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348 lines
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Python compiled source code parser.
- Python 2.4.2 source code:
files Python/marshal.c and Python/import.c
Author: Victor Stinner
Creation: 25 march 2005
from hachoir_parser import Parser
from hachoir_core.field import (FieldSet, UInt8,
UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, ParserError, Float64, Enum,
Character, Bytes, RawBytes, PascalString8, TimestampUnix32)
from hachoir_core.endian import LITTLE_ENDIAN
from hachoir_core.bits import long2raw
from hachoir_core.text_handler import textHandler, hexadecimal
from hachoir_core.i18n import ngettext
from dis import dis
def disassembleBytecode(field):
bytecode = field.value
# --- String and string reference ---
def parseString(parent):
yield UInt32(parent, "length", "Length")
length = parent["length"].value
if parent.name == "lnotab":
for i in range(0,length,2):
bc_off_delta=UInt8(parent, 'bytecode_offset_delta[]')
yield bc_off_delta
bc_off_delta._description='Bytecode Offset %i'%bytecode_offset
line_number_delta=UInt8(parent, 'line_number_delta[]')
yield line_number_delta
line_number_delta._description='Line Number %i'%line_number
elif 0 < length:
yield RawBytes(parent, "text", length, "Content")
if DISASSEMBLE and parent.name == "compiled_code":
def parseStringRef(parent):
yield textHandler(UInt32(parent, "ref"), hexadecimal)
def createStringRefDesc(parent):
return "String ref: %s" % parent["ref"].display
# --- Integers ---
def parseInt32(parent):
yield Int32(parent, "value")
def parseInt64(parent):
yield Int64(parent, "value")
def parseLong(parent):
yield Int32(parent, "digit_count")
for index in xrange( abs(parent["digit_count"].value) ):
yield UInt16(parent, "digit[]")
# --- Float and complex ---
def parseFloat(parent):
yield PascalString8(parent, "value")
def parseBinaryFloat(parent):
yield Float64(parent, "value")
def parseComplex(parent):
yield PascalString8(parent, "real")
yield PascalString8(parent, "complex")
def parseBinaryComplex(parent):
yield Float64(parent, "real")
yield Float64(parent, "complex")
# --- Tuple and list ---
def parseTuple(parent):
yield Int32(parent, "count", "Item count")
count = parent["count"].value
if count < 0:
raise ParserError("Invalid tuple/list count")
for index in xrange(count):
yield Object(parent, "item[]")
def createTupleDesc(parent):
count = parent["count"].value
items = ngettext("%s item", "%s items", count) % count
return "%s: %s" % (parent.code_info[2], items)
# --- Dict ---
def parseDict(parent):
Format is: (key1, value1, key2, value2, ..., keyn, valuen, NULL)
where each keyi and valuei is an object.
parent.count = 0
while True:
key = Object(parent, "key[]")
yield key
if key["bytecode"].value == "0":
yield Object(parent, "value[]")
parent.count += 1
def createDictDesc(parent):
return "Dict: %s" % (ngettext("%s key", "%s keys", parent.count) % parent.count)
# --- Code ---
def parseCode(parent):
if 0x3000000 <= parent.root.getVersion():
yield UInt32(parent, "arg_count", "Argument count")
yield UInt32(parent, "kwonlyargcount", "Keyword only argument count")
yield UInt32(parent, "nb_locals", "Number of local variables")
yield UInt32(parent, "stack_size", "Stack size")
yield UInt32(parent, "flags")
elif 0x2030000 <= parent.root.getVersion():
yield UInt32(parent, "arg_count", "Argument count")
yield UInt32(parent, "nb_locals", "Number of local variables")
yield UInt32(parent, "stack_size", "Stack size")
yield UInt32(parent, "flags")
yield UInt16(parent, "arg_count", "Argument count")
yield UInt16(parent, "nb_locals", "Number of local variables")
yield UInt16(parent, "stack_size", "Stack size")
yield UInt16(parent, "flags")
yield Object(parent, "compiled_code")
yield Object(parent, "consts")
yield Object(parent, "names")
yield Object(parent, "varnames")
if 0x2000000 <= parent.root.getVersion():
yield Object(parent, "freevars")
yield Object(parent, "cellvars")
yield Object(parent, "filename")
yield Object(parent, "name")
if 0x2030000 <= parent.root.getVersion():
yield UInt32(parent, "firstlineno", "First line number")
yield UInt16(parent, "firstlineno", "First line number")
yield Object(parent, "lnotab")
class Object(FieldSet):
bytecode_info = {
# Don't contains any data
'0': ("null", None, "NULL", None),
'N': ("none", None, "None", None),
'F': ("false", None, "False", None),
'T': ("true", None, "True", None),
'S': ("stop_iter", None, "StopIter", None),
'.': ("ellipsis", None, "ELLIPSIS", None),
'?': ("unknown", None, "Unknown", None),
'i': ("int32", parseInt32, "Int32", None),
'I': ("int64", parseInt64, "Int64", None),
'f': ("float", parseFloat, "Float", None),
'g': ("bin_float", parseBinaryFloat, "Binary float", None),
'x': ("complex", parseComplex, "Complex", None),
'y': ("bin_complex", parseBinaryComplex, "Binary complex", None),
'l': ("long", parseLong, "Long", None),
's': ("string", parseString, "String", None),
't': ("interned", parseString, "Interned", None),
'u': ("unicode", parseString, "Unicode", None),
'R': ("string_ref", parseStringRef, "String ref", createStringRefDesc),
'(': ("tuple", parseTuple, "Tuple", createTupleDesc),
'[': ("list", parseTuple, "List", createTupleDesc),
'<': ("set", parseTuple, "Set", createTupleDesc),
'>': ("frozenset", parseTuple, "Frozen set", createTupleDesc),
'{': ("dict", parseDict, "Dict", createDictDesc),
'c': ("code", parseCode, "Code", None),
def __init__(self, parent, name, **kw):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, **kw)
code = self["bytecode"].value
if code not in self.bytecode_info:
raise ParserError('Unknown bytecode: "%s"' % code)
self.code_info = self.bytecode_info[code]
if not name:
self._name = self.code_info[0]
if code == "l":
self.createValue = self.createValueLong
elif code in ("i", "I", "f", "g"):
self.createValue = lambda: self["value"].value
elif code == "T":
self.createValue = lambda: True
elif code == "F":
self.createValue = lambda: False
elif code in ("x", "y"):
self.createValue = self.createValueComplex
elif code in ("s", "t", "u"):
self.createValue = self.createValueString
self.createDisplay = self.createDisplayString
if code == 't':
if not hasattr(self.root,'string_table'):
elif code == 'R':
if hasattr(self.root,'string_table'):
self.createValue = self.createValueStringRef
def createValueString(self):
if "text" in self:
return self["text"].value
return ""
def createDisplayString(self):
if "text" in self:
return self["text"].display
return "(empty)"
def createValueLong(self):
is_negative = self["digit_count"].value < 0
count = abs(self["digit_count"].value)
total = 0
for index in xrange(count-1, -1, -1):
total <<= 15
total += self["digit[%u]" % index].value
if is_negative:
total = -total
return total
def createValueStringRef(self):
return self.root.string_table[self['ref'].value].value
def createDisplayStringRef(self):
return self.root.string_table[self['ref'].value].display
def createValueComplex(self):
return complex(
def createFields(self):
yield Character(self, "bytecode", "Bytecode")
parser = self.code_info[1]
if parser:
for field in parser(self):
yield field
def createDescription(self):
create = self.code_info[3]
if create:
return create(self)
return self.code_info[2]
class PythonCompiledFile(Parser):
"id": "python",
"category": "program",
"file_ext": ("pyc", "pyo"),
"min_size": 9*8,
"description": "Compiled Python script (.pyc/.pyo files)"
# Dictionnary which associate the pyc signature (32-bit integer)
# to a Python version string (eg. "m\xf2\r\n" => "Python 2.4b1").
# This list comes from CPython source code, see "MAGIC"
# and "pyc_magic" in file Python/import.c
# Python 1.x
20121: ("1.5", 0x1050000),
50428: ("1.6", 0x1060000),
# Python 2.x
50823: ("2.0", 0x2000000),
60202: ("2.1", 0x2010000),
60717: ("2.2", 0x2020000),
62011: ("2.3a0", 0x2030000),
62021: ("2.3a0", 0x2030000),
62041: ("2.4a0", 0x2040000),
62051: ("2.4a3", 0x2040000),
62061: ("2.4b1", 0x2040000),
62071: ("2.5a0", 0x2050000),
62081: ("2.5a0 (ast-branch)", 0x2050000),
62091: ("2.5a0 (with)", 0x2050000),
62092: ("2.5a0 (WITH_CLEANUP opcode)", 0x2050000),
62101: ("2.5b3", 0x2050000),
62111: ("2.5b3", 0x2050000),
62121: ("2.5c1", 0x2050000),
62131: ("2.5c2", 0x2050000),
62151: ("2.6a0", 0x2070000),
62161: ("2.6a1", 0x2070000),
62171: ("2.7a0", 0x2070000),
62181: ("2.7a0", 0x2070000),
62191: ("2.7a0", 0x2070000),
62201: ("2.7a0", 0x2070000),
62211: ("2.7a0", 0x2070000),
# Python 3.x
3000: ("3.0 (3000)", 0x3000000),
3010: ("3.0 (3010)", 0x3000000),
3020: ("3.0 (3020)", 0x3000000),
3030: ("3.0 (3030)", 0x3000000),
3040: ("3.0 (3040)", 0x3000000),
3050: ("3.0 (3050)", 0x3000000),
3060: ("3.0 (3060)", 0x3000000),
3061: ("3.0 (3061)", 0x3000000),
3071: ("3.0 (3071)", 0x3000000),
3081: ("3.0 (3081)", 0x3000000),
3091: ("3.0 (3091)", 0x3000000),
3101: ("3.0 (3101)", 0x3000000),
3103: ("3.0 (3103)", 0x3000000),
3111: ("3.0a4", 0x3000000),
3131: ("3.0a5", 0x3000000),
3141: ("3.1a0", 0x3010000),
3151: ("3.1a0", 0x3010000),
3160: ("3.2a0", 0x3020000),
3170: ("3.2a1", 0x3020000),
3180: ("3.2a2", 0x3020000),
3190: ("Python 3.3a0", 0x3030000),
# Dictionnary which associate the pyc signature (4-byte long string)
# to a Python version string (eg. "m\xf2\r\n" => "2.4b1")
STR_MAGIC = dict( \
(long2raw(magic | (ord('\r')<<16) | (ord('\n')<<24), LITTLE_ENDIAN), value[0]) \
for magic, value in MAGIC.iteritems())
def validate(self):
signature = self.stream.readBits(0, 16, self.endian)
if signature not in self.MAGIC:
return "Unknown version (%s)" % signature
if self.stream.readBytes(2*8, 2) != "\r\n":
return r"Wrong signature (\r\n)"
if self.stream.readBytes(8*8, 1) != 'c':
return "First object bytecode is not code"
return True
def getVersion(self):
if not hasattr(self, "version"):
signature = self.stream.readBits(0, 16, self.endian)
self.version = self.MAGIC[signature][1]
return self.version
def createFields(self):
yield Enum(Bytes(self, "signature", 4, "Python file signature and version"), self.STR_MAGIC)
yield TimestampUnix32(self, "timestamp", "Timestamp")
yield Object(self, "content")