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synced 2025-03-22 12:37:44 +00:00
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195 lines
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# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import time
import sickgear
from . import generic
from .. import logger
from ..helpers import try_int
from bs4_parser import BS4Parser
from requests.cookies import cookiejar_from_dict
from _23 import quote, unquote
from six import string_types, iteritems
class SpeedCDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
def __init__(self):
generic.TorrentProvider.__init__(self, 'SpeedCD', update_iv=4 * 60)
self.url_home = ['https://speed.cd/']
self.url_vars = dict(
login_1='checkpoint/API', login_2='checkpoint/', login_chk='rss.php', logout='logout.php', search='API/')
self.url_tmpl = dict(
config_provider_home_uri='%(home)s', login_1='%(home)s%(vars)s', login_2='%(home)s%(vars)s',
login_chk='%(home)s%(vars)s', logout='%(home)s%(vars)s', search='%(home)s%(vars)s')
self.categories = dict(Season=[41, 52, 53, 57], Episode=[2, 49, 50, 55, 57], anime=[30])
self.categories['Cache'] = self.categories['Season'] + self.categories['Episode']
self.username, self.password, self.digest, self.freeleech, self.minseed, self.minleech = 6 * [None]
def _authorised(self, **kwargs):
result = False
if self.digest and 'None' not in self.digest and 'login_chk' in self.urls:
digest = [x[::-1] for x in self.digest[::-1].rpartition('=')]
self.digest = digest[2] + digest[1] + quote(unquote(digest[0]))
self.session.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(dict({digest[2]: quote(unquote(digest[0]))}))
html = self.get_url(self.urls['login_chk'], skip_auth=True)
result = html and 'RSS' in html and 'type="password"' not in html
if not result and not self.failure_count:
if self.url and self.digest:
self.get_url(self.urls['logout'], skip_auth=True, post_data={'submit.x': 24, 'submit.y': 11})
self.digest = ''
json = self.get_url(self.urls['login_1'], skip_auth=True,
post_data={'username': self.username}, parse_json=True)
resp = list(filter(lambda l: isinstance(l, list), json.get('Fs', [])))
def get_html(_resp):
for cur_item in _resp:
if isinstance(cur_item, list):
_html = list(filter(lambda s: isinstance(s, string_types) and 'password' in s, cur_item))
if not _html:
_html = get_html(cur_item)
if _html:
return _html
params = {}
html = get_html(resp)
if html:
tags = re.findall(r'(?is)(<input[^>]*?name=[\'"][^\'"]+[^>]*)', html[0])
attrs = [[(re.findall(r'(?is)%s=[\'"]([^\'"]+)' % attr, x) or [''])[0]
for attr in ['type', 'name', 'value']] for x in tags]
for itype, name, value in attrs:
if 'password' in [itype, name]:
params[name] = self.password
if name not in ('username', 'password') and 'password' != itype:
params.setdefault(name, value)
if params:
html = self.get_url(self.urls['login_2'], skip_auth=True, post_data=params)
if html and 'RSS' in html:
self.digest = None
if self.session.cookies.get('inSpeed_speedian'):
self.digest = 'inSpeed_speedian=%s' % self.session.cookies.get('inSpeed_speedian')
result = True
logger.debug('Cookie details for %s updated.' % self.name)
elif not self.failure_count:
logger.error('Invalid cookie details for %s and login failed. Check settings' % self.name)
return result
def _has_signature(data=None):
return generic.TorrentProvider._has_signature(data) or (data and re.search(r'(?sim)speed', data))
def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs):
results = []
if not self._authorised():
return results
items = {'Cache': [], 'Season': [], 'Episode': [], 'Propers': []}
rc = dict([(k, re.compile('(?i)' + v)) for (k, v) in iteritems({
'info': '/t/', 'get': 'download', 'fl': r'\[freeleech\]'})])
for mode in search_params:
rc['cats'] = re.compile(r'(?i)browse/(?:%s)'
% self._categories_string(mode, template='', delimiter='|'))
for search_string in search_params[mode]:
post_data = dict(jxt=2, jxw='b', route='/browse/%s%s/q/%s' % (
self._categories_string(mode, '%s', '/'), ('/freeleech', '')[not self.freeleech],
search_string.replace('.', ' ').replace('^@^', '.')))
data_json = self.get_url(self.urls['search'], post_data=post_data, parse_json=True)
if self.should_skip():
return results
cnt = len(items[mode])
html = list(filter(lambda l: isinstance(l, list), data_json.get('Fs', [])))
while html:
if html and all(isinstance(x, string_types) for x in html):
str_lengths = [len(x) for x in html]
html = html[str_lengths.index(max(str_lengths))]
html = list(filter(lambda l: isinstance(l, list), html))
if html and 0 < len(html):
html = html[0]
if not html or self._has_no_results(html):
raise generic.HaltParseException
with BS4Parser(html, parse_only='table') as tbl:
tbl_rows = [] if not tbl else tbl.find_all('tr')
if 2 > len(tbl_rows):
raise generic.HaltParseException
head = None
for tr in tbl_rows[1:]:
cells = tr.find_all('td')
if 4 > len(cells):
head = head if None is not head else self._header_row(tr)
seeders, leechers, size = [try_int(n, n) for n in [
cells[head[x]].get_text().strip() for x in ('seed', 'leech', 'size')]]
if None is tr.find('a', href=rc['cats']) or self._reject_item(
seeders, leechers, self.freeleech and (
None is rc['fl'].search(cells[1].get_text()))):
info = tr.find('a', 'torrent') or tr.find('a', href=rc['info'])
title = (info.attrs.get('title') or info.get_text()).strip()
download_url = self._link(tr.find('a', href=rc['get'])['href'])
except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):
if title and download_url:
items[mode].append((title, download_url, seeders, self._bytesizer(size)))
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt,
('search string: ' + search_string, self.name)['Cache' == mode])
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
return results
def _episode_strings(self, ep_obj, **kwargs):
return super(SpeedCDProvider, self)._episode_strings(ep_obj, sep_date='^@^', **kwargs)
def ui_string(key):
return 'speedcd_digest' == key and \
'use... \'inSpeed_speedian=yy\' - warning: SpeedCD cookies often expire, ' \
'username/pw may update them automatically, else update manually from browser' or ''
provider = SpeedCDProvider()