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synced 2025-03-23 21:14:36 +00:00
645 lines
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645 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
A .torrent file parser for both Python 2 and 3
data = parse_torrent_file(filename)
# or
with open(filename, 'rb') as f: # the binary mode 'b' is necessary
data = TorrentFileParser(f).parse()
# then you can edit the data
# and create a new torrent file from data
create_torrent_file('new.torrent', data)
# or
with open('new.torrent', 'wb') as f:
# or you don't deal with file, just object in memory
data = decode(b'i12345e') # data = 12345
content = encode(data) # content = b'i12345e'
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import binascii
import collections
import io
import json
import sys
import warnings
except NameError:
# Python 2 do not have FileNotFoundError, use IOError instead
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
FileNotFoundError = IOError
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from chardet import detect as _detect
except ImportError:
def _detect(_):
warnings.warn("No chardet module installed, encoding will be utf-8")
return {'encoding': 'utf-8', 'confidence': 1}
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
# For Python 2
str_type = unicode
except NameError:
# For Python 3
str_type = str
__all__ = [
__version__ = '0.3.0'
def detect(content):
return _detect(content)['encoding']
class InvalidTorrentDataException(Exception):
def __init__(self, pos, msg=None):
msg = msg or "Invalid torrent format when read at pos {pos}"
msg = msg.format(pos=pos)
super(InvalidTorrentDataException, self).__init__(msg)
class __EndCls(object):
_END = __EndCls()
def _check_hash_field_params(name, value):
return isinstance(name, str_type) \
and isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2 \
and isinstance(value[0], int) and isinstance(value[1], bool)
class TorrentFileParser(object):
TYPE_LIST = 'list'
TYPE_DICT = 'dict'
TYPE_INT = 'int'
TYPE_STRING = 'string'
TYPE_END = 'end'
# field length need_list
'pieces': (20, True),
'ed2k': (16, False),
'filehash': (20, False),
def __init__(
self, fp, use_ordered_dict=False, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict',
hash_fields=None, hash_raw=False,
:param fp: a **binary** file-like object to parse,
which means need 'b' mode when use built-in open function
:param bool use_ordered_dict: Use collections.OrderedDict as dict
container default False, which mean use built-in dict
:param str encoding: file content encoding, default utf-8, use 'auto'
to enable charset auto detection (need 'chardet' package installed)
:param str errors: how to deal with encoding error when try to parse
string from content with ``encoding``
:param Dict[str, Tuple[int, bool]] hash_fields: extra fields should
be treated as hash value. dict key is the field name, value is a
two-element tuple of (hash_block_length, as_a_list).
See :any:`hash_field` for detail
if getattr(fp, 'read', ) is None \
or getattr(fp, 'seek') is None:
raise ValueError('Parameter fp needs a file like object')
self._pos = 0
self._encoding = encoding
self._content = fp
self._use_ordered_dict = use_ordered_dict
self._error_handler = errors
self._hash_fields = dict(TorrentFileParser.HASH_FIELD_PARAMS)
if hash_fields is not None:
for k, v in hash_fields.items():
if _check_hash_field_params(k, v):
self._hash_fields[k] = v
raise ValueError(
"Invalid hash field parameter, it should be type of "
"Dict[str, Tuple[int, bool]]"
self._hash_raw = bool(hash_raw)
def hash_field(self, name, block_length=20, need_list=False):
Let field with the `name` to be treated as hash value, don't decode it
as a string.
:param str name: field name
:param int block_length: hash block length for split
:param bool need_list: if True, when the field only has one block(
or even empty) its parse result will be a one-element list(
or empty list); If False, will be a string in 0 or 1 block condition
:return: return self, so you can chained call
v = (block_length, need_list)
if _check_hash_field_params(name, v):
self._hash_fields[name] = v
raise ValueError("Invalid hash field parameter")
return self
def parse(self):
:rtype: dict|list|int|str|bytes
:raise: :any:`InvalidTorrentDataException` when parse failed or error
happened when decode string using specified encoding
data = self._next_element()
c = self._read_byte(1, True)
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
0, 'Expect EOF, but get [{}] at pos {}'.format(c, self._pos)
except EOFError: # expect EOF
return data
def _read_byte(self, count=1, raise_eof=False):
assert count >= 0
gotten = self._content.read(count)
if count != 0 and len(gotten) == 0:
if raise_eof:
raise EOFError()
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
'Unexpected EOF when reading torrent file'
self._pos += count
return gotten
def _seek_back(self, count):
self._content.seek(-count, 1)
self._pos = self._pos - count
def _restart(self):
self._content.seek(0, 0)
self._pos = 0
def _dict_items_generator(self):
while True:
k = self._next_element()
if k is _END:
if not isinstance(k, str_type):
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
self._pos, "Type of dict key can't be " + type(k).__name__
if k in self._hash_fields:
v = self._next_hash(*self._hash_fields[k])
v = self._next_element(k)
if k == 'encoding':
self._encoding = v
yield k, v
def _next_dict(self):
data = collections.OrderedDict() if self._use_ordered_dict else dict()
for key, element in self._dict_items_generator():
data[key] = element
return data
def _list_items_generator(self):
while True:
element = self._next_element()
if element is _END:
yield element
def _next_list(self):
return [element for element in self._list_items_generator()]
def _next_int(self, end=END_INDICATOR):
value = 0
char = self._read_byte(1)
neg = False
while char != end:
if not neg and char == b'-':
neg = True
elif not b'0' <= char <= b'9':
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(self._pos - 1)
value = value * 10 + int(char) - int(b'0')
char = self._read_byte(1)
return -value if neg else value
def _next_string(self, need_decode=True, field=None):
length = self._next_int(self.STRING_DELIMITER)
raw = self._read_byte(length)
if need_decode:
encoding = self._encoding
if encoding == 'auto':
self.encoding = encoding = detect(raw)
string = raw.decode(encoding, self._error_handler)
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
msg = [
"Fail to decode string at pos {pos} using encoding ",
if field:
' when parser field "', field, '"'
', maybe it is an hash field. ',
'You can use self.hash_field("', field, '") ',
'to let it be treated as hash value, ',
'so this error may disappear'
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
self._pos - length + e.start,
return string
return raw
def _next_hash(self, p_len, need_list):
raw = self._next_string(need_decode=False)
if len(raw) % p_len != 0:
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
self._pos - len(raw), "Hash bit length not match at pos {pos}"
if self._hash_raw:
return raw
res = [
for chunk in (raw[x:x+p_len] for x in range(0, len(raw), p_len))
if len(res) == 0 and not need_list:
return ''
if len(res) == 1 and not need_list:
return res[0]
return res
def _next_end():
return _END
def _next_type(self):
for (element_type, indicator) in self.TYPES:
indicator_length = len(indicator)
char = self._read_byte(indicator_length)
if indicator == char:
return element_type
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(self._pos)
def _type_to_func(self, t):
return getattr(self, '_next_' + t)
def _next_element(self, field=None):
element_type = self._next_type()
if element_type is TorrentFileParser.TYPE_STRING and field is not None:
element = self._type_to_func(element_type)(field=field)
element = self._type_to_func(element_type)()
return element
class BEncoder(object):
(dict,): TorrentFileParser.TYPE_DICT,
(list,): TorrentFileParser.TYPE_LIST,
(int,): TorrentFileParser.TYPE_INT,
(str_type, bytes): TorrentFileParser.TYPE_STRING,
def __init__(self, data, encoding='utf-8', hash_fields=None):
:param dict|list|int|str data: data will be encoded
:param str encoding: string field output encoding
:param List[str] hash_fields: see
self._data = data
self._encoding = encoding
self._hash_fields = list(TorrentFileParser.HASH_FIELD_PARAMS.keys())
if hash_fields is not None:
def hash_field(self, name):
see :any:`TorrentFileParser.hash_field`
:param str name:
:return: return self, so you can chained call
return self._hash_fields.append(str_type(name))
def encode(self):
Encode to bytes
:rtype: bytes
return b''.join(self._output_element(self._data))
def encode_to_filelike(self):
Encode to a file-like(BytesIO) object
:rtype: BytesIO
return io.BytesIO(self.encode())
def _output_string(self, data):
if isinstance(data, str_type):
data = data.encode(self._encoding)
yield str(len(data)).encode('ascii')
yield TorrentFileParser.STRING_DELIMITER
yield data
def _output_int(data):
yield TorrentFileParser.INT_INDICATOR
yield str(data).encode('ascii')
yield TorrentFileParser.END_INDICATOR
def _output_decode_hash(self, data):
if isinstance(data, str_type):
data = [data]
result = []
for hash_line in data:
if not isinstance(hash_line, str_type):
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
"Hash must be " + str_type.__name__ + " not " +
if len(hash_line) % 2 != 0:
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
"Hash(" + hash_line + ") length(" + str(len(hash_line)) +
") is a not even number",
raw = binascii.unhexlify(hash_line)
except binascii.Error as e:
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
None, str(e),
for x in self._output_string(b''.join(result)):
yield x
def _output_dict(self, data):
yield TorrentFileParser.DICT_INDICATOR
for k, v in data.items():
if not isinstance(k, str_type):
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
None, "Dict key must be " + str_type.__name__,
for x in self._output_element(k):
yield x
if k in self._hash_fields:
for x in self._output_decode_hash(v):
yield x
for x in self._output_element(v):
yield x
yield TorrentFileParser.END_INDICATOR
def _output_list(self, data):
yield TorrentFileParser.LIST_INDICATOR
for v in data:
for x in self._output_element(v):
yield x
yield TorrentFileParser.END_INDICATOR
def _type_to_func(self, t):
return getattr(self, '_output_' + t)
def _output_element(self, data):
for types, t in self.TYPES.items():
if isinstance(data, types):
# noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
return self._type_to_func(t)(data)
raise InvalidTorrentDataException(
"Invalid type for torrent file: " + type(data).__name__,
class BDecoder(object):
def __init__(
self, data, use_ordered_dict=False, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict',
hash_fields=None, hash_raw=False,
See :any:`TorrentFileParser.__init__` for parameter description.
:param bytes data: raw data to be decoded
:param bool use_ordered_dict:
:param str encoding:
:param str errors:
:param Dict[str, Tuple[int, bool]] hash_fields:
:param bool hash_raw:
self._parser = TorrentFileParser(
def hash_field(self, name, block_length=20, need_dict=False):
See :any:`TorrentFileParser.hash_field` for parameter description
:param name:
:param block_length:
:param need_dict:
:return: return self, so you can chained call
self._parser.hash_field(name, block_length, need_dict)
return self
def decode(self):
return self._parser.parse()
def encode(data, encoding='utf-8', hash_fields=None):
Shortcut function for encode python object to torrent file format(bencode)
See :any:`BEncoder.__init__` for parameter description
:param dict|list|int|str|bytes data: data to be encoded
:param str encoding:
:param List[str] hash_fields:
:rtype: bytes
return BEncoder(data, encoding, hash_fields).encode()
def decode(
data, use_ordered_dict=False, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict',
hash_fields=None, hash_raw=False,
Shortcut function for decode bytes as torrent file format(bencode) to python
See :any:`BDecoder.__init__` for parameter description
:param bytes data: raw data to be decoded
:param bool use_ordered_dict:
:param str encoding:
:param str errors:
:param Dict[str, Tuple[int, bool]] hash_fields:
:param bool hash_raw:
:rtype: dict|list|int|str|bytes|bytes
return BDecoder(
data, use_ordered_dict, encoding, errors, hash_fields, hash_raw,
def parse_torrent_file(
filename, use_ordered_dict=False, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict',
hash_fields=None, hash_raw=False,
Shortcut function for parse torrent object using TorrentFileParser
See :any:`TorrentFileParser.__init__` for parameter description
:param str filename: torrent filename
:param bool use_ordered_dict:
:param str encoding:
:param str errors:
:param Dict[str, Tuple[int, bool]] hash_fields:
:param bool hash_raw:
:rtype: dict|list|int|str|bytes
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
return TorrentFileParser(
f, use_ordered_dict, encoding, errors, hash_fields, hash_raw,
def create_torrent_file(filename, data, encoding='utf-8', hash_fields=None):
Shortcut function for create a torrent file using BEncoder
see :any:`BDecoder.__init__` for parameter description
:param str filename: output torrent filename
:param dict|list|int|str|bytes data:
:param str encoding:
:param List[str] hash_fields:
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
f.write(BEncoder(data, encoding, hash_fields).encode())
def __main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?', default='',
help='input file, will read form stdin if empty')
parser.add_argument('--dict', '-d', action='store_true', default=False,
help='use built-in dict, default will be OrderedDict')
parser.add_argument('--sort', '-s', action='store_true', default=False,
help='sort output json item by key')
parser.add_argument('--indent', '-i', type=int, default=None,
help='json output indent for every inner level')
parser.add_argument('--ascii', '-a', action='store_true', default=False,
help='ensure output json use ascii char, '
'escape other char use \\u')
parser.add_argument('--coding', '-c', default='utf-8',
help='string encoding, default "utf-8"')
parser.add_argument('--errors', '-e', default='strict',
help='decoding error handler, default "strict", you can'
' use "ignore" or "replace" to avoid exception')
parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action='store_true', default=False,
help='print version and exit')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version:
if args.file == '':
target_file = io.BytesIO(
getattr(sys.stdin, 'buffer', sys.stdin).read()
target_file = open(args.file, 'rb')
except FileNotFoundError:
sys.stderr.write('File "{}" not exist\n'.format(args.file))
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
data = TorrentFileParser(
target_file, not args.dict, args.coding, args.errors
data = json.dumps(
data, ensure_ascii=args.ascii,
sort_keys=args.sort, indent=args.indent
if __name__ == '__main__':