mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 12:07:44 +00:00
Add top rated, popular, trending today, trending this week, to TMDB cards. Change Shows/Add show... Trakt and IMDb card descriptions to be dynamic. Add network data to trakt cards. Add fallback for show cast when no suitable items are found in tvdb_api. Change refactor for trakt lib update. Change sanitise api response dates for cards (an invalid trakt date caused a UI glitch). Fix issue where trakt can return no tvdb id causing a card to not display. Change view-show TVDb genre links to use anon link setting. Change remove displayShow.tmpl code for '|' sep as it is a fixed list string at data source. Change add TVINFO_FANSITE placeholder icon. Change refactor api sg.`CMD_SickGearShowsBrowseTrakt`. --- Refactor date handling to make it's usage consistent from indexerapi Split when_past out to to started_past and return_past for UI. Fix trakt returning dates. Change bring properly into use, the proper new season returning date. Change remove PY2 unused import statements. --- Fix issue with Trakt cards where an incorrect cache image obscures the default card placeholder image. Simplify airtime for cards. Remove nonsense TMDB api overview text. Rearrange cards order on top menu. --- Remove unused vars and simplify regex use cases. Fix tv cards issue with Trakt and Tvmaze where show_info does not carry a first episode_info. Instantiate with TVInfoEpisode() instead of None, so that expected properties exist without a need for Nonetype tests. Change simplify `overview` and `airtime` use after lib output type is made trustable. Change cards view to not allow items with no seriesname.
864 lines
47 KiB
864 lines
47 KiB
# encoding:utf-8
# author:Prinz23
# project:tmdb_api
__author__ = 'Prinz23'
__version__ = '1.0'
__api_version__ = '1.0.0'
import datetime
import logging
import re
from lib import tmdbsimple
from lib.dateutil.parser import parser
from lib.exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException, ex
from lib.tvinfo_base import CastList, PersonGenders, RoleTypes, \
TVInfoBase, TVInfoIDs, TVInfoImage, TVInfoImageSize, TVInfoImageType, TVInfoNetwork, TVInfoSocialIDs, \
TVInfoCharacter, TVInfoPerson, TVInfoShow, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoSeason, \
from json_helper import json_dumps
from sg_helpers import clean_data, enforce_type, get_url, iterate_chunk, try_int
from six import iteritems
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from six import integer_types
log = logging.getLogger('tmdb.api')
tz_p = parser()
tmdbsimple.API_KEY = 'edc5f123313769de83a71e157758030b'
id_map = {TVINFO_IMDB: 'imdb_id', TVINFO_TVDB: 'tvdb_id',
TVINFO_FACEBOOK: 'facebook_id', TVINFO_INSTAGRAM: 'instagram_id', TVINFO_TWITTER: 'twitter_id'}
tv_show_map = dict(
name='seriesname', id='id', first_air_date='firstaired', status='status', original_language='language')
ep_group_types = {
1: 'Original air date',
2: 'Absolute',
3: 'DVD',
4: 'Digital',
5: 'Story arc',
6: 'Production',
7: 'TV'
empty_ep = TVInfoEpisode()
def tmdb_get(self, path, params=None):
url = self._get_complete_url(path)
params = self._get_params(params)
return get_url(url=url, params=params, json=True, raise_skip_exception=True)
def tmdb_post(self, path, params=None, payload=None):
url = self._get_complete_url(path)
params = self._get_params(params)
data = json_dumps(payload) if payload else payload
return get_url(url=url, params=params, post_data=data, json=True, raise_skip_exception=True)
tmdbsimple.base.TMDB._GET = tmdb_get
tmdbsimple.base.TMDB._POST = tmdb_post
_TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE = {'date': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1), 'data': {}}
def get_tmdb_constants():
# type: (...) -> Dict
"""return tmdbsimple Configuration().info() or cached copy"""
# only retrieve info data if older than 3 days
if 3 < (datetime.datetime.now() - _TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE['date']).days or not _TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE['data']:
tv_genres = {g['id']: g['name'] for g in tmdbsimple.Genres().tv_list()['genres']}
response = tmdbsimple.Configuration().info()
sorted_poster_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in response['images']['poster_sizes']
if 'original' != _p), reverse=True)
sorted_backdrop_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in response['images']['backdrop_sizes']
if 'original' != _p), reverse=True)
sorted_profile_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in response['images']['profile_sizes']
if 'original' != _p and not _p.startswith('h')), reverse=True)
sorted_still_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in response['images']['still_sizes']
if 'original' != _p and not _p.startswith('h')), reverse=True)
except (BaseException, Exception):
poster_sizes = ['w92', 'w154', 'w185', 'w342', 'w500', 'w780', 'original']
sorted_poster_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in poster_sizes
if 'original' != _p), reverse=True)
backdrop_sizes = ['w300', 'w780', 'w1280', 'original']
sorted_backdrop_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in backdrop_sizes
if 'original' != _p), reverse=True)
profile_sizes = ['w45', 'w185', 'h632', 'original']
sorted_profile_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in profile_sizes
if 'original' != _p and not _p.startswith('h')), reverse=True)
still_sizes = ['w92', 'w185', 'w300', 'original']
sorted_still_sizes = sorted((try_int(_p.replace('w', '')) for _p in still_sizes
if 'original' != _p and not _p.startswith('h')), reverse=True)
_TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE['data'] = dict(
genres={16: 'Animation', 18: 'Drama', 35: 'Comedy', 37: 'Western', 80: 'Crime', 99: 'Documentary',
9648: 'Mystery', 10751: 'Family', 10759: 'Action & Adventure', 10762: 'Kids',
10763: 'News', 10764: 'Reality', 10765: 'Sci-Fi & Fantasy', 10766: 'Soap',
10767: 'Talk', 10768: 'War & Politics'},
img_profile_sizes=['w45', 'w185', 'h632', 'original'],
logo_sizes=['w45', 'w92', 'w154', 'w185', 'w300', 'w500', 'original'],
still_sizes=['w92', 'w185', 'w300', 'original'],
change_keys=['adult', 'air_date', 'also_known_as', 'alternative_titles', 'biography', 'birthday',
'budget', 'cast', 'certifications', 'character_names', 'created_by', 'crew', 'deathday',
'episode', 'episode_number', 'episode_run_time', 'freebase_id', 'freebase_mid',
'general', 'genres', 'guest_stars', 'homepage', 'images', 'imdb_id', 'languages',
'name', 'network', 'origin_country', 'original_name', 'original_title', 'overview',
'parts', 'place_of_birth', 'plot_keywords', 'production_code', 'production_companies',
'production_countries', 'releases', 'revenue', 'runtime', 'season', 'season_number',
'season_regular', 'spoken_languages', 'status', 'tagline', 'title', 'translations',
'tvdb_id', 'tvrage_id', 'type', 'video', 'videos']
if isinstance(_TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE, dict) and 'data' in _TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE:
TVInfoImageType.poster: {
TVInfoImageSize.original: 'original',
TVInfoImageSize.medium: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_poster_sizes if s < 400), 342),
TVInfoImageSize.small: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_poster_sizes if s < 200), 185)
TVInfoImageType.fanart: {
TVInfoImageSize.original: 'original',
TVInfoImageSize.medium: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_backdrop_sizes if s < 1000), 780),
TVInfoImageSize.small: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_backdrop_sizes if s < 500), 300)
TVInfoImageType.person_poster: {
TVInfoImageSize.original: 'original',
TVInfoImageSize.medium: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_profile_sizes if s < 400), 185),
TVInfoImageSize.small: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_profile_sizes if s < 150), 45)
TVInfoImageType.still: {
TVInfoImageSize.original: 'original',
TVInfoImageSize.medium: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_still_sizes if s < 400), 185),
TVInfoImageSize.small: 'w%s' % next((s for s in sorted_still_sizes if s < 150), 45)
return _TMDB_CONSTANTS_CACHE['data']
class TmdbIndexer(TVInfoBase):
API_KEY = tmdbsimple.API_KEY
supported_id_searches = [TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVDB]
map_languages = {}
reverse_map_languages = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(map_languages)}
_tmdb_lang_list = None
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
# noinspection PyDefaultArgument
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TmdbIndexer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
response = get_tmdb_constants()
self.img_base_url = response.get('img_base_url')
self.size_map = response.get('size_map')
self.tv_genres = response.get('genres')
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, lang=None, **kwargs):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]], Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[string_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[Dict]
"""This searches TMDB for the series name,
tmdb_lang = ('en-US', lang)[lang in self._tmdb_supported_lang_list]
def _make_result_dict(s):
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.id, ti_show.seriesid, ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.genre_list, \
ti_show.overview, ti_show.poster, ti_show.ids, ti_show.language, ti_show.popularity, ti_show.rating = \
clean_data(s['name']), s['id'], s['id'], clean_data(s.get('first_air_date')) or None, \
clean_data([self.tv_genres.get(g) for g in s.get('genre_ids') or []]), \
self._enforce_text(s.get('overview')), s.get('poster_path') and '%s%s%s' % (
self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.poster][TVInfoImageSize.original],
s.get('poster_path')), \
TVInfoIDs(tvdb=s.get('external_ids') and s['external_ids'].get('tvdb_id'),
tmdb=s['id'], rage=s.get('external_ids') and s['external_ids'].get('tvrage_id'),
imdb=s.get('external_ids') and s['external_ids'].get('imdb_id') and
try_int(s['external_ids'].get('imdb_id', '').replace('tt', ''), None)), \
clean_data(s.get('original_language')), s.get('popularity'), s.get('vote_average')
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or [])
return ti_show
results = []
if ids:
for t, p in iteritems(ids):
if t in self.supported_id_searches:
if t == TVINFO_TMDB:
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (TVINFO_TMDB, p)
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = tmdbsimple.TV(id=p).info(append_to_response='external_ids', language=tmdb_lang)
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
show = shows
if show:
cache_id_key = 's-id-%s-%s' % (t, p)
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
show = tmdbsimple.Find(id=(p, 'tt%07d' % p)[t == TVINFO_IMDB]).info(
external_source=id_map[t], language=tmdb_lang)
if show.get('tv_results') and 1 == len(show['tv_results']):
show = tmdbsimple.TV(id=show['tv_results'][0]['id']).info(
append_to_response='external_ids', language=tmdb_lang)
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, show, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
show = shows
if show:
for s in show.get('tv_results') or (show.get('id') and [show]) or []])
if name:
for n in ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]:
cache_name_key = 's-name-%s' % n
is_none, shows = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key)
if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is shows and not is_none):
shows = tmdbsimple.Search().tv(query=n, language=tmdb_lang)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, shows, expire=self.search_cache_expire)
results.extend([_make_result_dict(s) for s in shows.get('results') or []])
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.debug('Error searching for show: %s' % ex(e))
results.extend([_make_result_dict(s) for s in (shows and shows.get('results')) or []])
seen = set()
results = [seen.add(r.id) or r for r in results if r.id not in seen]
return results
def _convert_person_obj(self, tmdb_person_obj):
gender = PersonGenders.tmdb_map.get(tmdb_person_obj.get('gender'), PersonGenders.unknown)
birthdate = tmdb_person_obj.get('birthday') and tz_p.parse(tmdb_person_obj.get('birthday')).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
birthdate = None
deathdate = tmdb_person_obj.get('deathday') and tz_p.parse(tmdb_person_obj.get('deathday')).date()
except (BaseException, Exception):
deathdate = None
person_imdb_id = tmdb_person_obj.get('imdb_id') and try_int(tmdb_person_obj['imdb_id'].replace('nm', ''), None)
person_ids = {TVINFO_TMDB: tmdb_person_obj.get('id')}
if person_imdb_id:
person_ids.update({TVINFO_IMDB: person_imdb_id})
pi = tmdb_person_obj.get('images')
image_url, main_image, thumb_url, main_thumb, image_list = None, None, None, None, []
if pi:
for i in sorted(pi['profiles'], key=lambda a: a['vote_average'] or 0, reverse=True):
if not any((main_image, main_thumb)):
if 500 < i['height'] and not image_url:
image_url = '%s%s%s' % \
(self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.person_poster][TVInfoImageSize.original],
thumb_url = '%s%s%s' % \
(self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.person_poster][TVInfoImageSize.medium],
elif not thumb_url:
thumb_url = '%s%s%s' % \
(self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.person_poster][TVInfoImageSize.original],
if image_url and thumb_url:
main_image_url, main_thumb = image_url, thumb_url
sizes={_s: '%s%s%s' % (self.img_base_url,
self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.person_poster][_s], i['file_path'])
for _s in (TVInfoImageSize.original, TVInfoImageSize.medium, TVInfoImageSize.small)},
elif tmdb_person_obj.get('profile_path'):
main_image = '%s%s%s' % (
self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.person_poster][TVInfoImageSize.original],
main_thumb = '%s%s%s' % (
self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.person_poster][TVInfoImageSize.medium],
_it_person_obj = TVInfoPerson(
p_id=tmdb_person_obj.get('id'), ids=TVInfoIDs(ids=person_ids), name=clean_data(tmdb_person_obj.get('name')),
akas=clean_data(set(tmdb_person_obj.get('also_known_as') or [])),
bio=clean_data(tmdb_person_obj.get('biography')), gender=gender,
image=main_image, images=image_list, thumb_url=main_thumb,
birthdate=birthdate, birthplace=clean_data(tmdb_person_obj.get('place_of_birth')),
deathdate=deathdate, homepage=tmdb_person_obj.get('homepage')
cast = tmdb_person_obj.get('cast') or tmdb_person_obj.get('tv_credits', {}).get('cast') or \
characters = []
for character in cast or []:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show.id = character.get('id')
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TMDB: ti_show.id})
ti_show.seriesname = enforce_type(clean_data(character.get('original_name')), str, '')
ti_show.overview = self._enforce_text(character.get('overview'))
ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(character.get('first_air_date'))
ti_show.language = clean_data(character.get('original_language'))
ti_show.genre_list = []
for g in character.get('genre_ids') or []:
if g in self.tv_genres:
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list)
if character.get('poster_path'):
ti_show.poster = '%s%s%s' % \
ti_show.poster_thumb = '%s%s%s' % \
if character.get('backdrop_path'):
ti_show.fanart = '%s%s%s' % \
TVInfoCharacter(name=clean_data(character.get('character')), ti_show=ti_show, person=[_it_person_obj],
_it_person_obj.characters = characters
return _it_person_obj
def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson]
search for person by name
:param name: name to search for
:param ids: dict of ids to search
:return: list of found person's
results, ids = [], ids or {}
search_text_obj = tmdbsimple.Search()
for tv_src in self.supported_person_id_searches:
if tv_src in ids:
if TVINFO_TMDB == tv_src:
people_obj = self.get_person(ids[tv_src])
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
people_obj = None
if people_obj and not any(1 for r in results if r.id == people_obj.id):
elif tv_src in (TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB):
cache_key_name = 'p-src-%s-%s' % (tv_src, ids.get(tv_src))
is_none, result_objs = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is result_objs and not is_none:
result_objs = tmdbsimple.Find(id=(ids.get(tv_src),
'nm%07d' % ids.get(tv_src))[TVINFO_IMDB == tv_src]).info(
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, result_objs)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
result_objs = None
if result_objs:
for person_obj in result_objs:
if not any(1 for r in results if r.id == person_obj['id']):
if name:
cache_key_name = 'p-src-text-%s' % name
is_none, people_objs = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is people_objs and not is_none:
people_objs = search_text_obj.person(query=name, include_adult=True)
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, people_objs)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
people_objs = None
if people_objs and people_objs.get('results'):
for person_obj in people_objs['results']:
if not any(1 for r in results if r.id == person_obj['id']):
return results
def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[TVInfoPerson]
kw = {}
to_append = []
if get_show_credits:
if get_images:
if to_append:
kw['append_to_response'] = ','.join(to_append)
cache_key_name = 'p-%s-%s' % (p_id, '-'.join(to_append))
is_none, people_obj = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name)
if None is people_obj and not is_none:
people_obj = tmdbsimple.People(id=p_id).info(**kw)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception):
people_obj = None
self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, people_obj)
if people_obj:
return self._convert_person_obj(people_obj)
def _convert_show(self, show_dict, show_obj=None):
# type: (Dict, TVInfoShow) -> TVInfoShow
if None is show_obj:
ti_show = TVInfoShow()
ti_show = show_obj
if show_dict:
ti_show.seriesname = clean_data(show_dict.get('name') or show_dict.get('original_name')
or show_dict.get('original_title'))
org_title = clean_data(show_dict.get('original_name') or show_dict.get('original_title'))
if org_title != ti_show.seriesname:
ti_show.aliases = [org_title]
ti_show.id = show_dict.get('id')
ti_show.seriesid = ti_show.id
ti_show.language = clean_data(show_dict.get('original_language'))
ti_show.spoken_languages = [_l['iso_639_1'] for _l in show_dict.get('spoken_languages') or []]
ti_show.overview = self._enforce_text(show_dict.get('overview'))
ti_show.status = clean_data(show_dict.get('status', ''))
ti_show.show_type = clean_data((show_dict.get('type') and [show_dict['type']]) or [])
ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(show_dict.get('first_air_date'))
ti_show.popularity = show_dict.get('popularity')
ti_show.vote_count = show_dict.get('vote_count')
ti_show.vote_average = show_dict.get('vote_average')
ti_show.origin_countries = show_dict.get('origin_country') or []
ti_show.genre_list = []
ti_show.origin_countries = clean_data(show_dict.get('origin_country') or [])
for g in show_dict.get('genre_ids') or []:
if g in self.tv_genres:
ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list)
runtime = None
for r in sorted(show_dict.get('episode_run_time') or [], reverse=True):
if 40 < r < 50:
runtime = r
if 20 < r < 40:
runtime = r
if not runtime and show_dict.get('episode_run_time'):
runtime = max(show_dict.get('episode_run_time') or [0]) or None
ti_show.runtime = runtime
ti_show.networks = [
TVInfoNetwork(name=clean_data(n.get('name')), n_id=n.get('id'),
for n in reversed(show_dict.get('networks') or [])
if show_dict.get('networks'):
ti_show.network = clean_data(show_dict['networks'][-1]['name'])
ti_show.network_id = show_dict['networks'][-1].get('id')
ti_show.network_country_code = clean_data(show_dict['networks'][-1].get('origin_country'))
image_url = show_dict.get('poster_path') and '%s%s%s' % \
(self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.poster][TVInfoImageSize.original],
thumb_image_url = show_dict.get('poster_path') and '%s%s%s' % \
(self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.poster][TVInfoImageSize.small],
backdrop_url = show_dict.get('backdrop_path') and '%s%s%s' % \
(self.img_base_url, self.size_map[TVInfoImageType.fanart][TVInfoImageSize.original],
ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(tvdb=show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('tvdb_id'),
rage=show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('tvrage_id'),
imdb=show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('imdb_id')
and try_int(
show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('imdb_id', '').replace('tt', ''), None))
ti_show.social_ids = TVInfoSocialIDs(twitter=show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('twitter_id'),
instagram=show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('instagram_id'),
facebook=show_dict.get('external_ids', {}).get('facebook_id'))
ti_show.poster = image_url
ti_show.poster_thumb = thumb_image_url
ti_show.fanart = backdrop_url
return ti_show
def _get_show_list(self, src_method, result_count, **kwargs):
result = []
c_page = 1
while len(result) < result_count:
results = src_method(page=c_page, **kwargs)
t_pages = results.get('total_pages')
if c_page != results.get('page') or c_page >= t_pages:
c_page += 1
if results and 'results' in results:
result += [self._convert_show(t) for t in results['results']]
except (BaseException, Exception):
return result[:result_count]
def get_similar(self, tvid, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
list of similar shows to the provided tv id
:param tvid: id to find similar shows for
:param result_count: result count to returned
return self._get_show_list(tmdbsimple.TV(id=tvid).similar, result_count)
def get_recommended_for_show(self, tvid, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
list of recommended shows to the provided tv id
:param tvid: id to find recommended shows for
:param result_count: result count to returned
return self._get_show_list(tmdbsimple.TV(id=tvid).recommendations, result_count)
def get_trending(self, result_count=100, time_window='day', **kwargs):
# type: (int, str, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
list of trending tv shows for day or week
:param result_count:
:param time_window: valid values: 'day', 'week'
t_windows = ('day', 'week')['week' == time_window]
return self._get_show_list(tmdbsimple.Trending(media_type='tv', time_window=t_windows).info, result_count)
def get_popular(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
return self._get_show_list(tmdbsimple.TV().popular, result_count)
def get_top_rated(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
return self._get_show_list(tmdbsimple.TV().top_rated, result_count)
def discover(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (int, Any) -> List[TVInfoShow]
Discover TV shows by different types of data like average rating,
number of votes, genres, the network they aired on and air dates.
Discover also supports a nice list of sort options. See below for all
the available options.
Also note that a number of filters support being comma (,) or pipe (|)
separated. Commas are treated like an AND query while pipe's are
an OR.
Some examples of what can be done with discover can be found at
language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code.
sort_by: (optional) Available options are 'vote_average.desc',
'vote_average.asc', 'first_air_date.desc',
'first_air_date.asc', 'popularity.desc', 'popularity.asc'
sort_by: (optional) Allowed values: vote_average.desc,
vote_average.asc, first_air_date.desc, first_air_date.asc,
popularity.desc, popularity.asc
Default: popularity.desc
air_date.gte: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows that have
an air date (by looking at all episodes) that is greater or
equal to the specified value.
air_date.lte: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows that have
an air date (by looking at all episodes) that is less than or
equal to the specified value.
first_air_date.gte: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows
that have an original air date that is greater or equal to the
specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the
"include_null_first_air_dates" filter if you want to include
items with no air date.
first_air_date.lte: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows
that have an original air date that is less than or equal to the
specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the
"include_null_first_air_dates" filter if you want to include
items with no air date.
first_air_date_year: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows
that have an original air date year that equal to the specified
value. Can be used in conjunction with the
"include_null_first_air_dates" filter if you want to include
items with no air date.
timezone: (optional) Used in conjunction with the air_date.gte/lte
filter to calculate the proper UTC offset. Default
vote_average.gte: (optional) Filter and only include movies that
have a rating that is greater or equal to the specified value.
Minimum 0.
vote_count.gte: (optional) Filter and only include movies that have
a rating that is less than or equal to the specified value.
Minimum 0.
with_genres: (optional) Comma separated value of genre ids that you
want to include in the results.
with_networks: (optional) Comma separated value of network ids that
you want to include in the results.
without_genres: (optional) Comma separated value of genre ids that
you want to exclude from the results.
with_runtime.gte: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows with
an episode runtime that is greater than or equal to a value.
with_runtime.lte: (optional) Filter and only include TV shows with
an episode runtime that is less than or equal to a value.
include_null_first_air_dates: (optional) Use this filter to include
TV shows that don't have an air date while using any of the
"first_air_date" filters.
with_original_language: (optional) Specify an ISO 639-1 string to
filter results by their original language value.
without_keywords: (optional) Exclude items with certain keywords.
You can comma and pipe seperate these values to create an 'AND'
or 'OR' logic.
screened_theatrically: (optional) Filter results to include items
that have been screened theatrically.
with_companies: (optional) A comma separated list of production
company ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's
added as a production company.
with_keywords: (optional) A comma separated list of keyword ID's.
Only includes TV shows that have one of the ID's added as a
:param result_count:
if not kwargs:
# use default if now kwargs are set = return all future airdate shows with language set to 'en'
kwargs.update({'sort_by': 'first_air_date.asc',
'first_air_date.gte': datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'with_original_language': 'en',
return self._get_show_list(tmdbsimple.Discover().tv, result_count, **kwargs)
def _get_show_data(self, sid, language, get_ep_info=False, banners=False, posters=False, seasons=False,
seasonwides=False, fanart=False, actors=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, AnyStr, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, Optional[Any]) -> bool
# note: this is only working for images fetching currently
self.show_not_found = False
to_append = ['external_ids', 'alternative_titles', 'content_ratings', 'translations']
tmdb_lang = ('en-US', language)[language in self._tmdb_supported_lang_list]
if any((banners, posters, seasons, seasonwides, fanart)):
if (actors or self.config['actors_enabled']) and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'actors_loaded', False):
if get_ep_info and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'ep_loaded', False):
tmdb = tmdbsimple.TV(sid)
show_data = tmdb.info(append_to_response=','.join(to_append), language=tmdb_lang)
if tmdb_lang not in (_l['iso_639_1'] for _l in show_data['translations'].get('translations', []) or []):
tmdb_lang = 'en'
show_data = tmdb.info(append_to_response=','.join(to_append), language=tmdb_lang)
except (BaseException, Exception):
self.show_not_found = True
return False
if not show_data:
self.show_not_found = True
return False
show_obj = self.ti_shows[sid]
self._convert_show(show_data, show_obj)
if 'images' in show_data:
show_obj.poster_loaded = True
show_obj.banner_loaded = True
show_obj.fanart_loaded = True
for img_type, img_list in iteritems(show_data['images']):
map_img_type = {'backdrops': TVInfoImageType.fanart, 'posters': TVInfoImageType.poster}.get(img_type)
if None is not map_img_type:
for img in img_list:
if None is not img.get('iso_639_1') and img.get('iso_639_1') != tmdb_lang:
show_obj.images.setdefault(map_img_type, []).append(
t_s: '%s%s%s' % (
self.img_base_url, self.size_map[map_img_type][t_s], img['file_path'])
for t_s in [TVInfoImageSize.original, TVInfoImageSize.medium, TVInfoImageSize.small]
season_cast_objs = {}
if (actors or self.config['actors_enabled']) and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'actors_loaded', False):
cast, show_obj.actors_loaded = CastList(), True
if isinstance(show_data.get('aggregate_credits'), dict) and 'cast' in show_data['aggregate_credits'] and\
isinstance(show_data['aggregate_credits']['cast'], list):
season_credits = [('season/%d/credits' % s['season_number'], s['season_number'])
for s in show_data.get('seasons') or []]
main_cast_ids, season_cast_ids, main_cast_credit_ids = {}, {}, set()
for cur_seasons in iterate_chunk(season_credits, 20):
season_data = tmdb.info(append_to_response=','.join(_c[0] for _c in cur_seasons),
except (BaseException, Exception):
season_data = None
if season_data:
main_cast_ids.update({season_cast_obj['id']: season_obj[1] for season_obj in cur_seasons
for season_cast_obj in season_data[season_obj[0]].get('cast') or []})
main_cast_credit_ids.update({season_cast_obj['credit_id'] for season_obj in cur_seasons
for season_cast_obj in season_data[season_obj[0]].get('cast')
or []})
for season_obj in cur_seasons:
season_cast_ids.setdefault(season_obj[1], []).extend([
season_cast_obj['id'] for season_cast_obj in
season_data[season_obj[0]].get('cast') or []])
for person_obj in sorted(list(filter(lambda a: a['id'] in main_cast_ids,
show_data['aggregate_credits']['cast'] or []))[:50],
key=lambda c: (main_cast_ids.get(c['id'], 0) or 0,
c['total_episode_count'], c['order'] * -1), reverse=True):
for character in sorted(list(filter(lambda b: b['credit_id'] in main_cast_credit_ids,
person_obj.get('roles', []) or [])),
key=lambda c: c['episode_count'], reverse=True):
character_obj = TVInfoCharacter(
p_id=person_obj['id'], name=clean_data(person_obj['name']),
ids=TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TMDB: person_obj['id']}),
image='%s%s%s' % (
TVInfoImageSize.original], person_obj['profile_path']),
thumb_url='%s%s%s' % (
TVInfoImageSize.medium], person_obj['profile_path']),
gender=PersonGenders.tmdb_map.get(person_obj.get('gender'), PersonGenders.unknown)
for _s, _c in iteritems(season_cast_ids):
if person_obj['id'] in _c:
season_cast_objs.setdefault(_s, []).append(character_obj)
show_obj.cast = cast
show_obj.actors = [
{'character': {'id': ch.id,
'name': ch.name,
'image': ch.image,
'person': {'id': ch.person and ch.person[0].id,
'name': ch.person and ch.person[0].name,
'url': ch.person and 'https://www.themoviedb.org/person/%s' % ch.person[0].id,
'image': ch.person and ch.person[0].image,
'birthday': None, # not sure about format
'deathday': None, # not sure about format
'gender': None,
'country': None,
} for ch in cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain]]
if get_ep_info and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'ep_loaded', False):
show_obj.ep_loaded = True
seasons = ['season/%d' % s['season_number'] for s in show_data.get('seasons') or []]
# call limited to 20 seasons per call
for cur_seasons in iterate_chunk(seasons, 20):
ep_data = tmdb.info(append_to_response=','.join(cur_seasons), language=tmdb_lang)
except (BaseException, Exception):
ep_data = None
if ep_data:
for season_obj in cur_seasons:
for ep_obj in ep_data[season_obj]['episodes']:
for _k, _s in (
('seasonnumber', 'season_number'), ('episodenumber', 'episode_number'),
('episodename', 'name'), ('firstaired', 'air_date'), ('overview', 'overview'),
('id', 'id'), ('filename', 'still_path')):
seas, ep, value = ep_obj['season_number'], ep_obj['episode_number'], \
clean_data(ep_obj.get(_s, getattr(empty_ep, _k)))
if seas not in show_obj:
show_obj[seas] = TVInfoSeason(show=show_obj)
show_obj[seas].number = seas
if seas in season_cast_objs:
show_obj[seas].cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain] = season_cast_objs[seas]
if ep not in show_obj[seas]:
show_obj[seas][ep] = TVInfoEpisode(season=show_obj[seas], show=show_obj)
if 'still_path' == _s:
value = '%s%s%s' % (self.img_base_url,
show_obj[seas][ep].__dict__[_k] = value
return True
def _tmdb_supported_lang_list(self):
if not TmdbIndexer._tmdb_lang_list:
return TmdbIndexer._tmdb_lang_list
def _get_languages(self):
# type: (...) -> None
tmdb = tmdbsimple.Configuration()
lang_data = tmdb.languages()
except (BaseException, Exception):
lang_data = None
if lang_data:
TmdbIndexer._supported_languages = [{
'id': clean_data(a['iso_639_1']), 'name': clean_data(a['english_name']),
'nativeName': clean_data(a['name']), 'shortCode': None, 'sg_lang': clean_data(a['iso_639_1'])
} for a in sorted(lang_data, key=lambda b: b['iso_639_1'])]
TmdbIndexer._tmdb_lang_list = [a['id'] for a in self._supported_languages]
TmdbIndexer._supported_languages = []
TmdbIndexer._tmdb_lang_list = []
def _enforce_text(text):
Set nonsense text to an enforced type
:param text:
:type text: AnyStr
:rtype: AnyStr
text = enforce_type(clean_data(text), str, '').strip()
tmp = text.lower()
if 'details here' == tmp \
or re.search(r'no(\s\w+){1,2}\savailable', tmp):
return ''
return text