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synced 2025-03-15 09:07:43 +00:00
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer. Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer. Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk! Enjoy!
212 lines
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212 lines
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/*jQuery Form to Form Wizard (Initial: Oct 1st, 2010)
* This notice must stay intact for usage
* Author: Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
//Oct 21st, 2010: Script updated to v1.1, which adds basic form validation functionality, triggered each time the user goes from one page to the next, or tries to submit the form.
function formtowizard(options){
this.setting=jQuery.extend({persistsection:false, revealfx:['slide', 500], oninit:function(){}, onpagechangestart:function(){}}, options)
createfieldsets:function($theform, arr){ //reserved function for future version (dynamically wraps form elements with a fieldset element)
$theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').removeClass('sectionwrap') //make sure no fieldsets carry 'sectionwrap' before proceeding
var $startelement=$theform.find(':first-child') //reference first element inside form
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ //loop thru "break" elements
var $fieldsetelements=$startelement.nextUntil('#'+arr[i].breakafter+', *[name='+arr[i].breakafter+']').andSelf() //reference all elements from start element to break element (nextUntil() is jQuery 1.4 function)
$fieldsetelements.add($fieldsetelements.next()).wrapAll('<fieldset class="sectionwrap" />') //wrap these elements with fieldset element
$startelement=$theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').eq(i).prepend('<legend class="legendStep">'+arr[i].legend+'</legend>').next() //increment startelement to begin at the end of the just inserted fieldset element
loadsection:function(rawi, bypasshooks){
var thiswizard=this
//doload Boolean checks to see whether to load next section (true if bypasshooks param is true or onpagechangestart() event handler doesn't return false)
var doload=bypasshooks || this.setting.onpagechangestart(jQuery, this.currentsection, this.sections.$sections.eq(this.currentsection))
doload=(doload===false)? false : true //unless doload is explicitly false, set to true
if (!bypasshooks && this.setting.validate){
var outcome=this.validate(this.currentsection)
if (outcome===false)
var i=(rawi=="prev")? this.currentsection-1 : (rawi=="next")? this.currentsection+1 : parseInt(rawi) //get index of next section to show
i=(i<0)? this.sections.count-1 : (i>this.sections.count-1)? 0 : i //make sure i doesn't exceed min/max limit
if (i<this.sections.count && doload){ //if next section to show isn't the same as the current section shown
this.$thesteps.eq(this.currentsection).addClass('disabledstep').end().eq(i).removeClass('disabledstep') //dull current "step" text then highlight next "step" text
if (this.setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){
this.sections.$sections.css("visibility", "visible")
this.sections.$outerwrapper.stop().animate({height: this.sections.$sections.eq(i).outerHeight()}, this.setting.revealfx[1]) //animate fieldset wrapper's height to accomodate next section's height
this.sections.$innerwrapper.stop().animate({left:-i*this.maxfieldsetwidth}, this.setting.revealfx[1], function(){ //slide next section into view
if (thissec!=i) //hide fieldset sections currently not in veiw, so tabbing doesn't go to elements within them (and mess up layout)
thiswizard.sections.$sections.eq(thissec).css("visibility", "hidden")
else if (this.setting.revealfx[0]=="fade"){ //if fx is "fade"
this.sections.$sections.eq(this.currentsection).hide().end().eq(i).fadeIn(this.setting.revealfx[1], function(){
if (document.all && this.style && this.style.removeAttribute)
this.style.removeAttribute('filter') //fix IE clearType problem
this.paginatediv.$status.text("Page "+(i+1)+" of "+this.sections.count) //update current page status text
this.paginatediv.$navlinks.css('visibility', 'visible')
if (i==0) //hide "prev" link
this.paginatediv.$navlinks.eq(0).css('visibility', 'hidden')
else if (i==this.sections.count-1) //hide "next" link
this.paginatediv.$navlinks.eq(1).css('visibility', 'hidden')
if (this.setting.persistsection) //enable persistence?
formtowizard.routines.setCookie(this.setting.formid+"_persist", i)
if(i === 0) { setTimeout(function() { $('#nameToSearch').focus(); }, 250); }
var $=jQuery, setting=this.setting, theform=this.$theform.get(0), validatefields=[]
var validatefields=setting.validate //array of form element ids to validate
for (var i=0; i<validatefields.length; i++){
var el=theform.elements[validatefields[i]] //reference form element
if (el){ //if element is defined
var $section=$(el).parents('fieldset.sectionwrap:eq(0)') //find fieldset.sectionwrap this form element belongs to
if ($section.length==1){ //if element is within a fieldset.sectionwrap element
$section.data('elements').push(el) //cache this element inside corresponding section
var elements=this.sections.$sections.eq(section).data('elements') //reference elements within this section that should be validated
var validated=true, invalidtext=["Please fill out the following fields:\n"]
function invalidate(el){
invalidtext.push("- "+ (el.id || el.name))
for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++){
if (/(text)/.test(elements[i].type) && elements[i].value==""){ //text and textarea elements
else if (/(select)/.test(elements[i].type) && (elements[i].selectedIndex==-1 || elements[i].options[elements[i].selectedIndex].text=="")){ //select elements
else if (elements[i].type==undefined && elements[i].length>0){ //radio and checkbox elements
var onechecked=false
for (var r=0; r<elements[i].length; r++){
if (elements[i][r].checked==true){
if (!onechecked){
if (!validated)
return validated
var thiswizard=this
jQuery(function($){ //on document.ready
var $theform=$('#'+setting.formid)
if ($theform.length==0) //if form with specified ID doesn't exist, try name attribute instead
if (setting.manualfieldsets && setting.manualfieldsets.length>0)
thiswizard.createfieldsets($theform, setting.manualfieldsets)
var $stepsguide=$('<div class="stepsguide" />') //create Steps Container to house the "steps" text
var $sections=$theform.find('fieldset.sectionwrap').hide() //find all fieldset elements within form and hide them initially
if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){ //create outer DIV that will house all the fieldset.sectionwrap elements
$sectionswrapper=$('<div style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;"></div>').insertBefore($sections.eq(0)) //add DIV above the first fieldset.sectionwrap element
$sectionswrapper_inner=$('<div style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;"></div>') //create inner DIV of $sectionswrapper that will scroll to reveal a fieldset element
var maxfieldsetwidth=$sections.eq(0).outerWidth() //variable to get width of widest fieldset.sectionwrap
$sections.slice(1).each(function(i){ //loop through $sections (starting from 2nd one)
maxfieldsetwidth=Math.max($(this).outerWidth(), maxfieldsetwidth)
maxfieldsetwidth+=2 //add 2px to final width to reveal fieldset border (if not removed via CSS)
$sections.each(function(i){ //loop through $sections again
var $section=$(this)
if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){
$section.data('page', i).css({position:'absolute', top:0, left:maxfieldsetwidth*i}).appendTo($sectionswrapper_inner) //set fieldset position to "absolute" and move it to inside sectionswrapper_inner DIV
$section.data('elements', []) //empty array to contain elements within this section that should be validated for data (applicable only if validate option is defined)
//create each "step" DIV and add it to main Steps Container:
var $thestep=$('<div class="step disabledstep" />').data('section', i).html('Step '+(i+1)+'<div class="smalltext">'+$section.find('legend:eq(0)').text()+'<p></p></div>').appendTo($stepsguide)
$thestep.click(function(){ //assign behavior to each step div
if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){
$sectionswrapper.width(maxfieldsetwidth) //set fieldset wrapper to width of widest fieldset
$sectionswrapper.append($sectionswrapper_inner) //add $sectionswrapper_inner as a child of $sectionswrapper
$theform.prepend($stepsguide) //add $thesteps div to the beginning of the form
//$stepsguide.insertBefore($sectionswrapper) //add Steps Container before sectionswrapper container
var $thesteps=$stepsguide.find('div.step')
//create pagination DIV and add it to end of form:
var $paginatediv=$('<div class="formpaginate" style="overflow:hidden;"><span class="prev" style="float:left">Prev</span> <span class="status">Step 1 of </span> <span class="next" style="float:right">Next</span></div>')
if (setting.revealfx[0]=="slide"){
thiswizard.sections={$outerwrapper:$sectionswrapper, $innerwrapper:$sectionswrapper_inner, $sections:$sections, count:$sections.length} //remember various parts of section container
thiswizard.sections={$sections:$sections, count:$sections.length} //remember various parts of section container
thiswizard.$thesteps=$thesteps //remember this ref
thiswizard.paginatediv={$main:$paginatediv, $navlinks:$paginatediv.find('span.prev, span.next'), $status:$paginatediv.find('span.status')} //remember various parts of pagination DIV
thiswizard.paginatediv.$main.click(function(e){ //assign behavior to pagination buttons
if (/(prev)|(next)/.test(e.target.className))
var i=(setting.persistsection)? formtowizard.routines.getCookie(setting.formid+"_persist") : 0
thiswizard.loadsection(i||0, true) //show the first section
thiswizard.setting.oninit($, i, $sections.eq(i)) //call oninit event handler
if (setting.validate){ //if validate array defined
thiswizard.addvalidatefields() //seek out and cache form elements that should be validated
var returnval=true
for (var i=0; i<thiswizard.sections.count; i++){
if (!thiswizard.validate(i)){
thiswizard.loadsection(i, true)
return returnval //allow or disallow form submission
var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null
setCookie:function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"=" + value + ";path=/"
} |