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synced 2024-12-19 09:13:37 +00:00
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381 lines
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import requests
import certifi
import sickgear
import time
import datetime
import logging
from exceptions_helper import ex, ConnectionSkipException
from json_helper import json_dumps
from sg_helpers import get_url, try_int
from .exceptions import *
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict
log = logging.getLogger('api_trakt')
class TraktAccount(object):
max_auth_fail = 9
def __init__(self, account_id=None, token='', refresh_token='', auth_fail=0, last_fail=None, token_valid_date=None):
self.account_id = account_id
self._name = ''
self._slug = ''
self.token = token
self.refresh_token = refresh_token
self.auth_fail = auth_fail
self.last_fail = last_fail
self.token_valid_date = token_valid_date
def get_name_slug(self):
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request('users/settings', send_oauth=self.account_id, sleep_retry=20)
if 'user' in resp:
self._name = resp['user']['username']
self._slug = resp['user']['ids']['slug']
except TraktAuthException:
self._name = ''
except (TraktException, ConnectionSkipException, BaseException, Exception):
def slug(self):
if self.token and self.active:
if not self._slug:
self._slug = ''
return self._slug
def name(self):
if self.token and self.active:
if not self._name:
self._name = ''
return self._name
def reset_name(self):
self._name = ''
def active(self):
return self.auth_fail < self.max_auth_fail and self.token
def needs_refresh(self):
return not self.token_valid_date or self.token_valid_date - datetime.datetime.now() < datetime.timedelta(days=3)
def token_expired(self):
return self.token_valid_date and self.token_valid_date < datetime.datetime.now()
def reset_auth_failure(self):
if 0 != self.auth_fail:
self.auth_fail = 0
self.last_fail = None
def inc_auth_failure(self):
self.auth_fail += 1
self.last_fail = datetime.datetime.now()
def auth_failure(self):
if self.auth_fail < self.max_auth_fail:
if self.last_fail:
time_diff = datetime.datetime.now() - self.last_fail
if 0 == self.auth_fail % 3:
if datetime.timedelta(days=1) < time_diff:
elif datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) < time_diff:
if self.auth_fail == self.max_auth_fail or datetime.timedelta(hours=6) < time_diff:
class TraktAPI(object):
max_retrys = 3
def __init__(self, timeout=None):
self.session = requests.Session()
self.verify = sickgear.TRAKT_VERIFY and certifi.where()
self.timeout = timeout or sickgear.TRAKT_TIMEOUT
self.auth_url = sickgear.TRAKT_BASE_URL
self.api_url = sickgear.TRAKT_BASE_URL
self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'trakt-api-version': '2',
'trakt-api-key': sickgear.TRAKT_CLIENT_ID}
def build_config_string(data):
return '!!!'.join('%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % (
value.account_id, value.token, value.refresh_token, value.auth_fail,
value.last_fail.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') if value.last_fail else '0',
value.token_valid_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') if value.token_valid_date else '0')
for (key, value) in data.items())
def read_config_string(data):
return dict((int(a.split('|')[0]), TraktAccount(
int(a.split('|')[0]), a.split('|')[1], a.split('|')[2], int(a.split('|')[3]),
datetime.datetime.strptime(a.split('|')[4], '%Y%m%d%H%M') if a.split('|')[4] != '0' else None,
datetime.datetime.strptime(a.split('|')[5], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') if a.split('|')[5] != '0' else None))
for a in data.split('!!!') if data)
def add_account(token, refresh_token, token_valid_date):
k = max(sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS.keys() or [0]) + 1
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[k] = TraktAccount(account_id=k, token=token, refresh_token=refresh_token,
return k
def replace_account(account, token, refresh_token, token_valid_date, refresh):
if account in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].token = token
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].refresh_token = refresh_token
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].token_valid_date = token_valid_date
if not refresh:
return True
return False
def delete_account(account):
if account in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
TraktAPI().trakt_request('/oauth/revoke', send_oauth=account, method='POST')
except (TraktException, BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.info('Failed to remove account from trakt.tv: %s' % e)
return False
return True
return False
def trakt_token(self, trakt_pin=None, refresh=False, count=0, account=None):
if self.max_retrys <= count:
return False
0 < count and time.sleep(3)
data = {
'client_id': sickgear.TRAKT_CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret': sickgear.TRAKT_CLIENT_SECRET,
'redirect_uri': 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
if refresh:
if None is not account and account in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
data['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token'
data['refresh_token'] = sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].refresh_token
return False
data['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code'
if trakt_pin:
data['code'] = trakt_pin
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
now = datetime.datetime.now()
resp = self.trakt_request('oauth/token', data=data, headers=headers, url=self.auth_url,
count=count, sleep_retry=0)
except TraktInvalidGrant:
if None is not account and account in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].token = ''
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].refresh_token = ''
sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].token_valid_date = None
return False
except (TraktAuthException, TraktException):
return False
if 'access_token' in resp and 'refresh_token' in resp and 'expires_in' in resp:
token_valid_date = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=try_int(resp['expires_in']))
if refresh or (not refresh and None is not account and account in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS):
return self.replace_account(account, resp['access_token'], resp['refresh_token'],
token_valid_date, refresh)
return self.add_account(resp['access_token'], resp['refresh_token'], token_valid_date)
return False
def trakt_request(self, path, data=None, headers=None, url=None, count=0, sleep_retry=60,
send_oauth=None, method=None, raise_skip_exception=True, failure_monitor=True, **kwargs):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict, Dict, AnyStr, int, int, AnyStr, AnyStr, bool, bool, Any) -> Dict
if method not in ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', None]:
return {}
if None is method:
method = ('GET', 'POST')['data' in kwargs.keys() or None is not data]
if 'oauth/token' != path and None is send_oauth and method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']:
return {}
count += 1
if count > self.max_retrys:
return {}
# wait before retry
if 'users/settings' != path:
1 < count and time.sleep(sleep_retry)
headers = headers or self.headers
if None is not send_oauth and send_oauth in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
if sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[send_oauth].active:
if sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[send_oauth].needs_refresh:
self.trakt_token(refresh=True, count=0, account=send_oauth)
if sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[send_oauth].token_expired or \
not sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[send_oauth].active:
return {}
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[send_oauth].token
return {}
kwargs = dict(headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify)
if data:
kwargs['data'] = json_dumps(data)
url = url or self.api_url
resp = get_url('%s%s' % (url, path), session=self.session, use_method=method, return_response=True,
raise_exceptions=True, raise_status_code=True, raise_skip_exception=raise_skip_exception,
failure_monitor=failure_monitor, **kwargs)
if 'DELETE' == method:
result = None
if 204 == resp.status_code:
result = {'result': 'success'}
elif 404 == resp.status_code:
result = {'result': 'failed'}
if result and None is not send_oauth and send_oauth in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
return result
return {}
# check for http errors and raise if any are present
# convert response to json
resp = resp.json()
except requests.RequestException as e:
code = getattr(e.response, 'status_code', None)
if not code:
if 'timed out' in ex(e):
log.warning(u'Timeout connecting to Trakt')
if count >= self.max_retrys:
raise TraktTimeout()
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
# This is pretty much a fatal error if there is no status_code
# It means there basically was no response at all
log.warning(u'Could not connect to Trakt. Error: %s' % ex(e))
raise TraktException('Could not connect to Trakt. Error: %s' % ex(e))
elif 502 == code:
# Retry the request, Cloudflare had a proxying issue
log.warning(u'Retrying Trakt api request: %s' % path)
if count >= self.max_retrys:
raise TraktCloudFlareException()
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
elif 401 == code and 'oauth/token' != path:
if None is not send_oauth:
if sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[send_oauth].needs_refresh:
if self.trakt_token(refresh=True, count=count, account=send_oauth):
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
log.warning(u'Unauthorized. Please check your Trakt settings')
raise TraktAuthException()
# sometimes the trakt server sends invalid token error even if it isn't
if count >= self.max_retrys:
raise TraktAuthException()
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
raise TraktAuthException()
elif code in (500, 501, 503, 504, 520, 521, 522):
if count >= self.max_retrys:
log.warning(u'Trakt may have some issues and it\'s unavailable. Code: %s' % code)
raise TraktServerError(error_code=code)
# http://docs.trakt.apiary.io/#introduction/status-codes
log.warning(u'Trakt may have some issues and it\'s unavailable. Trying again')
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
elif 404 == code:
log.warning(u'Trakt error (404) the resource does not exist: %s%s' % (url, path))
raise TraktMethodNotExisting('Trakt error (404) the resource does not exist: %s%s' % (url, path))
elif 429 == code:
if count >= self.max_retrys:
log.warning(u'Trakt replied with Rate-Limiting, maximum retries exceeded.')
raise TraktServerError(error_code=code)
r_headers = getattr(e.response, 'headers', None)
if None is not r_headers:
wait_seconds = min(try_int(r_headers.get('Retry-After', 60), 60), 150)
wait_seconds = 60
log.warning('Trakt replied with Rate-Limiting, waiting %s seconds.' % wait_seconds)
wait_seconds = (wait_seconds, 60)[0 > wait_seconds]
wait_seconds -= sleep_retry
if 0 < wait_seconds:
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
elif 423 == code:
# locked account
log.error('An application that is NOT SickGear has flooded the Trakt API and they have locked access'
' to your account. They request you contact their support at https://support.trakt.tv/'
' This is not a fault of SickGear because it does *not* sync data or send the type of data'
' that triggers a Trakt access lock.'
' SickGear may only send a notification on a media process completion if set up for it.')
raise TraktLockedUserAccount()
elif 400 == code and 'invalid_grant' in getattr(e, 'text', ''):
raise TraktInvalidGrant('Error: invalid_grant. The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, '
'revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request,'
' or was issued to another client.')
log.error(u'Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: {0}'.format(code))
raise TraktException('Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: %s' % code)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
log.warning('Connection is skipped')
raise e
except ValueError as e:
log.error(u'Value Error: %s' % ex(e))
raise TraktValueError(u'Value Error: %s' % ex(e))
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.error('Exception: %s' % ex(e))
raise TraktException('Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: %s' % ex(e))
# check and confirm Trakt call did not fail
if isinstance(resp, dict) and 'failure' == resp.get('status', None):
if 'message' in resp:
raise TraktException(resp['message'])
if 'error' in resp:
raise TraktException(resp['error'])
raise TraktException('Unknown Error')
if None is not send_oauth and send_oauth in sickgear.TRAKT_ACCOUNTS:
return resp