Prinz23 79f0c829a7 Add TVDb v4.
Add person search and get_person.
Add id search.
Add show characters.
Add episodes.
Add basic show info.
Add TVDB_API_CONFIG to tvdb_api_v4 and assign it in indexer_config.
Add auth to tvdb_api_v4.
For sorting networks use '0000-00-00' instead of activeDate if not set.
Add language support.
Add new get_languages TVInfo Interface method that returns a list of dicts by the indexer supported languages and the sg_lang map code [{'id': 'lang code', 'name': 'english name', 'nativeName': 'native name', 'sg_lang': 'sg lang code'}].
Add all returned languages to webserve method.
Use new interface parameter language for get_show.
Add episode overview
Add fallback to 'id' field which is str now for search tvdb_id.
Add missing alias parsing.
Filter out episode characters.
Add IMDb and TMDB id search.
Add IMDb search to person search.
Add missing data to person and character objects.
Add include error description if an error is raised in tvdb_api_v4.
Add error handling for creating episode thumbs and nfo's, and on show level.
Add absolute numbering.
Add ids to person data.
new mock data
2024-10-07 01:24:43 +01:00

746 lines
37 KiB

# encoding:utf-8
# author:Prinz23
# project:tvdb_api_v4
__author__ = 'Prinz23'
__version__ = '1.0'
__api_version__ = '1.0.0'
import base64
import datetime
import logging
import re
import requests
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from _23 import filter_iter
from exceptions_helper import ex
from six import integer_types, iteritems, PY3, string_types
from sg_helpers import clean_data, get_url, try_int
from lib.dateutil.parser import parser
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from lib.exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException, ex
from lib.tvinfo_base import TVInfoBase, TVInfoImage, TVInfoImageSize, TVInfoImageType, Character, \
Person, RoleTypes, TVInfoShow, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoIDs, TVInfoSeason, PersonGenders, \
from .tvdb_exceptions import TvdbTokenFailre, TvdbError
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
log = logging.getLogger('tvdb_v4.api')
# always use https in cases of redirects
def _record_hook(r, *args, **kwargs):
r.hook_called = True
if r.status_code in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308) and isinstance(r.headers.get('Location'), string_types) \
and r.headers.get('Location').startswith('http://'):
r.headers['Location'] = r.headers['Location'].replace('http://', 'https://')
return r
class TvdbAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
_token = None
_auth_time = None
def __init__(self):
def apikey():
string = TVDB_API_CONFIG['api_params']['apikey_v4']
key = TVDB_API_CONFIG['api_params']['apikey']
string = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(string + b'===')
string = string.decode('latin') if PY3 else string
encoded_chars = []
for i in range(len(string)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
encoded_c = chr((ord(string[i]) - ord(key_c) + 256) % 256)
encoded_string = ''.join(encoded_chars)
return encoded_string
def get_token(self):
url = '%s%s' % (Tvdb_API_V4.base_url, 'login')
params = {'apikey': self.apikey()}
resp = get_url(url, post_json=params, parse_json=True, raise_skip_exception=True)
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict):
if 'status' in resp:
if 'failure' == resp['status']:
raise TvdbTokenFailre('Failed to Authenticate. %s' % resp.get('message', ''))
if 'success' == resp['status'] and 'data' in resp and isinstance(resp['data'], dict) \
and 'token' in resp['data']:
self._token = resp['data']['token']
self._auth_time =
return True
raise TvdbTokenFailre('Failed to get Tvdb Token')
def token(self):
if not self._token or not self._auth_time:
return self._token
def __call__(self, r):
r.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % self.token
return r
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 # seconds
class TimeoutHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
if "timeout" in kwargs:
self.timeout = kwargs["timeout"]
del kwargs["timeout"]
super(TimeoutHTTPAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def send(self, request, **kwargs):
timeout = kwargs.get("timeout")
if timeout is None:
kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout
return super(TimeoutHTTPAdapter, self).send(request, **kwargs)
s = requests.Session()
retries = Retry(total=3,
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504],
method_whitelist=['HEAD', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'POST'])
# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)))
s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)))
base_request_para = dict(session=s, hooks={'response': _record_hook}, raise_skip_exception=True, auth=TvdbAuth())
# Query TVdb endpoints
def tvdb_endpoint_get(*args, **kwargs):
return get_url(*args, **kwargs)
img_type_map = {
1: TVInfoImageType.banner, # series
2: TVInfoImageType.poster, # series
3: TVInfoImageType.fanart, # series
6: TVInfoImageType.season_banner, # season
7: TVInfoImageType.season_poster, # season
8: TVInfoImageType.season_fanart, # season
13: TVInfoImageType.person_poster, # person
empty_ep = TVInfoEpisode()
tz_p = parser()
class Tvdb_API_V4(TVInfoBase):
supported_person_id_searches = [TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_IMDB]
base_url = ''
def __init__(self, banners=False, posters=False, seasons=False, seasonwides=False, fanart=False, actors=False,
*args, **kwargs):
super(Tvdb_API_V4, self).__init__(banners, posters, seasons, seasonwides, fanart, actors, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_data(self, endpoint, **kwargs):
# type: (string_types, Any) -> Any
is_series_info, retry = endpoint.startswith('/series/'), kwargs.pop('token_retry', 1)
if retry > 3:
raise TvdbTokenFailre('Failed to get new token')
if is_series_info:
self.show_not_found = False
return tvdb_endpoint_get(url='%s%s' % (self.base_url, endpoint), params=kwargs, parse_json=True,
raise_status_code=True, raise_exceptions=True)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if 401 == e.response.status_code:
# get new token
if base_request_para['auth'].get_token():
retry += 1
kwargs['token_retry'] = retry
return self._get_data(endpoint, **kwargs)
except (BaseException, Exception):
raise e
elif 404 == e.response.status_code:
if is_series_info:
self.show_not_found = True
self.not_found = True
elif 404 != e.response.status_code:
raise TvdbError(ex(e))
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
raise TvdbError(ex(e))
def _convert_person(p):
# type: (Dict) -> List[Person]
ch = []
for c in sorted(filter_iter(lambda a: (3 == a['type'] or 'Actor' == a['peopleType']) and a['name']
and a['seriesId'],
p.get('characters') or []), key=lambda a: (not a['isFeatured'], a['sort'])):
show = TVInfoShow() = clean_data(c['seriesId'])
show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVDB:})
ch.append(Character(id=c['id'], name=clean_data(c['name']), regular=c['isFeatured'],
ids={TVINFO_TVDB: c['id']}, image=c.get('image'), show=show))
b_date = clean_data(p.get('birth'))
birthdate = (b_date and '0000-00-00' != b_date and tz_p.parse(b_date).date()) or None
except (BaseException, Exception):
birthdate = None
d_date = clean_data(p.get('death'))
deathdate = (d_date and '0000-00-00' != d_date and tz_p.parse(d_date).date()) or None
except (BaseException, Exception):
deathdate = None
p_tvdb_id = try_int(p.get('tvdb_id'), None) or try_int(re.sub(r'^.+-(\d+)$', r'\1', p['id']), None)
except (BaseException, Exception):
p_tvdb_id = None
ids, social_ids, official_site = {TVINFO_TVDB: p_tvdb_id}, {}, None
if 'remote_ids' in p and isinstance(p['remote_ids'], list):
for r_id in p['remote_ids']:
src_name = r_id['sourceName'].lower()
src_value = clean_data(r_id['id'])
if not src_value:
if 'imdb' in src_name:
imdb_id = try_int(('%s' % src_value).replace('nm', ''), None)
ids[TVINFO_IMDB] = imdb_id
except (BaseException, Exception):
elif 'themoviedb' in src_name:
ids[TVINFO_TMDB] = try_int(src_value, None)
elif 'official website' in src_name:
official_site = src_value
elif 'facebook' in src_name:
social_ids[TVINFO_FACEBOOK] = src_value
elif 'twitter' in src_name:
social_ids[TVINFO_TWITTER] = src_value
elif 'instagram' in src_name:
social_ids[TVINFO_INSTAGRAM] = src_value
elif 'reddit' in src_name:
social_ids[TVINFO_REDDIT] = src_value
elif 'youtube' in src_name:
social_ids[TVINFO_YOUTUBE] = src_value
return [Person(p_id=p_tvdb_id, name=clean_data(p['name']),
image=p.get('image') or p.get('image_url'),
gender=PersonGenders.tvdb_map.get(p.get('gender'), PersonGenders.unknown),
birthdate=birthdate, deathdate=deathdate, birthplace=clean_data(p.get('birthPlace')),
akas=set(clean_data(a['name']) for a in p.get('aliases') or []),
ids=ids, social_ids=social_ids, homepage=official_site, characters=ch
def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[Person]
get person's data for id or list of matching persons for name
:param p_id: persons id
:param get_show_credits: get show credits
:param get_images: get images for person
:return: person object
if not p_id:
cache_key_name = 'p-v4-%s' % p_id
is_none, people_obj = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is people_obj and not is_none:
resp = self._get_data('/people/%s/extended' % p_id)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp)
resp = people_obj
if isinstance(resp, dict) and all(t in resp for t in ('data', 'status')) and 'success' == resp['status'] \
and isinstance(resp['data'], dict):
return self._convert_person(resp['data'])[0]
def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[Person]
search for person by name
:param name: name to search for
:param ids: dict of ids to search
:return: list of found person's
urls, result, ids = [], [], ids or {}
for tv_src in self.supported_person_id_searches:
if tv_src in ids:
if TVINFO_TVDB == tv_src:
r = self.get_person(ids[tv_src])
if r:
if TVINFO_IMDB == tv_src:
cache_id_key = 'p-v4-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_IMDB, ids[TVINFO_IMDB])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self._get_data('search', remote_id='nm%07d' % ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB),
q='nm%07d' % ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB), type='people')
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if isinstance(d_m, dict) and all(t in d_m for t in ('data', 'status')) and 'success' == d_m[
'status'] \
and isinstance(d_m['data'], list):
for r in d_m['data']:
if 'nm%07d' % ids[TVINFO_IMDB] == \
next(filter_iter(lambda b: 'imdb' in b['sourceName'].lower(),
r.get('remote_ids', []) or []), {}).get('id'):
except (BaseException, Exception):
if name:
cache_key_name = 'p-v4-src-text-%s' % name
is_none, people_objs = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is people_objs and not is_none:
resp = self._get_data('/search', q=name, type='people')
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp)
resp = people_objs
if isinstance(resp, dict) and all(t in resp for t in ('data', 'status')) and 'success' == resp['status'] \
and isinstance(resp['data'], list):
for r in resp['data']:
seen = set()
result = [seen.add( or r for r in result if not in seen]
return result
def _get_overview(show_data, language='eng'):
# type: (Dict, AnyStr) -> Optional[AnyStr]
internal helper to get english overview
:param show_data:
:param language:
if isinstance(show_data.get('translations'), dict) and 'overviewTranslations' in show_data['translations']:
trans = next(filter_iter(lambda show: language == show['language'],
next(filter_iter(lambda show: 'eng' == show['language'],
show_data['translations']['overviewTranslations']), None)
if trans:
return clean_data(trans['overview'])
except (BaseException, Exception):
def _get_series_name(self, show_data, language=None):
# type: (Dict, AnyStr) -> Tuple[Optional[AnyStr], List]
series_name = clean_data(
next(filter_iter(lambda l: language and language == l['language'],
show_data.get('translations', {}).get('nameTranslations', [])),
{'name': show_data['name']})['name'])
series_aliases = self._get_aliases(show_data)
if not series_name:
if isinstance(series_aliases, list) and 0 < len(series_aliases):
series_name = series_aliases.pop(0)
return series_name, series_aliases
def _get_show_data(
sid, # type: integer_types
language, # type: AnyStr
get_ep_info=False, # type: bool
banners=False, # type: bool
posters=False, # type: bool
seasons=False, # type: bool
seasonwides=False, # type: bool
fanart=False, # type: bool
actors=False, # type: bool
direct_data=False, # type: bool
**kwargs # type: Optional[Any]
# type: (...) -> Optional[bool, dict]
internal function that should be overwritten in class to get data for given show id
:param sid: show id
:param language: language
:param get_ep_info: get episodes
:param banners: load banners
:param posters: load posters
:param seasons: load seasons
:param seasonwides: load seasonwides
:param fanart: load fanard
:param actors: load actors
:param direct_data: return pure data
if not sid:
return False
resp = self._get_data('/series/%s/extended' % sid)
if direct_data:
return resp
if isinstance(resp, dict) and all(f in resp for f in ('status', 'data')) and 'success' == resp['status'] \
and isinstance(resp['data'], dict):
show_data = resp['data']
series_name, series_aliases = self._get_series_name(show_data, language)
if not series_name:
return False
show_obj = self.shows[sid] # type: TVInfoShow
show_obj.banner_loaded = show_obj.poster_loaded = show_obj.fanart_loaded = True = show_data['id']
show_obj.seriesname = series_name
show_obj.slug = clean_data(show_data.get('slug'))
show_obj.poster = clean_data(show_data.get('image'))
show_obj.firstaired = clean_data(show_data.get('firstAired'))
show_obj.rating = show_data.get('score')
show_obj.aliases = series_aliases
show_obj.status = clean_data(show_data['status']['name'])
show_obj.network_country = clean_data(show_data.get('originalCountry'))
show_obj.lastupdated = clean_data(show_data.get('lastUpdated'))
if 'companies' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['companies'], list):
# filter networks
networks = sorted([n for n in show_data['companies'] if 1 == n['companyType']['companyTypeId']],
key=lambda a: a['activeDate'] or '0000-00-00')
if networks:
show_obj.networks = [TVInfoNetwork(name=clean_data(n['name']), country=clean_data(n['country']))
for n in networks] = clean_data(networks[-1]['name'])
show_obj.network_country = clean_data(networks[-1]['country'])
show_obj.language = clean_data(show_data.get('originalLanguage'))
show_obj.runtime = show_data.get('averageRuntime')
show_obj.airs_time = clean_data(show_data.get('airsTime'))
show_obj.airs_dayofweek = ', '.join([k.capitalize() for k, v in iteritems(show_data.get('airsDays')) if v])
show_obj.genre_list = 'genres' in show_data and show_data['genres'] \
and [clean_data(g['name']) for g in show_data['genres']]
if show_obj.genre_list:
show_obj.genre = '|'.join(show_obj.genre_list)
ids, social_ids = {}, {}
if 'remoteIds' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['remoteIds'], list):
for r_id in show_data['remoteIds']:
src_name = r_id['sourceName'].lower()
src_value = clean_data(r_id['id'])
if 'imdb' in src_name:
imdb_id = try_int(src_value.replace('tt', ''), None)
ids['imdb'] = imdb_id
except (BaseException, Exception):
show_obj.imdb_id = src_value
elif 'themoviedb' in src_name:
ids['tmdb'] = try_int(src_value, None)
elif 'official website' in src_name:
show_obj.official_site = src_value
elif 'facebook' in src_name:
social_ids['facebook'] = src_value
elif 'twitter' in src_name:
social_ids['twitter'] = src_value
elif 'instagram' in src_name:
social_ids['instagram'] = src_value
elif 'reddit' in src_name:
social_ids['reddit'] = src_value
elif 'youtube' in src_name:
social_ids['youtube'] = src_value
show_obj.ids = TVInfoIDs(tvdb=show_data['id'], **ids)
if social_ids:
show_obj.social_ids = TVInfoSocialIDs(**social_ids)
show_obj.overview = self._get_overview(show_data)
if 'artworks' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['artworks'], list):
poster = banner = fanart_url = False
for artwork in sorted(show_data['artworks'], key=lambda a: a['score'], reverse=True):
img_type = img_type_map.get(artwork['type'], TVInfoImageType.other)
if False is poster and img_type == TVInfoImageType.poster:
show_obj.poster, show_obj.poster_thumb, poster = artwork['image'], artwork['thumbnail'], True
elif False is banner and img_type == TVInfoImageType.banner:
show_obj.banner, show_obj.banner_thumb, banner = artwork['image'], artwork['thumbnail'], True
elif False is fanart_url and img_type == TVInfoImageType.fanart:
show_obj.fanart, fanart_url = artwork['image'], True
show_obj['images'].setdefault(img_type, []).append(
sizes={TVInfoImageSize.original: artwork['image'],
TVInfoImageSize.small: artwork['thumbnail']},
if (actors or self.config['actors_enabled']) and not getattr(self.shows.get(sid), 'actors_loaded', False):
cast, show_obj.actors_loaded = CastList(), True
if isinstance(show_data.get('characters'), list):
for character in sorted(filter_iter(lambda a: (3 == a['type'] or 'Actor' == a['peopleType'])
and not a['episodeId'],
show_data.get('characters')) or [],
key=lambda c: (not c['isFeatured'], c['sort'])):
Character(p_id=character['id'], name=clean_data(character['name']),
regular=character['isFeatured'], ids={TVINFO_TVDB: character['id']},
ids={TVINFO_TVDB: character['peopleId']})],
show_obj.cast = cast
show_obj.actors = [
{'character': {'id':,
'url': '' % (show_data['slug'],,
'image': ch.image,
'person': {'id': ch.person and ch.person[0].id,
'name': ch.person and ch.person[0].name,
'url': ch.person and '' % ch.person[0].id,
'image': ch.person and ch.person[0].image,
'birthday': None, # not sure about format
'deathday': None, # not sure about format
'gender': None,
'country': None,
} for ch in cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain]]
if get_ep_info and not getattr(self.shows.get(sid), 'ep_loaded', False):
# fetch absolute numbers
eps_abs_nums = {}
if any(1 for s in show_data.get('seasons', []) or [] if 'absolute' == s.get('type', {}).get('type')):
page = 0
while 100 >= page:
abs_ep_data = self._get_data('/series/%s/episodes/absolute?page=%d' % (sid, page))
page += 1
if isinstance(abs_ep_data, dict):
valid_data = 'data' in abs_ep_data and isinstance(abs_ep_data['data'], dict) \
and 'episodes' in abs_ep_data['data'] \
and isinstance(abs_ep_data['data']['episodes'], list)
links = 'links' in abs_ep_data and isinstance(abs_ep_data['links'], dict) \
and 'next' in abs_ep_data['links']
more = (links and isinstance(abs_ep_data['links']['next'], string_types)
and '?page=%d' % page in abs_ep_data['links']['next'])
if valid_data:
eps_abs_nums.update({_e['id']: _e['number'] for _e in abs_ep_data['data']['episodes']
if None is _e['seasons'] and _e['number']})
if more:
ep_lang = (language in (show_data.get('overviewTranslations', []) or []) and language) or 'eng'
page, more_eps, show_obj.ep_loaded = 0, True, True
while more_eps and 100 >= page:
ep_data = self._get_data('/series/%s/episodes/default/%s?page=%d' % (sid, ep_lang, page))
page += 1
if isinstance(ep_data, dict):
valid_data = 'data' in ep_data and isinstance(ep_data['data'], dict) \
and 'episodes' in ep_data['data'] and isinstance(ep_data['data']['episodes'], list)
full_page = valid_data and 500 <= len(ep_data['data']['episodes'])
links = 'links' in ep_data and isinstance(ep_data['links'], dict) \
and 'next' in ep_data['links']
more = links and isinstance(ep_data['links']['next'], string_types) \
and '?page=%d' % page in ep_data['links']['next']
alt_page = (full_page and not links)
if not alt_page and valid_data:
self._set_episodes(show_obj, ep_data, eps_abs_nums)
if 'links' in ep_data and isinstance(ep_data['links'], dict) and 'next' in ep_data['links'] \
and isinstance(ep_data['links']['next'], string_types):
if '?page=%d' % page in ep_data['links']['next']:
return True
return False
def _set_episodes(s_ref, ep_data, eps_abs_nums):
# type: (TVInfoShow, Dict, Dict) -> None
populates the show with episode objects
for ep_obj in ep_data['data']['episodes']:
for _k, _s in (
('seasonnumber', 'seasonNumber'), ('episodenumber', 'number'),
('episodename', 'name'), ('firstaired', 'aired'), ('runtime', 'runtime'),
('seriesid', 'seriesId'), ('id', 'id'), ('filename', 'image'), ('overview', 'overview'),
('absolute_number', 'abs')):
seas, ep = ep_obj['seasonNumber'], ep_obj['number']
if 'abs' == _s:
value = eps_abs_nums.get(ep_obj['id'])
value = clean_data(ep_obj.get(_s, getattr(empty_ep, _k)))
if seas not in s_ref:
s_ref[seas] = TVInfoSeason(show=s_ref)
s_ref[seas].number = seas
if ep not in s_ref[seas]:
s_ref[seas][ep] = TVInfoEpisode(season=s_ref[seas])
if _k not in ('cast', 'crew'):
s_ref[seas][ep][_k] = value
s_ref[seas][ep].__dict__[_k] = value
def _get_network(show):
# type: (Dict) -> Optional[AnyStr]
if show.get('companies'):
if isinstance(show['companies'][0], dict):
return clean_data(next(filter_iter(lambda a: 1 == a['companyType']['companyTypeId'], show['companies']),
return clean_data(show['companies'][0])
def _get_aliases(show):
if show.get('aliases') and isinstance(show['aliases'][0], dict):
return [clean_data(a['name']) for a in show['aliases']]
return clean_data(show.get('aliases', []))
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]], Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[Dict]
internal search function to find shows, should be overwritten in class
:param name: name to search for
:param ids: dict of ids {tvid: prodid} to search for
def _make_result_dict(show_data):
tvdb_id = self._get_tvdb_id(show_data)
series_name, series_aliases = self._get_series_name(show_data)
if not series_name:
return []
return [{'seriesname': series_name, 'id': tvdb_id,
'firstaired': clean_data(show_data.get('year') or show_data.get('firstAired')),
'network': self._get_network(show_data),
'overview': clean_data(show_data.get('overview')) or self._get_overview(show_data),
'poster': show_data.get('image_url') or show_data.get('image'),
'status': clean_data(isinstance(show_data['status'], dict) and
show_data['status']['name'] or show_data['status']),
'language': clean_data(show_data.get('primary_language')), 'country':
'aliases': series_aliases, 'slug': clean_data(show_data.get('slug')),
'ids': TVInfoIDs(tvdb=tvdb_id)}]
results = []
if ids:
if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB):
cache_id_key = 's-v4-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_TVDB, ids[TVINFO_TVDB])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self._get_show_data(ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB), self.config['language'], direct_data=True)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if isinstance(d_m, dict) and all(t in d_m for t in ('data', 'status')) and 'success' == d_m['status'] \
and isinstance(d_m['data'], dict):
if ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB):
cache_id_key = 's-v4-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_IMDB, ids[TVINFO_IMDB])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self._get_data('search', remote_id='tt%07d' % ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB),
q='tt%07d' % ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB), type='series')
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if isinstance(d_m, dict) and all(t in d_m for t in ('data', 'status')) and 'success' == d_m['status'] \
and isinstance(d_m['data'], list):
for r in d_m['data']:
if 'tt%07d' % ids[TVINFO_IMDB] == \
next(filter_iter(lambda b: 'imdb' in b['sourceName'].lower(),
r.get('remote_ids', []) or []), {}).get('id'):
except (BaseException, Exception):
if ids.get(TVINFO_TMDB):
cache_id_key = 's-v4-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_TMDB, ids[TVINFO_TMDB])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self._get_data('search', remote_id='%s' % ids.get(TVINFO_TMDB),
q='%s' % ids.get(TVINFO_TMDB), type='series')
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if isinstance(d_m, dict) and all(t in d_m for t in ('data', 'status')) and 'success' == d_m['status'] \
and isinstance(d_m['data'], list):
for r in d_m['data']:
if '%s' % ids[TVINFO_TMDB] == \
next(filter_iter(lambda b: 'themoviedb' in b['sourceName'].lower(),
r.get('remote_ids', []) or []), {}).get('id'):
except (BaseException, Exception):
if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG):
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_TVDB, ids[TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
d_m = self._get_data('search', q=ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG).replace('-', ' '), type='series')
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, d_m, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
d_m = None
d_m = shows
if d_m and isinstance(d_m, dict) and 'data' in d_m and 'success' == d_m.get('status') \
and isinstance(d_m['data'], list):
for r in d_m['data']:
if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG) == r['slug']:
if name:
for n in ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]:
cache_name_key = 's-v4-name-%s' % n
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
resp = self._get_data('search', q=n, type='series')
self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, resp, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
resp = shows
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and 'data' in resp and 'success' == resp.get('status') \
and isinstance(resp['data'], list):
for show in resp['data']:
seen = set()
results = [seen.add(r['id']) or r for r in results if r['id'] not in seen]
return results
def _get_languages(self):
# type: (...) -> None
langs = self._get_data('/languages')
if isinstance(langs, dict) and 'status' in langs and 'success' == langs['status'] \
and isinstance(langs.get('data'), list):
self._supported_languages = [{'id': clean_data(a['id']), 'name': clean_data(a['name']),
'nativeName': clean_data(a['nativeName']),
'shortCode': clean_data(a['shortCode']),
'sg_lang': self.reverse_map_languages.get(a['id'], a['id'])}
for a in langs['data']]
self._supported_languages = []