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synced 2025-03-23 13:04:37 +00:00
The bug resulted in the db containing stale group names but worse, orphaned shows disappeared from the Show List page entirely. PEP8 and code cleanup to SG conventions. Changed texts to describe this feature more clearly from tag to group names. Repositioned this feature on the add show, edit show, and config pages. Change the drop down select to dynamically hide/show the list of group names and change the respectively selected help texts. Change insert space between items in the list of group names for readability. Notify user if an attempt to remove an in use group name is prevented. Change Show List progress bar code, smaller page load, efficient use of js render engine. Removed fixed column widths, this means multiple groups have different column widths, but the original approach is preferred because fixed widths look bad with long show titles.
127 lines
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127 lines
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#import sickbeard
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard import subtitles
<div class="stepDiv linefix">
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="statusSelect">
<span class="component-title">Initial episode status</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<select name="defaultStatus" id="statusSelect" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
#for $curStatus in [$SKIPPED, $WANTED, $ARCHIVED, $IGNORED]:
<option value="$curStatus" #if $sickbeard.STATUS_DEFAULT == $curStatus then 'selected="selected"' else ''#>$statusStrings[$curStatus]</option>
#end for
<span>set the initial status of missing episodes</span>
<div class="field-pair alt">
<p class="grey-text">Tip: The following options are <span style="font-weight:800">edit</span>able later in the detail view of the show</p>
<div class="field-pair">
#set $qualities = $Quality.splitQuality($sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT)
#set global $anyQualities = $qualities[0]
#set global $bestQualities = $qualities[1]
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_qualityChooser.tmpl')
#if True == $enable_default_wanted:
<div class="field-pair alt">
<span class="component-title">From season 1 forward, set</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<label for="wanted_begin" style="padding-bottom:10px">
<input type="number" name="wanted_begin" id="wanted_begin" value="$sickbeard.WANTED_BEGIN_DEFAULT" class="form-control input-sm input75">
<span>episodes as wanted (10 ... 0, and where -1 is whole first season)</span>
<span class="component-title">From latest going back, set</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<label for="wanted_latest">
<input type="number" name="wanted_latest" id="wanted_latest" value="$sickbeard.WANTED_LATEST_DEFAULT" class="form-control input-sm input75">
<span>episodes as wanted (10 ... 0, and where -1 is whole latest season)</span>
#end if
#except (NameError, NotFound):
#end try
<div class="field-pair #if $sickbeard.SHOWLIST_TAGVIEW != 'custom' then 'hidden' else ''#" style="margin-top:10px">
<label for="tag">
<span class="component-title">Place show in group</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<select name="tag" id="tag" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
#for $tag in $sickbeard.SHOW_TAGS:
<option value="$tag" #if $tag == $sickbeard.DEFAULT_SHOW_TAG then 'selected="selected"' else ''#>$tag</option>
#end for
<span>and display on the show list page under this section</span>
<div class="field-pair alt">
<label for="flatten_folders">
<span class="component-title">Flat folder structure</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input class="cb" type="checkbox" name="flatten_folders" id="flatten_folders" #if $sickbeard.FLATTEN_FOLDERS_DEFAULT then "checked=\"checked\"" else ""# />
<p>do not create sub folders</p>
<div class="field-pair alt">
<label for="scene">
<span class="component-title">Scene numbering</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="scene" id="scene" #if $sickbeard.SCENE_DEFAULT then "checked=\"checked\"" else ""# />
<p>search for episodes that are numbered by scene groups instead of by the TV network</p>
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES:
<div class="field-pair alt">
<label for="subtitles">
<span class="component-title">Subtitles</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="subtitles" id="subtitles" #if $sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DEFAULT then "checked=\"checked\"" else ""# />
<p>download subtitles for this show</p>
#end if
#if $enable_anime_options
<div class="field-pair alt">
<label for="anime">
<span class="component-title">Show is anime</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="anime" id="anime" #if $sickbeard.ANIME_DEFAULT then "checked=\"checked\"" else ""# />
<p>enable if this show is anime and episode releases are named ... <em class="grey-text">Show.265</em> instead of <em class="grey-text">Show.S02E03</em></p>
#end if
<div class="field-pair alt" style="margin-top:20px">
<label for="saveDefaultsButton">
<span class="component-title">Save options as defaults</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input class="btn btn-inline" type="button" id="saveDefaultsButton" value="Save Defaults" disabled="disabled" />
<p>reuse the above options when adding more shows</p>
#if $enable_anime_options
#import sickbeard.blackandwhitelist
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_blackwhitelist.tmpl')
<input type="hidden" name="anime" id="anime" value="0" />
#end if