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synced 2025-03-01 18:35:02 +00:00
Change improve provider title processing. Change improve handling erroneous JSON responses. Change improve find show with unicode characters. Change improve result for providers Omgwtf, SpeedCD, Transmithenet, Zoogle. Change validate .torrent files that contain optional header data. Fix case where an episode status was not restored on failure. Add raise log error if no wanted qualities are found. Change add un/pw to Config/Media providers/Options for BTN API graceful fallback (can remove Api key for security). Change only download torrent once when using blackhole. Add Cloudflare module 1.6.8 (be0a536) to mitigate CloudFlare (IUAM) access validator. Add Js2Py 0.43 (c1442f1) Cloudflare dependency. Add pyjsparser 2.4.5 (cd5b829) Js2Py dependency.
179 lines
6.3 KiB
179 lines
6.3 KiB
import pyjsparser
import pyjsparser.parser
from . import translating_nodes
import hashlib
import re
# Enable Js2Py exceptions and pyimport in parser
pyjsparser.parser.ENABLE_JS2PY_ERRORS = True
pyjsparser.parser.ENABLE_PYIMPORT = True
# the re below is how we'll recognise numeric constants.
# it finds any 'simple numeric that is not preceded with an alphanumeric character
# the numeric can be a float (so a dot is found) but
# it does not recognise notation such as 123e5, 0xFF, infinity or NaN
CP_NUMERIC_RE = re.compile(r'(?<![a-zA-Z0-9_"\'])([0-9\.]+)')
CP_NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER.replace('%i', '([0-9\.]+)')
# the re below is how we'll recognise string constants
# it finds a ' or ", then reads until the next matching ' or "
# this re only services simple cases, it can not be used when
# there are escaped quotes in the expression
#CP_STRING_1 = re.compile(r'(["\'])(.*?)\1') # this is how we'll recognise string constants
CP_STRING = '"([^\\\\"]+|\\\\([bfnrtv\'"\\\\]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*"|\'([^\\\\\']+|\\\\([bfnrtv\'"\\\\]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}))*\''
CP_STRING_RE = re.compile(CP_STRING) # this is how we'll recognise string constants
CP_STRING_PLACEHOLDER.replace('%i', '([0-9\.]+)')
cache = {}
# This crap is still needed but I removed it for speed reasons. Have to think ofa better idea
# import js2py.pyjs, sys
# # Redefine builtin objects... Do you have a better idea?
# for m in list(sys.modules):
# if m.startswith('js2py'):
# del sys.modules[m]
# del js2py.pyjs
# del js2py
DEFAULT_HEADER = u'''from js2py.pyjs import *
# setting scope
var = Scope( JS_BUILTINS )
# Code follows:
def dbg(x):
"""does nothing, legacy dummy function"""
return ''
def translate_js(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER, use_compilation_plan=False):
"""js has to be a javascript source code.
returns equivalent python code."""
if use_compilation_plan and not '//' in js and not '/*' in js:
return translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=HEADER)
parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
parsed = parser.parse(js) # js to esprima syntax tree
# Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
# parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
return HEADER + translating_nodes.trans(parsed) # syntax tree to python code
class match_unumerator(object):
"""This class ise used """
matchcount = -1
def __init__(self, placeholder_mask):
self.placeholder_mask = placeholder_mask
self.matches = []
def __call__(self, match):
self.matchcount += 1
return self.placeholder_mask%self.matchcount
def __repr__(self):
return '\n'.join(self.placeholder_mask%counter + '=' + match for counter, match in enumerate(self.matches))
def wrap_up(self, output):
for counter, value in enumerate(self.matches):
output = output.replace("u'" + self.placeholder_mask%(counter) + "'", value, 1)
return output
def get_compilation_plan(js):
match_increaser_str = match_unumerator(CP_STRING_PLACEHOLDER)
compilation_plan = re.sub(
CP_STRING, match_increaser_str, js
match_increaser_num = match_unumerator(CP_NUMERIC_PLACEHOLDER)
compilation_plan = re.sub(CP_NUMERIC_RE, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan)
# now put quotes, note that just patching string replaces is somewhat faster than
# using another re:
compilation_plan = compilation_plan.replace('__PyJsNUM_', '"__PyJsNUM_').replace('_PyJsNUM__', '_PyJsNUM__"')
compilation_plan = compilation_plan.replace('__PyJsSTR_', '"__PyJsSTR_').replace('_PyJsSTR__', '_PyJsSTR__"')
return match_increaser_str, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan
def translate_js_with_compilation_plan(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER):
"""js has to be a javascript source code.
returns equivalent python code.
compile plans only work with the following restrictions:
- only enabled for oneliner expressions
- when there are comments in the js code string substitution is disabled
- when there nested escaped quotes string substitution is disabled, so
Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry'
not cacheable:
Q1 == 1 && name == 'harry' // some comment
not cacheable:
Q1 == 1 && name == 'o\'Reilly'
not cacheable:
Q1 == 1 && name /* some comment */ == 'o\'Reilly'
match_increaser_str, match_increaser_num, compilation_plan = get_compilation_plan(js)
cp_hash = hashlib.md5(compilation_plan.encode('utf-8')).digest()
python_code = cache[cp_hash]['proto_python_code']
parser = pyjsparser.PyJsParser()
parsed = parser.parse(compilation_plan) # js to esprima syntax tree
# Another way of doing that would be with my auto esprima translation but its much slower and causes import problems:
# parsed = esprima.parse(js).to_dict()
python_code = translating_nodes.trans(parsed) # syntax tree to python code
cache[cp_hash] = {
'compilation_plan': compilation_plan,
'proto_python_code': python_code,
python_code = match_increaser_str.wrap_up(python_code)
python_code = match_increaser_num.wrap_up(python_code)
return HEADER + python_code
def trasnlate(js, HEADER=DEFAULT_HEADER):
"""js has to be a javascript source code.
returns equivalent python code.
Equivalent to translate_js"""
return translate_js(js, HEADER)
syntax_tree_translate = translating_nodes.trans
if __name__=='__main__':
import js2py
import codecs
def main():
with codecs.open("esprima.js", "r", "utf-8") as f:
d = f.read()
r = js2py.translate_js(d)
with open('res.py','wb') as f2:
exec(r, {})
import cProfile
cProfile.run('main()', sort='tottime')
main() |