mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 17:47:43 +00:00
Change add p2p 720HD tag to file name quality parse. Change add month name support to uk date parse. Change add short year support to uk date parse. Change add part/pt number pairing with episode name from tv info source. Fix fetch db history item in check_name.
410 lines
18 KiB
410 lines
18 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# all regexes are case insensitive
normal_regexes = [
# Show.Name.S01E02.S01E03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - S01E02 - S01E03 - S01E04 - Ep Name
^(?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+ # Show_Name and separator
s(?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
e(?P<ep_num>\d+) # E02 and separator
([. _-]+s(?P=season_num)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
e(?P<extra_ep_num>\d+))+ # E03/etc and separator
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.1x02.1x03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - 1x02 - 1x03 - 1x04 - Ep Name
^(?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+ # Show_Name and separator
(?P<season_num>\d+)x # 1x
(?P<ep_num>\d+) # 02 and separator
([. _-]+(?P=season_num)x # 1x
(?P<extra_ep_num>\d+))+ # 03/etc and separator
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.S01E02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - S01E02 - My Ep Name
# Show.Name.S01.E03.My.Ep.Name
# Show.Name.S01E02E03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - S01E02-03 - My Ep Name
# Show.Name.S01.E02.E03
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
s(?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
e(?P<ep_num>\d+) # E02 and separator
(([. _-]*e|-) # linking e/- char
(?P<extra_ep_num>(?!(2160|1080|720|480)[pi])\d+))* # additional E03/etc
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show_Name.1x02.Source_Quality_Etc-Group
# Show Name - 1x02 - My Ep Name
# Show_Name.1x02x03x04.Source_Quality_Etc-Group
# Show Name - 1x02-03-04 - My Ep Name
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[\[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
(?P<season_num>\d+)x # 1x
(?P<ep_num>\d+) # 02 and separator
(([. _-]*x|-) # linking x/- char
(?!(2160|1080|720|480)[pi])(?!(?<=x)264) # ignore obviously wrong multi-eps
\d+))* # additional x03/etc
[\]. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.2010.11.23.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - 2010-11-23 - Ep Name
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
(?P<air_year>\d{4})[. _-]+ # 2010 and separator
(?P<air_month>\d{2})[. _-]+ # 11 and separator
(?P<air_day>\d{2}) # 23 and separator
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.23.11.2010.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - 23-11-2010 - Ep Name
# Show Name - 14-08-17 - Ep Name
# Show Name - 14 Jan 17 - Ep Name
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
\(?(?P<air_day>\d{2})[. _-]+ # 23 and separator
(?P<air_month>(?:\d{2}|(?:jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)\w*))[. _-]+ # 11 and separator
(?P<air_year>(?:19|20)?\d{2})\)? # 2010 and separator
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# tpz-abc102
(?P<release_group>.+?)-\w+?[\. ]? # tpz-abc
(?!264) # don't count x264
(?P<season_num>\d{1,2}) # 1
(?P<ep_num>\d{2})$ # 02
# Show Name Season 1 Episode 2 Ep Name
^(?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+ # Show Name and separator
season[. _-]+ # season and separator
(?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]+ # 1
episode[. _-]+ # episode and separator
(?P<ep_num>\d+)[. _-]+ # 02 and separator
(?P<extra_info>.+)$ # Source_Quality_Etc-
# Show.Name.S01.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
s(eason[. _-])? # S01/Season 01
(?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.E02-03
# Show.Name.E02.2010
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
(e(p(isode)?)?|part|pt)[. _-]? # e, ep, episode, or part
(?P<ep_num>(\d+|[ivx]+)) # first ep num
((([. _-]+(and|&|to)[. _-]+)|-) # and/&/to joiner
(?P<extra_ep_num>(?!(2160|1080|720|480)[pi])(\d+|[ivx]+))[. _-]) # second ep num
([. _-]*(?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.E23.Test
# Show.Name.Part.3.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show.Name.Part.1.and.Part.2.Blah-Group
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
(e(p(isode)?)?|part|pt)[. _-]? # e, ep, episode, or part
(?P<ep_num>(\d+|([ivx]+(?=[. _-])))) # first ep num
([. _-]+((and|&|to)[. _-]+)? # and/&/to joiner
((e(p(isode)?)?|part|pt)[. _-]?) # e, ep, episode, or part
(\d+|([ivx]+(?=[. _-]))))[. _-])* # second ep num
([. _-]*(?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
# Show.Name.102.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
^(?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+ # Show_Name and separator
(?P<season_num>\d{1,2}) # 1
(?P<ep_num>\d{2}) # 02 and separator
([. _-]+(?P<extra_info>(?!\d{3}[. _-]+)[^-]+) # Source_Quality_Etc-
(-(?P<release_group>.+))?)?$ # Group
# Show Name - 01 - Ep Name
# 01 - Ep Name
^((?P<series_name>.+?)(?:[. _-]{2,}|[. _]))? # Show_Name and separator
(?P<ep_num>\d{1,3}(?!\d)) # 01
(?:-(?P<extra_ep_num>\d{1,3}(?!\d)))* # 02
(\s*(?:of)?\s*\d{1,3})? # of num eps
[. _-]+((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group
anime_regexes = [
^(?:\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))?[ ._-]+?
(?:[ ._]?\[(?P<crc>\w+)\])?
# [Group Name] Show Name.13-14
# [Group Name] Show Name - 13-14
# Show Name 13-14
# [Group Name] Show Name.13
# [Group Name] Show Name - 13
# Show Name 13
^(\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)? # Release Group and separator
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # Show_Name and separator
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # E01
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))? # E02
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # version
[ ._-]+\[(?P<extra_info>\d{3,4}[xp]?\d{0,4}.+?)\] # Source_Quality_Etc-
(\[(?P<crc>\w{8})\])? # CRC
.*? # Separator and EOL
# [Stratos-Subs]_Infinite_Stratos_-_12_(1280x720_H.264_AAC)_[379759DB]
# [ShinBunBu-Subs] Bleach - 02-03 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC)
^(\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)? # Release Group and separator
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # Show_Name and separator
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # E01
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))? # E02
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # version
[ ._-]+\((?P<extra_info>(CX[ ._-]?)?\d{3,4}[xp]?\d{0,4}[\.\w\s-]*)\) # Source_Quality_Etc-
(\[(?P<crc>\w{8})\])? # CRC
.*? # Separator and EOL
# [SGKK] Bleach 312v1 [720p/MKV]
^(\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)? # Release Group and separator
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # Show_Name and separator
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # E01
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))? # E02
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # version
[ ._-]+\[(?P<extra_info>\d{3,4}p) # Source_Quality_Etc-
(\[(?P<crc>\w{8})\])? # CRC
.*? # Separator and EOL
# [Ayako]_Infinite_Stratos_-_IS_-_07_[H264][720p][EB7838FC]
# [Ayako] Infinite Stratos - IS - 07v2 [H264][720p][44419534]
# [Ayako-Shikkaku] Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne - 10 [LQ][h264][720p] [8853B21C]
^(\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)? # Release Group and separator
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._]* # Show_Name and separator
([ ._-]+-[ ._-]+[A-Z]+[ ._-]+)?[ ._-]+ # this will kick me in the butt one day
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # E01
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))? # E02
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # version
([ ._-](\[\w{1,2}\])?\[[a-z][.]?\w{2,4}\])? # codec
[ ._-]*\[(?P<extra_info>(\d{3,4}[xp]?\d{0,4})?[\.\w\s-]*)\] # Source_Quality_Etc-
(\[(?P<crc>\w{8})\])? # CRC
.*? # Separator and EOL
# Bleach - s16e03-04 - 313-314
# Bleach.s16e03-04.313-314
# Bleach s16e03e04 313-314
^(\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)?
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # start of string and series name and non optinal separator
[sS](?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
[eE](?P<ep_num>\d+) # epipisode E02
(([. _-]*e|-) # linking e/- char
(?P<extra_ep_num>\d+))* # additional E03/etc
([ ._-]{2,}|[ ._]+) # if "-" is used to separate at least something else has to be
# there(->{2,}) "s16e03-04-313-314" would make sens any way
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # absolute number
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))* # "-" as separator and anditional absolute number, all optinal
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # the version e.g. "v2"
# Bleach - s16e03-04 - 313-314
# Bleach.s16e03-04.313-314
# Bleach s16e03e04 313-314
^(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # start of string and series name and non optinal separator
(?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
[xX](?P<ep_num>\d+) # epipisode E02
(([. _-]*e|-) # linking e/- char
(?P<extra_ep_num>\d+))* # additional E03/etc
([ ._-]{2,}|[ ._]+) # if "-" is used to separate at least something else has to be
# there(->{2,}) "s16e03-04-313-314" would make sens any way
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # absolute number
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))* # "-" as separator and anditional absolute number, all optinal
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # the version e.g. "v2"
# Bleach - 313-314 - s16e03-04
^(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # start of string and series name and non optinal separator
(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # absolute number
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))* # "-" as separator and anditional absolute number, all optinal
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # the version e.g. "v2"
([ ._-]{2,}|[ ._]+) # if "-" is used to separate at least something else has to be
# there(->{2,}) "s16e03-04-313-314" would make sens any way
[sS](?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
[eE](?P<ep_num>\d+) # epipisode E02
(([. _-]*e|-) # linking e/- char
(?P<extra_ep_num>\d+))* # additional E03/etc
# 165.Naruto Shippuuden.s08e014
^(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{1,3}) # start of string and absolute number
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))* # "-" as separator and anditional absolute number, all optinal
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))?[ ._-]+ # the version e.g. "v2"
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+
[sS](?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
(([. _-]*e|-) # linking e/- char
(?P<extra_ep_num>\d+))* # additional E03/etc
^(?:\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{1,3}))*[ ._-]*?
(?:v(?P<version>[0-9])[ ._-]+?)?
(?:.+?[ ._-]+?)?
\[(?P<extra_info>\w+)\][ ._-]?
# One Piece - 102
# [ACX]_Wolf's_Spirit_001.mkv
^(\[(?P<release_group>.+?)\][ ._-]*)?
(?P<series_name>.+?)[ ._-]+ # Show_Name and separator
(?<!H.)(?P<ep_ab_num>\d{3})(?!0p) # E01, while avoiding H.264 and 1080p from being matched
(-(?P<extra_ab_ep_num>\d{3}))* # E02
(v(?P<version>[0-9]))? # v2
.*? # Separator and EOL
# Show.Name.S01E02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - S01E02 - My Ep Name
# Show.Name.S01.E03.My.Ep.Name
# Show.Name.S01E02E03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group
# Show Name - S01E02-03 - My Ep Name
# Show.Name.S01.E02.E03
^((?P<series_name>.+?)[. _-]+)? # Show_Name and separator
s(?P<season_num>\d+)[. _-]* # S01 and optional separator
e(?P<ep_num>\d+) # E02 and separator
(([. _-]*e|-) # linking e/- char
(?P<extra_ep_num>(?!(2160|1080|720|480)[pi])\d+))* # additional E03/etc
[. _-]*((?P<extra_info>.+?) # Source_Quality_Etc-
((?<![. _-])(?<!WEB) # Make sure this is really the release group
-(?P<release_group>[^- ]+))?)?$ # Group