JackDandy b2f475e99f Add a link from the footer number of snatched to episode snatched overview page.
The link to the Episode Overview page is available on all pages except on the Episode Overview page.
Change the default state for all check boxes on the Episode Overview page to not checked.
Add validation to Go button to ensure at least one item is checked on Episode Overview page.
Add highlight to current status text in header on Episode Overview page.
Cleanup manageEpisodeStatuses Javascript.
2014-12-13 18:45:10 +00:00

73 lines
2.5 KiB

$(document).ready(function() {
function make_row(indexer_id, season, episode, name, checked) {
var checkedbox = (checked ? ' checked' : ''),
row_class = $('#row_class').val();
return ' <tr class="' + row_class + '">'
+ ' <td class="tableleft" align="center">'
+ '<input type="checkbox"'
+ ' class="' + indexer_id + '-epcheck"'
+ ' name="' + indexer_id + '-' + season + 'x' + episode + '"'
+ checkedbox+'></td>'
+ ' <td>' + season + 'x' + episode + '</td>'
+ ' <td class="tableright" style="width: 100%">' + name + '</td>'
+ ' </tr>';
$('.go').click(function() {
var selected;
if (selected = (0 === $('input[class*="-epcheck"]:checked').length))
alert('Please select at least one episode');
return !selected
var indexer_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1];
$('.' + indexer_id + '-epcheck').prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked'));
var cur_indexer_id = $(this).attr('id');
var checked = $('#allCheck-' + cur_indexer_id).prop('checked');
var last_row = $('tr#' + cur_indexer_id);
$.getJSON(sbRoot + '/manage/showEpisodeStatuses',
indexer_id: cur_indexer_id,
whichStatus: $('#oldStatus').val()
function (data) {
$.each(data, function(season,eps){
$.each(eps, function(episode, name) {
//alert(season+'x'+episode+': '+name);
last_row.after(make_row(cur_indexer_id, season, episode, name, checked));
// selects all visible episode checkboxes.
this.checked = true;
this.checked = true;
// clears all visible episode checkboxes and the season selectors
this.checked = false;
this.checked = false;