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# Copyright 2015 The Tornado Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Asynchronous queues for coroutines. These classes are very similar
to those provided in the standard library's `asyncio package
.. warning::
Unlike the standard library's `queue` module, the classes defined here
are *not* thread-safe. To use these queues from another thread,
use `.IOLoop.add_callback` to transfer control to the `.IOLoop` thread
before calling any queue methods.
import collections
import datetime
import heapq
from tornado import gen, ioloop
from tornado.concurrent import Future, future_set_result_unless_cancelled
from tornado.locks import Event
from typing import Union, TypeVar, Generic, Awaitable, Optional
import typing
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import Deque, Tuple, Any # noqa: F401
_T = TypeVar("_T")
__all__ = ["Queue", "PriorityQueue", "LifoQueue", "QueueFull", "QueueEmpty"]
class QueueEmpty(Exception):
"""Raised by `.Queue.get_nowait` when the queue has no items."""
class QueueFull(Exception):
"""Raised by `.Queue.put_nowait` when a queue is at its maximum size."""
def _set_timeout(
future: Future, timeout: Union[None, float, datetime.timedelta]
) -> None:
if timeout:
def on_timeout() -> None:
if not future.done():
io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
timeout_handle = io_loop.add_timeout(timeout, on_timeout)
future.add_done_callback(lambda _: io_loop.remove_timeout(timeout_handle))
class _QueueIterator(Generic[_T]):
def __init__(self, q: "Queue[_T]") -> None:
self.q = q
def __anext__(self) -> Awaitable[_T]:
return self.q.get()
class Queue(Generic[_T]):
"""Coordinate producer and consumer coroutines.
If maxsize is 0 (the default) the queue size is unbounded.
.. testcode::
import asyncio
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.queues import Queue
q = Queue(maxsize=2)
async def consumer():
async for item in q:
print('Doing work on %s' % item)
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
async def producer():
for item in range(5):
await q.put(item)
print('Put %s' % item)
async def main():
# Start consumer without waiting (since it never finishes).
await producer() # Wait for producer to put all tasks.
await q.join() # Wait for consumer to finish all tasks.
.. testoutput::
Put 0
Put 1
Doing work on 0
Put 2
Doing work on 1
Put 3
Doing work on 2
Put 4
Doing work on 3
Doing work on 4
In versions of Python without native coroutines (before 3.5),
``consumer()`` could be written as::
def consumer():
while True:
item = yield q.get()
print('Doing work on %s' % item)
yield gen.sleep(0.01)
.. versionchanged:: 4.3
Added ``async for`` support in Python 3.5.
# Exact type depends on subclass. Could be another generic
# parameter and use protocols to be more precise here.
_queue = None # type: Any
def __init__(self, maxsize: int = 0) -> None:
if maxsize is None:
raise TypeError("maxsize can't be None")
if maxsize < 0:
raise ValueError("maxsize can't be negative")
self._maxsize = maxsize
self._getters = collections.deque([]) # type: Deque[Future[_T]]
self._putters = collections.deque([]) # type: Deque[Tuple[_T, Future[None]]]
self._unfinished_tasks = 0
self._finished = Event()
def maxsize(self) -> int:
"""Number of items allowed in the queue."""
return self._maxsize
def qsize(self) -> int:
"""Number of items in the queue."""
return len(self._queue)
def empty(self) -> bool:
return not self._queue
def full(self) -> bool:
if self.maxsize == 0:
return False
return self.qsize() >= self.maxsize
def put(
self, item: _T, timeout: Optional[Union[float, datetime.timedelta]] = None
) -> "Future[None]":
"""Put an item into the queue, perhaps waiting until there is room.
Returns a Future, which raises `tornado.util.TimeoutError` after a
``timeout`` may be a number denoting a time (on the same
scale as `tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.time`, normally `time.time`), or a
`datetime.timedelta` object for a deadline relative to the
current time.
future = Future() # type: Future[None]
except QueueFull:
self._putters.append((item, future))
_set_timeout(future, timeout)
return future
def put_nowait(self, item: _T) -> None:
"""Put an item into the queue without blocking.
If no free slot is immediately available, raise `QueueFull`.
if self._getters:
assert self.empty(), "queue non-empty, why are getters waiting?"
getter = self._getters.popleft()
future_set_result_unless_cancelled(getter, self._get())
elif self.full():
raise QueueFull
def get(
self, timeout: Optional[Union[float, datetime.timedelta]] = None
) -> Awaitable[_T]:
"""Remove and return an item from the queue.
Returns an awaitable which resolves once an item is available, or raises
`tornado.util.TimeoutError` after a timeout.
``timeout`` may be a number denoting a time (on the same
scale as `tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.time`, normally `time.time`), or a
`datetime.timedelta` object for a deadline relative to the
current time.
.. note::
The ``timeout`` argument of this method differs from that
of the standard library's `queue.Queue.get`. That method
interprets numeric values as relative timeouts; this one
interprets them as absolute deadlines and requires
``timedelta`` objects for relative timeouts (consistent
with other timeouts in Tornado).
future = Future() # type: Future[_T]
except QueueEmpty:
_set_timeout(future, timeout)
return future
def get_nowait(self) -> _T:
"""Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking.
Return an item if one is immediately available, else raise
if self._putters:
assert self.full(), "queue not full, why are putters waiting?"
item, putter = self._putters.popleft()
future_set_result_unless_cancelled(putter, None)
return self._get()
elif self.qsize():
return self._get()
raise QueueEmpty
def task_done(self) -> None:
"""Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete.
Used by queue consumers. For each `.get` used to fetch a task, a
subsequent call to `.task_done` tells the queue that the processing
on the task is complete.
If a `.join` is blocking, it resumes when all items have been
processed; that is, when every `.put` is matched by a `.task_done`.
Raises `ValueError` if called more times than `.put`.
if self._unfinished_tasks <= 0:
raise ValueError("task_done() called too many times")
self._unfinished_tasks -= 1
if self._unfinished_tasks == 0:
def join(
self, timeout: Optional[Union[float, datetime.timedelta]] = None
) -> Awaitable[None]:
"""Block until all items in the queue are processed.
Returns an awaitable, which raises `tornado.util.TimeoutError` after a
return self._finished.wait(timeout)
def __aiter__(self) -> _QueueIterator[_T]:
return _QueueIterator(self)
# These three are overridable in subclasses.
def _init(self) -> None:
self._queue = collections.deque()
def _get(self) -> _T:
return self._queue.popleft()
def _put(self, item: _T) -> None:
# End of the overridable methods.
def __put_internal(self, item: _T) -> None:
self._unfinished_tasks += 1
def _consume_expired(self) -> None:
# Remove timed-out waiters.
while self._putters and self._putters[0][1].done():
while self._getters and self._getters[0].done():
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<%s at %s %s>" % (type(self).__name__, hex(id(self)), self._format())
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "<%s %s>" % (type(self).__name__, self._format())
def _format(self) -> str:
result = "maxsize=%r" % (self.maxsize,)
if getattr(self, "_queue", None):
result += " queue=%r" % self._queue
if self._getters:
result += " getters[%s]" % len(self._getters)
if self._putters:
result += " putters[%s]" % len(self._putters)
if self._unfinished_tasks:
result += " tasks=%s" % self._unfinished_tasks
return result
class PriorityQueue(Queue):
"""A `.Queue` that retrieves entries in priority order, lowest first.
Entries are typically tuples like ``(priority number, data)``.
.. testcode::
import asyncio
from tornado.queues import PriorityQueue
async def main():
q = PriorityQueue()
q.put((1, 'medium-priority item'))
q.put((0, 'high-priority item'))
q.put((10, 'low-priority item'))
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
.. testoutput::
(0, 'high-priority item')
(1, 'medium-priority item')
(10, 'low-priority item')
def _init(self) -> None:
self._queue = []
def _put(self, item: _T) -> None:
heapq.heappush(self._queue, item)
def _get(self) -> _T:
return heapq.heappop(self._queue)
class LifoQueue(Queue):
"""A `.Queue` that retrieves the most recently put items first.
.. testcode::
import asyncio
from tornado.queues import LifoQueue
async def main():
q = LifoQueue()
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
.. testoutput::
def _init(self) -> None:
self._queue = []
def _put(self, item: _T) -> None:
def _get(self) -> _T:
return self._queue.pop()