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synced 2025-03-10 23:05:05 +00:00
570 lines
17 KiB
570 lines
17 KiB
/** @namespace $.SickGear.Root */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen */
/** @namespace config.TVShowList */
/** @namespace config.useIMDbInfo */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.config.useFuzzy */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.config.dateFormat */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.config.timeFormat */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.config.fuzzyTrimZero */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.config.glideStartAt */
/** @namespace $.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime */
$(document).ready(function() {
// handle the show selection dropbox
var select$ = $('#pickShow'), populateItem;
select$.change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
if (0 !== val)
window.location.href = $.SickGear.Root + '/home/view-show?tvid_prodid=' + val;
populateItem = function(data) {
if (!data.element || !$(data.element).hasClass('ended')) {
return data.text;
return $('<span class="ended"><span class="label" title="">ended</span> <i>' + data.text + '</i></span>');
// https://github.com/bevacqua/fuzzysearch
function fuzzysearch(needle, haystack) {
var hlen = haystack.length;
var nlen = needle.length;
if (nlen > hlen) {
return false;
if (nlen === hlen) {
return needle === haystack;
outer: for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < nlen; i++) {
var nch = needle.charCodeAt(i);
while (j < hlen) {
if (haystack.charCodeAt(j++) === nch) {
continue outer;
return false;
return true;
const white_space_regex = /\W/gui;
function sel_matcher(params, data) {
// If there are no search terms, return all of the data
if ($.trim(params.term) === '') {
return data;
// Do not display the item if there is no 'text' property
if (typeof data.text === 'undefined') {
return null;
// `params.term` should be the term that is used for searching
var param_term = params.term.toLowerCase().trim().replace(white_space_regex, '');
if ('undefined' !== typeof data.children) {
// `data.children` contains options to match against
var filteredChildren = [];
$.each(data.children, function (idx, child) {
// `child.text` is the text that is displayed for the data object
var param_data = child.text.toLowerCase().trim().replace(white_space_regex, '');
if (fuzzysearch(param_term, param_data)) {
// If any of the group's children match,
// then set the matched children on the group and return the group object
if (filteredChildren.length) {
var modifiedData = $.extend({}, data, true);
modifiedData.children = filteredChildren;
// You can return modified objects from here
// This includes matching the `children` how you want in nested data sets
return modifiedData;
// `data.text` is the text that is displayed for the data object
var param_data = data.text.toLowerCase().trim().replace(white_space_regex, '');
if (fuzzysearch(param_term, param_data)) {
var modifiedData = $.extend({}, data, true);
// You can return modified objects from here
// This includes matching the `children` how you want in nested data sets
return modifiedData;
// Return `null` if the term should not be displayed
return null;
select$.select2({templateResult: populateItem, templateSelection:populateItem, matcher: sel_matcher});
$('#prevShow, #nextShow').on('click', function() {
var select$ = $('#pickShow'),
index = $.inArray(select$.find('option:selected').val(), config.TVShowList);
//noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
select$.find('option[value="' + config.TVShowList[('nextShow' === $(this).attr('id')
? (index < config.TVShowList.length - 1 ? index + 1 : 0)
: (0 < index ? index - 1 : config.TVShowList.length - 1))] + '"]').prop('selected', !0);
return !1;
$('#seasonJump').change(function() {
var id = $(this).val();
if (id && 'jump' != id) {
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $(id).offset().top}, 'slow');
location.hash = id;
var slideGap = 5,
slideCount = $('.cast').length;
if (0 < slideCount) {
function slideTime(){
return 0 < $.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime && !$.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen
? $.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime : !1;
$.calcSlideCount = function(initSet){
var maxCount = Math.floor($('.glide__track').width() / (170 + slideGap)),
perView = maxCount < slideCount ? maxCount : slideCount;
if (initSet)
return {perView: perView, isNotEnd: maxCount < slideCount};
if (maxCount < slideCount) {
$.glide.update({perView: perView, autoplay: slideTime()});
if (slideTime()){
} else {
$.glide.update({perView: perView, autoplay: !1});
var initGlideVars = $.calcSlideCount(!0),
startAt = $('.cast[data-rid="' + $.SickGear.config.glideStartAt + '"]').index();
$.glide = new Glide('.cast-holder', {
type: 'carousel',
gap: slideGap,
startAt: -1 === startAt ? 0 : startAt,
peek: 0,
perSwipe: '|',
perView: initGlideVars.perView,
autoplay: initGlideVars.isNotEnd && slideTime()
$.glide.on('resize', function(){
$('#display-show .cast-bg').each(function (i, oImage){
$.glide.on('run.after', function(){
function initFancybox(){
try {
} catch {
var fancy = $.SickGear.Root + '/js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.min';
$.getScript(fancy + '.js', function() {
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + fancy + '.css">');
function setupFancyBox(){
if (!!$('a[rel="glide"]').length){
selector: 'li:not(.glide__slide--clone) a[rel="glide"]',
slideShow: {
speed: Math.abs($.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime)
afterShow: function(instance, slide){
$.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen = !0;
$.glide.go('=' + slide.index);
beforeShow: function(instance, slide){
if (!$.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen && 0 < $.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime){
$.glide.update({autoplay: !1});
afterClose: function(instance, slide){
if (!!$.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen){
$.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen = !1;
if (0 < $.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime){
}, $.sgFancyBoxOptions));
$.glide.on('build.after', function(){
$('.cast.body .cast-bg, #pin-glide, .glide-arrows, .cast.body .links').fadeIn('slow', 'linear');
$('li[data-rid="' + $(this).data('rid') + '"]:not(.glide__slide--clone) a[rel="glide"]')[0].click();
return !1;
$('#display-show .cast-bg').each(function (i, oImage){
window.onload = function(){
function saveGlide(saveTime){
if (!$.SickGear.glideFancyBoxOpen){
var params = {};
if (!slideTime()){
params = {
tvid_prodid: $('#tvid-prodid').val(),
start_at: $('.cast.glide__slide--active').data('rid')
if (saveTime){
params.slidetime = $.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime;
$.get($.SickGear.Root + '/home/set-display-show-glide', params);
var ivTimes = [10000, 6000, 3000];
function pinState(el$){
var ivTime = slideTime();
el$.removeClass('one two three four');
if (!ivTime) {
} else if (ivTimes[0] === ivTime) {
} else if (ivTimes[1] === ivTime) {
} else {
var pinGlide$ = $('#pin-glide');
pinGlide$.on('click', function (){
var ivTime = slideTime();
if (!ivTime) { // unpause as was paused when clicked
$.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime *= -1;
} else if (ivTimes[0] === ivTime) {
$.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime = ivTimes[1];
} else if (ivTimes[1] === ivTime) {
$.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime = ivTimes[2];
} else {
$.SickGear.config.glideSlideTime = -1 * ivTimes[0];
mode: 'lines',
truncate: 10,
showText: '<i class="sgicon-arrowdown"></i>more',
hideText: '<i class="sgicon-arrowup"></i>less',
showClass: 'show-class'
if (config.useIMDbInfo){
$.fn.generateStars = function() {
return this.each(function(i,e){$(e).html($('<span/>').width($(e).text()*12));});
$('#changeStatus').on('click', function() {
var epArr = [];
$('.epCheck').each(function() {
this.checked && epArr.push($(this).attr('id'))
if (epArr.length)
window.location.href = $.SickGear.Root + '/home/set-show-status?tvid_prodid=' + $('#tvid-prodid').val() +
'&eps=' + epArr.join('|') + '&status=' + $('#statusSelect').val();
// show/hide different types of rows when the checkboxes are changed
var el = $('#checkboxControls').find('input');
el.change(function() {
// initially show/hide all the rows according to the checkboxes
el.each(function() {
var status = this.checked;
$('tr.' + $(this).attr('id')).each(function() {
status && $(this).show() || $(this).hide();
$.fn.showHideRows = function(whichClass) {
var status = $('#checkboxControls > input, #' + whichClass).prop('checked');
$('tr.' + whichClass).each(function() {
status && $(this).show() || $(this).hide();
// hide season headers with no episodes under them
$('tr.seasonheader').each(function() {
var numRows = 0;
var seasonNo = $(this).attr('id');
$('tr.' + seasonNo + ' :visible').each(function() {
var el = $('#' + seasonNo + '-cols');
if (0 == numRows) {
} else {
function checkState(state){
$('.epCheck:visible, .seasonCheck:visible').prop('checked', state)
// selects all visible episode checkboxes.
$('.seriesCheck').on('click', function() { checkState(!0); });
// clears all visible episode checkboxes and the season selectors
$('.clearAll').on('click', function() { checkState(!1); });
function setEpisodeSceneNumbering(forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason, sceneEpisode) {
var show = $('#tvid-prodid').val();
if ('' === sceneSeason) sceneSeason = null;
if ('' === sceneEpisode) sceneEpisode = null;
$.getJSON($.SickGear.Root + '/home/set-scene-numbering',
'tvid_prodid': show,
'for_season': forSeason,
'for_episode': forEpisode,
'scene_season': sceneSeason,
'scene_episode': sceneEpisode
function(data) {
// Set the values we get back
var value = ((null === data.sceneSeason || null === data.sceneEpisode)
? '' : data.sceneSeason + 'x' + data.sceneEpisode);
$(document.getElementById('sceneSeasonXEpisode_' + show + '_' + forSeason + '_' + forEpisode))
.val(value).attr('value', value);
if (!data.success)
alert(data.errorMessage ? data.errorMessage : 'Update failed.');
function setAbsoluteSceneNumbering(forSeason, forEpisode, sceneAbsolute) {
var show = $('#tvid-prodid').val();
if ('' === sceneAbsolute)
sceneAbsolute = null;
$.getJSON($.SickGear.Root + '/home/set-scene-numbering',
'tvid_prodid': show,
'for_season': forSeason,
'for_episode': forEpisode,
'scene_absolute': sceneAbsolute
function(data) {
// Set the values we get back
var value = (null === data.sceneAbsolute ? '' : data.sceneAbsolute);
$(document.getElementById('sceneAbsolute_' + show + '_' + forSeason + '_' + forEpisode))
.val(value).attr('value', value);
if (!data.success)
alert(data.errorMessage ? data.errorMessage : 'Update failed.');
function qTips(select$){
select$.each(function() {
show: {solo:true},
position: {viewport:$(window), my:'left center', adjust:{y:-10, x:2}},
style: {classes:'qtip-dark qtip-rounded qtip-shadow qtip-maxwidth'}
function tableInit(table$) {
if ($.SickGear.config.useFuzzy) {
containerClass: '.airdate',
dateHasTime: !1,
dateFormat: $.SickGear.config.dateFormat,
timeFormat: $.SickGear.config.timeFormat,
trimZero: $.SickGear.config.fuzzyTrimZero
table$.each(function (i, obj) {
$(obj).has('tbody.collapse tr').tablesorter({
widgets: ['zebra'],
selectorHeaders: '> thead tr.tablesorter-headerRow th',
textExtraction: {
'.tablesorter-ep-num': function(node) {
var n = /(\d+)\)?$/img.exec(''+$(node).find('span').text()); return (null == n ? '' : n[1]); },
'.tablesorter-ep-scene': function(node) {
var n = $(node).find('input'); return n.val() || n.attr('placeholder'); },
'.tablesorter-airdate': function(node) { return $(node).find('span').attr('data-airdate') || ''; }
headers: {
'.tablesorter-no-sort': {sorter: !1, parser: !1},
'.tablesorter-ep-num': {sorter: 'digit'},
'.tablesorter-airdate': {sorter: 'digit'}
$(obj).find('.seasonCheck').on('click', function() {
var seasCheck = this, seasNo = $(seasCheck).attr('id');
$(obj).find('.epCheck:visible').each(function() {
var epParts = $(this).attr('id').split('x');
if (epParts[0] == seasNo)
this.checked = seasCheck.checked
var lastCheck = null;
$(obj).find('.epCheck').on('click', function(event) {
if (!lastCheck || !event.shiftKey) {
lastCheck = this;
var check = this, found = 0;
$(obj).find('.epCheck').each(function() {
switch(found) {
case 2:
return !1;
case 1:
this.checked = lastCheck.checked;
(this == check || this == lastCheck) && found++;
lastCheck = this;
$(obj).find('.sceneSeasonXEpisode').change(function() {
// Strip non-numeric characters
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^0-9xX]*/g, ''));
var forSeason = $(this).attr('data-for-season'),
forEpisode = $(this).attr('data-for-episode'),
m = $(this).val().match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)$/i),
sceneSeason = m && m[1] || null, sceneEpisode = m && m[2] || null;
setEpisodeSceneNumbering(forSeason, forEpisode, sceneSeason, sceneEpisode);
$(obj).find('.sceneAbsolute').change(function() {
// Strip non-numeric characters
$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^0-9]*/g, ''));
var forSeason = $(this).attr('data-for-season'),
forEpisode = $(this).attr('data-for-episode'),
m = $(this).val().match(/^(\d{1,4})$/i),
sceneAbsolute = m && m[1] || null;
setAbsoluteSceneNumbering(forSeason, forEpisode, sceneAbsolute);
$.SickGear.season = [];
$.SickGear.run = !1;
$('button[id*="showseason-"]').on('click', function() {
var that = this, this$ = $('#' + this.id), table$ = this$.parents('.sickbeardTable');
if (0 < table$.find('tbody').find('tr').length) {
} else {
function fetchSeason() {
if (0 == $.SickGear.season.length)
var season = $.SickGear.season[0];
$.getJSON($.SickGear.Root + '/home/season-render', {'tvid_prodid': $('#tvid-prodid').val(), 'season': season},
function(data) {
if (!data.success) {
alert('Season listing failed.');
} else {
var result = [];
$.each($.SickGear.season, function(i, e) {
if (-1 == $.inArray(e, result)) result.push(e);
$.SickGear.season = result;
if (!$.SickGear.run && 1 == $.SickGear.season.length) $.SickGear.run = !0 && fetchSeason();
return !1;
$('button.allseasons').on('click', function() {
$('table.sickbeardTable:not(.display-season)').each(function() {
var liveStates = $('#display-show');
return liveStates.toggleClass('min'), $.get($.SickGear.Root + '/live-panel/?allseasons='
+ String.prototype.toLowerCase.apply(+liveStates.hasClass('min'))), !1;