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synced 2025-03-22 20:47:44 +00:00
Change set "Scene numbering" checkbox and add text to the label tip in third step of add "New Show" if scene numbers are found for the selected show in the search results of the first step. Change label text on edit show page to highlight when manual numbering and scene numbers are available. Fix disabling "Scene numbering" of step three in add "New Show" was ignored when scene episode number mappings exist. Fix don't use scene episode number mappings everywhere when "Scene numbering" is disabled for a show. Fix width of legend underlining on the third step used to bring other display elements into alignment. Change when downloading magnet or nzb files, verify the file in cache dir and then move to blackhole. Change to consistent use of properties is_anime and is_sports in providers. Change name_parser pep8 and code conventions.
192 lines
7.6 KiB
192 lines
7.6 KiB
# coding=utf-8
# Author: SickGear
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import time
from . import generic
from sickbeard import logger, tvcache, helpers
from sickbeard.indexers.indexer_config import INDEXER_TVDB
class RarbgProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
def __init__(self):
generic.TorrentProvider.__init__(self, 'Rarbg')
self.url_base = 'https://rarbg.com/'
# api_spec: https://rarbg.com/pubapi/apidocs_v2.txt
self.url_api = 'https://torrentapi.org/pubapi_v2.php?app_id=SickGear&'
self.urls = {'config_provider_home_uri': self.url_base,
'api_token': self.url_api + 'get_token=get_token',
'api_list': self.url_api + 'mode=list',
'api_search': self.url_api + 'mode=search'}
self.categories = '18;41'
self.params = {'defaults': '&category=%(cat)s&limit=100&sort=last' % {'cat': self.categories}
+ '&ranked=%(ranked)s&token=%(token)s',
'param_iid': '&search_imdb=%(sid)s',
'param_tid': '&search_tvdb=%(sid)s',
'param_rid': '&search_tvrage=%(sid)s',
'param_str': '&search_string=%(str)s',
'param_seed': '&min_seeders=%(min_seeds)s',
'param_peer': '&min_leechers=%(min_peers)s'}
self.url = self.urls['config_provider_home_uri']
self.minseed, self.minleech, self.token, self.token_expiry = 4 * [None]
self.confirmed = False
self.request_throttle = datetime.datetime.now()
self.cache = RarbgCache(self)
def _do_login(self, reset=False):
if not reset and self.token and self.token_expiry and datetime.datetime.now() < self.token_expiry:
return True
response = helpers.getURL(self.urls['api_token'], session=self.session, json=True)
if response and 'token' in response:
self.token = response['token']
self.token_expiry = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=14)
return True
logger.log(u'No usable API token returned from: %s' % self.urls['api_token'], logger.ERROR)
return False
def _do_search(self, search_params, search_mode='eponly', epcount=0, age=0):
results = []
if not self._do_login(reset=True):
return results
items = {'Season': [], 'Episode': [], 'Cache': []}
id_search = None
if hasattr(self, 'show') and self.show and self.show.indexer and self.show.indexerid:
if 0 < len(self.show.imdb_info):
sid = self.show.imdb_info['imdb_id']
search_with = 'param_iid'
sid = self.show.indexerid
if INDEXER_TVDB == self.show.indexer:
search_with = 'param_tid'
else: # INDEXER_TVRAGE == self.show.indexer:
search_with = 'param_rid'
id_search = self.params[search_with] % {'sid': sid}
dedupe = []
search_types = sorted([x for x in search_params.items()], key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) # sort type "_only" as first to process
for mode_params in search_types:
mode_search = mode_params[0]
mode_base = mode_search.replace('_only', '')
for search_string in mode_params[1]:
search_url = ''
url = 'api_list'
if 'Cache' != mode_search:
url = 'api_search'
if '_only' in mode_search and id_search:
search_url = id_search
if None is not search_string:
search_url += self.params['param_str'] % {'str': search_string}
search_url = self.urls[url] + self.params['defaults'] + search_url
if self.minseed:
search_url += self.params['param_seed'] % {'min_seeds': self.minseed}
if self.minleech:
search_url += self.params['param_peer'] % {'min_peers': self.minleech}
cnt = len(items[mode_base])
for r in range(0, 3):
time_out = 0
while(self.request_throttle > datetime.datetime.now()) and 2 >= time_out:
time_out += 1
data = self.get_url(search_url % {'ranked': int(self.confirmed), 'token': self.token}, json=True)
self.token_expiry = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=14)
self.request_throttle = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3)
if 'error' in data:
if 5 == data['error_code']: # Too many requests per second.
elif 2 == data['error_code']: # Invalid token set
if self._do_login(reset=True):
self._log_result(mode_base, len(items[mode_base]) - cnt, search_url)
return results
if 'error' not in data:
for item in data['torrent_results']:
title = item['filename']
get = item['download']
if not (title and get) or get in dedupe:
dedupe += [get]
items[mode_base].append((title, get))
except Exception:
if 0 < len(items[mode_base]):
results += items[mode_base]
items[mode_base] = []
self._log_result(mode_base, len(items[mode_base]) - cnt, search_url)
if '_only' in mode_search and 0 < len(results):
return results
def find_propers(self, search_date=datetime.datetime.today()):
return self._find_propers(search_date, '{{.proper.|.repack.}}')
def _get_season_search_strings(self, ep_obj, **kwargs):
return generic.TorrentProvider._get_season_search_strings(self, ep_obj, detail_only=True)
def _get_episode_search_strings(self, ep_obj, add_string='', **kwargs):
search_params = generic.TorrentProvider._get_episode_search_strings(self, ep_obj, detail_only=True)
if self.show.air_by_date and self.show.is_sports:
for x, types in enumerate(search_params):
for y, ep_type in enumerate(types):
search_params[x][ep_type][y] = '{{%s}}' % search_params[x][ep_type][y]
return search_params
class RarbgCache(tvcache.TVCache):
def __init__(self, this_provider):
tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, this_provider)
def _getRSSData(self):
return self.provider.get_cache_data()
provider = RarbgProvider()