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synced 2025-03-15 17:17:43 +00:00
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer. Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer. Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk! Enjoy!
442 lines
16 KiB
442 lines
16 KiB
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) parser.
Author: Christophe Gisquet <christophe.gisquet@free.fr>
from lib.hachoir_parser import Parser
from lib.hachoir_core.field import (
Field, FieldSet,
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32,
from lib.hachoir_core.endian import LITTLE_ENDIAN
from lib.hachoir_core.text_handler import textHandler, hexadecimal
def getLineEnd(s, pos=None):
if pos == None:
pos = (s.absolute_address+s.current_size)//8
end = s.stream.searchBytesLength("\x0D", False, 8*pos)
other_end = s.stream.searchBytesLength("\x0A", False, 8*pos)
if end == None or (other_end != None and other_end < end):
return other_end
return end
# TODO: rewrite to account for all possible terminations: ' ', '/', '\0XD'
# But this probably requires changing *ALL* of the places they are used,
# as ' ' is swallowed but not the others
def getElementEnd(s, limit=' ', offset=0):
addr = s.absolute_address+s.current_size
addr += 8*offset
pos = s.stream.searchBytesLength(limit, True, addr)
if pos == None:
#s.info("Can't find '%s' starting at %u" % (limit, addr))
return None
return pos
class PDFNumber(Field):
LIMITS = ['[', '/', '\x0D', ']']
sprintf("%i") or sprinf("%.?f")
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
Field.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
# Get size
size = getElementEnd(parent)
for limit in self.LIMITS:
other_size = getElementEnd(parent, limit)
if other_size != None:
other_size -= 1
if size == None or other_size < size:
size = other_size
self._size = 8*size
# Get value
val = parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, size)
self.info("Number: size=%u value='%s'" % (size, val))
if val.find('.') != -1:
self.createValue = lambda: float(val)
self.createValue = lambda: int(val)
class PDFString(Field):
A string of the shape:
( This string \
uses 3 lines \
with the CR(LF) inhibited )
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
Field.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
val = ""
count = 1
off = 1
while not parent.eof:
char = parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+8*off, 1)
if not char.isalpha() or char == '\\':
off += 1
if char == '(':
count += 1
if char == ')':
count -= 1
# Parenthesis block = 0 => end of string
if count == 0:
off += 1
# Add it to the string
val += char
self._size = 8*off
self.createValue = lambda: val
class PDFName(Field):
LIMITS = ['[', '/', '<', ']']
String starting with '/', where characters may be written using their
ASCII code (exemple: '#20' would be ' '
' ', ']' and '\0' are supposed not to be part of the name
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
Field.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
if parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, 1) != '/':
raise ParserError("Unknown PDFName '%s'" %
parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, 10))
size = getElementEnd(parent, offset=1)
#other_size = getElementEnd(parent, '[')-1
#if size == None or (other_size != None and other_size < size):
# size = other_size
for limit in self.LIMITS:
other_size = getElementEnd(parent, limit, 1)
if other_size != None:
other_size -= 1
if size == None or other_size < size:
#self.info("New size: %u" % other_size)
size = other_size
self._size = 8*(size+1)
# Value should be without the initial '/' and final ' '
self.createValue = lambda: parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+8, size).strip(' ')
class PDFID(Field):
Not described as an object, but let's do as it was.
This ID has the shape <hexadecimal ASCII string>
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
Field.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
self._size = 8*getElementEnd(parent, '>')
self.createValue = lambda: parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+8, (self._size//8)-1)
class NotABool(Exception): pass
class PDFBool(Field):
"true" or "false" string standing for the boolean value
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
Field.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
if parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, 4) == "true":
self._size = 4
self.createValue = lambda: True
elif parent.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address, 5) == "false":
self._size = 5
self.createValue = lambda: False
raise NotABool
class LineEnd(FieldSet):
Made of 0x0A, 0x0D (we may include several line ends)
def createFields(self):
while not self.eof:
addr = self.absolute_address+self.current_size
char = self.stream.readBytes(addr, 1)
if char == '\x0A':
yield UInt8(self, "lf", "Line feed")
elif char == '\x0D':
yield UInt8(self, "cr", "Line feed")
self.info("Line ends at %u/%u, len %u" %
(addr, self.stream._size, self.current_size))
class PDFDictionaryPair(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield PDFName(self, "name", getElementEnd(self))
for field in parsePDFType(self):
yield field
class PDFDictionary(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield String(self, "dict_start", 2)
while not self.eof:
addr = self.absolute_address+self.current_size
if self.stream.readBytes(addr, 2) != '>>':
for field in parsePDFType(self):
yield field
yield String(self, "dict_end", 2)
class PDFArray(FieldSet):
Array of possibly non-homogeneous elements, starting with '[' and ending
with ']'
def createFields(self):
yield String(self, "array_start", 1)
while self.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+self.current_size, 1) != ']':
for field in parsePDFType(self):
yield field
yield String(self, "array_end", 1)
def parsePDFType(s):
addr = s.absolute_address+s.current_size
char = s.stream.readBytes(addr, 1)
if char == '/':
yield PDFName(s, "type[]", getElementEnd(s))
elif char == '<':
if s.stream.readBytes(addr+8, 1) == '<':
yield PDFDictionary(s, "dict[]")
yield PDFID(s, "id[]")
elif char == '(':
yield PDFString(s, "string[]")
elif char == '[':
yield PDFArray(s, "array[]")
# First parse size
size = getElementEnd(s)
for limit in ['/', '>', '<']:
other_size = getElementEnd(s, limit)
if other_size != None:
other_size -= 1
if size == None or (other_size>0 and other_size < size):
size = other_size
# Get element
name = s.stream.readBytes(addr, size)
char = s.stream.readBytes(addr+8*size+8, 1)
if name.count(' ') > 1 and char == '<':
# Probably a catalog
yield Catalog(s, "catalog[]")
elif name[0] in ('.','-','+', '0', '1', '2', '3', \
'4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'):
s.info("Not a catalog: %u spaces and end='%s'" % (name.count(' '), char))
yield PDFNumber(s, "integer[]")
s.info("Trying to parse '%s': %u bytes" % \
(s.stream.readBytes(s.absolute_address+s.current_size, 4), size))
yield String(s, "unknown[]", size)
class Header(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield String(self, "marker", 5, MAGIC)
length = getLineEnd(self, 4)
if length != None:
#self.info("Found at position %08X" % len)
yield String(self, "version", length-1)
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end")
self.warning("Can't determine version!")
def createDescription(self):
return "PDF version %s" % self["version"].display
class Body(FieldSet):
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, desc)
pos = self.stream.searchBytesLength(CrossReferenceTable.MAGIC, False)
if pos == None:
raise ParserError("Can't find xref starting at %u" %
self._size = 8*pos-self.absolute_address
def createFields(self):
while self.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+self.current_size, 1) == '%':
size = getLineEnd(self, 4)
if size == 2:
yield textHandler(UInt16(self, "crc32"), hexadecimal)
elif size == 4:
yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "crc32"), hexadecimal)
elif self.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+self.current_size, size).isalpha():
yield String(self, "comment[]", size)
RawBytes(self, "unknown_data[]", size)
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
#abs_offset = self.current_size//8
# TODO: yield objects that read offsets and deduce size from
# "/cross_ref_table/sub_section[]/entries/item[]"
offsets = []
for subsection in self.array("/cross_ref_table/sub_section"):
for obj in subsection.array("entries/item"):
if "byte_offset" in obj:
# Could be inserted already sorted
for index in xrange(len(offsets)-1):
yield Catalog(self, "object[]", size=offsets[index+1]-offsets[index])
class Entry(FieldSet):
static_size = 20*8
def createFields(self):
typ = self.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+17*8, 1)
if typ == 'n':
yield PDFNumber(self, "byte_offset")
elif typ == 'f':
yield PDFNumber(self, "next_free_object_number")
yield PDFNumber(self, "unknown_string")
yield PDFNumber(self, "generation_number")
yield UInt8(self, "type")
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end")
def createDescription(self):
if self["type"].value == 'n':
return "In-use entry at offset %u" % int(self["byte_offset"].value)
elif self["type"].value == 'f':
return "Free entry before in-use object %u" % \
return "unknown %s" % self["unknown_string"].value
class SubSection(FieldSet):
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, desc)
self.info("Got entry count: '%s'" % self["entry_count"].value)
self._size = self.current_size + 8*20*int(self["entry_count"].value) \
+ self["line_end"].size
def createFields(self):
yield PDFNumber(self, "start_number",
"Object number of first entry in subsection")
self.info("start_number = %i" % self["start_number"].value)
yield PDFNumber(self, "entry_count", "Number of entries in subsection")
self.info("entry_count = %i" % self["entry_count"].value)
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end")
yield GenericVector(self, "entries", int(self["entry_count"].value),
#yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
def createDescription(self):
return "Subsection with %s elements, starting at %s" % \
(self["entry_count"].value, self["start_number"])
class CrossReferenceTable(FieldSet):
MAGIC = "xref"
def __init__(self, parent, name, desc=None):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
pos = self.stream.searchBytesLength(Trailer.MAGIC, False)
if pos == None:
raise ParserError("Can't find '%s' starting at %u" \
(Trailer.MAGIC, self.absolute_address//8))
self._size = 8*pos-self.absolute_address
def createFields(self):
yield RawBytes(self, "marker", len(self.MAGIC))
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
while not self.eof:
yield SubSection(self, "sub_section[]")
class Catalog(FieldSet):
END_NAME = ['<', '/', '[']
def __init__(self, parent, name, size=None, desc=None):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description=desc)
if size != None:
self._size = 8*size
# object catalogs are ended with "obj"
elif self["object"].value == "obj":
size = self.stream.searchBytesLength("endobj", False)
if size != None:
self._size = 8*(size+2)
def createFields(self):
yield PDFNumber(self, "index")
yield PDFNumber(self, "unknown[]")
length = getElementEnd(self)
for limit in self.END_NAME:
new_length = getElementEnd(self, limit)-len(limit)
if length == None or (new_length != None and new_length < length):
length = new_length
yield String(self, "object", length, strip=' ')
if self.stream.readBytes(self.absolute_address+self.current_size, 2) == '<<':
yield PDFDictionary(self, "key_list")
# End of catalog: this one has "endobj"
if self["object"].value == "obj":
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
yield String(self, "end_object", len("endobj"))
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
class Trailer(FieldSet):
MAGIC = "trailer"
def createFields(self):
yield RawBytes(self, "marker", len(self.MAGIC))
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
yield String(self, "start_attribute_marker", 2)
addr = self.absolute_address + self.current_size
while self.stream.readBytes(addr, 2) != '>>':
t = PDFName(self, "type[]")
yield t
name = t.value
self.info("Parsing PDFName '%s'" % name)
if name == "Size":
yield PDFNumber(self, "size", "Entries in the file cross-reference section")
elif name == "Prev":
yield PDFNumber(self, "offset")
elif name == "Root":
yield Catalog(self, "object_catalog")
elif name == "Info":
yield Catalog(self, "info")
elif name == "ID":
yield PDFArray(self, "id")
elif name == "Encrypt":
yield PDFDictionary(self, "decrypt")
raise ParserError("Don't know trailer type '%s'" % name)
addr = self.absolute_address + self.current_size
yield String(self, "end_attribute_marker", 2)
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
yield String(self, "start_xref", 9)
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
yield PDFNumber(self, "cross_ref_table_start_address")
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
yield String(self, "end_marker", len(ENDMAGIC))
yield LineEnd(self, "line_end[]")
class PDFDocument(Parser):
"id": "pdf",
"category": "misc",
"file_ext": ("pdf",),
"mime": (u"application/pdf",),
"min_size": (5+4)*8,
"magic": ((MAGIC, 5),),
"description": "Portable Document Format (PDF) document"
def validate(self):
if self.stream.readBytes(0, len(MAGIC)) != MAGIC:
return "Invalid magic string"
return True
# Size is not always determined by position of "%%EOF":
# - updated documents have several of those
# - PDF files should be parsed from *end*
# => TODO: find when a document has been updated
def createFields(self):
yield Header(self, "header")
yield Body(self, "body")
yield CrossReferenceTable(self, "cross_ref_table")
yield Trailer(self, "trailer")