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helpers module (imdb package).
This module provides functions not used directly by the imdb package,
but useful for IMDbPY-based programs.
Copyright 2006-2012 Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>
2012 Alberto Malagoli <albemala AT gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# XXX: find better names for the functions in this modules.
import re
import difflib
from cgi import escape
import gettext
from gettext import gettext as _
# The modClearRefs can be used to strip names and titles references from
# the strings in Movie and Person objects.
from imdb.utils import modClearRefs, re_titleRef, re_nameRef, \
re_characterRef, _tagAttr, _Container, TAGS_TO_MODIFY
from imdb import IMDb, imdbURL_movie_base, imdbURL_person_base, \
import imdb.locale
from imdb.linguistics import COUNTRY_LANG
from imdb.Movie import Movie
from imdb.Person import Person
from imdb.Character import Character
from imdb.Company import Company
from imdb.parser.http.utils import re_entcharrefssub, entcharrefs, \
subXMLRefs, subSGMLRefs
from imdb.parser.http.bsouplxml.etree import BeautifulSoup
# An URL, more or less.
_re_href = re.compile(r'(http://.+?)(?=\s|$)', re.I)
_re_hrefsub = _re_href.sub
def makeCgiPrintEncoding(encoding):
"""Make a function to pretty-print strings for the web."""
def cgiPrint(s):
"""Encode the given string using the %s encoding, and replace
chars outside the given charset with XML char references.""" % encoding
s = escape(s, quote=1)
if isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.encode(encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace')
return s
return cgiPrint
# cgiPrint uses the latin_1 encoding.
cgiPrint = makeCgiPrintEncoding('latin_1')
# Regular expression for %(varname)s substitutions.
re_subst = re.compile(r'%\((.+?)\)s')
# Regular expression for <if condition>....</if condition> clauses.
re_conditional = re.compile(r'<if\s+(.+?)\s*>(.+?)</if\s+\1\s*>')
def makeTextNotes(replaceTxtNotes):
"""Create a function useful to handle text[::optional_note] values.
replaceTxtNotes is a format string, which can include the following
values: %(text)s and %(notes)s.
Portions of the text can be conditionally excluded, if one of the
values is absent. E.g.: <if notes>[%(notes)s]</if notes> will be replaced
with '[notes]' if notes exists, or by an empty string otherwise.
The returned function is suitable be passed as applyToValues argument
of the makeObject2Txt function."""
def _replacer(s):
outS = replaceTxtNotes
if not isinstance(s, (unicode, str)):
return s
ssplit = s.split('::', 1)
text = ssplit[0]
# Used to keep track of text and note existence.
keysDict = {}
if text:
keysDict['text'] = True
outS = outS.replace('%(text)s', text)
if len(ssplit) == 2:
keysDict['notes'] = True
outS = outS.replace('%(notes)s', ssplit[1])
outS = outS.replace('%(notes)s', u'')
def _excludeFalseConditionals(matchobj):
# Return an empty string if the conditional is false/empty.
if matchobj.group(1) in keysDict:
return matchobj.group(2)
return u''
while re_conditional.search(outS):
outS = re_conditional.sub(_excludeFalseConditionals, outS)
return outS
return _replacer
def makeObject2Txt(movieTxt=None, personTxt=None, characterTxt=None,
companyTxt=None, joiner=' / ',
applyToValues=lambda x: x, _recurse=True):
""""Return a function useful to pretty-print Movie, Person,
Character and Company instances.
*movieTxt* -- how to format a Movie object.
*personTxt* -- how to format a Person object.
*characterTxt* -- how to format a Character object.
*companyTxt* -- how to format a Company object.
*joiner* -- string used to join a list of objects.
*applyToValues* -- function to apply to values.
*_recurse* -- if True (default) manage only the given object.
# Some useful defaults.
if movieTxt is None:
movieTxt = '%(long imdb title)s'
if personTxt is None:
personTxt = '%(long imdb name)s'
if characterTxt is None:
characterTxt = '%(long imdb name)s'
if companyTxt is None:
companyTxt = '%(long imdb name)s'
def object2txt(obj, _limitRecursion=None):
"""Pretty-print objects."""
# Prevent unlimited recursion.
if _limitRecursion is None:
_limitRecursion = 0
elif _limitRecursion > 5:
return u''
_limitRecursion += 1
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
return joiner.join([object2txt(o, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion)
for o in obj])
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
# XXX: not exactly nice, neither useful, I fear.
return joiner.join([u'%s::%s' %
(object2txt(k, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion),
object2txt(v, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion))
for k, v in obj.items()])
objData = {}
if isinstance(obj, Movie):
objData['movieID'] = obj.movieID
outs = movieTxt
elif isinstance(obj, Person):
objData['personID'] = obj.personID
outs = personTxt
elif isinstance(obj, Character):
objData['characterID'] = obj.characterID
outs = characterTxt
elif isinstance(obj, Company):
objData['companyID'] = obj.companyID
outs = companyTxt
return obj
def _excludeFalseConditionals(matchobj):
# Return an empty string if the conditional is false/empty.
condition = matchobj.group(1)
proceed = obj.get(condition) or getattr(obj, condition, None)
if proceed:
return matchobj.group(2)
return u''
return matchobj.group(2)
while re_conditional.search(outs):
outs = re_conditional.sub(_excludeFalseConditionals, outs)
for key in re_subst.findall(outs):
value = obj.get(key) or getattr(obj, key, None)
if not isinstance(value, (unicode, str)):
if not _recurse:
if value:
value = unicode(value)
if value:
value = object2txt(value, _limitRecursion=_limitRecursion)
elif value:
value = applyToValues(unicode(value))
if not value:
value = u''
elif not isinstance(value, (unicode, str)):
value = unicode(value)
outs = outs.replace(u'%(' + key + u')s', value)
return outs
return object2txt
def makeModCGILinks(movieTxt, personTxt, characterTxt=None,
"""Make a function used to pretty-print movies and persons refereces;
movieTxt and personTxt are the strings used for the substitutions.
movieTxt must contains %(movieID)s and %(title)s, while personTxt
must contains %(personID)s and %(name)s and characterTxt %(characterID)s
and %(name)s; characterTxt is optional, for backward compatibility."""
_cgiPrint = makeCgiPrintEncoding(encoding)
def modCGILinks(s, titlesRefs, namesRefs, characterRefs=None):
"""Substitute movies and persons references."""
if characterRefs is None: characterRefs = {}
# XXX: look ma'... more nested scopes! <g>
def _replaceMovie(match):
to_replace = match.group(1)
item = titlesRefs.get(to_replace)
if item:
movieID = item.movieID
to_replace = movieTxt % {'movieID': movieID,
'title': unicode(_cgiPrint(to_replace),
return to_replace
def _replacePerson(match):
to_replace = match.group(1)
item = namesRefs.get(to_replace)
if item:
personID = item.personID
to_replace = personTxt % {'personID': personID,
'name': unicode(_cgiPrint(to_replace),
return to_replace
def _replaceCharacter(match):
to_replace = match.group(1)
if characterTxt is None:
return to_replace
item = characterRefs.get(to_replace)
if item:
characterID = item.characterID
if characterID is None:
return to_replace
to_replace = characterTxt % {'characterID': characterID,
'name': unicode(_cgiPrint(to_replace),
return to_replace
s = s.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
s = _re_hrefsub(r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', s)
s = re_titleRef.sub(_replaceMovie, s)
s = re_nameRef.sub(_replacePerson, s)
s = re_characterRef.sub(_replaceCharacter, s)
return s
modCGILinks.movieTxt = movieTxt
modCGILinks.personTxt = personTxt
modCGILinks.characterTxt = characterTxt
return modCGILinks
# links to the imdb.com web site.
_movieTxt = '<a href="' + imdbURL_movie_base + 'tt%(movieID)s">%(title)s</a>'
_personTxt = '<a href="' + imdbURL_person_base + 'nm%(personID)s">%(name)s</a>'
_characterTxt = '<a href="' + imdbURL_character_base + \
modHtmlLinks = makeModCGILinks(movieTxt=_movieTxt, personTxt=_personTxt,
modHtmlLinksASCII = makeModCGILinks(movieTxt=_movieTxt, personTxt=_personTxt,
everyentcharrefs = entcharrefs.copy()
for k, v in {'lt':u'<','gt':u'>','amp':u'&','quot':u'"','apos':u'\''}.items():
everyentcharrefs[k] = v
everyentcharrefs['#%s' % ord(v)] = v
everyentcharrefsget = everyentcharrefs.get
re_everyentcharrefs = re.compile('&(%s|\#160|\#\d{1,5});' % '|'.join(map(re.escape,
re_everyentcharrefssub = re_everyentcharrefs.sub
def _replAllXMLRef(match):
"""Replace the matched XML reference."""
ref = match.group(1)
value = everyentcharrefsget(ref)
if value is None:
if ref[0] == '#':
return unichr(int(ref[1:]))
return ref
return value
def subXMLHTMLSGMLRefs(s):
"""Return the given string with XML/HTML/SGML entity and char references
return re_everyentcharrefssub(_replAllXMLRef, s)
def sortedSeasons(m):
"""Return a sorted list of seasons of the given series."""
seasons = m.get('episodes', {}).keys()
return seasons
def sortedEpisodes(m, season=None):
"""Return a sorted list of episodes of the given series,
considering only the specified season(s) (every season, if None)."""
episodes = []
seasons = season
if season is None:
seasons = sortedSeasons(m)
if not isinstance(season, (tuple, list)):
seasons = [season]
for s in seasons:
eps_indx = m.get('episodes', {}).get(s, {}).keys()
for e in eps_indx:
return episodes
# Idea and portions of the code courtesy of none none (dclist at gmail.com)
_re_imdbIDurl = re.compile(r'\b(nm|tt|ch|co)([0-9]{7})\b')
def get_byURL(url, info=None, args=None, kwds=None):
"""Return a Movie, Person, Character or Company object for the given URL;
info is the info set to retrieve, args and kwds are respectively a list
and a dictionary or arguments to initialize the data access system.
Returns None if unable to correctly parse the url; can raise
exceptions if unable to retrieve the data."""
if args is None: args = []
if kwds is None: kwds = {}
ia = IMDb(*args, **kwds)
match = _re_imdbIDurl.search(url)
if not match:
return None
imdbtype = match.group(1)
imdbID = match.group(2)
if imdbtype == 'tt':
return ia.get_movie(imdbID, info=info)
elif imdbtype == 'nm':
return ia.get_person(imdbID, info=info)
elif imdbtype == 'ch':
return ia.get_character(imdbID, info=info)
elif imdbtype == 'co':
return ia.get_company(imdbID, info=info)
return None
# Idea and portions of code courtesy of Basil Shubin.
# Beware that these information are now available directly by
# the Movie/Person/Character instances.
def fullSizeCoverURL(obj):
"""Given an URL string or a Movie, Person or Character instance,
returns an URL to the full-size version of the cover/headshot,
or None otherwise. This function is obsolete: the same information
are available as keys: 'full-size cover url' and 'full-size headshot',
respectively for movies and persons/characters."""
if isinstance(obj, Movie):
coverUrl = obj.get('cover url')
elif isinstance(obj, (Person, Character)):
coverUrl = obj.get('headshot')
coverUrl = obj
if not coverUrl:
return None
return _Container._re_fullsizeURL.sub('', coverUrl)
def keyToXML(key):
"""Return a key (the ones used to access information in Movie and
other classes instances) converted to the style of the XML output."""
return _tagAttr(key, '')[0]
def translateKey(key):
"""Translate a given key."""
return _(keyToXML(key))
# Maps tags to classes.
'person': Person,
'movie': Movie,
'character': Character,
'company': Company
# Tags to be converted to lists.
_TAGS_TO_LIST = dict([(x[0], None) for x in TAGS_TO_MODIFY.values()])
def tagToKey(tag):
"""Return the name of the tag, taking it from the 'key' attribute,
if present."""
keyAttr = tag.get('key')
if keyAttr:
if tag.get('keytype') == 'int':
keyAttr = int(keyAttr)
return keyAttr
return tag.name
def _valueWithType(tag, tagValue):
"""Return tagValue, handling some type conversions."""
tagType = tag.get('type')
if tagType == 'int':
tagValue = int(tagValue)
elif tagType == 'float':
tagValue = float(tagValue)
return tagValue
# Extra tags to get (if values were not already read from title/name).
_titleTags = ('imdbindex', 'kind', 'year')
_nameTags = ('imdbindex',)
_companyTags = ('imdbindex', 'country')
def parseTags(tag, _topLevel=True, _as=None, _infoset2keys=None,
"""Recursively parse a tree of tags."""
# The returned object (usually a _Container subclass, but it can
# be a string, an int, a float, a list or a dictionary).
item = None
if _infoset2keys is None:
_infoset2keys = {}
if _key2infoset is None:
_key2infoset = {}
name = tagToKey(tag)
firstChild = tag.find(recursive=False)
tagStr = (tag.string or u'').strip()
if not tagStr and name == 'item':
# Handles 'item' tags containing text and a 'notes' sub-tag.
tagContent = tag.contents[0]
if isinstance(tagContent, BeautifulSoup.NavigableString):
tagStr = (unicode(tagContent) or u'').strip()
tagType = tag.get('type')
infoset = tag.get('infoset')
if infoset:
_key2infoset[name] = infoset
_infoset2keys.setdefault(infoset, []).append(name)
# Here we use tag.name to avoid tags like <item title="company">
if tag.name in _MAP_TOP_OBJ:
# One of the subclasses of _Container.
item = _MAP_TOP_OBJ[name]()
itemAs = tag.get('access-system')
if itemAs:
if not _as:
_as = itemAs
itemAs = _as
item.accessSystem = itemAs
tagsToGet = []
theID = tag.get('id')
if name == 'movie':
item.movieID = theID
tagsToGet = _titleTags
theTitle = tag.find('title', recursive=False)
if tag.title:
if name == 'person':
item.personID = theID
tagsToGet = _nameTags
theName = tag.find('long imdb canonical name', recursive=False)
if not theName:
theName = tag.find('name', recursive=False)
elif name == 'character':
item.characterID = theID
tagsToGet = _nameTags
theName = tag.find('name', recursive=False)
elif name == 'company':
item.companyID = theID
tagsToGet = _companyTags
theName = tag.find('name', recursive=False)
if theName:
if theName:
for t in tagsToGet:
if t in item.data:
dataTag = tag.find(t, recursive=False)
if dataTag:
item.data[tagToKey(dataTag)] = _valueWithType(dataTag,
if tag.notes:
item.notes = tag.notes.string
episodeOf = tag.find('episode-of', recursive=False)
if episodeOf:
item.data['episode of'] = parseTags(episodeOf, _topLevel=False,
_as=_as, _infoset2keys=_infoset2keys,
cRole = tag.find('current-role', recursive=False)
if cRole:
cr = parseTags(cRole, _topLevel=False, _as=_as,
_infoset2keys=_infoset2keys, _key2infoset=_key2infoset)
item.currentRole = cr
# XXX: big assumption, here. What about Movie instances used
# as keys in dictionaries? What about other keys (season and
# episode number, for example?)
if not _topLevel:
return item
_adder = lambda key, value: item.data.update({key: value})
elif tagStr:
if tag.notes:
notes = (tag.notes.string or u'').strip()
if notes:
tagStr += u'::%s' % notes
tagStr = _valueWithType(tag, tagStr)
return tagStr
elif firstChild:
firstChildName = tagToKey(firstChild)
if firstChildName in _TAGS_TO_LIST:
item = []
_adder = lambda key, value: item.append(value)
item = {}
_adder = lambda key, value: item.update({key: value})
item = {}
_adder = lambda key, value: item.update({name: value})
for subTag in tag(recursive=False):
subTagKey = tagToKey(subTag)
# Exclude dinamically generated keys.
if tag.name in _MAP_TOP_OBJ and subTagKey in item._additional_keys():
subItem = parseTags(subTag, _topLevel=False, _as=_as,
_infoset2keys=_infoset2keys, _key2infoset=_key2infoset)
if subItem:
_adder(subTagKey, subItem)
if _topLevel and name in _MAP_TOP_OBJ:
# Add information about 'info sets', but only to the top-level object.
item.infoset2keys = _infoset2keys
item.key2infoset = _key2infoset
item.current_info = _infoset2keys.keys()
return item
def parseXML(xml):
"""Parse a XML string, returning an appropriate object (usually an
instance of a subclass of _Container."""
xmlObj = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup(xml,
if xmlObj:
mainTag = xmlObj.find()
if mainTag:
return parseTags(mainTag)
return None
_re_akas_lang = re.compile('(?:[(])([a-zA-Z]+?)(?: title[)])')
_re_akas_country = re.compile('\(.*?\)')
# akasLanguages, sortAKAsBySimilarity and getAKAsInLanguage code
# copyright of Alberto Malagoli (refactoring by Davide Alberani).
def akasLanguages(movie):
"""Given a movie, return a list of tuples in (lang, AKA) format;
lang can be None, if unable to detect."""
lang_and_aka = []
akas = set((movie.get('akas') or []) +
(movie.get('akas from release info') or []))
for aka in akas:
# split aka
aka = aka.encode('utf8').split('::')
# sometimes there is no countries information
if len(aka) == 2:
# search for something like "(... title)" where ... is a language
language = _re_akas_lang.search(aka[1])
if language:
language = language.groups()[0]
# split countries using , and keep only the first one (it's sufficient)
country = aka[1].split(',')[0]
# remove parenthesis
country = _re_akas_country.sub('', country).strip()
# given the country, get corresponding language from dictionary
language = COUNTRY_LANG.get(country)
language = None
lang_and_aka.append((language, aka[0].decode('utf8')))
return lang_and_aka
def sortAKAsBySimilarity(movie, title, _titlesOnly=True, _preferredLang=None):
"""Return a list of movie AKAs, sorted by their similarity to
the given title.
If _titlesOnly is not True, similarity information are returned.
If _preferredLang is specified, AKAs in the given language will get
a higher score.
The return is a list of title, or a list of tuples if _titlesOnly is False."""
language = movie.guessLanguage()
# estimate string distance between current title and given title
m_title = movie['title'].lower()
l_title = title.lower()
if isinstance(l_title, unicode):
l_title = l_title.encode('utf8')
scores = []
score = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, m_title.encode('utf8'), l_title).ratio()
# set original title and corresponding score as the best match for given title
scores.append((score, movie['title'], None))
for language, aka in akasLanguages(movie):
# estimate string distance between current title and given title
m_title = aka.lower()
if isinstance(m_title, unicode):
m_title = m_title.encode('utf8')
score = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, m_title, l_title).ratio()
# if current language is the same as the given one, increase score
if _preferredLang and _preferredLang == language:
score += 1
scores.append((score, aka, language))
if _titlesOnly:
return [x[1] for x in scores]
return scores
def getAKAsInLanguage(movie, lang, _searchedTitle=None):
"""Return a list of AKAs of a movie, in the specified language.
If _searchedTitle is given, the AKAs are sorted by their similarity
to it."""
akas = []
for language, aka in akasLanguages(movie):
if lang == language:
if _searchedTitle:
scores = []
if isinstance(_searchedTitle, unicode):
_searchedTitle = _searchedTitle.encode('utf8')
for aka in akas:
m_aka = aka
if isinstance(m_aka):
m_aka = m_aka.encode('utf8')
scores.append(difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, m_aka.lower(),
_searchedTitle.lower()), aka)
akas = [x[1] for x in scores]
return akas