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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# GuessIt - A library for guessing information from filenames
# Copyright (c) 2012 Nicolas Wack <wackou@gmail.com>
# GuessIt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GuessIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from guessit import Guess
import unicodedata
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def process(mtree):
def found_property(node, name, value, confidence):
node.guess = Guess({ name: value },
log.debug('Found with confidence %.2f: %s' % (confidence, node.guess))
def found_title(node, confidence):
found_property(node, 'title', node.clean_value, confidence)
basename = mtree.node_at((-2,))
all_valid = lambda leaf: len(leaf.clean_value) > 0
basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=all_valid)
folder = mtree.node_at((-3,))
folder_leftover = folder.unidentified_leaves()
except ValueError:
folder = None
folder_leftover = []
log.debug('folder: %s' % folder_leftover)
log.debug('basename: %s' % basename_leftover)
# specific cases:
# if we find the same group both in the folder name and the filename,
# it's a good candidate for title
if (folder_leftover and basename_leftover and
folder_leftover[0].clean_value == basename_leftover[0].clean_value):
found_title(folder_leftover[0], confidence=0.8)
# specific cases:
# if the basename contains a number first followed by an unidentified
# group, and the folder only contains 1 unidentified one, then we have
# a series
# ex: Millenium Trilogy (2009)/(1)The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo(2009).mkv
series = folder_leftover[0]
filmNumber = basename_leftover[0]
title = basename_leftover[1]
basename_leaves = basename.leaves()
num = int(filmNumber.clean_value)
log.debug('series: %s' % series.clean_value)
log.debug('title: %s' % title.clean_value)
if (series.clean_value != title.clean_value and
series.clean_value != filmNumber.clean_value and
basename_leaves.index(filmNumber) == 0 and
basename_leaves.index(title) == 1):
found_title(title, confidence=0.6)
found_property(series, 'filmSeries',
series.clean_value, confidence=0.6)
found_property(filmNumber, 'filmNumber',
num, confidence=0.6)
except Exception:
# specific cases:
# - movies/tttttt (yyyy)/tttttt.ccc
if mtree.node_at((-4, 0)).value.lower() == 'movies':
folder = mtree.node_at((-3,))
# Note:too generic, might solve all the unittests as they all
# contain 'movies' in their path
#if containing_folder.is_leaf() and not containing_folder.guess:
# containing_folder.guess =
# Guess({ 'title': clean_string(containing_folder.value) },
# confidence=0.7)
year_group = folder.first_leaf_containing('year')
groups_before = folder.previous_unidentified_leaves(year_group)
found_title(groups_before[0], confidence=0.8)
except Exception:
# if we have either format or videoCodec in the folder containing the file
# or one of its parents, then we should probably look for the title in
# there rather than in the basename
props = mtree.previous_leaves_containing(mtree.children[-2],
[ 'videoCodec', 'format',
'language' ])
except IndexError:
props = []
if props:
group_idx = props[0].node_idx[0]
if all(g.node_idx[0] == group_idx for g in props):
# if they're all in the same group, take leftover info from there
leftover = mtree.node_at((group_idx,)).unidentified_leaves()
if leftover:
found_title(leftover[0], confidence=0.7)
# look for title in basename if there are some remaining undidentified
# groups there
if basename_leftover:
title_candidate = basename_leftover[0]
# if basename is only one word and the containing folder has at least
# 3 words in it, we should take the title from the folder name
# ex: Movies/Alice in Wonderland DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND/dmd-aw.avi
# ex: Movies/Somewhere.2010.DVDRip.XviD-iLG/i-smwhr.avi <-- TODO: gets caught here?
if (title_candidate.clean_value.count(' ') == 0 and
folder_leftover and
folder_leftover[0].clean_value.count(' ') >= 2):
found_title(folder_leftover[0], confidence=0.7)
# if there are only 2 unidentified groups, the first of which is inside
# brackets or parentheses, we take the second one for the title:
# ex: Movies/[阿维达].Avida.2006.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD-PROD.avi
if len(basename_leftover) == 2 and basename_leftover[0].is_explicit():
found_title(basename_leftover[1], confidence=0.8)
# if all else fails, take the first remaining unidentified group in the
# basename as title
found_title(title_candidate, confidence=0.6)
# if there are no leftover groups in the basename, look in the folder name
if folder_leftover:
found_title(folder_leftover[0], confidence=0.5)
# if nothing worked, look if we have a very small group at the beginning
# of the basename
basename = mtree.node_at((-2,))
basename_leftover = basename.unidentified_leaves(valid=lambda leaf: True)
if basename_leftover:
found_title(basename_leftover[0], confidence=0.4)