mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 18:35:02 +00:00
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer. Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer. Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk! Enjoy!
344 lines
11 KiB
344 lines
11 KiB
{"tests": [
{"description":"< in attribute name",
"input":"<z/0 <>",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"0": "", "<": ""}]]},
{"description":"< in attribute value",
"input":"<z x=<>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"x": "<"}]]},
{"description":"= in unquoted attribute value",
"input":"<z z=z=z>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"z": "z=z"}]]},
{"description":"= attribute",
"input":"<z =>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"=": ""}]]},
{"description":"== attribute",
"input":"<z ==>",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"=": ""}]]},
{"description":"=== attribute",
"input":"<z ===>",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"=": "="}]]},
{"description":"==== attribute",
"input":"<z ====>",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", "ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"=": "=="}]]},
{"description":"Allowed \" after ampersand in attribute value",
"input":"<z z=\"&\">",
"output":[["StartTag", "z", {"z": "&"}]]},
{"description":"Non-allowed ' after ampersand in attribute value",
"input":"<z z=\"&'\">",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"z": "&'"}]]},
{"description":"Allowed ' after ampersand in attribute value",
"input":"<z z='&'>",
"output":[["StartTag", "z", {"z": "&"}]]},
{"description":"Non-allowed \" after ampersand in attribute value",
"input":"<z z='&\"'>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "z", {"z": "&\""}]]},
{"description":"Text after bogus character reference",
"input":"<z z='&xlink_xmlns;'>bar<z>",
{"description":"Text after hex character reference",
"input":"<z z='  foo'>bar<z>",
"output":[["StartTag","z",{"z":" foo"}],["Character","bar"],["StartTag","z",{}]]},
{"description":"Attribute name starting with \"",
"input":"<foo \"='bar'>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"\"": "bar"}]]},
{"description":"Attribute name starting with '",
"input":"<foo '='bar'>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"'": "bar"}]]},
{"description":"Attribute name containing \"",
"input":"<foo a\"b='bar'>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"a\"b": "bar"}]]},
{"description":"Attribute name containing '",
"input":"<foo a'b='bar'>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"a'b": "bar"}]]},
{"description":"Unquoted attribute value containing '",
"input":"<foo a=b'c>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"a": "b'c"}]]},
{"description":"Unquoted attribute value containing \"",
"input":"<foo a=b\"c>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"a": "b\"c"}]]},
{"description":"Double-quoted attribute value not followed by whitespace",
"input":"<foo a=\"b\"c>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"a": "b", "c": ""}]]},
{"description":"Single-quoted attribute value not followed by whitespace",
"input":"<foo a='b'c>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "foo", {"a": "b", "c": ""}]]},
{"description":"Quoted attribute followed by permitted /",
"input":"<br a='b'/>",
{"description":"Quoted attribute followed by non-permitted /",
"input":"<bar a='b'/>",
{"description":"CR EOF after doctype name",
"input":"<!doctype html \r",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"CR EOF in tag name",
{"description":"Slash EOF in tag name",
{"description":"Zero hex numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Zero decimal numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Zero-prefixed hex numeric entity",
"output":[["Character", "A"]]},
{"description":"Zero-prefixed decimal numeric entity",
"output":[["Character", "A"]]},
{"description":"Empty hex numeric entities",
"input":"&#x &#X ",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "&#x "], "ParseError", ["Character", "&#X "]]},
{"description":"Empty decimal numeric entities",
"input":"&# &#; ",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "&# "], "ParseError", ["Character", "&#; "]]},
{"description":"Non-BMP numeric entity",
"output":[["Character", "\uD800\uDC00"]]},
{"description":"Maximum non-BMP numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uDBFF\uDFFF"]]},
{"description":"Above maximum numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"32-bit hex numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"33-bit hex numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"33-bit decimal numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"65-bit hex numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"65-bit decimal numeric entity",
"output":["ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"]]},
{"description":"Surrogate code point edge cases",
"output":[["Character", "\uD7FF"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\uFFFD\uE000"]]},
{"description":"Uppercase start tag name",
"output":[["StartTag", "x", {}]]},
{"description":"Uppercase end tag name",
"output":[["EndTag", "x"]]},
{"description":"Uppercase attribute name",
"input":"<x X>",
"output":[["StartTag", "x", { "x":"" }]]},
{"description":"Tag/attribute name case edge values",
"input":"<x@AZ[`az{ @AZ[`az{>",
"output":[["StartTag", "x@az[`az{", { "@az[`az{":"" }]]},
{"description":"Duplicate different-case attributes",
"input":"<x x=1 x=2 X=3>",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["StartTag", "x", { "x":"1" }]]},
{"description":"Uppercase close tag attributes",
"input":"</x X>",
"output":["ParseError", ["EndTag", "x"]]},
{"description":"Duplicate close tag attributes",
"input":"</x x x>",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["EndTag", "x"]]},
{"description":"Permitted slash",
{"description":"Non-permitted slash",
{"description":"Permitted slash but in close tag",
"output":["ParseError", ["EndTag", "br"]]},
{"description":"Doctype public case-sensitivity (1)",
"input":"<!DoCtYpE HtMl PuBlIc \"AbC\" \"XyZ\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", "AbC", "XyZ", true]]},
{"description":"Doctype public case-sensitivity (2)",
"input":"<!dOcTyPe hTmL pUbLiC \"aBc\" \"xYz\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", "aBc", "xYz", true]]},
{"description":"Doctype system case-sensitivity (1)",
"input":"<!DoCtYpE HtMl SyStEm \"XyZ\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", null, "XyZ", true]]},
{"description":"Doctype system case-sensitivity (2)",
"input":"<!dOcTyPe hTmL sYsTeM \"xYz\">",
"output":[["DOCTYPE", "html", null, "xYz", true]]},
{"description":"U+0000 in lookahead region after non-matching character",
"output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "doc"], "ParseError", ["Character", "\u0000"]],
{"description":"U+0000 in lookahead region",
"output":["ParseError", ["Comment", "doc\uFFFD"]],
{"description":"U+0080 in lookahead region",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Comment", "doc\u0080"]],
{"description":"U+FDD1 in lookahead region",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Comment", "doc\uFDD1"]],
{"description":"U+1FFFF in lookahead region",
"output":["ParseError", "ParseError", ["Comment", "doc\uD83F\uDFFF"]],
{"description":"CR followed by non-LF",
"output":[["Character", "\n?"]]},
{"description":"CR at EOF",
"output":[["Character", "\n"]]},
{"description":"LF at EOF",
"output":[["Character", "\n"]]},
{"description":"CR LF",
"output":[["Character", "\n"]]},
{"description":"CR CR",
"output":[["Character", "\n\n"]]},
{"description":"LF LF",
"output":[["Character", "\n\n"]]},
{"description":"LF CR",
"output":[["Character", "\n\n"]]},
{"description":"text CR CR CR text",
"output":[["Character", "text\n\n\ntext"]]},
{"description":"Doctype publik",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIK \"AbC\" \"XyZ\">",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"Doctype publi",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLI",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"Doctype sistem",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html SISTEM \"AbC\">",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"Doctype sys",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html SYS",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false]]},
{"description":"Doctype html x>text",
"input":"<!DOCTYPE html x>text",
"output":["ParseError", ["DOCTYPE", "html", null, null, false], ["Character", "text"]]},
{"description":"Grave accent in unquoted attribute",
"input":"<a a=aa`>",
"output":["ParseError", ["StartTag", "a", {"a":"aa`"}]]},
{"description":"EOF in tag name state ",
{"description":"EOF in tag name state",
{"description":"EOF in before attribute name state",
"input":"<a ",
{"description":"EOF in attribute name state",
"input":"<a a",
{"description":"EOF in after attribute name state",
"input":"<a a ",
{"description":"EOF in before attribute value state",
"input":"<a a =",
{"description":"EOF in attribute value (double quoted) state",
"input":"<a a =\"a",
{"description":"EOF in attribute value (single quoted) state",
"input":"<a a ='a",
{"description":"EOF in attribute value (unquoted) state",
"input":"<a a =a",
{"description":"EOF in after attribute value state",
"input":"<a a ='a'",