mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 03:57:45 +00:00
Add a Select2 drop-down to `add-shows` and `edit-show`. The Select2 enables displaying inline language flag images, this feature deprecated by the native `select` drop-down element on some browsers. Change run existing TVInfo source language lists through validation (removes ~4 bad items), de-dupe list, get the native names, English names, and three letter abbr. Change remove marisa-trie requirement from language_data/names.py because nothing in SG calls a function that requires it. Change update some flags.
608 lines
23 KiB
608 lines
23 KiB
/** @namespace $.SickGear.Root */
/** @namespace config.sortArticle */
/** @namespace config.resultsSortby */
/** @namespace config.searchTests */
/** @namespace config.folder */
$(document).ready(function () {
function htmlFlag(lang) {
return ' class="flag" style="background-image:url(' + $.SickGear.Root + '/images/flags/' + lang + '.png)"'
function uriFlag(lang) {
return $.SickGear.Root + '/images/flags/' + lang + '.png'
function populateLangSelect() {
if (!$('#nameToSearch').length)
if (1 >= $('#infosrc-lang-select').find('option').length) {
$.getJSON(sbRoot + '/add-shows/get-infosrc-languages', {}, function (data) {
var htmlText = '', flag,
selected = ' selected="selected"',
elInfosrcLang = $('#infosrc-lang-select'),
useSelect2 = 0 < data.results_ext.length, populateItem;
if (0 === data.results.length && 0 === data.results_ext.length) {
htmlText = '<option value="en"' + selected + '>> en</option>';
} else {
if (useSelect2) {
// 3 letter abbr object
$.each(data.results_ext, function (index, obj) {
htmlText += '<option style="padding-left:25px" value="' + obj.std_abbr + '"'
+ ' data-abbr="' + obj.abbr + '"'
+ ' data-img="' + uriFlag(obj.std_abbr) + '"'
+ ' data-title="' + obj.en + ' (' + obj.orig_abbr + '/' + obj.std_abbr + '/' + obj.abbr + ')' + '"'
+ ('' === htmlText
? selected + '>> '
: '>')
+ obj.native
+ '</option>';
} else {
// legacy 2 letter abbr list
$.each(data.results, function (index, obj) {
flag = htmlFlag(obj);
htmlText += '<option value="' + obj + '"'
+ ('' === htmlText
? flag.replace('"flag', '"flag selected-text') + selected + '>> '
: flag + '>')
+ obj + '</option>';
elInfosrcLang.change(function () {
if (useSelect2) {
populateItem = function(data) {
if (!!data.element)
return $('<span class="flag"'
+ ' style="background-image:url(' + $(data.element).data('img') + ')"'
+ ' title="' + $(data.element).data('title') + '">'
+ data.text
+ '</span>');
return data.text;
elInfosrcLang.select2({templateResult: populateItem, templateSelection: populateItem, width: 155});
function cleanseText(text, toDisplay) {
return (!0 == toDisplay
? text
.replace(/["]/g, '"')
: text
.replace(/(?:["]|")/g, '')
var searchRequestXhr = null;
function searchIndexers() {
var elNameToSearch = $('#nameToSearch');
if (!elNameToSearch.val().length)
if (searchRequestXhr)
var elTvDatabase = $('#provided-tvid'),
elInfosrcLang = $('#infosrc-lang-select'),
tvsrcName = elTvDatabase.find('option:selected').text(),
tvSearchSrc = 0 < tvsrcName.length
? ' <span class="boldest">' + elTvDatabase.find('option:selected').attr('data-name') + '</span>'
: '';
$('#search-results').empty().html('<img id="searchingAnim" src="' + sbRoot + '/images/loading32' + themeSpinner + '.gif" height="32" width="32">'
+ ' searching '
+ tvSearchSrc
+ ' in <em>lang:' + elInfosrcLang.val() + '</em> <span' + htmlFlag(elInfosrcLang.val()).replace('.png)"', '.png);display:inline-block;width:16px;height:11px;margin:-2px 3px 0 0;vertical-align:middle"') + '></span>'
+ ' for <span class="boldest">' + cleanseText(elNameToSearch.val(), !0) + '</span>'
+ '...');
searchRequestXhr = $.ajax({
url: sbRoot + '/add-shows/search-tvinfo-for-showname',
data: {
'search_term': cleanseText(elNameToSearch.val(), !1),
'lang': elInfosrcLang.val(),
'search_tvid': elTvDatabase.val()
timeout: parseInt($('#indexer_timeout').val(), 10) * parseInt($('#indexer_count').val(), 2) * 1000 + 15000,
dataType: 'json',
error: function () {
$('#search-results').empty().html('search timed out, try again in a few mins.');
success: function (data) {
var resultStr = '', attrs = '', checked = !1, rowType, row = 0, srcState = '',
resultItem, nBuffer = 0, nBufferSize = 20, nAll = 0;
if (null === data.results || 0 === data.results.length) {
resultStr += '<span class="boldest">Sorry, no results found. Try a different search.</span>';
} else {
var n = 0, result = {
SrcName: n, isInDB: ++n, SrcId: ++n, SrcDBId: ++n, SrcSlug: ++n, SrcUrl: ++n, ShowID: ++n,
Title: ++n, TitleHtml: ++n, Aired: ++n, AiredStr: ++n, Network: ++n, Genre: ++n,
Language: ++n, LanguageCC: ++n, Overview: ++n, ImgUrl: ++n,
RelSort: ++n, RelCombined : ++n, NewestAired: ++n, NewestCombined: ++n,
OldestAired: ++n, OldestCombined: ++n, AzSort: ++n, AzCombined : ++n, ZaSort: ++n, ZaCombined: ++n,
DirectIdMatch: ++n, RenameSuggest: ++n
$.each(data.results, function (index, item) {
attrs = (!1 !== item[result.isInDB] ? ' disabled="disabled"' : (!0 === checked ? '' : ' checked'))
+ ' data-rename-suggest="' + item[result.RenameSuggest] + '"';
checked = (-1 === attrs.indexOf('checked')) ? checked : !0;
rowType = (0 === row % 2 ? '' : ' alt');
var displayShowName = cleanseText(item[result.Title], !0), showstartdate = '';
if (null !== item[result.Aired]) {
var startDate = new Date(item[result.Aired]);
var today = new Date();
showstartdate = ' <span class="stepone-result-date">('
+ (startDate > today ? 'will debut' : 'started')
+ ': ' + item[result.AiredStr] + ')</span>';
srcState = [
null === item[result.SrcName] ? '' : item[result.SrcName],
!1 === item[result.isInDB] ? '' : '<span class="exists-db"><a href="' + sbRoot + item[result.isInDB] + '" target="_blank">exists in db</a></span>']
.join(' - ').replace(/(^[\s-]+|[\s-]+$)/, '');
resultItem = '<div class="results-item' + ' ' + item[result.SrcSlug] + rowType + '" data-indb="' + (!1 === item[result.isInDB] ? '' : '1')
+ '" data-sort-rel="' + item[result.RelSort] + '" data-sort-rel-combined="' + item[result.RelCombined]
+ '" data-sort-newest="' + item[result.NewestAired] + '" data-sort-newest-combined="' + item[result.NewestCombined]
+ '" data-sort-oldest="' + item[result.OldestAired] + '" data-sort-oldest-combined="' + item[result.OldestCombined]
+ '" data-sort-az="' + item[result.AzSort] + '" data-sort-az-combined="' + item[result.AzCombined]
+ '" data-sort-za="' + item[result.ZaSort] + '" data-sort-za-combined="' + item[result.ZaCombined] + '">'
+ '<label><i></i>'
+ '<input type="radio"'
+ ' class="stepone-result-radio"'
+ (!1 === item[result.isInDB]
? ' title="Add show <span style=\'color: rgb(66, 139, 202)\'>' + displayShowName + '</span>"'
: ' title="Show exists in DB,<br><span style=\'font-weight:700\'>selection not possible</span>"')
+ ' name="which_series"'
+ ' value="' + cleanseText([item[result.SrcDBId], item[result.SrcName], item[result.ShowID], item[result.Title]].join('|'), !0) + '"'
+ attrs
+ '></label>'
+ '<a'
+ ' class="stepone-result-title"'
+ ' title="<div style=\'color: rgb(66, 139, 202)\'>' + cleanseText(item[result.TitleHtml], !0) + '</div>'
+ (0 < item[result.LanguageCC].length && 'gb' !== item[result.LanguageCC]
? '<div style=\'font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888\'><em>Language: <span' + htmlFlag(item[result.LanguageCC]).replace('.png)"', '.png);display:inline-block;width:16px;height:11px;margin:-2px 3px 0 0;vertical-align:middle"').replace(/"/g, "'") + '></span>'
+ item[result.Language] + '</em></div>' : '')
+ (0 < item[result.Genre].length ? '<div style=\'font-weight:bold\'>(<em>' + item[result.Genre] + '</em>)</div>' : '')
+ (0 < item[result.Network].length ? '<div style=\'font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888\'><em>' + item[result.Network] + '</em></div>' : '')
+ (item[result.ImgUrl] && '<img style=\'max-height:150px;float:right;margin-left:3px\' src=\'/' + item[result.ImgUrl] + '\'>' || '')
+ (0 < item[result.Overview].length ? '<p style=\'margin:0 0 2px\'>' + item[result.Overview] + '</p>' : '')
+ '<span style=\'float:right;clear:both\'>Click for more</span>'
+ '"'
+ ' href="' + anonURL + item[result.SrcUrl] + '"'
+ ' onclick="window.open(this.href, \'_blank\'); return !1;"'
+ '>' + (config.sortArticle ? displayShowName : displayShowName.replace(/^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)(\s)+(.*)/i, '$3$2<span class="article">($1)</span>')) + '</a>'
+ showstartdate
+ ('' === srcState ? ''
: ' <span class="stepone-result-db grey-text">' + '[' + srcState + ']' + '</span>')
+ '</div>' + "\n";
resultStr += resultItem;
if ((nBuffer < nBufferSize) || item[result.isInDB])
var selAttr = 'selected="selected" ',
selClass = 'selected-text',
classAttrSel = 'class="' + selClass + '" ',
defSortby = /^az/.test(config.resultsSortby) || /^za/.test(config.resultsSortby) || /^newest/.test(config.resultsSortby) || /^oldest/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? '': classAttrSel + selAttr;
'<fieldset>' + "\n" + '<legend class="legendStep" style="margin-bottom: 15px">'
+ '<span id="count"></span>'
+ '<span style="float:right;height:32px;line-height:1"><span id="results-expander" style="margin-right:10px"></span>'
+ '<select id="results-sortby" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">'
+ '<optgroup label="Sort by">'
+ '<option ' + (/^az/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel + selAttr : '') + 'value="az">A to Z</option>'
+ '<option ' + (/^za/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel + selAttr : '') + 'value="za">Z to A</option>'
+ '<option ' + (/^newest/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel + selAttr : '') + 'value="newest">Newest aired</option>'
+ '<option ' + (/^oldest/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel + selAttr : '') + 'value="oldest">Oldest aired</option>'
+ '<option ' + defSortby + 'value="rel">Relevancy</option>'
+ '</optgroup><optgroup label="With...">'
+ '<option ' + (!/notop$/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel : '') + 'value="ontop">Exists on top</option>'
+ '<option ' + (/notop$/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel : '') + 'value="notop">Exists combined</option>'
+ '<option ' + (!/nogroup/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel : '') + 'value="ingroup">Source grouped</option>'
+ '<option ' + (/nogroup$/.test(config.resultsSortby) ? classAttrSel : '') + 'value="nogroup">Source combined</option>'
+ '</optgroup></select></span>'
+ '</legend>' + "\n"
+ '<div id="holder">'
+ resultStr
+ '</div>'
+ '</fieldset>'
function displayCount(){
$('#count').html((nAll > nBufferSize ? nBuffer + ' of ' + nAll : (0 < nAll ? nAll : 'No'))
+ ' result' + (1 === nAll ? '' : 's') + '...');
var defaultExpander = '<i class="sgicon-arrowdown" style="margin-right:-8px; font-size:12px"></i>expand list'
$('#results-expander').html((nAll > nBufferSize ? ' <span id="more-results" style="display:none;font-size: 0.7em">[<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">' + defaultExpander + '</a>]</span>' : ''));
$('#more-results a').on('click', function(e, d) {
var results$ = $('#search-results'), displayAction = '';
if (results$.hasClass('collapsed')){
displayAction = '<i class="sgicon-arrowup" style="margin-right:4px; font-size:12px"></i>collapse list';
$('#count').html('All ' + nAll + ' result' + (1 === nAll ? '' : 's'));
} else {
displayAction = defaultExpander;
var container$ = $('#holder'),
sortbySelect$ = $('#results-sortby'),
reOrder = (function(value){
return ($('#results-sortby').find('option[value$="notop"]').hasClass(selClass)
? (1000 > value ? value + 1000 : value)
: (1000 > value ? value : value - 1000))}),
fx = {filterData: function(){
var results$ = $('#search-results');
if (results$.hasClass('collapsed')){
var itemElem = this, number = getAttr(itemElem, 'sort-' + results$.find('option:not([value$="top"],[value$="group"]).' + selClass).val());
number -= number >= 1000 ? 1000 : 0;
return (number < nBufferSize ) || !!getAttr(itemElem, 'indb');
return !0;
getAttr = (function(itemElem, attr){
var number = $(itemElem).attr('data-' + attr);
return ('undefined' !== typeof(number)) && parseInt(number, 10) || 0;
getData = (function(itemElem, sortby){
var position = getAttr(itemElem, 'sort-' + sortby +
($('#results-sortby').find('option[value$="ingroup"]').hasClass(selClass) ? '' : '-combined'));
return (!!getAttr(itemElem, 'indb') ? reOrder(position) : position);
sortbySelect$.find('.' + selClass).each(function(){
$(this).html('> ' + $(this).html());
function updateResults(){
itemSelector: '.results-item',
sortBy: sortbySelect$.find('option:not([value$="top"],[value$="group"]).' + selClass).val(),
layoutMode: 'masonry',
filter: fx['filterData'],
getSortData: {
az: function(itemElem){ return getData(itemElem, 'az'); },
za: function(itemElem){ return getData(itemElem, 'za'); },
newest: function(itemElem){ return getData(itemElem, 'newest'); },
oldest: function(itemElem){ return getData(itemElem, 'oldest'); },
rel: function(itemElem){ return getData(itemElem, 'rel'); }
}).on('arrangeComplete', function(event, items){
$(items).each(function(i, item){
if (1 === i % 2){
container$.isotope(); // must init first
sortbySelect$.on('change', function(){
var selectedSort = String($(this).val()), sortby = selectedSort, curSortby$, curSel$, newSel$;
curSortby$ = $(this).find('option:not([value$="top"],[value$="group"])');
if (/(top|group)$/.test(selectedSort)){
sortby = curSortby$.filter('.' + selClass).val();
curSortby$ = $(this).find('option[value$="'
+ (-1 !== selectedSort.indexOf('top') ? 'top' : 'group') + '"]');
curSel$ = curSortby$.filter('.' + selClass);
curSel$.html(curSel$.html().replace(/(?:>|>)\s/ , '')).removeClass(selClass);
newSel$ = $(this).find('option[value$="' + selectedSort + '"]');
newSel$.html('> ' + newSel$.html()).addClass(selClass);
$(this).attr(sortby, reOrder(parseInt($(this).attr(sortby), 10)));
config.resultsSortby = sortby +
($(this).find('option[value$="notop"]').hasClass(selClass) ? ' notop' : '') +
($(this).find('option[value$="nogroup"]').hasClass(selClass) ? ' nogroup' : '');
$.get(sbRoot + '/config/general/save-result-prefs', {ui_results_sortby: selectedSort});
$('.stepone-result-radio, .stepone-result-title').each(addQTip);
function submitSearch(searchFor){
!!searchFor && $('#searchName').click();
return !1;
$('#try-0').on('click', function(){return submitSearch('');});
$('#try-1').on('click', function(){return submitSearch(config.searchTests[1]);});
$('span[id^="try-"]').each(function(i, el){
var match = $(el).attr('id').match(/try-(\d+)(-.*)$/i);
if (!!match){
$('#' + match[0]).on('click', function(){
var match = $(this).attr('id').match(/try-(\d+)(-.*)$/i),
num = parseInt(match[1], 10),
kind = match[2],
nextEl$ = $('span[id$="'+ (num + 1) + kind + '"]');
(nextEl$.length ? nextEl$ : $('span[id$="'+ kind + '"]:first')).removeClass('hide');
return submitSearch(config.searchTests[num]);
var elNameToSearch = $('#nameToSearch'),
elSearchName = $('#searchName');
elSearchName.click(function () { searchIndexers(); });
if (elNameToSearch.length && elNameToSearch.val().length) {
$('#addShowButton, #cancelShowButton').click(function () {
if (/cancel/.test(this.id)){
} else {
// if they haven't picked a show don't let them submit
if (!$('input:radio[name="which_series"]:checked').val()
&& !$('input:hidden[name="which_series"]').val().length) {
alert('You must choose a show to continue');
return !1;
$('#skipShowButton').click(function () {
$('#quality-preset').change(function () {
* jQuery Form to Form Wizard- (c) Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more.
var myform = $.SickGear.myform = new FormToWizard({
fieldsetborderwidth: 0,
formid: 'addShowForm',
revealfx: ['slide', 500],
oninit: function () {
if ($('input:hidden[name="which_series"]').length && $('#fullShowPath').length) {
function goToStep(num) {
$('.step').each(function () {
if ($.data(this, 'section') + 1 == num) {
function updateSampleText() {
if (0 === $('#displayText').length) {
$('#cancelShowButton').attr('disabled', !1);
$('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', 0 === $('#holder').find('.results-item').length);
// if something's selected then we have some behavior to figure out
var showName = '',
elRadio = $('input:radio[name="which_series"]:checked'),
elInput = $('input:hidden[name="which_series"]'),
elScene = $('#scene'),
elRootDirs = $('#rootDirs'),
elFullShowPath = $('#fullShowPath'),
idxWhichShowID = 2, idxWhichTitle = 3;
if (!!elRadio.length) {
if (!!config.folder.length) {
showName = config.folder;
// if they've picked a radio button then use that
else if (elRadio.length) {
showName = elRadio.val().split('|')[idxWhichTitle];
elScene[0].checked = 0 <= showSceneMaps.indexOf(parseInt(elRadio.val().split('|')[idxWhichShowID], 10));
$('#scene-maps-found').css('display', elScene.is(':checked') ? 'block' : 'None');
// if we provided a show in the hidden field, use that
else if (elInput.length && elInput.val().length) {
showName = $('#provided-show-name').val();
var sample_text = '<p>Adding show <span class="show-name">' + cleanseText(showName, !0) + '</span>'
+ (!showName.length ? 'into<br>' : '<br>into' + (!config.folder.length ? '' : ' user location'))
+ ' <span class="show-dest">';
// if we have a root dir selected, figure out the path
if (elRootDirs.find('option:selected').length) {
var root_dir_text = elRootDirs.find('option:selected').val();
if (root_dir_text.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
sep_char = '/';
} else if (root_dir_text.indexOf('\\') >= 0) {
sep_char = '\\';
} else {
sep_char = '';
if (root_dir_text.substr(sample_text.length - 1) != sep_char) {
root_dir_text += sep_char;
root_dir_text += '<i>||</i>' + sep_char;
sample_text += root_dir_text;
} else if (elFullShowPath.length && elFullShowPath.val().length) {
sample_text += elFullShowPath.val();
} else {
sample_text += 'unknown dir.';
sample_text += '</span></p>';
// if we have a show name then sanitize and use it for the dir name
if (showName.length) {
$.get(sbRoot + '/add-shows/generate-show-dir-name', {show_name: cleanseText(showName, !1)}, function (data) {
$('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', data));
// if not then it's unknown
} else {
$('#displayText').html(sample_text.replace('||', '??'));
// also toggle the add show button
if ((elRootDirs.find('option:selected').length || (elFullShowPath.length && elFullShowPath.val().length)) &&
(elRadio.length) || (elInput.length && elInput.val().length)) {
$('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', !1);
} else {
$('#addShowButton').attr('disabled', !0);
$('#search-results').on('click', '.stepone-result-radio', updateSampleText);
elNameToSearch.keydown(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
var addQTip = (function() {
$(this).css('cursor', 'help');
show: {
solo: !0
position: {
viewport: $(window),
my: 'left center',
adjust: {
y: -10,
x: 2
style: {
tip: {
corner: !0,
method: 'polygon'
classes: 'qtip-rounded qtip-bootstrap qtip-shadow ui-tooltip-sb'
$('#anime').change (function () {
function add_option_to_pool (text) {
var groupvalue = '', groupview = text,
option = $('<option>'),
match = /^(.*?)#<3SG#(.*)$/m.exec(text);
if (match != null) {
groupvalue = match[1];
groupview = groupvalue + match[2];
function updateAniGrouplist (show_name) {
$('#allow, #block, #pool').children().remove();
if ($('#anime').prop('checked')) {
if (show_name) {
$.getJSON(sbRoot + '/home/fetch-releasegroups', {'show_name': cleanseText(show_name, !1)}, function (data) {
if ('success' == data['result']) {
var groups = [];
$.each(data.groups, function (i, group) {
if ('' != group.name) {
groups.push(group.name + '#<3SG#' + ('' === group.rating ? '' : ' (' + group.rating + ') ') + group.range)
if (0 < groups.length) {
$.each(groups, function (i, text) {
} else {
add_option_to_pool('No groups returned from AniDB');
} else if ('fail' == data['result']) {
if ('connect' == data['resp']) {
add_option_to_pool('Fail:AniDB connect. Restart sg else check debug log');
} else if ('init' == data['resp']) {
add_option_to_pool('Did not initialise AniDB. Check debug log if reqd.');
} else {