mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 18:35:02 +00:00
Change add warning message to Display Show and Edit Show page if show no longer found at TV info source due to an ID change, the last successful date of show update with current ID is also displayed. Add "Shows not found previously" to Manage/Show Processes Page to highlight which shows can adjust their show IDs in order to sustain TV info updates. Add "Shows from defunct indexers" to Manage/Show Processes page to highlight which shows can be switched to a different default TV info source. Shows not found on an indexer for over 7 days will only be retried once a week. Change improve show not found detection in Tvdb_Api lib. Change add tv_shows_not_found db table. Change add cleanup of orphaned not found shows during startup. Change add UI Notification when MasterID is not changed because a show with that ID already exists in DB.
529 lines
20 KiB
529 lines
20 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os.path
import re
import sqlite3
import time
import threading
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard.exceptions import ex
import helpers
db_lock = threading.Lock()
def dbFilename(filename='sickbeard.db', suffix=None):
@param filename: The sqlite database filename to use. If not specified,
will be made to be sickbeard.db
@param suffix: The suffix to append to the filename. A '.' will be added
automatically, i.e. suffix='v0' will make dbfile.db.v0
@return: the correct location of the database file.
if suffix:
filename = '%s.%s' % (filename, suffix)
return ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.DATA_DIR, filename)
class DBConnection(object):
def __init__(self, filename='sickbeard.db', suffix=None, row_type=None):
db_src = dbFilename(filename)
if not os.path.isfile(db_src):
db_alt = dbFilename('sickrage.db')
if os.path.isfile(db_alt):
helpers.copyFile(db_alt, db_src)
self.filename = filename
self.connection = sqlite3.connect(db_src, 20)
if row_type == 'dict':
self.connection.row_factory = self._dict_factory
self.connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
def checkDBVersion(self):
if self.hasTable('db_version'):
result = self.select('SELECT db_version FROM db_version')
version = self.select('PRAGMA user_version')[0]['user_version']
if version:
self.action('PRAGMA user_version = 0')
self.action('CREATE TABLE db_version (db_version INTEGER);')
self.action('INSERT INTO db_version (db_version) VALUES (%s);' % version)
return version
return 0
if result:
version = int(result[0]['db_version'])
if 10000 > version and self.hasColumn('db_version', 'db_minor_version'):
minor = self.select('SELECT db_minor_version FROM db_version')
return version * 100 + int(minor[0]['db_minor_version'])
return version
return 0
def mass_action(self, querylist, logTransaction=False):
with db_lock:
if querylist is None:
sqlResult = []
attempt = 0
while attempt < 5:
affected = 0
for qu in querylist:
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
if len(qu) == 1:
if logTransaction:
logger.log(qu[0], logger.DB)
elif len(qu) > 1:
if logTransaction:
logger.log(qu[0] + ' with args ' + str(qu[1]), logger.DB)
sqlResult.append(cursor.execute(qu[0], qu[1]).fetchall())
affected += cursor.rowcount
if affected > 0:
logger.log(u'Transaction with %s queries executed affected %i row%s' % (
len(querylist), affected, helpers.maybe_plural(affected)), logger.DEBUG)
return sqlResult
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
sqlResult = []
if self.connection:
if 'unable to open database file' in e.args[0] or 'database is locked' in e.args[0]:
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
attempt += 1
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
if self.connection:
logger.log(u'Fatal error executing query: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
return sqlResult
def action(self, query, args=None):
with db_lock:
if query is None:
sqlResult = None
attempt = 0
while attempt < 5:
if args is None:
logger.log(self.filename + ': ' + query, logger.DB)
sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query)
logger.log(self.filename + ': ' + query + ' with args ' + str(args), logger.DB)
sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query, args)
# get out of the connection attempt loop since we were successful
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
if 'unable to open database file' in e.args[0] or 'database is locked' in e.args[0]:
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
attempt += 1
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
logger.log(u'Fatal error executing query: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
return sqlResult
def select(self, query, args=None):
sqlResults = self.action(query, args).fetchall()
if sqlResults is None:
return []
return sqlResults
def upsert(self, tableName, valueDict, keyDict):
changesBefore = self.connection.total_changes
genParams = lambda myDict: [x + ' = ?' for x in myDict.keys()]
query = 'UPDATE [%s] SET %s WHERE %s' % (
tableName, ', '.join(genParams(valueDict)), ' AND '.join(genParams(keyDict)))
self.action(query, valueDict.values() + keyDict.values())
if self.connection.total_changes == changesBefore:
query = 'INSERT INTO [' + tableName + '] (' + ', '.join(valueDict.keys() + keyDict.keys()) + ')' + \
' VALUES (' + ', '.join(['?'] * len(valueDict.keys() + keyDict.keys())) + ')'
self.action(query, valueDict.values() + keyDict.values())
def tableInfo(self, tableName):
# FIXME ? binding is not supported here, but I cannot find a way to escape a string manually
sqlResult = self.select('PRAGMA table_info([%s])' % tableName)
columns = {}
for column in sqlResult:
columns[column['name']] = {'type': column['type']}
return columns
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300464/how-can-i-get-dict-from-sqlite-query
def _dict_factory(cursor, row):
d = {}
for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
d[col[0]] = row[idx]
return d
def hasTable(self, tableName):
return len(self.select('SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?;', (tableName, ))) > 0
def hasColumn(self, tableName, column):
return column in self.tableInfo(tableName)
def hasIndex(self, tableName, index):
sqlResults = self.select('PRAGMA index_list([%s])' % tableName)
for result in sqlResults:
if result['name'] == index:
return True
return False
def addColumn(self, table, column, type='NUMERIC', default=0):
self.action('ALTER TABLE [%s] ADD %s %s' % (table, column, type))
self.action('UPDATE [%s] SET %s = ?' % (table, column), (default,))
def close(self):
"""Close database connection"""
if getattr(self, 'connection', None) is not None:
self.connection = None
def sanityCheckDatabase(connection, sanity_check):
class DBSanityCheck(object):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def check(self):
def upgradeDatabase(connection, schema):
logger.log(u'Checking database structure...', logger.MESSAGE)
_processUpgrade(connection, schema)
def prettyName(class_name):
return ' '.join([x.group() for x in re.finditer('([A-Z])([a-z0-9]+)', class_name)])
def restoreDatabase(filename, version):
logger.log(u'Restoring database before trying upgrade again')
if not sickbeard.helpers.restoreVersionedFile(dbFilename(filename=filename, suffix='v%s' % version), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Database restore failed, abort upgrading database')
return False
return True
def _processUpgrade(connection, upgradeClass):
instance = upgradeClass(connection)
logger.log(u'Checking %s database upgrade' % prettyName(upgradeClass.__name__), logger.DEBUG)
if not instance.test():
logger.log(u'Database upgrade required: %s' % prettyName(upgradeClass.__name__), logger.MESSAGE)
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
# attemping to restore previous DB backup and perform upgrade
result = connection.select('SELECT db_version FROM db_version')
if result:
version = int(result[0]['db_version'])
# close db before attempting restore
if restoreDatabase(connection.filename, version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Successfully restored database version: %s' % version)
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Failed to restore database version: %s' % version)
logger.log('%s upgrade completed' % upgradeClass.__name__, logger.DEBUG)
logger.log('%s upgrade not required' % upgradeClass.__name__, logger.DEBUG)
for upgradeSubClass in upgradeClass.__subclasses__():
_processUpgrade(connection, upgradeSubClass)
# Base migration class. All future DB changes should be subclassed from this class
class SchemaUpgrade(object):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def hasTable(self, tableName):
return len(self.connection.select('SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ?;', (tableName, ))) > 0
def hasColumn(self, tableName, column):
return column in self.connection.tableInfo(tableName)
def addColumn(self, table, column, type='NUMERIC', default=0):
self.connection.action('ALTER TABLE [%s] ADD %s %s' % (table, column, type))
self.connection.action('UPDATE [%s] SET %s = ?' % (table, column), (default,))
def dropColumn(self, table, column):
# get old table columns and store the ones we want to keep
result = self.connection.select('pragma table_info([%s])' % table)
keptColumns = [c for c in result if c['name'] != column]
keptColumnsNames = []
final = []
pk = []
# copy the old table schema, column by column
for column in keptColumns:
cl = [column['name'], column['type']]
To be implemented if ever required
if column['dflt_value']:
if column['notnull']:
if int(column['pk']) != 0:
b = ' '.join(cl)
# join all the table column creation fields
final = ', '.join(final)
keptColumnsNames = ', '.join(keptColumnsNames)
# generate sql for the new table creation
if len(pk) == 0:
sql = 'CREATE TABLE [%s_new] (%s)' % (table, final)
pk = ', '.join(pk)
sql = 'CREATE TABLE [%s_new] (%s, PRIMARY KEY(%s))' % (table, final, pk)
# create new temporary table and copy the old table data across, barring the removed column
self.connection.action('INSERT INTO [%s_new] SELECT %s FROM [%s]' % (table, keptColumnsNames, table))
# copy the old indexes from the old table
result = self.connection.select("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name=? and type='index'", [table])
# remove the old table and rename the new table to take it's place
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE [%s]' % table)
self.connection.action('ALTER TABLE [%s_new] RENAME TO [%s]' % (table, table))
# write any indexes to the new table
if len(result) > 0:
for index in result:
# vacuum the db as we will have a lot of space to reclaim after dropping tables
def checkDBVersion(self):
return self.connection.checkDBVersion()
def incDBVersion(self):
new_version = self.checkDBVersion() + 1
self.connection.action('UPDATE db_version SET db_version = ?', [new_version])
return new_version
def setDBVersion(self, new_version):
self.connection.action('UPDATE db_version SET db_version = ?', [new_version])
return new_version
def listTables(self):
tables = []
sql_result = self.connection.select('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master where type = "table"')
for table in sql_result:
return tables
def MigrationCode(myDB):
schema = {
0: sickbeard.mainDB.InitialSchema,
9: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSizeAndSceneNameFields,
10: sickbeard.mainDB.RenameSeasonFolders,
11: sickbeard.mainDB.Add1080pAndRawHDQualities,
12: sickbeard.mainDB.AddShowidTvdbidIndex,
13: sickbeard.mainDB.AddLastUpdateTVDB,
14: sickbeard.mainDB.AddDBIncreaseTo15,
15: sickbeard.mainDB.AddIMDbInfo,
16: sickbeard.mainDB.AddProperNamingSupport,
17: sickbeard.mainDB.AddEmailSubscriptionTable,
18: sickbeard.mainDB.AddProperSearch,
19: sickbeard.mainDB.AddDvdOrderOption,
20: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSubtitlesSupport,
21: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertTVShowsToIndexerScheme,
22: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertTVEpisodesToIndexerScheme,
23: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertIMDBInfoToIndexerScheme,
24: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertInfoToIndexerScheme,
25: sickbeard.mainDB.AddArchiveFirstMatchOption,
26: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneNumbering,
27: sickbeard.mainDB.ConvertIndexerToInteger,
28: sickbeard.mainDB.AddRequireAndIgnoreWords,
29: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSportsOption,
30: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneNumberingToTvEpisodes,
31: sickbeard.mainDB.AddAnimeTVShow,
32: sickbeard.mainDB.AddAbsoluteNumbering,
33: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneAbsoluteNumbering,
34: sickbeard.mainDB.AddAnimeBlacklistWhitelist,
35: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneAbsoluteNumbering2,
36: sickbeard.mainDB.AddXemRefresh,
37: sickbeard.mainDB.AddSceneToTvShows,
38: sickbeard.mainDB.AddIndexerMapping,
39: sickbeard.mainDB.AddVersionToTvEpisodes,
40: sickbeard.mainDB.BumpDatabaseVersion,
41: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate41,
42: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate41,
43: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate43,
44: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate43,
4301: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate4301,
4302: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate4302,
4400: sickbeard.mainDB.Migrate4302,
5816: sickbeard.mainDB.MigrateUpstream,
5817: sickbeard.mainDB.MigrateUpstream,
5818: sickbeard.mainDB.MigrateUpstream,
10000: sickbeard.mainDB.SickGearDatabaseVersion,
10001: sickbeard.mainDB.RemoveDefaultEpStatusFromTvShows,
10002: sickbeard.mainDB.RemoveMinorDBVersion,
10003: sickbeard.mainDB.RemoveMetadataSub,
20000: sickbeard.mainDB.DBIncreaseTo20001,
20001: sickbeard.mainDB.AddTvShowOverview,
20002: sickbeard.mainDB.AddTvShowTags,
20003: sickbeard.mainDB.ChangeMapIndexer,
20004: sickbeard.mainDB.AddShowNotFoundCounter
# 20002: sickbeard.mainDB.AddCoolSickGearFeature3,
db_version = myDB.checkDBVersion()
logger.log(u'Detected database version: v%s' % db_version, logger.DEBUG)
if not (db_version in schema):
if db_version == sickbeard.mainDB.MAX_DB_VERSION:
logger.log(u'Database schema is up-to-date, no upgrade required')
elif db_version < 10000:
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'SickGear does not currently support upgrading from this database version')
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Invalid database version')
while db_version < sickbeard.mainDB.MAX_DB_VERSION:
update = schema[db_version](myDB)
db_version = update.execute()
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to update database with error: %s attempting recovery...' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
if restoreDatabase(myDB.filename, db_version):
# initialize the main SB database
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Successfully restored database version: %s' % db_version)
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Failed to restore database version: %s' % db_version)
def backup_database(filename, version):
logger.log(u'Backing up database before upgrade')
if not sickbeard.helpers.backupVersionedFile(dbFilename(filename), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Database backup failed, abort upgrading database')
logger.log(u'Proceeding with upgrade')
def get_rollback_module():
import imp
module_urls = [
hdr = '# SickGear Rollback Module'
module = ''
fetched = False
for t in range(1, 4):
for url in module_urls:
module = helpers.getURL(url)
if module and module.startswith(hdr):
fetched = True
except (StandardError, Exception):
if fetched:
if fetched:
loaded = imp.new_module('DbRollback')
exec(module, loaded.__dict__)
return loaded
except (StandardError, Exception):
return None