2014-03-11 09:35:13 -07:00

605 lines
29 KiB

# Author: Nic Wolfe <>
# URL:
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard. If not, see <>.
import datetime
import sickbeard
import os.path
from sickbeard import db, common, helpers, logger
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard.name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException
MIN_DB_VERSION = 9 # oldest db version we support migrating from
class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
def check(self):
def fix_duplicate_shows(self):
sqlResults ="SELECT show_id, indexer_id, COUNT(indexer_id) as count FROM tv_shows GROUP BY indexer_id HAVING count > 1")
for cur_duplicate in sqlResults:
logger.log(u"Duplicate show detected! indexer_id: " + str(cur_duplicate["indexer_id"]) + u" count: " + str(cur_duplicate["count"]), logger.DEBUG)
cur_dupe_results ="SELECT show_id, indexer_id FROM tv_shows WHERE indexer_id = ? LIMIT ?",
[cur_duplicate["indexer_id"], int(cur_duplicate["count"])-1]
for cur_dupe_id in cur_dupe_results:
logger.log(u"Deleting duplicate show with indexer_id: " + str(cur_dupe_id["indexer_id"]) + u" show_id: " + str(cur_dupe_id["show_id"]))
self.connection.action("DELETE FROM tv_shows WHERE show_id = ?", [cur_dupe_id["show_id"]])
logger.log(u"No duplicate show, check passed")
def fix_duplicate_episodes(self):
sqlResults ="SELECT showid, season, episode, COUNT(showid) as count FROM tv_episodes GROUP BY showid, season, episode HAVING count > 1")
for cur_duplicate in sqlResults:
logger.log(u"Duplicate episode detected! showid: " + str(cur_duplicate["showid"]) + u" season: "+str(cur_duplicate["season"]) + u" episode: "+str(cur_duplicate["episode"]) + u" count: " + str(cur_duplicate["count"]), logger.DEBUG)
cur_dupe_results ="SELECT episode_id FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? and episode = ? ORDER BY episode_id DESC LIMIT ?",
[cur_duplicate["showid"], cur_duplicate["season"], cur_duplicate["episode"], int(cur_duplicate["count"])-1]
for cur_dupe_id in cur_dupe_results:
logger.log(u"Deleting duplicate episode with episode_id: " + str(cur_dupe_id["episode_id"]))
self.connection.action("DELETE FROM tv_episodes WHERE episode_id = ?", [cur_dupe_id["episode_id"]])
logger.log(u"No duplicate episode, check passed")
def fix_orphan_episodes(self):
sqlResults ="SELECT episode_id, showid, tv_shows.indexer_id FROM tv_episodes LEFT JOIN tv_shows ON tv_episodes.showid=tv_shows.indexer_id WHERE tv_shows.indexer_id is NULL")
for cur_orphan in sqlResults:
logger.log(u"Orphan episode detected! episode_id: " + str(cur_orphan["episode_id"]) + " showid: " + str(cur_orphan["showid"]), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u"Deleting orphan episode with episode_id: "+str(cur_orphan["episode_id"]))
self.connection.action("DELETE FROM tv_episodes WHERE episode_id = ?", [cur_orphan["episode_id"]])
logger.log(u"No orphan episodes, check passed")
def backupDatabase(version):
logger.log(u"Backing up database before upgrade")
if not helpers.backupVersionedFile(db.dbFilename(), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Database backup failed, abort upgrading database")
logger.log(u"Proceeding with upgrade")
# ======================
# = Main DB Migrations =
# ======================
# Add new migrations at the bottom of the list; subclass the previous migration.
class InitialSchema (db.SchemaUpgrade):
def test(self):
return self.hasTable("db_version")
def execute(self):
if not self.hasTable("tv_shows") and not self.hasTable("db_version"):
queries = [
"CREATE TABLE db_version (db_version INTEGER);",
"CREATE TABLE history (action NUMERIC, date NUMERIC, showid NUMERIC, season NUMERIC, episode NUMERIC, quality NUMERIC, resource TEXT, provider TEXT);",
"CREATE TABLE imdb_info (indexer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, imdb_id TEXT, title TEXT, year NUMERIC, akas TEXT, runtimes NUMERIC, genres TEXT, countries TEXT, country_codes TEXT, certificates TEXT, rating TEXT, votes INTEGER, last_update NUMERIC);",
"CREATE TABLE info (last_backlog NUMERIC, last_indexerid NUMERIC, last_proper_search NUMERIC);",
"CREATE TABLE tv_episodes (episode_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, showid NUMERIC, indexerid NUMERIC, indexer TEXT, name TEXT, season NUMERIC, episode NUMERIC, description TEXT, airdate NUMERIC, hasnfo NUMERIC, hastbn NUMERIC, status NUMERIC, location TEXT, file_size NUMERIC, release_name TEXT, subtitles TEXT, subtitles_searchcount NUMERIC, subtitles_lastsearch TIMESTAMP, is_proper NUMERIC);",
"CREATE TABLE tv_shows (show_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, indexer_id NUMERIC, indexer TEXT, show_name TEXT, location TEXT, network TEXT, genre TEXT, classification TEXT, runtime NUMERIC, quality NUMERIC, airs TEXT, status TEXT, flatten_folders NUMERIC, paused NUMERIC, startyear NUMERIC, air_by_date NUMERIC, lang TEXT, subtitles NUMERIC, notify_list TEXT, imdb_id TEXT, last_update_indexer NUMERIC);",
"CREATE INDEX idx_tv_episodes_showid_airdate ON tv_episodes(showid,airdate);",
"CREATE INDEX idx_showid ON tv_episodes (showid);",
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_indexer_id ON tv_shows (indexer_id);",
"INSERT INTO db_version (db_version) VALUES (22);"
for query in queries:
cur_db_version = self.checkDBVersion()
if cur_db_version < MIN_DB_VERSION:
logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Your database version (" + str(cur_db_version) + ") is too old to migrate from what this version of Sick Beard supports (" + \
str(MIN_DB_VERSION) + ").\n" + \
"Upgrade using a previous version (tag) build 496 to build 501 of Sick Beard first or remove database file to begin fresh."
if cur_db_version > MAX_DB_VERSION:
logger.log_error_and_exit(u"Your database version (" + str(cur_db_version) + ") has been incremented past what this version of Sick Beard supports (" + \
str(MAX_DB_VERSION) + ").\n" + \
"If you have used other forks of Sick Beard, your database may be unusable due to their modifications."
class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(InitialSchema):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 10
def execute(self):
if not self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "file_size"):
self.addColumn("tv_episodes", "file_size")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "release_name"):
self.addColumn("tv_episodes", "release_name", "TEXT", "")
ep_results ="SELECT episode_id, location, file_size FROM tv_episodes")
logger.log(u"Adding file size to all episodes in DB, please be patient")
for cur_ep in ep_results:
if not cur_ep["location"]:
# if there is no size yet then populate it for us
if (not cur_ep["file_size"] or not int(cur_ep["file_size"])) and ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cur_ep["location"]):
cur_size = ek.ek(os.path.getsize, cur_ep["location"])
self.connection.action("UPDATE tv_episodes SET file_size = ? WHERE episode_id = ?", [cur_size, int(cur_ep["episode_id"])])
# check each snatch to see if we can use it to get a release name from
history_results ="SELECT * FROM history WHERE provider != -1 ORDER BY date ASC")
logger.log(u"Adding release name to all episodes still in history")
for cur_result in history_results:
# find the associated download, if there isn't one then ignore it
download_results ="SELECT resource FROM history WHERE provider = -1 AND showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND date > ?",
[cur_result["showid"], cur_result["season"], cur_result["episode"], cur_result["date"]])
if not download_results:
logger.log(u"Found a snatch in the history for "+cur_result["resource"]+" but couldn't find the associated download, skipping it", logger.DEBUG)
nzb_name = cur_result["resource"]
file_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, download_results[0]["resource"])
# take the extension off the filename, it's not needed
if '.' in file_name:
file_name = file_name.rpartition('.')[0]
# find the associated episode on disk
ep_results ="SELECT episode_id, status FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND location != ''",
[cur_result["showid"], cur_result["season"], cur_result["episode"]])
if not ep_results:
logger.log(u"The episode "+nzb_name+" was found in history but doesn't exist on disk anymore, skipping", logger.DEBUG)
# get the status/quality of the existing ep and make sure it's what we expect
ep_status, ep_quality = common.Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int(ep_results[0]["status"]))
if ep_status != common.DOWNLOADED:
if ep_quality != int(cur_result["quality"]):
# make sure this is actually a real release name and not a season pack or something
for cur_name in (nzb_name, file_name):
logger.log(u"Checking if "+cur_name+" is actually a good release name", logger.DEBUG)
np = NameParser(False)
parse_result = np.parse(cur_name)
except InvalidNameException:
if parse_result.series_name and parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.episode_numbers and parse_result.release_group:
# if all is well by this point we'll just put the release name into the database
self.connection.action("UPDATE tv_episodes SET release_name = ? WHERE episode_id = ?", [cur_name, ep_results[0]["episode_id"]])
# check each snatch to see if we can use it to get a release name from
empty_results ="SELECT episode_id, location FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ''")
logger.log(u"Adding release name to all episodes with obvious scene filenames")
for cur_result in empty_results:
ep_file_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, cur_result["location"])
ep_file_name = os.path.splitext(ep_file_name)[0]
# only want to find real scene names here so anything with a space in it is out
if ' ' in ep_file_name:
np = NameParser(False)
parse_result = np.parse(ep_file_name)
except InvalidNameException:
if not parse_result.release_group:
logger.log(u"Name "+ep_file_name+" gave release group of "+parse_result.release_group+", seems valid", logger.DEBUG)
self.connection.action("UPDATE tv_episodes SET release_name = ? WHERE episode_id = ?", [ep_file_name, cur_result["episode_id"]])
class RenameSeasonFolders(AddSizeAndSceneNameFields):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 11
def execute(self):
# rename the column
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE tv_shows RENAME TO tmp_tv_shows")
self.connection.action("CREATE TABLE tv_shows (show_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, indexer_id NUMERIC, indexer TEXT, show_name TEXT, location TEXT, network TEXT, genre TEXT, classification TEXT, runtime NUMERIC, quality NUMERIC, airs TEXT, status TEXT, flatten_folders NUMERIC, paused NUMERIC, startyear NUMERIC, air_by_date NUMERIC, lang TEXT)")
sql = "INSERT INTO tv_shows(show_id, indexer_id, indexer, show_name, location, network, genre, classification, runtime, quality, airs, status, flatten_folders, paused, startyear, air_by_date, lang) SELECT show_id, indexer_id, indexer, show_name, location, network, genre, classification, runtime, quality, airs, status, seasonfolders, paused, startyear, air_by_date, lang FROM tmp_tv_shows"
# flip the values to be opposite of what they were before
self.connection.action("UPDATE tv_shows SET flatten_folders = 2 WHERE flatten_folders = 1")
self.connection.action("UPDATE tv_shows SET flatten_folders = 1 WHERE flatten_folders = 0")
self.connection.action("UPDATE tv_shows SET flatten_folders = 0 WHERE flatten_folders = 2")
self.connection.action("DROP TABLE tmp_tv_shows")
class AddSubtitlesSupport(RenameSeasonFolders):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 12
def execute(self):
self.addColumn("tv_shows", "subtitles")
self.addColumn("tv_episodes", "subtitles", "TEXT", "")
self.addColumn("tv_episodes", "subtitles_searchcount")
self.addColumn("tv_episodes", "subtitles_lastsearch", "TIMESTAMP", str(datetime.datetime.min))
class AddIMDbInfo(RenameSeasonFolders):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 13
def execute(self):
self.connection.action("CREATE TABLE imdb_info (indexer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, imdb_id TEXT, title TEXT, year NUMERIC, akas TEXT, runtimes NUMERIC, genres TEXT, countries TEXT, country_codes TEXT, certificates TEXT, rating TEXT, votes INTEGER, last_update NUMERIC)")
class Add1080pAndRawHDQualities(AddIMDbInfo):
"""Add support for 1080p related qualities along with RawHD
Quick overview of what the upgrade needs to do:
quality | old | new
hdwebdl | 1<<3 | 1<<5
hdbluray | 1<<4 | 1<<7
fullhdbluray | 1<<5 | 1<<8
rawhdtv | | 1<<3
fullhdtv | | 1<<4
fullhdwebdl | | 1<<6
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 14
def _update_status(self, old_status):
(status, quality) = common.Quality.splitCompositeStatus(old_status)
return common.Quality.compositeStatus(status, self._update_quality(quality))
def _update_quality(self, old_quality):
"""Update bitwise flags to reflect new quality values
Check flag bits (clear old then set their new locations) starting
with the highest bits so we dont overwrite data we need later on
result = old_quality
# move fullhdbluray from 1<<5 to 1<<8 if set
if(result & (1<<5)):
result = result & ~(1<<5)
result = result | (1<<8)
# move hdbluray from 1<<4 to 1<<7 if set
if(result & (1<<4)):
result = result & ~(1<<4)
result = result | (1<<7)
# move hdwebdl from 1<<3 to 1<<5 if set
if(result & (1<<3)):
result = result & ~(1<<3)
result = result | (1<<5)
return result
def _update_composite_qualities(self, status):
"""Unpack, Update, Return new quality values
Unpack the composite archive/initial values.
Update either qualities if needed.
Then return the new compsite quality value.
best = (status & (0xffff << 16)) >> 16
initial = status & (0xffff)
best = self._update_quality(best)
initial = self._update_quality(initial)
result = ((best << 16) | initial)
return result
def execute(self):
# update the default quality so we dont grab the wrong qualities after migration
sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT = self._update_composite_qualities(sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT)
# upgrade previous HD to HD720p -- shift previous qualities to new placevalues
old_hd = common.Quality.combineQualities([common.Quality.HDTV, common.Quality.HDWEBDL >> 2, common.Quality.HDBLURAY >> 3], [])
new_hd = common.Quality.combineQualities([common.Quality.HDTV, common.Quality.HDWEBDL, common.Quality.HDBLURAY], [])
# update ANY -- shift existing qualities and add new 1080p qualities, note that rawHD was not added to the ANY template
old_any = common.Quality.combineQualities([common.Quality.SDTV, common.Quality.SDDVD, common.Quality.HDTV, common.Quality.HDWEBDL >> 2, common.Quality.HDBLURAY >> 3, common.Quality.UNKNOWN], [])
new_any = common.Quality.combineQualities([common.Quality.SDTV, common.Quality.SDDVD, common.Quality.HDTV, common.Quality.FULLHDTV, common.Quality.HDWEBDL, common.Quality.FULLHDWEBDL, common.Quality.HDBLURAY, common.Quality.FULLHDBLURAY, common.Quality.UNKNOWN], [])
# update qualities (including templates)
logger.log(u"[1/4] Updating pre-defined templates and the quality for each show...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
shows ="SELECT * FROM tv_shows")
for cur_show in shows:
if cur_show["quality"] == old_hd:
new_quality = new_hd
elif cur_show["quality"] == old_any:
new_quality = new_any
new_quality = self._update_composite_qualities(cur_show["quality"])
ql.append(["UPDATE tv_shows SET quality = ? WHERE show_id = ?", [new_quality, cur_show["show_id"]]])
# update status that are are within the old hdwebdl (1<<3 which is 8) and better -- exclude unknown (1<<15 which is 32768)
logger.log(u"[2/4] Updating the status for the episodes within each show...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
episodes ="SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE status < 3276800 AND status >= 800")
for cur_episode in episodes:
ql.append(["UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ? WHERE episode_id = ?", [self._update_status(cur_episode["status"]), cur_episode["episode_id"]]])
# make two seperate passes through the history since snatched and downloaded (action & quality) may not always coordinate together
# update previous history so it shows the correct action
logger.log(u"[3/4] Updating history to reflect the correct action...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
historyAction ="SELECT * FROM history WHERE action < 3276800 AND action >= 800")
for cur_entry in historyAction:
ql.append(["UPDATE history SET action = ? WHERE showid = ? AND date = ?", [self._update_status(cur_entry["action"]), cur_entry["showid"], cur_entry["date"]]])
# update previous history so it shows the correct quality
logger.log(u"[4/4] Updating history to reflect the correct quality...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
historyQuality ="SELECT * FROM history WHERE quality < 32768 AND quality >= 8")
for cur_entry in historyQuality:
ql.append(["UPDATE history SET quality = ? WHERE showid = ? AND date = ?", [self._update_quality(cur_entry["quality"]), cur_entry["showid"], cur_entry["date"]]])
# cleanup and reduce db if any previous data was removed
logger.log(u"Performing a vacuum on the database.", logger.DEBUG)
class AddProperNamingSupport(Add1080pAndRawHDQualities):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 15
def execute(self):
self.addColumn("tv_episodes", "is_proper")
class AddEmailSubscriptionTable(AddProperNamingSupport):
def test(self):
return self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "notify_list")
def execute(self):
self.addColumn('tv_shows', 'notify_list', 'TEXT', None)
class AddShowidIndexeridIndex(AddEmailSubscriptionTable):
""" Adding index on indexer_id (tv_shows) and showid (tv_episodes) to speed up searches/queries """
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 17
def execute(self):
logger.log(u"Check for duplicate shows before adding unique index.")
logger.log(u"Adding index on indexer_id (tv_shows) and showid (tv_episodes) to speed up searches/queries.")
if not self.hasTable("idx_showid"):
self.connection.action("CREATE INDEX idx_showid ON tv_episodes (showid);")
if not self.hasTable("idx_indexer_id"):
self.connection.action("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_indexer_id ON tv_shows (indexer_id);")
class AddLastUpdateIndexer(AddShowidIndexeridIndex):
""" Adding column last_update_indexer to tv_shows for controlling nightly updates """
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 18
def execute(self):
logger.log(u"Adding column last_update_indexer to tvshows")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "last_update_indexer"):
self.addColumn("tv_shows", "last_update_indexer", default=1)
class AddLastProperSearch(AddLastUpdateIndexer):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 19
def execute(self):
logger.log(u"Adding column last_proper_search to info")
if not self.hasColumn("info", "last_proper_search"):
self.addColumn("info", "last_proper_search", default=1)
class AddDvdOrderOption(AddLastProperSearch):
def test(self):
return self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "dvdorder")
def execute(self):
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE tv_shows ADD dvdorder NUMERIC")
if self.checkDBVersion() >= 20:
class AddIndicesToTvEpisodes(AddDvdOrderOption):
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 21
def execute(self):
logger.log(u"Adding column last_proper_search to info")
if not self.hasColumn("info", "last_proper_search"):
self.addColumn("info", "last_proper_search", default=1)
class ConvertToSickBeardTVRAGE(AddIndicesToTvEpisodes):
""" Adding indices to tv episodes """
def test(self):
return self.checkDBVersion() >= 22
def execute(self):
logger.log(u"[1/7] Adding Indexer to TV Shows table...")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "indexer"):
self.addColumn('tv_shows', 'indexer', 'TEXT', 'Tvdb')
logger.log(u"[2/7] Adding Indexer to TV Episodes table...")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "indexer"):
self.addColumn('tv_episodes', 'indexer', 'TEXT', 'Tvdb')
logger.log(u"[3/7] Adding Indexer ID to TV Shows table...")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "indexer_id"):
self.addColumn('tv_shows', 'indexer_id', 'NUMERIC', 0)
logger.log(u"[4/7] Adding Indexer ID to TV Episodes table...")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "indexerid"):
self.addColumn('tv_episodes', 'indexerid', 'NUMERIC', 0)
logger.log(u"[5/7] Adding Indexer ID to IMDB Info table...")
if not self.hasColumn("imdb_info", "indexer_id"):
self.addColumn('imdb_info', 'indexer_id', 'NUMERIC', 0)
logger.log(u"[6/7] Adding Indexer ID to Info table...")
if not self.hasColumn("info", "last_indexerid"):
self.addColumn('info', 'last_indexerid', 'NUMERIC', 0)
logger.log(u"[7/7] Adding Classifications to TV Shows table...")
if not self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "classification"):
self.addColumn('tv_shows', 'classification', 'TEXT', 'Scripted')
# update indexer and indexer_id on tv_shows
if self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "tvdb_id") and self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "indexer_id"):
logger.log(u"[1/4] Converting TV Shows table...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
shows ="SELECT * FROM tv_shows")
for cur_show in shows:
if cur_show["indexer_id"] == 0:
ql.append(["UPDATE tv_shows SET indexer_id = ? WHERE tvdb_id = ?", [cur_show["tvdb_id"], cur_show["tvdb_id"]]])
# update indexer and indexer_id on tv_shows
if self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "tvdbid") and self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "indexerid"):
logger.log(u"[2/4] Converting TV Episodes table...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
episodes ="SELECT * FROM tv_episodes")
for cur_ep in episodes:
if cur_ep["indexerid"] == 0:
ql.append(["UPDATE tv_episodes SET indexerid = ? WHERE tvdbid = ?", [cur_ep["tvdbid"], cur_ep["tvdbid"]]])
# update indexer_id on imdb_info
if self.hasColumn("imdb_info", "tvdb_id") and self.hasColumn("imdb_info", "indexer_id"):
logger.log(u"[3/4] Converting IMDB Info table...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
imdb_infos ="SELECT * FROM imdb_info")
for cur_imdb_info in imdb_infos:
if cur_imdb_info["indexer_id"] == 0:
ql.append(["UPDATE imdb_info SET indexer_id = ? WHERE tvdb_id = ?", [cur_imdb_info["tvdb_id"], cur_imdb_info["tvdb_id"]]])
# update last_indexerid on info
if self.hasColumn("info", "last_tvdbid") and self.hasColumn("info", "last_indexerid"):
logger.log(u"[4/4] Converting Info table...", logger.MESSAGE)
ql = []
infos ="SELECT * FROM info")
for cur_info in infos:
if cur_info["last_indexerid"] == 0:
ql.append(["UPDATE info SET last_indexerid = ? WHERE last_tvdbid = ?", [cur_info["last_tvdbid"], cur_info["last_tvdbid"]]])
# drop indexer_id from tv_shows
if self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "tvdb_id") and self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "indexer_id"):
logger.log(u"[1/3] Cleaning TV Shows table...", logger.MESSAGE)
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE tv_shows DROP COLUMN tvdb_id")
# drop indexer_id from tv_shows
if self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "tvr_id") and self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "indexer_id"):
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE tv_shows DROP COLUMN tvr_id")
# drop indexerid from tv_episodes
if self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "tvdbid") and self.hasColumn("tv_episodes", "indexerid"):
logger.log(u"[2/3] Cleaning TV Episodes table...", logger.MESSAGE)
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE tv_episodes DROP COLUMN tvdbid")
# drop indexerid from tv_episodes
if self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "show_name") and self.hasColumn("tv_shows", "indexer_id"):
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE tv_shows DROP COLUMN show_name")
# drop indexerid from tv_episodes
if self.hasColumn("imdb_info", "tvdb_id") and self.hasColumn("imdb_info", "indexer_id"):
logger.log(u"[3/4] Cleaning IMDB Info table...", logger.MESSAGE)
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE info DROP COLUMN tvdb_id")
# drop indexerid from tv_episodes
if self.hasColumn("info", "last_tvdbid") and self.hasColumn("info", "last_indexerid"):
logger.log(u"[4/4] Cleaning Info table...", logger.MESSAGE)
self.connection.action("ALTER TABLE info DROP COLUMN last_tvdbid")