mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 13:25:04 +00:00
806 lines
38 KiB
806 lines
38 KiB
# coding=utf-8
import threading
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*fuz.*', message='.*Sequence.*')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*connectionpool.*', message='.*certificate verification.*')
import test_lib as test
from datetime import date as org_date, datetime as org_datetime
import datetime
import gc
import hashlib
import lzma
import pickle
import sys
import unittest
import os.path
import shutil
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('..'))
import sickgear
from sickgear.indexers.indexer_config import TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVMAZE, TVINFO_TRAKT, TVINFO_IMDB, \
from lib.tvinfo_base import TVInfoPerson as TVInfoPerson_lib, TVInfoImage as TVInfoImage_lib, \
TVInfoSocialIDs as TVInfoSocialIDs_lib, TVInfoCharacter as TVInfoCharacter_lib, TVInfoShow as TVInfoShow_lib, \
TVInfoIDs as TVInfoIDs_lib, CastList as CastList_lib, CrewList as CrewList_lib, \
TVInfoEpisode as TVInfoEpisode_lib, TVInfoSeason as TVInfoSeason_lib, \
TVInfoNetwork as TVInfoNetwork_lib
from tvinfo_base import TVInfoPerson, TVInfoImage, TVInfoSocialIDs, TVInfoCharacter, TVInfoShow, TVInfoIDs, CastList, \
CrewList, RoleTypes, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoSeason, TVInfoNetwork
import requests
from lib.api_tvdb.tvdb_api import Tvdb
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, List, Optional
NoneType = type(None)
threading_Lock = (type(threading.Lock()), type(threading.RLock()))
file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sickgear.CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(file_dir, 'cache')
os.makedirs(sickgear.CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True)
test_base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
mock_data_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'mock_data', test_base_name)
os.makedirs(mock_data_dir, exist_ok=True)
cast_types = [t for t in RoleTypes.reverse.keys() if t < RoleTypes.crew_limit]
crew_types = [t for t in RoleTypes.reverse.keys() if t >= RoleTypes.crew_limit]
# settings for mock file creation
disable_content_creation = True
only_new_urls_data_creation = True
delete_unused_mock_files = False
# other settings
pickle_protocol = 3 # needed for python 3.7 compatibility
used_files = {'browse_start_date.data'}
def _make_filename(file_str, file_ext, extra_strs=None):
# type: (str, str, Optional[List[str]]) -> str
hash_256 = hashlib.sha256()
if isinstance(extra_strs, list):
for _e in extra_strs:
return '%s%s' % (hash_256.hexdigest(), file_ext)
def _mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
url = (1 < len(args) and args[1]) or kwargs.get('url')
resp = requests.Response()
resp.url = url
resp.status_code = 200
resp._content = ''
resp.encoding = 'UTF-8'
resp.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'})
filename = _make_filename(
url, '.data', extra_strs=['%s%s' % (_k, _v) for _k, _v in (args[0].params or {}).items()
if _k not in ('api_key')])
data_file = os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)
if (disable_content_creation or only_new_urls_data_creation) and os.path.isfile(data_file):
with lzma.open(data_file, 'rb') as fd:
resp._content = fd.read()
return resp
elif not disable_content_creation:
kw = kwargs.copy()
kw.update({'params': args[0].params, 'headers': args[0].headers})
resp = requests.get(*args[1:], **kw)
with lzma.open(data_file, 'wb') as fd:
print('error getting: %s' % url)
return resp
def _mock_post(*args, **kwargs):
url = (1 < len(args) and args[1]) or kwargs.get('url')
resp = requests.Response()
resp.status_code = 200
resp._content = ''
resp.encoding = 'UTF-8'
resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
return resp
def _mock_get_new_token(*args, **kwargs):
return {'token': 'testtoken', 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now()}
browse_start_date_filename = os.path.join(mock_data_dir, 'browse_start_date.data')
if disable_content_creation:
with open(browse_start_date_filename, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
browse_start_date = f.read()
with open(browse_start_date_filename, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
browse_start_date = org_datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
class _FakeDate(datetime.date):
def today(cls):
d = org_date.fromisoformat(browse_start_date)
return cls(d.year, d.month, d.day)
class _FakeDateTime(datetime.datetime):
def now(cls, *args, **kwargs):
d = org_datetime.fromisoformat(browse_start_date)
return cls(d.year, d.month, d.day, d.hour, d.minute, d.second)
datetime_date_backup = datetime.date
datetime_datetime_backup = datetime.datetime
def _save_pickle_file(f_name, save_obj):
# type: (str, object) -> None
full_filename = os.path.join(mock_data_dir, f_name)
datetime.date = datetime_date_backup
datetime.datetime = datetime_datetime_backup
with lzma.open(full_filename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(save_obj, f, protocol=pickle_protocol)
datetime.date = _FakeDate
datetime.datetime = _FakeDateTime
def _load_pickle_file(f_name):
# type: (str) -> Any
full_filename = os.path.join(mock_data_dir, f_name)
datetime.date = datetime_date_backup
datetime.datetime = datetime_datetime_backup
with lzma.open(full_filename, 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
datetime.date = _FakeDate
datetime.datetime = _FakeDateTime
backup_session_get = requests.sessions.Session.get
backup_session_post = requests.sessions.Session.post
def _check_types(obj, check_list):
# type: (object, List) -> None
for _p, _pt, _st in check_list:
if not isinstance(getattr(obj, _p), _pt):
raise AssertionError('property: [%s] as unexpected type [%s), expected [%s]' %
(_p, type(getattr(obj, _p)), _pt))
if None is not _st:
if isinstance(getattr(obj, _p), list):
for _o in getattr(obj, _p):
if not isinstance(_o, _st):
raise AssertionError('property: [%s] as unexpected type [%s), expected [%s]' %
(_p, type(_o), _st))
elif isinstance(getattr(obj, _p), dict):
for _k, _v in getattr(obj, _p).items():
if not isinstance(_k, _st[0]):
raise AssertionError('property key: [%s] as unexpected type [%s), expected [%s]' %
(_p, type(_k), _st[0]))
if not isinstance(_v, _st[1]):
raise AssertionError('property key: [%s] as unexpected type [%s), expected [%s]' %
(_p, type(_v), _st[0]))
def _property_type_checker(obj, checked_objs=None):
# type: (object, bool) -> None
# make aure each object is only checked once
checked_objs = checked_objs or []
obj_id = id(obj)
if obj_id in checked_objs:
# make sure type check uses original types
datetime.date = datetime_date_backup
datetime.datetime = datetime_datetime_backup
# special checks for TVInfoPerson property types
if isinstance(obj, (TVInfoPerson, TVInfoPerson_lib)):
_check_types(obj, [
('images', list, (TVInfoImage, TVInfoImage_lib)),
('social_ids', (TVInfoSocialIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs_lib), None),
('characters', list, (TVInfoCharacter, TVInfoCharacter_lib)),
('name', str, None),
('id', (int, NoneType), None),
('image', (str, NoneType), None),
('thumb_url', (str, NoneType), None),
('gender', (int, NoneType), None),
('bio', (str, NoneType), None),
('birthdate', (datetime.date, NoneType), None),
('deathdate', (datetime.date, NoneType), None),
('country', (str, NoneType), None),
('country_code', (str, NoneType), None),
('country_timezone', (str, NoneType), None),
('ids', (TVInfoIDs, TVInfoIDs_lib), None),
('social_ids', (TVInfoSocialIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs_lib), None),
('birthplace', (str, NoneType), None),
('deathplace', (str, NoneType), None),
('url', (str, NoneType), None),
('height', (int, float, NoneType), None),
('nicknames', set, str),
('real_name', (str, NoneType), None),
('akas', set, str),
for _o in obj.characters:
_property_type_checker(_o, checked_objs=checked_objs)
# special checks for TVInfoCharacter property types
elif isinstance(obj, (TVInfoCharacter, TVInfoCharacter_lib)):
_check_types(obj, [
('person', (list, NoneType), (TVInfoPerson, TVInfoPerson_lib)),
('ti_show', (TVInfoShow, TVInfoShow_lib, NoneType), None),
('voice', (bool, NoneType), None),
('plays_self', (bool, NoneType), None),
('regular', (bool, NoneType), None),
('start_year', (int, NoneType), None),
('end_year', (int, NoneType), None),
('name', (str, NoneType), None),
('episode_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('guest_episodes_numbers', dict, [int, list]),
('name', (str, NoneType), None),
('id', (int, NoneType), None),
('image', (str, NoneType), None),
('thumb_url', (str, NoneType), None),
('gender', (int, NoneType), None),
('bio', (str, NoneType), None),
('birthdate', (datetime.date, NoneType), None),
('deathdate', (datetime.date, NoneType), None),
('country', (str, NoneType), None),
('country_code', (str, NoneType), None),
('country_timezone', (str, NoneType), None),
('ids', (TVInfoIDs, TVInfoIDs_lib), None),
if isinstance(obj.person, list):
for _p in obj.person:
if not isinstance(_p, (TVInfoPerson, TVInfoPerson_lib)):
raise AssertionError('invalid person object in character object [%s]' % obj)
_property_type_checker(_p, checked_objs=checked_objs)
# for some api the show can't directly be loaded for character credits
if isinstance(obj.ti_show, (TVInfoShow, TVInfoShow_lib)) and obj.ti_show.show_loaded:
_property_type_checker(obj.ti_show, checked_objs=checked_objs)
# special checks for TVInfoShow property types
elif isinstance(obj, (TVInfoShow, TVInfoShow_lib)):
_check_types(obj, [
('id', int, None),
('seriesname', str, None),
('poster_loaded', bool, None),
('banner_loaded', bool, None),
('fanart_loaded', bool, None),
('season_images_loaded', bool, None),
('seasonwide_images_loaded', bool, None),
('actors_loaded', bool, None),
('show_not_found', bool, None),
('ids', (TVInfoIDs, TVInfoIDs_lib), None),
('social_ids', (TVInfoSocialIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs_lib), None),
('slug', (str, NoneType), None),
('seriesid', int, None),
('aliases', list, str),
('classification', (str, NoneType), None),
('genre', (str, NoneType), None),
('genre', (str, NoneType), None),
('genre_list', list, str),
('actors', list, dict),
('cast', (CastList, CastList_lib), None),
('crew', (CrewList, CrewList_lib), None),
('show_type', list, str),
('networks', list, (TVInfoNetwork, TVInfoNetwork_lib)),
('network', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_id', (int, NoneType), None),
('network_country', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_country_code', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_is_stream', (bool, NoneType), None),
('runtime', (int, NoneType), None),
('language', (str, NoneType), None),
('spoken_languages', list, str),
('official_site', (str, NoneType), None),
('imdb_id', (str, NoneType), None),
('zap2itid', (str, NoneType), None),
('airs_dayofweek', (str, NoneType), None),
('airs_time', (str, NoneType), None),
('time', (datetime.time, NoneType), None),
('added', (str, NoneType), None),
('addedby', (str, NoneType), None),
('siteratingcount', (int, NoneType), None),
('lastupdated', (int, str, NoneType), None),
('contentrating', (str, NoneType), None),
('rating', (int, float, NoneType), None),
('status', (str, NoneType), None),
('overview', str, None),
('poster', (str, NoneType), None),
('poster_thumb', (str, NoneType), None),
('banner', (str, NoneType), None),
('banner_thumb', (str, NoneType), None),
('fanart', (str, NoneType), None),
('banners', dict, None),
('images', dict, [int, list]),
('updated_timestamp', (int, NoneType), None),
('popularity', (int, float, NoneType), None),
('vote_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('vote_average', (int, float, NoneType), None),
('origin_countries', list, str),
('alt_ep_numbering', dict, [str, dict]),
('watcher_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('play_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('collected_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('collector_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('next_season_airdate', (str, NoneType), None),
('trailers', dict, [str, str]),
('requested_language', str, None),
for _ct, _cl in obj.cast.items():
if _ct not in cast_types:
raise AssertionError('invalid CastType in show object')
for _c in _cl:
_property_type_checker(_c, checked_objs=checked_objs)
for _ct, _cl in obj.crew.items():
if _ct not in crew_types:
raise AssertionError('invalid CrewType in show object')
for _c in _cl:
_property_type_checker(_c, checked_objs=checked_objs)
# iter though episode objects and test them
for _s, _sl in obj.items():
if not isinstance(_s, int):
raise AssertionError('invalid season number in show object [%s]' % _s)
if not isinstance(_sl, (TVInfoSeason, TVInfoSeason_lib)):
raise AssertionError('invalid season object in show object [%s]' % _s)
_property_type_checker(_sl, checked_objs=checked_objs)
# special checks for TVInfoSeason property types
elif isinstance(obj, (TVInfoSeason, TVInfoSeason_lib)):
_check_types(obj, [
('id', (int, NoneType), None),
('show', (TVInfoShow, TVInfoShow_lib), None),
('number', int, None),
('name', (str, NoneType), None),
('actors', list, None),
('cast', (CastList, CastList_lib), None),
('network', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_id', (int, NoneType), None),
('network_timezone', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_country', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_country_code', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_is_stream', (bool, NoneType), None),
('ordered', (int, NoneType), None),
('start_date', (str, NoneType), None),
('end_date', (str, NoneType), None),
('poster', (str, NoneType), None),
('summery', (str, NoneType), None),
('episode_order', (int, NoneType), None),
for _ct, _cl in obj.cast.items():
if _ct not in cast_types:
raise AssertionError('invalid CastType in season object')
for _c in _cl:
_property_type_checker(_c, checked_objs=checked_objs)
for _en, _eo in obj.items():
if not isinstance(_en, int):
raise AssertionError('invalid episode number in show object [%s]' % _en)
if not isinstance(_eo, (TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoEpisode_lib)):
raise AssertionError('invalid episdode object in season object [%s]' % _en)
_property_type_checker(_eo, checked_objs=checked_objs)
# special checks for TVInfoEpisode property types
elif isinstance(obj, (TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoEpisode_lib)):
_check_types(obj, [
('id', int, None),
('episodename', (str, NoneType), None),
('seriesid', (int, NoneType), None),
('season', (TVInfoSeason, TVInfoSeason_lib), None),
('seasonnumber', int, None),
('episodenumber', int, None),
('absolute_number', (int, NoneType), None),
('is_special', (bool, NoneType), None),
('actors', list, dict),
('gueststars', (str, NoneType), None),
('gueststars_list', list, str),
('cast', (CastList, CastList_lib), None),
('directors', list, str),
('writer', (str, NoneType), None),
('writers', list, str),
('crew', (CrewList, CrewList_lib), None),
('overview', str, None),
('productioncode', (str, NoneType), None),
('showurl', (str, NoneType), None),
('lastupdated', (int, str, NoneType), None),
('dvddiscid', (str, NoneType), None),
('dvd_season', (int, NoneType), None),
('dvd_episodenumber', (int, NoneType), None),
('dvdchapter', (int, NoneType), None),
('firstaired', (str, NoneType), None),
('airtime', (datetime.time, NoneType), None),
('runtime', (int, NoneType), None),
('timestamp', (int, float, NoneType), None),
('network', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_id', (int, NoneType), None),
('network_timezone', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_country', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_country_code', (str, NoneType), None),
('network_is_stream', (bool, NoneType), None),
('filename', (str, NoneType), None),
('lastupdatedby', (int, str, NoneType), None),
('airsafterseason', (int, NoneType), None),
('airsbeforeseason', (int, NoneType), None),
('airsbeforeepisode', (int, NoneType), None),
('imdb_id', (str, NoneType), None),
('contentrating', (str, NoneType), None),
('thumbadded', (str, NoneType), None),
('rating', (int, float, NoneType), None),
('vote_count', (int, NoneType), None),
('siteratingcount', (int, NoneType), None),
('show', (TVInfoShow, TVInfoShow_lib, NoneType), None),
('alt_nums', dict, [str, dict]),
('finale_type', (int, NoneType), None),
if isinstance(obj.show, (TVInfoShow, TVInfoShow_lib)):
_property_type_checker(obj.show, checked_objs=checked_objs)
_property_type_checker(obj.season, checked_objs=checked_objs)
for _ct, _cl in obj.cast.items():
if _ct not in cast_types:
raise AssertionError('invalid CastType in episode object')
for _c in _cl:
_property_type_checker(_c, checked_objs=checked_objs)
for _ct, _cl in obj.crew.items():
if _ct not in crew_types:
raise AssertionError('invalid CrewType in episode object')
for _c in _cl:
_property_type_checker(_c, checked_objs=checked_objs)
datetime.date = _FakeDate
datetime.datetime = _FakeDateTime
def _compare_helper(obj_a, obj_b):
for prop, value in vars(obj_a).items():
if isinstance(value, threading_Lock):
assert value == getattr(obj_b, prop)
except AssertionError as e:
print('property [%s] different: obj_a [%s], obj_b [%s)' % (prop, value, getattr(obj_b, prop)))
raise e
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
raise e
person_tests = [
# {'p_id': 346941, 'tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Katherine McNamara
{'p_id': 968006, 'tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Katherine McNamara
{'p_id': 15776, 'tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Katherine McNamara
{'p_id': 260345, 'tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Katherine McNamara
{'p_id': 3031063, 'tvid': TVINFO_IMDB}, # Katherine McNamara
show_tests = [
{'prodid': 295837, 'tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'prodid': 63210, 'tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'prodid': 2158, 'tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Shadowhunters
search_tests = [
# tvdb tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Shadowhunters'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Wednesday'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 295837}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Shadowhunters
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 4145054}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Shadowhunters
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TMDB: 119051}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Wednesday
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVMAZE: 53647}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Wednesday
# trakt tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Shadowhunters'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Wednesday'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 295837}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 4145054}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TMDB: 119051}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Wednesday
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TRAKT_SLUG: 'walker-independence'}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Walker: Independence
# tmdb tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Shadowhunters'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Wednesday'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 295837}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 4145054}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TMDB: 119051}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Wednesday
# tvmaze tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Shadowhunters'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Wednesday'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 295837}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 4145054}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVMAZE: 2158}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Shadowhunters
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVMAZE: 53647}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Wednesday
person_search_tests = [
# tvdb tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Katherine McNamara'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 346941}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 3031063}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TMDB: 968006}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVMAZE: 15776}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# trakt tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Katherine McNamara'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 346941}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Katherine McNamara
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 3031063}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Katherine McNamara
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TMDB: 968006}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TRAKT}, # Katherine McNamara
# tmdb tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Katherine McNamara'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 346941}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Katherine McNamara
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 3031063}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Katherine McNamara
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TMDB: 968006}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TMDB}, # Katherine McNamara
# tvmaze tests
{'kwargs': {'name': 'Katherine McNamara'}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVDB: 346941}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Katherine McNamara
# {'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_IMDB: 3031063}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Katherine McNamara
{'kwargs': {'ids': {TVINFO_TVMAZE: 15776}}, 'search_tvid': TVINFO_TVMAZE}, # Katherine McNamara
browser_extra_args = {
'get_top_rated': [{'year': 2022}, {'year': 2020}, {'year': 2010}, {'in_last_year': True}]
'get_trending': [{'time_window': 'days'}, {'time_window': 'week'}],
'get_similar': [{'tvid': 4145054}],
'get_recommended_for_show': [{'tvid': 4145054}],
'get_similar': [{'tvid': 99113}],
'get_recommended': [{'period': 'weekly'}, {'period': 'daily'}, {'period': 'monthly'}, {'period': 'yearly'},
{'period': 'all'}],
'get_most_collected': [{'period': 'weekly'}, {'period': 'daily'}, {'period': 'monthly'}, {'period': 'yearly'},
{'period': 'all'}],
'get_most_watched': [{'period': 'weekly'}, {'period': 'daily'}, {'period': 'monthly'}, {'period': 'yearly'},
{'period': 'all'}],
'get_most_played': [{'period': 'weekly'}, {'period': 'daily'}, {'period': 'monthly'}, {'period': 'yearly'},
{'period': 'all'}],
class TVInfoTests(test.SickbeardTestDBCase):
def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
super(TVInfoTests, cls).setUpClass()
datetime.date = _FakeDate
datetime.datetime = _FakeDateTime
requests.sessions.Session.get = _mock_get
if disable_content_creation:
Tvdb.get_new_token = _mock_get_new_token
requests.sessions.Session.post = _mock_post
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TVInfoTests, cls).tearDownClass()
with os.scandir(mock_data_dir) as s_d:
files = {_f.name for _f in os.scandir(mock_data_dir) if _f.is_file()}
unused_files = files - used_files
if delete_unused_mock_files:
for _u_f in unused_files:
full_filename = os.path.join(mock_data_dir, _u_f)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
print('errror deleting: [%s], error: %s' % (full_filename, e))
if unused_files:
print('unused files: %s' % unused_files)
print('reset mock methods')
datetime.date = datetime_date_backup
datetime.datetime = datetime_datetime_backup
requests.sessions.Session.get = backup_session_get
requests.sessions.Session.post = backup_session_post
def tearDown(self):
super(TVInfoTests, self).tearDown()
except (BaseException, Exception):
def test_person_data(self):
for t_c in person_tests:
tvid = t_c['tvid']
p_id = t_c['p_id']
print('testing person: %s: %s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name, p_id))
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['cache'] = False
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
person_obj = t.get_person(p_id, get_show_credits=True, get_images=True)
filename = _make_filename('%s_%s_person' % (tvid, p_id), '.obj_data')
for _c in person_obj.characters:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_p_o = _load_pickle_file(filename) # type: TVInfoPerson
elif not disable_content_creation:
_save_pickle_file(filename, person_obj)
_p_o = person_obj
assert None is not person_obj and None is not _p_o
_compare_helper(person_obj, _p_o)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
if not disable_content_creation and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_save_pickle_file(filename, person_obj)
_p_o = person_obj
assert None is not person_obj and None is not _p_o
_compare_helper(person_obj, _p_o)
raise e
def test_show_data(self):
for t_c in show_tests:
tvid = t_c['tvid']
prodid = t_c['prodid']
print('testing show: %s: %s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).name, prodid))
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['cache'] = False
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
show_obj = t.get_show(prodid, load_episodes=True, banners=True, posters=True, seasons=True,
seasonwides=True, fanart=True, actors=True)
filename = _make_filename('%s_%s_show' % (tvid, prodid), '.obj_data')
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_s_o = _load_pickle_file(filename) # type: TVInfoShow
elif not disable_content_creation:
_save_pickle_file(filename, show_obj)
_s_o = show_obj
assert None is not show_obj and None is not _s_o
_compare_helper(show_obj, _s_o)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
if not disable_content_creation and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_save_pickle_file(filename, show_obj)
_s_o = show_obj
assert None is not show_obj and None is not _s_o
_compare_helper(show_obj, _s_o)
raise e
def test_person_search(self):
for t_c in person_search_tests:
search_tvid = t_c['search_tvid']
print('testing [%s] person search for: %s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(search_tvid).name, t_c['kwargs']))
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(search_tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['cache'] = False
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(search_tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
search_results = t.search_person(**t_c['kwargs'])
filename = _make_filename('%s_%s_person_search' % (search_tvid, ','.join(
['%s%s' % (_k, _v) for _k, _v in t_c['kwargs'].items()])), '.obj_data')
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_s_o = _load_pickle_file(filename) # type: List[TVInfoPerson]
elif not disable_content_creation:
_save_pickle_file(filename, search_results)
_s_o = search_results
assert None is not search_results and None is not _s_o
for _i, _r in enumerate(search_results):
_compare_helper(_r, _s_o[_i])
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
if not disable_content_creation and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_save_pickle_file(filename, search_results)
_s_o = search_results
assert None is not search_results and None is not _s_o
for _i, _r in enumerate(search_results):
_compare_helper(_r, _s_o[_i])
raise e
def test_show_search(self):
for t_c in search_tests:
search_tvid = t_c['search_tvid']
print('testing [%s] search for: %s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(search_tvid).name, t_c['kwargs']))
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(search_tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['cache'] = False
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(search_tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
search_results = t.search_show(**t_c['kwargs'])
filename = _make_filename('%s_%s_search' % (search_tvid, ','.join(
['%s%s' % (_k, _v) for _k, _v in t_c['kwargs'].items()])), '.obj_data')
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_s_o = _load_pickle_file(filename) # type: List[TVInfoShow]
elif not disable_content_creation:
_save_pickle_file(filename, search_results)
_s_o = search_results
assert None is not search_results and None is not _s_o
for _i, _r in enumerate(search_results):
_compare_helper(_r, _s_o[_i])
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
if not disable_content_creation and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_save_pickle_file(filename, search_results)
_s_o = search_results
assert None is not search_results and None is not _s_o
for _i, _r in enumerate(search_results):
_compare_helper(_r, _s_o[_i])
raise e
def test_browse_endpoints(self):
for _tvid in sickgear.TVInfoAPI().all_sources:
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(_tvid).api_params.copy()
tvinfo_config['cache'] = False
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(_tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
for _m in (('get_premieres', {}), ('get_anticipated', {}),
('get_recommended', {}), ('get_most_collected', {}), ('get_most_watched', {}),
('get_most_played', {}), ('get_returning', {}), ('discover', {}), ('get_new_seasons', {}),
('get_new_shows', {}), ('get_top_rated', {}), ('get_popular', {}), ('get_trending', {}),
('get_recommended_for_show', {}), ('get_similar', {})):
_method = getattr(t, _m[0], None)
# check if method is implemented in tvid source
if not _method or 'TVInfoBase' in _method.__qualname__:
for _e_kw in browser_extra_args.get(_tvid, {}).get(_m[0], [{}]) or [{}]:
kw = _m[1].copy()
print('testing %s: %s%s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(_tvid).name, _m[0],
('', ' with parameter: %s' % kw)[0 != len(kw)]))
results = _method(**kw)
filename = _make_filename('%s_%s_%s' % (
_tvid, ''.join('%s%s' % (_k, _v) for _k, _v in kw.items()), _m[0]), '.obj_data')
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_s_o = _load_pickle_file(filename) # type: List[TVInfoShow]
elif not disable_content_creation:
_save_pickle_file(filename, results)
_s_o = results
assert None is not results and None is not _s_o
for _i, _r in enumerate(results):
_compare_helper(_r, _s_o[_i])
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
if not disable_content_creation and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mock_data_dir, filename)):
_save_pickle_file(filename, results)
_s_o = results
assert None is not results and None is not _s_o
for _i, _r in enumerate(results):
_compare_helper(_r, _s_o[_i])
raise e
if '__main__' == __name__:
print('STARTING - TV Info TESTS')
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TVInfoTests)
requests.sessions.Session.get = backup_session_get
requests.sessions.Session.post = backup_session_post
datetime.date = datetime_date_backup
datetime.datetime = datetime_datetime_backup