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# Copyright (c) 2015 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
# lowing conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import os
from boto.compat import json
from boto.exception import JSONResponseError
from boto.connection import AWSAuthConnection
from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo
from boto.awslambda import exceptions
class AWSLambdaConnection(AWSAuthConnection):
AWS Lambda
This is the AWS Lambda API Reference. The AWS Lambda Developer
Guide provides additional information. For the service overview,
go to `What is AWS Lambda`_, and for information about how the
service works, go to `AWS LambdaL How it Works`_ in the AWS Lambda
Developer Guide.
APIVersion = "2014-11-11"
DefaultRegionName = "us-east-1"
DefaultRegionEndpoint = "lambda.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
ResponseError = JSONResponseError
_faults = {
"InvalidRequestContentException": exceptions.InvalidRequestContentException,
"ResourceNotFoundException": exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException,
"InvalidParameterValueException": exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException,
"ServiceException": exceptions.ServiceException,
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
region = kwargs.get('region')
if not region:
region = RegionInfo(self, self.DefaultRegionName,
del kwargs['region']
kwargs['host'] = region.endpoint
super(AWSLambdaConnection, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.region = region
def _required_auth_capability(self):
return ['hmac-v4']
def add_event_source(self, event_source, function_name, role,
batch_size=None, parameters=None):
Identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the event source for an
AWS Lambda function. AWS Lambda invokes the specified function
when records are posted to the stream.
This is the pull model, where AWS Lambda invokes the function.
For more information, go to `AWS LambdaL How it Works`_ in the
AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
This association between an Amazon Kinesis stream and an AWS
Lambda function is called the event source mapping. You
provide the configuration information (for example, which
stream to read from and which AWS Lambda function to invoke)
for the event source mapping in the request body.
This operation requires permission for the `iam:PassRole`
action for the IAM role. It also requires permission for the
`lambda:AddEventSource` action.
:type event_source: string
:param event_source: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon
Kinesis stream that is the event source. Any record added to this
stream causes AWS Lambda to invoke your Lambda function. AWS Lambda
POSTs the Amazon Kinesis event, containing records, to your Lambda
function as JSON.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda
detects an event on the stream.
:type role: string
:param role: The ARN of the IAM role (invocation role) that AWS Lambda
can assume to read from the stream and invoke the function.
:type batch_size: integer
:param batch_size: The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will
give to your function in a single event. The default is 100
:type parameters: map
:param parameters: A map (key-value pairs) defining the configuration
for AWS Lambda to use when reading the event source. Currently, AWS
Lambda supports only the `InitialPositionInStream` key. The valid
values are: "TRIM_HORIZON" and "LATEST". The default value is
"TRIM_HORIZON". For more information, go to `ShardIteratorType`_ in
the Amazon Kinesis Service API Reference.
uri = '/2014-11-13/event-source-mappings/'
params = {
'EventSource': event_source,
'FunctionName': function_name,
'Role': role,
headers = {}
query_params = {}
if batch_size is not None:
params['BatchSize'] = batch_size
if parameters is not None:
params['Parameters'] = parameters
return self.make_request('POST', uri, expected_status=200,
data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers,
def delete_function(self, function_name):
Deletes the specified Lambda function code and configuration.
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:DeleteFunction` action.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The Lambda function to delete.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/{0}'.format(function_name)
return self.make_request('DELETE', uri, expected_status=204)
def get_event_source(self, uuid):
Returns configuration information for the specified event
source mapping (see AddEventSource).
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:GetEventSource` action.
:type uuid: string
:param uuid: The AWS Lambda assigned ID of the event source mapping.
uri = '/2014-11-13/event-source-mappings/{0}'.format(uuid)
return self.make_request('GET', uri, expected_status=200)
def get_function(self, function_name):
Returns the configuration information of the Lambda function
and a presigned URL link to the .zip file you uploaded with
UploadFunction so you can download the .zip file. Note that
the URL is valid for up to 10 minutes. The configuration
information is the same information you provided as parameters
when uploading the function.
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:GetFunction` action.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The Lambda function name.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/{0}'.format(function_name)
return self.make_request('GET', uri, expected_status=200)
def get_function_configuration(self, function_name):
Returns the configuration information of the Lambda function.
This the same information you provided as parameters when
uploading the function by using UploadFunction.
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:GetFunctionConfiguration` operation.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The name of the Lambda function for which you
want to retrieve the configuration information.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/{0}/configuration'.format(function_name)
return self.make_request('GET', uri, expected_status=200)
def invoke_async(self, function_name, invoke_args):
Submits an invocation request to AWS Lambda. Upon receiving
the request, Lambda executes the specified function
asynchronously. To see the logs generated by the Lambda
function execution, see the CloudWatch logs console.
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:InvokeAsync` action.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The Lambda function name.
:type invoke_args: blob
:param invoke_args: JSON that you want to provide to your Lambda
function as input.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/{0}/invoke-async/'.format(function_name)
headers = {}
query_params = {}
content_length = str(len(invoke_args))
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
# If a file like object is provided and seekable, try to retrieve
# the file size via fstat.
except (AttributeError, OSError, IOError):
raise TypeError(
"File-like object passed to parameter "
"``invoke_args`` must be seekable."
content_length = str(os.fstat(invoke_args.fileno()).st_size)
headers['Content-Length'] = content_length
return self.make_request('POST', uri, expected_status=202,
data=invoke_args, headers=headers,
def list_event_sources(self, event_source_arn=None, function_name=None,
marker=None, max_items=None):
Returns a list of event source mappings. For each mapping, the
API returns configuration information (see AddEventSource).
You can optionally specify filters to retrieve specific event
source mappings.
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:ListEventSources` action.
:type event_source_arn: string
:param event_source_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon
Kinesis stream.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The name of the AWS Lambda function.
:type marker: string
:param marker: Optional string. An opaque pagination token returned
from a previous `ListEventSources` operation. If present, specifies
to continue the list from where the returning call left off.
:type max_items: integer
:param max_items: Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of
event sources to return in response. This value must be greater
than 0.
uri = '/2014-11-13/event-source-mappings/'
params = {}
headers = {}
query_params = {}
if event_source_arn is not None:
query_params['EventSource'] = event_source_arn
if function_name is not None:
query_params['FunctionName'] = function_name
if marker is not None:
query_params['Marker'] = marker
if max_items is not None:
query_params['MaxItems'] = max_items
return self.make_request('GET', uri, expected_status=200,
data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers,
def list_functions(self, marker=None, max_items=None):
Returns a list of your Lambda functions. For each function,
the response includes the function configuration information.
You must use GetFunction to retrieve the code for your
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:ListFunctions` action.
:type marker: string
:param marker: Optional string. An opaque pagination token returned
from a previous `ListFunctions` operation. If present, indicates
where to continue the listing.
:type max_items: integer
:param max_items: Optional integer. Specifies the maximum number of AWS
Lambda functions to return in response. This parameter value must
be greater than 0.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/'
params = {}
headers = {}
query_params = {}
if marker is not None:
query_params['Marker'] = marker
if max_items is not None:
query_params['MaxItems'] = max_items
return self.make_request('GET', uri, expected_status=200,
data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers,
def remove_event_source(self, uuid):
Removes an event source mapping. This means AWS Lambda will no
longer invoke the function for events in the associated
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:RemoveEventSource` action.
:type uuid: string
:param uuid: The event source mapping ID.
uri = '/2014-11-13/event-source-mappings/{0}'.format(uuid)
return self.make_request('DELETE', uri, expected_status=204)
def update_function_configuration(self, function_name, role=None,
handler=None, description=None,
timeout=None, memory_size=None):
Updates the configuration parameters for the specified Lambda
function by using the values provided in the request. You
provide only the parameters you want to change. This operation
must only be used on an existing Lambda function and cannot be
used to update the function's code.
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration` action.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The name of the Lambda function.
:type role: string
:param role: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda
will assume when it executes your function.
:type handler: string
:param handler: The function that Lambda calls to begin executing your
function. For Node.js, it is the module-name.export value in your
:type description: string
:param description: A short user-defined function description. Lambda
does not use this value. Assign a meaningful description as you see
:type timeout: integer
:param timeout: The function execution time at which Lambda should
terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost
implications, we recommend you set this value based on your
expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.
:type memory_size: integer
:param memory_size: The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function
is given. Lambda uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU
allocated to your function. Your function use-case determines your
CPU and memory requirements. For example, a database operation
might need less memory compared to an image processing function.
The default value is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/{0}/configuration'.format(function_name)
params = {}
headers = {}
query_params = {}
if role is not None:
query_params['Role'] = role
if handler is not None:
query_params['Handler'] = handler
if description is not None:
query_params['Description'] = description
if timeout is not None:
query_params['Timeout'] = timeout
if memory_size is not None:
query_params['MemorySize'] = memory_size
return self.make_request('PUT', uri, expected_status=200,
data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers,
def upload_function(self, function_name, function_zip, runtime, role,
handler, mode, description=None, timeout=None,
Creates a new Lambda function or updates an existing function.
The function metadata is created from the request parameters,
and the code for the function is provided by a .zip file in
the request body. If the function name already exists, the
existing Lambda function is updated with the new code and
This operation requires permission for the
`lambda:UploadFunction` action.
:type function_name: string
:param function_name: The name you want to assign to the function you
are uploading. The function names appear in the console and are
returned in the ListFunctions API. Function names are used to
specify functions to other AWS Lambda APIs, such as InvokeAsync.
:type function_zip: blob
:param function_zip: A .zip file containing your packaged source code.
For more information about creating a .zip file, go to `AWS LambdaL
How it Works`_ in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
:type runtime: string
:param runtime: The runtime environment for the Lambda function you are
uploading. Currently, Lambda supports only "nodejs" as the runtime.
:type role: string
:param role: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda
assumes when it executes your function to access any other Amazon
Web Services (AWS) resources.
:type handler: string
:param handler: The function that Lambda calls to begin execution. For
Node.js, it is the module-name . export value in your function.
:type mode: string
:param mode: How the Lambda function will be invoked. Lambda supports
only the "event" mode.
:type description: string
:param description: A short, user-defined function description. Lambda
does not use this value. Assign a meaningful description as you see
:type timeout: integer
:param timeout: The function execution time at which Lambda should
terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost
implications, we recommend you set this value based on your
expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.
:type memory_size: integer
:param memory_size: The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function
is given. Lambda uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU
allocated to your function. Your function use-case determines your
CPU and memory requirements. For example, database operation might
need less memory compared to image processing function. The default
value is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.
uri = '/2014-11-13/functions/{0}'.format(function_name)
headers = {}
query_params = {}
if runtime is not None:
query_params['Runtime'] = runtime
if role is not None:
query_params['Role'] = role
if handler is not None:
query_params['Handler'] = handler
if mode is not None:
query_params['Mode'] = mode
if description is not None:
query_params['Description'] = description
if timeout is not None:
query_params['Timeout'] = timeout
if memory_size is not None:
query_params['MemorySize'] = memory_size
content_length = str(len(function_zip))
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
# If a file like object is provided and seekable, try to retrieve
# the file size via fstat.
except (AttributeError, OSError, IOError):
raise TypeError(
"File-like object passed to parameter "
"``function_zip`` must be seekable."
content_length = str(os.fstat(function_zip.fileno()).st_size)
headers['Content-Length'] = content_length
return self.make_request('PUT', uri, expected_status=201,
data=function_zip, headers=headers,
def make_request(self, verb, resource, headers=None, data='',
expected_status=None, params=None):
if headers is None:
headers = {}
response = AWSAuthConnection.make_request(
self, verb, resource, headers=headers, data=data, params=params)
body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
if body:
body = json.loads(body)
if response.status == expected_status:
return body
error_type = response.getheader('x-amzn-ErrorType').split(':')[0]
error_class = self._faults.get(error_type, self.ResponseError)
raise error_class(response.status, response.reason, body)