mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 23:05:05 +00:00
Add `spoken_languages` to tmdb API and TVInfoShow object. Add `trailers`, `homepage` to trakt API and TVInfoShow object. Add trakt episode data if returned from api. Add trakt API methods. - get_most_played - get_most_watched - get_most_collected - get_anticipated - get_recommended - get_trending - get_popular - get_recommended_for_account - get_new_shows - get_new_seasons - get_watchlisted_for_account - get_similar - hide_recommended_for_account (to hide/remove recommended shows for account) - unhide_recommended_for_account - list_hidden_recommended_for_account Fix caching tmdb language list over different runtime instances. Add episode_count and fix ti_show in tmdb_api person object. Change set additional properties in get_person trakt_api. Add tmdb API methods and tvinfo_base. - get_recommended_for_show - get_similar --- fix supported language caching improve print output (source name) of tvinfo_api_tests fix tvinfo_api_tests data creation --- Add code so that it runs with all_test use mock today() and now() dates add option to only get new urls mock data try also to make object creation only when needed fix person parser in tmdb_api add search_person test in tvinfo_api_tests restore mocked methods at the end of the tvinfo_api_tests to prevent other tests to fail when called via all_tests switch gzip with better lzma compression for mock files (default lib in py3) move mock files in test unit sub folder --- Fix trakt method `get_recommended`. Fix browse trakt tests in tvinfo_api_tests. Change set episode id in trakt api. --- Add test_browse_endpoints to tvinfo_api_tests. --- Add enforce_type to sg_helpers. Change use enforce str for overviews. Change remove `if PY2` code sections Add support for datetime.time in _make_airtime in tv.py Refactor tvmaze_api show data setter. Change test to not allow None for seriesname. Add additional missing showdata with caller load_data(). Add load_data() to TVInfoShow. Add guestcast, guestcrew to episodes in pytvmaze lib. --- Change make seriesid of TVInfoShow a alias property of id. Add tvinfo tests. Add search tests. Add show, person tests. Change add trakt tests. Change add tmdb search tests. tvmaze_api exclude rating from mapping. Allow None for seriesname. Fix origin_countries in trakt_api search. Fix show_type in tvmaze_api. Fix airtime for episodes in tvmaze_api. --- Change switch to property instead of legacy dict-like use for trakt search results. Change optimize speed of get() function. Fix make BaseTVinfoSeasonnotfound and BaseTVinfoAttributenotfound also a subclass of AttributeError and KeyError. Change mock get() to work with and without default args just like dict get(). Change add language to tmdb_api search results. Change improve person search by remote id, by getting the complete persons data when there is only 1 result. Change trakt API search results to tvinfoshow. Change search results to TVInfoShow objs in tvmaze_api. Change simplify poster URL generation for search results. Change search results to TVInfoShow objs. Change add tvdb genre links to displayShow. Change workaround for missing data in person data (series set to None). Fix add show to characters of person if there is no name on IMDb (set to 'unknown name'). Change add config and icons for linkedin, reddit, wikidata, youtube. Add TVInfoIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs to Trakt. Add TVInfoIDs to tmdb_api. Add TVInfoIDs to tvmaze_api. add TVInfoIDs to imdb_api. Change make character name '' if None. Fix for 'unknown name' persons and characters. Add contentrating. Change fill in new fields to get_person results. ---- Change set new in/active dates to network. Change add active_date, inactive_date to TVInfoNetwork class. Change add default kwargs to tmdb discover method if no kwargs are set. Change default: English language shows with first air date greater then today. Change add slug field to returned data from discover. Change add 'score' mapped to rating to discover returned results. Fix valid_data for discover method. Change add result_count to discover. Change add _sanitise_image_uri to discover method. Fix convert_person. Change add missing _sanitise_image_uri for images in some places. Fix crew. Change return type of tvinfo base: discover to list tvinfoshow. Fix people remote id search. Change add tmdb person id search. Change fix people endpoint fieldname changes. Change add biography to person object. Change move 401 expired token handling into TvdbAuth class. Change get new token if old token is expired. Change add raise error if episodes fallback fails to load data. Change add break if no valid_data to absolute and alternative numberings. Change add filter only networks. Change add new required parameter meta=translations to get translated (includes the original language) show overviews. Change add check if show is set for person compare. Fix person update properties with no show set. Change add person image. Change add alternative episode orders. Change add alt_ep_numbering to TVINFO_Show. Change add old interface for dvd order. Change add trakt slug tvinfo search test cases. Change add mock for old tvdb get new token. Change old lib to newer tvinfo data. Fix person id (not available on old api). Change more places to new TVInfoAPI interface.
903 lines
38 KiB
903 lines
38 KiB
# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import os
import os.path
import re
import time
import threading
import regex
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from math import trunc # positioned here to import only if regex is available
except ImportError:
regex = None
from . import regexes
from exceptions_helper import ex
import sickgear
from .. import common, db, helpers, logger, scene_exceptions, scene_numbering
from lib.tvinfo_base.exceptions import *
from ..classes import OrderedDefaultdict
from .._legacy_classes import LegacyParseResult
from _23 import decode_str, list_range
from six import iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, string_types, text_type
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional
from ..tv import TVShow
class NameParser(object):
def __init__(self, file_name=True, show_obj=None, try_scene_exceptions=True, convert=False,
naming_pattern=False, testing=False, indexer_lookup=True):
self.file_name = file_name # type: bool
self.show_obj = show_obj # type: Optional[sickgear.tv.TVShow]
self.try_scene_exceptions = try_scene_exceptions # type: bool
self.convert = convert # type: bool
self.naming_pattern = naming_pattern # type: bool
self.testing = testing # type: bool
self.indexer_lookup = indexer_lookup # type: bool
if self.show_obj and not self.show_obj.is_anime:
self.compiled_regexes = compiled_regexes[self.NORMAL_REGEX]
elif self.show_obj and self.show_obj.is_anime:
self.compiled_regexes = compiled_regexes[self.ANIME_REGEX]
self.compiled_regexes = compiled_regexes[self.ALL_REGEX]
def compile_regexes(cls, regex_mode):
# type: (int) -> Dict[int, List]
:param regex_mode: mode from NameParser
:type regex_mode: int
:rtype: Dict[List]
if cls.ANIME_REGEX == regex_mode:
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.anime_regexes]
elif cls.NORMAL_REGEX == regex_mode:
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.normal_regexes]
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.normal_regexes, regexes.anime_regexes]
cls.compiled_regexes = {0: [], 1: []}
index = 0
strip_comment = re.compile(r'\(\?#[^)]+\)')
for regexItem in uncompiled_regex:
for cur_pattern_num, (cur_pattern_name, cur_pattern) in enumerate(regexItem):
cur_pattern = strip_comment.sub('', cur_pattern)
cur_regex = re.compile('(?x)' + cur_pattern, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
except re.error as errormsg:
logger.log(f'WARNING: Invalid episode_pattern, {errormsg}. {cur_pattern}')
cls.compiled_regexes[index].append([cur_pattern_num, cur_pattern_name, cur_regex])
index += 1
return cls.compiled_regexes
def clean_series_name(series_name):
# type: (AnyStr) -> AnyStr
"""Cleans up series name by removing any . and _
characters, along with any trailing hyphens.
Is basically equivalent to replacing all _ and . with a
space, but handles decimal numbers in string, for example:
>>> # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
'an example 1.0 test'
>>> # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
'an example 1.0 test'
Stolen from dbr's tvnamer
:param series_name: show name
:type series_name: AnyStr
:return: cleaned up show name
:rtype: AnyStr
series_name = re.sub(r'(\D)\.(?!\s)(\D)', '\\1 \\2', series_name)
series_name = re.sub(r'(\d)\.(\d{4})', '\\1 \\2', series_name) # if it ends in a year then don't keep the dot
series_name = re.sub(r'(\D)\.(?!\s)', '\\1 ', series_name)
series_name = re.sub(r'\.(?!\s)(\D)', ' \\1', series_name)
series_name = series_name.replace('_', ' ')
series_name = re.sub('-$', '', series_name)
series_name = re.sub(r'^\[.*\]', '', series_name)
return series_name.strip()
def _parse_string(self, name):
# type: (AnyStr) -> Optional[ParseResult]
:param name: name to parse
:type name: AnyStr
:rtype: ParseResult or None
if not name:
matches = []
initial_best_result = None
for reg_ex in self.compiled_regexes:
for (cur_regex_num, cur_regex_name, cur_regex) in self.compiled_regexes[reg_ex]:
new_name = helpers.remove_non_release_groups(name, 'anime' in cur_regex_name)
match = cur_regex.match(new_name)
if not match:
if 'garbage_name' == cur_regex_name:
result = ParseResult(new_name)
result.which_regex = [cur_regex_name]
result.score = 0 - cur_regex_num
named_groups = list(match.groupdict())
if 'series_name' in named_groups:
result.series_name = match.group('series_name')
if result.series_name:
result.series_name = self.clean_series_name(result.series_name)
name_parts = re.match(r'(?i)(.*)[ -]((?:part|pt)[ -]?\w+)$', result.series_name)
result.series_name = name_parts.group(1)
result.extra_info = name_parts.group(2)
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
result.score += 1
if 'anime' in cur_regex_name and not (self.show_obj and self.show_obj.is_anime):
p_show_obj = helpers.get_show(result.series_name, True)
if p_show_obj and self.show_obj and not (p_show_obj.tvid == self.show_obj.tvid and
p_show_obj.prodid == self.show_obj.prodid):
p_show_obj = None
if not p_show_obj and self.show_obj:
p_show_obj = self.show_obj
if p_show_obj and not p_show_obj.is_anime:
if 'series_num' in named_groups and match.group('series_num'):
result.score += 1
if 'season_num' in named_groups:
tmp_season = int(match.group('season_num'))
if 'bare' == cur_regex_name and tmp_season in (19, 20):
result.season_number = tmp_season
result.score += 1
def _process_epnum(captures, capture_names, grp_name, extra_grp_name, ep_numbers, parse_result):
ep_num = self._convert_number(captures.group(grp_name))
extra_grp_name = 'extra_%s' % extra_grp_name
ep_numbers = '%sepisode_numbers' % ep_numbers
if extra_grp_name in capture_names and captures.group(extra_grp_name):
if hasattr(self.show_obj, 'get_episode'):
_ep_obj = self.show_obj.get_episode(parse_result.season_number, ep_num)
tmp_show_obj = helpers.get_show(parse_result.series_name, True)
if tmp_show_obj and hasattr(tmp_show_obj, 'get_episode'):
_ep_obj = tmp_show_obj.get_episode(parse_result.season_number, ep_num)
_ep_obj = None
except (BaseException, Exception):
_ep_obj = None
en = _ep_obj and _ep_obj.name and re.match(r'^\W*(\d+)', _ep_obj.name) or None
es = en and en.group(1) or None
extra_ep_num = self._convert_number(captures.group(extra_grp_name))
parse_result.__dict__[ep_numbers] = list_range(ep_num, extra_ep_num + 1) if (
not _ep_obj or not es or (_ep_obj and es and es != captures.group(extra_grp_name))) and (
0 < extra_ep_num - ep_num < 10) else [ep_num]
parse_result.score += 1
parse_result.__dict__[ep_numbers] = [ep_num]
parse_result.score += 1
return parse_result
if 'ep_num' in named_groups:
result = _process_epnum(match, named_groups, 'ep_num', 'ep_num', '', result)
if 'ep_ab_num' in named_groups:
result = _process_epnum(match, named_groups, 'ep_ab_num', 'ab_ep_num', 'ab_', result)
if 'air_year' in named_groups and 'air_month' in named_groups and 'air_day' in named_groups:
year = int(match.group('air_year'))
month = int(match.group('air_month'))
except ValueError:
month = time.strptime(match.group('air_month')[0:3], '%b').tm_mon
except ValueError as e:
raise InvalidNameException(ex(e))
day = int(match.group('air_day'))
# make an attempt to detect YYYY-DD-MM formats
if 12 < month:
tmp_month = month
month = day
day = tmp_month
result.air_date = datetime.date(
year + ((1900, 2000)[0 < year < 28], 0)[1900 < year], month, day)
except ValueError as e:
raise InvalidNameException(ex(e))
if 'extra_info' in named_groups:
tmp_extra_info = match.group('extra_info')
# Show.S04.Special or Show.S05.Part.2.Extras are almost certainly not every episode in the season
if tmp_extra_info and 'season_only' == cur_regex_name and re.search(
r'([. _-]|^)(special|extra)s?\w*([. _-]|$)', tmp_extra_info, re.I):
if tmp_extra_info:
if result.extra_info:
tmp_extra_info = '%s %s' % (result.extra_info, tmp_extra_info)
result.extra_info = tmp_extra_info
result.score += 1
if 'release_group' in named_groups:
result.release_group = match.group('release_group')
result.score += 1
if 'version' in named_groups:
# assigns version to anime file if detected using anime regex. Non-anime regex receives -1
version = match.group('version')
if version:
result.version = helpers.try_int(version)
result.version = 1
result.version = -1
if None is result.season_number and result.episode_numbers and not result.air_date and \
cur_regex_name in ['no_season', 'no_season_general', 'no_season_multi_ep'] and \
re.search(r'(?i)\bpart.?\d{1,2}\b', result.original_name):
result.season_number = 1
if len(matches):
# pick best match with the highest score based on placement
best_result = max(sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.which_regex), key=lambda x: x.score)
show_obj = None
if not self.naming_pattern:
# try and create a show object for this result
show_obj = helpers.get_show(best_result.series_name, self.try_scene_exceptions)
# confirm passed in show object tvid_prodid matches result show object tvid_prodid
if show_obj and not self.testing:
if self.show_obj and show_obj.tvid_prodid != self.show_obj.tvid_prodid \
and helpers.full_sanitize_scene_name(show_obj.name) != \
show_obj = None
elif not show_obj and self.show_obj:
show_obj = self.show_obj
best_result.show_obj = show_obj
if not best_result.series_name and getattr(show_obj, 'name', None):
best_result.series_name = show_obj.name
if show_obj and show_obj.is_anime and 1 < len(self.compiled_regexes[1]) and 1 != reg_ex:
# if this is a naming pattern test then return best result
if not show_obj or self.naming_pattern:
if not show_obj and not self.naming_pattern and not self.testing:
# ensure anime regex test but use initial best if show still not found
if 0 == reg_ex:
initial_best_result = best_result
matches = [] # clear non-anime match scores
return initial_best_result
return best_result
# get quality
new_name = helpers.remove_non_release_groups(name, show_obj.is_anime)
best_result.quality = common.Quality.name_quality(new_name, show_obj.is_anime)
new_episode_numbers = []
new_season_numbers = []
new_absolute_numbers = []
# if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
if best_result.is_air_by_date:
season_number, episode_numbers = None, []
airdate = best_result.air_date.toordinal()
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select(
'SELECT season, episode, name'
' FROM tv_episodes'
' WHERE indexer = ? AND showid = ?'
' AND airdate = ?',
[show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid, airdate])
if sql_result:
season_number = int(sql_result[0]['season'])
episode_numbers = [int(sql_result[0]['episode'])]
if 1 < len(sql_result):
# multi-eps broadcast on this day
nums = {'1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five',
'6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', '10': 'ten'}
patt = '(?i)(?:e(?:p(?:isode)?)?|part|pt)[. _-]?(%s)'
src_num = str(re.findall(patt % r'\w+', best_result.extra_info)[0])
alt_num = nums.get(src_num) or list(iterkeys(nums))[
re_partnum = re.compile(patt % ('%s|%s' % (src_num, alt_num)))
for ep_details in sql_result:
if re_partnum.search(ep_details['name']):
season_number = int(ep_details['season'])
episode_numbers = [int(ep_details['episode'])]
except (BaseException, Exception):
if self.indexer_lookup and not season_number or not len(episode_numbers):
tvinfo_config = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).api_params.copy()
if show_obj.lang:
tvinfo_config['language'] = show_obj.lang
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
ep_obj = t.get_show(show_obj.prodid, language=show_obj.lang).aired_on(
season_number = int(ep_obj['seasonnumber'])
episode_numbers = [int(ep_obj['episodenumber'])]
except BaseTVinfoEpisodenotfound:
logger.warning(f'Unable to find episode with date {best_result.air_date}'
f' for show {show_obj.unique_name}, skipping')
episode_numbers = []
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.warning(f'Unable to contact {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}: {ex(e)}')
episode_numbers = []
for epNo in episode_numbers:
s = season_number
e = epNo
ep_nums = [(s, e)]
if self.convert and show_obj.is_scene:
ep_nums = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(
show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid, season_number, epNo, return_multiple=True)
if not isinstance(ep_nums, list) and isinstance(ep_nums, tuple):
ep_nums = [ep_nums]
for s, e in ep_nums:
if e not in new_episode_numbers:
if s not in new_season_numbers:
elif show_obj.is_anime and len(best_result.ab_episode_numbers) and not self.testing:
scene_season = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(
for epAbsNo in best_result.ab_episode_numbers:
a = epAbsNo
if self.convert and show_obj.is_scene:
a = scene_numbering.get_indexer_absolute_numbering(
show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid, epAbsNo, True, scene_season)
(s, e) = helpers.get_all_episodes_from_absolute_number(show_obj, [a])
elif best_result.season_number and len(best_result.episode_numbers) and not self.testing:
for epNo in best_result.episode_numbers:
s = best_result.season_number
e = epNo
ep_nums = [(s, e)]
if self.convert and show_obj.is_scene:
ep_nums = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(
show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid, best_result.season_number, epNo, return_multiple=True)
if not isinstance(ep_nums, list) and isinstance(ep_nums, tuple):
ep_nums = [ep_nums]
for s, e in ep_nums:
if show_obj.is_anime:
a = helpers.get_absolute_number_from_season_and_episode(show_obj, s, e)
if a:
if e not in new_episode_numbers:
if s not in new_season_numbers:
# need to do a quick sanity check here. It's possible that we now have episodes
# from more than one season (by tvdb numbering), and this is just too much, so flag it.
new_season_numbers = list(set(new_season_numbers)) # remove duplicates
if 1 < len(new_season_numbers):
raise InvalidNameException('Scene numbering results episodes from '
'seasons %s, (i.e. more than one) and '
'SickGear does not support this. '
'Sorry.' % (str(new_season_numbers)))
# I guess it's possible that we'd have duplicate episodes too, so let's
# eliminate them
new_episode_numbers = list(set(new_episode_numbers))
# maybe even duplicate absolute numbers so why not do them as well
new_absolute_numbers = list(set(new_absolute_numbers))
if len(new_absolute_numbers):
best_result.ab_episode_numbers = new_absolute_numbers
if len(new_season_numbers) and len(new_episode_numbers):
best_result.episode_numbers = new_episode_numbers
best_result.season_number = new_season_numbers[0]
if self.convert and show_obj.is_scene:
logger.debug(f'Converted parsed result {best_result.original_name}'
f' into {decode_str(best_result, errors="xmlcharrefreplace")}')
return best_result
def _combine_results(first, second, attr):
# type: (ParseResult, ParseResult, AnyStr) -> Any
:param first:
:type first: ParseResult
:param second:
:type second: ParseResult
:param attr:
:type attr: AnyStr
:rtype: Any
# if the first doesn't exist then return the second or nothing
if not first:
if not second:
return None
return getattr(second, attr)
# if the second doesn't exist then return the first
if not second:
return getattr(first, attr)
first_val = getattr(first, attr, [])
second_val = getattr(second, attr)
# if first_val is good use it
if None is not first_val or (isinstance(first_val, list) and len(first_val)):
return first_val
# if not use b (if b isn't set it'll just be default)
return second_val
def _unicodify(obj, encoding='utf8'):
if isinstance(obj, text_type):
return obj.encode('latin1').decode(encoding)
except (BaseException, Exception):
return obj
def _convert_number(org_number):
Convert org_number into an integer
org_number: integer or representation of a number: string or unicode
Try force converting to int first, on error try converting from Roman numerals
:param org_number:
:type org_number: int or AnyStr
:rtype: int
# try forcing to int
if org_number:
number = int(org_number)
number = 0
except (BaseException, Exception):
# on error try converting from Roman numerals
roman_to_int_map = (('M', 1000), ('CM', 900), ('D', 500), ('CD', 400), ('C', 100),
('XC', 90), ('L', 50), ('XL', 40), ('X', 10),
('IX', 9), ('V', 5), ('IV', 4), ('I', 1))
roman_numeral = str(org_number).upper()
number = 0
index = 0
for numeral, integer in roman_to_int_map:
while roman_numeral[index:index + len(numeral)] == numeral:
number += integer
index += len(numeral)
return number
def parse(self, name, cache_result=True, release_group=None):
# type: (AnyStr, bool, AnyStr) -> ParseResult
:param name:
:param cache_result:
:param release_group: Name to use if anime and no group, otherwise pick_best_result will fail
name = self._unicodify(name)
if self.naming_pattern:
cache_result = False
cached = name_parser_cache.get(name)
show_obj_given = bool(self.show_obj)
if cached and ((not show_obj_given and not cached.show_obj_match)
or (show_obj_given and self.show_obj == cached.show_obj)):
return cached
# break it into parts if there are any (dirname, file name, extension)
dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(name)
if self.file_name:
base_file_name = helpers.remove_extension(file_name)
base_file_name = file_name
# set up a result to use
# set if parsed with given show_obj set
final_result = ParseResult(name, show_obj_match=show_obj_given)
# try parsing the file name
file_name_result = self._parse_string(base_file_name)
# use only the direct parent dir
dir_name = os.path.basename(dir_name)
# parse the dirname for extra info if needed
dir_name_result = self._parse_string(dir_name)
# build the ParseResult object
final_result.air_date = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'air_date')
# anime absolute numbers
final_result.ab_episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'ab_episode_numbers')
# season and episode numbers
final_result.season_number = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'season_number')
final_result.episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'episode_numbers')
# if the dirname has a release group/show name I believe it over the filename
final_result.series_name = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'series_name')
final_result.extra_info = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'extra_info')
final_result.release_group = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'release_group')
final_result.version = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'version')
final_result.which_regex = []
if final_result == file_name_result:
final_result.which_regex = file_name_result.which_regex
elif final_result == dir_name_result:
final_result.which_regex = dir_name_result.which_regex
if file_name_result:
final_result.which_regex += file_name_result.which_regex
if dir_name_result:
final_result.which_regex += dir_name_result.which_regex
final_result.show_obj = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'show_obj')
final_result.quality = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'quality')
if not final_result.show_obj:
if self.testing:
raise InvalidShowException('Unable to parse %s'
% name.encode(sickgear.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
# if there's no useful info in it then raise an exception
if None is final_result.season_number and not final_result.episode_numbers and None is final_result.air_date \
and not final_result.ab_episode_numbers and not final_result.series_name:
raise InvalidNameException('Unable to parse %s' % name.encode(sickgear.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
if final_result.show_obj and final_result.show_obj.is_anime \
and not final_result.release_group and None is not release_group:
final_result.release_group = release_group # use provider ID otherwise pick_best_result fails
if cache_result and final_result.show_obj \
and any('anime' in wr for wr in final_result.which_regex) == bool(final_result.show_obj.is_anime):
name_parser_cache.add(name, final_result)
logger.debug(f'Parsed {name} into {final_result}')
return final_result
compiled_regexes = {NameParser.NORMAL_REGEX: NameParser.compile_regexes(NameParser.NORMAL_REGEX),
NameParser.ANIME_REGEX: NameParser.compile_regexes(NameParser.ANIME_REGEX),
NameParser.ALL_REGEX: NameParser.compile_regexes(NameParser.ALL_REGEX)}
class ParseResult(LegacyParseResult):
def __init__(self,
self.original_name = original_name # type: AnyStr
self.series_name = series_name # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.season_number = season_number # type: Optional[int]
if not episode_numbers:
self.episode_numbers = []
self.episode_numbers = episode_numbers # type: List[int]
if not ab_episode_numbers:
self.ab_episode_numbers = []
self.ab_episode_numbers = ab_episode_numbers # type: List[int]
if not quality:
self.quality = common.Quality.UNKNOWN
self.quality = quality # type: int
self.extra_info = extra_info # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self._extra_info_no_name = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.release_group = release_group # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.air_date = air_date
self.which_regex = None
self._show_obj = show_obj # type: sickgear.tv.TVShow
self.score = score # type: Optional[int]
self.version = version # type: Optional[int]
self.show_obj_match = show_obj_match # type: bool
super(ParseResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def show_obj(self):
# type: (...) -> Optional[sickgear.tv.TVShow]
return self._show_obj
def show_obj(self, val):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> None
self._show_obj = val
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not other:
return False
if self.series_name != other.series_name:
return False
if self.season_number != other.season_number:
return False
if self.episode_numbers != other.episode_numbers:
return False
if self.extra_info != other.extra_info:
return False
if self.release_group != other.release_group:
return False
if self.air_date != other.air_date:
return False
if self.ab_episode_numbers != other.ab_episode_numbers:
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.series_name, self.season_number, tuple(self.episode_numbers), self.extra_info,
self.release_group, self.air_date, tuple(self.ab_episode_numbers)))
def __str__(self):
return self.__unicode__()
def __unicode__(self):
if None is not self.series_name:
to_return = f'{self.series_name} - '
to_return = ''
if None is not self.season_number:
to_return += 'S' + str(self.season_number)
if self.episode_numbers and len(self.episode_numbers):
for e in self.episode_numbers:
to_return += 'E' + str(e)
if self.is_air_by_date:
to_return += str(self.air_date)
if self.ab_episode_numbers:
to_return += ' [ABS: %s]' % str(self.ab_episode_numbers)
if self.is_anime:
if self.version:
to_return += ' [ANIME VER: %s]' % str(self.version)
if self.release_group:
to_return += ' [GROUP: %s]' % self.release_group
to_return += ' [ABD: %s]' % str(self.is_air_by_date)
to_return += ' [ANIME: %s]' % str(self.is_anime)
to_return += ' [whichReg: %s]' % str(self.which_regex)
return decode_str(to_return, errors='xmlcharrefreplace')
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def _replace_ep_name_helper(e_i_n_n, n):
# type: (AnyStr, AnyStr) -> AnyStr
ep_regex = r'\W*%s(\W*)' % re.sub(r' ', r'\\W', re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', r'\\W?',
re.sub(r'\W+$', '', n.strip())))
if None is regex:
return re.sub(r'^\W+', '', re.sub(ep_regex, r'\1', e_i_n_n, flags=re.I))
er = trunc(len(re.findall(r'\w', ep_regex)) // 5)
me = trunc(len(e_i_n_n) // 5)
me = min(3, me)
except (BaseException, Exception):
me = 3
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
return re.sub(r'^\W+', '', regex.sub(r'(?:%s){e<=%d}' % (ep_regex, (er, me)[er > me]), r'\1',
e_i_n_n, flags=regex.I | regex.B))
def get_extra_info_no_name(self):
# type: (...) -> AnyStr
extra_info_no_name = self.extra_info
if isinstance(extra_info_no_name, string_types) and self.show_obj and hasattr(self.show_obj, 'tvid'):
for e in self.episode_numbers:
if not hasattr(self.show_obj, 'get_episode'):
ep_obj = self.show_obj.get_episode(self.season_number, e)
if ep_obj and isinstance(getattr(ep_obj, 'name', None), string_types) and ep_obj.name.strip():
extra_info_no_name = self._replace_ep_name_helper(extra_info_no_name, ep_obj.name)
if hasattr(self.show_obj, 'get_all_episodes'):
for e in [ep_obj.name for ep_obj in self.show_obj.get_all_episodes(check_related_eps=False)
if getattr(ep_obj, 'name', None) and re.search(r'real|proper|repack', ep_obj.name, re.I)]:
extra_info_no_name = self._replace_ep_name_helper(extra_info_no_name, e)
return extra_info_no_name
def extra_info_no_name(self):
# type: (...) -> AnyStr
if None is self._extra_info_no_name and None is not self.extra_info:
self._extra_info_no_name = self.get_extra_info_no_name()
return self._extra_info_no_name
def is_air_by_date(self):
# type: (...) -> bool
if self.air_date:
return True
return False
def is_anime(self):
# type: (...) -> bool
if len(self.ab_episode_numbers):
return True
return False
class NameParserCache(object):
def __init__(self):
super(NameParserCache, self).__init__()
self._previous_parsed = OrderedDefaultdict() # type: Dict[AnyStr, ParseResult]
self._cache_size = 1000
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def add(self, name, parse_result):
# type: (AnyStr, ParseResult) -> None
:param name: name
:type name: AnyStr
:param parse_result:
:type parse_result: ParseResult
with self.lock:
self._previous_parsed[name] = parse_result
_current_cache_size = len(self._previous_parsed)
if _current_cache_size > self._cache_size:
key = None
for i in range(_current_cache_size - self._cache_size):
key = self._previous_parsed.first_key()
del self._previous_parsed[key]
except KeyError:
logger.debug('Could not remove old NameParserCache entry: %s' % key)
def get(self, name):
# type: (AnyStr) -> ParseResult
:param name:
:type name: AnyStr
:rtype: ParseResult
with self.lock:
if name in self._previous_parsed:
logger.debug('Using cached parse result for: ' + name)
return self._previous_parsed[name]
def flush(self, show_obj):
# type: (TVShow) -> None
removes all entries corresponding to the given show_obj
:param show_obj: TVShow object
with self.lock:
self._previous_parsed = OrderedDefaultdict(None, [(k, v) for k, v in iteritems(self._previous_parsed)
if v.show_obj != show_obj])
name_parser_cache = NameParserCache()
class InvalidNameException(Exception):
"""The given release name is not valid"""
class InvalidShowException(Exception):
"""The given show name is not valid"""