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synced 2025-03-15 09:07:43 +00:00
292 lines
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292 lines
11 KiB
from hashlib import sha1
import re
import time
from . import http_error_code
from .. import logger
import sickgear
from exceptions_helper import ex
from lib.bencode import bencode, bdecode
from lib import requests
from _23 import make_btih
from six import string_types
class GenericClient(object):
def __init__(self, name, host=None, username=None, password=None):
self.name = name
self.username = sickgear.TORRENT_USERNAME if username is None else username
self.password = sickgear.TORRENT_PASSWORD if password is None else password
self.host = sickgear.TORRENT_HOST if host is None else host.rstrip('/') + '/'
self.url = None
self.auth = None
self.last_time = time.time()
self.session = requests.session()
self.session.auth = (self.username, self.password)
self.created_id = None
def _log_request_details(self, method, params=None, data=None, files=None, **kwargs):
output = []
output += ['%s: sending %s request to %s' % (self.name, method, self.url)]
lines = [('params', (str(params), '')[not params]),
('data', (str(data), '')[not data]),
('files', (str(files), '')[not files]),
('post_data', (str(kwargs.get('post_data')), '')[not kwargs.get('post_data')]),
('post_json', (str(kwargs.get('post_json')), '')[not kwargs.get('post_json')]),
('json', (str(kwargs.get('json')), '')[not kwargs.get('json')])]
m, c = 300, 100
type_chunks = [(linetype, [ln[i:i + c] for i in range(0, min(len(ln), m), c)]) for linetype, ln in lines if ln]
if type_chunks:
output[-1] += ' with ...'
for (arg, chunks) in type_chunks:
nch = len(chunks) - 1
for i, seg in enumerate(chunks):
if nch == i and 'files' == arg:
sample = ' ..excerpt(%s/%s)' % (m, len(lines[2][1]))
seg = seg[0:c - (len(sample) - 2)] + sample
output += ['%s: request %s= %s%s%s' % (self.name, arg, ('', '..')[bool(i)], seg, ('', '..')[i != nch])]
def _request(self, method='get', params=None, data=None, files=None, **kwargs):
params = params or {}
if time.time() > self.last_time + 1800 or not self.auth:
self.last_time = time.time()
if not self._get_auth():
logger.error('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name)
return False
# self._log_request_details(method, params, data, files, **kwargs)
response = self.session.__getattribute__(method)(self.url, params=params, data=data, files=files,
timeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', 120), verify=False, **kwargs)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
logger.error('%s: Unable to connect %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return False
except (requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, requests.exceptions.InvalidURL):
logger.error('%s: Invalid host' % self.name)
return False
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
logger.error('%s: Invalid HTTP request %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return False
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
logger.error('%s: Connection timeout %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return False
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.error('%s: Unknown exception raised when sending torrent to %s: %s' % (self.name, self.name, ex(e)))
return False
if 401 == response.status_code:
logger.error('%s: Invalid username or password, check your config' % self.name)
return False
if response.status_code in http_error_code:
logger.debug('%s: %s' % (self.name, http_error_code[response.status_code]))
return False
logger.debug('%s: Response to %s request is %s' % (self.name, method.upper(), response.text))
return response
def _tinf(self, ids=None):
This should be overridden and return client fetched task information
:param ids: Optional id(s) to get task info for. None to get all task info
:type ids: list or None
:return: Zero or more task object(s) from response
:rtype: list
return []
def _active_state(self, ids=None):
This should be overridden to fetch state of items, return items that are actually downloading or seeding
:param ids: Optional id(s) to get state info for. None to get all
:type ids: list or None
:return: Zero or more object(s) assigned with state `down`loading or `seed`ing
:rtype: list
return []
def _add_torrent_uri(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is added via url (magnet or .torrent link)
return False
def _add_torrent_file(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is added via `result.content` (only .torrent file)
return False
def _set_torrent_label(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is set with label
return True
def _set_torrent_ratio(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is set with ratio
return True
def _set_torrent_seed_time(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is set with a seed time
return True
def _set_torrent_priority(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is set with result.priority (-1 = low, 0 = normal, 1 = high)
return True
def _set_torrent_path(self, torrent_path):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is set with path
return True
def _set_torrent_pause(self, result):
This should be overridden to return the True/False from the client
when a torrent is set with pause
return True
def _resume_torrent(self, ids):
This should be overridden to resume task(s) in client
:param ids: ID(s) to act on
:type ids: list or string
:return: True if success, ID(s) that could not be resumed, else Falsy if failure
:rtype: bool or list
return False
def _delete_torrent(self, ids):
This should be overridden to delete task(s) from client
:param ids: ID(s) to act on
:type ids: list or string
:return: True if success, ID(s) that could not be deleted, else Falsy if failure
:rtype: bool or list
return False
def _get_torrent_hash(result):
if result.url.startswith('magnet'):
result.hash = re.findall(r'urn:btih:(\w{32,40})', result.url)[0]
if 32 == len(result.hash):
result.hash = make_btih(result.hash).lower()
info = bdecode(result.content)['info']
result.hash = sha1(bencode(info)).hexdigest()
return result
def send_torrent(self, result):
r_code = False
logger.debug('Calling %s client' % self.name)
if not self._get_auth():
logger.error('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name)
return r_code
# Sets per provider seed ratio
result.ratio = result.provider.seed_ratio()
result = self._get_torrent_hash(result)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.error('Bad torrent data: hash is %s for [%s]' % (result.hash, result.name))
logger.debug('Exception raised when checking torrent data: %s' % (ex(e)))
return r_code
if result.url.startswith('magnet'):
r_code = self._add_torrent_uri(result)
r_code = self._add_torrent_file(result)
self.created_id = isinstance(r_code, string_types) and r_code or None
if not r_code:
logger.error('%s: Unable to send torrent to client' % self.name)
return False
if not self._set_torrent_pause(result):
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the pause for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_label(result):
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the label for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_ratio(result):
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the ratio for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_seed_time(result):
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the seed time for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_path(result):
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the path for torrent' % self.name)
if 0 != result.priority and not self._set_torrent_priority(result):
logger.error('%s: Unable to set priority for torrent' % self.name)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.error('%s: Failed sending torrent: %s - %s' % (self.name, result.name, result.hash))
logger.debug('%s: Exception raised when sending torrent: %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return r_code
def _get_auth(self):
This may be overridden and should return the auth_id needed for the client
response = self.session.get(self.url, timeout=120, verify=False)
if 401 == response.status_code:
return False, 'Error: Invalid %s username or password, check your config!' % self.name
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
return False, 'Error: Connecting to %s' % self.name
except (requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, requests.exceptions.InvalidURL):
return False, 'Error: Invalid %s host' % self.name
def test_authentication(self):
result = self._get_auth()
if result:
return ((True, 'Success: Connected and authenticated to %s' % self.name),
result)[isinstance(result, tuple)]
failed_msg = 'Error: Failed %s authentication.%s' % (self.name, getattr(self, '_errmsg', None) or '')
except (BaseException, Exception):
failed_msg = 'Error: Unable to connect to %s' % self.name
return False, failed_msg