mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 20:15:01 +00:00
Fix person image scaler Change make a unified generator for the p_chars var in persons search Change add plays_self to TMDB, TVmaze, Trakt Fix TMDb person search page for shows without first aired date (future shows for example) Add also display guest appearances in TVmaze person search Add parsing of vote_average / rating for main cast Add genres to person show data Fix, auto close qTip if mouse is over nav menu Change add rating, vote_average, vote_count, popularity to TMDB person characters shows Change TVmaze character name TBA|D to '' Change add person gender to Trakt
651 lines
33 KiB
651 lines
33 KiB
import datetime
import logging
import re
from .exceptions import TraktException, TraktAuthException, TraktMethodNotExisting
from exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException, ex
from six import iteritems
from .trakt import TraktAPI
from lib.tvinfo_base.exceptions import BaseTVinfoShownotfound
from lib.tvinfo_base import PersonGenders, TVInfoBase, TVINFO_TRAKT, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_TVRAGE, TVINFO_IMDB, \
TVInfoShow, TVInfoIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs, TVINFO_TRAKT_SLUG, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoSeason, RoleTypes
from sg_helpers import clean_data, enforce_type, try_int
from lib.dateutil.parser import parser
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from six import integer_types
id_map = {
'trakt': TVINFO_TRAKT,
'slug': TVINFO_SLUG,
'tvdb': TVINFO_TVDB,
'imdb': TVINFO_IMDB,
'tmdb': TVINFO_TMDB,
id_map_reverse = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(id_map)}
tz_p = parser()
log = logging.getLogger('api_trakt.api')
def _convert_imdb_id(src, s_id):
# type: (int, integer_types) -> integer_types
if TVINFO_IMDB == src:
return try_int(re.search(r'(\d+)', s_id).group(1), s_id)
except (BaseException, Exception):
return s_id
class TraktSearchTypes(object):
text = 1
trakt_id = 'trakt'
trakt_slug = 'trakt_slug'
tvdb_id = 'tvdb'
imdb_id = 'imdb'
tmdb_id = 'tmdb'
tvrage_id = 'tvrage'
all = [text, trakt_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, tmdb_id, tvrage_id, trakt_slug]
def __init__(self):
map_id_search = {TVINFO_TVDB: TraktSearchTypes.tvdb_id, TVINFO_IMDB: TraktSearchTypes.imdb_id,
TVINFO_TMDB: TraktSearchTypes.tmdb_id, TVINFO_TRAKT: TraktSearchTypes.trakt_id,
TVINFO_TRAKT_SLUG: TraktSearchTypes.trakt_slug}
class TraktResultTypes(object):
show = 'show'
episode = 'episode'
movie = 'movie'
person = 'person'
list = 'list'
all = [show, episode, movie, person, list]
def __init__(self):
class TraktIndexer(TVInfoBase):
supported_person_id_searches = [TVINFO_TRAKT, TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
# noinspection PyDefaultArgument
def __init__(self, custom_ui=None, sleep_retry=None, search_type=TraktSearchTypes.text,
result_types=[TraktResultTypes.show], *args, **kwargs):
super(TraktIndexer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
'apikey': '',
'debug_enabled': False,
'custom_ui': custom_ui,
'proxy': None,
'cache_enabled': False,
'cache_location': '',
'valid_languages': [],
'langabbv_to_id': {},
'language': 'en',
'base_url': '',
'search_type': search_type if search_type in TraktSearchTypes.all else TraktSearchTypes.text,
'sleep_retry': sleep_retry,
'result_types': result_types if isinstance(result_types, list) and all(
[x in TraktResultTypes.all for x in result_types]) else [TraktResultTypes.show],
def _make_result_obj(shows, results):
# type: (List[Dict], List[TVInfoShow]) -> None
if shows:
for s in shows:
if s['ids']['trakt'] not in [i['ids'].trakt for i in results]:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
countries = clean_data(s['country'])
if countries:
countries = [countries]
countries = []
ti_show.id, ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.overview, ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.airs_dayofweek, \
ti_show.runtime, ti_show.network, ti_show.origin_countries, ti_show.official_site, \
ti_show.status, ti_show.rating, ti_show.genre_list, ti_show.ids = s['ids']['trakt'], \
clean_data(s['title']), enforce_type(clean_data(s['overview']), str, ''), s['firstaired'], \
(isinstance(s['airs'], dict) and s['airs']['day']) or '', \
s['runtime'], s['network'], countries, s['homepage'], s['status'], s['rating'], \
s['genres_list'], \
TVInfoIDs(trakt=s['ids']['trakt'], tvdb=s['ids']['tvdb'], tmdb=s['ids']['tmdb'],
imdb=s['ids']['imdb'] and try_int(s['ids']['imdb'].replace('tt', ''), None))
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or [])
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.debug('Error creating result dict: %s' % ex(e))
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[TVInfoShow]
"""This searches Trakt for the series name,
If a custom_ui UI is configured, it uses this to select the correct
results = [] # type: List[TVInfoShow]
if ids:
for t, p in iteritems(ids):
if t in self.supported_id_searches:
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (t, p)
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = self.search(p, search_type=map_id_search[t])
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
show = shows
self._make_result_obj(show, results)
if name:
names = ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]
len_names = len(names)
for i, n in enumerate(names, 1):
cache_name_key = 's-name-%s' % n
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
all_series = self.search(n)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, all_series, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
except (BaseException, Exception):
all_series = []
all_series = shows
if not isinstance(all_series, list):
all_series = [all_series]
if i == len_names and 0 == len(all_series) and not results:
log.debug('Series result returned zero')
raise BaseTVinfoShownotfound('Show-name search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)')
if all_series:
if None is not self.config['custom_ui']:
log.debug('Using custom UI %s' % self.config['custom_ui'].__name__)
custom_ui = self.config['custom_ui']
ui = custom_ui(config=self.config)
self._make_result_obj(ui.select_series(all_series), results)
self._make_result_obj(all_series, results)
final_result = [] # type: List[TVInfoShow]
seen = set()
film_type = re.compile(r'(?i)films?\)$')
for r in results:
if r.id not in seen:
title = r.seriesname or ''
if not film_type.search(title):
log.debug('Search result ignored: %s ' % title)
return final_result
def _dict_prevent_none(d, key, default):
v = None
if isinstance(d, dict):
v = d.get(key, default)
return (v, default)[None is v]
def search(self, series, search_type=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Union[int, AnyStr]) -> List
search_type = search_type or self.config['search_type']
if TraktSearchTypes.trakt_slug == search_type:
url = '/shows/%s?extended=full' % series
elif TraktSearchTypes.text != search_type:
url = '/search/%s/%s?type=%s&extended=full&limit=100' % (search_type, (series, 'tt%07d' % series)[
TraktSearchTypes.imdb_id == search_type and not str(series).startswith('tt')],
url = '/search/%s?query=%s&extended=full&limit=100' % (','.join(self.config['result_types']), series)
filtered = []
kwargs = {}
if None is not self.config['sleep_retry']:
kwargs['sleep_retry'] = self.config['sleep_retry']
from sickgear.helpers import clean_data
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url, **kwargs)
if len(resp):
if isinstance(resp, dict):
resp = [{'type': 'show', 'score': 1, 'show': resp}]
for d in resp:
if isinstance(d, dict) and 'type' in d and d['type'] in self.config['result_types']:
for k, v in iteritems(d):
d[k] = clean_data(v)
if 'show' in d and TraktResultTypes.show == d['type']:
del d['show']
d['seriesname'] = self._dict_prevent_none(d, 'title', '')
d['genres_list'] = d.get('genres', [])
d['genres'] = ', '.join(['%s' % v for v in d.get('genres', []) or [] if v])
d['firstaired'] = (d.get('first_aired') and
re.sub(r'T.*$', '', str(d.get('first_aired'))) or d.get('year'))
except (ConnectionSkipException, TraktException) as e:
log.debug('Could not connect to Trakt service: %s' % ex(e))
return filtered
def _convert_person_obj(person_obj):
# type: (Dict) -> TVInfoPerson
birthdate = person_obj['birthday'] and tz_p.parse(person_obj['birthday']).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
birthdate = None
deathdate = person_obj['death'] and tz_p.parse(person_obj['death']).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
deathdate = None
return TVInfoPerson(p_id=person_obj['ids']['trakt'],
gender=PersonGenders.trakt_map.get(person_obj['gender'], PersonGenders.unknown),
ids={TVINFO_TWITTER: person_obj['social_ids']['twitter'],
TVINFO_FACEBOOK: person_obj['social_ids']['facebook'],
TVINFO_INSTAGRAM: person_obj['social_ids']['instagram'],
TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA: person_obj['social_ids']['wikipedia']
TVINFO_TRAKT: person_obj['ids']['trakt'], TVINFO_SLUG: person_obj['ids']['slug'],
person_obj['ids']['imdb'] and
try_int(person_obj['ids']['imdb'].replace('nm', ''), None),
TVINFO_TMDB: person_obj['ids']['tmdb'],
TVINFO_TVRAGE: person_obj['ids']['tvrage']}))
def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[TVInfoPerson]
get person's data for id or list of matching persons for name
:param p_id: persons id
:param get_show_credits: get show credits (only for native id)
:param get_images: get images for person
:return: person object
if not p_id:
urls = [('/people/%s?extended=full' % p_id, False)]
if get_show_credits:
urls.append(('/people/%s/shows?extended=full' % p_id, True))
if not urls:
result = None # type: Optional[TVInfoPerson]
for url, show_credits in urls:
cache_key_name = 'p-%s-%s' % (('main', 'credits')[show_credits], p_id)
is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is resp and not is_none:
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url, **kwargs)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp)
if resp:
if show_credits:
pc = []
clean_lower_person_name = (result.name or '').lower()
for c in resp.get('cast') or []:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.id = c['show']['ids'].get('trakt')
ti_show.seriesname = c['show']['title']
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={id_map[src]: _convert_imdb_id(id_map[src], sid)
for src, sid in iteritems(c['show']['ids']) if src in id_map})
ti_show.network = c['show']['network']
ti_show.firstaired = c['show']['first_aired']
ti_show.overview = enforce_type(clean_data(c['show']['overview']), str, '')
ti_show.status = c['show']['status']
ti_show.imdb_id = c['show']['ids'].get('imdb')
ti_show.runtime = c['show']['runtime']
ti_show.genre_list = c['show']['genres']
ti_show.slug = c['show'].get('ids', {}).get('slug')
ti_show.language = c['show'].get('language')
ti_show.network_country = c['show'].get('country')
ti_show.rating = c['show'].get('rating')
ti_show.vote_count = c['show'].get('votes')
for ch in c.get('characters') or []:
clean_ch = clean_data(ch)
_ti_character = TVInfoCharacter(
name=clean_ch, regular=c.get('series_regular'), ti_show=ti_show, person=[result],
plays_self=(clean_ch or '').lower() in ('self', clean_lower_person_name))
ti_show.cast[(RoleTypes.ActorGuest, RoleTypes.ActorMain)[
c.get('series_regular', False)]].append(_ti_character)
result.characters = pc
result = self._convert_person_obj(resp)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except TraktMethodNotExisting:
log.debug(f'Person id doesn\'t exist: {p_id}')
except TraktException as e:
log.debug('Could not connect to Trakt service: {ex(e)}')
return result
def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson]
urls, result, ids = [], [], ids or {}
for tv_src in self.supported_person_id_searches:
if tv_src in ids:
if TVINFO_TRAKT == tv_src:
url = '/people/%s?extended=full' % ids.get(tv_src)
elif tv_src in (TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB):
url = '/search/%s/%s?type=person&extended=full&limit=100' % \
(id_map_reverse[tv_src], (ids.get(tv_src), 'nm%07d' % ids.get(tv_src))[TVINFO_IMDB == tv_src])
urls.append((tv_src, ids.get(tv_src), url))
if name:
urls.append(('text', name, '/search/person?query=%s&extended=full&limit=100' % name))
for src, s_id, url in urls:
cache_key_name = 'p-src-%s-%s' % (src, s_id)
is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is resp and not is_none:
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp)
if resp:
for per in (resp, [{'person': resp, 'type': 'person'}])[url.startswith('/people')]:
if 'person' != per['type']:
person = per['person']
if not any(1 for p in result if person['ids']['trakt'] == p.id):
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except TraktException as e:
log.debug('Could not connect to Trakt service: %s' % ex(e))
return result
def _convert_episode(episode_data, show_obj, season_obj):
# type: (Dict, TVInfoShow, TVInfoSeason) -> TVInfoEpisode
ti_episode = TVInfoEpisode(show=show_obj)
ti_episode.season = season_obj
ti_episode.id, ti_episode.episodename, ti_episode.seasonnumber, ti_episode.episodenumber, \
ti_episode.absolute_number, ti_episode.overview, ti_episode.firstaired, ti_episode.runtime, \
ti_episode.rating, ti_episode.vote_count = episode_data.get('ids', {}).get('trakt'), \
clean_data(episode_data.get('title')), episode_data.get('season'), episode_data.get('number'), \
episode_data.get('number_abs'), enforce_type(clean_data(episode_data.get('overview')), str, ''), \
re.sub('T.+$', '', episode_data.get('first_aired') or ''), \
episode_data['runtime'], episode_data.get('rating'), episode_data.get('votes')
if episode_data.get('available_translations'):
ti_episode.language = clean_data(episode_data['available_translations'][0])
ti_episode.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={id_map[src]: _convert_imdb_id(id_map[src], sid)
for src, sid in iteritems(episode_data['ids']) if src in id_map})
return ti_episode
def _convert_show(show_data):
# type: (Dict) -> TVInfoShow
_s_d = (show_data, show_data.get('show'))['show' in show_data]
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.id, ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.overview, ti_show.runtime, ti_show.network, \
ti_show.network_country, ti_show.status, ti_show.genre_list, ti_show.language, ti_show.watcher_count, \
ti_show.play_count, ti_show.collected_count, ti_show.collector_count, ti_show.vote_count, \
ti_show.vote_average, ti_show.rating, ti_show.contentrating, ti_show.official_site, ti_show.slug = \
clean_data(_s_d['title']), _s_d['ids']['trakt'], \
re.sub('T.+$', '', _s_d.get('first_aired') or '') or _s_d.get('year'), \
enforce_type(clean_data(_s_d.get('overview')), str, ''), _s_d.get('runtime'), _s_d.get('network'), \
_s_d.get('country'), _s_d.get('status'), _s_d.get('genres', []), _s_d.get('language'), \
show_data.get('watcher_count'), show_data.get('play_count'), show_data.get('collected_count'), \
show_data.get('collector_count'), _s_d.get('votes'), _s_d.get('rating'), _s_d.get('rating'), \
_s_d.get('certification'), _s_d.get('homepage'), _s_d['ids']['slug']
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={id_map[src]: _convert_imdb_id(id_map[src], sid)
for src, sid in iteritems(_s_d['ids']) if src in id_map})
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or [])
if _s_d.get('trailer'):
ti_show.trailers = {'any': _s_d['trailer']}
if 'episode' in show_data:
ep_data = show_data['episode']
ti_show.next_season_airdate = re.sub('T.+$', '', ep_data.get('first_aired') or '')
ti_season = TVInfoSeason(show=ti_show)
ti_season.number = ep_data['season']
ti_season[ep_data['number']] = TraktIndexer._convert_episode(ep_data, ti_show, ti_season)
ti_show[ep_data['season']] = ti_season
return ti_show
def _get_show_lists(self, url, account=None):
# type: (str, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
result = []
if account:
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if account in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS and TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
kw = {'send_oauth': account}
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
kw = {}
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request(url, **kw)
if resp:
for _show in resp:
return result
def get_most_played(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most played shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/played/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_most_watched(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most watched shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/watched/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_most_collected(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most collected shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/collected/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_recommended(self, result_count=100, period='weekly', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most recommended shows
:param period: possible values: 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all'
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
use_period = ('weekly', period)[period in ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'all')]
return self._get_show_lists('shows/recommended/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (use_period, 1, result_count))
def get_recommended_for_account(self, account, result_count=100, ignore_collected=False, ignore_watchlisted=False,
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most recommended shows for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param ignore_collected: exclude colleded shows
:param ignore_watchlisted: exclude watchlisted shows
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
extra_param = []
if ignore_collected:
if ignore_watchlisted:
return self._get_show_lists('recommendations/shows?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d%s' %
(1, result_count, ('', '&%s' % '&'.join(extra_param))[0 < len(extra_param)]),
def hide_recommended_for_account(self, account, show_ids, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, List[integer_types], Any) -> List[integer_types]
hide recommended show for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param show_ids: list of show_ids to no longer recommend for account
:return: list of added ids
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
if not isinstance(show_ids, list) or not show_ids or any(not isinstance(_i, int) for _i in show_ids):
raise TraktException('list of show_ids (trakt id) required')
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request('users/hidden/recommendations', send_oauth=account,
data={'shows': [{'ids': {'trakt': _i}} for _i in show_ids]})
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and 'added' in resp and 'shows' in resp['added']:
if len(show_ids) == resp['added']['shows']:
return show_ids
if 'not_found' in resp and 'shows' in resp['not_found']:
not_found = [_i['ids']['trakt'] for _i in resp['not_found']['shows']]
not_found = []
return [_i for _i in show_ids if _i not in not_found]
return []
def unhide_recommended_for_account(self, account, show_ids, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, List[integer_types], Any) -> List[integer_types]
unhide recommended show for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param show_ids: list of show_ids to be included in possible recommend for account
:return: list of removed ids
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
if not isinstance(show_ids, list) or not show_ids or any(not isinstance(_i, int) for _i in show_ids):
raise TraktException('list of show_ids (trakt id) required')
resp = TraktAPI().trakt_request('users/hidden/recommendations/remove', send_oauth=account,
data={'shows': [{'ids': {'trakt': _i}} for _i in show_ids]})
if resp and isinstance(resp, dict) and 'deleted' in resp and 'shows' in resp['deleted']:
if len(show_ids) == resp['deleted']['shows']:
return show_ids
if 'not_found' in resp and 'shows' in resp['not_found']:
not_found = [_i['ids']['trakt'] for _i in resp['not_found']['shows']]
not_found = []
return [_i for _i in show_ids if _i not in not_found]
return []
def list_hidden_recommended_for_account(self, account, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
list hidden recommended show for account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:return: list of hidden shows
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
return self._get_show_lists('users/hidden/recommendations?type=show', account=account)
def get_watchlisted_for_account(self, account, result_count=100, sort='rank', **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get watchlisted shows for the account
:param account: account to get recommendations for
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param sort: possible values: 'rank', 'added', 'released', 'title'
from sickgear import TRAKT_ACCOUNTS
if not account or account not in TRAKT_ACCOUNTS or not TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].active:
raise TraktAuthException('Account missing or disabled')
sort = ('rank', sort)[sort in ('rank', 'added', 'released', 'title')]
return self._get_show_lists('users/%s/watchlist/shows/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' %
(TRAKT_ACCOUNTS[account].slug, sort, 1, result_count), account=account)
def get_anticipated(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get most anticipated shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
return self._get_show_lists('shows/anticipated?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (1, result_count))
def get_trending(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get trending shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
return self._get_show_lists('shows/trending?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (1, result_count))
def get_popular(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get all popular shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
return self._get_show_lists('shows/popular?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (1, result_count))
def get_similar(self, tvid, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
return list of similar shows to given id
:param tvid: id to give similar shows for
:param result_count: count of results requested
if not isinstance(tvid, int):
raise TraktException('tvid/trakt id for show required')
return self._get_show_lists('shows/%d/related?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' % (tvid, 1, result_count))
def get_new_shows(self, result_count=100, start_date=None, days=32, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get new shows
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param start_date: start date for returned data in format: '2014-09-01'
:param days: number of days to return from start date
if None is start_date:
start_date = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=-16)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return self._get_show_lists('calendars/all/shows/new/%s/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' %
(start_date, days, 1, result_count))
def get_new_seasons(self, result_count=100, start_date=None, days=32, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get new seasons
:param result_count: how many results are suppose to be returned
:param start_date: start date for returned data in format: '2014-09-01'
:param days: number of days to return from start date
if None is start_date:
start_date = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=-16)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return self._get_show_lists('calendars/all/shows/premieres/%s/%s?extended=full&page=%d&limit=%d' %
(start_date, days, 1, result_count))