mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 05:45:04 +00:00
Cleanup most init warnings. Cleanup some vars, pythonic instead of js. Some typos and python var/func names for Scheduler. Remove legacy handlers deprecated in 2020. Remove some legacy tagged stuff. Cleanup ConfigParser and 23.py Change cleanup vendored scandir. Remove redundant pkg_resources.py in favour of the vendor folder. Remove backports. Remove trakt checker. Change remove redundant WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy from webserveInit. Cleanup varnames and providers Various minor tidy ups to remove ide warnings.
588 lines
22 KiB
588 lines
22 KiB
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
import io
import os
import re
import sys
import threading
import traceback
import sickgear
from exceptions_helper import ex
from json_helper import json_load
from . import db, helpers, logger, name_cache
from .anime import create_anidb_obj
from .classes import OrderedDefaultdict
from .indexers.indexer_config import TVINFO_TVDB
from .sgdatetime import timestamp_near
import lib.rarfile.rarfile as rarfile
from _23 import list_range
from six import iteritems, text_type
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from typing import AnyStr, List, Tuple, Union
exception_dict = {}
anidb_exception_dict = {}
xem_exception_dict = {}
xem_ids_list = defaultdict(list)
exceptionsCache = {}
exceptionsSeasonCache = {}
exceptionLock = threading.Lock()
def should_refresh(name, max_refresh_age_secs=86400, remaining=False):
# type: (AnyStr, int, bool) -> Union[bool, int]
:param name: name
:param max_refresh_age_secs:
:param remaining: True to return remaining seconds
my_db = db.DBConnection()
rows = my_db.select('SELECT last_refreshed FROM scene_exceptions_refresh WHERE list = ?', [name])
if rows:
last_refresh = int(rows[0]['last_refreshed'])
if remaining:
time_left = (last_refresh + max_refresh_age_secs - int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now())))
return (0, time_left)[time_left > 0]
return int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now())) > last_refresh + max_refresh_age_secs
return True
def set_last_refresh(name):
:param name: name
:type name: AnyStr
my_db = db.DBConnection()
{'last_refreshed': int(timestamp_near(datetime.datetime.now()))},
{'list': name})
def has_season_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season):
get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=season)
if (tvid, prodid) in exceptionsCache and -1 < season and season in exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)]:
return True
return False
def get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=-1):
Given a indexer_id, return a list of all the scene exceptions.
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
:param season: season number
:type season: int
:rtype: List
global exceptionsCache
exceptions_list = []
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsCache or season not in exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)]:
my_db = db.DBConnection()
exceptions = my_db.select('SELECT show_name'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?'
' AND season = ?',
[tvid, prodid, season])
if exceptions:
exceptions_list = list(set([cur_exception['show_name'] for cur_exception in exceptions]))
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsCache:
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)] = {}
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][season] = exceptions_list
exceptions_list = exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][season]
if 1 == season: # if we where looking for season 1 we can add generic names
exceptions_list += get_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, season=-1)
return exceptions_list
def get_all_scene_exceptions(tvid_prodid):
:param tvid_prodid:
:type tvid_prodid: AnyStr
:rtype: OrderedDefaultdict
exceptions_dict = OrderedDefaultdict(list)
from sickgear.tv import TVidProdid
my_db = db.DBConnection()
exceptions = my_db.select('SELECT show_name,season'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?'
' ORDER BY season DESC, show_name DESC',
exceptions_seasons = []
if exceptions:
for cur_exception in exceptions:
# order as, s*, and then season desc, show_name also desc (so years in names may fall newest on top)
if -1 == cur_exception['season']:
exceptions_seasons += [cur_exception]
for cur_exception in exceptions_seasons:
return exceptions_dict
def get_scene_seasons(tvid, prodid):
return a list of season numbers that have scene exceptions
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
:rtype: List
global exceptionsSeasonCache
exception_season_list = []
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsSeasonCache:
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT DISTINCT(season) AS season'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?',
[tvid, prodid])
if sql_result:
exception_season_list = list(set([int(x['season']) for x in sql_result]))
if (tvid, prodid) not in exceptionsSeasonCache:
exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] = {}
exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)] = exception_season_list
exception_season_list = exceptionsSeasonCache[(tvid, prodid)]
return exception_season_list
def get_scene_exception_by_name(show_name):
:param show_name: show name
:type show_name: AnyStr
:rtype: Tuple[None, None, None] or Tuple[int, int or long, int]
return get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(show_name)[0]
def get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(show_name):
:param show_name: show name
:type show_name: AnyStr
:return: (tvid, prodid, season) of the exception, None if no exception is present.
:rtype: Tuple[None, None, None] or Tuple[int, int or long, int]
exception_result = name_cache.sceneNameCache[helpers.full_sanitize_scene_name(show_name)]
return [exception_result]
except (BaseException, Exception):
return [[None, None, None]]
def retrieve_exceptions():
Looks up the exceptions on github, parses them into a dict, and inserts them into the
scene_exceptions table in cache.db. Also clears the scene name cache.
global exception_dict, anidb_exception_dict, xem_exception_dict
# exceptions are stored on github pages
for tvid in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources:
if should_refresh(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name):
logger.log(u'Checking for scene exception updates for %s' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name)
url = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config.get('scene_url')
if not url:
url_data = helpers.get_url(url)
if None is url_data:
# When None is urlData, trouble connecting to github
logger.log(u'Check scene exceptions update failed. Unable to get URL: %s' % url, logger.ERROR)
# each exception is on one line with the format indexer_id: 'show name 1', 'show name 2', etc
for cur_line in url_data.splitlines():
cur_line = cur_line
prodid, sep, aliases = cur_line.partition(':')
if not aliases:
prodid = int(prodid)
# regex out the list of shows, taking \' into account
# alias_list = [re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', x) for x in re.findall(r"'(.*?)(?<!\\)',?", aliases)]
alias_list = [{re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', x): -1} for x in re.findall(r"'(.*?)(?<!\\)',?", aliases)]
exception_dict[(tvid, prodid)] = alias_list
del alias_list
del url_data
# XEM scene exceptions
for xem_ex in xem_exception_dict:
if xem_ex in exception_dict:
exception_dict[xem_ex] = exception_dict[xem_ex] + xem_exception_dict[xem_ex]
exception_dict[xem_ex] = xem_exception_dict[xem_ex]
# AniDB scene exceptions
for anidb_ex in anidb_exception_dict:
if anidb_ex in exception_dict:
exception_dict[anidb_ex] = exception_dict[anidb_ex] + anidb_exception_dict[anidb_ex]
exception_dict[anidb_ex] = anidb_exception_dict[anidb_ex]
# Custom exceptions
custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, min_remain_iv = _custom_exceptions_fetcher()
for custom_ex in custom_exception_dict:
if custom_ex in exception_dict:
exception_dict[custom_ex] = exception_dict[custom_ex] + custom_exception_dict[custom_ex]
exception_dict[custom_ex] = custom_exception_dict[custom_ex]
changed_exceptions = False
# write all the exceptions we got off the net into the database
my_db = db.DBConnection()
cl = []
for cur_tvid_prodid in exception_dict:
# get a list of the existing exceptions for this ID
existing_exceptions = [{x['show_name']: x['season']} for x in
my_db.select('SELECT show_name, season'
' FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?',
# if this exception isn't already in the DB then add it
for cur_exception_dict in filter(lambda e: e not in existing_exceptions, exception_dict[cur_tvid_prodid]):
cur_exception, cur_season = next(iteritems(cur_exception_dict))
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('scene exception error', logger.ERROR)
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
cl.append(['INSERT INTO scene_exceptions'
' (indexer, indexer_id, show_name, season) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
list(cur_tvid_prodid) + [cur_exception, cur_season]])
changed_exceptions = True
if cl:
# since this could invalidate the results of the cache we clear it out after updating
if changed_exceptions:
logger.log(u'Updated scene exceptions')
logger.log(u'No scene exceptions update needed')
# cleanup
return changed_exceptions, cnt_updated_numbers, min_remain_iv
def update_scene_exceptions(tvid, prodid, scene_exceptions):
Given a indexer_id, and a list of all show scene exceptions, update the db.
:param tvid: tvid
:type tvid: int
:param prodid: prodid
:type prodid: int or long
:param scene_exceptions:
:type scene_exceptions: List
global exceptionsCache
my_db = db.DBConnection()
my_db.action('DELETE FROM scene_exceptions'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND indexer_id = ?',
[tvid, prodid])
# A change has been made to the scene exception list. Let's clear the cache, to make this visible
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)] = defaultdict(list)
logger.log(u'Updating scene exceptions', logger.MESSAGE)
for exception in scene_exceptions:
cur_season, cur_exception = exception.split('|', 1)
cur_season = int(cur_season)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('invalid scene exception: %s - %s:%s' % ('%s:%s' % (tvid, prodid), cur_season, cur_exception),
exceptionsCache[(tvid, prodid)][cur_season].append(cur_exception)
my_db.action('INSERT INTO scene_exceptions'
' (indexer, indexer_id, show_name, season) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',
[tvid, prodid, cur_exception, cur_season])
def _custom_exceptions_fetcher():
custom_exception_dict = {}
cnt_updated_numbers = 0
src_id = 'GHSG'
logger.log(u'Checking to update custom alternatives from %s' % src_id)
dirpath = os.path.join(sickgear.CACHE_DIR, 'alts')
tmppath = os.path.join(dirpath, 'tmp')
file_rar = os.path.join(tmppath, 'alt.rar')
file_cache = os.path.join(dirpath, 'alt.json')
iv = 30 * 60 # min interval to fetch updates
refresh = should_refresh(src_id, iv)
fetch_data = not os.path.isfile(file_cache) or (not int(os.environ.get('NO_ALT_GET', 0)) and refresh)
if fetch_data:
if os.path.exists(tmppath):
helpers.remove_file(tmppath, tree=True)
helpers.download_file(r'https://github.com/SickGear/sickgear.altdata/raw/main/alt.rar', file_rar)
rar_handle = None
if 'win32' == sys.platform:
rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = os.path.join(sickgear.PROG_DIR, 'lib', 'rarfile', 'UnRAR.exe')
rar_handle = rarfile.RarFile(file_rar)
rar_handle.extractall(path=dirpath, pwd='sickgear_alt')
except(BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to unpack archive: %s with error: %s' % (file_rar, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
if rar_handle:
del rar_handle
helpers.remove_file(tmppath, tree=True)
if refresh:
if not fetch_data and not os.path.isfile(file_cache):
logger.debug(u'Unable to fetch custom exceptions, skipped: %s' % file_rar)
return custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, should_refresh(src_id, iv, remaining=True)
data = {}
with io.open(file_cache) as fh:
data = json_load(fh)
except(BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to unpack json data: %s with error: %s' % (file_rar, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
# handle data
from .scene_numbering import find_scene_numbering, set_scene_numbering_helper
from .tv import TVidProdid
for tvid_prodid, season_data in iteritems(data):
show_obj = sickgear.helpers.find_show_by_id(tvid_prodid, no_mapped_ids=True)
if not show_obj:
used = set()
for for_season, data in iteritems(season_data):
for_season = helpers.try_int(for_season, None)
tvid, prodid = TVidProdid(tvid_prodid).tuple
if data.get('n'): # alt names
custom_exception_dict.setdefault((tvid, prodid), [])
custom_exception_dict[(tvid, prodid)] += [{name: for_season} for name in data.get('n')]
for update in data.get('se') or []:
for for_episode, se_range in iteritems(update): # scene episode alt numbers
for_episode = helpers.try_int(for_episode, None)
target_season, episode_range = se_range.split('x')
scene_episodes = [int(x) for x in episode_range.split('-') if None is not helpers.try_int(x, None)]
if 2 == len(scene_episodes):
desc = scene_episodes[0] > scene_episodes[1]
if desc: # handle a descending range case
scene_episodes = list_range(*[scene_episodes[0], scene_episodes[1] + 1])
if desc:
target_season = helpers.try_int(target_season, None)
for target_episode in scene_episodes:
sn = find_scene_numbering(tvid, prodid, for_season, for_episode)
used.add((for_season, for_episode, target_season, target_episode))
if sn and ((for_season, for_episode) + sn) not in used \
and (for_season, for_episode) not in used:
u'Skipped setting "%s" episode %sx%s to target a release %sx%s because set to %sx%s'
% (show_obj.unique_name, for_season, for_episode,
target_season, target_episode, sn[0], sn[1]),
used.add((for_season, for_episode))
if not sn or sn != (target_season, target_episode): # not already set
result = set_scene_numbering_helper(
tvid, prodid, for_season=for_season, for_episode=for_episode,
scene_season=target_season, scene_episode=target_episode)
if result.get('success'):
cnt_updated_numbers += 1
for_episode = for_episode + 1
return custom_exception_dict, cnt_updated_numbers, should_refresh(src_id, iv, remaining=True)
def _anidb_exceptions_fetcher():
global anidb_exception_dict
if should_refresh('anidb'):
logger.log(u'Checking for AniDB scene exception updates')
for cur_show_obj in filter(lambda _s: _s.is_anime and TVINFO_TVDB == _s.tvid, sickgear.showList):
anime = create_anidb_obj(name=cur_show_obj.name, tvdbid=cur_show_obj.prodid, autoCorrectName=True)
except (BaseException, Exception):
if anime.name and anime.name != cur_show_obj.name:
anidb_exception_dict[(cur_show_obj.tvid, cur_show_obj.prodid)] = [{anime.name: -1}]
return anidb_exception_dict
def _xem_exceptions_fetcher():
global xem_exception_dict
xem_list = 'xem_us'
for cur_show_obj in sickgear.showList:
if cur_show_obj.is_anime and not cur_show_obj.paused:
xem_list = 'xem'
if should_refresh(xem_list):
for tvid in [i for i in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources if 'xem_origin' in sickgear.TVInfoAPI(i).config]:
logger.log(u'Checking for XEM scene exception updates for %s' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name)
url = 'https://thexem.info/map/allNames?origin=%s%s&seasonNumbers=1'\
% (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config['xem_origin'], ('&language=us', '')['xem' == xem_list])
parsed_json = helpers.get_url(url, parse_json=True, timeout=90)
if not parsed_json:
logger.log(u'Check scene exceptions update failed for %s, Unable to get URL: %s'
% (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name, url), logger.ERROR)
if 'failure' == parsed_json['result']:
for prodid, names in iteritems(parsed_json['data']):
xem_exception_dict[(tvid, int(prodid))] = names
except (BaseException, Exception):
return xem_exception_dict
def _xem_get_ids(infosrc_name, xem_origin):
:param infosrc_name:
:type infosrc_name: AnyStr
:param xem_origin:
:type xem_origin: AnyStr
:rtype: List
xem_ids = []
url = 'https://thexem.info/map/havemap?origin=%s' % xem_origin
task = 'Fetching show ids with%s xem scene mapping%s for origin'
logger.log(u'%s %s' % (task % ('', 's'), infosrc_name))
parsed_json = helpers.get_url(url, parse_json=True, timeout=90)
if not isinstance(parsed_json, dict) or not parsed_json:
logger.log(u'Failed %s %s, Unable to get URL: %s'
% (task.lower() % ('', 's'), infosrc_name, url), logger.ERROR)
if 'success' == parsed_json.get('result', '') and 'data' in parsed_json:
xem_ids = list(set(filter(lambda prodid: 0 < prodid,
map(lambda pid: helpers.try_int(pid), parsed_json['data']))))
if 0 == len(xem_ids):
logger.log(u'Failed %s %s, no data items parsed from URL: %s'
% (task.lower() % ('', 's'), infosrc_name, url), logger.WARNING)
logger.log(u'Finished %s %s' % (task.lower() % (' %s' % len(xem_ids), helpers.maybe_plural(xem_ids)),
return xem_ids
def get_xem_ids():
global xem_ids_list
for tvid, name in iteritems(sickgear.TVInfoAPI().xem_supported_sources):
xem_ids = _xem_get_ids(name, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).config['xem_origin'])
if len(xem_ids):
xem_ids_list[tvid] = xem_ids
def has_abs_episodes(ep_obj=None, name=None):
:param ep_obj: episode object
:type ep_obj: sickgear.tv.TVEpisode or None
:param name: name
:type name: AnyStr
:rtype: bool
return any([(name or ep_obj.show_obj.name or '').lower().startswith(x.lower()) for x in [
'The Eighties', 'The Making of the Mob', 'The Night Of', 'Roots 2016', 'Trepalium'