mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 23:05:05 +00:00
Cleanup most init warnings. Cleanup some vars, pythonic instead of js. Some typos and python var/func names for Scheduler. Remove legacy handlers deprecated in 2020. Remove some legacy tagged stuff. Cleanup ConfigParser and 23.py Change cleanup vendored scandir. Remove redundant pkg_resources.py in favour of the vendor folder. Remove backports. Remove trakt checker. Change remove redundant WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy from webserveInit. Cleanup varnames and providers Various minor tidy ups to remove ide warnings.
443 lines
20 KiB
443 lines
20 KiB
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from datetime import datetime
import re
import time
from .generic import GenericClient
from .. import logger
from ..helpers import get_url, try_int
from ..sgdatetime import timestamp_near
import sickgear
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from _23 import unquote_plus
from six import string_types
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Optional, Union
from ..classes import TorrentSearchResult
class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
def __init__(self, host=None, username=None, password=None):
super(QbittorrentAPI, self).__init__('qBittorrent', host, username, password)
self.url = self.host
self.session.headers.update({'Origin': self.host})
self.api_ns = None
def _active_state(self, ids=None):
# type: (Optional[AnyStr, list]) -> list
Fetch state of items, return items that are actually downloading or seeding
:param ids: Optional id(s) to get state info for. None to get all
:return: Zero or more object(s) assigned with state `down`loading or `seed`ing
downloaded = (lambda item: float(item.get('progress') or 0) * (item.get('size') or 0)) # bytes
wanted = (lambda item: item.get('priority')) # wanted will == tally/downloaded if all files are selected
base_state = (lambda t, gp, f: dict(
id=t['hash'], title=t['name'], total_size=gp.get('total_size') or 0,
added_ts=gp.get('addition_date'), last_completed_ts=gp.get('completion_date'),
last_started_ts=None, seed_elapsed_secs=gp.get('seeding_time'),
wanted_size=sum(list(map(lambda tf: wanted(tf) and tf.get('size') or 0, f))) or None,
wanted_down=sum(list(map(lambda tf: wanted(tf) and downloaded(tf) or 0, f))) or None,
tally_down=sum(list(map(lambda tf: downloaded(tf) or 0, f))) or None,
state='done' if 'pausedUP' == t.get('state') else ('down', 'seed')['up' in t.get('state').lower()]
file_list = (lambda ti: self._client_request(
('torrents/files', 'query/propertiesFiles/%s' % ti['hash'])[not self.api_ns],
params=({'hash': ti['hash']}, {})[not self.api_ns], json=True) or {})
valid_stat = (lambda ti: not self._ignore_state(ti)
and sum(list(map(lambda tf: wanted(tf) and downloaded(tf) or 0, file_list(ti)))))
result = list(map(lambda t: base_state(t, self._tinf(t['hash'])[0], file_list(t)),
list(filter(lambda t: re.search('(?i)queue|stall|(up|down)load|pausedUP', t['state']) and
valid_stat(t), self._tinf(ids, False)))))
return result
def _tinf(self, ids=None, use_props=True, err=False):
# type: (Optional[list], bool, bool) -> list
Fetch client task information
:param ids: Optional id(s) to get task info for. None to get all task info
:param use_props: Optional override forces retrieval of torrents info instead of torrent generic properties
:param err: Optional return error dict instead of empty array
:return: Zero or more task object(s) from response
result = []
rids = (ids if isinstance(ids, (list, type(None))) else [x.strip() for x in ids.split(',')]) or [None]
getinfo = use_props and None is not ids
params = {}
cmd = ('torrents/info', 'query/torrents')[not self.api_ns]
if not getinfo:
label = sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL.replace(' ', '_')
if label and not ids:
params['category'] = label
for rid in rids:
if getinfo:
if self.api_ns:
cmd = 'torrents/properties'
params['hash'] = rid
cmd = 'query/propertiesGeneral/%s' % rid
elif rid:
params['hashes'] = rid
tasks = self._client_request(cmd, params=params, timeout=60, json=True)
result += tasks and (isinstance(tasks, list) and tasks or (isinstance(tasks, dict) and [tasks])) \
or ([], [{'state': 'error', 'hash': rid}])[err]
except (BaseException, Exception):
if getinfo:
result += [dict(error=True, id=rid)]
for t in filter(lambda d: isinstance(d.get('name'), string_types) and d.get('name'), (result, [])[getinfo]):
t['name'] = unquote_plus(t.get('name'))
return result
def _set_torrent_pause(self, search_result):
# type: (TorrentSearchResult) -> bool
Set torrent as paused used for the "add as paused" feature (overridden class function)
:param search_result: A populated search result object
:return: Success or Falsy if fail
if not sickgear.TORRENT_PAUSED:
return super(QbittorrentAPI, self)._set_torrent_pause(search_result)
return True is self._pause_torrent(search_result.hash)
def _set_torrent_label(self, search_result):
if not sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL.replace(' ', '_'):
return super(QbittorrentAPI, self)._set_torrent_label(search_result)
return True is self._label_torrent(search_result.hash)
def _set_torrent_priority(self, search_result):
if 1 != search_result.priority:
return super(QbittorrentAPI, self)._set_torrent_priority(search_result)
return True is self._maxpri_torrent(search_result.hash)
def _ignore_state(task):
return bool(re.search(r'(?i)error', task.get('state') or ''))
def _maxpri_torrent(self, ids):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, list]) -> Union[bool, list]
Set maximal priority in queue to torrent task
:param ids: ID(s) to promote
:return: True/Falsy if success/failure else ID(s) that failed to be changed
def _maxpri_filter(t):
mark_fail = True
if not self._ignore_state(t):
if 1 >= t.get('priority'):
return not mark_fail
params = {'hashes': t.get('hash')}
post_data = None
if not self.api_ns:
post_data = params
params = None
response = self._client_request(
'%s/topPrio' % ('torrents', 'command')[not self.api_ns],
params=params, post_data=post_data, raise_status_code=True)
if True is response:
task = self._tinf(t.get('hash'), use_props=False, err=True)[0]
return 1 < task.get('priority') or self._ignore_state(task) # then mark fail
elif isinstance(response, string_types) and 'queueing' in response.lower():
logger.log('%s: %s' % (self.name, response), logger.ERROR)
return not mark_fail
return mark_fail
return self._action('topPrio', ids, lambda t: _maxpri_filter(t))
def _label_torrent(self, ids):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, list]) -> Union[bool, list]
Set label/category to torrent task
:param ids: ID(s) to change
:return: True/Falsy if success/failure else ID(s) that failed to be changed
def _label_filter(t):
mark_fail = True
if not self._ignore_state(t):
label = sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL.replace(' ', '_')
if label in t.get('category'):
return not mark_fail
response = self._client_request(
'%s/setCategory' % ('torrents', 'command')[not self.api_ns],
post_data={'hashes': t.get('hash'), 'category': label, 'label': label}, raise_status_code=True)
if True is response:
task = self._tinf(t.get('hash'), use_props=False, err=True)[0]
return label not in task.get('category') or self._ignore_state(task) # then mark fail
elif isinstance(response, string_types) and 'incorrect' in response.lower():
logger.log('%s: %s. "%s" isn\'t known to qB' % (self.name, response, label), logger.ERROR)
return not mark_fail
return mark_fail
return self._action('label', ids, lambda t: _label_filter(t))
def _pause_torrent(self, ids):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, list]) -> Union[bool, list]
Pause item(s)
:param ids: ID(s) to pause
:return: True/Falsy if success/failure else ID(s) that failed to be paused
def _pause_filter(t):
mark_fail = True
if not self._ignore_state(t):
if 'paused' in t.get('state'):
return not mark_fail
if True is self._client_request(
'%s/pause' % ('torrents', 'command')[not self.api_ns],
post_data={'hash' + ('es', '')[not self.api_ns]: t.get('hash')}):
task = self._tinf(t.get('hash'), use_props=False, err=True)[0]
return 'paused' not in task.get('state') or self._ignore_state(task) # then mark fail
return mark_fail
# check task state stability, and call pause where not paused
sample_size = 10
iv = 0.5
states = []
for i in range(0, sample_size):
states += [self._tinf(ids, False)[0]['state']]
if 'paused' not in states[-1]:
self._action('pause', ids, lambda t: _pause_filter(t))
# as precaution, if was unstable, do another pass
sample_size = 10
iterations = int((5 + sample_size) * iv * (1 / iv)) # timeout, ought never happen
while 1 != len(set(states)) and iterations:
for i in range(0, sample_size):
states += [self._tinf(ids, False)[0]['state']]
if 'paused' not in states[-1] and True is not self._action('pause', ids, lambda t: _pause_filter(t)):
iterations -= 1
if iterations:
iterations = None
states = states[-sample_size:]
return 'paused' in states[-1]
def _resume_torrent(self, ids):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, list]) -> Union[bool, list]
Resume task(s) in client
:param ids: ID(s) to act on
:return: True if success, ID(s) that could not be resumed, else Falsy if failure
return self._perform_task(
'resume', ids,
lambda t: self._ignore_state(t) or
('paused' in t.get('state')) and
True is not self._client_request(
'%s/resume' % ('torrents', 'command')[not self.api_ns],
post_data={'hash' + ('es', '')[not self.api_ns]: t.get('hash')}))
def _delete_torrent(self, ids):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, list]) -> Union[bool, list]
Delete task(s) from client
:param ids: ID(s) to act on
:return: True if success, ID(s) that could not be deleted, else Falsy if failure
return self._perform_task(
'delete', ids,
lambda t: self._ignore_state(t) or
True is not self._client_request(
('torrents/delete', 'command/deletePerm')[not self.api_ns],
post_data=dict([('hashes', t.get('hash'))] + ([('deleteFiles', True)], [])[not self.api_ns])),
def _perform_task(self, method, ids, filter_func, pause_first=False):
# type: (AnyStr, Union[AnyStr, list], Callable, bool) -> Union[bool, list]
Set up and send a method to client
:param method: Either `resume` or `delete`
:param ids: ID(s) to perform method on
:param filter_func: Call back function passed to _action that will filter tasks as failed or erroneous
:param pause_first: True if task should be paused prior to invoking method
:return: True if success, ID(s) that could not be acted upon, else Falsy if failure
if isinstance(ids, (string_types, list)):
rids = ids if isinstance(ids, list) else list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), ids.split(',')))
result = pause_first and self._pause_torrent(rids) # get items not paused
result = (isinstance(result, list) and result or [])
for t_id in list(set(rids) - (isinstance(result, list) and set(result) or set())): # perform on paused ids
if True is not self._action(method, t_id, filter_func):
result += [t_id] # failed item
return result or True
def _action(self, act, ids, filter_func):
if isinstance(ids, (string_types, list)):
item = dict(fail=[], ignore=[])
for task in filter(filter_func, self._tinf(ids, use_props=False, err=True)):
item[('fail', 'ignore')[self._ignore_state(task)]] += [task.get('hash')]
# retry items that are not acted on
retry_ids = item['fail']
tries = (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 15, 30, 60)
i = 0
while retry_ids:
for i in tries:
logger.log('%s: retry %s %s item(s) in %ss' % (self.name, act, len(item['fail']), i), logger.DEBUG)
item['fail'] = []
for task in filter(filter_func, self._tinf(retry_ids, use_props=False, err=True)):
item[('fail', 'ignore')[self._ignore_state(task)]] += [task.get('hash')]
if not item['fail']:
retry_ids = None
retry_ids = item['fail']
if max(tries) == i:
logger.log('%s: failed to %s %s item(s) after %s tries over %s mins, aborted' %
(self.name, act, len(item['fail']), len(tries), sum(tries) / 60), logger.DEBUG)
return (item['fail'] + item['ignore']) or True
def _add_torrent_uri(self, search_result):
# type: (TorrentSearchResult) -> Optional[bool]
Add magnet to client (overridden class function)
:param search_result: A populated search result object
:return: True if created, else Falsy if nothing created
return search_result and self._add_torrent('download', search_result) or False
def _add_torrent_file(self, search_result):
# type: (TorrentSearchResult) -> Optional[bool]
Add file to client (overridden class function)
:param search_result: A populated search result object
:return: True if created, else Falsy if nothing created
return search_result and self._add_torrent('upload', search_result) or False
def _add_torrent(self, cmd, data):
# type: (AnyStr, TorrentSearchResult) -> Optional[bool]
Create client task
:param cmd: Command for client API v6, converted up for newer API
:param data: A populated search result object
:return: True if created, else Falsy if nothing created
if self._tinf(data.hash):
logger.log('Could not create task, the hash is already in use', logger.ERROR)
label = sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL.replace(' ', '_')
params = dict(
([('category', label), ('label', label)], [])[not label]
+ ([('paused', ('false', 'true')[bool(sickgear.TORRENT_PAUSED)])], [])[not sickgear.TORRENT_PAUSED]
+ ([('savepath', sickgear.TORRENT_PATH)], [])[not sickgear.TORRENT_PATH]
if 'download' == cmd:
kwargs = dict(post_data=params)
kwargs = dict(post_data=params, files={'torrents': ('%s.torrent' % data.name, data.content)})
task_stamp = int(timestamp_near(datetime.now()))
response = self._client_request(('torrents/add', 'command/%s' % cmd)[not self.api_ns], **kwargs)
if True is response:
for s in (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60):
if list(filter(lambda t: task_stamp <= t['addition_date'], self._tinf(data.hash))):
return data.hash
return True
def api_found(self):
v = self._client_request('app/webapiVersion').split('.')
return (2, 0) < tuple([try_int(x) for x in '.'.join(v + ['0'] * (4 - len(v))).split('.')])
except AttributeError:
return 6 < try_int(self._client_request('version/api'))
def _client_request(self, cmd='', **kwargs):
# type: (AnyStr, Any) -> Optional[AnyStr, bool, dict, list]
Send a request to client
:param cmd: Api task to invoke
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass through to helpers getURL function
:return: JSON decoded response dict, True if success and no response body, Text error or None if failure,
authless = bool(re.search('(?i)login|version', cmd))
if authless or self.auth:
if not authless and not self._get_auth():
logger.log('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
# self._log_request_details('%s%s' % (self.api_ns, cmd.strip('/')), **kwargs)
response = None
response = get_url('%s%s%s' % (self.host, self.api_ns, cmd.strip('/')),
session=self.session, **kwargs)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.response.status_code in (409, 403):
response = e.response.text
except (BaseException, Exception):
if isinstance(response, string_types):
if response[0:3].lower() in ('', 'ok.'):
return True
elif response[0:4].lower() == 'fail':
return False
return response
def _get_auth(self):
Authenticate with client (overridden class function)
:return: True on success, or False on failure
:rtype: Boolean
post_data = dict(username=self.username, password=self.password)
self.api_ns = 'api/v2/'
response = self._client_request('auth/login', post_data=post_data, raise_status_code=True)
if isinstance(response, string_types) and 'banned' in response.lower():
logger.log('%s: %s' % (self.name, response), logger.ERROR)
response = False
elif not response:
self.api_ns = ''
response = self._client_request('login', post_data=post_data)
self.auth = response and self.api_found()
return self.auth
api = QbittorrentAPI()