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synced 2025-03-14 08:45:06 +00:00
Add BitMeTV torrent provider. Add TVChaosUK torrent provider. Add HD-Space torrent provider. Add Shazbat torrent provider. Remove Animenzb provider. Change use tvdbid for searching usenet providers. Change consolidate global and per show ignore and require words functions. Change "Require word" title and notes on Config Search page to properly describe its functional logic. Add "Reject Blu-ray M2TS releases" to BTN provider. Add regular expression capability to ignore and require words by starting wordlist with "regex:". Add list shows with custom ignore and require words under the global counterparts on the Search Settings page. Fix failure to search for more than one selected wanted episode.
317 lines
12 KiB
317 lines
12 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import datetime
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import common
from sickbeard.helpers import sanitizeSceneName
from sickbeard.scene_exceptions import get_scene_exceptions
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard import db
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException
def pass_wordlist_checks(name, parse=True):
Filters out non-english and just all-around stupid releases by comparing
the word list contents at boundaries or the end of name.
name: the release name to check
Returns: True if the release name is OK, False if it's bad.
if parse:
err_msg = u'Unable to parse the filename %s into a valid ' % name
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(err_msg + 'episode', logger.DEBUG)
return False
except InvalidShowException:
logger.log(err_msg + 'show', logger.DEBUG)
return False
word_list = ['sub(bed|ed|pack|s)', '(dk|fin|heb|kor|nor|nordic|pl|swe)sub(bed|ed|s)?',
'(dir|sample|sub|nfo)fix', 'sample', '(dvd)?extras',
# if any of the bad strings are in the name then say no
if sickbeard.IGNORE_WORDS:
word_list = ','.join([sickbeard.IGNORE_WORDS] + word_list)
result = contains_any(name, word_list)
if None is not result and result:
logger.log(u'Ignored: %s for containing ignore word' % name, logger.DEBUG)
return False
# if any of the good strings aren't in the name then say no
result = not_contains_any(name, sickbeard.REQUIRE_WORDS)
if None is not result and result:
logger.log(u'Ignored: %s for not containing required word match' % name, logger.DEBUG)
return False
return True
def not_contains_any(subject, lookup_words, **kwargs):
return contains_any(subject, lookup_words, invert=True, **kwargs)
def contains_any(subject, lookup_words, invert=False, **kwargs):
Check if subject does or does not contain a match from a list or string of regular expression lookup words
word: word to test existence of
lookup_words: List or comma separated string of words to search
re_prefix: insert string to all lookup words
re_suffix: append string to all lookup words
invert: invert function logic "contains any" into "does not contain any"
Returns: None if no checking was done. True for first match found, or if invert is False,
then True for first pattern that does not match, or False
compiled_words = compile_word_list(lookup_words, **kwargs)
if subject and compiled_words:
for rc_filter in compiled_words:
match = rc_filter.search(subject)
if (match and not invert) or (not match and invert):
msg = match and not invert and 'Found match' or ''
msg = not match and invert and 'No match found' or msg
logger.log(u'%s from pattern: %s in text: %s ' % (msg, rc_filter.pattern, subject), logger.DEBUG)
return True
return False
return None
def compile_word_list(lookup_words, re_prefix='(^|[\W_])', re_suffix='($|[\W_])'):
result = []
if lookup_words:
search_raw = isinstance(lookup_words, list)
if not search_raw:
search_raw = not lookup_words.startswith('regex:')
lookup_words = lookup_words[(6, 0)[search_raw]:].split(',')
lookup_words = [x.strip() for x in lookup_words]
for word in [x for x in lookup_words if x]:
# !0 == regex and subject = s / 'what\'s the "time"' / what\'s\ the\ \"time\"
subject = search_raw and re.escape(word) or re.sub(r'([\" \'])', r'\\\1', word)
result.append(re.compile('(?i)%s%s%s' % (re_prefix, subject, re_suffix)))
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u'Failure to compile filter expression: %s ... Reason: %s' % (word, e.message), logger.DEBUG)
diff = len(lookup_words) - len(result)
if diff:
logger.log(u'From %s expressions, %s was discarded during compilation' % (len(lookup_words), diff), logger.DEBUG)
return result
def makeSceneShowSearchStrings(show, season=-1):
showNames = allPossibleShowNames(show, season=season)
# scenify the names
return map(sanitizeSceneName, showNames)
def makeSceneSeasonSearchString(show, ep_obj, extraSearchType=None):
if show.air_by_date or show.sports:
numseasons = 0
# the search string for air by date shows is just
seasonStrings = [str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')[0]]
elif show.is_anime:
numseasons = 0
seasonEps = show.getAllEpisodes(ep_obj.season)
# get show qualities
anyQualities, bestQualities = common.Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)
# compile a list of all the episode numbers we need in this 'season'
seasonStrings = []
for episode in seasonEps:
# get quality of the episode
curCompositeStatus = episode.status
curStatus, curQuality = common.Quality.splitCompositeStatus(curCompositeStatus)
if bestQualities:
highestBestQuality = max(bestQualities)
highestBestQuality = 0
# if we need a better one then add it to the list of episodes to fetch
if (curStatus in (
common.SNATCHED) and curQuality < highestBestQuality) or curStatus == common.WANTED:
ab_number = episode.scene_absolute_number
if ab_number > 0:
seasonStrings.append("%02d" % ab_number)
myDB = db.DBConnection()
numseasonsSQlResult = myDB.select(
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0",
numseasons = int(numseasonsSQlResult[0][0])
seasonStrings = ["S%02d" % int(ep_obj.scene_season)]
showNames = set(makeSceneShowSearchStrings(show, ep_obj.scene_season))
toReturn = []
# search each show name
for curShow in showNames:
# most providers all work the same way
if not extraSearchType:
# if there's only one season then we can just use the show name straight up
if numseasons == 1:
# for providers that don't allow multiple searches in one request we only search for Sxx style stuff
for cur_season in seasonStrings:
if show.is_anime and show.release_groups is not None and show.release_groups.whitelist:
for keyword in show.release_groups.whitelist:
toReturn.append(keyword + '.' + curShow+ "." + cur_season)
toReturn.append(curShow + "." + cur_season)
return toReturn
def makeSceneSearchString(show, ep_obj):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
numseasonsSQlResult = myDB.select(
"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0",
numseasons = int(numseasonsSQlResult[0][0])
# see if we should use dates instead of episodes
if (show.air_by_date or show.sports) and ep_obj.airdate != datetime.date.fromordinal(1):
epStrings = [str(ep_obj.airdate)]
elif show.is_anime:
epStrings = ["%02i" % int(ep_obj.scene_absolute_number if ep_obj.scene_absolute_number > 0 else ep_obj.scene_episode)]
epStrings = ["S%02iE%02i" % (int(ep_obj.scene_season), int(ep_obj.scene_episode)),
"%ix%02i" % (int(ep_obj.scene_season), int(ep_obj.scene_episode))]
# for single-season shows just search for the show name -- if total ep count (exclude s0) is less than 11
# due to the amount of qualities and releases, it is easy to go over the 50 result limit on rss feeds otherwise
if numseasons == 1 and not ep_obj.show.is_anime:
epStrings = ['']
showNames = set(makeSceneShowSearchStrings(show, ep_obj.scene_season))
toReturn = []
for curShow in showNames:
for curEpString in epStrings:
if ep_obj.show.is_anime and ep_obj.show.release_groups is not None and ep_obj.show.release_groups.whitelist:
for keyword in ep_obj.show.release_groups.whitelist:
toReturn.append(keyword + '.' + curShow + '.' + curEpString)
toReturn.append(curShow + '.' + curEpString)
return toReturn
def allPossibleShowNames(show, season=-1):
Figures out every possible variation of the name for a particular show. Includes TVDB name, TVRage name,
country codes on the end, eg. "Show Name (AU)", and any scene exception names.
show: a TVShow object that we should get the names of
Returns: a list of all the possible show names
showNames = get_scene_exceptions(show.indexerid, season=season)[:]
if not showNames: # if we dont have any season specific exceptions fallback to generic exceptions
season = -1
showNames = get_scene_exceptions(show.indexerid, season=season)[:]
if season in [-1, 1]:
if not show.is_anime:
newShowNames = []
country_list = common.countryList
country_list.update(dict(zip(common.countryList.values(), common.countryList.keys())))
for curName in set(showNames):
if not curName:
# if we have "Show Name Australia" or "Show Name (Australia)" this will add "Show Name (AU)" for
# any countries defined in common.countryList
# (and vice versa)
for curCountry in country_list:
if curName.endswith(' ' + curCountry):
newShowNames.append(curName.replace(' ' + curCountry, ' (' + country_list[curCountry] + ')'))
elif curName.endswith(' (' + curCountry + ')'):
newShowNames.append(curName.replace(' (' + curCountry + ')', ' (' + country_list[curCountry] + ')'))
# if we have "Show Name (2013)" this will strip the (2013) show year from the show name
showNames += newShowNames
return showNames
def determineReleaseName(dir_name=None, nzb_name=None):
"""Determine a release name from an nzb and/or folder name"""
if nzb_name is not None:
logger.log(u'Using nzb name for release name.')
return nzb_name.rpartition('.')[0]
if dir_name is None:
return None
# try to get the release name from nzb/nfo
file_types = ["*.nzb", "*.nfo"]
for search in file_types:
reg_expr = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(search), re.IGNORECASE)
files = [file_name for file_name in ek.ek(os.listdir, dir_name) if
ek.ek(os.path.isfile, ek.ek(os.path.join, dir_name, file_name))]
results = filter(reg_expr.search, files)
if len(results) == 1:
found_file = ek.ek(os.path.basename, results[0])
found_file = found_file.rpartition('.')[0]
if pass_wordlist_checks(found_file):
logger.log(u"Release name (" + found_file + ") found from file (" + results[0] + ")")
return found_file.rpartition('.')[0]
# If that fails, we try the folder
folder = ek.ek(os.path.basename, dir_name)
if pass_wordlist_checks(folder):
# NOTE: Multiple failed downloads will change the folder name.
# (e.g., appending #s)
# Should we handle that?
logger.log(u"Folder name (" + folder + ") appears to be a valid release name. Using it.")
return folder
return None