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synced 2025-03-21 20:17:44 +00:00
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# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import re
import traceback
from . import classes, db, logger
from .helpers import try_int
import sickgear
from lib.dateutil.parser import parse
from six import iteritems, moves, string_types
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from six import integer_types
from sickgear.tv import TVShow
tv_maze_retry_wait = 10
defunct_indexer = []
indexer_list = []
class NewIdDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tv_src = kwargs.pop('tv_src')
super(NewIdDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.verified = {s: (False, True)[s == tv_src] for s in indexer_list}
def set_value(self, value, old_value=None, tv_src=None, key=None):
# type: (Any, Any, int, int) -> Any
if (None is tv_src or tv_src != key) and old_value is MapStatus.MISMATCH or (
0 < value and old_value not in [None, value] and 0 < old_value):
return MapStatus.MISMATCH
if value and tv_src and tv_src == key:
self.verified[tv_src] = True
return value
def get_value(value):
if value in [None, 0]:
return MapStatus.NOT_FOUND
return value
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.get_value(super(NewIdDict, self).get(key))
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.get_value(super(NewIdDict, self).get(key, default))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
super(NewIdDict, self).__setitem__(key, self.set_value(value, self.get(key)))
def update(self, other=None, tv_src=None, **kwargs):
# type: (Dict[int, Any], int, Any) -> None
updates dict with new ids
set MapStatus.MISMATCH if values mismatch, except if it's tv_src (this will be treated as verified source id)
:param other: new data dict
:param tv_src: verified tv src id
:param kwargs:
if isinstance(other, dict):
other = {o: self.set_value(v, self.get(o), tv_src, o) for o, v in iteritems(other)}
super(NewIdDict, self).update(other, **kwargs)
def get_missing_ids(show_ids, show_obj, tv_src):
# type: (Dict[int, integer_types], TVShow, int) -> Dict[int, integer_types]
:param show_ids:
:param show_obj:
:param tv_src:
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tv_src).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['cache_search'] = True
tvinfo_config['custom_ui'] = classes.AllShowInfosNoFilterListUI
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tv_src).setup(**tvinfo_config)
show_name, f_date = None, None
if any(1 for k, v in iteritems(show_ids) if v and k in t.supported_id_searches):
found_shows = t.search_show(ids=show_ids)
res_count = len(found_shows or [])
if 1 < res_count:
show_name, f_date = get_show_name_date(show_obj)
for show in found_shows or []:
if 1 == res_count or confirm_show(f_date, show['firstaired'], show_name,
return combine_new_ids(show_ids, show['ids'], tv_src)
except (BaseException, Exception):
found_shows = t.search_show(name=clean_show_name(show_obj.name))
if not show_name:
show_name, f_date = get_show_name_date(show_obj)
for show in found_shows or []:
if confirm_show(f_date, show['firstaired'], show_name, clean_show_name(show['seriesname'])):
if any(v for k, v in iteritems(show['ids']) if tv_src != k and v):
f_show = [show]
f_show = t.search_show(ids={tv_src: show['id']})
if f_show and 1 == len(f_show):
return combine_new_ids(show_ids, f_show[0]['ids'], tv_src)
except (BaseException, Exception):
return {}
def confirm_show(premiere_date, shows_premiere, expected_name, show_name):
# type: (Optional[datetime.date], Optional[Union[AnyStr, datetime.date]], AnyStr, AnyStr) -> bool
confirm show possible confirmations:
1. premiere dates are less than 2 days apart
2. show name is the same and premiere year is 1 year or less apart
:param premiere_date: expected show premiere date
:param shows_premiere: compare date
:param expected_name:
:param show_name:
if any(t is None for t in (premiere_date, shows_premiere)):
return False
if isinstance(shows_premiere, string_types):
shows_premiere = parse(shows_premiere).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
return False
start_year = (shows_premiere and shows_premiere.year) or 0
return abs(premiere_date - shows_premiere) < datetime.timedelta(days=2) or (
expected_name == show_name and abs(premiere_date.year - start_year) <= 1)
def get_premieredate(show_obj):
:param show_obj: show object
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow
:rtype: datetime.date or None
ep_obj = show_obj.first_aired_regular_episode
if ep_obj and ep_obj.airdate:
return ep_obj.airdate
except (BaseException, Exception):
return None
def clean_show_name(showname):
:param showname: show name
:type showname: AnyStr
:rtype: AnyStr
return re.sub(r'[(\s]*(?:19|20)\d\d[)\s]*$', '', showname)
def get_show_name_date(show_obj):
# type: (TVShow) -> Tuple[Optional[AnyStr], Optional[datetime.date]]
return clean_show_name(show_obj.name), get_premieredate(show_obj)
def combine_mapped_new_dict(mapped, new_ids):
# type: (Dict[int, Dict], Dict[int, integer_types]) -> Dict[int, integer_types]
return {n: m for d in ({k: v['id'] for k, v in iteritems(mapped) if v['id']}, new_ids) for n, m in iteritems(d)}
def combine_new_ids(cur_ids, new_ids, src_id):
# type: (Dict[int, integer_types], Dict[int, integer_types], int) -> Dict[int, integer_types]
combine cur_ids with new_ids, priority has cur_ids with exception of src_id key
:param cur_ids:
:param new_ids:
:param src_id:
return {k: v for d in (cur_ids, new_ids) for k, v in iteritems(d)
if v and (k == src_id or not cur_ids.get(k) or v == cur_ids.get(k, ''))}
def map_indexers_to_show(show_obj, update=False, force=False, recheck=False, im_sql_result=None):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, Optional[bool], Optional[bool], Optional[bool], Optional[list]) -> dict
:param show_obj: TVShow Object
:param update: add missing + previously not found ids
:param force: search for and replace all mapped/missing ids (excluding NO_AUTOMATIC_CHANGE flagged)
:param recheck: load all ids, don't remove existing
:param im_sql_result:
:return: mapped ids
mapped = {}
# init mapped tvids object
for tvid in indexer_list:
mapped[tvid] = {'id': (0, show_obj.prodid)[int(tvid) == int(show_obj.tvid)],
'status': (MapStatus.NONE, MapStatus.SOURCE)[int(tvid) == int(show_obj.tvid)],
'date': datetime.date.fromordinal(1)}
sql_result = []
for cur_row in im_sql_result or []:
if show_obj.prodid == cur_row['indexer_id'] and show_obj.tvid == cur_row['indexer']:
if not sql_result:
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select(
'SELECT * FROM indexer_mapping WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?', [show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid])
# for each mapped entry
for cur_row in sql_result or []:
date = try_int(cur_row['date'])
mapped[int(cur_row['mindexer'])] = {'status': int(cur_row['status']),
'id': int(cur_row['mindexer_id']),
'date': datetime.date.fromordinal(date if 0 < date else 1)}
# get list of needed ids
mis_map = [k for k, v in iteritems(mapped) if (v['status'] not in [
and ((0 == v['id'] and MapStatus.NONE == v['status'])
or force or recheck or (update and 0 == v['id'] and k not in defunct_indexer))]
if mis_map:
src_tv_id = show_obj._tvid
new_ids = NewIdDict(tv_src=src_tv_id) # type: NewIdDict
if show_obj.imdbid and re.search(r'\d+$', show_obj.imdbid):
new_ids[TVINFO_IMDB] = try_int(re.search(r'(?:tt)?(\d+)', show_obj.imdbid).group(1))
all_ids_srcs = [src_tv_id] + [s for s in (TVINFO_TRAKT, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVMAZE, TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_IMDB)
if s != src_tv_id]
searched, confirmed = {}, False
for _ in moves.range(len(all_ids_srcs)):
search_done = False
for i in all_ids_srcs:
if new_ids.verified.get(i):
search_ids = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(combine_mapped_new_dict(mapped, new_ids))
if k not in searched.setdefault(i, {})}
if search_ids:
search_done = True
new_ids.update(get_missing_ids(search_ids, show_obj, tv_src=i), tv_src=i)
if new_ids.get(i) and 0 < new_ids.get(i):
searched[i].update({i: new_ids[i]})
confirmed = all(v for k, v in iteritems(new_ids.verified) if k not in defunct_indexer)
if confirmed:
if confirmed or not search_done:
for i in indexer_list:
if i != show_obj.tvid and ((i in mis_map and 0 != new_ids.get(i, 0)) or
(new_ids.verified.get(i) and 0 < new_ids.get(i, 0))):
if i not in new_ids:
mapped[i] = {'status': MapStatus.NOT_FOUND, 'id': 0}
if new_ids.verified.get(i) and 0 < new_ids[i] and mapped.get(i, {'id': 0})['id'] != new_ids[i]:
if i not in mis_map:
mapped[i] = {'status': MapStatus.NONE, 'id': new_ids[i]}
if 0 > new_ids[i]:
mapped[i] = {'status': new_ids[i], 'id': 0}
elif force or not recheck or 0 >= mapped.get(i, {'id': 0}).get('id', 0):
mapped[i] = {'status': MapStatus.NONE, 'id': new_ids[i]}
if [k for k in mis_map if 0 != mapped.get(k, {'id': 0, 'status': 0})['id'] or
mapped.get(k, {'id': 0, 'status': 0})['status'] not in [MapStatus.NONE, MapStatus.SOURCE]]:
sql_l = []
today = datetime.date.today()
date = today.toordinal()
for tvid in indexer_list:
if show_obj.tvid == tvid or tvid not in mis_map:
if 0 != mapped[tvid]['id'] or MapStatus.NONE != mapped[tvid]['status']:
mapped[tvid]['date'] = today
'REPLACE INTO indexer_mapping (indexer_id, indexer, mindexer_id, mindexer, date, status)'
' VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)',
[show_obj.prodid, show_obj.tvid, mapped[tvid]['id'], tvid, date, mapped[tvid]['status']]])
'DELETE FROM indexer_mapping'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ? AND mindexer = ?',
[show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid, tvid]])
if 0 < len(sql_l):
logger.debug('Adding TV info mapping to DB for show: %s' % show_obj.unique_name)
my_db = db.DBConnection()
show_obj.ids = mapped
return mapped
def save_mapping(show_obj, save_map=None):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow, Optional[List[int]]) -> None
:param show_obj: show object
:param save_map: list of tvid ints
sql_l = []
today = datetime.date.today()
date = today.toordinal()
for tvid in indexer_list:
if show_obj.tvid == tvid or (isinstance(save_map, list) and tvid not in save_map):
if 0 != show_obj.ids[tvid]['id'] or MapStatus.NONE != show_obj.ids[tvid]['status']:
show_obj.ids[tvid]['date'] = today
'REPLACE INTO indexer_mapping'
' (indexer_id, indexer, mindexer_id, mindexer, date, status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)',
[show_obj.prodid, show_obj.tvid, show_obj.ids[tvid]['id'],
tvid, date, show_obj.ids[tvid]['status']]])
'DELETE FROM indexer_mapping WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ? AND mindexer = ?',
[show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid, tvid]])
if 0 < len(sql_l):
logger.debug('Saving TV info mapping to DB for show: %s' % show_obj.unique_name)
my_db = db.DBConnection()
def del_mapping(tvid, prodid):
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
my_db = db.DBConnection()
my_db.action('DELETE FROM indexer_mapping WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?', [tvid, prodid])
def should_recheck_update_ids(show_obj):
:param show_obj: show object
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow
:rtype: bool
today = datetime.date.today()
ids_updated = min([v.get('date') for k, v in iteritems(show_obj.ids) if k != show_obj.tvid and
k not in defunct_indexer] or [datetime.date.fromtimestamp(1)])
if today - ids_updated >= datetime.timedelta(days=365):
return True
ep_obj = show_obj.first_aired_regular_episode
if ep_obj and ep_obj.airdate and ep_obj.airdate > datetime.date.fromtimestamp(1):
show_age = (today - ep_obj.airdate).days
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
for d in [365, 270, 180, 135, 90, 60, 30, 16, 9] + range(4, -4, -1):
if d <= show_age:
return ids_updated < (ep_obj.airdate + datetime.timedelta(days=d))
except (BaseException, Exception):
return False
def load_mapped_ids(**kwargs):
logger.log('Start loading TV info mappings...')
if 'load_all' in kwargs:
del kwargs['load_all']
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM indexer_mapping ORDER BY indexer, indexer_id')
sql_result = None
for cur_show_obj in sickgear.showList:
with cur_show_obj.lock:
n_kargs = kwargs.copy()
if 'update' in kwargs and should_recheck_update_ids(cur_show_obj):
n_kargs['recheck'] = True
if sql_result:
n_kargs['im_sql_result'] = sql_result
cur_show_obj.ids = sickgear.indexermapper.map_indexers_to_show(cur_show_obj, **n_kargs)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.debug('Error loading mapped id\'s for show: %s' % cur_show_obj.unique_name)
logger.error('Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
logger.log('TV info mappings loaded')
class MapStatus(object):
def __init__(self):
NONE = 0