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# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
# Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
# lowing conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import boto
from boto import handler
from boto.resultset import ResultSet
from boto.exception import BotoClientError
from boto.s3.acl import Policy, CannedACLStrings, Grant
from boto.s3.key import Key
from boto.s3.prefix import Prefix
from boto.s3.deletemarker import DeleteMarker
from boto.s3.multipart import MultiPartUpload
from boto.s3.multipart import CompleteMultiPartUpload
from boto.s3.multidelete import MultiDeleteResult
from boto.s3.multidelete import Error
from boto.s3.bucketlistresultset import BucketListResultSet
from boto.s3.bucketlistresultset import VersionedBucketListResultSet
from boto.s3.bucketlistresultset import MultiPartUploadListResultSet
from boto.s3.lifecycle import Lifecycle
from boto.s3.tagging import Tags
from boto.s3.cors import CORSConfiguration
from boto.s3.bucketlogging import BucketLogging
from boto.s3 import website
import boto.jsonresponse
import boto.utils
import xml.sax
import xml.sax.saxutils
import re
import base64
from collections import defaultdict
from boto.compat import BytesIO, six, StringIO, urllib
# as per http://goo.gl/BDuud (02/19/2011)
class S3WebsiteEndpointTranslate(object):
trans_region = defaultdict(lambda: 's3-website-us-east-1')
trans_region['eu-west-1'] = 's3-website-eu-west-1'
trans_region['eu-central-1'] = 's3-website.eu-central-1'
trans_region['us-west-1'] = 's3-website-us-west-1'
trans_region['us-west-2'] = 's3-website-us-west-2'
trans_region['sa-east-1'] = 's3-website-sa-east-1'
trans_region['ap-northeast-1'] = 's3-website-ap-northeast-1'
trans_region['ap-southeast-1'] = 's3-website-ap-southeast-1'
trans_region['ap-southeast-2'] = 's3-website-ap-southeast-2'
trans_region['cn-north-1'] = 's3-website.cn-north-1'
def translate_region(self, reg):
return self.trans_region[reg]
S3Permissions = ['READ', 'WRITE', 'READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP', 'FULL_CONTROL']
class Bucket(object):
LoggingGroup = 'http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery'
BucketPaymentBody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RequestPaymentConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
VersioningBody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VersioningConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
VersionRE = '<Status>([A-Za-z]+)</Status>'
MFADeleteRE = '<MfaDelete>([A-Za-z]+)</MfaDelete>'
def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, key_class=Key):
self.name = name
self.connection = connection
self.key_class = key_class
def __repr__(self):
return '<Bucket: %s>' % self.name
def __iter__(self):
return iter(BucketListResultSet(self))
def __contains__(self, key_name):
return not (self.get_key(key_name) is None)
def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
return None
def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
if name == 'Name':
self.name = value
elif name == 'CreationDate':
self.creation_date = value
setattr(self, name, value)
def set_key_class(self, key_class):
Set the Key class associated with this bucket. By default, this
would be the boto.s3.key.Key class but if you want to subclass that
for some reason this allows you to associate your new class with a
bucket so that when you call bucket.new_key() or when you get a listing
of keys in the bucket you will get an instances of your key class
rather than the default.
:type key_class: class
:param key_class: A subclass of Key that can be more specific
self.key_class = key_class
def lookup(self, key_name, headers=None):
Deprecated: Please use get_key method.
:type key_name: string
:param key_name: The name of the key to retrieve
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key`
:returns: A Key object from this bucket.
return self.get_key(key_name, headers=headers)
def get_key(self, key_name, headers=None, version_id=None,
response_headers=None, validate=True):
Check to see if a particular key exists within the bucket. This
method uses a HEAD request to check for the existence of the key.
Returns: An instance of a Key object or None
:param key_name: The name of the key to retrieve
:type key_name: string
:param headers: The headers to send when retrieving the key
:type headers: dict
:param version_id:
:type version_id: string
:param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
headers/values that will override any headers associated
with the stored object in the response. See
http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
:type response_headers: dict
:param validate: Verifies whether the key exists. If ``False``, this
will not hit the service, constructing an in-memory object.
Default is ``True``.
:type validate: bool
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key`
:returns: A Key object from this bucket.
if validate is False:
if headers or version_id or response_headers:
raise BotoClientError(
"When providing 'validate=False', no other params " + \
"are allowed."
# This leans on the default behavior of ``new_key`` (not hitting
# the service). If that changes, that behavior should migrate here.
return self.new_key(key_name)
query_args_l = []
if version_id:
query_args_l.append('versionId=%s' % version_id)
if response_headers:
for rk, rv in six.iteritems(response_headers):
query_args_l.append('%s=%s' % (rk, urllib.parse.quote(rv)))
key, resp = self._get_key_internal(key_name, headers, query_args_l)
return key
def _get_key_internal(self, key_name, headers, query_args_l):
query_args = '&'.join(query_args_l) or None
response = self.connection.make_request('HEAD', self.name, key_name,
# Allow any success status (2xx) - for example this lets us
# support Range gets, which return status 206:
if response.status / 100 == 2:
k = self.key_class(self)
provider = self.connection.provider
k.metadata = boto.utils.get_aws_metadata(response.msg, provider)
for field in Key.base_fields:
k.__dict__[field.lower().replace('-', '_')] = \
# the following machinations are a workaround to the fact that
# apache/fastcgi omits the content-length header on HEAD
# requests when the content-length is zero.
# See http://goo.gl/0Tdax for more details.
clen = response.getheader('content-length')
if clen:
k.size = int(response.getheader('content-length'))
k.size = 0
k.name = key_name
return k, response
if response.status == 404:
return None, response
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, '')
def list(self, prefix='', delimiter='', marker='', headers=None,
List key objects within a bucket. This returns an instance of an
BucketListResultSet that automatically handles all of the result
paging, etc. from S3. You just need to keep iterating until
there are no more results.
Called with no arguments, this will return an iterator object across
all keys within the bucket.
The Key objects returned by the iterator are obtained by parsing
the results of a GET on the bucket, also known as the List Objects
request. The XML returned by this request contains only a subset
of the information about each key. Certain metadata fields such
as Content-Type and user metadata are not available in the XML.
Therefore, if you want these additional metadata fields you will
have to do a HEAD request on the Key in the bucket.
:type prefix: string
:param prefix: allows you to limit the listing to a particular
prefix. For example, if you call the method with
prefix='/foo/' then the iterator will only cycle through
the keys that begin with the string '/foo/'.
:type delimiter: string
:param delimiter: can be used in conjunction with the prefix
to allow you to organize and browse your keys
hierarchically. See http://goo.gl/Xx63h for more details.
:type marker: string
:param marker: The "marker" of where you are in the result set
:param encoding_type: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and
specifies the encoding method to use.
An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0
parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an
ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in
XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3
encode the keys in the response.
Valid options: ``url``
:type encoding_type: string
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.bucketlistresultset.BucketListResultSet`
:return: an instance of a BucketListResultSet that handles paging, etc
return BucketListResultSet(self, prefix, delimiter, marker, headers,
def list_versions(self, prefix='', delimiter='', key_marker='',
version_id_marker='', headers=None, encoding_type=None):
List version objects within a bucket. This returns an
instance of an VersionedBucketListResultSet that automatically
handles all of the result paging, etc. from S3. You just need
to keep iterating until there are no more results. Called
with no arguments, this will return an iterator object across
all keys within the bucket.
:type prefix: string
:param prefix: allows you to limit the listing to a particular
prefix. For example, if you call the method with
prefix='/foo/' then the iterator will only cycle through
the keys that begin with the string '/foo/'.
:type delimiter: string
:param delimiter: can be used in conjunction with the prefix
to allow you to organize and browse your keys
hierarchically. See:
for more details.
:type key_marker: string
:param key_marker: The "marker" of where you are in the result set
:param encoding_type: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and
specifies the encoding method to use.
An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0
parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an
ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in
XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3
encode the keys in the response.
Valid options: ``url``
:type encoding_type: string
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.bucketlistresultset.BucketListResultSet`
:return: an instance of a BucketListResultSet that handles paging, etc
return VersionedBucketListResultSet(self, prefix, delimiter,
key_marker, version_id_marker,
def list_multipart_uploads(self, key_marker='',
headers=None, encoding_type=None):
List multipart upload objects within a bucket. This returns an
instance of an MultiPartUploadListResultSet that automatically
handles all of the result paging, etc. from S3. You just need
to keep iterating until there are no more results.
:type key_marker: string
:param key_marker: The "marker" of where you are in the result set
:type upload_id_marker: string
:param upload_id_marker: The upload identifier
:param encoding_type: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and
specifies the encoding method to use.
An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0
parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an
ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in
XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3
encode the keys in the response.
Valid options: ``url``
:type encoding_type: string
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.bucketlistresultset.MultiPartUploadListResultSet`
:return: an instance of a BucketListResultSet that handles paging, etc
return MultiPartUploadListResultSet(self, key_marker,
def _get_all_query_args(self, params, initial_query_string=''):
pairs = []
if initial_query_string:
for key, value in sorted(params.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
if value is None:
key = key.replace('_', '-')
if key == 'maxkeys':
key = 'max-keys'
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types + (six.binary_type,)):
value = six.text_type(value)
if not isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
if value:
pairs.append(u'%s=%s' % (
return '&'.join(pairs)
def _get_all(self, element_map, initial_query_string='',
headers=None, **params):
query_args = self._get_all_query_args(
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
rs = ResultSet(element_map)
h = handler.XmlHandler(rs, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return rs
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def validate_kwarg_names(self, kwargs, names):
Checks that all named arguments are in the specified list of names.
:type kwargs: dict
:param kwargs: Dictionary of kwargs to validate.
:type names: list
:param names: List of possible named arguments.
for kwarg in kwargs:
if kwarg not in names:
raise TypeError('Invalid argument "%s"!' % kwarg)
def get_all_keys(self, headers=None, **params):
A lower-level method for listing contents of a bucket. This
closely models the actual S3 API and requires you to manually
handle the paging of results. For a higher-level method that
handles the details of paging for you, you can use the list
:type max_keys: int
:param max_keys: The maximum number of keys to retrieve
:type prefix: string
:param prefix: The prefix of the keys you want to retrieve
:type marker: string
:param marker: The "marker" of where you are in the result set
:type delimiter: string
:param delimiter: If this optional, Unicode string parameter
is included with your request, then keys that contain the
same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of
the delimiter will be rolled up into a single result
element in the CommonPrefixes collection. These rolled-up
keys are not returned elsewhere in the response.
:param encoding_type: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and
specifies the encoding method to use.
An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0
parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an
ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in
XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3
encode the keys in the response.
Valid options: ``url``
:type encoding_type: string
:rtype: ResultSet
:return: The result from S3 listing the keys requested
self.validate_kwarg_names(params, ['maxkeys', 'max_keys', 'prefix',
'marker', 'delimiter',
return self._get_all([('Contents', self.key_class),
('CommonPrefixes', Prefix)],
'', headers, **params)
def get_all_versions(self, headers=None, **params):
A lower-level, version-aware method for listing contents of a
bucket. This closely models the actual S3 API and requires
you to manually handle the paging of results. For a
higher-level method that handles the details of paging for
you, you can use the list method.
:type max_keys: int
:param max_keys: The maximum number of keys to retrieve
:type prefix: string
:param prefix: The prefix of the keys you want to retrieve
:type key_marker: string
:param key_marker: The "marker" of where you are in the result set
with respect to keys.
:type version_id_marker: string
:param version_id_marker: The "marker" of where you are in the result
set with respect to version-id's.
:type delimiter: string
:param delimiter: If this optional, Unicode string parameter
is included with your request, then keys that contain the
same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of
the delimiter will be rolled up into a single result
element in the CommonPrefixes collection. These rolled-up
keys are not returned elsewhere in the response.
:param encoding_type: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and
specifies the encoding method to use.
An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0
parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an
ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in
XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3
encode the keys in the response.
Valid options: ``url``
:type encoding_type: string
:rtype: ResultSet
:return: The result from S3 listing the keys requested
return self._get_all([('Version', self.key_class),
('CommonPrefixes', Prefix),
('DeleteMarker', DeleteMarker)],
'versions', headers, **params)
def validate_get_all_versions_params(self, params):
Validate that the parameters passed to get_all_versions are valid.
Overridden by subclasses that allow a different set of parameters.
:type params: dict
:param params: Parameters to validate.
params, ['maxkeys', 'max_keys', 'prefix', 'key_marker',
'version_id_marker', 'delimiter', 'encoding_type'])
def get_all_multipart_uploads(self, headers=None, **params):
A lower-level, version-aware method for listing active
MultiPart uploads for a bucket. This closely models the
actual S3 API and requires you to manually handle the paging
of results. For a higher-level method that handles the
details of paging for you, you can use the list method.
:type max_uploads: int
:param max_uploads: The maximum number of uploads to retrieve.
Default value is 1000.
:type key_marker: string
:param key_marker: Together with upload_id_marker, this
parameter specifies the multipart upload after which
listing should begin. If upload_id_marker is not
specified, only the keys lexicographically greater than
the specified key_marker will be included in the list.
If upload_id_marker is specified, any multipart uploads
for a key equal to the key_marker might also be included,
provided those multipart uploads have upload IDs
lexicographically greater than the specified
:type upload_id_marker: string
:param upload_id_marker: Together with key-marker, specifies
the multipart upload after which listing should begin. If
key_marker is not specified, the upload_id_marker
parameter is ignored. Otherwise, any multipart uploads
for a key equal to the key_marker might be included in the
list only if they have an upload ID lexicographically
greater than the specified upload_id_marker.
:type encoding_type: string
:param encoding_type: Requests Amazon S3 to encode the response and
specifies the encoding method to use.
An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0
parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an
ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in
XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3
encode the keys in the response.
Valid options: ``url``
:type delimiter: string
:param delimiter: Character you use to group keys.
All keys that contain the same string between the prefix, if
specified, and the first occurrence of the delimiter after the
prefix are grouped under a single result element, CommonPrefixes.
If you don't specify the prefix parameter, then the substring
starts at the beginning of the key. The keys that are grouped
under CommonPrefixes result element are not returned elsewhere
in the response.
:type prefix: string
:param prefix: Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that
begin with the specified prefix. You can use prefixes to separate
a bucket into different grouping of keys. (You can think of using
prefix to make groups in the same way you'd use a folder in a
file system.)
:rtype: ResultSet
:return: The result from S3 listing the uploads requested
self.validate_kwarg_names(params, ['max_uploads', 'key_marker',
'upload_id_marker', 'encoding_type',
'delimiter', 'prefix'])
return self._get_all([('Upload', MultiPartUpload),
('CommonPrefixes', Prefix)],
'uploads', headers, **params)
def new_key(self, key_name=None):
Creates a new key
:type key_name: string
:param key_name: The name of the key to create
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key` or subclass
:returns: An instance of the newly created key object
if not key_name:
raise ValueError('Empty key names are not allowed')
return self.key_class(self, key_name)
def generate_url(self, expires_in, method='GET', headers=None,
force_http=False, response_headers=None,
return self.connection.generate_url(expires_in, method, self.name,
def delete_keys(self, keys, quiet=False, mfa_token=None, headers=None):
Deletes a set of keys using S3's Multi-object delete API. If a
VersionID is specified for that key then that version is removed.
Returns a MultiDeleteResult Object, which contains Deleted
and Error elements for each key you ask to delete.
:type keys: list
:param keys: A list of either key_names or (key_name, versionid) pairs
or a list of Key instances.
:type quiet: boolean
:param quiet: In quiet mode the response includes only keys
where the delete operation encountered an error. For a
successful deletion, the operation does not return any
information about the delete in the response body.
:type mfa_token: tuple or list of strings
:param mfa_token: A tuple or list consisting of the serial
number from the MFA device and the current value of the
six-digit token associated with the device. This value is
required anytime you are deleting versioned objects from a
bucket that has the MFADelete option on the bucket.
:returns: An instance of MultiDeleteResult
ikeys = iter(keys)
result = MultiDeleteResult(self)
provider = self.connection.provider
query_args = 'delete'
def delete_keys2(hdrs):
hdrs = hdrs or {}
data = u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"""
data += u"<Delete>"
if quiet:
data += u"<Quiet>true</Quiet>"
count = 0
while count < 1000:
key = next(ikeys)
except StopIteration:
if isinstance(key, six.string_types):
key_name = key
version_id = None
elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2:
key_name, version_id = key
elif (isinstance(key, Key) or isinstance(key, DeleteMarker)) and key.name:
key_name = key.name
version_id = key.version_id
if isinstance(key, Prefix):
key_name = key.name
code = 'PrefixSkipped' # Don't delete Prefix
key_name = repr(key) # try get a string
code = 'InvalidArgument' # other unknown type
message = 'Invalid. No delete action taken for this object.'
error = Error(key_name, code=code, message=message)
count += 1
data += u"<Object><Key>%s</Key>" % xml.sax.saxutils.escape(key_name)
if version_id:
data += u"<VersionId>%s</VersionId>" % version_id
data += u"</Object>"
data += u"</Delete>"
if count <= 0:
return False # no more
data = data.encode('utf-8')
fp = BytesIO(data)
md5 = boto.utils.compute_md5(fp)
hdrs['Content-MD5'] = md5[1]
hdrs['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
if mfa_token:
hdrs[provider.mfa_header] = ' '.join(mfa_token)
response = self.connection.make_request('POST', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
h = handler.XmlHandler(result, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return count >= 1000 # more?
raise provider.storage_response_error(response.status,
while delete_keys2(headers):
return result
def delete_key(self, key_name, headers=None, version_id=None,
Deletes a key from the bucket. If a version_id is provided,
only that version of the key will be deleted.
:type key_name: string
:param key_name: The key name to delete
:type version_id: string
:param version_id: The version ID (optional)
:type mfa_token: tuple or list of strings
:param mfa_token: A tuple or list consisting of the serial
number from the MFA device and the current value of the
six-digit token associated with the device. This value is
required anytime you are deleting versioned objects from a
bucket that has the MFADelete option on the bucket.
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key` or subclass
:returns: A key object holding information on what was
deleted. The Caller can see if a delete_marker was
created or removed and what version_id the delete created
or removed.
if not key_name:
raise ValueError('Empty key names are not allowed')
return self._delete_key_internal(key_name, headers=headers,
def _delete_key_internal(self, key_name, headers=None, version_id=None,
mfa_token=None, query_args_l=None):
query_args_l = query_args_l or []
provider = self.connection.provider
if version_id:
query_args_l.append('versionId=%s' % version_id)
query_args = '&'.join(query_args_l) or None
if mfa_token:
if not headers:
headers = {}
headers[provider.mfa_header] = ' '.join(mfa_token)
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 204:
raise provider.storage_response_error(response.status,
response.reason, body)
# return a key object with information on what was deleted.
k = self.key_class(self)
k.name = key_name
return k
def copy_key(self, new_key_name, src_bucket_name,
src_key_name, metadata=None, src_version_id=None,
storage_class='STANDARD', preserve_acl=False,
encrypt_key=False, headers=None, query_args=None):
Create a new key in the bucket by copying another existing key.
:type new_key_name: string
:param new_key_name: The name of the new key
:type src_bucket_name: string
:param src_bucket_name: The name of the source bucket
:type src_key_name: string
:param src_key_name: The name of the source key
:type src_version_id: string
:param src_version_id: The version id for the key. This param
is optional. If not specified, the newest version of the
key will be copied.
:type metadata: dict
:param metadata: Metadata to be associated with new key. If
metadata is supplied, it will replace the metadata of the
source key being copied. If no metadata is supplied, the
source key's metadata will be copied to the new key.
:type storage_class: string
:param storage_class: The storage class of the new key. By
default, the new key will use the standard storage class.
:type preserve_acl: bool
:param preserve_acl: If True, the ACL from the source key will
be copied to the destination key. If False, the
destination key will have the default ACL. Note that
preserving the ACL in the new key object will require two
additional API calls to S3, one to retrieve the current
ACL and one to set that ACL on the new object. If you
don't care about the ACL, a value of False will be
significantly more efficient.
:type encrypt_key: bool
:param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object will
be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored
in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
:type headers: dict
:param headers: A dictionary of header name/value pairs.
:type query_args: string
:param query_args: A string of additional querystring arguments
to append to the request
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key` or subclass
:returns: An instance of the newly created key object
headers = headers or {}
provider = self.connection.provider
src_key_name = boto.utils.get_utf8_value(src_key_name)
if preserve_acl:
if self.name == src_bucket_name:
src_bucket = self
src_bucket = self.connection.get_bucket(
src_bucket_name, validate=False, headers=headers)
acl = src_bucket.get_xml_acl(src_key_name, headers=headers)
if encrypt_key:
headers[provider.server_side_encryption_header] = 'AES256'
src = '%s/%s' % (src_bucket_name, urllib.parse.quote(src_key_name))
if src_version_id:
src += '?versionId=%s' % src_version_id
headers[provider.copy_source_header] = str(src)
# make sure storage_class_header key exists before accessing it
if provider.storage_class_header and storage_class:
headers[provider.storage_class_header] = storage_class
if metadata is not None:
headers[provider.metadata_directive_header] = 'REPLACE'
headers = boto.utils.merge_meta(headers, metadata, provider)
elif not query_args: # Can't use this header with multi-part copy.
headers[provider.metadata_directive_header] = 'COPY'
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, new_key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
key = self.new_key(new_key_name)
h = handler.XmlHandler(key, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
if hasattr(key, 'Error'):
raise provider.storage_copy_error(key.Code, key.Message, body)
if preserve_acl:
self.set_xml_acl(acl, new_key_name)
return key
raise provider.storage_response_error(response.status,
response.reason, body)
def set_canned_acl(self, acl_str, key_name='', headers=None,
assert acl_str in CannedACLStrings
if headers:
headers[self.connection.provider.acl_header] = acl_str
headers = {self.connection.provider.acl_header: acl_str}
query_args = 'acl'
if version_id:
query_args += '&versionId=%s' % version_id
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, key_name,
headers=headers, query_args=query_args)
body = response.read()
if response.status != 200:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_xml_acl(self, key_name='', headers=None, version_id=None):
query_args = 'acl'
if version_id:
query_args += '&versionId=%s' % version_id
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 200:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
return body
def set_xml_acl(self, acl_str, key_name='', headers=None, version_id=None,
if version_id:
query_args += '&versionId=%s' % version_id
if not isinstance(acl_str, bytes):
acl_str = acl_str.encode('utf-8')
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 200:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_acl(self, acl_or_str, key_name='', headers=None, version_id=None):
if isinstance(acl_or_str, Policy):
self.set_xml_acl(acl_or_str.to_xml(), key_name,
headers, version_id)
self.set_canned_acl(acl_or_str, key_name,
headers, version_id)
def get_acl(self, key_name='', headers=None, version_id=None):
query_args = 'acl'
if version_id:
query_args += '&versionId=%s' % version_id
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
policy = Policy(self)
h = handler.XmlHandler(policy, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return policy
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_subresource(self, subresource, value, key_name='', headers=None,
Set a subresource for a bucket or key.
:type subresource: string
:param subresource: The subresource to set.
:type value: string
:param value: The value of the subresource.
:type key_name: string
:param key_name: The key to operate on, or None to operate on the
:type headers: dict
:param headers: Additional HTTP headers to include in the request.
:type src_version_id: string
:param src_version_id: Optional. The version id of the key to
operate on. If not specified, operate on the newest
if not subresource:
raise TypeError('set_subresource called with subresource=None')
query_args = subresource
if version_id:
query_args += '&versionId=%s' % version_id
if not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 200:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_subresource(self, subresource, key_name='', headers=None,
Get a subresource for a bucket or key.
:type subresource: string
:param subresource: The subresource to get.
:type key_name: string
:param key_name: The key to operate on, or None to operate on the
:type headers: dict
:param headers: Additional HTTP headers to include in the request.
:type src_version_id: string
:param src_version_id: Optional. The version id of the key to
operate on. If not specified, operate on the newest
:rtype: string
:returns: The value of the subresource.
if not subresource:
raise TypeError('get_subresource called with subresource=None')
query_args = subresource
if version_id:
query_args += '&versionId=%s' % version_id
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 200:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
return body
def make_public(self, recursive=False, headers=None):
self.set_canned_acl('public-read', headers=headers)
if recursive:
for key in self:
self.set_canned_acl('public-read', key.name, headers=headers)
def add_email_grant(self, permission, email_address,
recursive=False, headers=None):
Convenience method that provides a quick way to add an email grant
to a bucket. This method retrieves the current ACL, creates a new
grant based on the parameters passed in, adds that grant to the ACL
and then PUT's the new ACL back to S3.
:type permission: string
:param permission: The permission being granted. Should be one of:
:type email_address: string
:param email_address: The email address associated with the AWS
account your are granting the permission to.
:type recursive: boolean
:param recursive: A boolean value to controls whether the
command will apply the grant to all keys within the bucket
or not. The default value is False. By passing a True
value, the call will iterate through all keys in the
bucket and apply the same grant to each key. CAUTION: If
you have a lot of keys, this could take a long time!
if permission not in S3Permissions:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_permissions_error(
'Unknown Permission: %s' % permission)
policy = self.get_acl(headers=headers)
policy.acl.add_email_grant(permission, email_address)
self.set_acl(policy, headers=headers)
if recursive:
for key in self:
key.add_email_grant(permission, email_address, headers=headers)
def add_user_grant(self, permission, user_id, recursive=False,
headers=None, display_name=None):
Convenience method that provides a quick way to add a canonical
user grant to a bucket. This method retrieves the current ACL,
creates a new grant based on the parameters passed in, adds that
grant to the ACL and then PUT's the new ACL back to S3.
:type permission: string
:param permission: The permission being granted. Should be one of:
:type user_id: string
:param user_id: The canonical user id associated with the AWS
account your are granting the permission to.
:type recursive: boolean
:param recursive: A boolean value to controls whether the
command will apply the grant to all keys within the bucket
or not. The default value is False. By passing a True
value, the call will iterate through all keys in the
bucket and apply the same grant to each key. CAUTION: If
you have a lot of keys, this could take a long time!
:type display_name: string
:param display_name: An option string containing the user's
Display Name. Only required on Walrus.
if permission not in S3Permissions:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_permissions_error(
'Unknown Permission: %s' % permission)
policy = self.get_acl(headers=headers)
policy.acl.add_user_grant(permission, user_id,
self.set_acl(policy, headers=headers)
if recursive:
for key in self:
key.add_user_grant(permission, user_id, headers=headers,
def list_grants(self, headers=None):
policy = self.get_acl(headers=headers)
return policy.acl.grants
def get_location(self, headers=None):
Returns the LocationConstraint for the bucket.
:rtype: str
:return: The LocationConstraint for the bucket or the empty
string if no constraint was specified when bucket was created.
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
rs = ResultSet(self)
h = handler.XmlHandler(rs, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return rs.LocationConstraint
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_xml_logging(self, logging_str, headers=None):
Set logging on a bucket directly to the given xml string.
:type logging_str: unicode string
:param logging_str: The XML for the bucketloggingstatus which
will be set. The string will be converted to utf-8 before
it is sent. Usually, you will obtain this XML from the
BucketLogging object.
:rtype: bool
:return: True if ok or raises an exception.
body = logging_str
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, data=body,
query_args='logging', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def enable_logging(self, target_bucket, target_prefix='',
grants=None, headers=None):
Enable logging on a bucket.
:type target_bucket: bucket or string
:param target_bucket: The bucket to log to.
:type target_prefix: string
:param target_prefix: The prefix which should be prepended to the
generated log files written to the target_bucket.
:type grants: list of Grant objects
:param grants: A list of extra permissions which will be granted on
the log files which are created.
:rtype: bool
:return: True if ok or raises an exception.
if isinstance(target_bucket, Bucket):
target_bucket = target_bucket.name
blogging = BucketLogging(target=target_bucket, prefix=target_prefix,
return self.set_xml_logging(blogging.to_xml(), headers=headers)
def disable_logging(self, headers=None):
Disable logging on a bucket.
:rtype: bool
:return: True if ok or raises an exception.
blogging = BucketLogging()
return self.set_xml_logging(blogging.to_xml(), headers=headers)
def get_logging_status(self, headers=None):
Get the logging status for this bucket.
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.bucketlogging.BucketLogging`
:return: A BucketLogging object for this bucket.
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='logging', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
blogging = BucketLogging()
h = handler.XmlHandler(blogging, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return blogging
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_as_logging_target(self, headers=None):
Setup the current bucket as a logging target by granting the necessary
permissions to the LogDelivery group to write log files to this bucket.
policy = self.get_acl(headers=headers)
g1 = Grant(permission='WRITE', type='Group', uri=self.LoggingGroup)
g2 = Grant(permission='READ_ACP', type='Group', uri=self.LoggingGroup)
self.set_acl(policy, headers=headers)
def get_request_payment(self, headers=None):
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='requestPayment', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return body
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_request_payment(self, payer='BucketOwner', headers=None):
body = self.BucketPaymentBody % payer
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, data=body,
query_args='requestPayment', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def configure_versioning(self, versioning, mfa_delete=False,
mfa_token=None, headers=None):
Configure versioning for this bucket.
..note:: This feature is currently in beta.
:type versioning: bool
:param versioning: A boolean indicating whether version is
enabled (True) or disabled (False).
:type mfa_delete: bool
:param mfa_delete: A boolean indicating whether the
Multi-Factor Authentication Delete feature is enabled
(True) or disabled (False). If mfa_delete is enabled then
all Delete operations will require the token from your MFA
device to be passed in the request.
:type mfa_token: tuple or list of strings
:param mfa_token: A tuple or list consisting of the serial
number from the MFA device and the current value of the
six-digit token associated with the device. This value is
required when you are changing the status of the MfaDelete
property of the bucket.
if versioning:
ver = 'Enabled'
ver = 'Suspended'
if mfa_delete:
mfa = 'Enabled'
mfa = 'Disabled'
body = self.VersioningBody % (ver, mfa)
if mfa_token:
if not headers:
headers = {}
provider = self.connection.provider
headers[provider.mfa_header] = ' '.join(mfa_token)
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, data=body,
query_args='versioning', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_versioning_status(self, headers=None):
Returns the current status of versioning on the bucket.
:rtype: dict
:returns: A dictionary containing a key named 'Versioning'
that can have a value of either Enabled, Disabled, or
Suspended. Also, if MFADelete has ever been enabled on the
bucket, the dictionary will contain a key named
'MFADelete' which will have a value of either Enabled or
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='versioning', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if not isinstance(body, six.string_types):
body = body.decode('utf-8')
if response.status == 200:
d = {}
ver = re.search(self.VersionRE, body)
if ver:
d['Versioning'] = ver.group(1)
mfa = re.search(self.MFADeleteRE, body)
if mfa:
d['MfaDelete'] = mfa.group(1)
return d
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def configure_lifecycle(self, lifecycle_config, headers=None):
Configure lifecycle for this bucket.
:type lifecycle_config: :class:`boto.s3.lifecycle.Lifecycle`
:param lifecycle_config: The lifecycle configuration you want
to configure for this bucket.
xml = lifecycle_config.to_xml()
#xml = xml.encode('utf-8')
fp = StringIO(xml)
md5 = boto.utils.compute_md5(fp)
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers['Content-MD5'] = md5[1]
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_lifecycle_config(self, headers=None):
Returns the current lifecycle configuration on the bucket.
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.lifecycle.Lifecycle`
:returns: A LifecycleConfig object that describes all current
lifecycle rules in effect for the bucket.
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='lifecycle', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
lifecycle = Lifecycle()
h = handler.XmlHandler(lifecycle, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return lifecycle
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def delete_lifecycle_configuration(self, headers=None):
Removes all lifecycle configuration from the bucket.
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 204:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def configure_website(self, suffix=None, error_key=None,
Configure this bucket to act as a website
:type suffix: str
:param suffix: Suffix that is appended to a request that is for a
"directory" on the website endpoint (e.g. if the suffix is
index.html and you make a request to samplebucket/images/
the data that is returned will be for the object with the
key name images/index.html). The suffix must not be empty
and must not include a slash character.
:type error_key: str
:param error_key: The object key name to use when a 4XX class
error occurs. This is optional.
:type redirect_all_requests_to: :class:`boto.s3.website.RedirectLocation`
:param redirect_all_requests_to: Describes the redirect behavior for
every request to this bucket's website endpoint. If this value is
non None, no other values are considered when configuring the
website configuration for the bucket. This is an instance of
:type routing_rules: :class:`boto.s3.website.RoutingRules`
:param routing_rules: Object which specifies conditions
and redirects that apply when the conditions are met.
config = website.WebsiteConfiguration(
suffix, error_key, redirect_all_requests_to,
return self.set_website_configuration(config, headers=headers)
def set_website_configuration(self, config, headers=None):
:type config: boto.s3.website.WebsiteConfiguration
:param config: Configuration data
return self.set_website_configuration_xml(config.to_xml(),
def set_website_configuration_xml(self, xml, headers=None):
"""Upload xml website configuration"""
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name, data=xml,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_website_configuration(self, headers=None):
Returns the current status of website configuration on the bucket.
:rtype: dict
:returns: A dictionary containing a Python representation
of the XML response from S3. The overall structure is:
* WebsiteConfiguration
* IndexDocument
* Suffix : suffix that is appended to request that
is for a "directory" on the website endpoint
* ErrorDocument
* Key : name of object to serve when an error occurs
return self.get_website_configuration_with_xml(headers)[0]
def get_website_configuration_obj(self, headers=None):
"""Get the website configuration as a
:class:`boto.s3.website.WebsiteConfiguration` object.
config_xml = self.get_website_configuration_xml(headers=headers)
config = website.WebsiteConfiguration()
h = handler.XmlHandler(config, self)
xml.sax.parseString(config_xml, h)
return config
def get_website_configuration_with_xml(self, headers=None):
Returns the current status of website configuration on the bucket as
unparsed XML.
:rtype: 2-Tuple
:returns: 2-tuple containing:
1) A dictionary containing a Python representation \
of the XML response. The overall structure is:
* WebsiteConfiguration
* IndexDocument
* Suffix : suffix that is appended to request that \
is for a "directory" on the website endpoint
* ErrorDocument
* Key : name of object to serve when an error occurs
2) unparsed XML describing the bucket's website configuration
body = self.get_website_configuration_xml(headers=headers)
e = boto.jsonresponse.Element()
h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
return e, body
def get_website_configuration_xml(self, headers=None):
"""Get raw website configuration xml"""
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='website', headers=headers)
body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
if response.status != 200:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
return body
def delete_website_configuration(self, headers=None):
Removes all website configuration from the bucket.
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name,
query_args='website', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 204:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_website_endpoint(self):
Returns the fully qualified hostname to use is you want to access this
bucket as a website. This doesn't validate whether the bucket has
been correctly configured as a website or not.
l = [self.name]
return '.'.join(l)
def get_policy(self, headers=None):
Returns the JSON policy associated with the bucket. The policy
is returned as an uninterpreted JSON string.
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='policy', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return body
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_policy(self, policy, headers=None):
Add or replace the JSON policy associated with the bucket.
:type policy: str
:param policy: The JSON policy as a string.
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status >= 200 and response.status <= 204:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def delete_policy(self, headers=None):
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status >= 200 and response.status <= 204:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_cors_xml(self, cors_xml, headers=None):
Set the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for a bucket.
:type cors_xml: str
:param cors_xml: The XML document describing your desired
CORS configuration. See the S3 documentation for details
of the exact syntax required.
fp = StringIO(cors_xml)
md5 = boto.utils.compute_md5(fp)
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers['Content-MD5'] = md5[1]
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_cors(self, cors_config, headers=None):
Set the CORS for this bucket given a boto CORSConfiguration
:type cors_config: :class:`boto.s3.cors.CORSConfiguration`
:param cors_config: The CORS configuration you want
to configure for this bucket.
return self.set_cors_xml(cors_config.to_xml())
def get_cors_xml(self, headers=None):
Returns the current CORS configuration on the bucket as an
XML document.
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
query_args='cors', headers=headers)
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return body
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def get_cors(self, headers=None):
Returns the current CORS configuration on the bucket.
:rtype: :class:`boto.s3.cors.CORSConfiguration`
:returns: A CORSConfiguration object that describes all current
CORS rules in effect for the bucket.
body = self.get_cors_xml(headers)
cors = CORSConfiguration()
h = handler.XmlHandler(cors, self)
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return cors
def delete_cors(self, headers=None):
Removes all CORS configuration from the bucket.
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 204:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def initiate_multipart_upload(self, key_name, headers=None,
metadata=None, encrypt_key=False,
Start a multipart upload operation.
.. note::
Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more
parts, you must either complete or abort multipart upload in order
to stop getting charged for storage of the uploaded parts. Only
after you either complete or abort multipart upload, Amazon S3
frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts
:type key_name: string
:param key_name: The name of the key that will ultimately
result from this multipart upload operation. This will be
exactly as the key appears in the bucket after the upload
process has been completed.
:type headers: dict
:param headers: Additional HTTP headers to send and store with the
resulting key in S3.
:type reduced_redundancy: boolean
:param reduced_redundancy: In multipart uploads, the storage
class is specified when initiating the upload, not when
uploading individual parts. So if you want the resulting
key to use the reduced redundancy storage class set this
flag when you initiate the upload.
:type metadata: dict
:param metadata: Any metadata that you would like to set on the key
that results from the multipart upload.
:type encrypt_key: bool
:param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object will
be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored
in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
:type policy: :class:`boto.s3.acl.CannedACLStrings`
:param policy: A canned ACL policy that will be applied to the
new key (once completed) in S3.
query_args = 'uploads'
provider = self.connection.provider
headers = headers or {}
if policy:
headers[provider.acl_header] = policy
if reduced_redundancy:
storage_class_header = provider.storage_class_header
if storage_class_header:
headers[storage_class_header] = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'
# TODO: what if the provider doesn't support reduced redundancy?
# (see boto.s3.key.Key.set_contents_from_file)
if encrypt_key:
headers[provider.server_side_encryption_header] = 'AES256'
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
headers = boto.utils.merge_meta(headers, metadata,
response = self.connection.make_request('POST', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
resp = MultiPartUpload(self)
h = handler.XmlHandler(resp, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
return resp
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def complete_multipart_upload(self, key_name, upload_id,
xml_body, headers=None):
Complete a multipart upload operation.
query_args = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
response = self.connection.make_request('POST', self.name, key_name,
headers=headers, data=xml_body)
contains_error = False
body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
# Some errors will be reported in the body of the response
# even though the HTTP response code is 200. This check
# does a quick and dirty peek in the body for an error element.
if body.find('<Error>') > 0:
contains_error = True
if response.status == 200 and not contains_error:
resp = CompleteMultiPartUpload(self)
h = handler.XmlHandler(resp, self)
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
body = body.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
# Use a dummy key to parse various response headers
# for versioning, encryption info and then explicitly
# set the completed MPU object values from key.
k = self.key_class(self)
resp.version_id = k.version_id
resp.encrypted = k.encrypted
return resp
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def cancel_multipart_upload(self, key_name, upload_id, headers=None):
To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged
for the part storage, you should call the List Parts operation and
ensure the parts list is empty.
query_args = 'uploadId=%s' % upload_id
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name, key_name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 204:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def delete(self, headers=None):
return self.connection.delete_bucket(self.name, headers=headers)
def get_tags(self, headers=None):
response = self.get_xml_tags(headers)
tags = Tags()
h = handler.XmlHandler(tags, self)
if not isinstance(response, bytes):
response = response.encode('utf-8')
xml.sax.parseString(response, h)
return tags
def get_xml_tags(self, headers=None):
response = self.connection.make_request('GET', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 200:
return body
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
def set_xml_tags(self, tag_str, headers=None, query_args='tagging'):
if headers is None:
headers = {}
md5 = boto.utils.compute_md5(StringIO(tag_str))
headers['Content-MD5'] = md5[1]
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
if not isinstance(tag_str, bytes):
tag_str = tag_str.encode('utf-8')
response = self.connection.make_request('PUT', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status != 204:
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)
return True
def set_tags(self, tags, headers=None):
return self.set_xml_tags(tags.to_xml(), headers=headers)
def delete_tags(self, headers=None):
response = self.connection.make_request('DELETE', self.name,
body = response.read()
if response.status == 204:
return True
raise self.connection.provider.storage_response_error(
response.status, response.reason, body)