mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 17:23:38 +00:00
1261 lines
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1261 lines
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# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import division
# from collections import OrderedDict
from io import BytesIO
from math import ceil
import datetime
import re
import time
import sickgear
from . import generic
from .. import classes, db, helpers, logger, tvcache
from ..classes import SearchResult
from ..common import NeededQualities, Quality
from ..helpers import remove_non_release_groups
from ..indexers.indexer_config import *
from ..network_timezones import SG_TIMEZONE
from ..sgdatetime import SGDatetime, timestamp_near
from ..search import get_aired_in_season, get_wanted_qualities
from ..show_name_helpers import get_show_names
from ..scene_exceptions import has_season_exceptions
from ..tv import TVEpisode, TVShow
from lib.dateutil import parser
from lib.sg_helpers import md5_for_text, try_int
from exceptions_helper import AuthException, ex, MultipleShowObjectsException
from lxml_etree import etree
from six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types
from _23 import urlencode
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
class NewznabConstants(object):
CAT_SD = -200
CAT_HD = -201
CAT_UHD = -202
CAT_HEVC = -203
CAT_ANIME = -204
CAT_SPORT = -205
CAT_WEBDL = -206
catSearchStrings = {r'^Anime$': CAT_ANIME,
r'^Sport$': CAT_SPORT,
r'^SD$': CAT_SD,
r'^BoxSD$': CAT_SD,
r'^HD$': CAT_HD,
r'^BoxHD$': CAT_HD,
r'^UHD$': CAT_UHD,
r'^4K$': CAT_UHD,
# r'^HEVC$': CAT_HEVC,
providerToIndexerMapping = {'tvdbid': TVINFO_TVDB,
'rageid': TVINFO_TVRAGE,
'tvmazeid': TVINFO_TVMAZE,
'imdbid': TVINFO_IMDB,
'tmdbid': TVINFO_TMDB,
'traktid': TVINFO_TRAKT}
searchTypes = {'rid': TVINFO_TVRAGE,
'tvdbid': TVINFO_TVDB,
'tvmazeid': TVINFO_TVMAZE,
'imdbid': TVINFO_IMDB,
'tmdbid': TVINFO_TMDB,
'traktid': TVINFO_TRAKT,
'season': SEARCH_SEASON,
server_types = {SERVER_DEFAULT: 'newznab',
SERVER_SPOTWEB: 'spotweb',
# md5_for_text values
custom_server_types = {SERVER_SPOTWEB: ('720db6d19d02339e9c320dd788291136',)}
def __init__(self):
class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
def __init__(self,
name, # type: AnyStr
url, # type: AnyStr
key='', # type: AnyStr
cat_ids=None, # type: Union[List, AnyStr]
search_mode=None, # type: AnyStr
search_fallback=False, # type: bool
enable_recentsearch=False, # type: bool
enable_backlog=False, # type: bool
enable_scheduled_backlog=False, # type: bool
server_type=None # type: Union[int, None]
:param name: provider name
:param url: url
:param key:
:param cat_ids:
:param search_mode:
:param search_fallback:
:param enable_recentsearch:
:param enable_backlog:
:param enable_scheduled_backlog:
:param server_type:
generic.NZBProvider.__init__(self, name, True, False)
self.url = url
self.key = key
self.server_type = try_int(server_type, None) or NewznabConstants.SERVER_DEFAULT
self._exclude = set()
self.cat_ids = cat_ids or ''
self.search_mode = search_mode or 'eponly'
self.search_fallback = bool(try_int(search_fallback))
self.enable_recentsearch = bool(try_int(enable_recentsearch))
self.enable_backlog = bool(try_int(enable_backlog))
self.enable_scheduled_backlog = bool(try_int(enable_scheduled_backlog, 1))
self.needs_auth = '0' != self.key.strip() # '0' in the key setting indicates that api_key is not needed
self.default = False
self._caps = {}
self._caps_cats = {}
self._caps_all_cats = []
self._caps_need_apikey = {'need': False, 'date': datetime.date.fromordinal(1)}
self._limits = 100
self._last_recent_search = None
self._caps_last_updated = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(1)
self.cache = NewznabCache(self)
# filters
# deprecated; kept here as bookmark for new haspretime:0|1 + nuked:0|1 can be used here instead
# if super(NewznabProvider, self).get_id() in ('nzbs_org',):
# self.filter = []
# if 'nzbs_org' == super(NewznabProvider, self).get_id():
# self.may_filter = OrderedDict([
# ('so', ('scene only', False)), ('snn', ('scene not nuked', False))])
def cat_ids(self):
return self._cat_ids
def cat_ids(self, cats):
self._cat_ids = self.clean_newznab_categories(cats)
def caps(self):
return self._caps
def cats(self):
return self._caps_cats
def excludes(self):
return self._exclude
def all_cats(self):
return self._caps_all_cats
def limits(self):
return self._limits
def last_recent_search(self):
if not self._last_recent_search:
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
res = my_db.select('SELECT' + ' "datetime" FROM "lastrecentsearch" WHERE "name"=?', [self.get_id()])
if res:
self._last_recent_search = SGDatetime.from_timestamp(int(res[0]['datetime']))
except (BaseException, Exception):
return self._last_recent_search
def last_recent_search(self, value):
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
save_value = int(timestamp_near(value))
save_value = SGDatetime.timestamp_far(value, default=0)
my_db.action('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "lastrecentsearch" (name, datetime) VALUES (?,?)',
[self.get_id(), save_value])
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._last_recent_search = value
def image_name(self):
:rtype: AnyStr
if self.server_type not in (NewznabConstants.SERVER_DEFAULT, NewznabConstants.SERVER_SPOTWEB):
return 'warning16.png'
return generic.GenericProvider.image_name(
self, ('newznab', 'spotweb')[self.server_type == NewznabConstants.SERVER_SPOTWEB])
def check_cap_update(self):
if self.enabled and \
(not self._caps or (datetime.datetime.now() - self._caps_last_updated) >= datetime.timedelta(days=1)):
def _get_caps_data(self):
xml_caps = None
if self.enabled:
if datetime.date.today() - self._caps_need_apikey['date'] > datetime.timedelta(days=30) or \
not self._caps_need_apikey['need']:
self._caps_need_apikey['need'] = False
data = self.get_url('%s/api?t=caps' % self.url)
if data:
xml_caps = helpers.parse_xml(data)
if None is xml_caps or not hasattr(xml_caps, 'tag') or 'error' == xml_caps.tag or 'caps' != xml_caps.tag:
api_key = self.maybe_apikey()
if isinstance(api_key, string_types) and api_key not in ('0', ''):
data = self.get_url('%s/api?t=caps&apikey=%s' % (self.url, api_key))
if data:
xml_caps = helpers.parse_xml(data)
if None is not xml_caps and 'caps' == getattr(xml_caps, 'tag', ''):
self._caps_need_apikey = {'need': True, 'date': datetime.date.today()}
return xml_caps
def _check_excludes(self,
cats # type: Union[Dict, List]
if isinstance(cats, dict):
c = []
for v in itervalues(cats):
self._exclude = set(c)
self._exclude = set([v for v in cats])
def get_caps(self):
caps = {}
cats = {}
all_cats = []
xml_caps = self._get_caps_data()
old_api = False
if None is not xml_caps:
server_node = xml_caps.find('.//server')
if None is not server_node:
if NewznabConstants.server_types.get(NewznabConstants.SERVER_SPOTWEB) in \
(server_node.get('type', '') or server_node.get('title', '')).lower() \
or (md5_for_text(server_node.get('type', '')) in
self.server_type = NewznabConstants.SERVER_SPOTWEB
elif 'nzbhydra 2' in server_node.get('title', '').lower() or \
'nzbhydra2' in server_node.get('url', '').lower():
self.server_type = NewznabConstants.SERVER_HYDRA2
elif 'nzbhydra' == server_node.get('title', '').lower().strip() or \
server_node.get('url', '').lower().strip().endswith('nzbhydra'):
self.server_type = NewznabConstants.SERVER_HYDRA1
self.server_type = NewznabConstants.SERVER_DEFAULT
tv_search = xml_caps.find('.//tv-search')
if None is not tv_search:
for c in [i for i in tv_search.get('supportedParams', '').split(',')]:
k = NewznabConstants.searchTypes.get(c)
if k:
caps[k] = c
# for very old newznab, just add text search as only option
if not tv_search.get('supportedParams'):
caps[NewznabConstants.searchTypes['q']] = 'q'
old_api = True
limit = xml_caps.find('.//limits')
if None is not limit:
lim = try_int(limit.get('max'), 100)
self._limits = (100, lim)[100 <= lim]
for category in xml_caps.iter('category'):
if 'TV' == category.get('name'):
for subcat in category.findall('subcat'):
cat_name = subcat.attrib['name']
cat_id = subcat.attrib['id']
all_cats.append({'id': cat_id, 'name': cat_name})
for s, v in iteritems(NewznabConstants.catSearchStrings):
if None is not re.search(s, cat_name, re.IGNORECASE):
cats.setdefault(v, []).append(cat_id)
except (BaseException, Exception):
elif category.get('name', '').upper() in ['XXX', 'OTHER', 'MISC']:
for subcat in category.findall('subcat'):
if None is not re.search(r'^Anime$', subcat.attrib['name'], re.IGNORECASE):
cats.setdefault(NewznabConstants.CAT_ANIME, []).append(subcat.attrib['id'])
except (BaseException, Exception):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Error parsing result for [%s]' % self.name, logger.DEBUG)
if not caps and self._caps and not all_cats and self._caps_all_cats and not cats and self._caps_cats:
if self.enabled:
self._caps_last_updated = datetime.datetime.now()
if not old_api and (self.url and 'nzbplanet.net' not in self.url.lower()):
if not caps:
caps[TVINFO_TVDB] = 'tvdbid'
if NewznabConstants.SEARCH_SEASON not in caps or not caps.get(NewznabConstants.SEARCH_SEASON):
caps[NewznabConstants.SEARCH_SEASON] = 'season'
if NewznabConstants.SEARCH_EPISODE not in caps or not caps.get(NewznabConstants.SEARCH_EPISODE):
caps[NewznabConstants.SEARCH_TEXT] = 'ep'
if (TVINFO_TVRAGE not in caps or not caps.get(TVINFO_TVRAGE)):
caps[TVINFO_TVRAGE] = 'rid'
if NewznabConstants.SEARCH_TEXT not in caps or not caps.get(NewznabConstants.SEARCH_TEXT):
caps[NewznabConstants.SEARCH_TEXT] = 'q'
if NewznabConstants.CAT_HD not in cats or not cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_HD):
cats[NewznabConstants.CAT_HD] = ['5040'] # (['5040'], ['5040', '5090'])['nzbs_org' == self.get_id()]
if NewznabConstants.CAT_SD not in cats or not cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_SD):
cats[NewznabConstants.CAT_SD] = ['5030'] # (['5030'], ['5030', '5070'])['nzbs_org' == self.get_id()]
if NewznabConstants.CAT_ANIME not in cats or not cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_ANIME):
cats[NewznabConstants.CAT_ANIME] = ['5070'] # (['5070'], ['6070', '7040'])['nzbs_org' == self.get_id()]
if NewznabConstants.CAT_SPORT not in cats or not cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_SPORT):
cats[NewznabConstants.CAT_SPORT] = ['5060']
self._caps = caps
self._caps_cats = cats
self._caps_all_cats = all_cats
def clean_newznab_categories(self,
cats # type: Union[List, AnyStr]
): # type: (...) -> Union[List, AnyStr]
Removes automatically mapped categories from the list
:param cats:
if isinstance(cats, list):
return [x for x in cats if x['id'] not in self.excludes]
return ','.join(set(cats.split(',')) - self.excludes)
def _check_auth(self, is_required=None):
if self.should_skip():
return False
return super(NewznabProvider, self)._check_auth(is_required)
def _check_auth_from_data(self,
data, # type: etree.Element
url # type: AnyStr
): # type: (...) -> bool
:param data:
:param url:
if None is data or not hasattr(data, 'tag'):
return False
if 'error' == data.tag:
code = try_int(data.get('code'))
description = data.get('description') or ''
msg = ('', ': %s' % description)[bool(description)]
if code not in (100, 101, 102, 401, 429, 500, 910):
logger.warning('Unknown error given from %s%s' % (self.name, msg))
if 100 == code:
raise AuthException('API key for %s is incorrect, check your config' % self.name)
elif 101 == code:
raise AuthException('Account suspended on %s, contact the admin' % self.name)
elif 401 == code:
logger.warning('Error code 401 (Unauthorized) from provider%s' % msg)
raise AuthException('Account disabled on %s (code 401), contact the admin%s' % (self.name, msg))
elif code in (102, 429, 500):
retry_time, unit = re.findall(r'(?i)(?:Try again|Retry) in (\d+)\W+([a-z]+)', description)[0]
except IndexError:
retry_time, unit = None, None
handle_fail = True
if 102 == code:
handle_fail = ('limit' in description.lower()) or (retry_time and unit)
if not handle_fail:
raise AuthException(
'Your account isn\'t allowed to use the %s API, contact the admin%s' %
(self.name, ('', '. Provider message: %s' % description)[bool(description)]))
if handle_fail:
self.tmr_limit_update(retry_time, unit, description)
elif 910 == code:
logger.warning('%s %s, please check with provider' %
(self.name, ('currently has their API disabled', description)[bool(description)]))
return False
self.tmr_limit_count = 0
return True
def config_str(self):
# type: (...) -> AnyStr
return '%s|%s|%s|%s|%i|%s|%i|%i|%i|%i|%i' \
% (self.name or '', self.url or '', self.maybe_apikey() or '', self.cat_ids or '', self.enabled,
self.search_mode or '', self.search_fallback, getattr(self, 'enable_recentsearch', False),
getattr(self, 'enable_backlog', False), getattr(self, 'enable_scheduled_backlog', False),
def _season_strings(self,
ep_obj # type: TVEpisode
): # type: (...) -> List[Dict[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]]]
:param ep_obj: episode object
search_params = []
base_params = {}
# season
ep_detail = None
if ep_obj.show_obj.air_by_date or ep_obj.show_obj.is_sports:
airdate = str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')[0]
base_params['season'] = airdate
base_params['q'] = airdate
if ep_obj.show_obj.air_by_date:
ep_detail = '+"%s"' % airdate
elif ep_obj.show_obj.is_anime:
base_params['season'] = '%d' % ep_obj.scene_absolute_number
base_params['season'] = str((ep_obj.season, ep_obj.scene_season)[bool(ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene)])
ep_detail = 'S%02d' % try_int(base_params['season'], 1)
# id search
params = base_params.copy()
use_id = False
if not has_season_exceptions(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid, ep_obj.show_obj.prodid, ep_obj.season):
for i in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().all_sources:
if i in ep_obj.show_obj.ids and 0 < ep_obj.show_obj.ids[i]['id'] and i in self.caps:
params[self.caps[i]] = ep_obj.show_obj.ids[i]['id']
use_id = True
use_id and search_params.append(params)
spacer = 'nzbgeek.info' in self.url.lower() and ' ' or '.'
# query search and exceptions
name_exceptions = get_show_names(ep_obj, spacer)
for cur_exception in name_exceptions:
params = base_params.copy()
if 'q' in params:
params['q'] = '%s%s%s' % (cur_exception, spacer, params['q'])
if ep_detail:
params = base_params.copy()
params['q'] = '%s%s%s' % (cur_exception, spacer, ep_detail)
'season' in params and params.pop('season')
'ep' in params and params.pop('ep')
return [{'Season': search_params}]
def _episode_strings(self,
ep_obj # type: TVEpisode
): # type: (...) -> List[Dict[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]]]
:param ep_obj: episode object
search_params = []
base_params = {}
if not ep_obj:
return [base_params]
ep_detail = None
if ep_obj.show_obj.air_by_date or ep_obj.show_obj.is_sports:
airdate = str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')
base_params['season'] = airdate[0]
if ep_obj.show_obj.air_by_date:
base_params['ep'] = '/'.join(airdate[1:])
ep_detail = '+"%s.%s"' % (base_params['season'], '.'.join(airdate[1:]))
elif ep_obj.show_obj.is_anime:
base_params['ep'] = '%i' % (try_int(ep_obj.scene_absolute_number) or try_int(ep_obj.scene_episode))
ep_detail = '%02d' % try_int(base_params['ep'])
base_params['season'], base_params['ep'] = (
(ep_obj.season, ep_obj.episode), (ep_obj.scene_season, ep_obj.scene_episode))[ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene]
ep_detail = sickgear.config.naming_ep_type[2] % {
'seasonnumber': try_int(base_params['season'], 1), 'episodenumber': try_int(base_params['ep'], 1)}
# id search
params = base_params.copy()
use_id = False
if not has_season_exceptions(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid, ep_obj.show_obj.prodid, ep_obj.season):
for i in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().all_sources:
if i in ep_obj.show_obj.ids and 0 < ep_obj.show_obj.ids[i]['id'] and i in self.caps:
params[self.caps[i]] = ep_obj.show_obj.ids[i]['id']
use_id = True
use_id and search_params.append(params)
spacer = 'nzbgeek.info' in self.url.lower() and ' ' or '.'
# query search and exceptions
name_exceptions = get_show_names(ep_obj, spacer)
if sickgear.scene_exceptions.has_abs_episodes(ep_obj):
search_params.append({'q': '%s%s%s' % (ep_obj.show_obj.name, spacer, base_params['ep'])})
for cur_exception in name_exceptions:
params = base_params.copy()
params['q'] = cur_exception
if ep_detail:
params = base_params.copy()
params['q'] = '%s%s%s' % (cur_exception, spacer, ep_detail)
'season' in params and params.pop('season')
'ep' in params and params.pop('ep')
return [{'Episode': search_params}]
def _title_and_url(self,
item # type: etree.Element
): # type: (...) -> Union[Tuple[AnyStr, AnyStr], Tuple[None, None]]
:param item:
:rtype: Tuple[AnyStr, AnyStr] or Tuple[None, None]
title, url = None, None
url = str(item.findtext('link')).replace('&', '&')
title = ('%s' % item.findtext('title')).strip()
title = re.sub(r'\s+', '.', title)
# remove indexer specific release name parts
r_found = True
while r_found:
r_found = False
for pattern, repl in ((r'(?i)-Scrambled$', ''), (r'(?i)-BUYMORE$', ''), (r'(?i)-Obfuscated$', ''),
(r'(?i)-postbot$', ''), (r'(?i)[-.]English$', '')):
if re.search(pattern, title):
r_found = True
title = re.sub(pattern, repl, title)
parts = re.findall('(.*(?:(?:h.?|x)26[45]|vp9|av1|hevc|xvid|divx)[^-]*)(.*)', title, re.I)[0]
title = '%s-%s' % (parts[0], remove_non_release_groups(parts[1].split('-')[1]))
except (BaseException, Exception):
return title, url
def get_size_uid(self,
item, # type: etree.Element
): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int, Union[AnyStr, None]]
:param item:
:param kwargs:
size = -1
uid = None
if 'name_space' in kwargs and 'newznab' in kwargs['name_space']:
size, uid = self._parse_size_uid(item, kwargs['name_space'])
return size, uid
def get_show(self,
item, # type: etree.Element
): # type: (...) -> Union[TVShow, None]
:param item:
:param kwargs:
show_obj = None
if 'name_space' in kwargs and 'newznab' in kwargs['name_space']:
tvid_prodid = self.cache.parse_ids(item, kwargs['name_space'])
if tvid_prodid:
show_obj = helpers.find_show_by_id(tvid_prodid, no_mapped_ids=False, check_multishow=True)
except MultipleShowObjectsException:
return None
return show_obj
def choose_search_mode(self,
ep_obj_list, # type: List[TVEpisode]
ep_obj, # type: TVEpisode
hits_per_page=100 # type: int
): # type: (...) -> Tuple[bool, NeededQualities, int]
:param ep_obj_list: episode object list
:param ep_obj: episode object
:param hits_per_page:
:return: season search, needed qualities class, max hits
searches = [eo for eo in ep_obj_list if (not ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene and eo.season == ep_obj.season) or
(ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene and eo.scene_season == ep_obj.scene_season)]
needed = NeededQualities()
for s in searches:
if needed.all_qualities_needed:
if not s.show_obj.is_anime and not s.show_obj.is_sports:
if not getattr(s, 'wanted_quality', None):
# this should not happen, the creation is missing for the search in this case
logger.log('wanted_quality property was missing for search, creating it', logger.WARNING)
ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(ep_obj.status)
s.wanted_quality = get_wanted_qualities(ep_obj, ep_status, ep_quality, unaired=True)
if not hasattr(ep_obj, 'eps_aired_in_season'):
# this should not happen, the creation is missing for the search in this case
logger.log('eps_aired_in_season property was missing for search, creating it', logger.WARNING)
ep_count, ep_count_scene = get_aired_in_season(ep_obj.show_obj)
ep_obj.eps_aired_in_season = ep_count.get(ep_obj.season, 0)
ep_obj.eps_aired_in_scene_season = ep_count_scene.get(ep_obj.scene_season, 0) if ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene \
else ep_obj.eps_aired_in_season
per_ep, limit_per_ep = 0, 0
if needed.need_sd and not needed.need_hd:
per_ep, limit_per_ep = 10, 25
if needed.need_hd:
if not needed.need_sd:
per_ep, limit_per_ep = 30, 90
per_ep, limit_per_ep = 40, 120
if needed.need_uhd or (needed.need_hd and not self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_UHD)):
per_ep += 4
limit_per_ep += 10
if ep_obj.show_obj.is_anime or ep_obj.show_obj.is_sports or ep_obj.show_obj.air_by_date:
rel_per_ep, limit_per_ep = 5, 10
rel_per_ep = per_ep
rel = max(1, int(ceil((ep_obj.eps_aired_in_scene_season if ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene else
ep_obj.eps_aired_in_season * rel_per_ep) / hits_per_page)))
rel_limit = max(1, int(ceil((ep_obj.eps_aired_in_scene_season if ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene else
ep_obj.eps_aired_in_season * limit_per_ep) / hits_per_page)))
season_search = rel < (len(searches) * 100 // hits_per_page)
if not season_search:
needed = NeededQualities()
if not ep_obj.show_obj.is_anime and not ep_obj.show_obj.is_sports:
if not getattr(ep_obj, 'wanted_quality', None):
ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(ep_obj.status)
ep_obj.wanted_quality = get_wanted_qualities(ep_obj, ep_status, ep_quality, unaired=True)
if not ep_obj.show_obj.is_anime and not ep_obj.show_obj.is_sports:
for cur_ep_obj in ep_obj_list:
if not getattr(cur_ep_obj, 'wanted_quality', None):
ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(cur_ep_obj.status)
cur_ep_obj.wanted_quality = get_wanted_qualities(cur_ep_obj, ep_status, ep_quality,
return (season_search, needed,
(hits_per_page * 100 // hits_per_page * 2, hits_per_page * int(ceil(rel_limit * 1.5)))[season_search])
def find_search_results(self,
show_obj, # type: TVShow
ep_obj_list, # type: List[TVEpisode]
search_mode, # type: AnyStr
manual_search=False, # type: bool
try_other_searches=False, # type: bool
): # type: (...) -> Union[Dict[TVEpisode, Dict[TVEpisode, SearchResult]], Dict]
:param show_obj: show object
:param ep_obj_list: episode list
:param search_mode: search mode
:param manual_search: maunal search
:param try_other_searches:
:param kwargs:
check = self._check_auth()
results = {} # type: Dict[int, List]
if (isinstance(check, bool) and not check) or self.should_skip():
return results
self.show_obj = show_obj
item_list = []
name_space = {}
searched_scene_season = s_mode = None
search_list = []
for ep_obj in ep_obj_list:
# skip if season already searched
if (s_mode or 'sponly' == search_mode) and 1 < len(ep_obj_list) \
and searched_scene_season == ep_obj.scene_season:
# search cache for episode result
cache_result = self.cache.searchCache(ep_obj, manual_search)
if cache_result:
if ep_obj.episode not in results:
results[ep_obj.episode] = cache_result
# found result, search next episode
s_mode, needed, max_items = self.choose_search_mode(ep_obj_list, ep_obj, hits_per_page=self.limits)
if 'sponly' == search_mode:
searched_scene_season = ep_obj.scene_season
# get season search params
search_params = self._season_strings(ep_obj)
# get single episode search params
if s_mode and 1 < len(ep_obj_list):
searched_scene_season = ep_obj.scene_season
search_params = self._season_strings(ep_obj)
search_params = self._episode_strings(ep_obj)
search_list += [(search_params, needed, max_items)]
search_done = []
for (search_params, needed, max_items) in search_list:
if self.should_skip(log_warning=False):
for cur_param in search_params:
if cur_param in search_done:
search_done += [cur_param]
items, n_space = self._search_provider(cur_param, search_mode=search_mode, epcount=len(ep_obj_list),
needed=needed, max_items=max_items,
item_list += items
if self.should_skip():
return self.finish_find_search_results(
show_obj, ep_obj_list, search_mode, manual_search, results, item_list, name_space=name_space)
def _parse_pub_date(item, default=None):
# type: (etree.Element, Union[int, None]) -> Union[datetime.datetime, None]
:param item:
:param default:
parsed_date = default
p = item.findtext('pubDate')
if p:
p = parser.parse(p, fuzzy=True)
p = p.astimezone(SG_TIMEZONE)
except (BaseException, Exception):
if isinstance(p, datetime.datetime):
parsed_date = p.replace(tzinfo=None)
except (BaseException, Exception):
return parsed_date
def _parse_size_uid(item, # type: etree.Element
ns, # type: Dict
default=-1 # type: int
): # type: (...) -> Tuple[int, Union[AnyStr, None]]
:param item:
:param ns:
:param default:
parsed_size = default
uid = None
if ns and 'newznab' in ns:
for attr in item.findall('%sattr' % ns['newznab']):
if 'size' == attr.get('name', ''):
parsed_size = try_int(attr.get('value'), -1)
elif 'guid' == attr.get('name', ''):
uid = attr.get('value')
except (BaseException, Exception):
return parsed_size, uid
def _search_provider(self,
search_params, # type: Dict[AnyStr, List[Dict[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]]]]
needed=NeededQualities(need_all=True), # type: NeededQualities
max_items=400, # type: int
try_all_searches=False, # type: bool
): # type: (...) -> Tuple[List, Dict]
:param search_params:
:param needed:
:param max_items:
:param try_all_searches:
:param kwargs:
results, n_spaces = [], {}
if self.should_skip():
return results, n_spaces
api_key = self._check_auth()
if isinstance(api_key, bool) and not api_key:
return results, n_spaces
base_params = {'t': 'tvsearch',
'maxage': sickgear.USENET_RETENTION or 0,
'limit': self.limits,
'attrs': ','.join([k for k, v in iteritems(NewznabConstants.providerToIndexerMapping)
if v in self.caps]),
'offset': 0}
base_params_rss = {'num': self.limits, 'dl': '1'}
rss_fallback = False
if isinstance(api_key, string_types) and api_key not in ('0', ''):
base_params['apikey'] = api_key
base_params_rss['r'] = api_key
args = re.findall(r'.*?([ir])\s*=\s*([^\s&;]*)', api_key)
if 1 <= len(args):
for (cur_key, cur_value) in args:
base_params_rss[cur_key] = cur_value
if 'r' == cur_key:
rss_fallback = True
base_params['apikey'] = cur_value
if not rss_fallback:
logger.warning('Invalid API key config for API to RSS fallback,'
' not found: i=num&r=key or i=&r=key or &r=key')
return results, n_spaces
for mode in search_params:
params = dict(needed=needed, max_items=max_items, try_all_searches=try_all_searches,
base_params=base_params, base_params_rss=base_params_rss)
results, n_spaces = self._search_core(search_params, **params)
if not self.should_skip() and not results and rss_fallback and 'Cache' == mode:
results, n_spaces = self._search_core(search_params, use_rss=True, **params)
return results, n_spaces
def _search_core(self, search_params, needed=None, max_items=400, try_all_searches=False,
use_rss=False, base_params=None, base_params_rss=None):
results, n_spaces = [], {}
total, cnt, search_url, exit_log = 0, len(results), '', True
cat_sport = self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_SPORT, ['5060'])
cat_anime = self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_ANIME, ['5070'])
cat_hd = self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_HD, ['5040'])
cat_sd = self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_SD, ['5030'])
cat_uhd = self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_UHD)
cat_webdl = self.cats.get(NewznabConstants.CAT_WEBDL)
for mode in search_params:
if self.should_skip(log_warning=False):
for i, params in enumerate(search_params[mode]): # type: int, List[Dict[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]]]
if self.should_skip(log_warning=False):
# category ids
cat = []
if 'Episode' == mode or 'Season' == mode:
if not (any([x in params for x in
[v for c, v in iteritems(self.caps)
if c not in [NewznabConstants.SEARCH_EPISODE, NewznabConstants.SEARCH_SEASON]]])):
logger.log('Show is missing either an id or search term for search')
if needed.need_anime:
if needed.need_sports:
if needed.need_hd:
if needed.need_sd:
if needed.need_uhd and None is not cat_uhd:
if needed.need_webdl and None is not cat_webdl:
if self.cat_ids or len(cat):
base_params['cat'] = ','.join(sorted(set((self.cat_ids.split(',') if self.cat_ids else []) + cat)))
base_params_rss['t'] = base_params['cat']
request_params = base_params.copy()
# if ('Propers' == mode or 'nzbs_org' == self.get_id()) \
if 'Propers' == mode \
and 'q' in params and not (any([x in params for x in ['season', 'ep']])):
request_params['t'] = 'search'
# deprecated; kept here as bookmark for new haspretime:0|1 + nuked:0|1 can be used here instead
# if hasattr(self, 'filter'):
# if 'nzbs_org' == self.get_id():
# request_params['rls'] = ((0, 1)['so' in self.filter], 2)['snn' in self.filter]
# workaround a strange glitch
if sum([ord(i) for i in self.get_id()]) in [383] and 5 == 14 - request_params['maxage']:
request_params['maxage'] += 1
offset = 0
batch_count = not 0
first_date = last_date = None
# hardcoded to stop after a max of 4 hits (400 items) per query
while (offset <= total) and (offset < max_items) and batch_count:
cnt = len(results)
if 'Cache' == mode and use_rss:
search_url = '%srss?%s' % (self.url, urlencode(base_params_rss))
search_url = '%sapi?%s' % (self.url, urlencode(request_params))
i and time.sleep(2.1)
data = self.get_url(search_url)
if self.should_skip() or not data:
# hack this in until it's fixed server side
if not data.startswith('<?xml'):
data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>%s' % data
parsed_xml, n_spaces = self.cache.parse_and_get_ns(data)
items = parsed_xml.findall('channel/item')
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Error trying to load %s RSS feed' % self.name, logger.WARNING)
if not self._check_auth_from_data(parsed_xml, search_url):
if 'rss' != parsed_xml.tag:
logger.log('Resulting XML from %s isn\'t RSS, not parsing it' % self.name, logger.WARNING)
i and time.sleep(2.1)
for item in items:
title, url = self._title_and_url(item)
if title and url:
logger.log('The data returned from %s is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.name,
# get total and offset attributes
if 0 == total:
total = (try_int(parsed_xml.find(
'.//%sresponse' % n_spaces['newznab']).get('total', 0)), 1000)['Cache' == mode]
hits = (total // self.limits + int(0 < (total % self.limits)))
hits += int(0 == hits)
offset = try_int(parsed_xml.find('.//%sresponse' % n_spaces['newznab']).get('offset', 0))
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
if not use_rss:
total = len(items)
# No items found, prevent from doing another search
if 0 == total:
# Cache mode, prevent from doing another search
if 'Cache' == mode:
if items and len(items):
if not first_date:
first_date = self._parse_pub_date(items[0])
last_date = self._parse_pub_date(items[-1])
if not first_date or not last_date or not self.last_recent_search or \
last_date <= self.last_recent_search or use_rss:
if offset != request_params['offset']:
logger.log('Ask your newznab provider to fix their newznab responses')
request_params['offset'] += request_params['limit']
if total <= request_params['offset']:
# there are more items available than the amount given in one call, grab some more
items = total - request_params['offset']
logger.log('%s more item%s to fetch from a batch of up to %s items.'
% (items, helpers.maybe_plural(items), request_params['limit']), logger.DEBUG)
batch_count = self._log_result(results, mode, cnt, search_url)
exit_log = False
if 'Cache' == mode and first_date:
self.last_recent_search = first_date
if exit_log:
self._log_search(mode, len(results), search_url)
if not try_all_searches and any([x in request_params for x in [
v for c, v in iteritems(self.caps)
if c not in [NewznabConstants.SEARCH_EPISODE, NewznabConstants.SEARCH_SEASON,
NewznabConstants.SEARCH_TEXT]]]) and len(results):
return results, n_spaces
def find_propers(self,
search_date=None, # type: Union[datetime.date, None]
shows=None, # type: Union[List[int, int], None]
anime=None, # type: Union[List[int, int], None]
): # type: (...) -> List[classes.Proper]
:param search_date:
:param shows:
:param anime:
:param kwargs:
cache_results = self.cache.listPropers(search_date)
results = [classes.Proper(x['name'], x['url'],
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x['time']), self.show_obj) for x in cache_results]
check = self._check_auth()
if isinstance(check, bool) and not check:
return results
index = 0
# alt_search = ('nzbs_org' == self.get_id())
# do_search_alt = False
search_terms = []
regex = []
if shows:
search_terms += ['.proper.', '.repack.', '.real.']
regex += ['proper|repack', Quality.real_check]
proper_check = re.compile(r'(?i)(\b%s\b)' % '|'.join(regex))
if anime:
terms = 'v2|v3|v4|v5|v6|v7|v8|v9'
search_terms += [terms]
regex += [terms]
proper_check = re.compile(r'(?i)(%s)' % '|'.join(regex))
urls = []
while index < len(search_terms):
if self.should_skip(log_warning=False):
search_params = {'q': search_terms[index], 'maxage': sickgear.BACKLOG_LIMITED_PERIOD + 2}
# if alt_search:
# if do_search_alt:
# search_params['t'] = 'search'
# index += 1
# do_search_alt = not do_search_alt
# else:
# index += 1
index += 1
items, n_space = self._search_provider({'Propers': [search_params]})
for item in items:
(title, url) = self._title_and_url(item)
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
if not proper_check.search(title) or url in urls:
result_date = self._parse_pub_date(item)
if not result_date:
logger.log(u'Unable to figure out the date for entry %s, skipping it' % title)
result_size, result_uid = self._parse_size_uid(item, ns=n_space)
if not search_date or search_date < result_date:
show_obj = self.get_show(item, name_space=n_space)
search_result = classes.Proper(title, url, result_date, self.show_obj, parsed_show_obj=show_obj,
size=result_size, puid=result_uid)
return results
def _log_result(self, results, mode, cnt, url):
count = len(results) - cnt
if count:
self._log_search(mode, count, url)
return count
def __str__(self):
return 'NewznabProvider: %s (%s); server type: %s; enabled searches: %s' % \
(self.name, ('disabled', 'enabled')[self.enabled in (True, 1)],
NewznabConstants.server_types.get(self.server_type, 'unknown'),
','.join(en[1] for en in
((getattr(self, 'enable_recentsearch', False), 'recent'),
(getattr(self, 'enable_backlog', False), 'backlog'),
(getattr(self, 'enable_scheduled_backlog', False), 'scheduled')) if en[0]) or 'None')
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class NewznabCache(tvcache.TVCache):
def __init__(self, provider):
tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, provider, interval=5)
# helper method to read the namespaces from xml
def parse_and_get_ns(data):
# type: (AnyStr) -> Tuple[etree.Element, Dict]
:param data:
events = 'start', 'start-ns'
root = None
ns = {}
for event, elem in etree.iterparse(BytesIO(data.encode('utf-8')), events):
if 'start-ns' == event:
ns[elem[0]] = '{%s}' % elem[1]
elif 'start' == event:
if None is root:
root = elem
return root, ns
def updateCache(self,
needed=NeededQualities(need_all=True), # type: NeededQualities
:param needed: needed qualites class
:param kwargs:
if 4489 != sickgear.RECENTSEARCH_INTERVAL or self.should_update():
n_spaces = {}
check = self._checkAuth()
if isinstance(check, bool) and not check:
items = None
(items, n_spaces) = self.provider.cache_data(needed=needed)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Error updating Cache: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
items = None
if items:
# parse data
cl = []
for item in items:
ci = self._parseItem(n_spaces, item)
if None is not ci:
if 0 < len(cl):
my_db = self.get_db()
# set updated as time the attempt to fetch data is
def parse_ids(item, ns):
# type: (etree.Element, Dict) -> Dict[int, int]
:param item:
:param ns:
ids = {}
if 'newznab' in ns:
for attr in item.findall('%sattr' % ns['newznab']):
if attr.get('name', '') in NewznabConstants.providerToIndexerMapping:
v = try_int(attr.get('value'))
if 0 < v:
ids[NewznabConstants.providerToIndexerMapping[attr.get('name')]] = v
return ids
# overwrite method with that parses the rageid from the newznab feed
def _parseItem(self,
ns, # type: Dict
item # type: etree.Element
): # type: (...) -> Union[List[AnyStr, List[Any]], None]
:param ns:
:param item:
title, url = self._title_and_url(item)
ids = self.parse_ids(item, ns)
if title and url:
return self.add_cache_entry(title, url, tvid_prodid=ids)
logger.log('Data returned from the %s feed is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.provider.name,