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synced 2025-03-22 12:37:44 +00:00
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596 lines
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# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
import io
import os
import re
import sys
import threading
import traceback
import sickgear
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import encodingKludge as ek
from exceptions_helper import ex
from json_helper import json_load
from . import db, helpers, logger, name_cache
from .anime import create_anidb_obj
from .classes import OrderedDefaultdict
from .indexers.indexer_config import TVINFO_TVDB
from .sgdatetime import timestamp_near
import lib.rarfile.rarfile as rarfile
from _23 import filter_iter, list_range, map_iter
from six import iteritems, PY2, text_type
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from typing import AnyStr, List, Tuple, Union
exception_dict = {}
anidb_exception_dict = {}
xem_exception_dict = {}
xem_ids_list = defaultdict(list)
exceptionsCache = {}
exceptionsSeasonCache = {}
exceptionLock = threading.Lock()
def should_refresh(name, max_refresh_age_secs=86400, remaining=False):
# type: (AnyStr, int, bool) -> Union[bool, int]
:param name: name
:param max_refresh_age_secs:
:param remaining: True to return remaining seconds
my_db = db.DBConnection()
rows = my_db.select('SELECT last_refreshed FROM scene_exceptions_refresh WHERE list = ?', [name])
if rows:
last_refresh = int(rows[0]['last_refreshed'])
if remaining:
time_left = (last_refresh + max_refresh_age_secs - int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now())))
return (0, time_left)[time_left > 0]
return int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now())) > last_refresh + max_refresh_age_secs
return True
def set_last_refresh(name):
:param name: name
:type name: AnyStr
my_db = db.DBConnection()
{'last_refreshed': int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now()))},
{'list': name})
def has_season_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season):
get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=season)
if (tvid, prodid) in exceptionsCache and -1 < season and season in exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)]:
return True
return False
def get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=-1):
Given a indexer_id, return a list of all the scene exceptions.
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
:param season: season number
:type season: int
:rtype: List
global exceptionsCache
exceptions_list = []
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsCache or season not in exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)]:
my_db = db.DBConnection()
exceptions = my_db.select('SELECT show_name'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?'
' AND season = ?',
[tvid, prodid, season])
if exceptions:
exceptions_list = list(set([cur_exception['show_name'] for cur_exception in exceptions]))
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsCache:
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)] = {}
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][season] = exceptions_list
exceptions_list = exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][season]
if 1 == season: # if we where looking for season 1 we can add generic names
exceptions_list += get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=-1)
return exceptions_list
def get_all_scene_exceptions(tvid_prodid):
:param tvid_prodid:
:type tvid_prodid: AnyStr
:rtype: OrderedDefaultdict
exceptions_dict = OrderedDefaultdict(list)
from sickgear.tv import TVidProdid
my_db = db.DBConnection()
exceptions = my_db.select('SELECT show_name,season'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?'
' ORDER BY season DESC, show_name DESC',
exceptions_seasons = []
if exceptions:
for cur_exception in exceptions:
# order as, s*, and then season desc, show_name also desc (so years in names may fall newest on top)
if -1 == cur_exception['season']:
exceptions_seasons += [cur_exception]
for cur_exception in exceptions_seasons:
return exceptions_dict
def get_scene_seasons(tvid, prodid):
return a list of season numbers that have scene exceptions
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
:rtype: List
global exceptionsSeasonCache
exception_season_list = []
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsSeasonCache:
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT DISTINCT(season) AS season'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?',
[tvid, prodid])
if sql_result:
exception_season_list = list(set([int(x['season']) for x in sql_result]))
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsSeasonCache:
exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] = {}
exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] = exception_season_list
exception_season_list = exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)]
return exception_season_list
def get_scene_exception_by_name(show_name):
:param show_name: show name
:type show_name: AnyStr
:rtype: Tuple[None, None, None] or Tuple[int, int or long, int]
return get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(show_name)[0]
def get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(show_name):
:param show_name: show name
:type show_name: AnyStr
:return: (tvid, prodid, season) of the exception, None if no exception is present.
:rtype: Tuple[None, None, None] or Tuple[int, int or long, int]
exception_result = name_cache.sceneNameCache[helpers.full_sanitize_scene_name(show_name)]
return [exception_result]
except (BaseException, Exception):
return [[None, None, None]]
def retrieve_exceptions():
Looks up the exceptions on github, parses them into a dict, and inserts them into the
scene_exceptions table in cache.db. Also clears the scene name cache.
global exception_dict, anidb_exception_dict, xem_exception_dict
# exceptions are stored on github pages
for tvid in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources:
if should_refresh(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name):
logger.log(u'Checking for scene exception updates for %s' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name)
url = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config.get('scene_url')
if not url:
url_data = helpers.get_url(url)
if None is url_data:
# When None is urlData, trouble connecting to github
logger.log(u'Check scene exceptions update failed. Unable to get URL: %s' % url, logger.ERROR)
# each exception is on one line with the format indexer_id: 'show name 1', 'show name 2', etc
for cur_line in url_data.splitlines():
cur_line = cur_line
prodid, sep, aliases = cur_line.partition(':')
if not aliases:
prodid = int(prodid)
# regex out the list of shows, taking \' into account
# alias_list = [re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', x) for x in re.findall(r"'(.*?)(?<!\\)',?", aliases)]
alias_list = [{re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', x): -1} for x in re.findall(r"'(.*?)(?<!\\)',?", aliases)]
exception_dict[(tvid, prodid)] = alias_list
del alias_list
del url_data
# XEM scene exceptions
for xem_ex in xem_exception_dict:
if xem_ex in exception_dict:
exception_dict[xem_ex] = exception_dict[xem_ex] + xem_exception_dict[xem_ex]
exception_dict[xem_ex] = xem_exception_dict[xem_ex]
# AniDB scene exceptions
for anidb_ex in anidb_exception_dict:
if anidb_ex in exception_dict:
exception_dict[anidb_ex] = exception_dict[anidb_ex] + anidb_exception_dict[anidb_ex]
exception_dict[anidb_ex] = anidb_exception_dict[anidb_ex]
# Custom exceptions
custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, min_remain_iv = _custom_exceptions_fetcher()
for custom_ex in custom_exception_dict:
if custom_ex in exception_dict:
exception_dict[custom_ex] = exception_dict[custom_ex] + custom_exception_dict[custom_ex]
exception_dict[custom_ex] = custom_exception_dict[custom_ex]
changed_exceptions = False
# write all the exceptions we got off the net into the database
my_db = db.DBConnection()
cl = []
for cur_tvid_prodid in exception_dict:
# get a list of the existing exceptions for this ID
existing_exceptions = [{x['show_name']: x['season']} for x in
my_db.select('SELECT show_name, season'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?',
# if this exception isn't already in the DB then add it
for cur_exception_dict in filter_iter(lambda e: e not in existing_exceptions, exception_dict[cur_tvid_prodid]):
cur_exception, cur_season = next(iteritems(cur_exception_dict))
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('scene exception error', logger.ERROR)
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
if PY2 and not isinstance(cur_exception, text_type):
cur_exception = text_type(cur_exception, 'utf-8', 'replace')
cl.append(['INSERT INTO scene_exceptions'
' (indexer, indexer_id, show_name, season) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
list(cur_tvid_prodid) + [cur_exception, cur_season]])
changed_exceptions = True
if cl:
# since this could invalidate the results of the cache we clear it out after updating
if changed_exceptions:
logger.log(u'Updated scene exceptions')
logger.log(u'No scene exceptions update needed')
# cleanup
return changed_exceptions, cnt_updated_numbers, min_remain_iv
def update_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, scene_exceptions):
Given a indexer_id, and a list of all show scene exceptions, update the db.
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
:param scene_exceptions:
:type scene_exceptions: List
global exceptionsCache
my_db = db.DBConnection()
my_db.action('DELETE FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?',
[tvid, prodid])
# A change has been made to the scene exception list. Let's clear the cache, to make this visible
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)] = defaultdict(list)
logger.log(u'Updating scene exceptions', logger.MESSAGE)
for exception in scene_exceptions:
cur_season, cur_exception = exception.split('|', 1)
cur_season = int(cur_season)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('invalid scene exception: %s - %s:%s' % ('%s:%s' % (tvid, prodid), cur_season, cur_exception),
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][cur_season].append(cur_exception)
if PY2 and not isinstance(cur_exception, text_type):
cur_exception = text_type(cur_exception, 'utf-8', 'replace')
my_db.action('INSERT INTO scene_exceptions'
' (indexer, indexer_id, show_name, season) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
[tvid, prodid, cur_exception, cur_season])
def _custom_exceptions_fetcher():
custom_exception_dict = {}
cnt_updated_numbers = 0
src_id = 'GHSG'
logger.log(u'Checking to update custom alternatives from %s' % src_id)
dirpath = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickgear.CACHE_DIR, 'alts')
tmppath = ek.ek(os.path.join, dirpath, 'tmp')
file_rar = ek.ek(os.path.join, tmppath, 'alt.rar')
file_cache = ek.ek(os.path.join, dirpath, 'alt.json')
iv = 30 * 60 # min interval to fetch updates
refresh = should_refresh(src_id, iv)
fetch_data = not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, file_cache) or (not int(os.environ.get('NO_ALT_GET', 0)) and refresh)
if fetch_data:
if ek.ek(os.path.exists, tmppath):
helpers.remove_file(tmppath, tree=True)
helpers.download_file(r'https://github.com/SickGear/sickgear.altdata/raw/main/alt.rar', file_rar)
rar_handle = None
if 'win32' == sys.platform:
rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickgear.PROG_DIR, 'lib', 'rarfile', 'UnRAR.exe')
rar_handle = rarfile.RarFile(file_rar)
rar_handle.extractall(path=dirpath, pwd='sickgear_alt')
except(BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to unpack archive: %s with error: %s' % (file_rar, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
if rar_handle:
del rar_handle
helpers.remove_file(tmppath, tree=True)
if refresh:
if not fetch_data and not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, file_cache):
logger.debug(u'Unable to fetch custom exceptions, skipped: %s' % file_rar)
return custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, should_refresh(src_id, iv, remaining=True)
data = {}
with io.open(file_cache) as fh:
data = json_load(fh)
except(BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to unpack json data: %s with error: %s' % (file_rar, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
# handle data
from .scene_numbering import find_scene_numbering, set_scene_numbering_helper
from .tv import TVidProdid
for tvid_prodid, season_data in iteritems(data):
show_obj = sickgear.helpers.find_show_by_id(tvid_prodid, no_mapped_ids=True)
if not show_obj:
used = set()
for for_season, data in iteritems(season_data):
for_season = helpers.try_int(for_season, None)
tvid, prodid = TVidProdid(tvid_prodid).tuple
if data.get('n'): # alt names
custom_exception_dict.setdefault((tvid, prodid), [])
custom_exception_dict[(tvid, prodid)] += [{name: for_season} for name in data.get('n')]
for update in data.get('se') or []:
for for_episode, se_range in iteritems(update): # scene episode alt numbers
for_episode = helpers.try_int(for_episode, None)
target_season, episode_range = se_range.split('x')
scene_episodes = [int(x) for x in episode_range.split('-') if None is not helpers.try_int(x, None)]
if 2 == len(scene_episodes):
desc = scene_episodes[0] > scene_episodes[1]
if desc: # handle a descending range case
scene_episodes = list_range(*[scene_episodes[0], scene_episodes[1] + 1])
if desc:
target_season = helpers.try_int(target_season, None)
for target_episode in scene_episodes:
sn = find_scene_numbering(tvid, prodid, for_season, for_episode)
used.add((for_season, for_episode, target_season, target_episode))
if sn and ((for_season, for_episode) + sn) not in used \
and (for_season, for_episode) not in used:
u'Skipped setting "%s" episode %sx%s to target a release %sx%s because set to %sx%s'
% (show_obj.unique_name, for_season, for_episode,
target_season, target_episode, sn[0], sn[1]),
used.add((for_season, for_episode))
if not sn or sn != (target_season, target_episode): # not already set
result = set_scene_numbering_helper(
tvid, prodid, for_season=for_season, for_episode=for_episode,
scene_season=target_season, scene_episode=target_episode)
if result.get('success'):
cnt_updated_numbers += 1
for_episode = for_episode + 1
return custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, should_refresh(src_id, iv, remaining=True)
def _anidb_exceptions_fetcher():
global anidb_exception_dict
if should_refresh('anidb'):
logger.log(u'Checking for AniDB scene exception updates')
for cur_show_obj in filter_iter(lambda _s: _s.is_anime and TVINFO_TVDB == _s.tvid, sickgear.showList):
anime = create_anidb_obj(name=cur_show_obj.name, tvdbid=cur_show_obj.prodid, autoCorrectName=True)
except (BaseException, Exception):
if anime.name and anime.name != cur_show_obj.name:
anidb_exception_dict[(cur_show_obj.tvid, cur_show_obj.prodid)] = [{anime.name: -1}]
return anidb_exception_dict
def _xem_exceptions_fetcher():
global xem_exception_dict
xem_list = 'xem_us'
for cur_show_obj in sickgear.showList:
if cur_show_obj.is_anime and not cur_show_obj.paused:
xem_list = 'xem'
if should_refresh(xem_list):
for tvid in [i for i in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources if 'xem_origin' in sickgear.TVInfoAPI(i).config]:
logger.log(u'Checking for XEM scene exception updates for %s' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name)
url = 'http://thexem.info/map/allNames?origin=%s%s&seasonNumbers=1'\
% (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config['xem_origin'], ('&language=us', '')['xem' == xem_list])
parsed_json = helpers.get_url(url, parse_json=True, timeout=90)
if not parsed_json:
logger.log(u'Check scene exceptions update failed for %s, Unable to get URL: %s'
% (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name, url), logger.ERROR)
if 'failure' == parsed_json['result']:
for prodid, names in iteritems(parsed_json['data']):
xem_exception_dict[(tvid, int(prodid))] = names
except (BaseException, Exception):
return xem_exception_dict
def _xem_get_ids(infosrc_name, xem_origin):
:param infosrc_name:
:type infosrc_name: AnyStr
:param xem_origin:
:type xem_origin: AnyStr
:rtype: List
xem_ids = []
url = 'http://thexem.info/map/havemap?origin=%s' % xem_origin
task = 'Fetching show ids with%s xem scene mapping%s for origin'
logger.log(u'%s %s' % (task % ('', 's'), infosrc_name))
parsed_json = helpers.get_url(url, parse_json=True, timeout=90)
if not isinstance(parsed_json, dict) or not parsed_json:
logger.log(u'Failed %s %s, Unable to get URL: %s'
% (task.lower() % ('', 's'), infosrc_name, url), logger.ERROR)
if 'success' == parsed_json.get('result', '') and 'data' in parsed_json:
xem_ids = list(set(filter_iter(lambda prodid: 0 < prodid,
map_iter(lambda pid: helpers.try_int(pid), parsed_json['data']))))
if 0 == len(xem_ids):
logger.log(u'Failed %s %s, no data items parsed from URL: %s'
% (task.lower() % ('', 's'), infosrc_name, url), logger.WARNING)
logger.log(u'Finished %s %s' % (task.lower() % (' %s' % len(xem_ids), helpers.maybe_plural(xem_ids)),
return xem_ids
def get_xem_ids():
global xem_ids_list
for tvid, name in iteritems(sickgear.TVInfoAPI().xem_supported_sources):
xem_ids = _xem_get_ids(name, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config['xem_origin'])
if len(xem_ids):
xem_ids_list[tvid] = xem_ids
def has_abs_episodes(ep_obj=None, name=None):
:param ep_obj: episode object
:type ep_obj: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode or None
:param name: name
:type name: AnyStr
:rtype: bool
return any([(name or ep_obj.show_obj.name or '').lower().startswith(x.lower()) for x in [
'The Eighties', 'The Making of the Mob', 'The Night Of', 'Roots 2016', 'Trepalium'