mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 03:15:02 +00:00
Change improve provider title processing. Change improve handling erroneous JSON responses. Change improve find show with unicode characters. Change improve result for providers Omgwtf, SpeedCD, Transmithenet, Zoogle. Change validate .torrent files that contain optional header data. Fix case where an episode status was not restored on failure. Add raise log error if no wanted qualities are found. Change add un/pw to Config/Media providers/Options for BTN API graceful fallback (can remove Api key for security). Change only download torrent once when using blackhole. Add Cloudflare module 1.6.8 (be0a536) to mitigate CloudFlare (IUAM) access validator. Add Js2Py 0.43 (c1442f1) Cloudflare dependency. Add pyjsparser 2.4.5 (cd5b829) Js2Py dependency.
641 lines
22 KiB
641 lines
22 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from pyjsparser.pyjsparserdata import *
from .friendly_nodes import *
import random
import six
if six.PY3:
from functools import reduce
xrange = range
unicode = str
# number of characters above which expression will be split to multiple lines in order to avoid python parser stack overflow
# still experimental so I suggest to set it to 400 in order to avoid common errors
# set it to smaller value only if you have problems with parser stack overflow
LINE_LEN_LIMIT = 400 # 200 # or any other value - the larger the smaller probability of errors :)
class ForController:
def __init__(self):
self.inside = [False]
self.update = ''
def enter_for(self, update):
self.update = update
def leave_for(self):
def enter_other(self):
def leave_other(self):
def is_inside(self):
return self.inside[-1]
class InlineStack:
NAME = 'PyJs_%s_%d_'
def __init__(self):
self.reps = {}
self.names = []
def inject_inlines(self, source):
for lval in self.names: # first in first out! Its important by the way
source = inject_before_lval(source, lval, self.reps[lval])
return source
def require(self, typ):
name = self.NAME % (typ, len(self.names))
return name
def define(self, name, val):
self.reps[name] = val
def reset(self):
self.rel = {}
self.names = []
class ContextStack:
def __init__(self):
self.to_register = set([])
self.to_define = {}
def reset(self):
self.to_register = set([])
self.to_define = {}
def register(self, var):
def define(self, name, code):
self.to_define[name] = code
def get_code(self):
code = 'var.registers([%s])\n' % ', '.join(repr(e) for e in self.to_register)
for name, func_code in six.iteritems(self.to_define):
code += func_code
return code
def clean_stacks():
global Context, inline_stack
Context = ContextStack()
inline_stack = InlineStack()
def to_key(literal_or_identifier):
''' returns string representation of this object'''
if literal_or_identifier['type']=='Identifier':
return literal_or_identifier['name']
elif literal_or_identifier['type']=='Literal':
k = literal_or_identifier['value']
if isinstance(k, float):
return unicode(float_repr(k))
elif 'regex' in literal_or_identifier:
return compose_regex(k)
elif isinstance(k, bool):
return 'true' if k else 'false'
elif k is None:
return 'null'
return unicode(k)
def trans(ele, standard=False):
"""Translates esprima syntax tree to python by delegating to appropriate translating node"""
node = globals().get(ele['type'])
if not node:
raise NotImplementedError('%s is not supported!' % ele['type'])
if standard:
node = node.__dict__['standard'] if 'standard' in node.__dict__ else node
return node(**ele)
#print ele
def limited(func):
'''Decorator limiting resulting line length in order to avoid python parser stack overflow -
If expression longer than LINE_LEN_LIMIT characters then it will be moved to upper line
def f(standard=False, **args):
insert_pos = len(inline_stack.names) # in case line is longer than limit we will have to insert the lval at current position
# this is because calling func will change inline_stack.
# we cant use inline_stack.require here because we dont know whether line overflows yet
res = func(**args)
if len(res)>LINE_LEN_LIMIT:
name = inline_stack.require('LONG')
inline_stack.names.insert(insert_pos, name)
res = 'def %s(var=var):\n return %s\n' % (name, res)
inline_stack.define(name, res)
return name+'()'
return res
f.__dict__['standard'] = func
return f
inf = float('inf')
def Literal(type, value, raw, regex=None):
if regex: # regex
return 'JsRegExp(%s)' % repr(compose_regex(value))
elif value is None: # null
return 'var.get(u"null")'
# Todo template
# String, Bool, Float
return 'Js(%s)' % repr(value) if value!=inf else 'Js(float("inf"))'
def Identifier(type, name):
return 'var.get(%s)' % repr(name)
def MemberExpression(type, computed, object, property):
far_left = trans(object)
if computed: # obj[prop] type accessor
# may be literal which is the same in every case so we can save some time on conversion
if property['type'] == 'Literal':
prop = repr(to_key(property))
else: # worst case
prop = trans(property)
else: # always the same since not computed (obj.prop accessor)
prop = repr(to_key(property))
return far_left + '.get(%s)' % prop
def ThisExpression(type):
return 'var.get(u"this")'
def CallExpression(type, callee, arguments):
arguments = [trans(e) for e in arguments]
if callee['type']=='MemberExpression':
far_left = trans(callee['object'])
if callee['computed']: # obj[prop] type accessor
# may be literal which is the same in every case so we can save some time on conversion
if callee['property']['type'] == 'Literal':
prop = repr(to_key(callee['property']))
else: # worst case
prop = trans(callee['property']) # its not a string literal! so no repr
else: # always the same since not computed (obj.prop accessor)
prop = repr(to_key(callee['property']))
arguments.insert(0, prop)
return far_left + '.callprop(%s)' % ', '.join(arguments)
else: # standard call
return trans(callee) + '(%s)' % ', '.join(arguments)
# ========== ARRAYS ============
def ArrayExpression(type, elements): # todo fix null inside problem
return 'Js([%s])' % ', '.join(trans(e) if e else 'None' for e in elements)
# ========== OBJECTS =============
def ObjectExpression(type, properties):
name = inline_stack.require('Object')
elems = []
after = ''
for p in properties:
if p['kind']=='init':
elems.append('%s:%s' % Property(**p))
elif p['kind']=='set':
k, setter = Property(**p) # setter is just a lval referring to that function, it will be defined in InlineStack automatically
after += '%s.define_own_property(%s, {"set":%s, "configurable":True, "enumerable":True})\n' % (name, k, setter)
elif p['kind']=='get':
k, getter = Property(**p)
after += '%s.define_own_property(%s, {"get":%s, "configurable":True, "enumerable":True})\n' % (name, k, getter)
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected object propery kind')
obj = '%s = Js({%s})\n' % (name, ','.join(elems))
inline_stack.define(name, obj+after)
return name
def Property(type, kind, key, computed, value, method, shorthand):
if shorthand or computed:
raise NotImplementedError('Shorthand and Computed properties not implemented!')
k = to_key(key)
if k is None:
raise SyntaxError('Invalid key in dictionary! Or bug in Js2Py')
v = trans(value)
return repr(k), v
# ========== EXPRESSIONS ============
def UnaryExpression(type, operator, argument, prefix):
a = trans(argument, standard=True) # unary involve some complex operations so we cant use line shorteners here
if operator=='delete':
if argument['type'] in ('Identifier', 'MemberExpression'):
# means that operation is valid
return js_delete(a)
return 'PyJsComma(%s, Js(True))' % a # otherwise not valid, just perform expression and return true.
elif operator=='typeof':
return js_typeof(a)
return UNARY[operator](a)
def BinaryExpression(type, operator, left, right):
a = trans(left)
b = trans(right)
# delegate to our friends
return BINARY[operator](a,b)
def UpdateExpression(type, operator, argument, prefix):
a = trans(argument, standard=True) # also complex operation involving parsing of the result so no line length reducing here
return js_postfix(a, operator=='++', not prefix)
def AssignmentExpression(type, operator, left, right):
operator = operator[:-1]
if left['type']=='Identifier':
if operator:
return 'var.put(%s, %s, %s)' % (repr(to_key(left)), trans(right), repr(operator))
return 'var.put(%s, %s)' % (repr(to_key(left)), trans(right))
elif left['type']=='MemberExpression':
far_left = trans(left['object'])
if left['computed']: # obj[prop] type accessor
# may be literal which is the same in every case so we can save some time on conversion
if left['property']['type'] == 'Literal':
prop = repr(to_key(left['property']))
else: # worst case
prop = trans(left['property']) # its not a string literal! so no repr
else: # always the same since not computed (obj.prop accessor)
prop = repr(to_key(left['property']))
if operator:
return far_left + '.put(%s, %s, %s)' % (prop, trans(right), repr(operator))
return far_left + '.put(%s, %s)' % (prop, trans(right))
raise SyntaxError('Invalid left hand side in assignment!')
def SequenceExpression(type, expressions):
return reduce(js_comma, (trans(e) for e in expressions))
def NewExpression(type, callee, arguments):
return trans(callee) + '.create(%s)' % ', '.join(trans(e) for e in arguments)
def ConditionalExpression(type, test, consequent, alternate): # caused plenty of problems in my home-made translator :)
return '(%s if %s else %s)' % (trans(consequent), trans(test), trans(alternate))
# =========== STATEMENTS =============
def BlockStatement(type, body):
return StatementList(body) # never returns empty string! In the worst case returns pass\n
def ExpressionStatement(type, expression):
return trans(expression) + '\n' # end expression space with new line
def BreakStatement(type, label):
if label:
return 'raise %s("Breaked")\n' % (get_break_label(label['name']))
return 'break\n'
def ContinueStatement(type, label):
if label:
return 'raise %s("Continued")\n' % (get_continue_label(label['name']))
return 'continue\n'
def ReturnStatement(type, argument):
return 'return %s\n' % (trans(argument) if argument else "var.get('undefined')")
def EmptyStatement(type):
return 'pass\n'
def DebuggerStatement(type):
return 'pass\n'
def DoWhileStatement(type, body, test):
inside = trans(body) + 'if not %s:\n' % trans(test) + indent('break\n')
result = 'while 1:\n' + indent(inside)
return result
def ForStatement(type, init, test, update, body):
update = indent(trans(update)) if update else ''
init = trans(init) if init else ''
if not init.endswith('\n'):
init += '\n'
test = trans(test) if test else '1'
if not update:
result = '#for JS loop\n%swhile %s:\n%s%s\n' % (init, test, indent(trans(body)), update)
result = '#for JS loop\n%swhile %s:\n' % (init, test)
body = 'try:\n%sfinally:\n %s\n' % (indent(trans(body)), update)
result += indent(body)
return result
def ForInStatement(type, left, right, body, each):
res = 'for PyJsTemp in %s:\n' % trans(right)
if left['type']=="VariableDeclaration":
addon = trans(left) # make sure variable is registered
if addon != 'pass\n':
res = addon + res # we have to execute this expression :(
# now extract the name
name = left['declarations'][0]['id']['name']
raise RuntimeError('Unusual ForIn loop')
elif left['type']=='Identifier':
name = left['name']
raise RuntimeError('Unusual ForIn loop')
res += indent('var.put(%s, PyJsTemp)\n' % repr(name) + trans(body))
return res
def IfStatement(type, test, consequent, alternate):
# NOTE we cannot do elif because function definition inside elif statement would not be possible!
IF = 'if %s:\n' % trans(test)
IF += indent(trans(consequent))
if not alternate:
return IF
ELSE = 'else:\n' + indent(trans(alternate))
return IF + ELSE
def LabeledStatement(type, label, body):
# todo consider using smarter approach!
inside = trans(body)
defs = ''
if inside.startswith('while ') or inside.startswith('for ') or inside.startswith('#for'):
# we have to add contine label as well...
# 3 or 1 since #for loop type has more lines before real for.
sep = 1 if not inside.startswith('#for') else 3
cont_label = get_continue_label(label['name'])
temp = inside.split('\n')
injected = 'try:\n'+'\n'.join(temp[sep:])
injected += 'except %s:\n pass\n'%cont_label
inside = '\n'.join(temp[:sep])+'\n'+indent(injected)
defs += 'class %s(Exception): pass\n'%cont_label
break_label = get_break_label(label['name'])
inside = 'try:\n%sexcept %s:\n pass\n'% (indent(inside), break_label)
defs += 'class %s(Exception): pass\n'%break_label
return defs + inside
def StatementList(lis):
if lis: # ensure we don't return empty string because it may ruin indentation!
code = ''.join(trans(e) for e in lis)
return code if code else 'pass\n'
return 'pass\n'
def PyimportStatement(type, imp):
lib = imp['name']
jlib = 'PyImport_%s' % lib
code = 'import %s as %s\n' % (lib, jlib)
#check whether valid lib name...
compile(code, '', 'exec')
raise SyntaxError('Invalid Python module name (%s) in pyimport statement'%lib)
# var.pyimport will handle module conversion to PyJs object
code += 'var.pyimport(%s, %s)\n' % (repr(lib), jlib)
return code
def SwitchStatement(type, discriminant, cases):
#TODO there will be a problem with continue in a switch statement.... FIX IT
code = 'while 1:\n' + indent('SWITCHED = False\nCONDITION = (%s)\n')
code = code % trans(discriminant)
for case in cases:
case_code = None
if case['test']: # case (x):
case_code = 'if SWITCHED or PyJsStrictEq(CONDITION, %s):\n' % (trans(case['test']))
else: # default:
case_code = 'if True:\n'
case_code += indent('SWITCHED = True\n')
case_code += indent(StatementList(case['consequent']))
# one more indent for whole
code += indent(case_code)
# prevent infinite loop and sort out nested switch...
code += indent('SWITCHED = True\nbreak\n')
return code
def ThrowStatement(type, argument):
return 'PyJsTempException = JsToPyException(%s)\nraise PyJsTempException\n' % trans(argument)
def TryStatement(type, block, handler, handlers, guardedHandlers, finalizer):
result = 'try:\n%s' % indent(trans(block))
# complicated catch statement...
if handler:
identifier = handler['param']['name']
holder = 'PyJsHolder_%s_%d'%(to_hex(identifier), random.randrange(1e8))
identifier = repr(identifier)
result += 'except PyJsException as PyJsTempException:\n'
# fill in except ( catch ) block and remember to recover holder variable to its previous state
result += indent(TRY_CATCH.replace('HOLDER', holder).replace('NAME', identifier).replace('BLOCK', indent(trans(handler['body']))))
# translate finally statement if present
if finalizer:
result += 'finally:\n%s' % indent(trans(finalizer))
return result
def LexicalDeclaration(type, declarations, kind):
raise NotImplementedError('let and const not implemented yet but they will be soon! Check github for updates.')
def VariableDeclarator(type, id, init):
name = id['name']
# register the name if not already registered
if init:
return 'var.put(%s, %s)\n' % (repr(name), trans(init))
return ''
def VariableDeclaration(type, declarations, kind):
code = ''.join(trans(d) for d in declarations)
return code if code else 'pass\n'
def WhileStatement(type, test, body):
result = 'while %s:\n'%trans(test) + indent(trans(body))
return result
def WithStatement(type, object, body):
raise NotImplementedError('With statement not implemented!')
def Program(type, body):
code = ''.join(trans(e) for e in body)
# here add hoisted elements (register variables and define functions)
code = Context.get_code() + code
# replace all inline variables
code = inline_stack.inject_inlines(code)
return code
# ======== FUNCTIONS ============
def FunctionDeclaration(type, id, params, defaults, body, generator, expression):
if generator:
raise NotImplementedError('Generators not supported')
if defaults:
raise NotImplementedError('Defaults not supported')
if not id:
return FunctionExpression(type, id, params, defaults, body, generator, expression) + '\n'
JsName = id['name']
PyName = 'PyJsHoisted_%s_' % JsName
PyName = PyName if is_valid_py_name(PyName) else 'PyJsHoistedNonPyName'
# this is quite complicated
global Context
previous_context = Context
# change context to the context of this function
Context = ContextStack()
# translate body within current context
code = trans(body)
# get arg names
vars = [v['name'] for v in params]
# args are automaticaly registered variables
# add all hoisted elements inside function
code = Context.get_code() + code
# check whether args are valid python names:
used_vars = []
for v in vars:
if is_valid_py_name(v):
else: # invalid arg in python, for example $, replace with alternatice arg
used_vars.append('PyJsArg_%s_' % to_hex(v))
header = '@Js\n'
header+= 'def %s(%sthis, arguments, var=var):\n' % (PyName, ', '.join(used_vars) +(', ' if vars else ''))
# transfer names from Py scope to Js scope
arg_map = dict(zip(vars, used_vars))
arg_map.update({'this':'this', 'arguments':'arguments'})
arg_conv = 'var = Scope({%s}, var)\n' % ', '.join(repr(k)+':'+v for k,v in six.iteritems(arg_map))
# and finally set the name of the function to its real name:
footer = '%s.func_name = %s\n' % (PyName, repr(JsName))
footer+= 'var.put(%s, %s)\n' % (repr(JsName), PyName)
whole_code = header + indent(arg_conv+code) + footer
# restore context
Context = previous_context
# define in upper context
Context.define(JsName, whole_code)
return 'pass\n'
def FunctionExpression(type, id, params, defaults, body, generator, expression):
if generator:
raise NotImplementedError('Generators not supported')
if defaults:
raise NotImplementedError('Defaults not supported')
JsName = id['name'] if id else 'anonymous'
if not is_valid_py_name(JsName):
ScriptName = 'InlineNonPyName'
ScriptName = JsName
PyName = inline_stack.require(ScriptName) # this is unique
# again quite complicated
global Context
previous_context = Context
# change context to the context of this function
Context = ContextStack()
# translate body within current context
code = trans(body)
# get arg names
vars = [v['name'] for v in params]
# args are automaticaly registered variables
# add all hoisted elements inside function
code = Context.get_code() + code
# check whether args are valid python names:
used_vars = []
for v in vars:
if is_valid_py_name(v):
else: # invalid arg in python, for example $, replace with alternatice arg
used_vars.append('PyJsArg_%s_' % to_hex(v))
header = '@Js\n'
header+= 'def %s(%sthis, arguments, var=var):\n' % (PyName, ', '.join(used_vars) +(', ' if vars else ''))
# transfer names from Py scope to Js scope
arg_map = dict(zip(vars, used_vars))
arg_map.update({'this':'this', 'arguments':'arguments'})
if id: # make self available from inside...
if id['name'] not in arg_map:
arg_map[id['name']] = PyName
arg_conv = 'var = Scope({%s}, var)\n' % ', '.join(repr(k)+':'+v for k,v in six.iteritems(arg_map))
# and finally set the name of the function to its real name:
footer = '%s._set_name(%s)\n' % (PyName, repr(JsName))
whole_code = header + indent(arg_conv+code) + footer
# restore context
Context = previous_context
# define in upper context
inline_stack.define(PyName, whole_code)
return PyName
LogicalExpression = BinaryExpression
PostfixExpression = UpdateExpression
if __name__=='__main__':
import codecs
import time
import pyjsparser
c = None#'''`ijfdij`'''
if not c:
with codecs.open("esp.js", "r", "utf-8") as f:
c = f.read()
t = time.time()
res = trans(pyjsparser.PyJsParser().parse(c))
dt = time.time() - t+ 0.000000001
print('Translated everyting in', round(dt,5), 'seconds.')
print('Thats %d characters per second' % int(len(c)/dt))
with open('res.py', 'w') as f: