JackDandy 980e05cc99 Change Hachoir can't support PY2 so backport their PY3 to prevent a need for system dependant external binaries like mediainfo.
Backported 400 revisions from rev 1de4961-8897c5b (2018-2014).
Move core/benchmark, core/cmd_line, core/memory, core/profiler and core/timeout to core/optional/*
Remove metadata/qt*

PORT: Version 2.0a3 (inline with 3.0a3 @ f80c7d5).
Basic Support for XMP Packets.
tga: improvements to adhere more closely to the spec.
pdf: slightly improved parsing.
rar: fix TypeError on unknown block types.
Add MacRoman win32 codepage.
tiff/exif: support SubIFDs and tiled images.
Add method to export metadata in dictionary.
mpeg_video: don't attempt to parse Stream past length.
mpeg_video: parse ESCR correctly, add SCR value.
Change centralise CustomFragments.
field: don't set parser class if class is None, to enable autodetect.
field: add value/display for CustomFragment.
parser: inline warning to enable tracebacks in debug mode.
Fix empty bytestrings in makePrintable.
Fix contentSize in to account for image_data blocks.
Fix the ELF parser.
Enhance the AR archive parser.
elf parser: fix wrong wrong fields order in parsing little endian section flags.
elf parser: add s390 as a machine type.
Flesh out mp4 parser.

PORT: Version 2.0a1 (inline with 3.0a1).
Major refactoring and PEP8.
Fix ResourceWarning warnings on files. Add a close() method and support for the context manager protocol ("with obj: ...") to parsers, input and output streams.
metadata: get comment from ZIP.
Support for
Fix sizeGe when size is None.
Remove unused new_seekable_field_set file.
Remove parser Mapsforge .map.
Remove parser Parallel Realities Starfighter .pak files.
sevenzip: fix for newer archives.
java: update access flags and modifiers for Java 1.7 and update description text for most recent Java.
Support ustar prefix field in tar archives.
Remove file_system* parsers.
Remove misc parsers 3d0, 3ds, gnome_keyring, msoffice*, mstask, ole*, word*.
Remove program parsers macho, nds, prc.
Support non-8bit Character subclasses.
Python parser supports Python 3.7.
Enhance mpeg_ts parser to support MTS/M2TS.
Support for creation date in tiff.
Change don't hardcode errno constant.

PORT: 1.9.1
Internal Only: The following are legacy reference to upstream commit messages.
Relevant changes up to b0a115f8.
Use integer division.
Replace HACHOIR_ERRORS with Exception.
Fix metadata.Data: make it sortable.
Import fixes from e7de492.
PORT: Version 2.0a1 (inline with 3.0a1 @ e9f8fad).
Replace hachoir.core.field with hachoir.field
Replace with
Remove the compatibility module for PY1.5 to PY2.5.
metadata: support TIFF picture.
metadata: fix string normalization.
metadata: fix datetime regex Fix hachoir bug #57.
FileFromInputStream: fix comparison between None and an int.
InputIOStream: open the file in binary mode.
2018-03-28 00:43:11 +01:00

316 lines
14 KiB

"""Detailed ZLIB parser
Author: Robert Xiao
Creation date: July 9 2007
from hachoir.parser import Parser
from hachoir.field import (Bit, Bits, Field, Int16, UInt32,
Enum, FieldSet, GenericFieldSet,
PaddingBits, ParserError, RawBytes)
from hachoir.core.endian import LITTLE_ENDIAN
from hachoir.core.text_handler import textHandler, hexadecimal
from import paddingSize, alignValue
def extend_data(data, length, offset):
"""Extend data using a length and an offset."""
if length >= offset:
new_data = data[-offset:] * (alignValue(length, offset) // offset)
return data + new_data[:length]
return data + data[-offset:-offset + length]
def build_tree(lengths):
"""Build a Huffman tree from a list of lengths.
The ith entry of the input list is the length of the Huffman code corresponding to
integer i, or 0 if the integer i is unused."""
max_length = max(lengths) + 1
bit_counts = [0] * max_length
next_code = [0] * max_length
tree = {}
for i in lengths:
if i:
bit_counts[i] += 1
code = 0
for i in xrange(1, len(bit_counts)):
next_code[i] = code = (code + bit_counts[i - 1]) << 1
for i, ln in enumerate(lengths):
if ln:
tree[(ln, next_code[ln])] = i
next_code[ln] += 1
return tree
class HuffmanCode(Field):
"""Huffman code. Uses tree parameter as the Huffman tree."""
def __init__(self, parent, name, tree, description=None):
Field.__init__(self, parent, name, 0, description)
endian = self.parent.endian
stream =
addr = self.absolute_address
value = 0
while (self.size, value) not in tree:
if self.size > 256:
raise ParserError("Huffman code too long!")
bit = stream.readBits(addr, 1, endian)
value <<= 1
value += bit
self._size += 1
addr += 1
self.huffvalue = value
self.realvalue = tree[(self.size, value)]
def createValue(self):
return self.huffvalue
class DeflateBlock(FieldSet):
# code: (min, max, extrabits)
LENGTH_SYMBOLS = {257: (3, 3, 0),
258: (4, 4, 0),
259: (5, 5, 0),
260: (6, 6, 0),
261: (7, 7, 0),
262: (8, 8, 0),
263: (9, 9, 0),
264: (10, 10, 0),
265: (11, 12, 1),
266: (13, 14, 1),
267: (15, 16, 1),
268: (17, 18, 1),
269: (19, 22, 2),
270: (23, 26, 2),
271: (27, 30, 2),
272: (31, 34, 2),
273: (35, 42, 3),
274: (43, 50, 3),
275: (51, 58, 3),
276: (59, 66, 3),
277: (67, 82, 4),
278: (83, 98, 4),
279: (99, 114, 4),
280: (115, 130, 4),
281: (131, 162, 5),
282: (163, 194, 5),
283: (195, 226, 5),
284: (227, 257, 5),
285: (258, 258, 0)
DISTANCE_SYMBOLS = {0: (1, 1, 0),
1: (2, 2, 0),
2: (3, 3, 0),
3: (4, 4, 0),
4: (5, 6, 1),
5: (7, 8, 1),
6: (9, 12, 2),
7: (13, 16, 2),
8: (17, 24, 3),
9: (25, 32, 3),
10: (33, 48, 4),
11: (49, 64, 4),
12: (65, 96, 5),
13: (97, 128, 5),
14: (129, 192, 6),
15: (193, 256, 6),
16: (257, 384, 7),
17: (385, 512, 7),
18: (513, 768, 8),
19: (769, 1024, 8),
20: (1025, 1536, 9),
21: (1537, 2048, 9),
22: (2049, 3072, 10),
23: (3073, 4096, 10),
24: (4097, 6144, 11),
25: (6145, 8192, 11),
26: (8193, 12288, 12),
27: (12289, 16384, 12),
28: (16385, 24576, 13),
29: (24577, 32768, 13),
CODE_LENGTH_ORDER = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]
def __init__(self, parent, name, uncomp_data="", *args, **kwargs):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, *args, **kwargs)
self.uncomp_data = uncomp_data
def createFields(self):
yield Bit(self, "final", "Is this the final block?") # BFINAL
yield Enum(Bits(self, "compression_type", 2), # BTYPE
{0: "None", 1: "Fixed Huffman", 2: "Dynamic Huffman", 3: "Reserved"})
if self["compression_type"].value == 0: # no compression
padding = paddingSize(self.current_size + self.absolute_address, 8) # align on byte boundary
if padding:
yield PaddingBits(self, "padding[]", padding)
yield Int16(self, "len")
yield Int16(self, "nlen", "One's complement of len")
if self["len"].value != ~self["nlen"].value:
raise ParserError("len must be equal to the one's complement of nlen!")
if self["len"].value: # null stored blocks produced by some encoders (e.g. PIL)
yield RawBytes(self, "data", self["len"].value, "Uncompressed data")
elif self["compression_type"].value == 1: # Fixed Huffman
length_tree = {} # (size, huffman code): value
distance_tree = {}
for i in xrange(144):
length_tree[(8, i + 48)] = i
for i in xrange(144, 256):
length_tree[(9, i + 256)] = i
for i in xrange(256, 280):
length_tree[(7, i - 256)] = i
for i in xrange(280, 288):
length_tree[(8, i - 88)] = i
for i in xrange(32):
distance_tree[(5, i)] = i
elif self["compression_type"].value == 2: # Dynamic Huffman
yield Bits(self, "huff_num_length_codes", 5, "Number of Literal/Length Codes, minus 257")
yield Bits(self, "huff_num_distance_codes", 5, "Number of Distance Codes, minus 1")
yield Bits(self, "huff_num_code_length_codes", 4, "Number of Code Length Codes, minus 4")
code_length_code_lengths = [0] * 19 # confusing variable name...
for i in self.CODE_LENGTH_ORDER[:self["huff_num_code_length_codes"].value + 4]:
field = Bits(self, "huff_code_length_code[%i]" % i, 3, "Code lengths for the code length alphabet")
yield field
code_length_code_lengths[i] = field.value
code_length_tree = build_tree(code_length_code_lengths)
length_code_lengths = []
distance_code_lengths = []
for numcodes, name, lengths in (
(self["huff_num_length_codes"].value + 257, "length", length_code_lengths),
(self["huff_num_distance_codes"].value + 1, "distance", distance_code_lengths)):
while len(lengths) < numcodes:
field = HuffmanCode(self, "huff_%s_code[]" % name, code_length_tree)
value = field.realvalue
if value < 16:
prev_value = value
field._description = "Literal Code Length %i (Huffman Code %i)" % (value, field.value)
yield field
info = {16: (3, 6, 2),
17: (3, 10, 3),
18: (11, 138, 7)}[value]
if value == 16:
repvalue = prev_value
repvalue = 0
field._description = "Repeat Code %i, Repeating value (%i) %i to %i times (Huffman Code %i)" % (
value, repvalue, info[0], info[1], field.value)
yield field
extrafield = Bits(self, "huff_%s_code_extra[%s" % (name,'[')[1]), info[2])
num_repeats = extrafield.value + info[0]
extrafield._description = "Repeat Extra Bits (%i), total repeats %i" % (
extrafield.value, num_repeats)
yield extrafield
lengths += [repvalue] * num_repeats
length_tree = build_tree(length_code_lengths)
distance_tree = build_tree(distance_code_lengths)
raise ParserError("Unsupported compression type 3!")
while True:
field = HuffmanCode(self, "length_code[]", length_tree)
value = field.realvalue
if value < 256:
field._description = "Literal Code %r (Huffman Code %i)" % (chr(value), field.value)
yield field
self.uncomp_data += chr(value)
if value == 256:
field._description = "Block Terminator Code (256) (Huffman Code %i)" % field.value
yield field
elif value > 256:
info = self.LENGTH_SYMBOLS[value]
if info[2] == 0:
field._description = "Length Code %i, Value %i (Huffman Code %i)" % (value, info[0], field.value)
length = info[0]
yield field
field._description = "Length Code %i, Values %i to %i (Huffman Code %i)" % (
value, info[0], info[1], field.value)
yield field
extrafield = Bits(self, "length_extra[%s" %'[')[1], info[2])
length = extrafield.value + info[0]
extrafield._description = "Length Extra Bits (%i), total length %i" % (extrafield.value, length)
yield extrafield
field = HuffmanCode(self, "distance_code[]", distance_tree)
value = field.realvalue
info = self.DISTANCE_SYMBOLS[value]
if info[2] == 0:
field._description = "Distance Code %i, Value %i (Huffman Code %i)" % (value, info[0], field.value)
distance = info[0]
yield field
field._description = "Distance Code %i, Values %i to %i (Huffman Code %i)" % (
value, info[0], info[1], field.value)
yield field
extrafield = Bits(self, "distance_extra[%s" %'[')[1], info[2])
distance = extrafield.value + info[0]
extrafield._description = "Distance Extra Bits (%i), total length %i" % (extrafield.value, distance)
yield extrafield
self.uncomp_data = extend_data(self.uncomp_data, length, distance)
class DeflateData(GenericFieldSet):
def createFields(self):
uncomp_data = ""
blk = DeflateBlock(self, "compressed_block[]", uncomp_data)
yield blk
uncomp_data = blk.uncomp_data
while not blk["final"].value:
blk = DeflateBlock(self, "compressed_block[]", uncomp_data)
yield blk
uncomp_data = blk.uncomp_data
padding = paddingSize(self.current_size + self.absolute_address, 8) # align on byte boundary
if padding:
yield PaddingBits(self, "padding[]", padding)
self.uncompressed_data = uncomp_data
class ZlibData(Parser):
"id": "zlib",
"category": "archive",
"file_ext": ("zlib",),
"min_size": 8 * 8,
"description": "ZLIB Data",
def validate(self):
if self["compression_method"].value != 8:
return "Incorrect compression method"
if ((self["compression_info"].value << 12) +
(self["compression_method"].value << 8) +
(self["flag_compression_level"].value << 6) +
(self["flag_dictionary_present"].value << 5) +
(self["flag_check_bits"].value)) % 31 != 0:
return "Invalid flag check value"
return True
def createFields(self):
yield Enum(Bits(self, "compression_method", 4), {8: "deflate", 15: "reserved"}) # CM
yield Bits(self, "compression_info", 4, "base-2 log of the window size") # CINFO
yield Bits(self, "flag_check_bits", 5) # FCHECK
yield Bit(self, "flag_dictionary_present") # FDICT
yield Enum(Bits(self, "flag_compression_level", 2), # FLEVEL
{0: "Fastest", 1: "Fast", 2: "Default", 3: "Maximum, Slowest"})
if self["flag_dictionary_present"].value:
yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "dict_checksum", "ADLER32 checksum of dictionary information"), hexadecimal)
yield DeflateData(self, "data",, description="Compressed Data")
yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "data_checksum", "ADLER32 checksum of compressed data"), hexadecimal)
def zlib_inflate(stream, wbits=None, prevdata=""):
if wbits is None or wbits >= 0:
return ZlibData(stream)["data"].uncompressed_data
data = DeflateData(None, "root", stream, "", stream.askSize(None))
for unused in data:
return data.uncompressed_data