mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 09:13:37 +00:00
1208 lines
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1208 lines
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# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
from functools import partial
import datetime
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import sys
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import encodingKludge as ek
import exceptions_helper
from exceptions_helper import ex, MultipleShowObjectsException
from json_helper import json_dumps, json_loads
import sickgear
from . import common, db, failedProcessor, helpers, logger, notifiers, postProcessor
from .common import SNATCHED_ANY
from .history import reset_status
from .name_parser.parser import InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException, NameParser
from .sgdatetime import timestamp_near
from _23 import filter_list, filter_iter, list_values, map_iter
from six import iteritems, iterkeys, string_types, PY2, text_type
from sg_helpers import long_path, scantree
import lib.rarfile.rarfile as rarfile
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from .tv import TVShow
# noinspection PyArgumentList
class ProcessTVShow(object):
""" Process a TV Show """
def __init__(self, webhandler=None, is_basedir=True, skip_failure_processing=False, client=None):
self.files_passed = 0 # type: int
self.files_failed = 0 # type: int
self.fail_detected = False # type: bool
self.skip_failure_processing = skip_failure_processing # type: bool
self._output = [] # type: List
self.webhandler = webhandler
self.is_basedir = is_basedir # type: bool
self.client = client # type: Optional[AnyStr]
def any_vid_processed(self):
:rtype: bool
return 0 < self.files_passed
def result(self, pre=True):
# type: (bool) -> AnyStr
return (('<br />', u'\n')[pre]).join(self._output)
def _buffer(self, text=None):
if None is not text:
if self.webhandler:
logger_msg = re.sub(r'(?i)<br(?:[\s/]+)>', '\n', text)
logger_msg = re.sub('(?i)<a[^>]+>([^<]+)<[/]a>', r'\1', logger_msg)
self.webhandler('%s%s' % (logger_msg, u'\n'))
def _log_helper(self, message, log_level=logger.DEBUG):
:param message: log message
:type message: AnyStr
:param log_level: log level
:type log_level: int
logger_msg = re.sub(r'(?i)<br(?:[\s/]+)>\.*', '', message)
logger_msg = re.sub('(?i)<a[^>]+>([^<]+)<[/]a>', r'\1', logger_msg)
logger.log(u'%s' % logger_msg, log_level)
def _set_process_success(self, state=True, reset=False):
:param state:
:type state: bool
:param reset:
:type reset: bool
if state:
self.files_passed += 1
self.files_failed += 1
if reset:
self.files_passed = 0
self.files_failed = 0
def _delete_folder(self, folder, check_empty=True):
:param folder: folder
:type folder: AnyStr
:param check_empty: check if folder is empty
:type check_empty: bool
:return: success
:rtype: bool
# check if it's a folder
if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, folder):
return False
# make sure it isn't TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR
if sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and helpers.real_path(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) == helpers.real_path(folder):
return False
# test if folder empty when check wanted
if check_empty and len([direntry.path for direntry in scantree(folder, recurse=False)]):
return False
# try deleting folder
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
logger.log(u'Warning: unable to delete folder: %s: %s' % (folder, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
return False
if ek.ek(os.path.isdir, folder):
logger.log(u'Warning: unable to delete folder: %s' % folder, logger.WARNING)
return False
self._log_helper(u'Deleted folder ' + folder, logger.MESSAGE)
return True
def _delete_files(self, process_path, notwanted_files, force=False):
# type: (AnyStr, List[AnyStr], bool) -> Optional[bool]
:param process_path: path
:param notwanted_files: list of unwanted files
:param force:
if not self.any_vid_processed and not force:
result = True
# Delete all file not needed
for cur_file in notwanted_files:
cur_file_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, process_path, cur_file)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cur_file_path):
continue # Prevent error when a notwantedfiles is an associated files
# check first the read-only attribute
file_attribute = ek.ek(os.stat, cur_file_path)[0]
if not file_attribute & stat.S_IWRITE:
# File is read-only, so make it writeable
self._log_helper(u'Changing ReadOnly flag for file ' + cur_file)
ek.ek(os.chmod, cur_file_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
except OSError as e:
self._log_helper(u'Cannot change permissions of %s: %s' % (cur_file_path, ex(e)))
removal_type = helpers.remove_file(cur_file_path)
if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cur_file_path):
result = False
self._log_helper(u'%s file %s' % (removal_type, cur_file))
return result
def check_name(self, name):
# type: (AnyStr) -> Optional[sickgear.tv.TVShow]
:param name: name
:return: None or show object
if self.is_basedir:
return None
show_obj = None
my_db = db.DBConnection()
# noinspection SqlResolve
sql_result = my_db.select(
'SELECT indexer, showid'
' FROM history' +
' WHERE resource = ?' +
' AND (%s)' % ' OR '.join(['action LIKE "%%%02d"' % x for x in SNATCHED_ANY]) +
' ORDER BY rowid', [name])
if sql_result:
show_obj = helpers.find_show_by_id({int(sql_result[-1]['indexer']): int(sql_result[-1]['showid'])},
if hasattr(show_obj, 'name'):
logger.log('Found Show: %s in snatch history for: %s' % (show_obj.name, name), logger.DEBUG)
except MultipleShowObjectsException:
show_obj = None
return show_obj
def show_obj_helper(self, show_obj, base_dir, dir_name, nzb_name, pp_type, alt_show_obj=None):
:param show_obj: show object
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
:param base_dir: base dir
:type base_dir: AnyStr
:param dir_name: dir name
:type dir_name: AnyStr
:param nzb_name: nzb name
:type nzb_name: AnyStr
:param pp_type: post processing type
:type pp_type: AnyStr
:param alt_show_obj:
:type alt_show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
:return: show object or None
:rtype: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
if None is show_obj and base_dir == sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and not nzb_name or 'manual' == pp_type:
# Scheduled Media Process Active
return self.check_name(dir_name)
return (show_obj, alt_show_obj)[None is show_obj and None is not alt_show_obj]
def check_video_filenames(self, path, videofiles):
# type: (AnyStr, List[AnyStr]) -> Optional[sickgear.tv.TVShow]
:param path: path
:param videofiles: list of video files
if self.is_basedir:
video_pick = None
video_size = 0
for cur_video_file in videofiles:
cur_video_size = ek.ek(os.path.getsize, ek.ek(os.path.join, path, cur_video_file))
except (BaseException, Exception):
if 0 == video_size or cur_video_size > video_size:
video_size = cur_video_size
video_pick = cur_video_file
if video_pick:
vid_filename = ek.ek(os.path.splitext, video_pick)[0]
# check if filename is garbage, disregard it
if re.search(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', vid_filename):
return self.check_name(vid_filename)
def find_parent(path):
Test path is inside a parent folder
:param path: Path to check
:type path: AnyStr
:return: Parent root dir that matches path, or None
:rtype: AnyStr or None
build_path = (lambda old_path: '%s%s' % (helpers.real_path(old_path).rstrip(os.path.sep), os.path.sep))
process_path = build_path(path)
for parent in map_iter(lambda p: build_path(p), sickgear.ROOT_DIRS.split('|')[1:]):
if process_path.startswith(parent):
return parent.rstrip(os.path.sep)
def process_dir(self, dir_name, nzb_name=None, process_method=None, force=False, force_replace=None,
failed=False, pp_type='auto', cleanup=False, show_obj=None):
Scans through the files in dir_name and processes whatever media files it finds
:param dir_name: The folder name to look in
:type dir_name: AnyStr
:param nzb_name: The NZB name which resulted in this folder being downloaded
:type nzb_name: AnyStr or None
:param process_method: processing method
:type process_method: AnyStr
:param force: True to postprocess already postprocessed files
:type force: bool
:param force_replace:
:type force_replace: bool
:param failed: Boolean for whether or not the download failed
:type failed: bool
:param pp_type: Type of postprocessing auto or manual
:type pp_type: AnyStr
:param cleanup:
:type cleanup: bool
:param show_obj: show object
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
:rtype: AnyStr
# if they passed us a real directory then assume it's the one we want
if dir_name and ek.ek(os.path.isdir, long_path(dir_name)):
dir_name = long_path(ek.ek(os.path.realpath, long_path(dir_name)))
# if the client and SickGear are not on the same machine translate the directory in a network directory
elif dir_name and sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and ek.ek(os.path.isdir, sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)\
and ek.ek(os.path.normpath, dir_name) != ek.ek(os.path.normpath, sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
dir_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR,
ek.ek(os.path.abspath, dir_name).split(os.path.sep)[-1])
self._log_helper(u'SickGear PP Config, completed TV downloads folder: ' + sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)
if dir_name:
self._log_helper(u'Checking folder... ' + dir_name)
# if we didn't find a real directory then process "failed" or just quit
if not dir_name or not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, dir_name):
if nzb_name and failed:
self._process_failed(dir_name, nzb_name, show_obj=show_obj)
self._log_helper(u'Unable to figure out what folder to process. ' +
u'If your downloader and SickGear aren\'t on the same PC then make sure ' +
u'you fill out your completed TV download folder in the PP config.')
return self.result
parent = self.find_parent(dir_name)
if parent:
self._log_helper('Dir %s is subdir of show root dir: %s, not processing.' % (dir_name, parent))
return self.result
if dir_name == sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR:
self.is_basedir = True
if None is show_obj:
if isinstance(nzb_name, string_types):
show_obj = self.check_name(re.sub(r'\.(nzb|torrent)$', '', nzb_name, flags=re.I))
if None is show_obj and dir_name:
show_obj = self.check_name(ek.ek(os.path.basename, dir_name))
path, dirs, files = self._get_path_dir_files(dir_name, nzb_name, pp_type)
if sickgear.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES and any(filter_iter(helpers.is_sync_file, files)):
self._log_helper(u'Found temporary sync files, skipping post process', logger.ERROR)
return self.result
if not process_method:
process_method = sickgear.PROCESS_METHOD
self._log_helper(u'Processing folder... %s' % path)
work_files = []
joined = self.join(path)
if joined:
work_files += [joined]
rar_files, rarfile_history = self.unused_archives(
path, filter_list(helpers.is_first_rar_volume, files), pp_type, process_method)
rar_content = self._unrar(path, rar_files, force)
if self.fail_detected:
self._process_failed(dir_name, nzb_name, show_obj=show_obj)
return self.result
rar_content = [x for x in rar_content if not helpers.is_link(ek.ek(os.path.join, path, x))]
path, dirs, files = self._get_path_dir_files(dir_name, nzb_name, pp_type)
files = [x for x in files if not helpers.is_link(ek.ek(os.path.join, path, x))]
video_files = filter_list(helpers.has_media_ext, files)
video_in_rar = filter_list(helpers.has_media_ext, rar_content)
work_files += [ek.ek(os.path.join, path, item) for item in rar_content]
if 0 < len(files):
self._log_helper(u'Process file%s: %s' % (helpers.maybe_plural(files), str(files)))
if 0 < len(video_files):
self._log_helper(u'Process video file%s: %s' % (helpers.maybe_plural(video_files), str(video_files)))
if 0 < len(rar_content):
self._log_helper(u'Process rar content: ' + str(rar_content))
if 0 < len(video_in_rar):
self._log_helper(u'Process video%s in rar: %s' % (helpers.maybe_plural(video_in_rar), str(video_in_rar)))
# If nzb_name is set and there's more than one videofile in the folder, files will be lost (overwritten).
nzb_name_original = nzb_name
if 2 <= len(video_files):
nzb_name = None
if None is show_obj and 0 < len(video_files):
show_obj = self.check_video_filenames(path, video_files)
# self._set_process_success()
# Don't Link media when the media is extracted from a rar in the same path
if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and video_in_rar:
soh = show_obj
if None is show_obj:
soh = self.check_video_filenames(path, video_in_rar)
self._process_media(path, video_in_rar, nzb_name, 'move', force, force_replace, show_obj=soh)
self._delete_files(path, [ek.ek(os.path.relpath, item, path) for item in work_files], force=True)
video_batch = set(video_files) - set(video_in_rar)
video_batch = video_files
while 0 < len(video_batch):
video_pick = ['']
video_size = 0
for cur_video_file in video_batch:
cur_video_size = ek.ek(os.path.getsize, ek.ek(os.path.join, path, cur_video_file))
if 0 == video_size or cur_video_size > video_size:
video_size = cur_video_size
video_pick = [cur_video_file]
video_batch = set(video_batch) - set(video_pick)
self._process_media(path, video_pick, nzb_name, process_method,
force, force_replace, use_trash=cleanup, show_obj=show_obj)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Batch skipped, %s%s' %
(ex(e), e.filename and (' (file %s)' % e.filename) or ''), logger.WARNING)
# Process video files in TV subdirectories
for directory in [x for x in dirs if self._validate_dir(
path, x, nzb_name_original, failed,
show_obj=self.show_obj_helper(show_obj, dir_name, x, nzb_name, pp_type))]:
# self._set_process_success(reset=True)
for walk_path, walk_dir, files in ek.ek(os.walk, ek.ek(os.path.join, path, directory), topdown=False):
if sickgear.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES and any(filter_iter(helpers.is_sync_file, files)):
self._log_helper(u'Found temporary sync files, skipping post process', logger.ERROR)
return self.result
parent = self.find_parent(walk_path)
if parent:
self._log_helper('Dir %s is subdir of show root dir: %s, not processing files.' %
(walk_path, parent))
# Ignore any symlinks at this stage to avoid the potential for unraring a symlinked archive
files = [x for x in files if not helpers.is_link(ek.ek(os.path.join, walk_path, x))]
rar_files, rarfile_history = self.unused_archives(
walk_path, filter_list(helpers.is_first_rar_volume, files), pp_type, process_method,
rar_content = self._unrar(walk_path, rar_files, force)
work_files += [ek.ek(os.path.join, walk_path, item) for item in rar_content]
if self.fail_detected:
self._process_failed(dir_name, nzb_name, show_obj=self.show_obj_helper(show_obj, directory))
rar_content = [x for x in rar_content if not helpers.is_link(ek.ek(os.path.join, walk_path, x))]
files = list(set(files + rar_content))
video_files = filter_list(helpers.has_media_ext, files)
video_in_rar = filter_list(helpers.has_media_ext, rar_content)
notwanted_files = [x for x in files if x not in video_files]
# Don't Link media when the media is extracted from a rar in the same path
if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and video_in_rar:
self._process_media(walk_path, video_in_rar, nzb_name, 'move', force, force_replace,
show_obj, dir_name, directory, nzb_name, pp_type,
self.check_video_filenames(walk_dir, video_in_rar)))
video_batch = set(video_files) - set(video_in_rar)
video_batch = video_files
while 0 < len(video_batch):
video_pick = ['']
video_size = 0
for cur_video_file in video_batch:
cur_video_size = ek.ek(os.path.getsize, ek.ek(os.path.join, walk_path, cur_video_file))
if 0 == video_size or cur_video_size > video_size:
video_size = cur_video_size
video_pick = [cur_video_file]
video_batch = set(video_batch) - set(video_pick)
walk_path, video_pick, nzb_name, process_method, force, force_replace, use_trash=cleanup,
show_obj=self.show_obj_helper(show_obj, dir_name, directory, nzb_name, pp_type,
self.check_video_filenames(walk_dir, video_pick)))
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Batch skipped, %s%s' %
(ex(e), e.filename and (' (file %s)' % e.filename) or ''), logger.WARNING)
if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and video_in_rar:
self._delete_files(walk_path, rar_content)
# Delete all file not needed
if not self.any_vid_processed\
or 'move' != process_method\
or ('manual' == pp_type and not cleanup): # Avoid deleting files if Manual Postprocessing
self._delete_files(walk_path, notwanted_files)
if 'move' == process_method \
and ek.ek(os.path.normpath, sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) != ek.ek(os.path.normpath,
self._delete_folder(walk_path, check_empty=False)
if 'copy' == process_method and work_files:
self._delete_files(path, [ek.ek(os.path.relpath, item, path) for item in work_files], force=True)
for f in sorted(list(set([ek.ek(os.path.dirname, item) for item in work_files]) - {path}),
key=len, reverse=True):
def _bottom_line(text, log_level=logger.DEBUG):
self._buffer('-' * len(text))
self._log_helper(text, log_level)
notifiers.notify_update_library(ep_obj=None, flush_q=True)
if self.any_vid_processed:
if not self.files_failed:
_bottom_line(u'Successfully processed.', logger.MESSAGE)
_bottom_line(u'Successfully processed at least one video file%s.' %
(', others were skipped', ' and skipped another')[1 == self.files_failed], logger.MESSAGE)
_bottom_line(u'Failed! Did not process any files.', logger.WARNING)
return self.result
def update_history_tab():
from .webserve import History
sickgear.MEMCACHE['history_tab'] = History.menu_tab(sickgear.MEMCACHE['history_tab_limit'])
def unused_archives(path, archives, pp_type, process_method, archive_history=None):
# type: (AnyStr, List[AnyStr], AnyStr, AnyStr, Optional[Dict]) -> Tuple[List[AnyStr], Dict]
:param path: path
:param archives:
:param pp_type: process type
:param process_method: process method
:param archive_history:
archive_history = (archive_history, {})[not archive_history]
if ('auto' == pp_type and sickgear.PROCESS_AUTOMATICALLY
and 'copy' == process_method and sickgear.UNPACK):
archive_history_file = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickgear.DATA_DIR, 'archive_history.txt')
if not archive_history:
with open(archive_history_file, 'r') as fh:
archive_history = json_loads(fh.read(10 * 1024 * 1024))
except (IOError, ValueError, Exception):
init_history_cnt = len(archive_history)
archive_history = {k_arc: v for k_arc, v in iteritems(archive_history) if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, k_arc)}
unused_files = list(set([ek.ek(os.path.join, path, x) for x in archives]) - set(iterkeys(archive_history)))
archives = [ek.ek(os.path.basename, x) for x in unused_files]
if unused_files:
for f in unused_files:
archive_history.setdefault(f, int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.utcnow())))
if init_history_cnt != len(archive_history):
with open(archive_history_file, 'w') as fh:
except (IOError, Exception):
return archives, archive_history
def _validate_dir(self, path, dir_name, nzb_name_original, failed, show_obj=None):
:param path: path
:type path: AnyStr
:param dir_name: dir name
:type dir_name: AnyStr
:param nzb_name_original: nzb original name
:type nzb_name_original: AnyStr or None
:param failed: download failed
:type failed: bool
:param show_obj: show object opitonal
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
:return: success
:rtype: bool
self._log_helper(u'Processing sub dir: ' + dir_name)
if ek.ek(os.path.basename, dir_name).startswith('_FAILED_'):
self._log_helper(u'The directory name indicates it failed to extract.')
failed = True
elif ek.ek(os.path.basename, dir_name).startswith('_UNDERSIZED_'):
self._log_helper(u'The directory name indicates that it was previously rejected for being undersized.')
failed = True
elif ek.ek(os.path.basename, dir_name).upper().startswith('_UNPACK'):
self._log_helper(u'The directory name indicates that this release is in the process of being unpacked.')
return False
if failed:
self._process_failed(ek.ek(os.path.join, path, dir_name), nzb_name_original, show_obj=show_obj)
return False
if helpers.is_hidden_folder(dir_name):
self._log_helper(u'Ignoring hidden folder: ' + dir_name)
return False
# make sure the directory isn't inside a show directory
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM tv_shows')
for cur_result in sql_result:
if dir_name.lower().startswith(ek.ek(os.path.realpath, cur_result['location']).lower() + os.sep)\
or dir_name.lower() == ek.ek(os.path.realpath, cur_result['location']).lower():
u'Found an episode that has already been moved to its show dir, skipping',
return False
# Get the videofile list for the next checks
all_files = []
all_dirs = []
process_path = None
for process_path, process_dir, fileList in ek.ek(os.walk, ek.ek(os.path.join, path, dir_name), topdown=False):
all_dirs += process_dir
all_files += fileList
video_files = filter_list(helpers.has_media_ext, all_files)
# check if the directory have at least one tv video file
for video in video_files:
NameParser(show_obj=show_obj).parse(video, cache_result=False)
return True
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
for directory in all_dirs:
NameParser(show_obj=show_obj).parse(directory, cache_result=False)
return True
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
if sickgear.UNPACK and process_path and all_files:
# Search for packed release
packed_files = filter_list(helpers.is_first_rar_volume, all_files)
for packed in packed_files:
NameParser(show_obj=show_obj).parse(packed, cache_result=False)
return True
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
return False
def _unrar(self, path, rar_files, force):
# type: (AnyStr, List[AnyStr], bool) -> List[AnyStr]
:param path: path
:param rar_files: rar files
:param force:
:return: list of unrared files
unpacked_files = []
if 'win32' == sys.platform:
rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = ek.ek(os.path.join, sickgear.PROG_DIR, 'lib', 'rarfile', 'UnRAR.exe')
if sickgear.UNPACK and rar_files:
self._log_helper(u'Packed releases detected: ' + str(rar_files))
for archive in rar_files:
self._log_helper(u'Unpacking archive: ' + archive)
rar_handle = rarfile.RarFile(ek.ek(os.path.join, path, archive))
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to open archive: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
# Skip extraction if any file in archive has previously been extracted
skip_file = False
for file_in_archive in [ek.ek(os.path.basename, x.filename)
for x in rar_handle.infolist() if not x.is_dir()]:
if self._already_postprocessed(path, file_in_archive, force):
u'Archive file already processed, extraction skipped: ' + file_in_archive)
skip_file = True
if not skip_file:
# need to test for password since rar4 doesn't raise PasswordRequired
if rar_handle.needs_password():
raise rarfile.PasswordRequired
rar_content = [ek.ek(os.path.normpath, x.filename)
for x in rar_handle.infolist() if not x.is_dir()]
renamed = self.cleanup_names(path, rar_content)
cur_unpacked = rar_content if not renamed else \
(list(set(rar_content) - set(iterkeys(renamed))) + list_values(renamed))
self._log_helper(u'Unpacked content: [u\'%s\']' % '\', u\''.join(map_iter(text_type,
unpacked_files += cur_unpacked
except (rarfile.PasswordRequired, rarfile.RarWrongPassword):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to unpack archive PasswordRequired: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self.fail_detected = True
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to unpack archive: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
del rar_handle
elif rar_files:
# check for passworded rar's
for archive in rar_files:
rar_handle = rarfile.RarFile(ek.ek(os.path.join, path, archive))
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to open archive: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
if rar_handle.needs_password():
self._log_helper(u'Failed to unpack archive PasswordRequired: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self.failure_detected = True
del rar_handle
except (BaseException, Exception):
return unpacked_files
def cleanup_names(directory, files=None):
# type: (AnyStr, List[AnyStr]) -> Dict
:param directory: dir
:param files: files
is_renamed = {}
num_videos = 0
old_name = None
new_name = None
params = {
'base_name': ek.ek(os.path.basename, directory),
'reverse_pattern': re.compile('|'.join([
r'\.\d{2}e\d{2}s\.', r'\.p0(?:63|27|612)\.', r'\.[pi](?:084|675|0801)\.', r'\b[45]62[xh]\.',
r'\.yarulb\.', r'\.vtd[hp]\.', r'\.(?:ld[.-]?)?bew\.', r'\.pir.?(?:shv|dov|dvd|bew|db|rb)\.',
r'\brdvd\.', r'\.(?:vts|dcv)\.', r'\b(?:mac|pir)dh\b', r'\.(?:lanretni|reporp|kcaper|reneercs)\.',
r'\b(?:caa|3ca|3pm)\b', r'\.cstn\.', r'\.5r\.', r'\brcs\b'
]), flags=re.IGNORECASE),
'season_pattern': re.compile(r'(.*\.\d{2}e\d{2}s\.)(.*)', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
'word_pattern': re.compile(r'([^A-Z0-9]*[A-Z0-9]+)'),
'char_replace': [[r'(\w)1\.(\w)', r'\1i\2']],
'garbage_name': re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}$'),
'media_pattern': re.compile('|'.join([
r'\.s\d{2}e\d{2}\.', r'\.(?:36|72|216)0p\.', r'\.(?:480|576|1080)[pi]\.', r'\.[xh]26[45]\b',
r'\.bluray\.', r'\.[hp]dtv\.', r'\.web(?:[.-]?dl)?\.', r'\.(?:vhs|vod|dvd|web|bd|br).?rip\.',
r'\.dvdr\b', r'\.(?:stv|vcd)\.', r'\bhd(?:cam|rip)\b', r'\.(?:internal|real|proper|repack|screener)\.',
r'\b(?:aac|ac3|mp3)\b', r'\.(?:ntsc|pal|secam)\.', r'\.r5\.', r'\bscr\b', r'\b(?:divx|xvid)\b'
]), flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def renamer(_dirpath, _filenames, _num_videos, _old_name, _new_name, base_name,
reverse_pattern, season_pattern, word_pattern, char_replace, garbage_name, media_pattern):
for cur_filename in _filenames:
file_name, file_extension = ek.ek(os.path.splitext, cur_filename)
file_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, _dirpath, cur_filename)
dir_name = ek.ek(os.path.dirname, file_path)
if None is not reverse_pattern.search(file_name):
na_parts = season_pattern.search(file_name)
if None is not na_parts:
word_p = word_pattern.findall(na_parts.group(2))
new_words = ''
for wp in word_p:
if '.' == wp[0]:
new_words += '.'
new_words += re.sub(r'\W', '', wp)
for cr in char_replace:
new_words = re.sub(cr[0], cr[1], new_words)
new_filename = new_words[::-1] + na_parts.group(1)[::-1]
new_filename = file_name[::-1]
logger.log('Reversing base filename "%s" to "%s"' % (file_name, new_filename))
ek.ek(os.rename, file_path, ek.ek(os.path.join, _dirpath, new_filename + file_extension))
is_renamed[ek.ek(os.path.relpath, file_path, directory)] = ek.ek(
os.path.relpath, new_filename + file_extension, directory)
except OSError as _e:
logger.log('Error unable to rename file "%s" because %s' % (cur_filename, ex(_e)), logger.ERROR)
elif helpers.has_media_ext(cur_filename) and \
None is not garbage_name.search(file_name) and None is not media_pattern.search(base_name):
_num_videos += 1
_old_name = file_path
_new_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, dir_name, '%s%s' % (base_name, file_extension))
return is_renamed, _num_videos, _old_name, _new_name
if files:
is_renamed, num_videos, old_name, new_name = renamer(
directory, files, num_videos, old_name, new_name, **params)
for cur_dirpath, void, cur_filenames in ek.ek(os.walk, directory):
is_renamed, num_videos, old_name, new_name = renamer(
cur_dirpath, cur_filenames, num_videos, old_name, new_name, **params)
if all([not is_renamed, 1 == num_videos, old_name, new_name]):
try_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, new_name)
logger.log('Renaming file "%s" using dirname as "%s"' % (ek.ek(os.path.basename, old_name), try_name))
ek.ek(os.rename, old_name, new_name)
is_renamed[ek.ek(os.path.relpath, old_name, directory)] = ek.ek(os.path.relpath, new_name, directory)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Error unable to rename file "%s" because %s' % (old_name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
return is_renamed
def join(self, directory):
:param directory: dir
:type directory: AnyStr
:rtype: bool or AnyStr
result = False
chunks = {}
matcher = re.compile(r'\.[0-9]+$')
for dirpath, void, filenames in ek.ek(os.walk, directory):
for filename in filenames:
if None is not matcher.search(filename):
maybe_chunk = ek.ek(os.path.join, dirpath, filename)
base_filepath, ext = ek.ek(os.path.splitext, maybe_chunk)
if base_filepath not in chunks:
chunks[base_filepath] = []
if not chunks:
for base_filepath in chunks:
chunk_set = chunks[base_filepath]
if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, base_filepath):
base_filesize = ek.ek(os.path.getsize, base_filepath)
chunk_sizes = [ek.ek(os.path.getsize, x) for x in chunk_set]
largest_chunk = max(chunk_sizes)
if largest_chunk >= base_filesize:
outfile = '%s.001' % base_filepath
if outfile not in chunk_set:
ek.ek(os.rename, base_filepath, outfile)
except OSError:
logger.log('Error unable to rename file %s' % base_filepath, logger.ERROR)
return result
del_dir, del_file = ek.ek(os.path.split, base_filepath)
if not self._delete_files(del_dir, [del_file], force=True):
return result
if base_filesize == sum(chunk_sizes):
logger.log('Join skipped. Total size of %s input files equal to output.. %s (%s bytes)' % (
len(chunk_set), base_filepath, base_filesize))
logger.log('Join skipped. Found output file larger than input.. %s (%s bytes)' % (
base_filepath, base_filesize))
return result
with open(base_filepath, 'ab') as newfile:
for f in chunk_set:
logger.log('Joining file %s' % f)
with open(f, 'rb') as part:
for wdata in iter(partial(part.read, 4096), b''):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Failed write to file %s' % f)
return result
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Failed read from file %s' % f)
return result
result = base_filepath
return result
def _already_postprocessed(self, dir_name, videofile, force):
:param dir_name: dir
:type dir_name: AnyStr
:param videofile: video file
:type videofile: AnyStr
:param force:
:type force: bool
:return: success
:rtype: bool
if force or not self.any_vid_processed:
return False
# Needed for accessing DB with a unicode dir_name
if PY2 and not isinstance(dir_name, text_type):
dir_name = text_type(dir_name, 'utf_8')
parse_result = None
parse_result = NameParser(convert=True).parse(videofile, cache_result=False)
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
# Does not parse, move on to directory check
if None is parse_result:
parse_result = NameParser(convert=True).parse(dir_name, cache_result=False)
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
# If the filename doesn't parse, then return false as last
# resort. We can assume that unparseable filenames are not
# processed in the past
return False
showlink = ('for "<a href="%s/home/view-show?tvid_prodid=%s" target="_blank">%s</a>"' % (
sickgear.WEB_ROOT, parse_result.show_obj.tvid_prodid, parse_result.show_obj.name),
ep_detail_sql = ''
if parse_result.show_obj.prodid and parse_result.show_obj.tvid and 0 < len(parse_result.episode_numbers) \
and parse_result.season_number:
ep_detail_sql = " AND tv_episodes.showid='%s' AND tv_episodes.indexer='%s'" \
" AND tv_episodes.season='%s' AND tv_episodes.episode='%s'" % \
(parse_result.show_obj.prodid, parse_result.show_obj.tvid,
parse_result.season_number, parse_result.episode_numbers[0])
# Avoid processing the same directory again if we use a process method <> move
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ?', [dir_name])
if sql_result:
self._log_helper(u'Found a release directory %s that has already been processed,<br />.. skipping: %s'
% (showlink, dir_name))
if ep_detail_sql:
return True
# This is needed for video whose name differ from dir_name
if PY2 and not isinstance(videofile, text_type):
videofile = text_type(videofile, 'utf_8')
sql_result = my_db.select(
'SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ?', [videofile.rpartition('.')[0]])
if sql_result:
self._log_helper(u'Found a video, but that release %s was already processed,<br />.. skipping: %s'
% (showlink, videofile))
if ep_detail_sql:
return True
# Needed if we have downloaded the same episode @ different quality
# noinspection SqlResolve
search_sql = 'SELECT tv_episodes.indexerid, history.resource' \
' FROM tv_episodes INNER JOIN history'\
+ ' ON history.showid=tv_episodes.showid AND history.indexer=tv_episodes.indexer'\
+ ' WHERE history.season=tv_episodes.season and history.episode=tv_episodes.episode'\
+ ep_detail_sql\
+ ' and tv_episodes.status IN (%s)' % ','.join([str(x) for x in common.Quality.DOWNLOADED])\
+ ' and history.resource LIKE ?'
sql_result = my_db.select(search_sql, [u'%' + videofile])
if sql_result:
self._log_helper(u'Found a video, but the episode %s is already processed,<br />.. skipping: %s'
% (showlink, videofile))
if ep_detail_sql:
return True
return False
def _process_media(
process_path, # type: AnyStr
video_files, # type: List[AnyStr]
nzb_name, # type: Optional[AnyStr]
process_method, # type: AnyStr
force, # type: bool
force_replace, # type: bool
use_trash=False, # type: bool
show_obj=None # type: Optional[sickgear.tv.TVShow]
# type: (...) -> None
:param process_path: path to process
:param video_files: list of videofiles
:param nzb_name: nzb name
:param process_method: process method
:param force:
:param force_replace:
:param use_trash:
:param show_obj: show object or None
processor = None
for cur_video_file in video_files:
if self._already_postprocessed(process_path, cur_video_file, force):
cur_video_file_path = ek.ek(os.path.join, process_path, cur_video_file)
parent = self.find_parent(cur_video_file_path)
if parent:
self._log_helper('Video %s is in a subdir of show root dir: %s, not processing media.' %
(cur_video_file_path, parent))
processor = postProcessor.PostProcessor(
cur_video_file_path, nzb_name, process_method, force_replace,
use_trash=use_trash, webhandler=self.webhandler, show_obj=show_obj)
file_success = processor.process()
process_fail_message = ''
except exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed:
file_success = False
process_fail_message = '<br />.. Post Processing Failed'
if processor:
if file_success:
self._log_helper(u'Successfully processed ' + cur_video_file, logger.MESSAGE)
elif self.any_vid_processed:
self._log_helper(u'Warning fail for %s%s' % (cur_video_file_path, process_fail_message),
self._log_helper(u'Did not use file %s%s' % (cur_video_file_path, process_fail_message),
def _get_path_dir_files(dir_name, nzb_name, pp_type):
# type: (AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr], AnyStr) -> Tuple[AnyStr, List[AnyStr], List[AnyStr]]
:param dir_name: dir name
:param nzb_name: nzb name
:param pp_type: process type
path = ''
dirs = []
files = []
if dir_name == sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and not nzb_name or 'manual' == pp_type:
# Scheduled Media Process Active
# Get at first all the subdir in the dir_name
for path, dirs, files in ek.ek(os.walk, dir_name):
files = [x for x in files if not helpers.is_link(ek.ek(os.path.join, path, x))]
path, dirs = ek.ek(os.path.split, dir_name) # Script Media Process
if None is not nzb_name and not nzb_name.endswith('.nzb') and \
ek.ek(os.path.isfile, ek.ek(os.path.join, dir_name, nzb_name)):
# For single torrent file without directory
dirs = []
files = [ek.ek(os.path.join, dir_name, nzb_name)]
dirs = [dirs]
files = []
return path, dirs, files
# noinspection PyArgumentList
def _process_failed(self, dir_name, nzb_name, show_obj=None):
""" Process a download that did not complete correctly
:param dir_name: dir name
:type dir_name: AnyStr
:param nzb_name: nzb name
:type nzb_name: AnyStr or None
:param show_obj: optional show object
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
if self.skip_failure_processing:
self._log_helper('Download was not added by SickGear, ignoring failure', logger.WARNING)
processor = None
processor = failedProcessor.FailedProcessor(dir_name, nzb_name, show_obj)
process_fail_message = ''
except exceptions_helper.FailedProcessingFailed as e:
process_fail_message = ex(e)
if processor:
if sickgear.DELETE_FAILED and self.any_vid_processed:
self._delete_folder(dir_name, check_empty=False)
task = u'Failed download processing'
if self.any_vid_processed:
self._log_helper(u'Successful %s: (%s, %s)'
% (task.lower(), str(nzb_name), dir_name), logger.MESSAGE)
self._log_helper(u'%s failed: (%s, %s): %s'
% (task, str(nzb_name), dir_name, process_fail_message), logger.WARNING)
def process_minimal(self, nzb_name, show_obj, failed, webhandler):
if failed:
self._process_failed('', nzb_name=nzb_name, show_obj=show_obj)
processor = postProcessor.PostProcessor('', nzb_name=nzb_name, webhandler=webhandler, show_obj=show_obj)
# backward compatibility prevents the case of this function name from being updated to PEP8
def processDir(dir_name, nzb_name=None, process_method=None, force=False, force_replace=None,
failed=False, pp_type='auto', cleanup=False, webhandler=None, show_obj=None, is_basedir=True,
skip_failure_processing=False, client=None):
:param dir_name: dir name
:type dir_name: AnyStr
:param nzb_name: nzb name
:type nzb_name: AnyStr or None
:param process_method: process method
:type process_method: AnyStr or None
:param force:
:type force: bool
:param force_replace:
:type force_replace: bool
:param failed: download failed
:type failed: bool
:param pp_type: processing type
:type pp_type: AnyStr
:param cleanup:
:type cleanup: bool
:param webhandler:
:type webhandler:
:param show_obj: optional show object
:type show_obj: sickgear.tv.TVShow or None
:param is_basedir:
:type is_basedir: bool
:param skip_failure_processing:
:type skip_failure_processing: bool
:param client: string to represent the client
:type client: Optional[AnyStr]
:rtype: AnyStr
# backward compatibility prevents the case of this function name from being updated to PEP8
return ProcessTVShow(webhandler, is_basedir, skip_failure_processing=skip_failure_processing,
client=client).process_dir(dir_name, nzb_name, process_method, force, force_replace, failed,
pp_type, cleanup, show_obj)
def process_minimal(nzb_name, show_obj, failed, webhandler):
# type: (AnyStr, TVShow, bool, Any) -> None
ProcessTVShow(webhandler).process_minimal(nzb_name, show_obj, failed, webhandler)