mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 12:37:44 +00:00
817 lines
41 KiB
817 lines
41 KiB
# encoding:utf-8
# author:Prinz23
# project:tvmaze_api
__author__ = 'Prinz23'
__version__ = '1.0'
__api_version__ = '1.0.0'
import datetime
import logging
import re
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from tornado._locale_data import LOCALE_NAMES
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from sg_helpers import clean_data, enforce_type, get_url, try_int
from lib.dateutil.parser import parser
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from lib.dateutil.tz.tz import _datetime_to_timestamp
from lib.exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException, ex
from lib.pytvmaze import tvmaze
# from .tvmaze_exceptions import *
from lib.tvinfo_base import TVInfoBase, TVInfoImage, TVInfoImageSize, TVInfoImageType, TVInfoCharacter, Crew, \
crew_type_names, TVInfoPerson, RoleTypes, TVInfoShow, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoIDs, TVInfoNetwork, TVInfoSeason, \
from six import integer_types, iteritems, string_types
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional
from lib.pytvmaze.tvmaze import Episode as TVMazeEpisode, Show as TVMazeShow
log = logging.getLogger('tvmaze.api')
# Query TVmaze free endpoints
def tvmaze_endpoint_standard_get(url):
s = requests.Session()
retries = Retry(total=5,
# noinspection HttpUrlsUsage
s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
return get_url(url, json=True, session=s, hooks={'response': tvmaze._record_hook}, raise_skip_exception=True)
tvmaze.TVmaze.endpoint_standard_get = staticmethod(tvmaze_endpoint_standard_get)
tvm_obj = tvmaze.TVmaze()
empty_ep = TVInfoEpisode()
empty_se = TVInfoSeason()
tz_p = parser()
img_type_map = {
'poster': TVInfoImageType.poster,
'banner': TVInfoImageType.banner,
'background': TVInfoImageType.fanart,
'typography': TVInfoImageType.typography,
img_size_map = {
'original': TVInfoImageSize.original,
'medium': TVInfoImageSize.medium,
show_map = {
'id': 'maze_id',
'ids': 'externals',
# 'slug': '',
'seriesid': 'maze_id',
'seriesname': 'name',
'aliases': 'akas',
# 'season': '',
'classification': 'type',
# 'genre': '',
'genre_list': 'genres',
# 'actors': '',
# 'cast': '',
# 'show_type': '',
# 'network': 'network',
# 'network_id': '',
# 'network_timezone': '',
# 'network_country': '',
# 'network_country_code': '',
# 'network_is_stream': '',
# 'runtime': 'runtime',
'language': 'language',
'official_site': 'official_site',
# 'imdb_id': '',
# 'zap2itid': '',
# 'airs_dayofweek': '',
# 'airs_time': '',
# 'time': '',
'firstaired': 'premiered',
# 'added': '',
# 'addedby': '',
# 'siteratingcount': '',
# 'lastupdated': '',
# 'contentrating': '',
# 'rating': 'rating',
'status': 'status',
'overview': 'summary',
# 'poster': 'image',
# 'poster_thumb': '',
# 'banner': '',
# 'banner_thumb': '',
# 'fanart': '',
# 'banners': '',
'updated_timestamp': 'updated',
season_map = {
'id': 'id',
'number': 'season_number',
'name': 'name',
# 'actors': '',
# 'cast': '',
# 'network': '',
# 'network_id': '',
# 'network_timezone': '',
# 'network_country': '',
# 'network_country_code': '',
# 'network_is_stream': '',
'ordered': '',
'start_date': 'premiere_date',
'end_date': 'end_date',
# 'poster': '',
'summery': 'summary',
'episode_order': 'episode_order',
class TvMaze(TVInfoBase):
supported_id_searches = [TVINFO_TVMAZE, TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_IMDB]
supported_person_id_searches = [TVINFO_TVMAZE]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TvMaze, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
def _make_result_dict(s):
# type: (tvmaze.Show) -> Dict
language = s.language and clean_data(s.language.lower())
language_country_code = None
if language:
for cur_locale in iteritems(LOCALE_NAMES):
if language in cur_locale[1]['name_en'].lower():
language_country_code = cur_locale[0].split('_')[1].lower()
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
show_type = clean_data(s.type)
if show_type:
show_type = [show_type]
show_type = []
ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.id, ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.network, ti_show.genre_list, ti_show.overview, \
ti_show.language, ti_show.runtime, ti_show.show_type, ti_show.airs_dayofweek, ti_show. status, \
ti_show.official_site, ti_show.aliases, ti_show.poster, ti_show.ids = clean_data(s.name), s.id, \
clean_data(s.premiered), \
clean_data((s.network and s.network.name) or (s.web_channel and s.web_channel.name)), \
isinstance(s.genres, list) and [clean_data(g.lower()) for g in s.genres], \
enforce_type(clean_data(s.summary), str, ''), clean_data(s.language), \
s.average_runtime or s.runtime, show_type, ', '.join(s.schedule['days'] or []), clean_data(s.status), \
clean_data(s.official_site), [clean_data(a.name) for a in s.akas], \
s.image and s.image.get('original'), \
TVInfoIDs(tvdb=s.externals.get('thetvdb'), rage=s.externals.get('tvrage'), tvmaze=s.id,
imdb=clean_data(s.externals.get('imdb') and
try_int(s.externals.get('imdb').replace('tt', ''), None)))
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or [])
return ti_show
results = []
if ids:
for t, p in iteritems(ids):
if t in self.supported_id_searches:
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (t, ids[t])
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if t == TVINFO_TVDB:
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = tvmaze.lookup_tvdb(p)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
show = shows
elif t == TVINFO_IMDB:
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = tvmaze.lookup_imdb((p, 'tt%07d' % p)[not str(p).startswith('tt')])
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
show = shows
elif t == TVINFO_TVMAZE:
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = tvm_obj.get_show(maze_id=p)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
show = shows
if show:
if show.id not in [i['id'] for i in results]:
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.debug('Error creating result dict: %s' % ex(e))
if name:
for n in ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]:
cache_name_key = 's-name-%s' % n
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
shows = tvmaze.show_search(n)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.debug('Error searching for show: %s' % ex(e))
results.extend([_make_result_dict(s) for s in shows or []])
seen = set()
results = [seen.add(r['id']) or r for r in results if r['id'] not in seen]
return results
def _set_episode(self, sid, ep_obj):
for _k, _s in (
('seasonnumber', 'season_number'), ('episodenumber', 'episode_number'),
('episodename', 'title'), ('overview', 'summary'), ('firstaired', 'airdate'),
('airtime', 'airtime'), ('runtime', 'runtime'),
('seriesid', 'maze_id'), ('id', 'maze_id'), ('is_special', 'special'), ('filename', 'image')):
if 'airtime' == _k:
airtime = datetime.time.fromisoformat(clean_data(getattr(ep_obj, _s, getattr(empty_ep, _k))))
except (BaseException, Exception):
airtime = None
self._set_item(sid, ep_obj.season_number, ep_obj.episode_number or 0, _k, airtime)
elif 'filename' == _k:
image = getattr(ep_obj, _s, {}) or {}
image = image.get('original') or image.get('medium')
self._set_item(sid, ep_obj.season_number, ep_obj.episode_number or 0, _k, image)
self._set_item(sid, ep_obj.season_number, ep_obj.episode_number or 0, _k,
clean_data(getattr(ep_obj, _s, getattr(empty_ep, _k))))
if ep_obj.airstamp:
at = _datetime_to_timestamp(tz_p.parse(ep_obj.airstamp))
self._set_item(sid, ep_obj.season_number, ep_obj.episode_number or 0, 'timestamp', at)
except (BaseException, Exception):
def _set_network(ti_obj, network, is_stream):
ti_obj.network = clean_data(network.name)
ti_obj.network_timezone = clean_data(network.timezone)
ti_obj.network_country = clean_data(network.country)
ti_obj.network_country_code = clean_data(network.code)
ti_obj.network_id = clean_data(network.maze_id)
ti_obj.network_is_stream = is_stream
def _set_images(self, ti_show, show_data, p_set):
# type: (TVInfoShow, TVMazeShow, bool) -> None
Populate TVInfoShow with images show data
:param ti_show:
:param show_data:
:param p_set:
b_set, f_set = False, False
for cur_img in show_data.images:
img_type = img_type_map.get(cur_img.type, TVInfoImageType.other)
img_width, img_height, img_url = ([cur_img.resolutions['original'].get(this)
for this in ('width', 'height', 'url')])
img_ar = img_width and img_height and float(img_width) / float(img_height)
img_ar_type = self._which_type(img_width, img_ar)
if TVInfoImageType.poster == img_type and img_ar and img_ar_type != img_type and \
ti_show.poster == img_url:
p_set = False
ti_show.poster = None
ti_show.poster_thumb = None
img_type = (TVInfoImageType.other, img_type)[
not img_ar or img_ar_type == img_type or
img_type not in (TVInfoImageType.banner, TVInfoImageType.poster, TVInfoImageType.fanart)]
img_src = {}
for cur_res, cur_img_url in iteritems(cur_img.resolutions):
img_size = img_size_map.get(cur_res)
if img_size:
img_src[img_size] = cur_img_url.get('url')
ti_show.images.setdefault(img_type, []).append(
image_type=img_type, sizes=img_src, img_id=cur_img.id, main_image=cur_img.main,
type_str=cur_img.type, width=img_width, height=img_height, aspect_ratio=img_ar))
if not p_set and TVInfoImageType.poster == img_type:
p_set = True
ti_show.poster = img_url
ti_show.poster_thumb = img_url
elif not b_set and 'banner' == cur_img.type and TVInfoImageType.banner == img_type:
b_set = True
ti_show.banner = img_url
ti_show.banner_thumb = cur_img.resolutions.get('medium')['url']
elif not f_set and 'background' == cur_img.type and TVInfoImageType.fanart == img_type:
f_set = True
ti_show.fanart = img_url
def _get_tvm_show(self, show_id, get_ep_info):
self.show_not_found = False
return tvm_obj.get_show(maze_id=show_id, embed='cast%s' % ('', ',episodeswithspecials')[get_ep_info])
except tvmaze.ShowNotFound:
self.show_not_found = True
except (BaseException, Exception):
log.debug('Error getting data for TVmaze show id: %s' % show_id)
def _get_show_data(self, sid, language, get_ep_info=False, banners=False, posters=False, seasons=False,
seasonwides=False, fanart=False, actors=False, **kwargs):
log.debug('Getting all series data for %s' % sid)
show_data = self._get_tvm_show(sid, get_ep_info)
if not show_data:
return False
ti_show = self.ti_shows[sid] # type: TVInfoShow
sid, show_data, ti_show,
load_images=banners or posters or fanart or
any(self.config.get('%s_enabled' % t, False) for t in ('banners', 'posters', 'fanart')),
load_actors=(actors or self.config['actors_enabled'])
if get_ep_info and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'ep_loaded', False):
log.debug('Getting all episodes of %s' % sid)
if None is show_data:
show_data = self._get_tvm_show(sid, get_ep_info)
if not show_data:
return False
if show_data.episodes:
specials = []
for cur_ep in show_data.episodes:
if cur_ep.is_special():
self._set_episode(sid, cur_ep)
if specials:
specials.sort(key=lambda ep: ep.airstamp or 'Last')
for cur_ep_num, cur_sp in enumerate(specials, start=1):
cur_sp.season_number, cur_sp.episode_number = 0, cur_ep_num
self._set_episode(sid, cur_sp)
if show_data.seasons:
networks = {}
for _, cur_season in iteritems(show_data.seasons):
ti_season = None
if cur_season.season_number not in ti_show:
if all(_e.is_special() for _e in cur_season.episodes or []):
ti_season = ti_show[0]
log.error('error episodes have no numbers')
ti_season = ti_season or ti_show[cur_season.season_number] # type: TVInfoSeason
for k, v in iteritems(season_map):
setattr(ti_season, k, clean_data(getattr(cur_season, v, None)) or empty_se.get(v))
if cur_season.network:
self._set_network(ti_season, cur_season.network, False)
elif cur_season.web_channel:
self._set_network(ti_season, cur_season.web_channel, True)
if ti_season.network:
networks[cur_season.season_number] = TVInfoNetwork(
name=ti_season.network, country=ti_season.network_country,
country_code=ti_season.network_country_code, n_id=ti_season.network_id,
stream=ti_season.network_is_stream, timezone=ti_season.network_timezone
if cur_season.image:
ti_season.poster = cur_season.image.get('original')
ti_show.season_images_loaded = True
seen = set()
ti_show.networks = [seen.add(r[1].name) or r[1]
for r in sorted(iteritems(networks), key=lambda a: a[0], reverse=True)
if r[1].name not in seen]
ti_show.ep_loaded = True
return True
def get_updated_shows(self):
# type: (...) -> Dict[integer_types, integer_types]
return {sid: v.seconds_since_epoch for sid, v in iteritems(tvmaze.show_updates().updates)}
def _convert_person(self, tvmaze_person_obj, load_credits=True):
# type: (tvmaze.Person, bool) -> TVInfoPerson
ch = []
_dupes = []
if load_credits:
for c in tvmaze_person_obj.castcredits or []:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.seriesname = clean_data(c.show.name)
ti_show.id = c.show.id
ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(c.show.premiered)
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVMAZE: ti_show.id})
ti_show.overview = clean_data(c.show.summary)
ti_show.status = clean_data(c.show.status)
net = c.show.network or c.show.web_channel
if net:
ti_show.network = clean_data(net.name)
ti_show.network_id = net.maze_id
ti_show.network_country = clean_data(net.country)
ti_show.network_country_code = clean_data(net.code)
ti_show.network_timezone = clean_data(net.timezone)
ti_show.network_is_stream = None is not c.show.web_channel
ch.append(TVInfoCharacter(name=clean_data(c.character.name), ti_show=ti_show, episode_count=1))
birthdate = tvmaze_person_obj.birthday and tz_p.parse(tvmaze_person_obj.birthday).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
birthdate = None
deathdate = tvmaze_person_obj.death_day and tz_p.parse(tvmaze_person_obj.death_day).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
deathdate = None
_ti_person_obj = TVInfoPerson(
p_id=tvmaze_person_obj.id, name=clean_data(tvmaze_person_obj.name),
image=tvmaze_person_obj.image and tvmaze_person_obj.image.get('original'),
gender=PersonGenders.named.get(tvmaze_person_obj.gender and tvmaze_person_obj.gender.lower(),
birthdate=birthdate, deathdate=deathdate,
country=tvmaze_person_obj.country and clean_data(tvmaze_person_obj.country.get('name')),
country_code=tvmaze_person_obj.country and clean_data(tvmaze_person_obj.country.get('code')),
country_timezone=tvmaze_person_obj.country and clean_data(tvmaze_person_obj.country.get('timezone')),
thumb_url=tvmaze_person_obj.image and tvmaze_person_obj.image.get('medium'),
url=tvmaze_person_obj.url, ids=TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVMAZE: tvmaze_person_obj.id})
if load_credits:
for (c_t, regular) in [(tvmaze_person_obj.castcredits or [], True),
(tvmaze_person_obj.guestcastcredits or [], False)]:
for c in c_t: # type: tvmaze.CastCredit
_show = c.show or c.episode.show
_clean_char_name = clean_data(c.character.name)
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
if None is not _show:
_clean_show_name = clean_data(_show.name)
_clean_show_id = clean_data(_show.id)
_cur_dup = (_clean_char_name, _clean_show_id)
if _cur_dup in _dupes:
_co = next((_c for _c in ch if _clean_show_id == _c.ti_show.id
and _c.name == _clean_char_name), None)
if None is not _co:
ti_show = _co.ti_show
_co.episode_count += 1
if not regular:
ep_no = c.episode.episode_number or 0
_co.guest_episodes_numbers.setdefault(c.episode.season_number, []).append(ep_no)
if c.episode.season_number not in ti_show:
season = TVInfoSeason(show=ti_show, number=c.episode.season_number)
ti_show[c.episode.season_number] = season
season = ti_show[c.episode.season_number]
episode = self._make_episode(c.episode, show_obj=ti_show)
episode.season = season
ti_show[c.episode.season_number][ep_no] = episode
ti_show.seriesname = clean_data(_show.name)
ti_show.id = _show.id
ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(_show.premiered)
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVMAZE: ti_show.id})
ti_show.overview = enforce_type(clean_data(_show.summary), str, '')
ti_show.status = clean_data(_show.status)
net = _show.network or _show.web_channel
if net:
ti_show.network = clean_data(net.name)
ti_show.network_id = net.maze_id
ti_show.network_country = clean_data(net.country)
ti_show.network_timezone = clean_data(net.timezone)
ti_show.network_country_code = clean_data(net.code)
ti_show.network_is_stream = None is not _show.web_channel
if c.episode:
ti_show.show_loaded = False
ti_show.load_method = self._show_info_loader
season = TVInfoSeason(show=ti_show, number=c.episode.season_number)
ti_show[c.episode.season_number] = season
episode = self._make_episode(c.episode, show_obj=ti_show)
episode.season = season
ti_show[c.episode.season_number][c.episode.episode_number or 0] = episode
if not regular:
_g_kw = {'guest_episodes_numbers': {c.episode.season_number: [c.episode.episode_number or 0]}}
_g_kw = {}
ch.append(TVInfoCharacter(name=_clean_char_name, ti_show=ti_show, regular=regular, episode_count=1,
person=[_ti_person_obj], **_g_kw))
_ti_person_obj.characters = ch
return _ti_person_obj
def _show_info_loader(self, show_id, show_data=None, show_obj=None, load_images=True, load_actors=True):
# type: (int, TVMazeShow, TVInfoShow, bool, bool) -> TVInfoShow
_s_d = show_data or tvmaze.show_main_info(show_id, embed='cast')
if _s_d:
if None is not show_obj:
_s_o = show_obj
_s_o = TVInfoShow()
show_dict = _s_o.__dict__
for k, v in iteritems(show_dict):
if k not in ('cast', 'crew', 'images', 'aliases', 'rating'):
show_dict[k] = getattr(_s_d, show_map.get(k, k), clean_data(show_dict[k]))
_s_o.aliases = [clean_data(a.name) for a in _s_d.akas]
_s_o.runtime = _s_d.average_runtime or _s_d.runtime
p_set = False
if _s_d.image:
p_set = True
_s_o.poster = _s_d.image.get('original')
_s_o.poster_thumb = _s_d.image.get('medium')
if load_images and \
not all(getattr(_s_o, '%s_loaded' % t, False) for t in ('poster', 'banner', 'fanart')):
if _s_d.images:
_s_o.poster_loaded = True
_s_o.banner_loaded = True
_s_o.fanart_loaded = True
self._set_images(_s_o, _s_d, p_set)
if _s_d.schedule:
if 'time' in _s_d.schedule:
_s_o.airs_time = _s_d.schedule['time']
h, m = _s_d.schedule['time'].split(':')
h, m = try_int(h, None), try_int(m, None)
if None is not h and None is not m:
_s_o.time = datetime.time(hour=h, minute=m)
except (BaseException, Exception):
if 'days' in _s_d.schedule:
_s_o.airs_dayofweek = ', '.join(_s_d.schedule['days'])
if load_actors and not _s_o.actors_loaded:
if _s_d.cast:
character_person_ids = {}
for cur_ch in _s_o.cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain]:
character_person_ids.setdefault(cur_ch.id, []).extend([p.id for p in cur_ch.person])
for cur_ch in _s_d.cast.characters:
existing_character = next(
(c for c in _s_o.cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain] if c.id == cur_ch.id),
None) # type: Optional[TVInfoCharacter]
person = self._convert_person(cur_ch.person, load_credits=False)
if existing_character:
existing_person = next((p for p in existing_character.person
if person.id == p.ids.get(TVINFO_TVMAZE)),
None) # type: TVInfoPerson
if existing_person:
except (BaseException, Exception):
(existing_person.p_id, existing_person.name, existing_person.image,
existing_person.birthdate, existing_person.deathdate, existing_person.country,
existing_person.country_code, existing_person.country_timezone,
existing_person.url, existing_person.ids) = \
(cur_ch.person.id, clean_data(cur_ch.person.name),
cur_ch.person.image and cur_ch.person.image.get('original'),
cur_ch.person.gender and cur_ch.person.gender.lower(),
person.birthdate, person.deathdate,
cur_ch.person.country and clean_data(cur_ch.person.country.get('name')),
cur_ch.person.country and clean_data(cur_ch.person.country.get('code')),
cur_ch.person.country and clean_data(cur_ch.person.country.get('timezone')),
cur_ch.person.image and cur_ch.person.image.get('medium'),
cur_ch.person.url, {TVINFO_TVMAZE: cur_ch.person.id})
TVInfoCharacter(image=cur_ch.image and cur_ch.image.get('original'),
ids=TVInfoIDs({TVINFO_TVMAZE: cur_ch.id}),
p_id=cur_ch.id, person=[person], plays_self=cur_ch.plays_self,
thumb_url=cur_ch.image and cur_ch.image.get('medium'),
if character_person_ids:
for cur_ch, cur_p_ids in iteritems(character_person_ids):
if cur_p_ids:
char = next((mc for mc in _s_o.cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain] if mc.id == cur_ch),
None) # type: Optional[TVInfoCharacter]
if char:
char.person = [p for p in char.person if p.id not in cur_p_ids]
if _s_d.cast:
_s_o.actors = [
{'character': {'id': ch.id,
'name': clean_data(ch.name),
'url': 'https://www.tvmaze.com/character/view?id=%s' % ch.id,
'image': ch.image and ch.image.get('original'),
'person': {'id': ch.person and ch.person.id,
'name': ch.person and clean_data(ch.person.name),
'url': ch.person and 'https://www.tvmaze.com/person/view?id=%s' % ch.person.id,
'image': ch.person and ch.person.image and ch.person.image.get('original'),
'birthday': None, # not sure about format
'deathday': None, # not sure about format
'gender': ch.person and ch.person.gender and ch.person.gender,
'country': ch.person and ch.person.country and
} for ch in _s_d.cast.characters]
if _s_d.crew:
for cur_cw in _s_d.crew:
rt = crew_type_names.get(cur_cw.type.lower(), RoleTypes.CrewOther)
Crew(p_id=cur_cw.person.id, name=clean_data(cur_cw.person.name),
image=cur_cw.person.image and cur_cw.person.image.get('original'),
birthdate=cur_cw.person.birthday, deathdate=cur_cw.person.death_day,
country=cur_cw.person.country and cur_cw.person.country.get('name'),
country_code=cur_cw.person.country and clean_data(
and clean_data(cur_cw.person.country.get('timezone')),
if _s_d.externals:
_s_o.ids = TVInfoIDs(tvdb=_s_d.externals.get('thetvdb'),
imdb=clean_data(_s_d.externals.get('imdb') and
try_int(_s_d.externals.get('imdb').replace('tt', ''),
if _s_d.network:
self._set_network(_s_o, _s_d.network, False)
elif _s_d.web_channel:
self._set_network(_s_o, _s_d.web_channel, True)
return _s_o
except (BaseException, Exception):
def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson]
urls, result, ids = [], [], ids or {}
for tv_src in self.supported_person_id_searches:
if tv_src in ids:
if TVINFO_TVMAZE == tv_src:
r = self.get_person(ids[tv_src])
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
r = None
if r:
if name:
r = tvmaze.people_search(name)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
r = None
if r:
for p in r:
if not any(1 for ep in result if p.id == ep.id):
return result
def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[TVInfoPerson]
if not p_id:
kw = {}
to_embed = []
if get_show_credits:
if to_embed:
kw['embed'] = ','.join(to_embed)
p = tvmaze.person_main_info(p_id, **kw)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
p = None
if p:
return self._convert_person(p)
def get_premieres(self, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
return [_e.show for _e in self._filtered_schedule(**kwargs).get('premieres')]
def get_returning(self, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
return [_e.show for _e in self._filtered_schedule(**kwargs).get('returning')]
def _make_episode(self, episode_data, show_data=None, get_images=False, get_akas=False, show_obj=None):
# type: (TVMazeEpisode, TVMazeShow, bool, bool, TVInfoShow) -> TVInfoEpisode
make out of TVMazeEpisode object and optionally TVMazeShow a TVInfoEpisode
if None is not show_obj:
ti_show = show_obj
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.seriesname = clean_data(show_data.name)
ti_show.id = show_data.maze_id
ti_show.seriesid = ti_show.id
ti_show.language = clean_data(show_data.language)
ti_show.overview = enforce_type(clean_data(show_data.summary), str, '')
ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(show_data.premiered)
ti_show.runtime = show_data.average_runtime or show_data.runtime
ti_show.vote_average = show_data.rating and show_data.rating.get('average')
ti_show.rating = ti_show.vote_average
ti_show.popularity = show_data.weight
ti_show.genre_list = clean_data(show_data.genres or [])
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list).lower()
ti_show.official_site = clean_data(show_data.official_site)
ti_show.status = clean_data(show_data.status)
ti_show.show_type = clean_data((isinstance(show_data.type, string_types) and [show_data.type.lower()] or
isinstance(show_data.type, list) and [x.lower() for x in show_data.type] or []))
ti_show.lastupdated = show_data.updated
ti_show.poster = show_data.image and show_data.image.get('original')
if get_akas:
ti_show.aliases = [clean_data(a.name) for a in show_data.akas]
if show_data.schedule and 'days' in show_data.schedule:
ti_show.airs_dayofweek = ', '.join(clean_data(show_data.schedule['days']))
network = show_data.network or show_data.web_channel
if network:
ti_show.network_is_stream = None is not show_data.web_channel
ti_show.network = clean_data(network.name)
ti_show.network_id = network.maze_id
ti_show.network_country = clean_data(network.country)
ti_show.network_country_code = clean_data(network.code)
ti_show.network_timezone = clean_data(network.timezone)
if get_images and show_data.images:
self._set_images(ti_show, show_data, False)
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(
tvdb=show_data.externals.get('thetvdb'), rage=show_data.externals.get('tvrage'), tvmaze=show_data.id,
imdb=clean_data(show_data.externals.get('imdb') and
try_int(show_data.externals.get('imdb').replace('tt', ''), None)))
ti_show.imdb_id = clean_data(show_data.externals.get('imdb'))
if isinstance(ti_show.imdb_id, integer_types):
ti_show.imdb_id = 'tt%07d' % ti_show.imdb_id
ti_episode = TVInfoEpisode(show=ti_show)
ti_episode.id = episode_data.maze_id
ti_episode.seasonnumber = episode_data.season_number
ti_episode.episodenumber = episode_data.episode_number or 0
ti_episode.episodename = clean_data(episode_data.title)
ti_episode.airtime = datetime.time.fromisoformat(clean_data(episode_data.airtime))
except (BaseException, Exception):
ti_episode.airtime = None
ti_episode.firstaired = clean_data(episode_data.airdate)
if episode_data.airstamp:
at = _datetime_to_timestamp(tz_p.parse(episode_data.airstamp))
ti_episode.timestamp = at
except (BaseException, Exception):
ti_episode.filename = episode_data.image and (episode_data.image.get('original') or
ti_episode.is_special = episode_data.is_special()
ti_episode.overview = enforce_type(clean_data(episode_data.summary), str, '')
ti_episode.runtime = episode_data.runtime
if ti_episode.seasonnumber not in ti_show:
season = TVInfoSeason(show=ti_show, number=ti_episode.seasonnumber)
ti_show[ti_episode.seasonnumber] = season
ti_episode.season = season
ti_show[ti_episode.seasonnumber][ti_episode.episodenumber] = ti_episode
return ti_episode
def _filtered_schedule(self, **kwargs):
cache_name_key = 'tvmaze_schedule'
is_none, schedule = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if None is schedule and not is_none:
schedule = []
schedule = tvmaze.get_full_schedule()
except(BaseException, Exception):
premieres = []
returning = []
rc_lang = re.compile('(?i)eng|jap')
for cur_show in filter(lambda s: 1 == s.episode_number and (
None is s.show.language or rc_lang.search(s.show.language)), schedule):
if 1 == cur_show.season_number:
premieres += [cur_show]
returning += [cur_show]
premieres = [self._make_episode(r, r.show, **kwargs)
for r in sorted(premieres, key=lambda e: e.show.premiered)]
returning = [self._make_episode(r, r.show, **kwargs)
for r in sorted(returning, key=lambda e: e.airstamp)]
schedule = dict(premieres=premieres, returning=returning)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, schedule, expire=self.schedule_cache_expire)
return schedule