JackDandy ac6d1f69d9 Change refactor manual search processing.
Change reduce browser I/O on displayShow.
Fix displayShow bug where click holding on a season btn and then dragging away leaves 50% white.

Change sets and lists are assigned by reference, so snatched_eps are deep copied in base_info().
Change comment out BaseSearchQueueItem::copy() as deprecated for base_info().
Change improve ajax consumer to reduce polling.
Simplify SimpleNamespace init in base_info().
Use base info instead of thread object for MANUAL_SEARCH_HISTORY in (ManualSearchQueueItem + FailedQueueItem) to streamline the finished search processing in webserve, this means add_dt has to be moved to BaseSearchQueueItem for base_info().
SimpleNameSpace Ref error is now in PYC, not sure if this is valid tho.
2018-10-02 20:04:52 +01:00

235 lines
7.2 KiB

/** @namespace $.SickGear.Root */
/** @namespace data.episodes */
/** @namespace ep.showindexer */
/** @namespace ep.showindexid */
/** @namespace ep.season */
/** @namespace ep.episode */
/** @namespace ep.searchstate */
/** @namespace ep.status */
/** @namespace ep.quality */
/** @namespace ep.retrystate */
/** @namespace ep.statusoverview */
var dev = !1,
logInfo = dev ? : function() {},
logErr = dev ? console.error.bind(window.console) : function() {};
PNotify.prototype.options.maxonscreen = 5;
$(document).ready(function () {
var ajaxConsumer = function () {
var that = this;
that.timeoutId = 0;
that.pollInterval = 0;
logInfo('init ajaxConsumer');
return {
checkManualSearches : function () {
var showId = $('#showID').val();
url: $.SickGear.Root + '/home/search_q_progress' + (/undefined/i.test(showId) ? '' : '?show=' + showId),
timeout: 15000 // timeout request after 15 secs
.done(function (data) {
logInfo('search_q_progress.success(data)', data);
if (!data.episodes || 0 === data.episodes.length) {
// using 5s as a reasonable max. when updating images from historical statuses after a page refresh
that.pollInterval = data.episodes && data.episodes.length
? (uiUpdateComplete(data) ? 5000 : 1000) : 10000; // 10000/0
.fail(function () {
that.pollInterval = 30000;
.always(function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
logInfo('search_q_progress.complete(textStatus)', '\'' + textStatus + '\'.');
if (that.pollInterval)
that.timeoutId = setTimeout(ajaxConsumer.checkManualSearches, that.pollInterval);
logInfo(that.pollInterval ? '^-- ' + that.pollInterval/1000 + 's to next work' : '^-- no more work');
function uiUpdateComplete(data) {
var isFinished = !0;
$.each(data.episodes, function (name, ep) {
var sxe = ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode,
displayShow$ = $('#' + sxe).closest('tr'),
episodeView$ = $('[data-show-id="' + ep.showindexer + '_' + ep.showindexid + '_' + sxe + '"]'),
link$ = (displayShow$.length ? displayShow$ : episodeView$).find('.ep-search, .ep-retry'),
uiOptions = $.ajaxEpSearch.defaults;
logInfo('^-- data item', name, ep.searchstate, ep.showindexid, sxe, ep.statusoverview);
if (link$.length) {
var htmlContent = '', imgTip, imgCls;
switch (ep.searchstate) {
case 'searching':
isFinished = !1;
imgUpdate(link$, 'Searching', uiOptions.loadingImage);
htmlContent = '[' + ep.searchstate + ']';
case 'queued':
isFinished = !1;
imgUpdate(link$, 'Queued', uiOptions.queuedImage);
htmlContent = '[' + ep.searchstate + ']';
case 'finished':
var attrName = !!getAttr(link$, 'href') ? 'href' : 'data-href', href = getAttr(link$, attrName);
if (ep.retrystate) {
imgTip = 'Click to retry download';
link$.attr('class', 'ep-retry').attr(attrName, href.replace('search', 'retry'));
} else {
imgTip = 'Click for manual search';
link$.attr('class', 'ep-search').attr(attrName, href.replace('retry', 'search'));
if (/good/i.test(ep.statusoverview)) {
imgCls = uiOptions.searchImage;
} else if (/snatched/i.test(ep.statusoverview)) {
imgCls = uiOptions.imgYes;
} else {
imgTip = 'Last manual search failed. Click to try again';
imgCls = uiOptions.imgNo;
imgUpdate(link$, imgTip, imgCls);
// update row status
if (ep.statusoverview) {
.removeClass('skipped wanted qual good unaired snatched')
// update quality text for status column
var rSearchTerm = /(\w+)\s\((.+?)\)/;
htmlContent = ep.status.replace(rSearchTerm,
'$1' + ' <span class="quality ' + ep.quality + '">' + '$2' + '</span>');
// remove backed vars
link$.removeAttr('data-status data-imgclass');
// update the status area
return isFinished;
function enableLink(el$) {
el$.attr('href', el$.attr('data-href')).removeAttr('data-href').fadeTo('fast', 1);
function disableLink(el$) {
el$.attr('data-href', el$.attr('href')).removeAttr('href').fadeTo('fast', .7);
function getAttr(el$, name) {
return el$.is('[' + name + ']') ? el$.attr(name) : !1;
function imgUpdate(link$, tip, cls) {
link$.find('img').attr('src', '').attr('title', tip).prop('alt', '')
.removeClass('spinner queued search no yes').addClass(cls);
function imgRestore() {
$('a[data-status]').each(function() {
getAttr($(this), 'data-imgtitle'),
getAttr($(this), 'data-imgclass') || $.ajaxEpSearch.defaults.searchImage);
$(this).removeAttr('data-status data-imgclass data-imgtitle');
(function() {
$.ajaxEpSearch = {
defaults: {
size: 16,
colorRow: !1,
loadingImage: 'spinner',
queuedImage: 'queued',
searchImage: 'search',
imgNo: 'no',
imgYes: 'yes'
$.fn.ajaxEpSearch = function(uiOptions) {
uiOptions = $.extend( {}, $.ajaxEpSearch.defaults, uiOptions);
$('.ep-search, .ep-retry').on('click', function(event) {
logInfo(($(this).hasClass('ep-search') ? 'Search' : 'Retry') + ' clicked');
// check if we have disabled the click
if (!!getAttr($(this), 'data-href')) {
logInfo('Already queued, not downloading!');
return !1;
if ($(this).hasClass('ep-retry')
&& !confirm('Mark download as bad and retry?')) {
return !1;
var link$ = $(this), img$ = link$.find('img'), img = ['Failed', uiOptions.imgNo], imgCls;
// backup ui vars
if (link$.closest('.col-search') && link$.closest('.col-search').siblings('.col-status')) {
link$.attr('data-status', link$.closest('.col-search').siblings('.col-status').html().trim());
link$.attr('data-imgtitle', getAttr(img$, 'title'));
if (imgCls = getAttr(img$, 'class')) {
link$.attr('data-imgclass', imgCls.trim());
imgUpdate(link$, 'Loading', uiOptions.loadingImage);
$.getJSON({url: $(this).attr('href'), timeout: 15000})
.done(function(data) {
logInfo('getJSON() data...', data);
// if failed, replace success/queued with initiated red X/No
if ('failure' !== data.result) {
// otherwise, queued successfully
// update ui status
link$.closest('.col-search').siblings('.col-status').html('[' + data.result + ']');
// prevent further interaction
img = 'queueing' === data.result
? ['Queueing', uiOptions.queuedImage]
: ['Searching', uiOptions.loadingImage];
// update ui image
imgUpdate(link$, img[0], img[1]);
.fail(function() { imgRestore(); });
// prevent following the clicked link
return !1;