
if alarm_name_prefix:
params['AlarmNamePrefix'] = alarm_name_prefix
elif alarm_names:
self.build_list_params(params, alarm_names, 'AlarmNames.member.%s')
if max_records:
params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
if next_token:
params['NextToken'] = next_token
if state_value:
params['StateValue'] = state_value
result = self.get_list('DescribeAlarms', params,
[('MetricAlarms', MetricAlarms)])
ret = result[0]
ret.next_token = result.next_token
return ret
def describe_alarm_history(self, alarm_name=None,
start_date=None, end_date=None,
max_records=None, history_item_type=None,
Retrieves history for the specified alarm. Filter alarms by date range
or item type. If an alarm name is not specified, Amazon CloudWatch
returns histories for all of the owner's alarms.
Amazon CloudWatch retains the history of deleted alarms for a period of
six weeks. If an alarm has been deleted, its history can still be
:type alarm_name: string
:param alarm_name: The name of the alarm.
:type start_date: datetime
:param start_date: The starting date to retrieve alarm history.
:type end_date: datetime
:param end_date: The starting date to retrieve alarm history.
:type history_item_type: string
:param history_item_type: The type of alarm histories to retreive
(ConfigurationUpdate | StateUpdate | Action)
:type max_records: int
:param max_records: The maximum number of alarm descriptions
to retrieve.
:type next_token: string
:param next_token: The token returned by a previous call to indicate
that there is more data.
:rtype list
params = {}
if alarm_name:
params['AlarmName'] = alarm_name
if start_date:
params['StartDate'] = start_date.isoformat()
if end_date:
params['EndDate'] = end_date.isoformat()
if history_item_type:
params['HistoryItemType'] = history_item_type
if max_records:
params['MaxRecords'] = max_records
if next_token:
params['NextToken'] = next_token
return self.get_list('DescribeAlarmHistory', params,
[('member', AlarmHistoryItem)])
def describe_alarms_for_metric(self, metric_name, namespace, period=None,
statistic=None, dimensions=None, unit=None):
Retrieves all alarms for a single metric. Specify a statistic, period,
or unit to filter the set of alarms further.
:type metric_name: string
:param metric_name: The name of the metric.
:type namespace: string
:param namespace: The namespace of the metric.
:type period: int
:param period: The period in seconds over which the statistic
is applied.
:type statistic: string
:param statistic: The statistic for the metric.
:type dimensions: dict
:param dimensions: A dictionary containing name/value
pairs that will be used to filter the results. The key in
the dictionary is the name of a Dimension. The value in
the dictionary is either a scalar value of that Dimension
name that you want to filter on, a list of values to
filter on or None if you want all metrics with that
Dimension name.
:type unit: string
:rtype list
params = {'MetricName': metric_name,
'Namespace': namespace}
if period:
params['Period'] = period
if statistic:
params['Statistic'] = statistic
if dimensions:
self.build_dimension_param(dimensions, params)
if unit:
params['Unit'] = unit
return self.get_list('DescribeAlarmsForMetric', params,
[('member', MetricAlarm)])
def put_metric_alarm(self, alarm):
Creates or updates an alarm and associates it with the specified Amazon
CloudWatch metric. Optionally, this operation can associate one or more
Amazon Simple Notification Service resources with the alarm.
When this operation creates an alarm, the alarm state is immediately
set to INSUFFICIENT_DATA. The alarm is evaluated and its StateValue is
set appropriately. Any actions associated with the StateValue is then
When updating an existing alarm, its StateValue is left unchanged.
:type alarm: boto.ec2.cloudwatch.alarm.MetricAlarm
:param alarm: MetricAlarm object.
params = {
'AlarmName': alarm.name,
'MetricName': alarm.metric,
'Namespace': alarm.namespace,
'Statistic': alarm.statistic,
'ComparisonOperator': alarm.comparison,
'Threshold': alarm.threshold,
'EvaluationPeriods': alarm.evaluation_periods,
'Period': alarm.period,
if alarm.actions_enabled is not None:
params['ActionsEnabled'] = alarm.actions_enabled
if alarm.alarm_actions:
self.build_list_params(params, alarm.alarm_actions,
if alarm.description:
params['AlarmDescription'] = alarm.description
if alarm.dimensions:
self.build_dimension_param(alarm.dimensions, params)
if alarm.insufficient_data_actions:
self.build_list_params(params, alarm.insufficient_data_actions,
if alarm.ok_actions:
self.build_list_params(params, alarm.ok_actions,
if alarm.unit:
params['Unit'] = alarm.unit
alarm.connection = self
return self.get_status('PutMetricAlarm', params)
create_alarm = put_metric_alarm
update_alarm = put_metric_alarm
def delete_alarms(self, alarms):
Deletes all specified alarms. In the event of an error, no
alarms are deleted.
:type alarms: list
:param alarms: List of alarm names.
params = {}
self.build_list_params(params, alarms, 'AlarmNames.member.%s')
return self.get_status('DeleteAlarms', params)
def set_alarm_state(self, alarm_name, state_reason, state_value,
Temporarily sets the state of an alarm. When the updated StateValue
differs from the previous value, the action configured for the
appropriate state is invoked. This is not a permanent change. The next
periodic alarm check (in about a minute) will set the alarm to its
actual state.
:type alarm_name: string
:param alarm_name: Descriptive name for alarm.
:type state_reason: string
:param state_reason: Human readable reason.
:type state_value: string
:param state_value: OK | ALARM | INSUFFICIENT_DATA
:type state_reason_data: string
:param state_reason_data: Reason string (will be jsonified).
params = {'AlarmName': alarm_name,
'StateReason': state_reason,
'StateValue': state_value}
if state_reason_data:
params['StateReasonData'] = json.dumps(state_reason_data)
return self.get_status('SetAlarmState', params)
def enable_alarm_actions(self, alarm_names):
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
:type alarms: list
:param alarms: List of alarm names.
params = {}
self.build_list_params(params, alarm_names, 'AlarmNames.member.%s')
return self.get_status('EnableAlarmActions', params)
def disable_alarm_actions(self, alarm_names):
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
:type alarms: list
:param alarms: List of alarm names.
params = {}
self.build_list_params(params, alarm_names, 'AlarmNames.member.%s')
return self.get_status('DisableAlarmActions', params)