JackDandy 670e30efda Change increase show search capability when using plain text and also add TVDB id, IMDb id and IMDb url search.
Change improve existing show page and the handling when an attempt to add a show to an existing location
2015-11-16 11:52:59 +00:00

94 lines
2.4 KiB

var tableDiv = $('#tableDiv');
tableDiv.on('click', '#checkAll', function(){
var cbToggle = this.checked;
this.checked = cbToggle;
var dirArr = [];
if (true == this.checked){
var show = $(this).attr('id');
var indexer = $(this).closest('tr').find('select').val();
dirArr.push(encodeURIComponent(indexer + '|' + show));
if (0 == dirArr.length)
return false;
window.location.href = sbRoot + '/home/addShows/addExistingShows'
+ '?promptForSettings=' + ($('#promptForSettings').prop('checked') ? 'on' : 'off')
+ (undefined !== $.sgSid && 0 < $.sgSid.length ? '&sid=' + $.sgSid : '')
+ '&shows_to_add=' + dirArr.join('&shows_to_add=');
function loadContent(){
var url = '';
$('.dir_check').each(function(i, w){
if ($(w).is(':checked')){
url += (url.length ? '&' : '')
+ 'rootDir=' + encodeURIComponent($(w).attr('id'));
$('#tableDiv').html('<img id="searchingAnim"'
+ ' style="margin-right:10px"'
+ ' src="' + sbRoot + '/images/loading32' + themeSpinner + '.gif"'
+ ' height="32" width="32" />'
+ ' scanning parent folders...');
$.get(sbRoot + '/home/addShows/massAddTable' + (undefined !== $.sgHashDir && 0 < $.sgHashDir.length ? '?hash_dir=' + $.sgHashDir : ''),
sortList: [[1,0]],
widgets: ['zebra'],
headers: {
0: { sorter: false }
var last_txt = '', new_text = '', id;
if (last_txt == (new_text = $('#rootDirText').val()))
return false;
last_txt = new_text;
$('#rootDirs').find('option').each(function(i, w){
id = $(w).val();
$('#rootDirStaticList').append('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all">'
+ '<input id="' + id + '" type="checkbox"' + ' checked=checked'
+ ' class="dir_check"'
+ ' />'
+ ' <label for="' + id + '"'
+ ' style="color:#09A2FF">'
+ '<b>' + id + '</b></label>'
+ '</li>')
$('#rootDirStaticList').on('click', '.dir_check', loadContent);
tableDiv.on('click', '.showManage', function(event) {
$('#tabs').tabs('option', 'active', 0);
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 1000);