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synced 2025-03-15 17:17:43 +00:00
Provider getURL and downloadResult functions now removed and replaced with ones from helpers.py to help slim the code down plus allow more better control over request sessions. Removed TVTumbler code. Fixed HDBits provider. Fixed config settings that were ment to be booleans but instead where set as str or int, should help resolve random html errors. XEM Refresh check re-coded. NameParser code for creating show object has been changed to only attempt at the very end once its found the bestMatch result, helps on resources and performance.
183 lines
6.3 KiB
183 lines
6.3 KiB
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickRage.
# SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickRage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import urllib2
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
import xml.etree
import re
from name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException
from sickbeard import logger, classes, helpers
from sickbeard.common import Quality
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard.exceptions import ex
def getSeasonNZBs(name, urlData, season):
showXML = etree.ElementTree(etree.XML(urlData))
except SyntaxError:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the XML of " + name + ", not splitting it", logger.ERROR)
return ({}, '')
filename = name.replace(".nzb", "")
nzbElement = showXML.getroot()
regex = '([\w\._\ ]+)[\. ]S%02d[\. ]([\w\._\-\ ]+)[\- ]([\w_\-\ ]+?)' % season
sceneNameMatch = re.search(regex, filename, re.I)
if sceneNameMatch:
showName, qualitySection, groupName = sceneNameMatch.groups() # @UnusedVariable
logger.log(u"Unable to parse " + name + " into a scene name. If it's a valid one log a bug.", logger.ERROR)
return ({}, '')
regex = '(' + re.escape(showName) + '\.S%02d(?:[E0-9]+)\.[\w\._]+\-\w+' % season + ')'
regex = regex.replace(' ', '.')
epFiles = {}
xmlns = None
for curFile in nzbElement.getchildren():
xmlnsMatch = re.match("\{(http:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/]+\/nzb)\}file", curFile.tag)
if not xmlnsMatch:
xmlns = xmlnsMatch.group(1)
match = re.search(regex, curFile.get("subject"), re.I)
if not match:
#print curFile.get("subject"), "doesn't match", regex
curEp = match.group(1)
if curEp not in epFiles:
epFiles[curEp] = [curFile]
return (epFiles, xmlns)
def createNZBString(fileElements, xmlns):
rootElement = etree.Element("nzb")
if xmlns:
rootElement.set("xmlns", xmlns)
for curFile in fileElements:
rootElement.append(stripNS(curFile, xmlns))
return xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(rootElement, 'utf-8', 'replace')
def saveNZB(nzbName, nzbString):
with ek.ek(open, nzbName + ".nzb", 'w') as nzb_fh:
except EnvironmentError, e:
logger.log(u"Unable to save NZB: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
def stripNS(element, ns):
element.tag = element.tag.replace("{" + ns + "}", "")
for curChild in element.getchildren():
stripNS(curChild, ns)
return element
def splitResult(result):
urlData = helpers.getURL(result.url)
if urlData is None:
logger.log(u"Unable to load url " + result.url + ", can't download season NZB", logger.ERROR)
return False
# parse the season ep name
np = NameParser(False, showObj=result.show)
parse_result = np.parse(result.name)
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + result.name + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
return False
except InvalidShowException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + result.name + " into a valid show", logger.DEBUG)
return False
# bust it up
season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
separateNZBs, xmlns = getSeasonNZBs(result.name, urlData, season)
resultList = []
for newNZB in separateNZBs:
logger.log(u"Split out " + newNZB + " from " + result.name, logger.DEBUG)
# parse the name
np = NameParser(False, showObj=result.show)
parse_result = np.parse(newNZB)
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + newNZB + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
return False
except InvalidShowException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + newNZB + " into a valid show", logger.DEBUG)
return False
# make sure the result is sane
if (parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.season_number != season) or (
parse_result.season_number == None and season != 1):
u"Found " + newNZB + " inside " + result.name + " but it doesn't seem to belong to the same season, ignoring it",
elif len(parse_result.episode_numbers) == 0:
u"Found " + newNZB + " inside " + result.name + " but it doesn't seem to be a valid episode NZB, ignoring it",
wantEp = True
for epNo in parse_result.episode_numbers:
if not result.extraInfo[0].wantEpisode(season, epNo, result.quality):
logger.log(u"Ignoring result " + newNZB + " because we don't want an episode that is " +
Quality.qualityStrings[result.quality], logger.DEBUG)
wantEp = False
if not wantEp:
# get all the associated episode objects
epObjList = []
for curEp in parse_result.episode_numbers:
epObjList.append(result.extraInfo[0].getEpisode(season, curEp))
# make a result
curResult = classes.NZBDataSearchResult(epObjList)
curResult.name = newNZB
curResult.provider = result.provider
curResult.quality = result.quality
curResult.extraInfo = [createNZBString(separateNZBs[newNZB], xmlns)]
return resultList